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Practice 1: Match the pictures and the words in the box. Write the correct letter.

Practice 2: Complete the information. Then listen and check your answers.
II. GRAMMAR ( Second conditional)
1. Function: Dùng để nói về điều kiện không có thật, hoặc trái với thực tế ở hiện
2. Form:
3. Practice 3: Match the information to make complete sentences.

Practice 4: Take turns asking and answering the questions. Start each question with “
What would you do if ….”

1. …. you were a millionaire?

2. … you were the leader of your country?
3. … you could live anywhere in the world?
4. … someone offered you your dream job?
5. … you didn’t have to be in class right now?
Practice 5: Listen to 3 callers on the radio program. Why are they calling?
Complete the chart.

Practice 6: Listen again. Circle the correct answer.


Practice 1: Match the pictures and the words in the box. Write the correct letter.

Practice 2: Complete the information. Then listen and check your answers.
Practice 2: Make a list of five important customs in your country.
Eg: You should always bring something when you visit someone’s home.
You should never leave chopsticks sticking up in a bowl of rice.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ………………………………………………………………………………………

II. GRAMMAR (Could have and Should have)

1. Could have = Would have = đã có thể.
 Function: Could have dùng để chỉ điều gì đó có thể diễn ra trong quá khứ, hoặc
những điều bạn có thể thực hiện nhưng đã không diễn ra. Ở dạng phủ định, could
not/couldn’t have nói về điều gì đó đã không thể xảy ra trong quá khứ mặc dù bạn rất muốn thực
hiện nó.

 Form:

 E.g.:
- I could have stayed up late, but I decided to go to bed early. (Lẽ ra tôi có thể thức khuya
nhưng tôi đã quyết định đi ngủ sớm).
- I couldn’t have arrived any earlier. There was a terrible traffic jam. (Tôi không thể đến sớm
hơn. Đã xảy ra một vụ tắc đường khủng khiếp).
2. Should have.
 Function: Should have được dùng khi bạn nói về một điều gì đó có thể là ý
tưởng hay nhưng bạn đã không làm nó. Nói cách khác, nó giống như đưa ra một lời
khuyên với ai đó về chuyện xảy ra trong quá khứ, hoặc tự bạn cảm thấy hối tiếc
về những điều mình đã làm hay không làm. Còn ở dạng phủ định, shouldn’t have có
nghĩa là đó không phải một ý tưởng hay, nhưng bạn đã lỡ làm nó.

 Form:

 E.g.:
- She should have gone to bed early (Cô ấy nên đi ngủ sớm hơn).
- I shouldn’t have eaten so much cake! (Tôi không nên ăn quá nhiều bánh như thế).
Practice 3: Match the questions and responses.

Practice 4: Listen. Circle the best description of each situation.

Practice 5: Listen. Write the words missed.

1. A: You must be Aiko.

B: Yes, I am. Are you Mrs. Harris?
A: Yes. Welcome to San Francisco.
B: Thank you.
A: Did you have a good trip?
B: Yes. The plan was very ……………………………..
A: How long was the flight?
B: It was about 12 hours. I think I left Tokyo this morning.
A: You poor thing. You must be ……………………………..
B: No, not really. Actually. I slept most of the way.
A: Well we'll be home soon and then you can get ………………………….
B: I brought you something here.
A: Oh, Aiiko. it's beautiful. but you shouldn't have!
B: Sorry?
A: You shouldn't have brought a gift.
B: I shouldn't have?
A: Oh, don't worry - it's just something today when we get something nice.
B: Oh.
A: Actually, this will be perfect for the wall in the …………………… room.

Practice 1: Put the words in the box in the correct list.

Practice 2: Use the adjectives to complete the sentences. (More than

one answer is possible).
Practice 3: Complete the information. Then listen and check your

Could have/ may have/ might have/ must
have/ couldn’t have+ V3/ed.
 Function:
1. Could have/ may have/ might have
= Dùng để dự đoán điều gì đó đã có thể xảy ra trong
quá khứ, tuy nhiên người nói không dám chắc., hoặc
trong thực tế nó không xảy ra (= đã có thể …)
Eg: With more effort, we might have won the game (Với nhiều nỗ
lực hơn, chúng ta đã có thể thắng trận đấu rồi – Thực tế là đã thua
trận đấu).
2. Must have/ couldn’t have
= Chỉ sự suy đoán logic dựa trên những hiện
tượng/bằng chứng ở quá khứ. (= chắc hẳn đã …)
Eg: Katie did very well on the exam. She must have studied very
hard. (=Jane đã làm bài thi rất tốt, chắc là cô ấy học hành chăm chỉ
Well, you went to Michelin Restaurant last night, it couldn’t
have been cheap! (Chà, tối qua cậu đi ăn ở nhà hàng Michelin à, chắc
chắn là không rẻ đâu nhỉ)

Practice 4: Match the questions and responses.

Practice 4: Listen to a radio program. Mark the sentences True or False.
Practice 4: Listen again. Circle the correct answer.

Practice 5: Answer these questions, using words you have
1. Have you ever experienced anything mysterious or unexplained in your life?
2. What's the most mysterious place you've ever visited, and what made it
3. Do you believe in things like ghosts or aliens, or do you think there's always
a logical explanation for mysterious events?
4. How do you feel when you hear about mysterious events? Excited, scared,
curious, or something else?



Practice 1: Match the pictures and the words in the box. Write the correct letter.
Then listen and check.
Practice 2: Complete the information. Then listen and check your answers.
II. GRAMMAR (Have/ Get something done)

Practice 3: Match the questions and responses.

Practice 4: Rewrite the active sentences as passive sentences.

Practice 5: Rewrite the conversation using passive sentences. Then practice it with a partner.

Practice 6: Look at the pictures. How has each person changed?
1. The man:
2. The woman: :
Practice 7: Listen to people describing their mistakes. Complete the chart.
Practice 8: Listen again. Tick True or False

Practice 9: Have you ever changed your appearance dramatically? What did you have done? Do
you like it?

Practice 1: Fill in the blanks using words in the box

Makeover haircut style salon

Outfit cosmetics wardrobe accessories

1. Sarah went to the __________ to get a new hairstyle.

2. She decided to change her look with a complete __________.
3. Tom bought some new __________ to update his appearance.
4. Lisa got a professional __________ for her important event.
5. Maria decided to add some fashionable __________ to her outfit.
6. Jenny wanted to experiment with different __________ for her eyes.
7. Peter sorted through his __________ to donate old clothes.
8. The fashion show featured the latest trends in clothing and __________.

Practice 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "have" or "get" and the appropriate verb:

1. She __________ her car __________ at the garage yesterday.

2. They __________ their house __________ before they move in next month.
3. He needs to __________ his hair __________ before the job interview.
4. We __________ our passports __________ for the upcoming trip.
5. The company __________ the new office building __________ last year.

Practice 3: Fill in the blanks using words in the box.

Lucky fortunate unlucky chance
Anxiety nervous worry stress
1. Sarah felt __________ because she won a prize in the raffle.
2. Tim missed his train, so he had to wait for the next one. He was __________ to catch it
on time.
3. Emma always feels __________ before exams.
4. John had a job interview yesterday. He was feeling __________ about it.
5. The weather forecast predicted rain for the picnic, so there was a __________ it might get
6. Despite his __________, he still won the game.
7. Jessica was filled with __________ as she waited for the test results.
8. Lucy has been under a lot of __________ lately due to her workload.
Practice 4: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks:
1. The biggest ……………… I made was when I grew a …………………….. I was 21 at the
time, but I looked younger. I mean, I'm short and I have a young face, so every girl I met
………………… me like a boy. And when I went to clubs or places where you have to be 21,
well, it was really …………………………. They always asked me for my ID-but they never
asked any of my friends! So one day, I thought, what can I do to look older? I debated getting my
ear …………………………….., but that's not really my thing. So I grew a beard instead. What a
disaster! It looked really ……………………….. I mean, it didn't even look real! What's worse,
my hair is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but my ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and beard were reddish! And I still got
asked to show my ID! I only kept it for about three weeks.
2. I used to have long …………………… hair. I remember getting really ……………… when
people said, "Oh, she's a blonde. She won't understand because blondes are …………………."
People always treated me like I was stupid. Well, I'm not! So, when I was 18, I decided to do
something about it. At first, I thought about dying my hair black, but I knew it wouldn't
……………………… me. So instead, I got it cut really short. When my mom saw it, she was
OK with it, because she's a great mom, and she knows that hair grows back. My friends were
alright with it, too. ……………………., they thought it looked ……………. good. And my
teachers all liked it a lot. The only person who didn't like it was me! I hated it! I thought it made
me look old. Which is terrible! So, my advice is: only get a short haircut if you have a really
good reason!

Practice 5: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

1. They ___________ their flight tickets earlier to get better prices.

a) could have bought b) must have bought c) should have bought
2. She ___________ her phone at home; I tried calling her several times.
a) could have left b) must have left c) should have left
3. We ___________ more attention to the weather forecast before planning the outdoor
a) could have paid b) must have paid c) should have paid
4. He ___________ his wallet in the car; I saw it on the dashboard.
a) could have left b) must have left c) should have left
5. They ___________ the instructions carefully before assembling the furniture.
a) could have read b) must have read c) should have read

Practice 6: Debate these questions below with your friends..

1. Is it important to learn a second language?

2. Is it better to study alone or in a group?
3. Should students be allowed to use smartphones in class?
Practice 1: Put the words in the box in the correct list.

Practice 2: Complete the information. Then listen and check your answers.
This time, put these words in the blanks and then practice
with your partners.

Lisa: Hi Jack! Have you been to that new little shop downtown? I think it's called a

Jack: Oh yeah, I've walked by it a few times. It looks fancy!

Lisa: Exactly! It's a small store that sells stylish clothes and accessories.

Jack: Sounds cool! But are the clothes there very ……………………….?

Lisa: Well, some of them can be a bit pricey, but they have nice things on sale too.

Jack: Got it. By the way, have you seen those huge buildings they're putting up? I
think they call them …………………… or something.

Lisa: Oh, you mean skyscrapers! Yes, they're really tall and can be a bit
…………………….. to find your way around.

Jack: Yeah, that's the word! They're so big, they almost block out the sun!

Lisa: True! Anyway, do you need any new ………………….. ? We could check
out the boutique together sometime.
Jack: Sounds good! And hey, speaking of new things, have you updated your
………………………. lately? I heard there's a ………………… new app
everyone's using.

Lisa: Oh, I haven't yet! I'm always worried about my phone becoming
……………………. Thanks for reminding me!

Jack: No problem! Let's make a plan to visit the boutique and then update our
software together.

Lisa: Great idea! Let's do it soon.

II. GRAMMAR ( too/ enough ; too many/ too much)

1. Meaning :
Too many
Too much

2. Form:
Adj Count nouns Uncount nouns
Too S + be + adj + too (+
for sb) + to-verb

Enough S + be + adj S + V + enough + noun S + V + enough +

+ enough (+ for sb) + + (for sb) + to-verb noun + (for sb)
to-verb Eg: They recruited enough + to-verb
Eg: Is the room warm people for the factory. Eg: He has
enough for you, Sir? saved enough
money to get a new
Too many S + V + too many +
noun ……
Eg: There are too
many mistakes in your
writing assignment.
Too much S + V + too many +
noun ….
Eg: You’ve added
too much oil into
your salad.

Practice 3: Complete the sentences with too, too much or too many.

Practice 4: Complete the sentences with too much or too many or not enough.

Practice 5: Listen and complete the chart

Practice 6: Listen again. Circle the correct answer.

1. What are good and bad things about the places you shop?
2. Have you ever bought something online? If so, was it a positive
or negative experience?
3. Have you ever returned something you bought because you
didn't like it?
4. Do you prefer shopping alone or with friends?
Practice 1: Put the words in the box in the correct list.

WORK IN PAIRS. Use the words to describe the people in the

Practice 2: Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers.
II. GRAMMAR ( Relatives clauses)

Practice 3: Match the information to make complete sentences..

Practice 4: Rewrite the sentences. Use “who” or “which”.

WORK IN PAIRS. Use relative clauses to complete the sentences.

1. A good friend is someone

2. A good teacher is a person
3. A good boss is someone
4. A good neighbor is a person

Read this message on a dating website

Practice 5: Listen to 3 voicemail messages. Mark the sentences T or F

Listen again and answer: Where so the guys live? Who lives the closet to
Sharon? Who do you think Sharon should reply to? Why?

Look at the title and heading in the article. Which of the suggestions for a
first date can you do where you live?
Practice 5: Read the article then check (x) the things that she recommends.

QUESTION: What’s important?

Look at the list. Rank them from 1 (most important) to 12 (least

Compare lists
with your
Explain your
reasons of your
top 5.



Practice 1: Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using letters in the
WORK IN PAIRS. Have you ever done any of these things?
Compare your answers.

Practice 2: Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers.

WORK IN PAIRS. Practice the conversation again. Put these words

in the blanks
II. GRAMMAR ( The past continuous)

Practice 3: Match the information to make complete sentences.

Practice 4: Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in parenthese.
WORK IN PAIRS. Complete the sentences with information about

1. I was walking to school when I

2. I cut myself while
3. I got a bad sunburn when
4. While I was on vacation
5. I was shopping when

Look at the pictures below. What are they doing?

Practice 5: Listen to 3 people talking a bout accidents. Number the pictures.

Then circle the correct answer.

Have you ever been in a blackout? What did you do?

Practice 6: Read the article then complete the chart.

Name City What he/she was doing
1 Gary
2 Brooke
3 Todd

Practice 7: Read the article again. Then mark the sentences T or F.

QUESTION: Dramatic events.
Choose one of these topics below. Then discuss the questions.

Practice 1: Fill in the blanks using words in the box. Then listen and check
your answers. Use these sentences in the box.
Practice 2: Do these schools exist in your country? How old are the students? If
yes, write the ages of students next to that kind of school.

Practice 3: Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers.
III. GRAMMAR ( Used to)

 FUNCTION: To talk
 FORMULA : used to + V0
Practice 4: Complete the sentences with information about you. Then compare
your answers with your friends.
1. When I was a child, my family used to
2. When we were younger, my best friend and I used to
3. After school, I used to watch …………………….
………………………… on TV.
4. I didn’t use to ………………………...…………………..,
but now I do.
5. I used to love to eat ……………………………….., but I
don’t like it anymore.
6. I never used to like ………………………………………,
but now I love it.

Practice 5: Listen to the conversations. Answer the questions.
1. Where were Carl’s father and grandfather born? …………………………….
2. How long have they lived in the US? ………………………………………
3. How old are they now? ……………………………………………………
Then circle the correct answer.
ENJOYING ENGLISH: Childhood survey
Ask your friends these questions in the survey to complete your
survey. And tell them to tell you more details about that.
Give your extra information here:
Practice 1: Look at the pictures. Complete the descriptions.
WORK IN PAIRS. Do you know
anyone who lives in these places?
Compare your answers. (Use 3 places)
Practice 2: Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers.

WORK IN PAIRS. Practice the conversation again. Put these words

in the blanks

VI. GRAMMAR ( The past continuous)

Practice 3: Match the information to make complete sentences.

Practice 4: Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in parenthese.
WORK IN PAIRS. Complete the sentences with information about

6. I was walking to school when I

7. I cut myself while
8. I got a bad sunburn when
9. While I was on vacation
10. I was shopping when

Look at the pictures below. What are they doing?

Practice 5: Listen to 3 people talking a bout accidents. Number the pictures.

Then circle the correct answer.

Have you ever been in a blackout? What did you do?

Practice 6: Read the article then complete the chart.

Name City What he/she was doing
1 Gary
2 Brooke
3 Todd

Practice 7: Read the article again. Then mark the sentences T or F.

QUESTION: Dramatic events.
Choose one of these topics below. Then discuss the questions.


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