My Perpectives Unit 1 Part 2

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Skills Review 1 ENGLISH IN USE Stowotwdrstwo @ Przeksztalé podane wyrazy tak, aby otrzyma¢ logicane i poprawne gramatycznie zdania. 1 Being ajournalistisa very dificult and job, but, on the other hand, it is also satisfying. DEMAND 2. Let me know ifthere are any ____in your company. VACANT 3. You should follow other people's advice because it can be really useful in the future, VALUE 4 Despite complete they couldn't hear the clock ticking, SILENT 5 Politicians announced the _ oftrade on Sundays. PROHIBIT Uzupetnianie luk © Uzupetnij luke w kazdym zdaniu pasujacym wyrazem. 1 | made this decision on_of my sister, who was abroad at that time. 2 She applied ___awell-paid job, but, Unfortunately, her application was rejected 3 ___Tomand John hate swimming, but they lke skiing. 4 This investigation must be cartied out detail 5 Mary believes her success at works mainly due her luck, and not her dedication. Parafrazy zdarh © Uzupetnij drugie zdanie, uzywajac podanego wyrazu wniezmienionej formie, tak zeby zachowa¢ sens 2dania wyjsciowego. W kazda lukg mozna wpisae maksymalnie pieé wyraz6w, wliczajac wyraz juz podany. 1 Could you give me a lft to my office? MIND mealift to my office? 2. Gavin parents let him go toa party with friends yesterday. ALLOWED Gavin 2a party with friends yesterday. 3 She found it difficult to work as a lawyer. WORKING She found difficult, 22. Unit 1 to 4 Jackis probably really tired because he was working all night yesterday. MIGHT Jack. because he was working all night yesterday. 5 The owners of the bakery intend to hire more people before Christmas. PLANNING The owners ofthe bakery = see ____ more people before Christmas. Uzupetnianie zdant © Uzupetnij zdania wyrazami w nawiasach wodpowiedniej forme, Dodaj niezbedne elementy, zeby otrzyma¢ logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie zdania. 1 a (remember / check / CV) before you submit it to the hiring manager. 2 Please, (stop / instruct /) on how to deal with customers. Ii tied oft! 3 Whydonttyou (try / give / she) more time. Im sure shell adapt to the new working conditions. 4 Jim a (agree / attend / course) because his company paid for it 5 After about two months, Anna finally (get / use / work) night shifts at the hospital, but it wasnt easy for her. © Ktore z podanych odpowiedzi poprawnie uzupetniaja zdania? 1 That bbe Mary crossing the street with that handsome guy. She’ at work now. a needn't b cant © mustnt 2 Billy 10 ell you how to attract more customers tothe shop. acan b ought € should 3 Mr Ridley his passion for travelling on to his children and they've already visited over fifty countries. a shared b moved ¢ passed 4 Peter's business was growing so fast that he could afford more people. atoemploy bemploying —_-¢ employ 5 The porter at the clock and realised it was time to finish work for that day. a saw bb noticed € glanced @ Prreczytaj zdania. Uzupetnij kazda luke wyrazami zramki przeksztalconymi w taki spos6b, aby powstato spojne | logiczne zdanie, Wymagana jest petna poprawnosé gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazéw. Uwaga: da wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowo i nie pasuja do zadnej luk inform finish ‘account prospect challenge rough career 1 He has been working 2s a(n)___for a month, 2 _____six inten students in my school have 1no specified plans for their future employment. 3. Gary enjoys doing his job, but he is looking for something 4 Mr Jones introduced himsel and then went on the employees about his vision 5 Without good qualifications, your career are very grim. READING @ Przeczytaj teksty (a-c) oraz dotyczace ich pytania (1-4). Do kazdego pytania dopasuj wlasciwy tekst. \Whisz rozwigzania w tabele. Uwaga: jeden tekst pasuje do dwéch pytar. In which paragraph does the author... refer to the importance of specifying what goals 1 toachieve? 2 | mention some features self-employed person should have? 3 | state that success doesn't happen from day to day? 4 [war ageinst @ potential danger a Setting up your own business is lke starting a new chapter in your life. It's lke learning to walk. But fist, you learn to crawl. Its going to take time for your business to take off and you'll probably have to work harder than. ever before. Once you have mastered the transfer ftom corporate life to being your own boss, what's going to happen next will be on your terms. But remember that you've become your own boss for a more important reason than earning aliving punching in and out the clock. Your image of success is probably the most significant thing in the whole process of going solo. b One of the conditions for being successful as your own boss is surrounding yourself with business people who are just as success-hungry as you ate. Try to avoid carefree people who will pull you down to their level quickly. ‘To make your own company grow, you need to implement strategies and introduce effective systems. To succeed {3s your own boss, you have to know what you want the ‘outcome to be, c Being the boss means you are entirely responsible for the development of your business. The key element to doing well in the long run is to be focused on success. To achieve it, you need to bea self-cisciplined person, with your emotions in check. As the owner of your company, you have opportunities to create your own or delegate tasks. WRITING © Postanowites/postanowitas znalez¢ prace. W tym celu Udates/udalas sie do agencii pracy. Napisz do kolezanki zLondynu list, w ktorym: + wyjasnisz, Kt polecit ci te agencje pracy i dlaczego wiasnie te, + poinformujesz 0 rodzaju zatrudnienia,jaki cl zaproponowano, + podasz pow6d, dla ktérego nie zaakceptowales/ zaakceptowalas oferty + poprosisz kolezanke o rade, jak znalez¢ prace. Rozwirt swoja wypowied# w kazdym z.czterech podpunktéw. Pamigta, 22 jej dlugosé powinna wynosi¢ od 80 do 130 wyrazow. SPEAKING © Opisz ilustracje i odpowiedz na pytania znajdujace sie wzestawie dla egzaminujacego. Pytania w zestawie dla egzaminujacego: 1. Doyou think the people are enjoying working here? 2. Whatis the most interesting job in your opinion? Why? 3 Tell me about why somebody you know had to change their job, Unit 1 23

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