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nc.SWOT Anal

rengthsofPLDT I nc.
1.Dis tribut ionandRe ach:PLDTI nc .hasal argenumberofout l
etsi n
almos te ver ys tate,suppor tedbyas trongdi str ibut ionne twor kt hat
makess ur et hati tspr oduct sar eavai labl eeasi lyt oal argenumber
ofc us tome rsi nat i
me lymanner .
2.Cos tSt ruc tur e:PLDTI nc.’
sl ow c ostst ruc t urehel psi tproduceata
low c os tand se llitspr oduc tsatal ow pr ic e,maki ngi taffor dable
fori tscus tomer s.
3.Deal erCommuni t
y:PLDT I nc .has a s trong r elationshi p wi thi ts
deal erst hatnotonl ypr ovidet he m wi thsuppl ie sbutal sof ocuson
promot ingt hecompany' spr oduct sandt raini ng.
4.Financ ialPos ition:PLDT I nc .hasa s trongfinanci alposi ti
on wi th
consecut iv e pr ofit si nt he pas t5 ye ars,al ong wi th ac cumul ated
profit r eser ves t hat can be us ed t o financ e f ut ure capi tal
expendi tur es.
5.PLDT I nc.has a l ar ge as se tbase,whi ch pr ovi de si twi th bet t
solvency .
6.Ret urn on Capi talExpendi ture:PLDT I nc .has been s uc cess f
ul l
abl et ogener at eposi tiver e tur nson t hecapi tale xpendi tur ei thas
incur redonv ar iouspr oject si nt hepas t.
7.Aut omat ion:ofv ariousst agesofpr oduc tion hasal lowed t hemor e
effic i
entus e ofr esour ces and r educ ing c os ts.I tal so al lows for
consi stency i n qual ity ofi t spr oduc tsand pr ovides t heabi l
ityt o
scale up and s cale down pr oduc tion as pert he demand i nt he
mar ket.
8.Ski ll
e d Labor f orce:PLDT I nc.has i nv es t
ed e xtensivelyi nt he
trainingofi tsempl oy eest hathasr esul t
ed i ni te mpl oyingal arge
numbe rofs killedandmot i
vat edempl oyee s.
9.PLDT I nc . has a di ve r
sified wor kf orc e, wi th pe ople of many
geogr aphi cal ,r acial,cul tur aland educ at ionalbac kgrounds t hat
he lpt hec ompanybybr i
ngi ngi n di v ersei deasand met hodol ogies
ofdoi ngt hi ng s.
10. PLDTI nc.hasqual ifiedandac credi tedpr ofessional swor king
underi ni tst eam.
11. Ent er ing new mar ket s:PLDT I nc .’
si nnovat ivet eams hav e
allowe di tt ocomeupwi thne w pr oduc tsandent ernew mar kets.It
hasbeen suc c ess f
uli n pas t,in mos toft hei nit i
at ivesithast ake n
inne w mar ket s.
12. Soc i alMedi a:PLDT I nc.has a s trong pr esenc e on soc i
medi a wi t h mor et han mi l
lions off ollowe rs on t he thr ee mos t
famouss oc ialme dia pl atf
or ms:Face book,Twi tt
erand I ns tagram.

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Ithashi gh l ev el
sofcus tome re ngageme nton t he sepl at f
or mswi th
low cus tomerr esponset ime.
13. We bs ite:PLDT I nc .has a we l
unc tioni ng and i nteractive
we bsi
tet hatdr awsal ar genumbe rofi nternett rafficandsal es.
14. Pr oduc tPor tfoli
o:PLDT I nc.has a l ar ge pr oduc tpor tf
wher ei tpr ovidespr oduct sin al arger ang eofc ategor ies.I thasa
numbe r of uni que pr oduc t offer ingst hat ar e not pr ovi
ded by
compe titor s.
15. The geogr aphy and l ocat ion ofPLDT I nc .pr ovide itwi tha
costadv ant age in ser ving i ts cust omer s,when compar ed t ot hat
witht hecompe tition.
16. PLDT I nc.has a we l
l-establ i
shed I Ts ys tem t hat ensur es
effic i
encyi nitsi nt er nalande xternaloper ations .
17. PLDTI nc.ownsanumberofi ntel
lectualpr oper tyr i
ght st hat
includet rade mar ksandpat ents .Theseal l
ow i texc l
usi vit
yov e rits
produc tsandcompe titor scannotc opyorr ever see ngineert hem.
18. PLDT I nc.i sabr and t hathasbeen i nt hemar ke tfory ears,
andpe opl ear eawar eofi t.Thi smakesi tsbr andawar ene sshi gh.
19. Itspr oduc t
shav emai ntai ned qual i
tyov ert heyear sandar e
lvalue dbycust ome rs,whofindi tasgoodval uef ort heamount
ofmoneyt hatt he ypay .
20. Par t
ne rships:St rat egicpar t
ner shipsar ees tabl i
she dbyPLDT
Inc.wi thi ts suppl iers ,deal ers,r etail
ers and ot hers take holders.
Thi sallowsi tt olever aget hem i fnee dbei nt hef ut ur e.

WeaknessesofPLDT I nc.
1.Researc h and Deve l
opment :Ev en t hough PLDT I nc.i ss pendi ng
mor et han t he ave rage r esearch and dev el
opme nt expendi ture
withint he i ndus try,i tis spendi ng way l esst han a f ew pl ayers
withint he i ndus tryt hathav e had a si gnificantadv antage as a
resultofthe irinnov at i
vepr oduc t
2.High Day Sal esI nventory:The t ime i tt ake sf orpr oduc t
st o be
purchasedandsol dar ehi ghert hant hei ndus tryav erage,me aning
thatPLDTI nc.bui ldsuponi nvent oryaddi ngunne cessar ycos tsto
thebusi ness.
3.RentedPr oper t
y:As ignificantpr opor t
ionoft hepr opertyt hatPLDT
Inc.owns i sr ent ed rathert han pur chas ed.I thas t o pay l arge
amount sofr entont heseaddi ngtoi t
sc os t
s .
4.Low c urrentr atio:The cur rentr atiot hatshows t he c ompany’ s
tyt omee titsshor tter m financ ialobl i
gationsi slowert hant he
industry av erage.Thi scoul d me an t hatt hec ompany coul d hav e
quiditypr oblemsi nt hefut ure.
5.Thecompanyhasl ow levelsofc ur rentas se tscompar edt oc urrent
es , and t his can cr eate l iquidity pr oblems f or i ti n

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6.Cashflow pr obl ems:The rei sal ackofpr operfinanci alpl anni ngat
PLDT I nc .r egar di ng cash flows,l eadi ng t oc er t
ai n ci r
c ums tanc es
wher e t her e i sn’ t enough cash flow as r equi red l eadi ng t o
unnec ess ar yunpl anne dbor r owi ng.
7.Integr at ion: PLDT I nc .'
s cur re nt s truc tur e and c ul t
ur e hav e
resul t ed i n t he f ai l
ur e of var ious mer ger s ai me d at v er ti
integr at ion.
8.Div er sificat ion i nt he wor kfor ce:The wor kfor ce atPLDT I nc .i s
concent rat ed wi th mos tlyl ocal wor ker s, and l ow amount s of
wor ke rsf rom ot her r acialbac kgr ounds .Lac k ofdi versi ficat i
makesi tdi ffic ul tfore mpl oye esf rom di ffe rentr ac i
albac kgr oundt o
adj us tatt hewor kpl ace,l eadi ngt ol ossoft al ent .
9.Mar ke tResear c h:PLDT I nc .has notconduc ted mar ke tr es ear ch
wit hint hemar ke tt hati ss erv essi ncet hepas t2year s.Asar esul t,
iti smaki ngdeci sionsbase d on 2 y e arsol d dat a,whi lec ustome r
ne edsmayhavee v olvedov ert ime .
10. Hi gh empl oy ee t ur nov er r ates: PLDT I nc. has a hi gher
empl oy eet ur nov err atecompar ed t ocompet itors.Thi smeanst hat
ithasmor epeopl el eavi ngt hej ob,and asar esul t,i tiss pendi ng
mor eon t raini ngand deve lopmentase mpl oy eeskeep l eavi ngand
11. Qual ityCont rol:PLDTI nc .hasal owerbudge tf ori tsqual i
cont r ol de par tme nt t han c ompe t
itors . Thi sl eads t o l ac k of
consi st ency and t he possi bility ofdamage t o qual ity acr oss i t s
var iousout le
t s.
12. Lac kofl e galexper ienc eandl eg aldepar tme nte mpl oy eesar e
nothi ghl yqual ified.
13. Af ew pr oduc tshaveahi gh mar ketshar e,whi lemos toft he
produc tshaveal ow mar ke tshar e .Thi sr elianceonaf ew pr oduc t s
makes PLDT I nc . vul nerabl et o ext ernal t hr eat si ft hese f e w
produc tssuffe rf oranyr eas on.
14. Thewor kl oadi sahi ghperwor ke rast he rear ef ewerwor ker s
than t he ac tual wor k r equi r ed. Thi s put s wor kers under
psyc hol ogic alst ressandi sl ikel yt obel esspr oduc t
ive .
15. Wor ke rmor al ei sl ow due t oc ompany c ul ture and pol it
ic s
thathavegr owni nr ecenty ear s.
16. Compe t ition and qual ified empl oyee s hav ebee nl eavi ng t he
org ani zat ion i nr ecentyear s,whi c hcoul dmean as hor tageofgood
tale ntf ort hecompanyi nt heupc omingy ear s.
17. Thede cis ion maki ngi shi ghlyc entr alized,and deci s i
teams nee dt o be appr ov ed by cer tai n offic ials . Thi sr educe s
effic i
encyi n oper ationsbymaki ngt he m mor et imec onsumi ng .It
alsol e adst or educedi nnovat ion.
18. The pe r f
or manc e appr aisali s noti n a sys temat ic manne r.
Peopl ear eof t en notappr aisedf ort hei rper formance .Thi sl eadst o

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ower work mor
ale and l
ack of pr
ion oppor
es f

t uni t iesofPLDT I nc.
1.Int erne t:t her e has been an i nc rease i nt he numberofi nt erne t
user sal lov ert hewor l
d.Thi smeanst hatt her ei san oppor tuni ty
forPLDTI nc.t oe xpandt he irpr ese nceonl ine;byus ingt hei nt erne t
toi nt er ac twi thitsc us tomer s.
2.E- commer ce:Ther ehasbee n ane wt rendandagr owt hi ns alesof
thee -commer ceindus try .Thi smeanst hatal otofpeopl ear enow
maki ngpur chase sonl ine .PLDT I nc .can ear nr evenuebyope ni ng
onl ines tor esandmaki ngsal est hr ought hese .
3.Soc ialMedi a:t he rehasbeen an i ncr easei nt henumberofsoc ial
medi a user s wor ldwi de . The t hr ee soc ial me dia pl atfor ms;
Fac ebook,Twi tt
erandI ns t
agr am,hav eshownt hegr eatestnumber
ofi ncr easei nmont hl yac t i
veuser s.PLDTI nc .canus esoc ialmedi a
to pr omot ei t
s pr oduc ts ,i nt er ac t wi th c us tome rs and col lect
feedbac kf rom t he m.
4.Tec hnol ogi cal dev el
opme nts: t echnol ogy come s wi th nume rous
benefit samongmanydepar tme nt s .Ope rat i
onscan beaut omat ed
tor educ ec osts.Tec hnol ogyenabl e sbe tterdat at obecol le cted on
cus tome rsandi mpr ov esonmar ke tinge ffor ts.
5.The re has been an i nc rease i n av er age house hol di nc ome al ong
wi th an i ncr ease inc onsumers pendi ng f ollowi ng t he r ecessi on.
Thi swi llr esul tin gr owt hi n PLDT I nc .
’st ar getmar ketwi th ne w
cus tome rst hatcanbeat trac tedt owar dst hebusi ness.
6.Popul ation:t he popul ation has be en gr owi ng and i s expe cte dt o
gr ow ataposi t
iver at ef ort heupc omi ngy ear s.Thi si sbenefici alf or
PLDT I nc .ast he rewi l
lbean i ncr eas ei nt henumberofpot ent ial
cus tome rst hati tc ant ar get.
7.Inflat ion:Thei nflat ionr atehasbeenl ow andi sexpec tedt or emai n
low i nt hene xtt woy ear s.Thi si san oppor tuni tyf orPLDT I nc .as
itscos tofi nput swoul dr emai nl ow f ort hene xtt woy ears.
8.Int ere str ate:Loweri nter estr atest hancompar edt opr eviousy ear s
pr ovi de an oppor tuni tyf or PLDT I nc. t o unde rgo e xpans ion
pr ojec tst hatar efinanc edwi thl oansatacheape ri nteres trat e.
9.Gr een gov er nme ntdr ive:t hi s pr ovi des an oppor tuni tyf orPLDT
Inc.f or t he sal e ofPLDT I nc .
's pr oduc tst of ede raland s t ate
gov er nmentc ontr actor s.
10. Tr ans por tI ndust ry: t he t rans porti ndus tr y has bee n
flour is hing i nt hepas tf ew year s,and shows gr owt h pot ent iali n

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thef ut ur e.Thi shasr educ ed t hecos tsoft rans port ation,whi ch is
benefici alf orPLDTI ncasi twi lllowe ritsov er allc os ts.
11. Tax pol icy: t he gov ernme nt s’ r educ tion i n t ax r at ei s
benefici alf orPLDT I nc.asal oweramountwoul dbeexpensedout
asat ax.
12. Thegov er nmenthasal soannounc edas ubsi dyont hes aleof
environment allyf riendl ygoodsi nt hissect or .PLDT I nc.can f ocus
on thes ee nvi ronment allyf riendl ypr oduc t
sand makeuseoft hi
oppor tuni ty .
13. Tour is m:gr owt hi nt our ism i sbe nefic ialf orPLDT I nc .asi t
willpr ovi denew pot ent i
alc us t
ome rst hati tcan t ar ge ti n or de rto
gainmar ke ts har e.
14. Ski ll
e d wor ke rs: i ncr ease i n educ at i
on and t raining by
nume rous i nst itutes has i ncr eased t he amountofs killed l abor
availabl ewi thint hec ount ry.Thi smeanst hati fPLDT I nc .i sabl e
to hires killed l abor ,itwoul d hav et os pend l esson t rainingand
development ,ther efore,s avingc os ts.
15. Thegr owt hi nc onsume rs pendi ngi nt heec onomyi sl i
ke lyto
increasec onsumpt ionf orPLDTI nc. '
spr oduc ts.
16. A numberofne w ni c he mar ke ts hav e ope ned up t hatar e
growi ng .PLDT I nc.can s ellpr oduc tsi nt hese mar kets and t ake
advant age .
17. Gl obal ization:I nc reasedgl obal ization doesnotr es trictPLDT
Inc.t oi t
s own c ount r
y.I t can ext end i ts oper at ions t o ot he r
count rie s,ent er i
ng i nt ot hese mar ket s and maki ng us e oft he
oppor tuni tiest hatl ieint hesemar ke ts.
18. Consumer s wi thin t he i ndus try ar e be comi ng mor e
consci ousofheal th,and t hi si sa segmentt hati sgr owi ng .PLDT
Inc. can t ake advant age by manuf ac turing pr oduc t
st hat ar e
benefici alt oc ustome r'
sheal t
19. Tr ade bar rier s hav e be en r educed on t he i mpor tofgoods .
Thiswi llreduc et hecos t
si nc ur redoni nput sf orpr oduc tion.
20. Regul ationshav el oos ened i nr ecenty ear smaki ng i teasi e
forbus ines sest ocar ryoutt he i
roper ations.

ThreatsofPLDT I nc.
1.Tec hnol ogical devel
opment s by compet i
tors; New t echnologi
development s by a f
ew c ompeti
tors wi
thint he i
ndus try pose a
threatt o PLDT Inc.asc us t
omerat t
ed t ot hi
snew t echnology
can bel osttoc ompe t
ng PLDT I nc.’
s overal
lmar ket
2.Suppl iers:The bargaining powerofsuppl ie
r s has i
ncreased over
the y ears wi t
ht he de crease i
nt he numbe r ofsuppl ier
s.Thi s
meanst hatt hecostsofi nputscouldincreaseforPLDTI nc.

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3.New ent rant s:t he rehav ebeennume rouspl ayerst hathav ee nt ered
the mar ke t and ar eg aini ng mar ket s har e by gai ning exi sting
compani es’mar ketshar e .Thi si sa t hr eatt o PLDT I nc .asi tcan
losei t
sc us tomer st ot hesenew e nt rant s.
4.Increasi ngc ompe ti
tion:t he r ehasbee n an i ncreasei n compet i
wi t
hi nt he i ndus try put ting downwar d pr essur e on pr ices.Thi s
couldl ead t or educ ed r evenue f orPLDT I nc.i fitadj us tst ot he
pricec hangesorl ossofmar ketshar ei fitdoesn’ t.
5.Exc hange Rat e: t he e xc hang er at e keeps fluc tuat i
ng and t his
affec tsa c ompany l ike PLDT I nc .t hathas sal es i nt ernat ionall
whi l
ei tss uppl iersar el ocal .
alunc ert ainties i nt he count r y pr ove t o be a bar rieri n
bus iness; hi nde ring per formance at t ime s and maki ng t he
bus inessi nc urunnecessaryc osts.
7.Thefluc tuat i
ngi nt eres tr atesi nt hec ount rydonotpr ovi deas table
financ ialande conomi cenvi ronme nt .
8.Consumer t as tes ar e c hangi ng , and t his put s pr ess ure on
compani est oc onst ant lyc hanget hei rpr oduct st omee tt heneeds
ofthe secus tome rs.
9.Regul at i
ons on i nt ernat ional t rade keep c hangi ng, and t his
requi r
esc ompl ianc ebycompani esi ft he yar etoope rategl obal l
10. Subs titute pr oduc ts avai l
abl e ar e als oinc reas i
ng,whi chi s
threatc ollectivelyf ort hewhol eindus tryasconsumpt ionofcur rent
produc tsdecr ease .
11. Ther isei n pr i
cesoff uelhasi nc reas edi nt hei nputc os t
sf or
PLDTI nc .Thes ecos t shav eal soi nc reasedasot heri ndus triest hat
providei nput sf ort hi sc ompanyal sohav esuffe redf rom i ncr easi
fuelpr ices ,the re byc har gingmor e.
12. Inc rease d pr omot ionsbyc ompe tit
orshav ebeen a t hreatf or
PLDT I nc .On mos tmedi a,t her ei s mor ec l
ut te
rt han ev er,and
cus t
ome rs ar e bombar ded wi th mul tipl e me ssages .Thi sr educ es
thee ffec tivenessofpr omot i
onalme ss agesbyPLDTI nc.
13. Cons tantt ec hnol ogi calde ve lopme ntsr equi ret he wor kforce
to be t raine d ac cor dingl y as t he i nabi l
ityt o keep up wi tht hese
changesc anl eadt ol ossofbusi ne ssf orPLDTI nc.

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