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Today, diversity in higher management levels should be

enforced (compulsory) for companies.

This outline will show that diversity in top management positions should be mandated for businesses
today. Several reasons will be given to support this. Firstly, every time we broaden our leadership team,
we raise our knowledge of the environment our company must operate in to succeed. Secondly, studies
show that having a more diverse management team makes drawing in and keeping top talent easier.
Thirdly, it encourages the company's readiness to work with a various clients. A counterargument is that
having a diverse workforce has many negative repercussions, but one of the biggest ones is poor
communication, which fuels conflict. However, the response is that this has many more advantages than


Diversity in management can be defined as embracing individual differences in race, gender, culture,
sexual orientation, background, and other characteristics of individuals, who come together to collaborate,
innovate, and make decisions. (Harold Andrew Patrick, Vincent Raj Kumar, 2012). The concept of
diversity in the workplace has become increasingly popular in recent years, and organizations are taking
steps to ensure that individuals from a wide range of backgrounds fill their upper-level management
positions.. This can create a more inclusive and equitable workplace, with an improved understanding of
different perspectives, which can help spur new ideas and approaches.

• First of all, according to Carylynn Larson from Creating Open Space (2021), we perceive and
engage with everything and everyone around us through a powerful lens created by our life
experiences. Every time we broaden our leadership team, we raise our knowledge of the
environment our company must operate in to succeed: employee demands, customer experiences,
societal implications, and global potential.
• Secondly, “It takes effort to put together a high-functioning, diverse team. This effort is rewarded
with the ability to attract and retain top talent, improved business strategy and more” (Forbes
Council Members, 2021). Therefore, Top performers and aspiring leaders want to recognize
themselves at the top. The best interests of end users are served when their viewpoint is reflected
at the table.
• Thirdly, a study found that diversity in higher management lets people know that the company
values inclusivity and different viewpoints. Also, it communicates to the outside world the
company's readiness to work with various clients. As a result, while working with a broad
consumer, globally successful organizations are conscious of the necessity for internal diversity.
Diversity makes it easier for a business to interact with the outside world, which opens up
additional options (Importance of Diversity in Leadership). For instance, it creates new corporate
alliances and collaborations.
• An argument against the topic is that one of the most extensive detrimental effects of diversity in
the workplace is poor communication, which feeds conflict. Research indicates workers most
frequently mentioned stress as a result of poor communication, with 50% of workers saying it
makes them more stressed. The majority of workers (69%) can recall specific instances from the
previous year in which poor communication made them feel tense or nervous, and it has a
cascading effect: Poor communication, according to employees, causes them to feel less confident
(30%), have less job satisfaction (34%), and contemplate looking for another position (22%).
(Poor Communication Causes Work Stress—Here’s Why You Need to Address It Now, 2023)
• However, a response is that we can still change weaknesses into opportunities with the most
affordable solutions. To manage a diverse workplace, businesses have to make sure they
successfully interact with their employees. Policies, processes, safety standards, and other
important information should be written in a way that overcomes cultural and linguistic obstacles
by having the text translated and, when necessary, employing visuals and symbols. The success
of a business's communication determines whether it succeeds or fails. According to a study,
more effective hybrid team communication results in cost savings, more business opportunities,
and improved brand recognition. (2023 State of Business Communication, 2023)

This outline has shown that enforcing diversity at higher management levels is a beneficial approach that
should be implemented in the workplace. The reasons given are that diversity in higher management
levels is beneficial to both the employees and the organization as a whole. It provides a unique
organizational perspective and allows for more significant innovation and creativity. Diversity helps the
company attract more talented people with leadership skills and bring profits to the business. Studies
show that companies with a diverse management team perform better than those without, thus
demonstrating the clear advantages that come with enforcing diversity at higher management levels.
Although the counterargument has valid points about the issues in enforcing diversity at higher
management levels, the response shows that enforcing diversity at higher management levels is a critical
aspect of creating a successful workplace.

2023 State of Business Communication. (2023). Retrieved from Grammarly Business:
Davis, M. W. (2018). Absence of Diversity at the Leadership Level. Journal of Practical Consulting, 6
Forbes Council Members. (2021, June 24). Retrieved from Forbes:
Harold Andrew Patrick, Vincent Raj Kumar. (2012, April 25). Managing Workplace Diversity: Issues
and Challenges. Retrieved from SAGE Journals:
Importance of Diversity in Leadership. (n.d.). Retrieved from Maryville University:
Poor Communication Causes Work Stress—Here’s Why You Need to Address It Now. (2023, February
21). Retrieved from Grammarly Blog:

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