F Gonzalez Letter of Rec 1 1

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To whom it may concern,

It is with great pleasure that I am able to recommend Fernando Gonzalez. I have known him since 10th grade as
a student in multiple classes at Nova Academy Early College High School and he has shown a strong work
ethic and care for his peers and our school as an institution of learning.

Fernando is a driven student that has always had a strong work ethic, but has grown in desire to learn and
succeed in his education every year that I have been fortunate enough to have him as a student. He has received
awards for individual classes and his G.P.A. has improved every year that he has been at Nova and he has
shown an excellent ability to manage his time well; he has a strong desire to learn and is willing to help and
support his peers, as well as seek out support when needed. During his time at Nova, Fernando has also taken
advantage of Nova Academy’s college opportunity program, earning multiple college credits alongside his high
school classes.

Fernando has proved through his community service that he is a young man of good character both in and out of
the classroom. He is caring to those around him and has served his local and school community by giving of his
time. He is a natural leader in athletics, having observed his ability to lead activities such as stretching and
setting up the field over multiple years as his teacher during Soccer class. Fernando is a genuine human that is
kind and respectful to his teachers and his peers - any institution that is fortunate enough to have him will be
blessed to have a student with his character and will to succeed..

Please feel free to contact me at 714-569-0948 or email me at sean-mitchell@nova-academy.org if you would

like to discuss Fernando’s qualifications and experience further. He has my recommendation and I would be
happy to expand on it.

Best wishes,

Sean Patrick Mitchell

English Teacher
Nova Academy Early College High School

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