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by Giovanni Maciocia

he Heart houses the shen and the most important many of the above sexual functions. If we accept this, it is
clinical use of the points of the Heart channel is for easy to see how mental-emotional stress affecting the Heart
treating mental-emotional problems. This article, has a profound influence on sexual function in men.
however, will explore the clinical application of the Heart Another important connection between men’s sexual
channel points for some other disorders, specifically: function and the Heart concerns the minister fire of ming
• itching men. The minister fire is a special type of fire that can
• sexual dysfunction in men actually generate water: thus, the fire and water within the
• disorders of the uterus Kidneys are inseparable and interdependent. The minister
• backache in men fire warms and nourishes the ‘room of sperm’. When the
• nausea and vomiting minister fire is deficient, the room of sperm is cold and this
• calming the “nerves” in asthma may cause impotence or lack of libido. When the minister
• tremors fire is excessive, it may flare upwards affecting the Heart
• eye disorders and Pericardium. The room of sperm, located in the dantian
• urinary disorders is also called ‘bao’, a term that applies to both men and
women and that is therefore erroneously translated as
Itching “uterus” (zi bao is the uterus). In women, the uterus relates
Points of the Heart channel have a marked effect in stop- to the lower field of elixir (dantian) which in men houses the
ping pruritus (itching). The two main points for this are room of sperm. The Golden Mirror of Medicine2 says “The
Shenmen HE-7 and Shaofu HE-8, the latter being stronger Governing vessel arises within the lower abdomen, exter-
in its effect. Using Heart channel points for itching is the nally in the abdomen, internally in the bao ... also called
equivalent of using herbs that calm the mind and nourish dantian in both men and women: in women it is the uterus,
the Heart which also stop itching, for example Ye Jiao Teng in men it is the room of sperm”3. This passage clearly shows
(Caulis Polygoni Multiflori) or Bai Zi Ren (Semen Biotae that bao is a structure common to both men and women,
Orientalis). being the uterus in women and the room of sperm in men.
Stopping itching is extremely important in the treatment The extraordinary vessels arise from this area. We can
of eczema and is the first treatment strategy one should therefore consider the Pericardium (xin bao) and room of
adopt because the scratching resulting from it perpetuates sperm (jing shi, also called bao) as two centres of sexuality,
the disease by causing excoriation of the skin and possible one in the upper burner, the other in the lower burner. It is
infections. the co-ordination of these two centres that controls sexual-
ity and specifically in men, libido, erection, orgasm and
Sexual dysfunction in men ejaculation. These two centres, the Heart and Pericardium
The Heart shaoyin channel is related to the Kidney shaoyin above and the minister fire of the Kidneys below, regulate
channel according to six channel theory. It is also indirectly the ascending and descending of fire and water and mutu-
related to the Kidneys themselves through the Du Mai and ally inhibit and nourish each other.
Ren Mai, both of which flow through the Heart and origi- In men therefore, we can use the Heart channel points to
nate from the space between the Kidneys. Both the Du and treat sexual dysfunctions such as impotence or premature
Ren Mai have a profound influence on sexuality and the ejaculation which are nearly always due to a dysfunction of
sexual function including sexual desire, sexual arousal, Heart fire (deficient or excessive) rather than a Kidney
erection, maintenance of erection and ejaculation. Further- deficiency. This explains why tonics that powerfully tonify
more, the Chong Mai starts from the space between the the Kidneys (for example deer antler, dog penis, seal penis
Kidneys and goes to the Heart and, in addition, it controls or sea-horse) are rarely effective.
the ‘zong’1 muscles in the abdomen which many interpret The main Heart channel points to treat sexual dysfunc-
as being the penis. Thus in men’s sexuality especially, we tion are Shenmen HE-7 and Shaohai HE-3. I often combine
can consider the Heart as an “upper Kidney”, influencing the point Shenmen HE-7 with the opening points of the Du


Mai. An example of a point combination for a man com- of Lung qi. Qi therefore cannot descend and communicate
plaining of impotence or premature ejaculation against a with the uterus vessel and amenorrhoea results. The Simple
background of mental-emotional problems would be Houxi Questions10 says “If the periods do not come it means the
SI-3 on the left, Shenmai BL-62 on the right and Shenmen uterus vessel is shut ... qi rises to harass the Lungs, Heart qi
HE-7 on the right, with Taichong LIV-3 on the left if the does not descend and the periods do not come”.
pulse is wiry, or Taixi KID-3 if there is also a Kidney Overwork weakens Heart yin which leads to empty heat.
deficiency and the pulse is weak and fine. This may also cause amenorrhoea. The Secret Record of the
Orchid Room11 says “Mental strain and stress weakens the
The uterus Heart, Heart fire rises and the periods do not come”.
The Heart is closely connected with the uterus through the When there is fire in the Heart channel, it rises to harass
uterus vessel (bao mai) and this explains the profound the Heart and the mouth, and below it may cause excessive
influence on the uterus of mental-emotional problems which vaginal discharge. Chen Zi Ming says “Vaginal sores in
affect the Heart. The Simple Questions4 says “The uterus women are due to mental restlessness and chaotic Heart
vessel pertains to the Heart and extends to the uterus” and and weak Stomach qi resulting in stagnation of qi and
“ When the period does not come it means the uterus vessel blood”. The Simple Questions12 says “Pain, itching and sores
is obstructed5”. The uterus is also related to the Kidneys via are due to the Heart”.
a channel called the uterus channel (bao luo). The Simple Pensiveness and worry agitate the Heart, the emperor fire
Questions6 says “ The uterus channel extends to the Kid- moves and fails to communicate with the Kidneys, water
neys”. and fire do not communicate and infertility may result.
Normal menstruation and fertility therefore depend on Wang Yu Tai says “Pensiveness and worry may make it
the state of both the Kidneys (especially Kidney essence) difficult for a woman to conceive. The Heart houses the
and the Heart (especially Heart blood and Heart qi and mind; pensiveness makes the Heart turn towards the out-
yang). If either is deficient, then there may be infertility or side, the emperor fire cannot descend, above and below do
amenorrhoea. The relationship of Heart blood to the uterus not communicate, water and fire do not communicate and
is an important one: the Heart governs blood and the uterus infertility may result’’13.
stores blood. Although the overwhelming majority of gy- After conception, blood and yin are deviated to the nour-
naecologists will emphasise the role of Liver blood in ishment of the foetus, and the relative deficiency of yin and
relation to the uterus, some place the emphasis on Heart blood elsewhere may give rise to empty heat which ascends
blood. Thus, when they want to nourish blood in gynaeco- to disturb the Heart and cause mental restlessness. The
logical problems, these gynaecologists would nourish Heart Discussion of Gynaecology14 says “ When the Heart is affected
blood with points such as Shenmen HE-7 and Xinshu BL-15. by blood heat, Heart qi is not clear and this causes mental
Moreover, the famous Qing dynasty gynaecologist Fu Qing restlessness”.
Zhu said that the ‘heavenly gui’ (i.e. menstrual blood) Worry agitates the Heart and causes a difficult birth. The
derives from the Kidney essence but requires the assistance Gynaecology of the Bamboo Grove 15 says “When the Heart is
of Heart yang which must flow down to communicate with affected by worry and pensiveness, qi and blood stagnate or
the Kidney essence. Thus, tonifying the Heart will necessar- flow in the wrong direction; in many cases this causes a
ily help Kidney essence to produce menstrual blood. This is difficult birth’’.
probably the reason why Gui Pi Tang (Restore the Spleen The book Explanation of Acupuncture Points recommends
Decoction), which nourishes Heart blood, is such an impor- tonifying Shaofu HE-8 for prolapse of the vagina or vaginal
tant formula in gynaecological problems. pain and itching16. The Great Dictionary of Chinese Acupunc-
Dr. Yao Shi An mentions several patterns of Heart dishar- ture 17 mentions Tongli HE-5 for heavy periods or flooding
mony which affect gynaecological function7: and trickling (beng lou), especially in combination with
Women are prone to stagnation of qi which often trans- Xingjian LIV-2 and Sanyinjiao SP-6.
forms into fire and affects the Heart. Fire harasses down-
wards and disturbs the Ren and Chong Mai, the sea of blood Backache in men
becomes reckless and this may result in heavy periods or I often use points of the Heart channel for lower backache
flooding and trickling (beng lou). The Ji Yin Gang Mu says in men. The reason is the same as that given for the use of
“Fire burns the Heart, blood becomes reckless and causes these points for men’s sexual problems: the Heart is like an
bleeding downwards”8. “upper Kidney” and it therefore naturally influences the
Sadness over a long period of time may cause Heart yin lower back. I find that the point Shenmen HE-7 is the best
deficiency; the mind then has no residence, and this causes for this function because, besides its indirect action on the
the Heart yang to float and may result in menorrhagia. The Kidney channel (and therefore the lower back), it also has a
Simple Questions9 says “Sadness leads to severance of the general anti-spasmodic effect, thus relaxing the muscles. I
uterus channel; when this is severed yang qi is agitated in usually combine this point with the opening points of the
the interior and the Heart causes menorrhagia”. Du Mai (but only if the pain stems from the spine area). An
When Heart qi rebels upwards, it impairs the descending example of a suitable points combination would be Houxi


SI-3 on the left, Shenmai BL-62 on the right, Shenmen HE-7 in elderly people, derives from yin deficiency). The main
on the right and Dazhong KID-4 on the left. If the pain is points are Shenmen HE-7, Yinxi HE-6 and Tongli HE-5.
unilateral, I use Dazhong KID-4 on the side of the pain and Wind may also give rise to spasm, contraction and numbness
Shenmen HE-7 on the opposite side. and the Great Dictionary of Chinese Acupuncture recommends
the point Shaohai HE-3 for contracture of the hand and
Nausea/vomiting numbness of the arm23.
Although nausea and vomiting are always related to Stom-
ach qi ascending instead of descending, Heart qi also has (or Knees
should have) a descending movement. The Explanation of The Simple Questions mentions a point combination for
Acupuncture Points says “ When Heart qi rebels upwards swelling and pain of the knee: Qiangu SI-2, Shaofu HE-8,
there is belching or vomiting: this means that Heart qi is full; Rangu KID-2 and Tonggu BL-6624. The Heart channel points
tonifying the water point [Shaohai HE-3] will make qi affect the knee firstly because of the relationship with the
descend’’18. The same text also specifically recommends it Kidney channel, and secondly because Heart channel points
for nausea and vomiting19, and recommends Tongli HE-5 can be used to clear heat and cool blood in general. They are
for vomiting of bitter fluids and Shenmen HE-7 for vomit- therefore usually used when the knee is inflamed and
ing of blood20. The Great Dictionary of Chinese Acupuncture swollen. The best point is Tongli HE-5.
also mentions Yinxi HE-6 for vomiting of blood and Jiquan
HE-1 for dry vomiting. Eye
Furthermore, the Heart channel is closely related to the Both the primary and luo-connecting Heart channels flow
epigastrium; in fact, in ancient times the distinction be- to the eye, and Heart channel points can therefore be used
tween Heart pain and epigastric pain was somewhat blurred. for eye problems, especially when due to inflammation.
Incidentally, this is borne out by modern medicine which The best point is Tongli HE-5, in fact the Explanation of
recognises that symptoms of incipient cardiac infarction Acupuncture Points recommends HE-5 Tongli for painful
may often resemble indigestion. Thus, if Heart qi ascends and red eyes (due to Heart fire) and Shenmen HE-7 for
rather than descends, nausea and vomiting may ensue yellow and painful eyes25.
(which incidentally may occur in the prodromal stage of a
heart infarction). This is probably the reason why Neiguan Urinary problems
P-6 (acting on the Heart) is such an important point for The Heart channel points can be used for urinary problems
nausea and vomiting. As far as the Heart channel is con- because of the connection of the Heart channel with the
cerned, Tongli HE-5 is the best point, whilst Jiuwei REN-15 Bladder channel; the Heart channel is interiorly-exteriorly
or Juque REN-14 both of which act on the Heart are also connected to the taiyang Small Intestine channel which in
effective. turn has an ‘above-below’ connection with the taiyang
Bladder channel according to six channel theory. The Heart
Calming the nerves in asthma channel is particularly used for ‘lin’ urinary problems due
Points of the Heart channel can be used to treat acute attacks to Heart heat which transmits to the Small Intestine and
of asthma. This is probably due to their anti-spasmodic Bladder, and the main point is Shaofu HE-8, in combination
action and they presumably relax the bronchial muscles with Qiangu SI-2 and Tonggu BL-66. Sometimes Heart fire
and therefore relieve broncho-constriction. In this case, combines with Liver fire to cause urinary problems and the
therefore, Heart channel points are not used to “calm the main points for this combined pattern are Shaofu HE-8 and
mind” but to relax the bronchial muscles. The main point Xingjian LIV-2. The Explanation of Acupuncture Points rec-
used is Shenmen HE-7, usually in combination with Shenting ommends Shaofu HE-8 (with reducing method) for urinary
DU-24 and Jiuwei REN-15 (which relaxes the chest and acts problems26.
on the Heart). The Explanation of Acupuncture Points recom-
mends Shenmen HE-7 for rebellious qi and Heart fire which End notes
give rise to breathlessness21. Heart channel points also help 1. The zong muscles may refer either to the penis or the rectus
abdominis muscles; the former is mentioned in chapter 44 and the
asthma because they help to restore the descending of qi in latter in chapter 45 of the Simple Questions.
the chest. The Great Compendium of Acupuncture recom- 2. Yi Zong Jin Jian, 1742.
mends Shenmen HE-7, Yinlingquan SP-9, Kunlun BL-60 3. Cited in Chinese Medicine Research Institute and Guangzhou
College of Chinese Medicine 1980 Concise Dictionary of Chinese Medicine
and Zulinqi GB-41 for breathlessness22. (Jian Ming Zhong Yi Ci Dian), People’s Health Publishing House,
Beijing, p. 186.
Tremors 4. Chapter 33.
5. Concise Dictionary of Chinese Medicine, p. 197.
Heart channel points can be used to alleviate tremors in 6. Chapter 47.
Parkinson’s disease. There are two main reasons for this: 7. Journal of Chinese Medicine (Zhong Yi Za Zhi), Vol. 37, no. 6, 1996, p.
firstly the anti-spasmodic effect mentioned above; secondly, 328-9.
8. Ibid.
because Heart points will nourish yin in the arm and thus 9. Chapter 44.
help to alleviate tremors of the limb (since wind, especially 10. Journal of Chinese Medicine (Zhong Yi Za Zhi), Vol. 37, no. 6, 1996.


11. Lan Shi Mi Cang, The Secret Record of the Orchid Room.
12. Chapter 74.
13. Journal of Chinese Medicine (Zhong Yi Za Zhi), Vol. 37, no. 6, 1996, p.
14. Nu Ke Jing Lun, Discussion of Gynaecology, quoted in Journal of
Chinese Medicine (Zhong Yi Za Zhi), Vol. 37, no. 6, 1996.
15. Zhu Lin Nu Ke, Gynaecology of the Bamboo Grove, quoted in Journal
of Chinese Medicine (Zhong Yi Za Zhi), Vol. 37, no. 6, 1996.
16. Yue Han Zhen 1990 An Explanation of Acupuncture Points (Jing Xue
Jie), People’s Hygiene Publishing Company, Beijing, p. 143. The text
was first published during the early Qing dynasty.
17. Yang Jia San 1988 Great Dictionary of Chinese Acupuncture (Zhong
Guo Zhen Jiu Da Ci Dian), Beijing Physical Training College Publish-
ing House, Beijing, p. 827.
18. An Explanation of Acupuncture Points, p. 137.
19. Ibid, p. 137.
20. Great Dictionary of Chinese Acupuncture, p. 419 and 456.
21. An Explanation of Acupuncture Points, p. 142.
22. Quoted in Great Dictionary of Chinese Acupuncture, p. 737.
23. Ibid., p. 236.
24. 1979 The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine -SimpleQuestions
(Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen), People’s Health Publishing House,
Beijing, first published c. 100 BC, p. 322.
25. An Explanation of Acupuncture Points, p. 141-2.
26. Ibid., p. 143.

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