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United Nations

Commission on the Status of Women

Sponsors: Tunisia, India, Russia, ETC, [more countries will be added]

Signatories: Morocco, etc. [more countries will be added]

Topic: "Women Rights being Violated in the Middle East and North Africa"

Noting with regret the everlasting problem of domestic violence and honour killings in Middle East and
North Africa,
Deeply disturbed that women have limited educational facilities,
Recalling that women have limited access to safe workplaces due to sexual assault and harassment,
Noting with deep concern about modesty laws being enforcement on women in Middle East and North
Alarmed by the gender pay gap of 14 percent in Middle East and North Africa,

1. Encourages the making of a sub-committee to oversee this initiative, called the United Nations
Middle East and North Africa Supervisory Committee for Educational and Violence Programs
a. This sub-committee will be representative of all the United Nations member state who
provide peace keeping operations, and any nation that wishes to join must be approved
by the members of MENASCVEP by a majority vote;
i. Sub-committee will assemble every five months to discuss whether tangible
progress has been made, and whether;
ii. The sub-committee will include the government representative of the Middle East
and North Africa region to ensure the nations opinions are heard;
b. The committee will be under the auspices of UNCSW, from where it will obtain its obtain
its funding likewise;
c. Then, convene a special session of the Women’s Council in six months so that the
subcommittee reports on its progress, to see if it should be given additional time in its
mandate, or new resolutions must be put into place;

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