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Agnel Charities’ Fr. C, Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Navi-Mumbai Vashi, Department of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Continuous Assessment Format First Half of 2024 Course Name: 740 Lab Name of the Teacher: raf = Badal - Name of the Student: Emmanuel Nadar Roll No: 2021212 ‘Semester: vy! Bateh: 1 Practical No: 2 Date of Practical: 29!) /2024 Date of Report Submission: 5) >/ 2-2 24 Title: Barrows dior — apparatus Course Outcom nL jo Aya Aralygs puyrrrare flee 4 Assessment Sr. Parameter for ric No. Assessment mar Reus Readiness to perform ‘Above Average | Average Below Average 1, | experiment (02Marks) 2 (02) ly (00) ‘Active participation in “Above Average ‘Average Below Average 2+ | performance (02 Marks) L (02) co) (00) e ‘Above Average ‘Average Below Average 3, | Report writing (02 Marks) o aa ‘on (00) Tnierpretation of result Above Average | Average | Below Average 4) (02 Marks) L (02) on) (00) Late (01) Very Late (00) Regularity in Submis 2 Timely (<2 Weeks from | (> 2 Weeks from the 5.| (02 Marks) @) thedate of | date of Practical) Practical) ‘Total Marks (10): a ‘Teacher's Signature: b Date: cbhu sey UngHT FR, CONCEICAD RODRIGUES sty NOLOGY, VASH | tale : - Obdervolton Jeo x flewlnd garni” gyno” xo” 2 rho : a7 x10" ; aero” : 177 x10" : avo x10" gua, *18" ga? xo [918 x10 1.678 to" ge x10" pate so p $e io 1675 0" Lege to gr eto vegas > o-reruMnL NEY, VASHL FR. CONCEICAO RoMRIGUES INSTITUTE OF. TECHNOLOGY, VASHI coteutet oh te Begin such ion Brad = teight Fox em Gs fh, xSNBean ave shure! t 16 ae 1578 x ore msls ey ee. = 1g7g x10" Ea 2 3:47 x10" Boo vio Fw 203A — FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI sarttttty ri Hai (Ee Agnel Charities? Rodrigues Institute of ‘Technology, Vashi, Navi-Mumbai Frc, Department of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Continuous Assessment Format CourseName: 7ar¢ /ps Name of the Teacher: Phos Bostol Name of the Student: Emmanuel Nadar Roll No: 2021212 Semester: V) Bateh: 1 Date of Practical: &g/2) 2 624 Date of Report Submission; §— 12) 2/2004 THe Lewy in pipe appanetu | Course Outcome: Ary ys performer ae Plows Systm « ‘Assessment Oo Sr. Parameter for Marks Rubrics No. Assessment ™ a Readiness to perform Above Average | Average — | Below Average 1. | experiment (02Marks) 2 (02) on, 0) ive partial ‘Above Average | Average | Below Average ‘Active participation in 2 es ve Ny performance (02 Marks) iS Od - ] Z| Above Average [Average | Thelow Average | Report writing (02 Marks) 2 2) ob a) pretation of resul | Above Average | Average | Welow Averaae | Interpretation of result 4 | 1 Markay | 7) on (00) tr Late (1) Very Fale (00) Kegutarity in Submission 2 Timely (S2 Weeks froin |(> 2 Weeks from the (1 Maris) Wy the date of | date of Practical) Practical) [Geta Harta Oy 7) Seacher's Wapature, ft ” ouer_to-[s [, y FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI obsnwahon feby = Tire say, fob ode vlighk (ser>- 43 pret unr Wm eg hy ur dudeln (ev heh Elbow Berd Aleviohonr s+ Bre dio og Inge pie 5 BE wen 7 ies 42: dia APU Pipe = ene ~ ts he hl (ing - En x Co 026)* = bisa yy wal Coir)? s aie Kone @= yo! - ui Cuan antargimnsnt) os Ve Rw meee at BOS ls 6 O57 ig Ta xo nie 2364 Fig 13295 FR, CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI Shrratigb Lack \ fos | { be —veraisd by vole Pirated — fos cline i= bin by opening upesbiva cats dt ar dss 1 Areke Al be ars closed ross Md couse athe satating Tank by dasing thas dra volye nel pots ths di aired fox tallectioin fy wok i as tag 4 t deh volve on te byt Pi id ry eal abou pantion he 2G ¥) s Cenevoras)? a 2uq-gy : =. = ese =! bey [iy 7 ® oh oasis } =e 0065 wv D auden covtrodtiin ace L--1 7) 2st Cone “fe 35 oa orn = Orem YH re F0-038r D> Elbow | bend hbe Kev? 4 kb cos} seg Re »y Eons A 76 zeae hes Kv gee eng PE Mee GD? 2 osm A re a FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI | prcecdare Rests a vi vs he _| 3 \ 27% xu" Ons baa © oad 2) eA ko ow 122 0028 d 24 x0” ous 072 ons, QL ernie ows 1 or ons {A Grelutian': use epesad trol flat Ars head for Auelelia tidargenauar ws bin taar ed leait ofor—stticlol salut + eo Agnel Charities" Fr. C, Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi Navi-Mumbai Course Name: THC Lob First Half of 2024 Department of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Continuous Assessment Format Name of the Teacher: Trof» Gostal Name of the Student: Emmanuel Nadar Roll No: 2021212 Semester: V1} Batel Practical No: U1 Date of Pract Sl2lrorw Date of Report Submission: 2/2/02 Tith Retinmninction the farchon K chor in Pp Course Outcome: ana lygy Porffermanu F flow sythoms Assessment Sr. Parameter for ries No. Assessment ) un Readiness to perform Above Average | Average | Below Average 1. | experiment (02Marks) 2 (02) Ol) (00) Active participation in ‘Above Average | Average | Below Average * | performance (02 Marks) 2; (02) uy (00) rm ‘Above Average | Average | Below Average 3, | Report writing (02 Marks) 2 ra fon ton Interpretation of result ‘Above Average Average Below Average 4. | (02 Marks) | 2) on (00) Bt Tate (1) Very Late (00) Regularity in Submi Timely (<2 Weeks from | (> 2 Weeks from the 5. | (02 Marks) (02) thedate of | date of Practical) Practical) Total Marks (10): ©] Teacher's Signature: b Date: [2 [> if Ly FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI Tiu:~ Fie feline —Appasals f |e eo yen af pioe— ap pip Tuppirgs an proviciel aleag fas olengH. “of. jen to that dap og tht bead top he abdsuwed —alarg that th_9p pies bp pipe in Pro vielecl ten'tts tle far abaLiing dh Wena \ ——fangtaatn )_ pipe Fetch Hct D2” nes. pi pp) = Yr I fw) * 2am zi ae abhuwotion tobu i= dor pipe fuirion Ac-up Head yh tr mty lous orate U Ae Uhioa yo cp iat in He Un" Hs pipe /uo ~112. bh" Ga pips 1U6 ~ 106 59 OF pies 128-123 Coleulotionss- Pipe Ee ‘s a4 dre 8 pie = a xd? Y Vol worden = o-m ro: 3¥01 D=16 mem = 0: tbr a one uate Wes C122 3 ve @ owl soon sggraet ms Pero loses Wlocity “2 =p ena mls 0028 = wad Krad? es D> per Meus coum | penmeororme , ps r0e p07 Nobex: oisien® in. ace 1235 5 8on2 nis-% FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI 3) Pipe -2 by = Sere =0:05m ED-2>—w = 01029 =D xoor2s Brmor Ken Nol Soar ; Te 20e = 1 BNK0S 4 = gh D205 = Bx txorerr? 2X98) 0°07 2 FR. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VASHI ) spun sl the audit volves Onl etternt dy Luna p> forbes by —clasing ehh of cite elves pe coo Copco the lle gy ny bg teas + OPue pe esatlet 4 sf —dise—plipae A be Lerte, 8) Kmea an Hae air bisbbis fis —ttornsnatanasccl ship Dine. ie th $f Adjaie outlet yal dbat idee bes ost! bi at Labs ‘ S) Note de ths bias and of aL > 9) Aww, ines dae flew and aneslingly Adjust has Wie Valve te dul erreapern cond sergio» Nirke for ottisn lt richie vs prspostiical and Age eteoi hy dod eowenselyy picpomicnal tt 6 glass 2 $e" Og pike qpaye i 82 ™'e Cpa) 5 95 x0"

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