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The stages of a customer service situation typically include:

1 - Introduction
At this stage, whether we are starting or not a customer service situation, we must greet, identify
ourselves (by name and surname if necessary), identify the company and include the reason for
the contact (in person - phone - remote...). The company representative should set a positive
tone for the interaction.

Example of phrases:

"Welcome to LOL Company, my name is Shakira. How may I assist you today?"
"Hello, this is Josefa, from Metalplus Corporation. Am I calling Joan Laguna?".

2 - Development
Once we have contacted the person we want, the conversation starts. In this stage, the customer
service representative listens carefully to the customer's concerns or inquiries to fully
understand the issue. For example, if we want to introduce new products or services, we must
explain the advantages and the features that differentiate them from similar options.

We will also pay special attention to fillers, such as: "Eeehhh...", "um...", because the perception
about our intelligence or security in the interlocutor may be damaged. Instead we can use a
pause, as it will only last a few seconds and the caller won't notice.

Here, the representative also evaluates the situation, asking relevant questions to gather
necessary information and determine the cause of the problem. We need to ask all the
questions that are necessary to understand the issue and be able to solve it.

Sometimes we will need to analyse the issue more deeper, so we will need to hold on the call or
maybe transfer it to another person because we can not solve the problem. It is important to be
clear, honest and transparent to transmit confidence and professionality.

Example of phrases:

"Could you please explain the problem you're experiencing in more detail?"
"Let me review your account to see if I can identify the source of the issue."
“I need to collect some relevant data about the isue, so, could you please provide me with the
order number?
“I am not able to solve the issue now, so I will transfer the call to the technical department”.

3 - Resolution
It is the turning point of the conversation, as we must have achieved the goal of the attention
before finishing it. For example, if you want the customer to give you an appointment to
introduce your products.

At this moment, with the problem understood, we should offer solutions or assistance. This
stage involves assisting the customer in implementing the recommended solution or taking
necessary actions to address their concerns.

After implementing the solution, the representative confirms with the customer that the issue
has been resolved satisfactorily and offers any additional assistance if needed.

Example of phrases:

"If it's OK with you, Mr. Díaz, we could meet in your office next week and would show you some
samples. Could you make it on Tuesday?".
"Based on what you've described, I recommend trying X to resolve the issue. Would you like me to
guide you through the steps?"
"Let's go ahead and solve the problem together. I'll walk you through each step."
“Is there anything else I can help you with? Otherwise, I'm glad we could resolve the issue for you."

4 - Farewell
It is time to finish the interaction. To say goodbye properly, we must thank the interlocutor for
the attention and use a polite set expression.

Example of phrases:

"Thank you for your time, Ms. Thomson. Have a nice day".
“Thank you for contacting us today. If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate
to reach out. Have a great day!"


Andrea: "Good morning and welcome to TechLink Solutions. My name is Andrea. How can I
assist you?"
Ms. Castells: "Hello, good morning, I'm the manager of Constructora Castells y Asociados. We're
experiencing some issues with our computer system and we need urgent technical assistance."


Andrea: "I understand, Ms. Castells. Could you provide me with more details about the issues
you're experiencing?"

Ms. Castells: "Sure, we're having trouble connecting to the internal network and some of our
computer programs are running slowly."

Andrea: "Understood. Let me check our records and diagnose the problem. Could you provide
me with your client number so I can access your history and perform a more detailed analysis?"

Ms. Castells: "Of course. Our client number is 457-24. The name of my company is Constructora
Castells y Asociados.

Andrea: “Perfect, Ms. Castells, I will need a second to analyse the problem. Would you mind to
hold on for a minute?”

Ms. Castells: “No, no problem.”


Andrea: "I've identified some possible causes of the issues you're experiencing. I recommend
checking the network configuration and performing some software updates to improve
performance. Would you like us to schedule a visit from our technical team to address these

Ms. Castells: "Yes, please. We would greatly appreciate your help as soon as possible."

Andrea: "Perfect, what time could we come to the company?”

Ms. Castells: “We are working from 8am to 8pm. We look forward to seeing you as soon as

Andrea: I have just scheduled the visit for tomorrow between 8 and 10 am.


Andrea: “If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out. Have a great day, Ms. Castells!"

Castells: "Thank you very much for your help, Andrea. We look forward to resolving these issues.
See you tomorrow!"

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