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1¢ Grammar 1 Verb patterns: verb + -ing or infinitive with to © Complete the table with the sentences (a-h). ‘a He’ the kind of person who doesnt like disappointing people. 'b I think the owners planning to hire more people. € Ive promised to talk to the bank about a business loan. d_ Remember to check your spelling before you submit the application form, @ Shell go on searching for a job until she finds something, We agreed to continue the discussion tomorrow, g We hire people who don't mind accepting challenges. fh Why dont you try looking on the company website? Verb +-ing _ | Infinitive with to (find) office 6 Some of them hope Jobs so they can be more comfortable. 7 But then they realise that they would miss (Ge) in the fresh ait. © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. be give miss solve tak tell work 1 Would you mind ime directions to City Hall? 2 leant afford another day of work 3 Well pretended really busy when the boss walked in. 4 Please stop me how to do my job! | 5 Howdidyouendup___________here? 6 Thankfully, we managed =the: problem, 7 Doyou enjoy. to new people? @ Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 11 Im planning looking / to look for a part-time job when ican finally drive. 2 Id consider to work / working ata shopping centre. 3 I've spent hours o apply / applying for jobs online and asking / 10 ask my friends if they know of any. 4 | haven't managed to get / getting any interviews so far. 5 | hope finding / ro find a job sometime soon because Ireally need the money. My friends invited me to travel / travelling across Spain with them and | want going / to go. We want fying / to fy to Barcelona. I keep looking / 10 look for a job until | find one that I really ike. o © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Office workers often have to get used to (Spend) all day in front oftheir computers. 2 But many of them don't mind (i at their desks, ______ (send) emai and_____ (tal) on the phone. 3 Some people even manage________ (go) outside during theirlunch break 4 Theyd like (spend) more time outdoors, but they cant. 5 People who work outside often dislike work) in the winter, © Find and correct the eight mistakes. 1. Our hard-working and creative employees have learnt producing smartphone apps more efficiently. 2. Neither of my parents likes to working long hours. 3 I dorit want be in charge of people who don't do their jobs well Most university graduates expect finding well-paid jobs lagreed attending the training course because we want the company remain competitive Have you considered to research jobs in the tech industries? we o Customers often go on to complaining even when you've told them there's nothing you can do. Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English. 1 Luckily | (udaio misig skoriczy) _ the essay on time, 2. She (olanuje studiowae) in Warsaw. 3. Why dont you (sprébujesz kreci¢) __ the key in the other direction? 4 He (udawal e jest) illso that he didn’thave to write the test. 5 He (bez przerwy wysyio) me text messages. Its so annoying! 6 | (mam nadzieje znalede) a job by the end of the month, Unit 1441 1E Grammar 2 Present and past modal verbs @ Listen and complete the sentences. HNN 1 My parents are working, 50 dinner for my litle brother 2 They ___ their fends while they’ having breakfast. 3 Ourteam really ___this game. 4 They “three more points to win, 5 We Julia to come to the concert with us, 6 |______the dog for a walk before Igo out. 7 You_______ her some flowers when you visit © complete the table with the sentences (a+). Can you send an application after the closing date? Bb Doyyou think shell be able to help with the project? € | could pay for lunch ifyou like [think you ought to ask him for help with your CV. Ron couldn't take a day off because he didn't have enough holiday. She isntt allowed to use the phone at work. Should | ask her for an interview? You mustn't eat lunch at your desk You should come to the office party. 2 Abilityor | Advice “possibility | Prohibition © Do the sentences refer to permission (P), no ability/ possibility (NA/P) or deduction/speculation (D/S)? 1. Are you allowed to drive your parents'car? _ 2. | couldn't send the email before I left - there wasn't enough time, 3 She really likes science, She may decide to study biology at university. — 14 Unit 1 4 Sorry, but | wasn't able to talk to John because he was ina meeting. 5 The train leaves at six oclock. We might want to eat dinner at five thirty. — 6 They arentt able to deal with this today. It'll have to wait until tomorrow. —— 7 They must have won the contract ~ they look so happy! — 8 Youcan come with us if you drive. — 9 You can't play loud music in the staff room. © Put the words in the correct order to make pieces of advice. 1 read / should / before / the / You / lesson / class 2 arent /You/ eat /in / allowed / t0/ class 3 the teacher /You / class / talk /in / asks / when / should / questions Sasa eee 4 understand / ask /You / need to / don't / the teacher / for / help /if/ you / something 1 oe ee 5 may classmates /t0 /You/ with / your / study / want (eo ee 6 in/ miss /teim /You / can't/ lessons / more / than / three/a fo 7 You/ in / chat / with / friends / mustn't / class / your 8 three / books / You / can / take / each / from / the library / week © Rewrite the sentences in the present tense. 1. We werent allowed to talk in class unless the teacher asked us to. eS a a 2. We couldn't miss more than three lessons during the term, a 3. He didn't have to tell his teacher if he wasn't going to be in class. EEE ae 4 They could talk to their fiends after the lesson. I needed to borrow the car to drive to work. ‘Tomas had to finish the report before 5 pm. | couldr't go to Nairobi with Jemma. She had to work, so she wasn't able to go to the museum with us. © Complete the sentences with the modal verbs in the box. Read the hint: brackets. @n isnttallowed to need to might shouldn't mustnt ‘ought to we. the party. (obligation) You ____bother watching that show — it was really boring. (advice) She completed the training, so now she use the new equipment. clean our apartment before (permission) If Raul has enough holiday, he be able to travel to Sri Lanka next year. (speculation) He hasn't passed his driving test so he drive on the motorway. (prohibition) You __ hear Sam play the drums ~ he's realy good! (advice) We forget our tickets when we leave fr the airport. (prohibition) @ Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 1 2 3 4 Do you think! ought fo catch / catch an earlier train? Can we to take / take the test on Monday? Are advanced students allowed to skip / skip a class? You must definitely to handn / hand in your projects by Tuesday. (Our team might to win / win the championship. 6 You should to study / study ata school in Mexico and lear Spanish, Those flowers don't look good. Do you think we should tothrow / throw them out? | asked Kari, but she wasnt able to help / help. © Match the two parts of the conversations. tm bungry, Can you come with us to the festival tomorrow? __ Does Rory know about the party? __ Is Yen doing well at school? __ I need to lose a bit of weight. __ Do you think! should apologise to my sister? __ What are you doing tomorrow? —__ (Ooh, that salad looks delicious. __ Im not sure. We may go to the festival at the park No, and you mustn't tll him — it’s a surprise! No, can't. Ihave to work. Yes, biliantly - she must be studying a ot. Yes. You ought to call her right away. You can't eat it now — i’ for the party. You should eat less chocolate then. fh You should try this melon it's really fresh! ete an ee OVausYNe © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Why did you go alone? You. [should / wait for us! 2. Atthe summer camp last year, ______ (we /not /allowed) to go out in the dark. 3 You can stay here ifyou want to. You ana (not/have/ come) with us. 4 Sorry, we (not /able/

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