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Redox Reaction (JEE Main Pattern)

SECTION–A : (Maximum Marks : 80)

 This section contains TWENTY questions.

  Each question has FOUR options (1), (2), (3) and (4). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct.
  For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS.
  For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories:
Full Marks: +4, if only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks: 0, if none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks: –1 in all other cases
1. Amongst the following, the pair having both the metals in their highest oxidation state is :
(1) [Fe(CN)6]3– and [Co(CN)6]3– (2) CrO2Cl2 and MnO4–
(3) TiO2 and MnO2 (4) [MnCl4]2– and [NiF6]2–

2. The non-metal that does not exhibit positive oxidation state is :

(1) Fluorine (2) Oxygen (3) Chlorine (4) Iodine

3. When KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent and ultimately forms MnO42–, MnO2, Mn2O3 and Mn2+,
then the number of electrons transferred in each case is :
(1) 4, 3, 1, 5 (2) 1, 5, 3, 7 (3) 1, 3, 4, 5 (4) 3, 5, 7, 1

4. In which of the following reactions H2O2 acts as a reducing agent?

(A) H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e¯ ⎯→ 2H2O
(B) H2O2 – 2e¯ ⎯→ O2 + 2H+
(C) H2O2 + 2e¯ ⎯→ 2OH¯
(D) H2O2 + 2OH¯ – 2e¯ ⎯→ O2 + 2H2O
(1) (A), (B) (2) (C), (D) (3) (A), (C) (4) (B), (D)

5. Consider the redox reaction 2S2O32– + 2 ⎯→ S4O62– + 2 – :

(1) S2O32– gets reduced to S4O62– (2) S2O32– gets oxidised to S4O62–
(3) 2 behaves as oxidant (4) Both (2) and (3)

6. Which of the following is/are example(s) of disproportionation reaction :

(1) Cl2 + OH– ⎯⎯
→ ClO– + Cl– + H2O (2) KClO3 ⎯⎯
→ KCl + O2
(3) KClO3 ⎯⎯
→ KClO4 + KCl (4) Both (1) and (3)

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

7. Which of the following equations is a balanced one :

(1) 5BiO3– + 22H+ + Mn2+ ⎯→ 5Bi3+ + 7H2O + MnO4–
(2) 5BiO3– + 14H+ + 2Mn2+ ⎯→ 5Bi3+ + 7H2O + 2MnO4–
(3) 2BiO3– + 4H+ + Mn2+ ⎯→ 2Bi3+ + 2H2O + MnO4–
(4) 6BiO3– + 12H+ + 3Mn2+ ⎯→ 6Bi3+ + 6H2O + 3MnO4–

8. For the redox reaction MnO4– + C2O42– + H+ ⎯⎯ → Mn2+ + CO2 + H2O,

the correct whole number stoichiometric coefficients of MnO4–, C2O42– and H+ are respectively :
(1) 2, 5, 16 (2) 16, 5, 2 (3) 5, 16, 2 (4) 2, 16, 5

9. During the disproportionation of Iodine to iodide and iodate ions, the ratio of iodate and iodide
ions formed in alkaline medium is :
(1) 1 : 5 (2) 5 : 1 (3) 3 : 1 (4) 1 : 3

10. In alkaline medium, KMnO4 reacts as follows : (Atomic weights in u : K = 39, Mn = 55, O = 16)
2KMnO4 + 2KOH → 2K2MnO4 + H2O + [O]
Hence, its equivalent weight is :
(1) 31.6 (2) 63.2 (3) 126.4 (4) 158

11. In the reaction : Na2S2O3 + 4Cl2 + 5H2O ⎯→ Na2SO4 + H2SO4 + 8HCl,

the equivalent weight of Na2 S2 O3 will be : (M = molecular weight of Na2S2O3)
(1) M/4 (2) M/8 (3) M/1 (4) M/2

12. In the reaction, 2CuSO4 + 4K ⎯→ 2Cu22 + 2 + 2K2SO4

the equivalent weight of CuSO4 will be :
(1) 79.75 (2) 159.5 (3) 329 (4) None of these

13. In the conversion NH2OH ⎯→ N2O, the equivalent weight of NH2OH will be :
(M = molecular weight of NH2OH)
(1) M/4 (2) M/2 (3) M/5 (4) M/1

14. The oxidation state of chromium in the final product formed by the reaction between KI and
acidified potassium dichromate solution is :
(1) + 4 (2) + 6 (3) + 2 (4) + 3

15. Which of the following statements is incorrect :

(1) 0.2 moles of KMnO4 will oxidise one mole of ferrous ions to ferric ions in acidic medium.
(2) 1.5 moles of KMnO4 will oxidise 1 mole of ferrous oxalate to one mole of ferric ion and carbon
dioxide in acidic medium in acidic medium.
(3) 0.6 moles of KMnO4 will oxidise 1 mole of ferrous oxalate to one mole of ferric ion and carbon
dioxide in acidic medium.
(4) 1 mole of K2Cr2O7 will oxidise 2 moles of ferrous oxalate to ferric ions and carbon dioxide in
acidic medium.

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

16. The normality of mixture obtained by mixing 100 mL of 0.2 M H2SO4 and 200 mL of 0.2 M HCl is:
(1) 0.0267 (2) 0.2670 (3) 1.0267 (4) 1.1670

17. Amount of oxalic acid present in a solution can be determined by its titration with KMnO4
solution in the presence of H2SO4. The titration gives unsatisfactory result when carried out in
the presence of HCl, because HCl :
(1) furnishes H+ ions in addition to those from oxalic acid.
(2) reduces permanganate to Mn2+.
(3) oxidises oxalic acid to carbon dioxide and water.
(4) gets oxidised by oxalic acid to chlorine.

18. Volume V1 mL of 0.1M K2Cr2O7 is needed for complete oxidation of 0.678 g N2H4 in acidic
medium. The volume of 0.3 M KMnO4 needed for same oxidation in acidic medium will be :
2 5
(A) 5 V1 (2) 2 V1 (3) 113 V1 (4) cannot be determined

19. What will happen if the solution of potassium chromate reacts with excess amount of nitric acid:
(1) Cr reduces in the oxidation state +3 from CrO42–.
(2) Cr oxidises in the oxidation state +7 from CrO42–.
(3) Cr+3 and Cr2O72– will be formed.
(4) Cr2O72– and H2O will be formed.

20. 100 millimoles of dichloroacetic acid (CHCl2 COOH) can neutralize how many moles of ammonia
to form ammonium dichloroacetate :
(1) 0.0167 (2) 0.1 (3) 0.3 (4) 0.6

SECTION-B : (Maximum Marks: 20)

 This section contains TEN Questions. Attempt any five Questions. First five Questions Attempt will
be considered for marking.
 The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
 For each question, enter the correct numerical value (If the numerical value has more than
two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, –0.33,
–.30, 30.27, –127.30, if answer is 11.36777.... then both 11.36 and 11.37 will be correct).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +4, if ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 in all other cases.
1. The normality of orthophosphoric acid in a solution which is 70% by weight and has specific
gravity 1.54 is :

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

2. The mass (in g) of oxalic acid crystals (H2C2O4.2H2O) required to prepare 50 mL of a 0.2 N
solution is :

3. A 3 mole mixture of FeSO4 and Fe2(SO4)3 required 100 mL of 2M KMnO4 solution in acidic
medium. Find the mole of FeSO4 in the mixture.

4. A solution of Na2S2O3 is standardised iodometrically against 3.34 g of pure KBrO3

(converted to Br–), requiring 40 mL Na2S2O3 solution. What is the molarity of Na2S2O3 solution?
(molar mass of KBrO3 = 167 g mol–1)

5. For the estimation of nitrogen, 1.4 g of an organic compound was digested by Kjeldahl method
and the evolved ammonia was absorbed in 60 mL of sulphuric acid. The unreacted acid
required 20 mL of sodium hydroxide for complete neutralization. The percentage of nitrogen
in the compound is :

6. 10 mL of sulphuric acid solution (specific gravity = 1.84) contains 98% by weight of pure acid.
Calculate the volume (in mL) of 2 N NaOH solution required to just neutralize the acid.

7. An aqueous solution of 6.3 g of oxalic acid dihydrate is made upto 250 mL. The volume (in mL)
of 0.1 N NaOH required to completely neutralise 10 mL of this solution is :

8. 25 mL of (N/10) Na2CO3 solution neutralises 10 mL of a dilute H2SO4 solution. The volume

(in mL) of water that must be added to 400 mL of this H2SO4 solution in order to make it exactly
N/10 is :

9. Number of moles of CaO required to remove hardness from 1000 litre water having 324 ppm of
calcium bicarbonate and 74.5 ppm of potassium chloride is :

10. One litre of a sample of hard water contains 11.1 mg of CaCl2 & 9.5 mg of MgCl2. What is degree
of hardness in terms of ppm of CaCO3 ?

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

Answer Key
Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. 2 1 3 4 4 4 2 1 1 4
Q. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A. 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 4 2
Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. 33 0.63 1 3 10 184 40 600 2 20

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

1. Ans. (2)
MnO4– ; x + 4(–2) = – 1 or x = + 7 (Max possible for Mn);
CrO2Cl2 ; x + 2(–2) + 2(–1) = 0 or x = +6 (Max possible for Cr).

2. Ans. (1)
Fluorine exhibits only 0 and –1 oxidation state.

3. Ans. (3)
MnO4– + e– → MnO42–
MnO4– + 4H+ + 3e– → MnO2 + 2H2O
1 5
MnO4– +5H+ + 4e– → 2 Mn2 O3 + 2H2O
MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e– → Mn2+ + 4H2O

4. Ans. (4)
H2O2 acts as reducing agent when it releases electrons (itself gets oxidised and reduces others)
i.e. in (B) & (D).

5. Ans. (4)
S undergoes increase in oxidation number from +2 to +2.5, while I undergoes decrease in
oxidation number from 0 to –1.

6. Ans. (4)
In (3) option, Cl goes from +5 to +7 and –1, while in (1) option, Cl goes from 0 to +1 and –1.

7. Ans. (2)

(i) 2e + 6H+ + BiO3– ⎯→ Bi3+ + 3H2O

(ii) 4H2O + Mn2+ ⎯→ MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e
(i) × 5 + (ii) × 2, we get 14 H+ + 5 BiO3– + 5Mn2+ ⎯→ 5Bi3+ + 2MnO4– + 7 H2O
Hence, (2) is the correct balanced reaction.

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

8. Ans. (1)
MnO4– + C2O42– + H+ ⎯⎯
→ Mn2+ + CO2 + H2O
v.f. = 5 v.f. = 2
 Balanced equation : 2MnO4– + 5C2O42– + 16H+ ⎯⎯
→ 2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2O

9. Ans. (1)
3I2 + 6 OH– ⎯→IO3– + 5I– + 3H2O (balanced reaction)
So, ratio is 1 : 5.

10. Ans. (4)

Mn7+ → Mn6+ ; v.f. = 7–6 = 1
So, eq. wt. of KMnO4 = M/1 = = 158

11. Ans. (2)

+2 +6
Na2 S 2 O3 ⎯→ Na2 S O4
the total change in oxidation number = 4 × 2 = 8
mol.wt. M
 E Na 2S2O3 = =8

12. Ans. (2)

2CuSO4 + 4KI ⎯→ Cu2I2 + I2 + 2K2SO4 .
Cu2+ + 1e– ⎯→ Cu+.
V.F. = 1.
ECuSO4 = = 159.5

13. Ans. (2)

 V.f. of NH2OH = 1–(–1) = 2

 Eq wt = M/2

14. Ans. (4)

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

15. Ans. (2)

MnO4– + 5e– + 8 H+ ⎯→ Mn2+ + 4 H2O
 1 mole of MnO4– accepts 5 mole of e–
1/5 mole of MnO4– accepts 1 mole of e–
 0.2 mole of MnO4– accepts 1 mole of e –
 0.6 mole of MnO4– accepts 3 mole of e –
Fe2+⎯→ Fe3+ + e –
 1 mole of Fe2+ will liberate 1 mole of e –
Cr2O72 – + 6e – + 14 H+ ⎯→ 2 Cr+3 + 7 H2O
 1 mole of Cr2O72– will accept 6 moles of e –
1 mole of FeC2O4 ⎯→ Fe3+ + CO2 + 3 e –
 1 moles of ferrous oxalate gives 3 moles of e –
 0.2 moles of KMnO4 = 1/5 moles of KMnO4 oxidises 1 mole of Fe2+ ion. (Tallies with
statement A)
0.6 moles of KMnO4 = 3/5 moles of KMnO4 will oxidise 1 mole of ferrous oxalate (Tallies
with statement C)
1 mole of K2Cr2O7 will oxidise 2 moles of ferrous oxalate. (Tallies with statement D)
Hence, (1), (3), (4) are correct while (2) is incorrect.

16. Ans. (2)

N1 V1 +N2 V2
Normality of a mixture (N) = V1 +V2

Normality(N1) of H2SO4 = molarity  basicity = 0.2  2 = 0.4 N

N2 = 0.2  1 = 0.2 N
V1 = 100 mL, V2 = 200 mL
0.4×100+0.2×200 40+40 80
N= = =300 = 0.2670 N
100+200 300

17. Ans. (2)

HCl reduces MnO4– to Mn2+ and itself oxidises to Cl2.

18. Ans. (1)

Equivalent of K2Cr2O7 = equivalent of N2H4
also equivalent of KMnO4 = equivalent of N2H4
So, equivalent of K2Cr2O7 = equivalent of KMnO4
0.1 × 6 × V1 = 0.3 × 5 × V2
so V2 = 2/5 V1

19. Ans. (4)

Dilute nitric acid converts chromate into dichromate and H2O.
2K2CrO4 + 2HNO3 ⎯→ K2Cr2O7 + 2KNO3 + H2O.

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

20. Ans. (2)

eqacid = eqbase (VF = 1 for both)
From reaction, m.moles of NH3 = m.moles of dichloroacetic acid = 100
 Moles of NH3 = 1000 = 0.1
1. Ans. (33)
70% by weight means
70 g of orthophosphoric acid is present in 100 g solution
w 1000
N = Eq.wt. × V

w = 70 g
mol.mass 98
Eq. wt. = no. =
of replacable H−atoms 3
mass 100
V = density = 1.54
N= = 33 N

2. Ans. (0.63)
H2C2O4. 2H2O = 2 + 24 + 64 + 36 = 126 and Equivalent wt. = [ ]
W × 1000
0.2 = 126  W = 0.63 g
( )×50

3. Ans. (1)
Lets mole of FeSO4 = x
Now, KMnO4 oxidises only FeSO4 (Fe2(SO4)3 has Fe & S in their maximum oxidation state, +3

& +6 respectively)
equivalent of FeSO4 = equivalent of KMnO4
x × 1 = 1000 × 2 × 5  x=1

4. Ans. (3)
Necessary equations :
KBrO3 + KI ⎯→ I2 + Br–
I2 + Na2S2O3 ⎯→ Na2S4O6 + NaI
equivalent of I2 = equivalent of KBrO3 = 12 × 10–2
equivalent of Na2S2O3 = equivalent of I2
M × 1 × 1000 = 12 × 10–2
so molarity = 3 M.

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

5. Ans. (10)
Mass of organic compound = 1.4 g
let it contain x mmole of N atom.
organic compound ⎯→ NH3
x m mole
2NH3 + H2SO4 ⎯→ (NH4)2 SO4. (1st)
× 60 = 6 mmole
initially taken.
H2SO4 + 2NaOH ⎯→ Na2SO4 + 2H2O (2nd)
× 20 = 2 mmole
Hence mmoles of H2SO4 reacted in 2nd equation = 1
 mmoles of H2SO4 reacted from 1st equation = 6 – 1 = 5 mmoles
 mmoles of NH3 in 1st equation = 2 × 5 = 10 mmoles
 mmoles of N atom in the organic compound = 10 mmoles
 mass of N = 10 × 10–3 × 14 = 0.14 g
 % of N in organic compound = × 100 = 10 %

6. Ans. (184)
m.eq. of H2SO4 = m.eq. of NaOH
× 2 × 10 = 2 × V1
V1 = 184 mL

7. Ans. (40)
Equilivalents of H2C2O4.2H2O in 10 mL = Equivalents of NaOH
6.3 1000 10
(126/2 × ) 1000 = 0.1 × V (in litre)

 V = 0.04 L = 40 mL.

8. Ans. (600)
meq of Na2CO3 = meq of H2SO4
× 25 = N × 10
Normality = 0.25 N
0.25 × 400 = 10 × Vf
or Vf = 1000 mL
 Volume of H2O mixed = 1000 – 400 = 600 mL

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Redox Reaction JEE Main Pattern

9. Ans. (2)
Ca(HCO3)2 + CaO ⎯→ 2CaCO3 + H2O
Moles of calcium bicarbonate = 162 = nCaO required = 2
Note : KCl does not cause any hardness in water.

10. Ans. (20)

Moles of CaCl2 = = 10−4  equivalent moles of CaCO3 = 10–4
Moles of MgCl2 = = 10−4  equivalent moles of CaCO3 = 10–4
 Total moles of CaCO3 = 2 × 10–4  Weight of CaCO3 = 2×10–4 × 100 = 2×10–2 g
Also, weight of solution = 1000 g
weight of CaCO3 2 0−2
 ppm of CaCO3 =  106 =  10−6 = 20ppm
weight of solution 1000

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