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TRNP Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Report 2018

Suggested Citation:

Tubbataha Management Office. 2018. Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Report 2018.
Tubbataha Protected Area Management Board. Puerto Princesa City, Philippines


Maria Retchie Pagliawan, Rowell Alarcon, Gerlie Gedoria, Arne Jensen, Denmark Recamara,
Cleto Naňola, Jr., Wilfredo Licuanan, Segundo Conales, Jr., Noel Bundal, Jeffrey David, Cresencio
Caranay, Jr., Jennifer Deauna, Giannina Feliciano, Angelique Songco, Ma. Theresa Aquino

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. iv

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. v

List of Appendices ................................................................................................................... viii

Executive Summary.................................................................................................................... x

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Monitoring design ....................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Other researches ......................................................................................................... 4

1.4 References .................................................................................................................. 4

2 REEF FISH COMMUNITY .................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Methodologies ............................................................................................................ 7

2.3 Results and Discussions............................................................................................... 8

2.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 19

2.5 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 20

2.6 References ................................................................................................................ 21

3 REEF BENTHOS................................................................................................................ 24

3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 25

3.2 Methods .................................................................................................................... 25

3.3 Results and Discussions............................................................................................. 26

3.4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 34

3.5 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 35

3.6 References ................................................................................................................ 35

4 SEABIRD POPULATION ................................................................................................... 37

4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 38

4.2 Methods .................................................................................................................... 38

4.3 Results and conclusion .............................................................................................. 40

4.4 Management recommendations for 2018 and beyond .............................................. 58

4.5 References ................................................................................................................ 59

OTHER STUDIES ...................................................................................................................... 62

5 CORAL RECRUITMENT .................................................................................................... 63

5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 63

5.2 Materials and Methods.............................................................................................. 64

5.3 Results and Discussion .............................................................................................. 65

5.4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 72

5.5 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 73

5.6 References ................................................................................................................ 73

6 REEF FISH INVENTORY .................................................................................................... 76

6.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 76

6.2 Methods .................................................................................................................... 76

6.3 Results and Discussion .............................................................................................. 79

6.4 Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................................. 83

6.5 References ................................................................................................................ 84

7 REEF BENTHIC SURVEY ................................................................................................... 86

7.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 86

7.2 Methods .................................................................................................................... 86

7.3 Results and Discussion .............................................................................................. 89

7.4 Change in Hard Coral Cover ...................................................................................... 90

7.5 Change in TAUs diversity .......................................................................................... 92

7.6 Ship Grounding Sites............................................................................................... 102

7.7 Southwest Wall ....................................................................................................... 105

APPENDICES.......................................................................................................................... 110

List of Tables
Table 1. Characterization of reef benthos of the deep areas in 2018 using the
photo-transect method. .......................................................................................... 27
Table 2. Characterization of reef benthos of the shallow areas in 2018 using
the photo-transect method. .................................................................................... 28
Table 3. Percent hard coral cover, number of coral genera and hard coral
diversity indices per station. .................................................................................... 32
Table 4. Frequency count of invertebrate species in TRNP following the Reef
Check method. ........................................................................................................ 33
Table 5. Approximate changes in the land area of Bird Islet from 1911 to
2018. Source: Worcester 1911, Kennedy 1982, Heegaard and
Jensen 1992, Manamtam 1996, WWF Philippines 2004 and
Tubbataha Management Office 2004 to 2018.......................................................... 41
Table 6. Selected results of MPR distance and direct counts from June 2017
to April 2018 ............................................................................................................ 45
Table 7. Total count numbers of adult resident seabirds present on Bird Islet
and South Islet 12 – 15 May 2018. ............................................................................ 47
Table 8. Results of ring readings of Brown Booby on Bird Islet from July and
August 2017 and May 2018 ...................................................................................... 51
Table 9. Survey sites with corresponding coordinates. Note: * Corresponds
to TMO monitoring stations .................................................................................... 77
Table 10. The number of species on each sighting frequency and their
abundance index ranges. ......................................................................................... 82
Table 11 Hard Coral Cover and TAU diversity scale categories used in this
report (AM Licuanan et al. 2017; WY Licuanan et al. in prep). .................................. 89
Table 12 Linear regression of HC at different levels i.e. location, site, and
station level wherein ns=P>0.05; * = p≤0.05; ** =p≤0.01; ***
=p≤0.001. ................................................................................................................. 91

Table 13 Linear regression of TAUs at different levels i.e. location, site, and
station level wherein ns=P>0.05; * = p≤0.05; ** =p≤0.01; ***
=p≤0.001. ................................................................................................................. 93

List of Figures
Figure 1. Hierarchical sampling design (Modified from Licuanan et al. 2016). ........................... 3
Figure 2. Location map of the monitoring sites (blue dots). ..................................................... 3
Figure 3. Mean fish density (individuals per 500 m2) at depths per site. Error
bar represents the standard error of the mean. ....................................................... 9
Figure 4. Distribution of mean biomass (gram per m2) per depth in
Tubbataha Reefs. Error bar represents the standard error of the
mean. ...................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5. Temporal patterns of density (inds./500 m2) and biomass (g/m2) of
fishery targeted species since 2013. ...................................................................... 10
Figure 6. Temporal patterns of mean biomass (g/m2) (excluding sharks and
big schools) in TRNP. Error bar represents the standard error of
the mean. .............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 7. Temporal patterns of mean biomass (g/m2) of deep and shallow
areas (excluding sharks and schools with >100 individuals). No
data for shallow areas in 2016. .............................................................................. 13
Figure 8. Temporal patterns of mean biomass (grams per m2) distribution of
pelagic and demersal species per depths in regular monitoring
sites of Tubbataha Reefs. ...................................................................................... 14
Figure 9. Density (g/m2) of trophic groups (based on the species’ diet) at
shallow and deep areas from 2015 to 2018. No data for shallow
areas of 2016 due to lack of manpower. ................................................................ 15
Figure 10. Relative distribution of mean density (individuals per 500 m2) and
biomass (g/m2) in shallow and deep areas of Min Ping Yu and USS
Guardian grounding sites. Error bar represents standard error of
the mean. .............................................................................................................. 18

Figure 11. Temporal patterns of mean biomass (g/m2) and mean density
(ind./ 500 m2) of Min Ping Yu and USS Guardian grounding sites.
.............................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 12. Characterization of reef benthos at the deep monitoring areas of
TRNP. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. ................................ 29
Figure 13. Characterization of reef benthos at the shallow monitoring areas
of TRNP. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. ............................ 30
Figure 14. Status of vegetation in Bird Islet from 2006 to 2018. .............................................. 43
Figure 15. Status of vegetation in South Islet from 2010 to 2018. ........................................... 44
Figure 16. Population trend of adult Red-footed Booby from 1981 to 2018 ............................ 49
Figure 17. Breeding data of Red-footed Booby from 2004 to 2018.......................................... 49
Figure 18. Population trend of adult Brown Booby from 1981 to 2018. ................................... 50
Figure 19. Breeding data of Brown Booby from 2004 to 2018. ................................................ 50
Figure 20. Population trend of adult Brown Noddy from 1981 to 2018. ................................... 52
Figure 21. Breeding data of Brown Noddy from 2004 to 2018................................................. 53
Figure 22. Population trend of adult Black Noddy from 1981 to 2018. .................................... 54
Figure 23. Breeding data of Black Noddy from 2004 to 2018. ................................................. 55
Figure 24. Breeding data of Great Crested Tern from 2004 to 2018. ....................................... 56
Figure 25. Population trend of adult Great Crested Tern from 1981 to 2018. .......................... 56
Figure 26. Breeding data of Sooty Tern from 2004 to 2018..................................................... 57
Figure 27. Population trend of adult Sooty Tern from 1981 to 2018. ....................................... 57
Figure 28. Coral recruitment sampling. (a) randomized quadrat sampling
within the transect. (b) close-up shot of the quadrat with scale
bars (c) multiple photos were taken using underwater camera.............................. 64
Figure 29. Mean percentage cover of coral families at 10 meters. Error bars
represent standard error of the mean.................................................................... 66
Figure 30. Average density of coral recruits in m2 for 10 stations at 10 meters.
.............................................................................................................................. 67
Figure 31. Size-frequency distribution of coral recruits per Station. Bars
represent the number of recruits in each size class. ............................................... 68
Figure 32. Mean percentage cover of coral families at five meters. Error bars
represent standard error of the mean.................................................................... 69
Figure 33. Average density of coral recruits per m2 for 10 stations at five
meters . ................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 34. Size frequency distribution of coral recruits by station. Bars
represent the number of recruits in each size class. ............................................... 70

Figure 35. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot of Bray-Curtis
similarity index of recruit species composition across the sites at
both depths. Green dotted line implies 20% similarity of the
stations; blue dotted line implies 40% similarity.................................................... 71
Figure 36. Total number of species identified in each site, including cryptic
species. ................................................................................................................. 79
Figure 37. The number of species in each sighting frequency in the
Tubbataha Reefs. .................................................................................................. 80
Figure 38. Number of species on each abundance index range. ............................................. 81
Figure 39. Comparison of averages for species identified in different sites in
the Philippines and in Southeast Asia, employing the Roving
Visual Census method. Cryptic species were not included in the
count. (Data obtained from Dr. Kent E. Carpenter) ............................................... 83
Figure 40 Sampling scheme of sites and stations in the Tubbataha Reefs
Natural Park. ......................................................................................................... 87
Figure 41. Five belt transects were deployed to describe the benthic
communities in each monitoring station. .............................................................. 88
Figure 42 Box and whiskers plot of coral cover for Tubbataha stations from
2012 to 2018. Error bars indicate +/- 1 standard error. ........................................... 90
Figure 43 Bar graphs of TAU diversity per year for all sites/stations. Error bars
indicate +/- 1 standard error. ................................................................................. 92
Figure 44. Hard coral cover (HCC) at and around the grounding site of the
USS Guardian at the South Atoll of the Tubbataha Reefs. Error
bars indicate +/- 1 standard error. ........................................................................ 103
Figure 45. Hard coral cover (HCC) in fixed plots at and around the Ming Ping
Yu grounding site at the North Atoll of the Tubbataha Reefs.
Error bars indicate +/- 1 standard error. ............................................................... 103
Figure 46. Small corals found in USS Guardian with a ruler for scale. .................................... 104
Figure 47. Rubble was observed scattered all over the Min Ping Yu grounding
site. ..................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 48 Crown-of-thorns observed in Southwest Wall site with a hand as a
scale. ................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 49 Stylophora sp. colony that seems like it was freshly eaten by
crown-of-thorns sea star. .................................................................................... 107

List of Appendices
Appendix 1. Monitoring Team ............................................................................................ 111

Appendix 2. Fish and Benthos Monitoring Sites.................................................................. 112

Appendix 3. Categories for evaluating ecological health of coral reef fish

communities according to Hilomen et al. (2000) and Nañola et
al. (2004). ........................................................................................................ 113

Appendix 4. Mean density of fish families in deep (n=30) and shallow (n=30)
areas in the regular monitoring sites. .............................................................. 114

Appendix 5. Mean biomass of fish families in deep (n=30) and shallow

(n=30) areas in the regular monitoring sites. ................................................... 115

Appendix 6. Results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) between spatial

and temporal means of fish biomass in in TRNP. ............................................ 116

Appendix 7. Mean density of fish families in deep (n=6) and shallow (n=3) of
Min Ping Yu grounding site. ............................................................................ 117

Appendix 8. Mean density of fish families in deep (n=6) and shallow (n=3) of
USS Guardian grounding site. ......................................................................... 118

Appendix 9. Mean biomass of fish families in deep (n=6) and shallow (n=3)
of Min Ping Yu grounding site. ........................................................................ 119

Appendix 10. Mean biomass of fish families in deep (n=6) and shallow (n=3)
of USS Guardian grounding site. .....................................................................120

Appendix 11. Taxonomic amalgamation units (TAUs) ........................................................ 121

Appendix 12. Distance count estimate: objectives and methods ........................................122

Appendix 13. Inventory and population calculation methods per breeding

species ............................................................................................................ 123

Appendix 14. Bird Islet Beach Erosion Assessment .............................................................126

Appendix 15. Condition of vegetation on Bird Islet and South Islet ..................................... 131

Appendix 16. Results of Park Rangers’ inventory counts, August and

November 2017 and February 2018 at Bird Islet and South Islet ...................... 133

Appendix 17. Population results and population trend of breeding seabirds
in TRNP April to June 1981 – 2018. .................................................................. 137

Appendix 18. Seabird breeding data from Bird Islet and from South Islet,
April to June 2004-2018 .................................................................................. 139

Appendix 19. In-flight to roost statistics of boobies and noddies on South

Islet May 2014 to 2018 .................................................................................... 141

Appendix 20. In-flight to roost statistics of boobies and noddies on Bird

Islet May 2005 to May 2018............................................................................. 143

Appendix 21. Systematic list of avifaunal records from Jessie Beazley Reef,
South Islet, Bird Islet, and Ranger Station from 12 to 15 May
2018. ............................................................................................................... 145

Appendix 22. Inclusion of the Black Noddy (Anous minutus) subspecies

worcesteri on Appendix II of the Convention on Migratory
Species ...........................................................................................................148

Appendix 23. Comparison of the landscape and habitats seen from the
Permanent Photo Documentation Sites on Bird Islet and
South Islet, May 2004 and May 2018............................................................... 155

Appendix 24. Species which were seen frequently (≥70%) in the Tubbataha
Reefs. Species are listed in order of decreasing frequency.
The frequency score is listed before each name. After each
species name, the abundance index is given in parentheses. ..........................160

Appendix 25. Taxonomic Amalgamation Units (TAUs) (van Woesik et al.

2009; Licuanan et al. 2017) ..............................................................................162

Appendix 25. Top ten hard coral TAUs of Tubbataha reef stations .................................... 163

Executive Summary
The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park is the largest marine protected area in the country and is one
of very few managed under a ‘no-take’ policy. Research and monitoring, being one of its
conservation programs, is designed to determine ecosystem health; measure biophysical
indicators of management effectiveness; and provide the scientific basis for formulation of
proactive strategies and responses to emerging issues.

The TMO annual ecosystem research and monitoring report includes the results of monitoring of
fish, reef benthos and seabirds. This report also includes other studies conducted this year: coral
recruitment, fish inventory and reef benthos assessment.

Three hundred four (304) species belonging to 35 families and subfamilies were recorded during
the regular monitoring in Tubbataha Reefs this year. This is slightly fewer than the number of
species observed last year (316 species). The estimated species richness across all sites was 189
species per 500 m2 which is very high (>50 species per 500 m2) according to the established
categories for a healthy reef fish community (Hilomen et al. 2000). The mean reef fish density of
the deep areas is significantly higher at 1,466 ind/500 m2 than the shallow stations with 1,095
ind/500 m2. Overall mean reef fish density is 1,298 individuals/500 m2 which falls under high
category Hilomen et al. (2000).

Deep areas contributed significantly

higher yields than the shallow
stations in terms of overall biomass.
The total mean biomass of 134 g/m2
in deep areas is mainly represented
by Carangidae (jacks and trevallies),
Acanthuridae: Nasinae (unicornfish),
and Scaridae (parrotfish). In the
shallow stations, the biomass
estimates of 62.25 g/m2 is
represented by Balistidae
(triggerfish), Scaridae (parrotfish), © Yvette Lee
and Acanthuridae: Nasinae

The density of target fish this year is comparable with the previous year, while the biomass is
comparable with that of 2014. Compared to last year, encounters with large-bodied schooling
fishes are less frequent this year, contributing to lower target biomass. The mean biomass of
indicator species this year is 1.75 g/m2, an improvement from last year’s 1.45 g/m2. Major species’
density is represented by fairy basslets/anthias (889.5 ind/500m2) and damselfish (825

Some species of special interest were also sighted during this year’ survey. These include Grey
reef shark (Carcharinus amblyrhincos), Black tip reef shark (Carcharinus melapterus), and Whitetip
reef shark (Triaenodon obesus), Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), Camouflage grouper
(Epinephelus polyphekadion), Bumphead parrotfish (Bulbometopon muricatum) and Saddleback
Grouper (Plectropomus laevis).

The average hard coral cover in the deep

areas (10 meters) this year is 29.9%, almost
similar to the 29% last year. Most of the
corals recorded in these stations comprise
of the Genus Echinopora (encrusting),
Porites (encrusting), Lobophyllia and
Diploastrea heliopora. Coral formations in
the deep areas are mostly encrusting and
massive. In general, soft coral cover is
relatively low in the deep areas of most
sites, except for Station JBA. Algae, in the
case of TRNP, is mostly coralline algae, © Bo Mancao

which are important contributors to reef

calcium carbonate and can facilitate coral

The average hard coral cover at five meters is 36.75%, which is classified under ‘good’ condition
according to Licuanan et al. (2017). The occurrence of soft corals is minimal in the shallow areas
except in Station JBB. Algal assemblage in the shallow areas are relatively high in Site 3 and is
consistent with the deep areas of the same site. This coincides with the relatively high
percentage of mortalities, mostly dead corals with algae, in Site 3. This occurrence might be
influenced by the effect of strong current and wave actions.

A total of 39 coral Genera belonging to 16 Families were recorded in all the sites in TRNP during
this survey; 32 coral genera were observed in the shallow and 36 in the deep sites. The deep areas
were dominated by Genus Echinopora, Porites, Diploastrea, Goniopora and Montipora. In the
shallow areas, Genus Porites, Isopora, Montipora, Acropora and Echinopora were the most

A very few invertebrate species were noted in the transects, which includes Giant clam (mostly
Tridacna crocea), sea cucumbers, nanded coral shrimp, lobster, and long spined urchin.

A total of 23 species of birds were identified during the inventory. The total number of avifauna
species recorded in TRNP is 115 species. A total 41,794 adult individuals of six breeding and one
former breeding seabird species were recorded; 37,663 individuals on Bird Islet and 4,134
individuals on South Islet. The population on Bird Islet has increased by17% since 2016 when it
hosted 73% of the total population. On South Islet, due to habitat loss, the population has
decreased from 27% to 10% since 2016. The total result of the May count in 2018 is about 12%
higher than in 2017 and represents the highest documented count of breeding seabirds in the
history of TRNP.

A decrease of 30% in the population of Red-footed booby was observed this year, while the
Brown booby population remained stable. Brown noddy population recorded the second highest
breeding population since 1981. A continued decrease in the population and occurrence of
nesting of Black noddy corresponds to the decline in the number and condition of the vegetation.
On South Islet the decline in the number of adult birds is 54%. Nesting is lower by 57% compared
to May 2017. On Bird Islet the pilot establishment of artificial breeding areas increased the
presence of adult birds, from
around 800 in 2017 to more than
2,500 in 2018. The increase in
the breeding population of Great
Crested Tern continued in 2018
but at lower pace compared to
2017. Overall, the population is
at its highest number ever
recorded. The breeding season
of Sooty Tern started end of
February/ beginning of March. © Teri Aquino
Hence, the inventory was able

document what can be perceived as the
entire adult population represented by
the highest count ever.

Coral recruitment baseline study was

conducted during the annual monitoring
this year. This survey recorded twenty-
nine (29) coral genera belonging to nine
families. The average estimated coral
recruit density across all sites was 45.56
ind/m2 at 10 meters, with values ranging
from 0.83 ind/m2 (±0.26 SE) to 20 ind/m2.
In the shallow areas of TRNP (five © Rowell Alarcon
meters), the average density is 30.50
ind/m2 and values ranged from 0.10
ind/m2 to 6.87 ind/m2.

Deep sites were dominated by coral recruits belonging to Families Poritidae, Faviidae and
Agariciidae. Families Agariciidae, Acroporidae, Faviidae and Pocillporidae mostly comprised the
coral recruits in the shallow areas (five meters). Coral recruit density in the deep areas was
observed to be higher compared to that in shallow areas. Most of the coral recruits at both
depths were between >1cm to ≤4 cm, which for most coral families are considered to be the
juvenile stage.

Using roving diver survey method, fish species inventory was conducted this year with the help
of external experts. A total of 332 species under 37 families were identified in the Tubbataha
Reefs during this survey. Most species (46 species) belong to Family Labridae (wrasse). Forty
species (40) were identified under family Pomacentridae (damselfish), 31 species for family
Chaetodontidae (butterflyfish), 22 species were identified for both family Gobiidae (gobies) and
family Serranidae (groupers and fairy basslets), and 21 species of Scaridae (parrotfishes). Sixty
(60) species not initially listed in the Tubbataha fish species list were identified in this survey.
Thirty-six (36) out of the 98 species categorized as frequently observed were recorded in all sites.
There are 146 species that are common and were recorded between 2 to 5 surveys/dives. In terms
of abundance, 17 species were observed in very high abundance, while 273 species were recorded
under the less abundant category.

Tubbataha Reefs has the highest average count of species compared to other sites in the
Philippines. It also has the highest minimum species count and has the highest maximum count
among all sites in the country. Dr. Carpenter (personal communication) also stated that
Tubbataha has higher average counts than other sites in Indonesia and Malaysia where they
employed the same census method.

A team from De La Salle University also joined this year’s monitoring trip to conduct reef
assessment in the shallow areas of TRNP. The average hard coral cover of all regular monitoring
stations this year is 30.0% ± 2.0%. Since 2012, there was no significant change in the hard coral
cover of the shallow areas being monitored by the DLSU. The average number of TAUs for all
stations in Tubbataha in 2018 is 19 ± 1, and it did not change significantly over time.


© Tet Lara
1.1 Overview

In 2017, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre released its first global scientific assessment on the
‘Impacts of climate change on World Heritage Coral Reefs’ (Heron et al. 2017). The report
produced coral bleaching projections based on climate scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC). Their projections suggest that TRNP will most likely experience
severe stress (DHW ≥80C-weeks) twice per decade from year 2030 (Heron et al. 2017). In 2017,
TRNP was recognized as one of the only three Global Ocean Refuge awardees. This is based on
the scientific assessments done in no-take marine protected areas. Being regarded as such,
TRNP is now considered as one of the refugia for marine ecosystems. Thus, strengthening its
management, including research and monitoring, is very crucial.

Aside from prolonged above-average sea surface temperatures, other stressors to coral reefs
include increased frequency and intensity of storms, ocean acidification, land-based pollution
and unsustainable fishing and tourism practices (Hughes et al. 2007). Coral reefs are one of the
most vulnerable marine ecosystems and more than half of the world’s reefs are under medium
or high risk of degradation (IPCC 2014).

As a response, managers and scientists have designed tools to monitor changes in the health of
corals and reef-associated species, and be able to design management strategies to better
conserve these resources. The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park is the largest marine protected
area in the country and is one of very few managed under a ‘no-take’ policy. Research and
monitoring, being one of its conservation programs, is designed to:

• determine ecosystem health;

• measure biophysical indicators of management effectiveness, and;
• provide the scientific basis for formulation of proactive strategies and
responses to emerging issues.

The TMO annual ecosystem research and monitoring report includes the results of monitoring of
fish, reef benthos and seabirds. While considering comparability to previous years’ data, TMO
have also adopted the new methods recommended by DENR through Technical Bulletin 2017-05
in conducting fish and reef benthos monitoring. On the other hand, the method employed for
seabird population monitoring is modified from the DENR Biodiversity Monitoring System.

1.2 Monitoring design

Study Sites

TMO currently monitors five sites located in the North Atoll, South Atoll and the Jessie Beazley
Reef (Figure 2) to describe the status of the fish and benthic communities. In each site, two
replicate stations, approximately 200 meters apart, were established. The geographic location
of each monitoring stations is provided in Appendix 2. The two ship grounding sites, USS
Guardian (USSG) and Min Ping Yu (MPY), have been monitored since 2013 as they are ideal for
assessing changes through time. In each of the stations, shallow (5meters) and deep (10meters)
areas are assessed to acquire better understanding of the condition of the reefs at varying
depths. This hierarchical sampling design is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Hierarchical sampling design Figure 2. Location map of the monitoring sites (blue dots).
(Modified from Licuanan et al. 2016).

Seabird populations were monitored in Bird Islet, South Islet and Jessie Beazley Reef. Emerging
sand cays were also visited to take into account resting seabirds.

Field Surveys

The fish and benthos surveys were conducted on 2 to 9 May while the seabirds survey was
conducted on 11 to 16 May. In-house researchers and marine park rangers were assisted by
volunteer researchers from the UP-Mindanao, Jose Rizal Memorial State University, De La Salle
University, Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc., and UP-Los Baňos. The
members of the monitoring team are listed in Annex 1.

1.3 Other researches

TMO also conducted a coral recruitment study this year to establish baseline data at both depths
of the monitoring stations. Researchers from the De La Salle University – Br. Alfred Shields
Marine Station also monitor the spatial and temporal changes of reef benthos in the shallow
portions of the reef (3 to 5 meters) using the photo-transect method. They also monitor the
changes in benthic structure of the two grounding sites using photo-quadrats.

A team of researchers from the Fish-I Project of the UP-Diliman also joined this year’s survey.
Fish-I technology is a semi-automated reef fish counting and biomass estimation system. It uses
a camera-software system that performs fish species identification and estimates fish density
and biomass. The goal of the team was to calibrate the software to areas with high fish
abundance, such as TRNP. TRNP has also drawn interest from other research institutions, both
local and international. This year, the following institutions conducted research trips in the park:

• University of Queensland – Global Change Institute

• University of San Agustin
• University of the Philippines – Marine Science Institute
• Large Marine Vertebrates Research Institute Philippines
• Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation, Inc.

1.4 References

Heron, S., Eakin, C. and Douvere, F. 2017. Impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage Coral
Reefs: A First Global Scientific Assessment. Paris, UNESCO World Heritage Centre.

Hughes, T., Rodrigues, M., Bellwood, D., Ceccarelli, D., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., McCook, L.,
Moltschaniwskyj, N., Pratchett, M., Steneck, R. and Willis, B. 2007. Phase Shifts,
Herbivory, and the Resilience of Coral Reefs to Climate Change. Current Biology 17, 360-
365. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2006.12.049

Licuanan W., Robles, R., Dygico, M., Songco, A., and van Woesik, R. 2016. Coral benchmarks in
the center of biodiversity. Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Gerlie T. Gedoria1, Segundo F. Conales Jr.1, Cleto L. Nañola, Jr.2, and Denmark Recamara3

Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City,
University of the Philippines- Mindanao, Davao City
Jose P. Rizal Memorial State University, Dapitan City Campus

© Danny Ocampo
2.1 Overview

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have proven to be effective management tools for achieving
marine sustainability (Valdés and Hatcher 2009). MPAs are established to improve and conserve
marine biodiversity. Specifically, they maintain and seed fish stocks and other species to
neighboring areas through dispersal (Russ et al. 1992, Russ and Alcala 1996) and preserve the
population of threatened species (Wilkenson et al. 2003).

Tubbataha is one of the largest and best managed marine protected areas in the Philippines
(ADB 2014). It is believed to disperse fish and coral larvae to the surrounding reefs carried by
ocean currents (Dygico 2006), hence, securing the food source of the Filipino people. Annual
surveys are conducted to examination the status of the reef fish community. These assessments
could reflect the overall condition of the reef, as well as damages from natural and anthropogenic
disturbances (Wilkenson et al. 2003). The results of this survey would also gauge the effectivity
of management and be could be used for the formulation of science-based policies.

This year, the fish survey was conducted simultaneous with benthos survey on 2- 9 May, with reef
fish experts from Jose Rizal Memorial State University and University of the Philippines -

2.2 Methodologies

Data Collection

Seven (7) monitoring sites, including the USS Guardian and Min Ping Yu grounding sites, were
re-surveyed. Except for these adjacent sites of grounding areas, all monitoring sites have two
stations (A and B) each, which are approximately 500 meters apart. Fish Visual Census (FVC)
patterned from English et al. (1997) was employed to determine the components of fish
community such as biomass, density, and species richness.

The established monitoring sites were first located using the Global Positioning System (GPS)
device. Three (3) 50-meter replicate transects, separated by 10-meter buffer, were laid in deep
(~10m) and shallow (~5m) areas of each station. Each transect has an imaginary 5-meter
coverage on both sides, establishing a 10 x 50-meter corridor. A transect was further segmented
into 5-meter stops along its length and was surveyed one segment after another. The scientific
name, actual count, and estimated length/size of the fish encountered inside the established
corridor were recorded. Highly mobile species were recorded first before the slower ones (i.e.,
transient and cryptic species). Three (3) divers completed the survey this year, assessing the deep

transects first and the shallow afterwards. This year, the same sampling design was replicated in
the grounding sites.

Data Analysis

Data was collated and organized using the format adapted from Coral Reef Visualization and
Assessment (CoRVA) system introduced by the DENR in 2014. The species richness was
determined using the actual number of species identified during the survey while the fish density
was expressed by the number of individuals per given area (inds/500m2). The biomass was
simplified in grams per square meter (g/m2) and was calculated with the existing length and
weight model (Pauly 1984), using the formula:

W = aLb

where W is derived weight (g), L is the estimated total length (cm), and a and b are regression
parameter values obtained from CoRVA and FishBase databases (

A paired t-test was applied to calculate significant variations in the density and biomass of reef
fishes in varying depths, sites, and between this year and previous year’s estimates at p=0.05.
Whereas, two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) in the Microsoft Excel 2016 is used to detect
if there were significant differences in the overall biomass between sites and between years

2.3 Results and Discussions

Present conditions

Species richness and density

Three hundred four (304) species belonging to 35 families and subfamilies were recorded in the
Tubbataha Reefs this year. This is slightly fewer than the number of species observed last year
(316 species). Family richness ranged from 21, recorded in the shallow transects of Station 1B
(Malayan Wreck), to 26 families in deep area in Station 3A (Delsan Wreck). That same station in
Delsan Wreck also had the highest number of species at 124, while its shallow transects in Station
3B recorded the lowest with 89 species. Overall, the estimated species richness across all sites
was 63 species per 500 m2 which is very high (>50 species per 500 m2) according to the established
categories for a healthy reef fish community (Hilomen, et al. 2000) (Appendix 3).

Mean density of deep and shallow transects

individuals per 500 m2 2500





Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 JB1

Shallow Deep

Figure 3. Mean fish density (individuals per 500 m2) at depths per site. Error bar represents the standard
error of the mean.

The mean reef fish density of the deep areas is significantly higher (t-test; p=0.02) at 1,466
ind/500 m2 than the shallow stations with 1,095 ind/500 m2. Comparing the density in each site
with that of the previous year’s, Site 1 and Site 4 have increased in abundance while the other
sites decreased. In terms of overall mean density, Pomacentridae (damselfish), followed by
Serranidae: Anthiinae (basslets/anthias) dominated the North Atoll sites (Site 1 and 2) and JB1.
South Atoll (Site 3 and 4) is dominated by Serranidae:Anthiinae (basslets/anthias), followed by
Pomacentridae (damselfish). Appendix 2 lists the families and their mean density per depth.
Overall mean reef fish density is 1,298 individuals/500 m2, slightly lower than the previous year’s,
but not significantly different (t-test; p=0.17). This fell under the high category (1,134 – 3,798
ind./500m2) established for a healthy coral reef by Hilomen et al. (2000) (Appendix 3).


Mean biomass of deep and shallow transects


grams per m2




Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 JB1
Shallow Deep

Figure 4. Distribution of mean biomass (gram per m2) per depth in Tubbataha Reefs. Error bar
represents the standard error of the mean.

Deep areas (t-test; p=0.01) contributed significantly higher yields than the shallow stations in
terms of overall biomass. The total mean biomass of 134 g/m2 in deep areas is mainly represented
by Carangidae (jacks and trevallies), Acanthuridae: Nasinae (unicornfish), and Scaridae
(parrotfish). In the shallow stations, the biomass estimates of 62.25 g/m2 is represented by
Balistidae (triggerfish), Scaridae (parrotfish), and Acanthuridae: Nasinae (unicornfish). Appendix
3 lists the families with their mean biomass contribution for each depth. Both estimates for deep
and shallow areas exceed the minimum established biomass yield for a healthy reef fish
community (Nañola et al. 2004).

Fish groups: Target, indicator, and major

Fishes were clustered into three functional groups – target, indicator, and major species. Targets
are species that are commercially important as food or as ornaments (Sabater 2002, unpub).
They usually form schools and are highly mobile. Indicators refer to the species that closely rely
on live corals for food and shelter (Cole et al. 2008), thus their presence can approximate the
‘health’ condition of a reef (Crosby and Reese 1996; Ohman et al. 1998; Hourigan et al. 1998), as
the high species richness or abundance is related to the high coral cover (Pereira and Videira
2005; Cole et al. 2008). Lastly, the major group are species that occur in high numbers and
concentrations and are targeted as ornaments but not mainly as food (Sabater 2002, unpub).

Mean biomass of target species

300 500
individuals per 500m2

grams per m2



0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
biomass density

Figure 5. Temporal patterns of density (inds./500 m2) and biomass (g/m2) of fishery targeted
species since 2013.

The density of target fish this year is comparable with the previous year, while the biomass is
comparable with that of 2014 (Figure 5). Compared to last year, encounters with large-bodied
schooling fishes are less frequent this year, contributing to lower target biomass. Despite of this,
paired t-test verified that the differences between 2017 and 2018 density (p=0.8) and biomass
(p=0.2) are not significant. The most prominent species this year are the Genus Caranx, Genus
Naso, and family Scaridae.

In the case of indicator species, all sites, except Site 3, were characterized by high mean density
of angelfish (Pomacanthidae) ranging from 8 ind/500m2 (Site 3) to 18 ind/500m2 (Site 1). On the
other hand, the biomass of the butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) was consistently higher than that
of the angelfish (Pomacanthidae) across all the survey sites. Overall, the mean biomass of
indicator species this year is 1.75 g/m2, an improvement from last year’s 1.45 g/m2. Their
increased presence can indicate that the coral community or their preferred prey is adequate to
support their diet. It is still unclear how the abundance of corallivores can affect and limit the
recovery of their prey coral species, and further stress the corals especially after a site
experiences extrinsic disturbance (Cole et al. 1998; Glynn 1996; Bellwood et al. 2006).

Major species’ density is represented by fairy basslets/anthias (889.5 ind/500m2) and damselfish
(825 ind/500m2). Although they have the highest contribution in the density, the triggerfish
(Balistidae) is the highest contributor of biomass in all sites, except in deep areas of Site 4 (Ko-
ok) and JB4 (Jessie Beazley Reef).

Patterns of Fish Biomass

Large-bodied fishes, e.g., jacks, unicorn fish, snappers, considerably influenced the biomass
estimates for the previous years’ causing the data to fluctuate. Sharks and large-bodied
schooling fishes of more than 100 individuals were excluded from the computation from 1999 to
2016. This is because it is believed to be unlikely that more than 100 individuals would fit in the
corridor being monitored. Therefore, only a snapshot (Halford and Thompson 1994) of the fish
observed within the corridor being monitored was considered. Following the standard, only the
sharks and rays were removed in the 2017 and 2018 estimates.

The polynomial trend is stable although there are some years with abrupt decrease such as in
2003, 2008, and 2014. This may be due to compensation of the increase in biomass estimates in
subsequent years (Figure 6). Meanwhile, 2016 – 2018 exhibited a downward trend. This decline
in the biomass from the last three (3) years were driven by the significant decrease in the

presence of Scaridae (parrotfish) recorded in 2015. Two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA)
(Appendix 6), used to examine the biomass estimates from 2013 to the present, suggests that
variation between values are influenced by temporal (p=0.0002) rather than spatial factors
(p=0.05). Being a no-take zone and considering the application of vigilant enforcement in the
area, it is safe to assume that fishing pressure is not the main reason for this decline. One factor
that may have attributed to this fluctuation is the presence or absence of large-bodied fishes
within the transects. These chance encounters can be linked to the movement of fishes that are
influenced by demands correlated with feeding and predator avoidance (Dahlgren and
Egglestone 2000; Helfman et al. 2009), and mortality risk, and habitat shifting (Dahlgren and
Egglestone 2000). In other conditions, a much larger horizontal migration may occur driven by
spawning, feeding, and ontogenetic shifts in habitat requirements (Bone and Moore 2008; Sale
2002). Furthermore, variations in observers and lack of opportunity to standardize methods
might also play a role in these fluctuations.

Yearly average biomass in Tubbataha

(excluding sharks and schools >100 individuals)


R² = 0.2132


1999 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016

annual biomass average (1999-2018) trend (polynomial)

Figure 6. Temporal patterns of mean biomass (g/m2) (excluding sharks and big schools) in TRNP. Error bar
represents the standard error of the mean.

The annual biomass estimates in shallow areas are much closer to average than in its deep
counterpart (Figure 7). Moreover, it appears more stable. An oscillating pattern exhibited by
polynomial trend in deep areas resembled the form in Figure 6. The polynomial trend in shallow
transects exhibited a downward trend in the earlier years of surveys and plateauing until 2015
but showing downward trend again from 2017. Yet again, the seasonality and other ecological
factors affecting the movements of fishes as mentioned above were attributed to the

fluctuations and decline in the biomass yields of Tubbataha Reefs. Families that contributed to
the decrease in the biomass from 2015 – 2018 in the deep stations were the Caesionidae
(fusiliers), Lutjanidae (snappers), and Scaridae (parrotfish), while the decrease in Nemipteridae
(breams) and Carangidae (jacks and trevallies) contributed in the shallow part. Less sightings of
Acanthuridae (surgeonfish) for both depths also contributed to these declines.

Yearly biomass in deep and shallow transects

(excluding sharks and schools >100 individuals)




1999 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016

deep average (deep) shallow

average (shallow) Polynomial trend (deep) Polynomial trend (shallow)

Figure 7. Temporal patterns of mean biomass (g/m2) of deep and shallow areas (excluding sharks and schools
with >100 individuals). No data for shallow areas in 2016.

Pelagic and Demersal

Pelagics/outliers are species with large sizes, occasionally in schools, highly mobile, erratic in
nature (Kaunda-Arara and Rose 2004), and more often traverse the deeper part of the reef.
Encountering these species crossing the transect line are rare and more a function of chance.
Demersal species, on the other hand, are smaller, highly-territorial, and live and feed on or at the
bottom of coral reefs. Being reef-associated, demersal species is more reliable in determining
the ‘true’ biomass yield of a site, as there is a higher chance of encountering the same
individuals/species in the same area.

Figure 8. Temporal patterns of mean biomass (grams per m2) distribution of pelagic and demersal species per depths in
regular monitoring sites of Tubbataha Reefs.

Demersal species are still more dominant than the pelagics. There seems to have a cyclical
pattern in the trend observed in the biomass of the demersal fishes. An increasing trend were
observed in 1999-2003, 2008-2012, and in 2014 -2016, while a decreasing trend were noted on
2003 -2006, 2012 – 2014, and from 2016 to 2018. The highest estimate of demersal fishes was in
2015, largely attributed to very high biomass of Scaridae (parrotfish) observed in Station2A
(Malayan Wreck) and in Station4A (T-Wreck), which were not observed in succeeding years. The
lowest biomass was recorded in 2008 and in 2018. No distinct trends could be established for the
pelagic fishes. The highest biomass estimate for pelagic fishes was in 2007, mainly attributed to
Carangidae (jacks and trevallies). This year’s estimate for both groups is comparable with 2008
and 2014. Although the density of the reef fishes is almost the same as in 2017, the fishes
encountered were of smaller sizes, thus contributing to lower biomass.

It is worth noting that the biomass estimates for demersal fishes in Tubbataha still exceed the
country’s minimum standard for a reef fish community to be considered very healthy (Nañola et
al. 2004). The pattern of dominance between pelagic and demersal has not changed through the
years. Furthermore, being deep zone inhabitants, and rarely visiting shallow areas, it is observed
that pelagics have higher biomass contributions and presence in the deep transects across all
sites. This is in contrast with the demersal fishes that has higher biomass yield in shallow areas.

Trophic Groups

The concept of the ‘feeding guild’ (Bone and Moore 2008) or the trophic group was created based
on the fishes sharing the same diet specializations. The structure of these trophic categories
could imply the availability and abundance of food source in a site. Below are the categories used
in this report (Helfman et al. 2009):

Benthic Invertivore: Fishes that feed on benthic invertebrates

Corallivore: Fishes that consume coral polyps (with or without skeleton)

Detritivore: Fishes that feed on detritus (decaying organic matter)

Herbivore: Fishes that feed and digest plant matter

Omnivore: Fishes that feed on both plant and animal matter

Piscivore: Fishes that feed on marine animals such as other fish or invertebrates; also called
carnivorous fishes (top predators)

Planktivore: Fishes that feed on phyto- and zooplankton

Mean density of trophic guilds


individuals per 500m2





2015 2016 2017 2018
Benthic Invertivore Corallivore Detritivore Herbivore Omnivore Piscivore Planktivore

Figure 9. Density (g/m2) of trophic groups (based on the species’ diet) at shallow and deep areas from 2015 to 2018.
No data for shallow areas of 2016 due to lack of manpower.

Herbivores, omnivores, benthic invertivores, detritivores, and planktivores, all exhibited
downward abundance in deep and shallow areas until 2017, with reference to 2015 estimates
(Figure 9). In 2018, an increase was observed in these trophic groups. Only the piscivorous fishes
showed a slight decrease in density, possibly due to lesser encounters with larger sized, schooling

Planktivores, followed by herbivores and benthic invertivores, are the top three most abundant
groups in deep areas across all years. There is an observed interchange in hierarchy among
piscivores, omnivores, and corallivores per year. Detritivore remained the least abundant. In
shallow stations, planktivores and herbivores are still the most abundant groups. Shifts in
hierarchy in other trophic groups is observed year after year.

In the Eltonian pyramid, also called ‘pyramid of numbers’, conceptualized by Charles Elton
(Hickman et al. 1993; Lindman 1942), animals at the base of the food chain are relatively
abundant, and the number decreases higher up the food chain. This is reflected in the abundance
of trophic guilds in the Tubbataha Reefs where planktivores and herbivores have the highest
number, respectively, and piscivores (top predator) have the lowest. A typical food chain starts
with the phytoplankton (primary producers) which will be eaten by herbivorous zooplankton
(primary consumers). These two will be consumed by planktivorous fishes, which in turn will be
fed upon by omnivores or piscivores (secondary/tertiary consumers). Omnivores can also
consume the primary producers, making them partly herbivores, therefore, they can also be
primary consumers. This abundance of fishes in each trophic level also mirror the typical
characteristics of an unfished or lightly fished area with a healthy coral cover (Helfman et al.

Furthermore, in the ‘fishing down the web’ concept popularized by Pauly et al. (1998), fishing
decreases the number/biomass of top trophic group, in this case the piscivores, thus herbivorous
species will be fished out in turn until only smaller fishes remain. Hence, marine protected areas
are established partly to improve and restore the population of large predators given the time of
effective protection (Russ and Alcala, 1996; Helfman et al. 2009). The presence of piscivores in
the Tubbataha Reefs clearly reflects continued effective protection of the park. Although this
year has the lowest recorded density of piscivores since 2015, it does not necessarily imply the
presence of fishing pressure. The presence or absence piscivores may be influenced by the
vertical and horizontal migrations of fishes.

Threatened Species

Several species of interest were also observed during the survey. These are the species listed
under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.
Their presence serves as an indication of recovery from disturbances, such as from overfishing,
and of stringent protection.

As mentioned in the previous sections, the monitoring stations are often visited by large-bodied
schooling fishes and sharks including, but not limited to, Grey reef shark (Carcharinus
amblyrhincos), Black tip reef shark (Carcharinus melapterus), and Whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon
obesus). Rays were also observed around the survey areas. The presence of these rare and
endangered species clearly reflects the effective protection of the park.

This year, the Endangered (EN) Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) was again observed in
all sites, including in the grounding sites. Two (2) individuals of the Near Threatened (NT)
Camouflage grouper (Epinephelus polyphekadion ), and two (2) individuals of Bumphead
parrotfish (Bulbometopon muricatum) were encountered in Ko-ok and USS Guardian grounding
site. Ten individuals of the Near Threatened Whitetip reef shark (Trianodon obesus ) were also
recorded during this survey.

Other threatened species observed outside the transects were the Saddleback Grouper
(Plectropomus laevis), which was also recorded last year. Green sea (Chelonia mydas) and
Hawksbill turtles(Eretmochelys imbricata) were also observed during the conduct of the survey.

Grounding Sites

A total of 163 species under 29 families and subfamilies were identified in the Min Ping Yu
grounding site, while 137 species under 24 families were recorded in the USS Guardian site. This
is an improvement from last year’s 131 (Min Ping Yu) and 110 (USS Guardian) species. The Min
Ping Yu site has a family richness of 25.5, while the USS Guardian site has 21 families recorded.
The Min Ping Yu grounding site has a species richness of 72.5 sp./ 500m2 and USS Guardian has
53 sp./ 500m2. Both fall under the very high level of established categories for a healthy reef fish
community (Hilomen et al. 2000).

Mean density Mean biomass
1600 160
1400 140
individual per 500 m2

1200 120

gram per m2
1000 100
800 80
600 60
400 40
200 20
0 0
Deep Shallow Deep Shallow
Min Ping Yu USS Guardian Min Ping Yu USS Guardian

Figure 10. Relative distribution of mean density (individuals per 500 m 2) and biomass (g/m2) in shallow and deep
areas of Min Ping Yu and USS Guardian grounding sites. Error bar represents standard error of the mean.

Only the transects laid in the shallow area of USS Guardian is the actual grounding impact site.
The mean density in this portion is slightly lower than the adjacent area (deep areas) (Figure 10),
but paired t-test suggests that the difference is not significant (p=0.9). No significant variations
were also found in the mean density of the deep area and shallow area (p=0.9 of Min Ping Yu
(Figure 10). The total mean density for both Min Ping Yu (1202 ind./ 500 m2) and USS Guardian
(1,261 ind./ 500 m2) grounding sites is higher than the previous year’s output but the difference is
not significant (t-test; p=0.2 and p=0.1, respectively).

Both grounding sites’ mean density falls under the very high category of a healthy reef fish
community (Hilomen et al. 2000). Similar to the dominance observed in regular monitoring sites
in the North Atoll, Pomacentridae (damselfish) and Serranidae: Anthiinae (basslets/anthias),
constituted three-fourths of the total mean density of the Min Ping Yu (Figure 10). Acanthuridae
(surgeonfish), Labridae (wrasses), and Chaetodontidae (butterflyfish) were also among the top
contributors. Demersal fishes made up the 97% of the total density in this area.

In the case of the USS Guardian, the distribution was primarily attributed to Anthias, followed by
Damselfish; a pattern of dominance similar with regular sites in the South Atoll. These two
families alone covered 75% of the total density in the area. Labridae (wrasses), Balistidae
(triggerfish), and Acanthuridae (surgeonfish), respectively, are also among the top contributors
in this area. Appendix 7 and Appendix 8 list the families with their respective mean density per
depth in both grounding sites. Demersal fishes constitute 98% of the USS Guardian site density.
Planktivores and herbivores, respectively, were the most abundant trophic guilds in both sites.

Despite the increase in density, the mean biomass output of both grounding sites has decreased
compared to last year, although the difference is not significant: Min Ping Yu (t-test; p=0.2) and
USS Guardian (t-test; p=0.1). This might be explained by the dependence of fish biomass on
species variety and size estimates, and not on abundance alone. The mean biomass of the USS
Guardian shallow area, as an impacted area, still exceeds the minimum requirement for reef fish
community to be considered very healthy (Nañola et al. 2004). It is also the same for all depths
in these two sites.

Min Ping Yu’s total mean biomass of 56.6 g/m2 is primarily attributed to Scaridae (parrotfish),
Balistidae (triggerfish), and Pomacentridae (damselfish). Demersal fishes constitute 80% of the
total mean biomass in this site. On the other hand, Balistidae (triggerfish), Scaridae (parrotfish)
and Acanthuridae: Nasinae (unicornfish) primarily represent 101 g/m2 mean biomass of USS
Guardian grounding site. Demersal fishes also constitute 80% of this mean biomass. Appendix
7 and 8 list the families with their mean biomass per depth for both sites.

Grounding sites

4000 500
individuals per 500m2


grams per m2
2500 300
1500 200

0 0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Min Ping Yu (biomass) USS Guardian (biomass)
Min Ping Yu (density) USS Guardian (density)

Figure 11. Temporal patterns of mean biomass (g/m2) and mean density (ind./ 500 m2) of Min Ping Yu
and USS Guardian grounding sites.

As with the previous years of monitoring, the mean density and mean biomass of sites adjacent
to USS Guardian is relatively higher compared to Min Ping Yu (Figure 11). The mean biomass of
both sites shows an increasing trend until 2016, which is mainly attributed to encounters with
large-bodied, schooling fishes. However, these groups were not prominent in 2018, thus
resulting in lower biomass yields. Again, these chance encounters can be attributed to the

horizontal and vertical migration pattern of fish influenced by feeding and spawning, diver
presence, and ontogenetic shifts in habitat requirements (Bone and More 2008; Sale 2002).
Furthermore, observer bias due to different readers through years may also be a key factor in the
huge difference between 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 biomass estimates. Moreover, it is worth
noting that in spite of the disturbances that affected these sites, the fish community has
remained healthy, evident in high density and high biomass outputs (Hilomen et al. 2000; Nañola
et al. 2004) since 2014.

2.4 Conclusions

The Tubbataha Reefs consistently displayed very high biomass estimates of fishes over the years,
exceeding the minimum yield (>40 g/m2) for a marine protected area. It has one of the highest
biomass outputs for marine protected areas in the Philippines, given the fact that this year’s
biomass is lower compared to the previous years. The substantial decline in biomass estimates
might be caused by temporal variations and movements of fishes driven by factors such as
vertical and horizontal migration. Inconsistent observers and lack of opportunity to standardize
are other factors that were considered to have effect in the overall results. Abundance of several
trophic guilds, in addition to the presence of top predators and threatened species, such as
sharks, Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), and Bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon
muricatum), among others, show that Tubbataha Reefs is in good condition.

Areas adjacent to the USS Guardian and Min Ping Yu grounding sites showed an increased in
density from last year, but biomass decreased. Despite having the lowest biomass yield for the
past five years of monitoring, it is worth noting that this year’s mean biomass at both adjacent
sites is still considered among the highest in the Philippines. The impacted area in the USS
Guardian site is also in good condition. This suggests that the presence of healthy surrounding
reefs and protection play key roles in the replenishment and recovery of fishes in these disturb

The high biomass yields, and the abundance and richness of the species found in Tubbataha
clearly indicates a healthy fish population. This reflects the effectiveness of consistent and
continued protection of the park, thereby indicating the efficacy and success of a well-protected
marine protected area. The natural characteristics of the reefs – its degree of accessibility and
the diverse reef types, also influenced this healthy fish community (Dantis et al 1999).

2.5 Recommendations

1. It is recommended that at least one dive be dedicated to the standardization of size and
count estimates among the observers prior to the actual surveys to ensure uniformity
among all observers.

2. The same observers need to be employed every year as much as possible.

3. Further, it is also recommended that the practice of having dedicated personnel to lay
and retrieve the transect lines be continued to increase efficiency.

2.6 References

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Cagayan Ridge with emphasis on spatial and temporal variations and trophic relationships.
Annual research and monitoring report 2002. WWF-Phils. Unpublished report.

TUBBATAHA MANAGEMENT OFFICE. 2017. Ecosystem Research and Monitoring 2017.

Tubbataha Protected Area Management Board. Puerto Princea City, Palawan

WILKENSON, C., GREEN, A., ALMANY, A. AND DIONNE, S. 2003. Monitoring Coral Reef Marine
Protected Areas. A practical guide on how monitoring can support effective management of
MPAs. Australian Institute of Marine Science and the IUCN Marine Program.

Maria Retchie Pagliawan, Rowell Alarcon, Noel Bundal, and Jeffrey David
Tubbataha Management Office

© Danny Ocampo 24
3.1 Overview

Coral reefs are vital ecosystems, providing benefits and services such as source of income, food
and coastal protection for millions of people, among others. With the decline in fisheries
production each year, the call to conserve marine habitats such corals reefs must not be
unheeded. Unfortunately, coral reefs are also among the most vulnerable ecosystems in the
world. Disturbances such as bleaching, fishing, pollution, waste disposal, coastal development,
sedimentation, tourism, anchor damage, predator outbreaks, invasive species and epidemic
diseases have all acted synergistically to degrade coral reef health and resilience. Today, an
estimated 20% of coral reefs worldwide have been destroyed, while 24% are in imminent danger.
A further 26% are under longer term danger of collapse (Grimsditch and Salm 2005; Wilkinson

Monitoring of marine protected areas is a very important management tool in ensuring the
health of coral reefs and their associated communities. This chapter reports the status of the
reef benthos in TRNP, describing scleractenian coral composition with additional notes on other

3.2 Methods

Data collection

In recent years, reef benthos monitoring in TRNP followed the benthos point intercept method,
characterizing the substrate according to the 31 lifeforms described by English et al. (1997). In
2018, we employed the photo-transect method (following DENR Technical Bulletin 2017-05:
Guidelines on the Coastal and Marine Ecosystem), in the same transects previously monitored.

As in the previous years, four 20-meter transects were laid on the substrate at each depth. Each
transect was placed approximately five (5) meters away from each other to provide four
independent transects and avoid pseudo-replication. Photographs were taken at every meter of
the transect using a digital camera with an underwater casing mounted on an aluminum
monopod. This produced 20 frames of photos per transect, or a total of 1600 photos from all the
monitoring sites.

In the same transect, invertebrate species were also noted following the Reef Check method.
Inverts were recorded every five meters within a five-meter imaginary corridor of 2.5 meters on
both sides of the transect.

Data Analysis

The photos were then processed using Coral Point Count with Excel extensions (CPCe) (Kohler
and Gill 2006). The software overlaid ten random scoring points per image (1x1 meter frame),
and benthos under each point was identified based on modified taxonomic amalgamation units
(TAUs), introduced by van Woesik et al. (2009) which corresponds roughly to the common genera
in TRNP (See Appendix 1). A total of 200 data points was scored per transect. Percentage cover
per TAUs and diversity indices – Simpson’s (1-D) and Shannon Index (H) – were produced per
transect and these were summarized and analyzed using Excel. Comparisons with the previous
years were made using paired t-test in Excel.

The following categories were used to describe coral health in the shallow areas based on hard
coral cover (Licuanan et al. 2017):

Category Hard Coral Cover

Excellent >44%
Good >33 – 44%
Fair >22 – 33%
Poor 0 – 22%

3.3 Results and Discussions

Present conditions

The average hard coral cover in the deep areas (10 meters) this year is 29.9% (±2.2 SE), almost
similar to the 29% last year (TMO 2017, unpub.). This value is higher compared to the regional
mean hard coral cover in the Indo-Pacific which is 22.1% (Bruno & Selig 2007). The highest hard
coral cover was recorded in Station 1B (42.75%), followed by Station 1A (38.50%). Most of the
corals recorded in these stations comprise of the Genus Echinopora (encrusting), Porites
(encrusting), Lobophyllia and Diploastrea heliopora. Coral formations in this site are mostly
encrusting and massive. Coral formations such as these are very common in the deep monitoring
areas of TRNP located in the reef walls/drop-offs.

In general, soft coral cover is relatively low in the deep areas of most sites, except for Station JBA,
where almost half (46.13%) of the monitoring transects is covered in soft corals. Algae, in the
case of TRNP, is mostly coralline algae, which are important contributors to reef calcium
carbonate and can facilitate coral recruitment (Dean et al. 2015). Mortalities occurred in very low

numbers, suggesting that there were no recent disturbances in the deep areas across all
monitoring sites. The percentage of abiotic components (mainly rocks) has significantly
increased in both stations of Site 2 (t-test; p=.02). This increase may be attributed to strong wave
action brought about by the southwest monsoon. Rocky substrate with patches of corals in
between and the presence of sand was observed in this area. The cause of these changes appear
to be gradual (e.g., storm surges and wave action) rather than abrupt (e.g., blast fishing), which
suggests that the increase in abiotic components was brought about by natural causes.

The percentage cover of abiotic components is also high in Station 3B, although the difference
from last year is not significant (t-test; p=.48). The increase in rubble in Station 3B was noted last
year and was attributed to the possible effects of strong waves exacerbated by the northeast
monsoon. Site 3 is primarily composed of branching Isopora bruggemanni, which is susceptible
to breakage and bleaching (Marshall and Baird 2000; Floros et al. 2004). Other invertebrates in
the deep sites are mostly composed of sponges that are encrusting in form.

Table 1. Characterization of reef benthos of the deep areas in 2018 using the photo-transect method.

DEEP Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 JB AVE

Hard Corals 40.63 25.94 24.75 30.21 27.75 29.9
Soft Corals 16.19 16.25 6.94 14.07 27.25 16.1
Algal assemblage 22.50 28.75 30.56 23.81 18.31 24.8
Mortalities 0.13 0.00 0.88 0.38 0.44 0.4
Abiotic components 11.50 21.57 20.56 2.49 4.06 12.0
Other invertebrates 9.06 7.50 16.31 29.04 22.19 16.8

The average hard coral cover at five meters is 36.75% (±3.8 SE), which is classified under ‘good’
condition according to Licuanan et al. (2017). This value is comparable to the results of DLSU’s
reef monitoring (See Annex 1) this year where the average hard coral cover was at 30.0% ± 2.0%.
Recent assessments conducted by Licuanan et al. (2017) reveals that the average hard coral cover
in their monitoring sites in the Philippines is 22%, which falls under the ‘poor’ category. This
finding is almost identical to the average hard coral cover of 22.1% in the Indo-Pacific region
(Bruno & Selig 2007). The occurrence of soft corals is minimal in the shallow areas except in
Station JBB, where it covered 30% of the transect.

Algal assemblage in the shallow areas are relatively high in Site 3 and is consistent with the deep
areas of the same site. We observed that some portions of the previously healthy beds of I.

bruggemanni are eroding. This also coincides with the relatively high percentage of mortalities,
mostly dead corals with algae, in Site 3. This occurrence might still be influenced by the effect of
strong current and wave actions. Site 3 is facing the western side of the atoll and is greatly
affected by the northeast monsoon. We discount the possibility of blasting, in this case, because
only the upper layers of the I. bruggemanni beds have eroded, contrary to what we can expect
from blasting.

Abiotic components, mainly rocks, is high in Sites 1 and 2; however, the difference from last year
is not significant (t-test; p=0.31 and p=0.06, respectively).

Table 2. Characterization of reef benthos of the shallow areas in 2018 using the photo-transect method.

SHALLOW Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 JB AVE

Hard Corals 38.56 35.71 25.88 39.27 44.31 36.7
Soft Corals 8.69 8.68 1.31 4.00 16.38 7.8
Algal assemblage 16.88 9.16 52.31 26.27 22.38 25.4
Mortalities 0.00 0.00 3.88 0.81 1.75 1.3
Abiotic components 30.82 42.55 9.44 15.88 2.38 20.2
Other invertebrates 5.06 3.91 7.19 13.75 12.81 8.5

Temporal patterns

The graphs below present the long-term monitoring data of the reef benthos in the deep (10
meters) and shallow (5 meters) areas in TRNP. The broken vertical line (Figure 12 and Figure 13)
demarcates the recent change in methods; therefore, comparison to earlier data is inconclusive.

This year’s hard coral cover in the deep areas is the lowest recorded since 1997. However, the
change in methods used precludes the assumption that coral cover has declined compared to the
previous years. Nevertheless, the hard coral cover this year is still better compared to most reefs
in the country and in the Ind0-Pacific region (Licuanan et al. 2017; Bruno & Selig 2007).

Algal assemblage in Tubbataha is mostly crustose coralline algae, which plays an important role
in reef building and coral recruitment. Encrusting sponges constitute most of the other
invertebrates in the deep areas in TRNP. Encrusting sponges are known to compete with corals
for space at different rates depending on the angle at which the sponge approaches the coral
(López-Victoria et al. 2006).

Hard coral cover in the shallow areas of TRNP (36.75% ± 3.8 SE) is also low. This may be attributed
to the shift in methods this year. Despite this, TRNP is still better than most sites in the
Philippines and the Indo-Pacific region.

Hard corals, soft corals and abiotic components at 10 meters



% cover




1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Hard coral Soft coral Abiotic

Mortalities, algae and other invertebrates at 10 meters



% cover




1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Mortalities Algae Others

Figure 12. Characterization of reef benthos at the deep monitoring areas of TRNP. Error bars represent the
standard error of the mean.

Although we monitored the same stations with the same number of transects, the change in
method from benthos-point intercept to photo-transect resulted to major changes in the results.
Therefore, comparison with the other years is not encouraged. On the other hand, photo-
transect method allowed for a more randomized sampling of the area since the identification of
points to be scored is run by a software. Biases identified in the benthos point-intercept method,
such as small area being covered due to the proximity of the sampling points to the transect, was
addressed by the photo-transect method. This also allows for the comparison of our data with
the rest of the sites in the country and in the region. Although there is a 6.5% difference in the

hard coral cover between this report and that of DLSU, the difference is still small compared to
previous years (28% in 2017 and 29.8% in 2016) when the benthos-point intercept method was

Hard corals, soft corals and abiotic components at 5 meters

% cover

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Hard coral Soft coral Abiotic

Mortalities, algae and other invertebrates at 5 meters

% cover

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Mortalities Algae Others

Figure 13. Characterization of reef benthos at the shallow monitoring areas of TRNP. Error bars represent the
standard error of the mean.

Scleractinian Coral composition

A total of 39 coral Genera belonging to 16 Families were recorded in all the sites in TRNP during
this survey; 32 coral genera were observed in the shallow and 36 in the deep sites. Shannon and
Simpson’s Diversity Indices for hard corals per station were generated through the CPCe
software. The deep areas were dominated by Genus Echinopora, Porites, Diploastrea, Goniopora

and Montipora. In the shallow areas, Genus Porites, Isopora, Montipora, Acropora and Echinopora
were the most common.

The hard coral cover in Site 1 is mostly composed of Genus Echinopora (encrusting) and Porites
(encrusting and massive), for both stations at both depths. Other genera mostly recorded in this
site include Leptoria, branching Acropora and Lobophyllia (massive). The number of Genus
recorded in Station 1A is relatively high compared to other sites in TRNP (See Table 3). Both
depths of Station 1A also have relatively high results for the two diversity indices indicating that
the distribution of abundances amongst the Genus recorded in the station is fairly equal. The
deep area of Station 1B has the highest hard coral cover among the deep areas and it is one of
the stations with the highest number of coral genera recorded. The most dominant Genus is
Echinopora (encrusting) which covers 16% of the area. The coral cover in the shallow area of
Station 1B can be classified as 'excellent' (Licuanan et al. 2017) due to the dominance of Genus
Echinopora (encrusting) which covers 24% of the surveyed area. However, is has a low diversity
index (H=1.868).

Massive Porites corals compose most of the hard corals in Site 2. Other Genus recorded in this
site includes branching Acropora and Pocillopora. The coral cover in the shallow areas of Site 2
can be classified as ‘good’. The diversity indices for both depths at Station 2A suggest that the
abundance of coral genera is relatively equal. The deep areas of Station 2B has the lowest hard
coral cover among all stations in the park. However, there is a relatively equal distribution of
coral genera as denoted by the diversity indices (H=2.529 and 1-D=0.871). More dominant corals
in this area are Diploastrea heliopora (6.5%) and Genus Porites (5.26%).

Site 3 is mostly covered in beds of branching Isopora brueggemanni corals. The deep areas of the
two stations in Site 3 have almost similar percentage of hard coral cover. The diversity indices
for both depths also suggest that coral genera in the area have relatively the same percent cover.
The hard coral cover in the shallow areas of both stations in Site 3 are classified as ‘fair’. The
shallow areas of Site 3 have the lowest diversity indices amongst all stations, which indicates that
there are only a few coral genera recorded in the area, with the I. bruguemanni highly dominant.

The deep areas of Site 4 are composed mostly of Echinopora (foliose) and D. heliopora (massive)
while the shallow areas are mainly composed of massive Porites and Platygyra corals. The deep
areas of Site 4 have a relatively high number of coral genera and diversity indices. The coral cover
in the shallow areas of Site 4 can be classified as ‘good’. Furthermore, both deep and shallow
areas of Station 4B have the highest number of Genus recorded among all the monitoring

The hard coral cover in Jessie Beazley station A is mostly composed of Montipora (foliose), other
encrusting corals, and branching Acropora and Pocillopora. A total of 11 Genus were recorded in
the deep area of Station JBA, which is relatively low compared to other stations. On the other
hand, the shallow area of this station has an ‘excellent’ coral condition. However, its diversity
index is relatively low (H=1.763) due to the dominance of Montipora (foliose), which covered 33%
of the surveyed area. Jessie Beazley Station B is mostly composed of Goniopora (massive),
Millepora and Echinopora (encrusting).

Table 3. Percent hard coral cover, number of coral genera and hard coral diversity indices per station.

HARD CORALS Deep Shallow

Shannon Simpson’s Shannon Simpson’s
Hard coral No. of Hard coral No. of
Station Index Index Index Index
cover (%) Genus cover (%) Genus
(H) (1-D) (H) (1-D)
1A 38.5 24 2.830 0.922 31.875 20 2.637 0.892
1B 42.75 23 2.498 0.826 45.25 18 1.868 0.682
2A 29.625 24 2.823 0.909 36 17 2.406 0.872
2B 22.25 18 2.529 0.871 35.42 19 2.424 0.878
3A 25.375 19 2.872 0.917 24.875 7 0.688 0.281
3B 24.125 19 2.659 0.883 26.875 10 1.318 0.612
4A 26.5 23 2.888 0.930 37.674 26 2.948 0.932
4B 33.917 25 2.961 0.928 40.875 25 2.967 0.930
JBA 23 11 2.013 0.766 64.375 11 1.763 0.698
JBB 32.5 20 1.973 0.706 24.25 19 2.683 0.893

The sites monitored in TRNP presents relatively different coral reef formations and diversity.
Sites 1, 2, 4 and Jessie Beazley Station B are generally dominated by massive and encrusting
corals; Site 3 is composed mostly of branching corals; while foliose coral formations dominate
Jessie Beazley A. These differences in coral formations also denote varying levels of resilience to
environmental phenomenon such as climate change. Considering morphology, fast‐growing
branching species (e.g. Acropora, Seriatopora, Stylophora, Millepora and Pocillopora) were often
observed to suffer higher bleaching mortality than slow‐growing massive species (e.g. Favites,
Favia, Goniastrea, Astreopora and Turbinaria) (Marshall and Baird 2000; Floros et al. 2004;
McClanahan et al. 2004). Thus, it is possible that among all the sites, Site 3 is most vulnerable to
bleaching because it is covered in monospecific beds of branching I. bruguemanni. Other sites
have relatively higher coral diversity indices and growth forms and therefore different degrees of
susceptibility and resilience to bleaching.

When it comes to more localized conditions, massive and encrusting corals, which are slow
growing, can better withstand wave action, contrary to the Acropora-branching type which are

fast growing but more prone to breakage. The latter may be the case in Site 3 where we have
recorded breakage that were most likely caused by strong wave actions brought by the
monsoons. Furthermore, studies have shown that in bleaching events, branching Acropora
species seems to be the first to be affected. As branching coral populations are reduced by
bleaching a long‐term global shift from branching to massive corals and consequent loss of coral
diversity is widely predicted (Loya et al. 2001).

Notes on Invertebrates

Table 4 presents the frequency counts of invertebrate species in each site. There are very few
species encountered in both depths, especially in the deep areas. Giant clam, mostly Tridacna
crocea, is the most abundant species in the shallow areas, while sea cucumbers had the highest
occurrence in the deep areas.

Table 4. Frequency count of invertebrate species in TRNP following the Reef Check method.

Deep 1 2 3 4 JB
Banded coral shrimp - - 1 - -
Collector urchin - - - - -

Crown-of-thorns - - - - -

Giant clam - - 3 - -
Lobster/crayfish - - - - -

Long spined urchin - - - - -

Pencil urchin - - - - -

Sea cucumber 1 - - 3 -
Trumpet triton - - - - -

Banded coral shrimp - - - - -

Collector urchin - - - - -

Crown-of-thorns - - - - -

Giant clam 2 11 - 10 7
Lobster/crayfish 2 - - 1 -
Long spined urchin 2 - - 1 -
Pencil urchin - - - - -

Sea cucumber 1 6 - - -
Trumpet triton - - - - -

Other observations

We did not record any crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster plancii in the monitoring stations,
but divers reported their presence in the west side of the South Islet. The monitoring team went
to the site to assess the condition of the reefs, while the marine park rangers collected the crown-
of-thorns starfish. A brief report on their occurrence is presented in Annex 1 (DLSU Reef Benthos

We also did not observe coral bleaching in the park during the annual assessment, however we
continue to monitor for its occurrence throughout the year. In 2017, UNESCO World Heritage
Centre released its first global coral reef assessment across Marine World Heritage Sites (Heron
et al. 2017). In this report, they projected the occurrence of coral bleaching among the marine
WHS based on climate models and scenarios from reports of the IPCC. From historical records
of bleaching levels based on degree heating weeks (DHW), Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park has
experienced three bleaching stresses (DHW ≥40C-weeks) within 28 years, from 1995 to 2013.
They have also recorded recent stresses between mid-2014 to mid-2017 when TRNP experienced
two bleaching stresses (DHW ≥40C-weeks) and one severe stress (DHW ≥80C-weeks) in a span of
three years. Projections suggest that TRNP will most likely experience severe stress (DHW ≥80C-
weeks) twice per decade from year 2030 (Heron et al. 2017).

3.4 Conclusion

The establishment of transects in the deep and shallow areas is advantageous for monitoring
corals in Tubbataha to better observe the difference in the characteristics of corals in the two
depths and in their response to changes in the environment. The results of our long-term
monitoring exhibited differences in coral community in the reef flat and walls/drop-offs, which is
important in understanding the reef ecology of TRNP. In general, shallow areas have higher hard
coral cover than their deep counterparts. However, the deep areas tend to have higher
biodiversity indices, which means more variability in coral genera and growth formations.
Studies show that locations supporting high diversity of corals may also support populations with
individuals that can withstand and adapt to different environmental stressors. On the other
hand, the presence of crustose coralline algae, may be a positive response and adaptation by the
reef system to environmental stressors. Encrusting crustose coralline algae aid settlement and
growth of coral recruits thereby contributing to strong recruitment.

Both deep and shallow areas in TRNP have hard coral cover percentages that exceeds most of
the reefs in the Philippines and in the Indo-Pacific region. While it is hard to compare this year’s
data to those of the previous years’ because of the change in method, contributing to a major
drop in the record of hard coral cover, we can now better characterize the corals of Tubbataha
because monitoring is done to the level of genus, as opposed to lifeforms as previously used.

3.5 Recommendations

Based on this year’s reef benthos assessment results, we recommend the following:

1. Monitoring method. Shifting to photo-transect method limited the comparison of this

year’s data to our long-term monitoring data. The photo-transect method is
recommended by the DENR through Technical Bulletin 2017-05 and is now most widely
used in the country as well as worldwide. With this method, we are now able to produce
more robust results, such as characterizing reef composition with coral genera rather
than lifeforms. Long-term coral composition data like this can be used to better describe
resilience or vulnerability of the reefs to climate change impacts. Thus, we recommend
the continued employment of the photo-transect method.
2. Study on sponges. This year, we observed the high percentage of encrusting sponges in
the deep areas. A thorough characterization of these encrusting sponges and its
interaction with corals might be essential in understanding reef ecology in the park.
3. Capacity building. It is important that the TMO researchers/rangers consistently practice
the use of the CPCe software as it takes skills and familiarity to be able to process the
photos efficiently. TMO researchers/rangers must also undergo a coral taxonomy
training to be able to score the photos better, and improve identification of coral genera
as coral formations previously being identified are no longer used.
4. Equipment. We also recommend the procurement of a back-up set of camera with
underwater casing to be used for the photo-transect to respond to potential technical
problems and malfunctions in the field.

3.6 References

BRUNO JF and SELIG ER. 2007. Regional decline of coral cover in the Indo-Pacific: Timing,
extent, and subregional comparisons. PLoS ONE 2(8): e711.

DEAN, A., STENECK, R., TAGER, D., and PANDOLFI, J. 2015. Distribution, abundance and
diversity of crustose coralline algae on the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 34:581–594.

FLOROS, CD, SAMWAYS, MJ and ARMSTRONG, B. 2004. Taxonomic patterns of bleaching
within a South African coral assemblage. Biodiversity and Conservation 13, 1175‐1194.

GRIMSDITCH, G. and SALM, R. 2005. Coral Reef Resilience and Resistance to Bleaching. IUCN,
Gland, Switzerland.

KOHLER KE and GILL SM. 2006. Coral Point Count with Excel extensions (CPCe): a Visual Basic
program for the determination of coral and substrate coverage using random point count
methodology. Computers & Geosciences 32(9): 1259-1269.

LICUANAN, A., REYES, M., LUZON, K., CHAN, M.A., and LICUANAN, W. 2017. Initial Findings of
the National Assessment of Philippine Coral Reefs. Philippine Journal of Science

LÓPEZ-VICTORIA, M., ZEA, S., and WEIL, E. 2006. Competition for space between encrusting
excavating Caribbean sponges and other coral reef organisms. Marine Ecology Progress
Series. Vol. 312: 113–121.

Bleaching: The Winners and the Losers. Ecology Letters 4: 122–131.

MARSHALL PA and BAIRD AH. 2000. Bleaching of corals on the Great Barrier Reef: Differential
susceptibilities among taxa. Coral Reefs 19, 155‐163.

MCCLANAHAN, T.R., BAIRD, A.H., MARSHALL, P.A., and TOSCANO, M.A. 2004. Comparing
bleaching and mortality responses of hard corals between southern Kenya and the Great
Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48, 327‐335.

TUBBATAHA MANAGEMENT OFFICE. 2017. Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Report 2017.
Tubbataha Protected Area Management Board. Puerto Princesa City, Philippines

VAN WOESIK, R., GILNER, J. and HOOTEN, A. J. 2009. Standard Operating Procedures for
Repeated Measures of Process and State Variables of Coral Reef Environments. Coral
Reef Targeted Research and Capacity Building for Management Program. Queensland,
St Lucia: The University of Queensland

WILKINSON, C. (ed.). 2004. Status of coral reefs of the world. AIMS: Townsville, Australia 557 pp

Arne Erik Jensen1, Angelique M. Songco2, Maria Retchie C. Pagliawan2 and Ma. Theresa R. Aquino3

Wetlands International, Wild Bird Club of the Philippines
Tubbataha Management Office
Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines

© Teri Aquino
4.1 Overview

The objectives of the monitoring and inventory are:

• Review of avifauna field data produced by the Tubbataha Management Office (TMO)
Marine Park Rangers (MPRs) since May 1017;
• Assessment of survey methods used by the TMO research team guided by the
• On-the-job skills enhancement of the TMO MPRs, staff and partners in seabird
monitoring and conduct of inventories;
• Preparation of a monitoring and inventory report on the seabirds and their breeding
areas in the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (TRNP).

Period: Updates on the inventory methods used in the past years and assignment of tasks for the
field work were carried out at the TMO in Puerto Princesa on 11 May. The MPR monitoring and
inventory reports since May 2017 were also evaluated. Actions taken in response to the 2017
recommendations of the Consultant were discussed the same day. Field work was conducted
from 12 May to 15 May: at Jessie Beazley Reef and South Islet on 12 May, Bird Islet on 13 to 15
May, and the Ranger Station on 15 May.

Weather: Throughout the inventory period, the weather was dominated by daily thunderstorms
with heavy rainfall and strong wind gusts. Wind speed ranged from 0 meter/second to 3
meter/second with the very limited wind coming from a northeasterly direction. Daily cloud
cover ranged from 2/8 to 5/8. Daytime temperatures peaked at about 35° Celsius.

4.2 Methods

The field work followed methods for distance count monitoring and for inventories of breeding
seabirds established and used since 2004 (Jensen 2004). For methodologies, see Appendix 12 and
Appendix 13. The team camped overnight at Bird Islet from 13 to 15 May in order to carry out
optimal field work. South Islet was only visited in the morning of 12 May, from 8:30am to
11:30am, due to limitations imposed by the tides. However, three inventory teams surveyed
sequentially in South Islet.

The counts of the breeding bird populations represent a combination of different count methods.
These includes direct day-time inventories of adults, immatures, juveniles, pulli, eggs and nests.
To determine the total seabird population numbers, an afternoon count of birds flying in to roost

was conducted from 4:30pm to 6:30pm on 12 May at South Islet (Appendix 19) and on 13 May at
Bird Islet (Appendix 20). A count of dead birds and autopsies on sample individuals were also
carried out. The field team also removed debris from the islets.

Major equipment used were handheld binoculars (10 x 50), spotting scopes (20-60 x), GPS and
cameras. Taxonomic treatment and sequencing follows Gill F & D Donsker (Eds) 2017. IOC World
Bird List (v 7.2).

Calculation of breeding populations

The methods used to calculate the seabird populations followed the previous years’ approach:

• day time direct counts of birds, nests and eggs;

• in-flight data of Red-footed Booby Sula sula, Brown Booby Sula leucogaster, and on
South Islet Brown Noddy Anous stolidus, and Black Noddy Noddy Anous minutus ;
• early morning (5 am) count of Brown Boobies at the ‘Plaza’;
• count of Great Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii and Brown Noddy along the shoreline at
high tide

The result of the fieldwork is compared with data sets from the second quarter of the previous
years carried out by WWF Philippines from 1998 to 2004 and the annual inventory teams from
2004 to 2017 and also data sets gathered by MPRs. The data sets until 2013 were analyzed in
detail by Jensen and Songco (2016) and published in the Journal of Asian Ornithology (FORKTAIL
32 (2016): 72–85). Other analyses are found in the 28-year seabird population development
report released in 2009 and in the 2004 to 2006 and the 2010 to 2017 seabird field reports (see
Jensen 2004 to 2006 and 2009 to 2016, and Jensen et al. 2017).

Calculation of land area and vegetative cover

Photos of permanent photo documentation sites in Bird Islet and South Islet were taken (Appendix
23). These sites were established in 2004 in order to measure changes in land area and in
vegetation. GPS readings were taken measuring the land area at high tide of both Bird Islet and
South Islet.

Vegetative cover was monitored by conducting a census of the condition of trees on the islets.
Trees, mostly Argusia argentia and Pisonia alba (grandis), were classified as either in optimal (good),
moderately deteriorating (fair) or severely deteriorating (bad) condition and lastly, as dead. The

inventory of 2018 was carried out using the same methodology as all other years, except in 2013,
the trend over time is, therefore, comparable.

4.3 Results and conclusion

Monitoring of Changes in Land Area

Independent sets of measurements were taken using two separate GPS units. The
measurements were taken at high tide along the shoreline as the vegetation line previously used
as reference has disappeared. Due to this shift in methodology, data sets from 2016 onwards
may not be comparable to the previous years.

Bird Islet: Overall, the land area has decreased by 18.4%; from 18,760 m2 in 1981(Kennedy 1982)
to about 15,373 m2 in 2018 (Table 5).

The circumference of the islet measured along the high tide line is 568 meters compared to 586
meters in 2017, or about the same (variation = 3%). The land area was measured to be 15,373 m²
(lowest measurement dataset) compared to 15,307 m² or about the same as in 2017 (variation =
66 m² or 2.2%).

The ‘Plaza’ defined as the central area of the islet dominated by barren soil with no or little
vegetation was measured to only to be 2,572 m², or historically the smallest area ever recorded.
Compared to 2016 it is a reduction by 1,941 m² or 43% caused by tussock grass expansion into
‘Plaza’, especially in the northern part. Erosion in May 2018 did not impact the size of ‘Plaza’.
Only a minor section of the northeastern coastline, first noted in 2012, has continued to erode
although in a much smaller scale since 2016.

Hydrology studies have not been previously been conducted around the islets within TRNP.
Thereby there was little understanding of currents influence on the erosion of Bird Islet. In 2018
TMO consulted the University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute for advice on halting
the erosion of the islet (Appendix 14). Scientists at the Institute gave two recommendations:

1. Minimizing sand loss by installing structures that can attenuate wave energy coming
from the west/southwest (e.g. reef balls or submerged breakers) but must be done
carefully such that longshore currents in the other parts of the island are not affected

2. Active beach sand nourishment which is to physically pump sand deposited away
from the shore back closer to the shore where it can eventually be incorporated into
the seasonal sand migration. This will require identifying where these deposition

areas are and using sand pumps to transfer the sand closer to shore. However, this
may also affect the bird populations if the sand pump engines will disturb bird

Table 5. Approximate changes in the land area of Bird Islet from 1911 to 2018. Source: Worcester 1911,
Kennedy 1982, Heegaard and Jensen 1992, Manamtam 1996, WWF Philippines 2004 and Tubbataha
Management Office 2004 to 2018

Year Land area (length x Land area (high Open area Major sandbars Erosion
width)/circumference tide) (“Plaza”) position and area
(m) (m²) (m²) condition
1911 400 x 150 60,000 No data >40,000 m² (?) No data

1981 268 x 70 18,760 18,000 NW, SE South coast

1991 >220 x 60 > 13,200 >8,000 (est.) NW, SE South coast

1995 265 x 82 21,730 8,000 (est.) NW, SE South coast

2004 219 x 73 17,000 >1,100 (est.) NW: Stable South coast

SE : Decrease
2005 No data 15,987 >4,000 (est.) NW, SE: Stable South coast

2006 No data 14,694 7,900 (est.) NW, SE: Stable South coast

2007 No data 13,341 8,000 (est.) NW, SE: Stable South coast

2008 No data 12,211 < 8,000 NW: Decreasing South coast

SE : Stable
2009 No data 10,557 < 7,000 NW: Eroded West coast
SE : Decreasing
2010 No data 11,038 4,367 NW: Eroded South coast
SE : Stable
2011 No data 12,968 4,000 (est.) NW: Stable Northeast coast
SE : Stable
2012 590 12,494 3,892 NW: Stable Northeast coast
SE : Stable
2013 548 10,955 4,840 NW: Decreasing Northeast coast
SE : Stable
2014 503 >10,220 4,124 NW: Decreasing Northeast coast
SE : Stable

2015 1 <561 <13,408 3,279 NW: Stable Northeast coast
SE : Stable
2016 590 15,649 4,513 NW: Disappeared Northeast
SE : Decreasing coast
2017 588 15,307 6,704 NW: Disappeared Northeast
SE : Decreasing coast
2018 568 15,373 2,572 NW: Two small Northeast
sandbars off the coast
SE : As above
Note 1: In 2015, new GPS equipment were used. Detailed comparison with previous year’s data is therefore not
Note 2: Measurement approach changed from measurement along shore vegetation line to measurement along the
high tide line. Data can therefore not be compared.
Note 3: Expansion in area of Plaza is due to inclusion of former forested areas

South Islet: South Islet was originally part of a large sandbar until a circumferential concrete
seawall was constructed in the 1980s (Kennedy 1982) to accommodate a lighthouse. Based on
photographic evidence, the land area remained the same at least until 1981 (Kennedy 1982). In
1991about 1/3 of the seawall had collapsed and was partly submerged (Heegaard and Jensen
1992). In May 2018 new cracks in the wall were noted in additional sections of the seawall

The circumference of the islet was measured to be 230 meters compared to 240 meters in 2017
and 247 meters in 2016. The land areas was measured to 2,884 m² compared to 2,980 m² in 2017
and 2016. The variation, about 3.2%, represents an eroded area now effectively part of the sea
caused by a crack in the seawall.

Monitoring of Changes in Habitats

Overall, the combined baseline data from Bird islet and from South Islet shows a baseline around
2009 to 2006 of around 355 trees, generally in a very good condition (229 trees on Bird Islet and 125
trees on South Islet). In 2018 a total of only 39 trees (2017: 50 trees) or about 11% of the original
beach forest remained (Figure 14 and Appendix 15).

In response to recommendations presented in the 2017 report, 24 cloned beach forest seedlings
of the species Pisonia alba (grandis) and Argusia argentia were planted in Bird Islet in 2017.

Bird Islet: The baseline was 229 trees recorded in 2006. In 2018 only bush-height vegetation were
found. It represented 13 trees (2017: 39 trees) compared to 110 trees in 2016 (Figure 14). No
seedlings were found and none of the new seedlings planted from June to October survived.

Mature trees in Bird Islet, 2006-2018

2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Good Fair Bad Dead trees

Seedlings and small trees in Bird Islet, 2006-2018

2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Good Fair Bad

Figure 14. Status of vegetation in Bird Islet from 2006 to 2018.

Of the 13 trees found in May 2018, only 3 trees were in a fairly good condition. Without more
successful assisted restoration the forest may be unable to recover on its own.

South Islet: Until 2009, the beach forest comprising of about 125 trees was in an optimal condition,
with several trees as high as about 30 feet.

In 2018, a total of 20 trees excluding seedlings or 44% fewer than in 2017 were recorded (Figure
15, Appendix 15). No trees were found to be in good condition, and just six seedlings were found.
The number of trees in a severe deteriorating condition represented 65% of all vegetation
surveyed. Without assisted restoration the forest may be unable to recover.

Mature trees in South Islet, 2006-2018

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Good Fair Bad Dead

Seedlings and small trees in South Islet, 2006-2018





2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Good Fair Bad

Figure 15. Status of vegetation in South Islet from 2010 to 2018.


Review of MPR Monitoring Data

Since the avifauna inventory in May 2018, MPRs made three full avifauna inventories on both
Bird Islet and South Islet (Appendix 16). The inventory in November 2017 included in-flight
counts. The data gathered revealed some important observations (see Table 6).

The MPRs also conducted 11 distance counts, or one count every month on Bird Islet and on
South Islet. No distance counts were carried out at Jessie Beazley Reef.

Table 6. Selected results of MPR distance and direct counts from June 2017 to April 2018

Species Bird Islet South Islet

Masked Booby Presence at least in November 2017 and in

February 2018.

Brown Booby On 17 November 2017 the highest nest and egg No breeding population
count ever (1,074 nests and 1,388 eggs) and
with almost 2,500 adults present. Relative high
estimates of adults in March 2018 (1,345)

Brown Noddy For the first ever an overwintering population Absent from November to February as
of up to 950 birds present is the normal pattern for this species

Black Noddy An unusual presence throughout the winter Normally absent from October to
months (December – February) March

Great Crested Tern Absence from October 2017 – February 2018 No breeding population

Sooty Tern A 2nd breeding population from September to No breeding population

November 2017. And uniquely, an
overwintering population of up to 860 adult
individuals from December to March.

Avifauna Inventory Results

A total of 23 species of birds were identified during the inventory (Appendix 21). The total number
of avifauna species recorded in TRNP is 115 species.

Twelve of the species can be classified as pelagic or coastal-living seabirds. Of these, seven
species breed or attempt to breed in TRNP: Masked Booby Sula dactylatra, Red-footed Booby
Sula sula, Brown Booby Sula leucogaster, Brown Noddy Anous stolidus, Black Noddy Anous
minutus, Great Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii, and Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscata. Other
breeding species are the Pacific Reef Heron Egretta sacra, Barred Rail Gallirallus torquatus and
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus.

Among the seabird species, the migrant Christmas Frigatebird Fregata andrewsii is listed as
Critically Endangered (IUCN 2017). Among the breeding species, the Brown Booby and Black
Noddy are proposed for listing as Endangered species, and Brown Noddy, Great Crested Tern
and Sooty Tern as Vulnerable (Gonzales et al 2018). Further, the Black Noddy has been included
in Appendix II of the Convention of Migratory Species since October 2017 (Appendix 22).
Appendix II species are those species that will benefit from international protection and
management agreements.

Overall, the booby species of TRNP breed throughout the year and tern species around nine
months annually (Heegaard and Jensen 1992, Manamtam 1996, Kennedy et al. 2000, Jensen
2009, Jensen and Songco 2016). The inventory result therefore represents only the breeding
population present during the time of the inventory.

A total 41,794 adult individuals of six breeding and one former breeding seabird species were
recorded; 37,663 individuals on Bird Islet and 4,134 individuals on South Islet (Table 7). Bird Islet
hosted 90% of the breeding population and South Islet 10% of the population. The population on
Bird Islet has increased by17% since 2016 when it hosted 73% of the total population. On South
Islet, due to habitat loss, the population has decreased from 27% to 10% since 2016.

The total result of the May count in 2018 is about 12% higher than in 2017 and represents the
highest documented count of breeding seabirds in the history of TRNP (Appendix 17). The
combined population of all breeding seabirds in 2018 was 208% higher than the first inventory
conducted in 1981 (Kennedy 1982). The high count result on May 2018 is mainly due to increase
in the numbers of Great Crested Tern and of Sooty Tern.

In summary, the count results for May 2018 showed:

• Red-footed Booby: Compared to 2017, a population decrease of more than 30%. The
population is now 40% lower than in 2004 when the species started to breed in large
numbers in TRNP.

• Brown Booby: A stable population, about 11% lower than in the baseline year of 1981
(3,768 adults). The result in May 2018 falls within the margin of inaccuracy of the data
produced and may not express a decline.

• Brown Noddy: Second highest breeding population and more than 60% higher than in
1981 when the population was counted for the first time. The species surprisingly
overwintered in relatively large numbers (> 700 individuals) at Bird Islet but not at South
Islet. Presence of around 1,500 adults with more than 500 nests, of which most contained
eggs, in early February 2018. This is the first ever recorded extremely early start of the
breeding season. The season extended at least until May 2018.

• Black Noddy: A continued decrease in the population and occurrence of nesting

corresponds to the decline in the number and condition of the vegetation. On South Islet
the decline in the number of adult birds is 54%. Nesting is lower by 57% compared to
May 2017. On Bird Islet the pilot establishment of artificial breeding areas increased the
presence of adult birds, from around 800 in 2017 to more than 2,500 in 2018. A
corresponding increase in nests from around 150 nests in 2017 to about 680 in 2018 was
also recorded. Nearly all nests were established on artificial breeding structures erected
since 2017. Despite the very positive result the input is insufficient: 57% of the breeding
population or about 6,100 adult birds are now absent from TNRP due to continued lack
of nesting sites and, importantly, also nesting materials.

• Great Crested Tern: The increase in the breeding population of Great Crested Tern
continued in 2018 but at lower pace compared to 2017. Overall, the population is at its
highest number ever recorded.

• Sooty Tern: The breeding season of Sooty Tern started end of February/ beginning of
March. Hence, the inventory was able document what can be perceived as the entire
adult population represented by the highest count ever.

Table 7. Total count numbers of adult resident seabirds present on Bird Islet and South Islet 12 – 15 May 2018.

Species/ Number Bird Islet South Islet Total

Masked Booby 1 0 1
Sula dactylatra
Red-footed Booby 826 617 1,443
Sula sula
Brown Booby 3,367 (304) 3,367
Sula leucogaster
Brown Noddy 1,984 1,486
Anous stolidus

Black Noddy 2,445 2,028
Anous minutus
Great Crested Tern 17,752 (7)
Thalasseus bergii
Sooty Tern 11,288 (4)
Onychoprion fuscata
Total 37,663 4,131 41,794

Species Account of Breeding Birds

The combined results of the adult populations and their development over time at Bird Islet and
South Islet are shown in Appendix 17. Data on the number of immature, juvenile, and pulli
populations and on the number of eggs and nests recorded since 2004 on the two islets are
presented in Appendix 18. Percentages of in-flight populations of Red-footed Booby, Brown
Booby, Brown Noddy and Black Noddy are shown in Appendix 19 (South Islet) and Appendix 20
(Bird Islet). A complete list of avifauna records in May 2018 including all breeding species is found
in Appendix 21.

Masked Booby (Conservation Status - Proposed Philippine Red List: Other Threat Status): The
individual presumed to be an adult male, was again found in the main colony of Brown Booby at
the ‘Plaza” on May 2018. It is assumed to be the same bird that was recorded during the
inventories in May 2016 and May 2017. Since 2016, the individual has occupied at least one patch
within the territory of a Brown Booby, where it first incubated a Brown Booby egg alternately
with a female Brown Booby. MPR records show the species presence in November 2017 and
February 2018. For further details, see Conales and Pagliawan (2017).

Red-footed Booby: The total population in May 2018 was 1,443 adult individuals, down by 32%
compared with the 2017 adult populations of 2,087 individuals (Figure 16 and Appendix 17).
Compared to the baseline year for this species (2004: 2,435 adult individuals), the population is
lower by 41%. The declining population is a reflection of the decline in the breeding habitat.
Correspondingly, the number of nests, 223 nests, were as low as in 2006 but 25% higher
compared to the results in May 2017(117 nests). The number of pulli and of juveniles recorded
were the lowest since the 2004 baseline year (Figure 17 and Appendix 8).

Of the adult population found in May 2018, about 57% were located on Bird Islet. On South Islet
43% of the adult were found compared to 42% in 2017 (70% in 2016). However, compared to the
70% population found in South Islet in 2016, a reduction is evident, which mirrors the continued
decrease in vegetation used for breeding and roosting.

Population trend of adult Red-footed booby
Number of individuals





Figure 16. Population trend of adult Red-footed Booby from 1981 to 2018

Breeding data of Red-footed Booby





2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Pulli/1st year juv. Eggs Immatures

Figure 17. Breeding data of Red-footed Booby from 2004 to 2018

Brown Booby (Conservation Status - Proposed Philippine Red List: Endangered): The inventory
resulted in a total count of about 3,367 adults on Bird Islet. The species is not breeding on South

Islet. Although about 5% lower than in 2017, the variance is within the margin of inaccuracy in
counts and estimates used to calculate the adult population present during the inventory period.

The result in May 2018 continues to be among the highest numbers counted since the baseline
year of 1981 (Figure 18 and Appendix 17); about 11% lower than the baseline count (Kennedy
1982). A very high number of adults (2,500 adults) was also observed by MPRs in November 2017.

Population trend of adult Brown booby

Number of individuals





Figure 18. Population trend of adult Brown Booby from 1981 to 2018.

Breeding data of Brown Booby


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Pulli/1st year juv. Eggs Nests Immatures

Figure 19. Breeding data of Brown Booby from 2004 to 2018.

Prior to the May 2018 inventory, MRPs in November 2017documented the highest number of
nests and eggs ever counted (1,074 nests and 1,388 eggs) suggesting a continued very high
reproductivity. The presence of the highest number of counted immature birds (264 individuals)
in May 2018 also suggests that species recovery is continuing. However, in May 2018 the number
of nests where unusually low, with 376 nests compared to around 886 nests both in 2017 and
2016. Lower counts of nests compared to the 2018 May count only occurred from 2004 to 2007
(Figure 6 and Annex 8). A major contributing factor may be a substantial reduction in the species’
main breeding area in ‘Plaza’; a reduction by 2,120 m² or 45% compared to the average size of
‘Plaza’, 4,692 m² the previous five years (Figure 14). Management actions restoring ‘Plaza’ back
to its original size should be an urgent consideration.

Also, the number of pulli were very low in May 2018; only 95 pulli were recorded compared to 175
in 2017. Combined, the number of eggs, pulli and first year juveniles (120 individuals) is lower by
45 % compared to 2017 (Appendix 18).

In July and August 2017 and in May 2018 a total of 67 colorbands and steelrings used to band
Brown Boobies from 2006 to 2009 were read on Bird Islet. Of these birds, 34 were banded as
adults and 33 individuals as pulli, Table 8. The birds banded as pulli are now from nine to twelve
years old or less than half of the lifespan of the species which can reach an age of 25 years
(Hennicke et al. 2012).

Table 8. Results of ring readings of Brown Booby on Bird Islet from July and August 2017 and May 2018

Year Adult Pulli Total

2006 4 4 8

2007 16 15 31

2008 7 13 20

2009 7 1 8

Total 34 33 67

Brown Noddy (Conservation Status - Proposed Philippine Red List: Vulnerable).

The 1,984 adults recorded in May 2018 on Bird Islet and 1,486 individuals on South Islet, or a total
of 3,470 adult noddies, were lower by 18% or 739 adults compared to the inventory in 2017 (Figure
20 and Appendix 17). A population decrease of 1,020 individuals or 34% occurred on Bird Islet
while the population on South Islet continued to increase by 23 % compared to the 2017 records.

The species is normally absent from TRNP from November to February, but on Bird Islet, for the
first time ever, at least 700 birds overwintered and around 1,500 adults with 534 nests containing
433 eggs were found breeding as early as 10 February 2018. It is very likely that some of the birds
that had finalized their early breeding cycle prior the May 2018 inventory had left Bird Islet at the
time of the inventory. Therefore, the population decline noted in May may not express a decline
in the breeding population but rather a spaced breeding season. If the adult February population
representing 433 nests with eggs and 20 juveniles were added to the May 2018 count, the total
population would be 4,376 adults compared to 4,209 adults in 2017, or a slight population
increase of 4%.

The May 2018 count result of nests, 1,644 nests and correspondingly 1,074 eggs and pulli, is the
second highest result since annual inventories were established in 1997. In fact, if the MRPs data
from 10 February 2018 is added (433 nests with eggs and 20 juvenile birds), this year’s result
would break the record and become the highest counts of nest, eggs and offsprings (Figure 21,
Appendix 18). Likewise, 2018 is the fourth consecutive year when the start of the breeding
season was early, this year starting in Bird Islet on January and the three previous years in March.

Population trend of adult Brown noddy

Number of individuals



Figure 20. Population trend of adult Brown Noddy from 1981 to 2018.

Breeding data of Brown Noddy

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Pulli/1st year juv. Eggs Nests Immatures

Figure 21. Breeding data of Brown Noddy from 2004 to 2018.

Black Noddy (Conservation Status – Proposed Philippine Red List: Endangered):

A total of 4,473 adult birds were counted compared to 5,191 adult individuals in 2017,
representing a 16% decline in the adult population. Compared to the peak count of 10,656 adults
in 2013, less than 58 % of the breeding population was present in May 2018 (Figure 22, Appendix
17). The populations were distributed between the South Islet (2,028 individuals) where 45% of
the population were found and Bird Islet where 2,445 individuals or 55% were counted.

The population on South Islet has declined from 91% in 2016 and the ratio of nesting to adult
birds is very low. The decline in the number of adult birds, from 4,382 individuals in 2017 to 2,028
individuals in May 2018, represents a decline 54% of the South Islet population. Overall, it
appears that the majority of the adult population were inactive due to lack of breeding materials
to construct nests. Active nesting was observed only in 44% of the adult population present. Of
the 449 nests found, only 36% or 162 nests contained eggs (Figure 23).

On Bird Islet six artificial nesting structures made of bamboo were built in 2017. As a result, 196
nests were observed in August 2017 and 300 nests in September 2017 were made by the Black
Noddy. Supplementary nesting materials were brought to the Islet on March 2018.

The pilot establishment of artificial breeding structures increased the presence of adult birds,
from around 800 in 2017 to 2,445 in 2018. It also corresponded with an increase in nests from
around 150 in May 2017 to about 680 in May 2018. However, more than 1,000 adult birds
remained inactive and without nests due to lack of breeding materials.

The decline in the Black Noddy population on both islets corresponds to the decline of the
vegetative cover (Figure 9, Appendix 15). Nearly all nests observed were established on artificial
breeding structures constructed in 2017. Despite the initial improved nesting situation in 2018 as
a result of the construction of breeding platforms for the Black Noddy, the input proved
insufficient. Majority of the adult birds had no breeding materials due to near-absence of trees.
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of the breeding population or about 6,200 adult birds, were absent
from TNRP due to the lack of nesting sites and materials needed to sustain the overall

Population trend of adult Black noddy

Number of individuals





Figure 22. Population trend of adult Black Noddy from 1981 to 2018.

Similar to the population of Brown Noddy, a part of the Black Noddy population overwintered in
TRNP (230 bird present in January 2018). Early breeding was noted by the MRPs when they
counted 976 adult birds with 141 nests containing 80 eggs and one pullus on 10 February 2018.
The very early presence of the species was also noted in February 2017 (2,300 adults present on
17 February).

Since May 2015 the species was observed breeding in small numbers on the ground at South Islet.
In May 2018 nests of Black Noddy were again recorded on the ground around and inside the

Lighthouse on South Islet. However, the numbers of nests appeared to be substantially lower
than in 2017 when 287 nests were found.

Without substantial improvement in breeding success, the continued breeding failure could lead
to a 75% decline in population over the next 10-year period. Nationally and internationally, the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the 12th Conference of the
Parties of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) have responded to the critical situation
for the Black Noddy given that the Philippine population is a subspecies confined only to TRNP.
The DENR now recognizes the Tubbataha subspecies as Endangered. The CMS has placed it on
the Convention’s Appendix II list of migratory species which have an unfavorable conservation
status and which require and can benefit from international agreements for their conservation
and management.

Breeding data of Black Noddy




2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Immatures Pulli/1st year juv. Eggs Nests

Figure 23. Breeding data of Black Noddy from 2004 to 2018.

Great Crested Tern (Conservation Status - Proposed Philippine Red List: Vulnerable):

The breeding population on Bird Islet reached at around 17,752 adult individuals, or an increase by
4% compared to the record-breaking number of 2017 (Figure 25, Appendix 17). However, the
increase is within the anticipated error margin of the manual counts. Because of the large size of
the population, a detailed and structured photo documentation should be added as a method in
counting number of individuals in the colonies.

The arrival of 1,250 breeding individuals , was first noted on 18 March 2018 by the MRPs. In May
2018 the majority of the population was in an active egg-laying stage while about 10% of the

population already had pulli offsprings. More than 7,460 eggs were counted but it was noted that
more birds laid eggs from day to day (Figure 24, Appendix 18). The continuous population growth
has resulted in a breeding population that is now more than three times larger than in the baseline
year of 1981 (Kennedy 1982). As in the previous years, there was no breeding population found
on South Islet.

Population trend of adult Great crested tern

Number of individuals



Figure 25. Population trend of adult Great Crested Tern from 1981 to 2018.

Breeding data of Great Crested Tern




2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Pulli/1st year juv. Eggs Immatures

Figure 24. Breeding data of Great Crested Tern from 2004 to 2018.

Sooty Tern (Conservation Status – Proposed Philippine Red List: Vulnerable):

At least 11,288 adult birds, representing what may be the entire population breeding in TRNP, were
present during the May 2018 inventory (Figure 26, Appendix 17). This is the highest count since
regular annual counts were initiated in 1997. Surprisingly, 130 adult birds overwintered between
2017 and 2018. Overwintering by this species has not been noted at Bird Islet in previous years.

At least 860 birds were present at Bird Islet from February 2018. These early birds may be the
parents to the 832 pulli or 12% of the population with pulli found in May 2018 (Figure 27, Appendix
18). The remaining population representing over 9,900 breeding adults, including some birds
banded in 2006 or 2007, were in an active egg-laying stage. A second breeding population in 2017
was found by the MRPs 17 November 2017 where at least 2,124 adults were found with 198 eggs
and 864 pulli and juveniles. No birds were found breeding on South Islet.

Population trend of adult Sooty tern

Number of individuals



Figure 27. Population trend of adult Sooty Tern from 1981 to 2018.

Breeding data of Sooty Tern




2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Immatures Pulli/1st year juv. Eggs

Figure 26. Breeding data of Sooty Tern from 2004 to 2018.

Pacific Reef Heron: The total adult population in May 2018 was only 9 adult individuals
compared to16 individuals 2017 and 19 individuals in 2016. Four birds were recorded on South
Islet together with one nest containing 3 eggs and two empty nests. On Bird Islet four adult birds
but no nests were found. All birds recorded in May 2018 were of the dark phase.

Barred Rail: For the first time since 2016 the species was again observed on Bird Islet where at
least one individual was observed several times. It used to occur on South Islet as well, although
none was observed this year.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow: Six individuals were recorded in South Islet and seven individuals in Bird

Results of examination of dead birds in Bird Islet

Only two dead noddies, an immature Brown Noddy and one adult male Black Noddy, were
collected to determine the cause and manner of death. Possible cause of death of the Brown
Noddy was severe gastric impaction and the Black Noddy seemed to have died of pneumonia
accompanied by starvation. Other mummified birds, which was very low in number, were neither
counted nor identified to the species level.

4.4 Management recommendations for 2018 and beyond


1. Restoration of Beach Forest: Considering the Philippines proposal to include the Philippine
subspecies of Black Noddy under the Convention on Migratory Species and its call for an urgent
action plan to restore its population, substantial effort needs to be applied to find ways to restore
the beach forest in TRNP. Hence, the 2017 recommendation remains valid, namely to establish a
nursery to produce a large number of seedlings of drought-resilient beach forest species and
plant these on the islets of TRNP. However, additional protocols on when best to plant, how to
increase survival rates and monitoring of the survival of the out planted seedlings needs to be

2. Restoration of ‘Plaza’: The main breeding area for Brown Booby is now reduced by close to half
due to a substantial expansion of bunch grasses. Management actions restoring ‘Plaza’ back its
original size should be an urgent consideration. However, ensure that the area is restored as a
flat area after grass removal. Holes in the surface may during rainfall act as water retention traps
that could endanger eggs and pulli.


3. Black Noddy: As a top priority, replenish lost breeding habitats for the breeding population by
increasing construction of artificial nesting structures, also in South Islet, before the start of the
breeding season in 2019. Assist further the population by providing substantial quantities of
nesting materials. Best is dried beach forest leaves brought from Puerto Princesa.

4. Satellite-tracking to gain management knowledge: Include in the annual budgeting and fund-
raising, a budget for satellite-transmitter tacking and tracking of up to 8 adult and juvenile Black
Noddy and Sooty Tern to gain necessary management knowledge. Applicable tracking advices
such as 5g solar PTT are available for 3,750 USD per piece, e.g. from Microwave Telemetry, Inc.


5. Bird counts. Continue monthly distance counts, and conduct three direct counts in
January/February, August/September and October/November. Include counts of other species
such as Pacific Reef Heron, Barred Rail, and of the migratory Ruddy Turnstone and Grey-tailed

6. Great Crested Tern and Sooty Tern. Because of the size of the population, a detailed and
structured photo documentation should be added to the methods currently used.

4.5 References

lifespan records of the Brown Booby Sula leucogaster. Marine Ornithology 40: 125–126

HEEGAARD, M. AND JENSEN, A.E. 1992. Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park – a preliminary
ornithological inventory. Enviroscope Vol. VII, 7: 13-19. Haribon Foundation.

CONALES JR, S. AND PAGLIAWAN, M.R.C. 2017 Masked Booby Sula dactylatra returns to
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Palawan, Philippines. Birding Asia 28 (2017): 61-62.

GONZALES, J.C.T . ET AL 2018. Scientific review and update of the National List of Threatened
Terrestrial Fauna of the Philippines. Sylvatrop, The Technical Journal of Philippine
Ecosystems and Natural Resources 28 (1): 73-145.

JENSEN, A. E. 2004. Monitoring and inventory of the seabirds of Tubbataha Reef Marine
National Park and Cawili Island, the Sulu Sea. With notes on the population
development and habitat status. May 2004. Tubbataha Protected Area Management
Board and WWF- Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A. E. 2005. Monitoring and Inventory of the Seabirds of Tubbataha Reef Marine
National Park, Cagayancillo, Palawan, the Philippines, May 7-11, 2005. Tubbataha
Protected Area Management Board. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A.E. 2006. Monitoring and Inventory of the Seabirds and their Breeding Areas in
Tubbataha Reef Marine National Park, Cagayancillo, Palawan, the Philippines, April 27
- May 1, 2006. Tubbataha Protected Area Management Board and WWF-Philippines.
Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A. E. 2009. Population development of the breeding seabirds from 1981 to 2009 in
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage Site, Palawan, the Philippines.
Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A. E. 2010. Monitoring and inventory of the seabirds and their breeding areas in
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage Site, Cagayancillo, Palawan,
Philippines May 12-16, 2010. Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City,
Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A. E. 2011. Monitoring and inventory of the seabirds and their breeding areas in
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage Site, Cagayancillo, Palawan,
Philippines May 12-16, 2011. Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City,
Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A. E. 2012. Monitoring and inventory of the seabirds and their breeding areas in
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage Site, Cagayancillo, Palawan,
Philippines May 8-11, 2012. Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City,
Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A. E. 2013. Monitoring and inventory of the seabirds and their breeding areas in
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage Site, Cagayancillo, Palawan,
Philippines May 8-11, 2012. Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City,
Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A. E. 2014. Monitoring and inventory of the seabirds and their breeding areas in
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage Site, Cagayancillo, Palawan,
Philippines May 8-11, 2012. Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City,
Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A. E. 2015. Monitoring and inventory of the seabirds and their breeding areas in
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage Site, Cagayancillo, Palawan,
Philippines May 8-11, 2012. Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City,
Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A.E. and Songco, A. 2016. Population development of the breeding seabirds and a
systematic list of birds recorded from 1981 to 2009 in Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
and World Heritage Site, Palawan, the Philippines. FORKTAIL- Journal of Asian
Ornithology 32: 2016.

JENSEN, A. E. 2016. Monitoring and inventory of the seabirds and their breeding areas in
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage Site, Cagayancillo, Palawan,
Philippines May 8-11, 2012. Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City,
Philippines. Unpublished Report.

JENSEN, A.E., Songco, A.M., Pagliawan, M.R Jensen, A. E. 2017. Monitoring and inventory of the
seabirds and their breeding areas in Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park & World Heritage
Site, Cagayancillo, Palawan, Philippines May 8-11, 2012. Tubbataha Management
Office, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines. Unpublished Report.

KENNEDY, R. S. 1982. The last of the Seabirds. The Filipinas Journal of Science and Culture,
Filipinas Foundation Vol III: 40 – 49.

MANAMTAM, A.S. 1996. Survey of Seabirds in Tubbataha, Cavili and Cagayancillo, the Sulu Sea.
Haribon Foundation, Danish Ornithological Society, BirdLife International and DENR.

PALAGANAS, V. AND PEREZ. 1993. Observations on the Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park.
Silliman Journal 36(2) p. 5-13. 26).

WILD BIRD CLUB OF THE PHILIPPINES. 2017. Checklist of Bird of the Philippines. Version 2017.

WORCESTER, D.C. 1911. Newly Discovered Breeding Place of Philippine seabirds. Philippines
Journal of Science 6: 167-177.


© Yvette Lee

Rowell Alarcon, Maria Retchie Pagliawan, Noel Bundal and Jeffrey David

5.1 Overview

Monitoring of coral health and its trends provides managers with a context for assessing both
natural and human impacts and serves as basis for making management decisions. In TRNP, this
is mostly limited to assessing the abundance and distribution of adult coral colonies and other
biota. For a deeper understanding of the resilience of the reefs, however, there is a need to
investigate the underlying mechanisms of change that affect the overall reef conditions. Coral
recruitment patterns need to be further understood as these play an important role in the
recovery of the reef from disturbances (Moulding et al. 2016). Coral recruitment is the process
by which young individuals (coral larvae) undergo larval settlement and survive to become part
of the adult population (Kegler et al. 2016). It reflects patterns of larval settlement, larval
substrate selection, and post-settlement mortality rate until the time of census (Smith 2006).

Although there is extensive knowledge on juvenile coral populations in other reefs (Van Morseel
1988), there is a need to understand its complexity in Tubbataha. The rate, scale, and spatial
structure of larval settlement have significant implications for population dynamics and
resilience of the reef (Golbuu et al. 2012). This study intends to quantify juvenile coral abundance,
recruitment density, and distribution in TRNP for analysis as well as for establishing a baseline
for future reference. Furthermore, it aims to identify and understand factors, such as the
variability of juvenile corals among sites and depths, that may have implications on the whole
coral population.

© Yvette Lee

5.2 Materials and Methods

Monitoring Site

As discussed in Chapter 1, the coral recruitment survey was conducted together with the annual
monitoring of fish and benthos in TRNP. Modified from the method described by Burges et al.
(2009), data was collected from the first 50 meters of the transect in both the shallow (five
meters) and the deep (10 meters) areas of each of the two stations per monitoring site. With five
regular monitoring sites covered, a total of 10 50-meter transects were surveyed for this study.

Sampling Design

At each transect, a diver randomly

a placed a 34 x 34 cm (0.12 m2) quadrat,
with scale bars attached (2 and 5 cm) on
both sides, on the substrate along the
transect to get representative samples
of the station (Figure 28.a-b). For each
quadrat, five photos were taken (four
close-up shots at each corner and one
full quadrat shot) to provide more
detailed images of juvenile corals
b c (Figure 28-c). This process was
randomly repeated 10 to 20 times along
the transects at both depths in each of
the stations. Images were taken using a
12-megapixel camera with underwater
casing and red filter for white balance.

Sampling of coral recruits required

Figure 28. Coral recruitment sampling. (a) randomized
quadrat sampling within the transect. (b) close-up shot of the random placement of quadrats, color
quadrat with scale bars (c) multiple photos were taken using correction, checking for clarity of
underwater camera.
images, and recording other
observations for proper processing.

Data from a total of 20 quadrats (10 from the shallow depth and 10 from the deep) were
processed per station. All photos were downloaded, grouped, and labeled according to quadrat
number per station and per site for the post-processing and scoring using the Coral Point Count
with Excel Extension® (CPCe) software. Only coral colonies measuring <5cm were considered
recruits (Burgess et al. 2009).

Data Analysis

Quantitative data on coral recruits were obtained using CPCe 4.1 (Kohler and Gill 2006). In the
CPCe software, each photo was calibrated using the 5-cm scale bar located on each side of the
quadrat. This scale bar provided an adequate size estimate of the coral recruits. The identified
recruits were classified to the closest possible taxonomic level (usually the genus level) provided
in the modified Taxonomic Amalgamation Unit (TAUs) (Appendix 11). The Indo-Pacific Coral
Finder version 3.0 and the Guide to the Corals of Bolinao Anda-Reef Complex served as
references for coral identification. Small coral fragments that were deemed remnants of adult
corals were excluded.

Estimates of coral recruit density was then calculated for each quadrat as the number of recruits
per 0.12 m2. Differences in densities of recruits across stations and depths were tested using
block One-way ANOVA. Post hoc pair-wise comparisons were performed using the Tukey test
when significant differences were found. Densities and mean percentage covers were plotted in
Microsoft Excel across depths and stations.

Bray-Curtis similarity index was also used to further test the similarity in generic composition of
recruits among depths and stations. Generic abundance data were pooled for all quadrats within
a site and the data were square-root transformed (PRIMER v6). The results were also used to
construct a non-metric, multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot.

5.3 Results and Discussion

A total of 945 coral recruits from 605 photographs were processed, covering a total of 24 m2 for
the whole park. This survey recorded twenty-nine (29) coral genera belonging to nine families.
The average estimated coral recruit density (pooled taxa) across all sites were 45.56 ind/m2 (±4.56
SE) at 10 meters, with values ranging from 0.83 ind/m2 (±0.26 SE) to 20 ind/m2 (±11.59 SE). It is
six times higher than in Great Barrier Reef (Keppel and Lizard Island) with 6.92 ind/m2 (±0.25 SE)

at 10 meters (Trapon et al. 2013). In the shallow areas of TRNP (five meters), the average density
is 30.50 ind/m2 (±5.54 SE) and values ranged from 0.10 ind/m2 (±0.09 SE) to 6.87 ind/m2 (±1.95
SE). Generally, a lower density of coral recruits was observed in the shallow areas.

Coral recruitment at 10 meters

Three major families dominated most of the sites at this depth. Family Poritidae (23%) had the
highest percentage cover, followed by Faviidae (21%) and Agariciidae (18%) (Figure 29). These
families are known to be slow growing, but are more tolerant and resilient to strong currents and
disturbances with its thick walls (Nyström 2006; Huang 2008). The deep areas (10 meters) in
TRNP are usually characterized by drop-offs with small pockets for corals to grow.
Poccilloporidae and Acroporidae, mostly composed of branching species, accounted for 11% and
7%, respectively (Figure 29). Belonging to this families are fast-growing species that are prone
to breakage (Nakamura and van Woesik 2001). Other families observed are solitary corals
belonging to Fungiidae and Euphylliidae.

Total percentage cover of coral family at 10m

Percetage cover


Coral family

Figure 29. Mean percentage cover of coral families at 10 meters. Error bars represent standard error of the

Coral recruit density at 10 meters was observed to be higher compared to that in shallow areas.
The highest juvenile densities were observed at Stations 3B (68.05 ind/m2) and 3A (63.33 ind/m2).

These stations are mainly composed of corals belonging to genus Acropora, Pavona and Porites.
Stations 4B and 4A recorded 56.66 ind/m2 and 50 ind/m2, respectively, and were dominated by
encrusting Porites (Figure 30). The lowest density was observed in Station JBA covering only 27.5
ind/m2. Station JBB is the only station which recorded a high density of the genus Caulastrea,
which is not common in all the other stations. Variability of coral recruit density at this depth
showed no significant difference among the sites (block ANOVA p=0.616).

Coral recruits at 10 meters CMR
80 COE
60 FVI
Density (recruits/m2)

50 HEL
40 ISO
30 LOB
20 MON

Figure 30. Average density of coral recruits in m2 for 10 stations at 10 meters.

Figure 31 presents the size frequency distribution of the coral recruits. Assuming a one to three
(1 – 3) mm diameter monthly growth rate (Bak and Engel 1979; Van Moorsel 1988), corals that
are less than five (<5) cm in size are approximately one to four years old. To further classify coral
recruits, we divided these according to size. Those that were less than one centimeter (<1cm)
were described as newly settled larvae (Wilson and Harrison 2005; Acosta et al. 2011). Those
between one to four centimeters (>1 and <4 cm) were considered juveniles (Acosta et al. 2011).
The juvenile stage of a coral is considered an important phase because of the high incidence of
mortality during this stage. Purportedly, survival is assured when coral recruits reach a size of
more than four centimeters, when they are likely to become new coral colonies (Ritzon-Williams
et al. 2009).

The size frequency distribution of coral recruits seems to vary among sites, although a Chi-square
test for size-frequency distribution did not show significant difference among sites. Recruits
<1cm and ≥4cm were observed in low numbers, across all stations (Figure 31).

Size-frequency distribution at 10 meters

80 ≤1cm

70 >1-<4 cm

Figure 31. Size-frequency distribution of coral recruits per Station. Bars represent the number of recruits in each
size class.

Coral recruits greater than 1 cm to less than 4 cm predominated (Figure 31), suggesting that these
sites are conducive to coral survival. However, more in-depth study on the time of coral
spawning and the proportion of mature colonies that brood or spawn in TRNP needs to be done
to validate this observation.

Coral recruitment at 5 meters

Agariciidae (23.4%), Acroporidae (22%), Faviidae (20%) and Pocillporidae (18%) mostly comprised
the coral recruits at five meters (See Figure 32). High densities of the genus Pavona (Family
Agariicidae) dominated most of the stations at this depth (Figure 33). Coral genera belonging to
Acroporidae mainly composed of Acropora branching type recorded high densities at the Stations
2A, 1B, 4B, while both Acropora branching and Montipora dominated Station JBA (Figure 33).

Total percentage cover of coral family at 5-meter deep
Percentage cover


Coral Family

Figure 32. Mean percentage cover of coral families at five meters. Error bars represent standard error of the

At this depth, reef building colonies such as Acroporidae and massive colonies of corals such as
Faviidae, were almost of the same proportion. Coral genera belonging to the Family Faviidae,
which varied from massive with thick walls (e.g., Monstarea, Favia and Favites) to encrusting type
(e.g., Echinopora) were not very common in most of the sites at this depth. Coral mushrooms
belonging to Fungiidae were the lowest at this depth.

Coral recruits at 5 meters
Density (recruits/m2)

50 CYP




Figure 33. Average density of coral recruits per m2 for 10 stations at five meters .

The highest coral density at this depth was recorded at Stations 1A (58.33 ind/m2) and 1B (57.5
ind/m2) and the lowest at Station 4A which only had 10 ind/m2 (Figure 33). However, variations
of the density per site did not show significant difference (block ANOVA p=0.194). The shallow
areas of Stations 3A and 3B had low coral recruit densities (14.16 ind/m2) compared to the deep
areas of the same stations (63.33 ind/m2 in 3A and 68.05 ind/m2 in 3B). This was probably due to
the fact that Stations 3A and 3B were dominated by beds of branching Isopora brugemmanni,
leaving almost no space for the coral larvae to settle.

Size-frequency distribution at five meters

>1-<4 cm
50 ≥4cm






Figure 34. Size frequency distribution of coral recruits by station. Bars represent the number of recruits in each
size class.

The size frequency distribution at this depth closely mimicked the pattern observed at 10 meters.
Recruits with sizes less than or equal to one centimeter were the least encountered across all
stations at this depth. Again, the juvenile stage (>1 to ≤4cm) of coral recruits predominated at
this depth. Chi-square test for size frequency distribution across the stations at this depth failed
to show significant differences.

10 and 5 meters
JBAs 2D Stress: 0.18 depth
S3As 40

S1Bs S1As
S4Bs S3Ad S1Ad

Figure 35. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot of Bray-Curtis similarity index of recruit species
composition across the sites at both depths. Green dotted line implies 20% similarity of the stations; blue
dotted line implies 40% similarity.

A non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot was used to visualize the Bray-Curtis
similarity of sites based on the generic abundance at each station and depth (Figure 35). As
expressed in the MDS plot, stations that shared almost the same generic composition formed a
cluster. Four major clusters with 40% similarity were formed: (1) Stations 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B at
10 meters; (2) Stations 2A, 2B and 4B at 5 meters; (3) Stations 2A and 2B; and (4) combination of
all stations at both depths of Site 1 and Station JBA. ANOSIM revealed a significant difference
among depths indicating that depth is a factor affecting coral recruit structure in TRNP (r=02,
p=0.007). However, it failed to show the differences among stations due to too many small values
generated even after the computation of the log-transformation (square root) of the data.
Presumably, the coral juveniles found were mostly seeded by the mature colonies at each depth.
The shallow areas of Stations 3A, 3B, 4A and JBA seem to be separate from the group, which
might have been influenced by the low number of coral genera and densities found in those

5.4 Conclusion

The mean estimated juvenile coral density in TRNP recorded at 46.16/m2 (±5.17 SE) and 30.50/m2
(±5.54 SE) may be considered high. It is six times higher than that recorded in a study in the Great
Barrier Reef (Keppel and Lizard Island) with 6.92 ind/m2 (±0.25 SE) at 10 meters (Trapon et al.
2013). The results of this study contradicted the previous findings of Garcia and Aliño (2008) in
TRNP, which recorded low coral recruit densities at 10 meters. Coral recruits in TRNP were mainly
composed of Poritidae, Agariciidae and Faviidae at 10 meters, while Acroporidae and Pocillporidae
dominated at five meters. These groups of corals seemed to influence the coral composition in
TRNP. These thriving coral families could be related to its ecosystem functionality.

We recorded high coral recruit densities of Poritidae, which is known to be a stress-tolerant group
and to be reef-builders, as they spawn several times in a year (Szmant 1986; Darling et al. 2013).
It appears that Poritidae is the major competitor among other coral families specially at the deep
sites, which are characterized by occasionally strong currents. These current flows may influence
the transport and removal of the other less competing coral recruits from the site (Elmer et al.
2016) to the advantage of the Poritidae. While our data could not conclusively address the issue,
the high densities of Poritidae may relate to the proportion that the mature colonies within the
sites in Tubbataha.

Often found at 10 meters are Agariciidae and Faviidae. These are stress-tolerant corals
characterized by thick walls. They are slow growing but can withstand disturbances such as
strong currents and temperature increases (Nyström 2006; Darling et al. 2013). The presence of
these massive coral growth forms makes the deeper sites more resilient than the shallow sites.
The shallow areas of TRNP are dominated by Acroporidae and Pocilloporiidae, which are mostly
the branching type and are rapid colonizers, therefore, key players in reef building (Hughes and
Connell 1999). The shallow sites at the reef crests experience less currents and disturbance than
the deep sites, thereby these areas are favorable to Acropidae and Pocilloporidae.

Presumably, the dominance of coral recruitment in TRNP is influenced by several processes such
as depth, competition, and current flows that influence the structure of coral communities.
Further studies may validate this claim.

Most of the coral recruits at both depths were between >1cm to ≤4 cm, which for most coral
families are considered to be the juvenile stage. Family Poritidae was observed to be the most
abundant coral recruit in the deep sites, while family Acroporidae dominated the shallow

sites. This result coincides with the studies conducted in Fiji and other Pacific Islands by Quinn
and Kojis (2008).

In this study, coral recruits >4 cm in size were observed in low densities for both depths. The
factors that might have influenced this result is unknown. Succeeding studies may focus on the
most dominant genera and species, e.g., Acropora and Porites massive (Porites asteroides), to be
able to derive more conclusive results.

In this study, we only included coral recruits measuring less than 5 cm, which might have limited
the results of the study. Thus, for the next monitoring survey, we suggest that sampling be
focused on the most dominant species (e.g., Acropora and Porites massive (Porites astreoides),
and to include all sizes of coral recruits. This will provide a better understating of the different
life stage strategies, selection of substrate settlement, and interaction with reef organisms,
which leads to the survival of the species.

5.5 Recommendations

This study is an initial attempt to improve knowledge on reef complexity and function. Since this
is the first time for TMO to conduct a coral recruitment study, these results may be considered
as the baseline. This study could provide a more in-depth understanding of how corals can
recover from stressors. It is recommended that this study be continued and incorporated in the
annual monitoring activity of TMO. A high-resolution camera with underwater casing dedicated
for this study will be required. The main issue this year was the low quality of the photos due to
unavailability of a high-resolution camera, which is very important considering the size of the
corals being analyzed.

However, more in-depth study on the time of coral spawning and the proportion of mature
colonies that brood or spawn in TRNP needs to be done to validate this observation. While,
narrow down the study to the most dominant coral recruit species found in TRNP, Acropora and
Porites massive (e.g., Porites asteroides), for a more conclusive result.

5.6 References

ACOSTA A.D., PIZARRO FL.V. 2011. Review on hard coral recruitment (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) in
Colombia. Universitas Scientiarum 16:200–18.

BAK, R.P.M. & M.S. ENGEL. 1979. Distribution, abundance and survival of juvenile hermatypic
corals (Scleractinia) and the importance of early life history strategies in the parent
coral community. Mar. Biol. 54: 341-352.

BURGESS, S.C., OSBORNE AND SFILIGOJ K.B. 2010. Environ Monit Assess. 171: 345.

CHIAPPONE, M., & SULLIVAN, K. M. 1996. Distribution, abundance, and species composition of
juvenile scleractinian corals in the Florida reef tract. Bulletin of Marine Science, 58, 555–

DARLING ES, MCCLANAHAN TR, CORTE IM. 2013. Life histories predict coral community
disassembly under multiple stressors. Global Change Biology 19: 1930–1940.

HUANG Z.G. 2008. Marine Species and Distribution of China (updated version). Ocean Press,
Beijing, China

HUGHES, T.P. AND CONNELL, J.H. 1999. Multiple stressors on coral reefs: a long-term
perspective. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44, 932–940.


HASSENRÜCK C, FERSE SCA. 2016. Different levels of anthropogenic impact influence
coral larvae settlement and bacterial biofilm communities in the Spermonde
Archipelago, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium,
Honolulu: 145-157.

KOHLER, K.E. AND S.M. GILL. 2006. Coral Point Count with Excel extensions (CPCe): A Visual
Basic program for the determination of coral and substrate coverage using random
point count methodology. Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp. 1259-1269,

MOULDING A.L., KOSMYNIN V.N. AND GILLIAM D.S. 2012. Coral recruitment to two vessel
grounding sites off southeast Florida, USA. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-
0034-7744) Vol. 60 (Suppl. 1): 99-108, March 2012

MOULDING A.L. 2004. Coral Recruitment Pattern in Florida Keys. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop.
Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 53 (Suppl. 1): 75-82, May 2005 (

NAKAMURA T. AND VAN WOESIK R. 2001. Water-flow rates and passive diffusion partially
explain differential survival of corals during the 1998 bleaching event. Mar Ecol Prog
Ser 212:301–304

QUINN N.J. AND KOJIS B.L.2008. Variation in coral recruitment on Fijian reefs. Proceedings of
the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Session number
14. 7-11 July 2008


STENECK, MARK J. A. VERMEIJ, AND VALERIE J. PAUL. 2009. New Perspectives on
Ecological Mechanisms Affecting Coral Recruitment on Reefs

RUIZ-ZÁRATE M. A. & ARIAS-GONZÁLEZ, J. E. 2004. Spatial study of juvenile corals in the

Northern region of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS). Coral Reefs, 23,

SMITH D.J. 2006. Wakatobi, Indonesia field report. Technical Report. Unpublished.

TABUGO S. R. M., MANZANAREZ D.L. AND MALAWARE A.D. 2016. Coral reef assessment and
monitoring made easy using Coral Point Count with Excel extensions (CPCe) software in
Calangahan, Lugait, Misamis Oriental, Philippines.

TRAPON M.L., PRATCHETT M.S., HOEY A.S. 2013. Spatial Variation in Abundance, Size and
Orientation of Juvenile Corals Related to the Biomass of Parrotfishes on the Great
Barrier Reef, Australia. Sandin SA, ed. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(2):e57788.

WILSON, J. & HARRISON, P. 2005. Coral Reef: Post-settlement mortality and growth of newly
settled reef corals in a subtropical environment. 24: 418.

VAN MOORSEL, G.W.N.M. 1988. Early maximum growth of stony corals (Scleractinia) after
settlement on artificial substrata on a Caribbean reef. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 50: 127-135.
Szmant, A.M. 1986. Reproductive ecology of Caribbean reef corals. Coral Reefs 5: 43-

VAN WOESIK, R., GILNER, J., & HOOTEN, A. J. 2009. Standard Operating Procedures for
repeated measures of process and state variables of coral reef environments. Coral
Reef Targeted Research and Capacity Building for Management Program, Centre for
Marine Studies, Gerhmann Building, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld, 4072.

Gerlie Gedoria1, Dr. Kent Carpenter2, and Dr. Jeffrey Williams3

Tubbataha Management Office, Puerto Princesa City
Old Dominion University, Virginia, U.S.A.
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

6.1 Overview

The Coral Triangle is the region with the highest concentration of marine species in the world
(Veron 1995; Allen and Werner 2002). This includes the Philippine archipelago that is
geographically located at its apex (ADB 2014) and that harbors one of the Philippines’ oldest
marine protected areas, the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (Dizon et al. 2013). Tubbataha Reefs
is known to host at least 600 species of reef fishes. The fish species list was obtained from
observations during the annual fish and benthos monitoring of the Tubbataha Management
Office (TMO) and WWF-Philippines from 1999 to the present. An estimate of the species
richness, density, and biomass within the park is based on Fish Visual Censusing methodology
developed by English et al. (1997).

However, our fish monitoring is limited to depths of up to 33 feet (10 meters). Hence, species
that may be found beyond this depth are not recorded. There is a need to conduct an inventory
to come up with a more comprehensive fish species list for the park. Dr. Kent Carpenter of Old
Dominion University and Dr. Jeffrey Williams of Smithsonian Institution, both experts on fish
taxonomy, joined the fish larval study trip organized by the BFAR-NFRDI on 24-30 April 2018 to
conduct a dedicated inventory of the fish species at the Tubbataha Reefs.

6.2 Methods

The team revisited Station A of all five TMO monitoring sites as described in Chapter 1 and
surveyed three additional sites - south of Ranger Station, Shark Airport, and south of South Atoll
(See Table 9). The roving diver survey (RDS) method (Schmitt and Sullivan 1996; Hill and

Wilkenson 2004), was used to conduct the survey. Two divers rove or swim around the reefs
starting at around 65 ft deep (approximately 20 meters), gradually swimming towards the
shallowest part of the reef, while identifying all the species observed. In Tubbataha, the direction
of underwater current determines the course researchers take as they swim around the reef.
Each census was standardized at exactly 60 minutes of dive time. The goal is to find and record
as many species as possible, thus divers also look for fishes under the ledges (e.g., corals, rocks),
in caverns, and crevices.

Table 9. Survey sites with corresponding coordinates. Note: * Corresponds to TMO monitoring stations

Site Code Site Description Coordinates

T1 Station 2A* 08.89236 N, 119.90627 E

T2 South of Ranger Station 08.84462 N, 119.91200 E

T3 Shark Airport 08.92560 N, 120.00948 E

T4 Station 1A* 08.93532 N, 120.01302 E

T5 Southernmost tip of South Atoll 08.73973 N, 119.81822 E

T6 Station 3A* 08.75591 N, 119.82882 E

T7 Station 4A 08.80850 N, 119.81907 E

T8 Station Jessie Beazley A* 09.04393 N, 119.81599 E

The method being employed by TMO in its monitoring follows specific protocols on transect
length and width, and species count and total length, to produce results such as fish biomass,
density and species richness. The roving diver survey, on the other hand, is a rapid assessment
tool, which was introduced as a participatory monitoring method to determine the presence,
abundance and occurrence frequency of reef fishes.

The roving diver survey method is more useful for comprehensive species listing as it covers a
wider spatial range than a fish visual census (which is limited to the transect) and can record large
fish that are wary of divers, cryptic species, and roving pelagic fishes that require an intensive

search of the reef (Hill and Wilkenson 2004). Additionally, this does not require the divers to
make an actual count of the fishes, unlike the fish visual census which needs an estimated value.
Instead, the divers take note of the species abundance by using the following logarithmic-based
categories (Schmitt and Sullivan 1996):

Single = 1 individual
Few = 2-10 individuals
Many = 11-100 individuals
Abundant = >100 individuals

Data were collated in Microsoft Excel 2016. Descriptive analysis of data for this report was
patterned after Schmitt et al. (2002) and Schmitt and Sullivan (1996). Percent Sighting
Frequency (%SF) was calculated to measure how often the species was observed. It indicates
the percentage of times the species was recorded divided by the total number of surveys.
Observed values ranged from 0-100% and are calculated as:

S + F + M + A (for each species)

%SF = 100 * -------------------------------------
(Number of surveys)

Species were classified into three frequency categories based on the percentage of dives where
each species was observed: frequent (≥70%), common (<70% x > 20%), and uncommon

The Abundance Index is a weighted average index, which is calculated to measure the
abundance of each species using the abundance categories. This is calculated as:

(S * 1) + (F * 2) + (M * 3) + (A * 4)
Abundance Index = ----------------------------------------
(Number of surveys/dives)

Where S, F, M, and A are the frequency categories of single, few, many, and
abundant observations for each species and n is the total number of dives. This
produces an abundance index per species, which is then scaled from 0 to 4, where
Single = 1, Few = 2, Many = 3, Abundant = 4, and Not Observed = 0.

These numbers indicate which abundance category in which each species was most often
recorded. For example, if the abundance index of a species is 2.2, this means that in most of the

dives the species occurred in ‘few’ numbers (2 to 10 individuals) but was also observed to be
‘many’ or ‘abundant’ in other dives.

6.3 Results and Discussion

Number of species identified. A total of 332 species under 37 families were identified in the
Tubbataha Reefs during this survey. Most species (46 species) belong to Family Labridae
(wrasse). Forty species (40) were identified under family Pomacentridae (damselfish), 31 species
for family Chaetodontidae (butterflyfish), 22 species were identified for both family Gobiidae
(gobies) and family Serranidae (groupers and fairy basslets), and 21 species of Scaridae

Site T3 (Shark Airport) has the highest count of fish species across all sites, while both Sites T1
(Malayan Wreck) and T2 (South of Ranger Station) have the lowest counts. Sixty (60) species not
initially listed in the Tubbataha fish species list were identified in this survey.

Number of species identified per site


no. of species




T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8

Figure 36. Total number of species identified in each site, including cryptic species.

Sighting frequency. Thirty-six (36) out of the 98 species categorized as frequently observed were
recorded in all sites. There are 146 species that are common and were recorded between 2 to 5
surveys/dives. This category also has the highest number of species identified. Eighty-six (86)
species were categorized as uncommon. Uncommon species are those recorded only once out
of all dives or sites.

It could not be generally assumed that each species recorded under the uncommon category are
only present in the specific site where it was observed or can only be observed in lower sighting

frequency. For instance, in this survey, the Slender grouper (Anyperodon leucogrammicus) and
Twospot surgeonfish (Ctenochaetus binotatus) were only recorded in T1 (Station2A) and T4
(Station1A), respectively. Meanwhile, in the fish visual census (FVC) survey conducted by TMO
(Chapter 2), the Slender grouper (Anyperodon leucogrammicus) was recorded in Station3A and
Station4A but not in Station2A. The Twospot surgeonfish Ctenochaetus binotatus) was recorded
in all regular monitoring sites (for sites, refer to Table 9). Fishes move from place to place. This
movement could be influenced by several factors such as the availability of food, avoidance of
predators (Helfman et al. 2009), or it may be due to a larger seasonal migration occurring related
to spawning and feeding (Bone and Moore 2008).

Sighting frequency of species in Tubbataha

number of species

Frequent Common Uncommon
(≥70) (<70% - >20%) (≤20%)

Sighting Frequency (%SF)

Figure 37. The number of species in each sighting frequency in the Tubbataha Reefs.

Abundance. Figure 38 shows the number of species observed in each abundance index.
Abundance Index was organized in range for easy groupings of species: 0.1-1.0; 1.1 – 2.0; 2.1 -3.0;
and 3.1-4.0. Two hundred seventy-three (273) species were recorded under the abundance index
range of 0.1 – 2.0, which means that these species are less abundant. Species that fell under the
range of 2.0 – 3.0 were those generally recorded in few numbers but were occasionally observed
in high abundance in other sites. Seventeen (17) species were observed in very high abundance
(3.1 – 4.0). Yellowstriped fairy basslet (Pseudanthias tuka) and Red-cheeked fairy basslet
(Pseudanthias huchtii) were abundant in all sites. Both species were also among the top five most
abundant species in the Fish Visual Census survey conducted by the TMO (Chapter 2).

Number of species on each abundance index


no. of species 150



(0.1-1.0) (1.1-2.0) (2.1-3.0) (3.1-4.0)
Abundance Index

Figure 38. Number of species on each abundance index range.

Abundance and Sighting Frequency. Table 10 provides the list of the number of species under
different sighting frequency categories and their corresponding abundance index ranges. It was
observed that the most frequently recorded species also occurred in high abundance, while most
of the common and all the uncommon species tend to have low abundances (Table 10). Schmitt
and Sullivan (1996) argued that although the sighting frequency and abundance are strongly
related, sighting frequency could not be an absolute indicator for the abundance of a species.
For example, in this survey, Yellowface angelfish (Pomacanthus xanthometopon) was frequently
observed but in low abundance (01.1-1.0). Thus, each species can be described independently by
either its sighting frequency or its abundance in the area (Schmitt and Sullivan 1996).

It is worth noting however that some target species such as Bignose tang (Naso unicornis), Dark-
banded fusiliers (Pterocaesio tile), and Thompson’s surgeonfish (Acanthurus thompsoni), are
frequently sighted (≥75) in high abundance (3.0-4.0) across all sites. Other target species such
as various fusiliers (Caesio caerularea, Caesio teres, Caesio lunaris, Pterocaesio randalli), Red
snapper (Lutjanus gibbus) and Bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus) may not be frequently seen
but when they were present, they were observed in either abundance category 3 (Many) or 4
(Abundant). These target species, being the focus of fishing effort (FAO 2003a), are first to
disappear in an area (Pauly et al. 1998), thus their presence can indicate a positive impact of reef
protection. A list of the frequently observed species with their corresponding abundance in the
Tubbataha Reefs is provided in Appendix 24.

Table 10. The number of species on each sighting frequency and their abundance index ranges.

Sighting Frequency

Frequent Common Uncommon

Abundance Index (≥70%) (70% <x> 20%) (≤20%) Total
(3.1-4.0) 17 sp 17 sp
(2.1-3.0) 38 sp 4 sp 42 sp
(1.1-2.0) 42 sp 35 sp 77 sp
(0.1-1.0) 1 sp 109 sp 86 sp 196 sp
Total 98 sp 148 sp 86 sp 332 sp

Tubbataha vs. other sites (excluding cryptic species)

Figure 39 shows that Tubbataha Reefs has the highest average count of species compared to
other sites in the Philippines. It also has the highest minimum species count and has the highest
maximum count among all sites in the country. Dr. Carpenter (personal communication, 5 May
2018) also stated that Tubbataha has higher average counts than other sites in Indonesia and
Malaysia where they employed the same census method.

There are evidences which suggest that the primary predictors of reef fish species richness are
coral reef areas (Parravicini et al. 2013; Holbrook et al. 2015) and biogeographic region
(Parravicini 2013). Hence, the Coral Triangle, having the highest species richness of corals in the
world, also has the highest diversity of fish species (Allen 2007). Consequently, the loss of coral
habitat in an area may also lead to the loss of the fish species diversity in a local scale (Holbrook
et al. 2015). For this reason, marine protected areas (MPAs), such as the Tubbataha Reefs, are
established to protect and conserve the species diversity for both fish and corals (Rashid et al.

Average species count of several sites in the Philippines and in Southeast Asia

no. of species

Tubbataha Romblon Bugsuk, Taytay, Anilao, Verde Visayas Halmahera, Semporna,
Palawan Palawan Island Pass. Indonesia Borneo,

Figure 39. Comparison of averages for species identified in different sites in the Philippines and in Southeast
Asia, employing the Roving Visual Census method. Cryptic species were not included in the count. (Data
obtained from Dr. Kent E. Carpenter)

6.4 Conclusion and Recommendation

The Roving Diver Method is a good complement to TMO’s Fish Visual Census. RDM gives us a
more comprehensive list of species, while FVC produces data on biomass and density. RDM is
not restricted within the transect, thus divers can freely swim and search at varying depths and
can cover a larger area within the park.

Tubbataha Reefs has one of the most diverse fish communities in the Philippines and in
Southeast Asia. Maintaining and protecting the diversity of these fishes means ensuring the
health and diversity of coral reefs as well. Dr. Carpenter and Dr. Williams recommended they
conduct more species inventory trips in TRNP to come up with a more comprehensive fish
species list for the park.

6.5 References

ALLEN G.R., WERNER T.B. 2002. Coral reef fish assessment in the ‘Coral Triangle’ of Southeast
Asia. Environ Biol Fish 65 (2):209–214

ALLEN, G.R. 2007. Conservation hot spots of biodiversity and endemism for Indo-Pacific coral
reef fishes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem. Volume 18,
Issue 5.

ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK. 2004. State of the Coral Triangle: Philippines. Mandaluyong City,

BONE, Q. AND R.H. MOORE. 2008. Biology of Fishes. 3rd edition. Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN

CARPENTER, K.E. 2018. Report on Tubbataha Fish Roving Census from Kent and Jeff &
Tubbataha Fish Book Proposal. [email on May 5 2018].

DIZON, E.C., R.C. GERONIMO, R. QUICHO JR. 2013. Benchmarking the management
effectiveness of nationally-managed marine protected areas in the Philippines and
policy recommendations. Final Report for USAID Coral Triangle Support Partnership
(CTSP) and Conservation International – Philippines. September 2013

FAO. 2003. The ecosystem approach to fisheries. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible
Fisheries. No. 4, Suppl. 2. Rome, FAO. 112 pp.

HELFMAN, G.S., B.B. COLLETTE, D.E. FACEY, AND B.W. BOWEN. 2009. The Diversity of Fishes:
Biology, Evolution, and Ecology. 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell; Wiley & Sons Ltd., ISBN

HILL, J. AND WILKENSON, C. 2004. Methods for ecological monitoring of coral reefs. A
Resource for Managers. Australian Institute of Marine Science, pp. 78

Pauly, D., R. Froese and V. Christensen. 1998. How pervasive is “Fishing down marine food webs”:
response to Caddy et al. Science 282: 183.

RASHID, U.S., ALDER, S.G.J., POLLARD, D., AND CHUENPAGDEE, R. 1994. Marine protected
areas and managing fish ecosystems. Chr. Michelsen Institute. Development Studies
and Human Rights.

SCHMITT EF and SULLIVAN KM. 1996. Analysis of a volunteer method for collecting fish
presence and abundance data in the Florida Keys. Bull Mar Sci 59(2):404–416

Schmitt, E.F., Sluka, R.D., and Sullivan-Sealey, K.M. (2002). Evaluating the use of roving diver
and transect surveys to assess the coral reef fish assemblage off southeastern
Hispaniola. Coral Reefs 21: 216-223. DOI 10.1007/s00338-002-0216-7

VERON J.E. 1995. Corals in Space and Time: The Biogeography and Evolution of the Scleractinia.
Univ. of New South Wales Press, Sydney, Australia

Jennifer Deauna, Giannina Feliciano and Wilfredo Licuanan

Br. Alfred Shields FSC Ocean Research Center, De La Salle University, Manila

7.1 Overview

The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park is located in the Philippines, which lies at the apex of Coral
Triangle. Tubbataha has been a protected area since 1988 by virtue of a presidential decree
declaring it as a no-take zone, banning collection of any marine organisms. The beauty of the
natural park became more evident to the international community when it was declared as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site, and in 1999, Tubbataha became a part of the Ramsar list of
Wetlands of International Importance. In 2010, Tubbataha was included in the Philippine
National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS), which further intensified its protection
against unauthorized and unlawful activities.

The Tubbataha Reef Natural Park is an undisturbed reef system in the Sulu Sea that serves as a
refuge for organisms on land and on sea. It provides direct ecosystem services to people, serving
as a food source and a venue for tourism, research and education (Subade, 2007). Indirect
environmental services of Tubbataha include provision of habitat to the marine organisms and
protection against strong waves (Subade, 2007). The Park is home to around 600 species of fish,
360 species of corals, 11 species of sharks, and 100 species of birds (Biodiversity, n.d.). This
diversity thrives due to the sustained implementation of various legal protections.

7.2 Methods

Resurvey activities were carried out in May 3 to 8, 2018 by staff of the Br. Alfred Shields FSC
Ocean Research (ShORe) Center of De La Salle University, in coordination with personnel of the
Tubbataha Management Office. Five (5) regular monitoring sites were visited in the 2018
resurvey: Site 1, Site 2, Site 3, Site 4, and Jessie Beazley (Figure 1). These sites have two (2)
stations each, and they have been monitored since 2012. However, Jessie Beazley has insufficient
data from 2012 and 2013; thus, the report for this site will only cover the years 2015 to 2018. In

addition, two (2) ship grounding sites (i.e., those of the USS Guardian and Min Ping Yu) were also
resurveyed (Figure 1). These two (2) stations have been monitored since 2014. Lastly, a new
station was assessed this year, Southwest Wall (Figure 1), because there were reports of a crown-
of-thorns outbreak in the reef.

The regular monitoring sites (i.e., Site 1, Site 2, Site 3, Site 4, and Jessie Beazley) follow the
hierarchical sampling scheme stipulated in the Coral Reef Targeted Research and Capacity
Building for Management (CRTR) protocol (van Woesik et al. 2009). However, because of their
sizes, the ship grounding sites of Min Ping Yu and the USS Guardian do not have replicate
stations; instead, three permanent 4 × 4m quadrats are monitored in each station (Figure 40).
The Southwest Wall also consists of one 25 × 75m reef assessment station (Figure 40).

Figure 40 Sampling scheme of sites and stations in the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park.

The photo-transect method indicated in the CRTR protocol was used describe the state of
benthic communities in Tubbataha (van Woesik et al. 2009). A 75-m base transect was deployed

at the deepest end of each monitoring station (5-7 m depth) to demarcate the sampling area.
Four 50-m belt transects were then deployed parallel to the base transect at randomly
determined starting points (x,y-meter coordinates) within the monitoring station (Figure 41).

Figure 41. Five belt transects were deployed to describe the benthic communities in each monitoring station.

Photographs were taken every meter on the shallower side of each transect using a Sony RX 100
Mark II camera enclosed in an Ikelite underwater housing with an attached Inon UWL-100 wide-
angle lens. This camera set-up was fixed on a 1-m long aluminum monopod with a 1-m base. In
each monitoring station, a total of 250 transect photographs covering five 50-m intervals
(beginning with a randomly determined point in transect 1) were taken and analyzed.

Benthic cover and diversity were measured in transect photographs using Coral Point Count with
Excel extensions (CPCe; Kohler and Gill 2006). Ten random points were generated in each
photograph, and each point was scored according to its benthic category. The six major benthic
categories used for scoring were: hard coral (HC), algal assemblage (AA), abiotic material (AB),
macroalgae (MA), Halimeda (HA) and other biota (OB). HC was further identified into 60 TAUs
(Taxonomic Amalgamation Units; Appendix 25).

Hard coral cover from five sites i.e., site 1,2,3,4, and Jessie Beazley was categorized according to
the hard coral cover categories: excellent, good, fair, poor (Licuanan AM, Reyes, Luzon, Chan, &
Licuanan, 2017). To avoid confusion with the widely-used but arbitrary scale of Gomez et al.
(1981), the categories will be called HCC Category A, B, C, or D in this report (Table 11). On the
other hand, the coral diversity or the number of TAUs present in the reef sites was identified
according to diversity categories (Licuanan W, Reyes, & Robles, in prep; Table 11).

Table 11 Hard Coral Cover and TAU diversity scale categories used in this report (AM Licuanan et al. 2017; WY
Licuanan et al. in prep).
Category Hard Coral TAUs
Cover Diversity

Excellent Category A >44% >26

Good Category B >33-44% >22-26

Fair Category C >22-33% >18-22

Poor Category D 0-22% 0-18

The changes in HCC and diversity were examined using linear regression, which can provide
information on the relationship of the independent variable (i.e., monitoring period) and the
dependent variables (i.e., HCC and diversity). Linear regression can determine if there are
statistically significant changes in terms of HC and diversity happening in the Tubbataha
monitoring sites. Linear regression was applied at the location, site, and station level as described
in Licuanan et al. (2017). The p-values, rate of change, coefficient of determination (r2), and
Pearson’s coefficient (r) are provided in Tables 2 and 3. JMP Pro 11 (SAS Institute Inc. 2013) was
used for all statistical analyses. Confidence intervals were set at 95% for all runs.

7.3 Results and Discussion

HCC Categories

The average HCC of all regular monitoring stations in 2018 is 30.0% ± 2.0%. Of the ten stations,
only Jessie Beazley A had HCC belonging to HCC Category A (61.5% ± 4.1%; Plate 1). Two
stations, 1B and 3A had HCC classified as HCC Category B, with HCC of 42.7% ± 1.3% and 33.5%
± 1.8%, respectively (Plates 2 & 3). Four stations belong to HCC Category C, namely stations 2B
(25.5% ± 1.2%), 3B (26.9% ± 3.6%), 4B (29.1% ± 2.7%) and Jessie Beazley B (30.8% ± 2.1%; Plates
4 to 7). Stations 1A, 2A, and 4A fell under HCC Category D, with average HCC of 18.6% ± 0.9%,
13.9% ± 1.8%, and 17.6% ± 2.8%, respectively (Plates 8 to 10; Figure 42). From 2012 to 2018, Sites
1,2,3 and 4 had an average HCC of 26.0% ± 3.3%.

Hard Coral Cover (%)

Figure 42 Box and whiskers plot of coral cover for Tubbataha stations from 2012 to 2018. Error
bars indicate +/- 1 standard error.

7.4 Change in Hard Coral Cover

At the location level, linear regression was used to determine if there were any statistically
significant changes in all of the sites revisited in Tubbataha. Overall, there was no significant
change over time (p=0.9212ns; Table 2). The same analysis was done at the site level, and Sites 2,
3, and 4 show significant changes while Site 1 and Jessie Beazley showed no significant
differences (Table 12). To determine further which stations contribute to these changes, linear
regression was done at the station level. This reveals that half (five out of the ten) of the stations
show statistically significant changes over time (Table 12). The relationship of hard coral with
time in Stations 3A and 4A is considered moderately strong based on their Pearson's correlation
coefficients (r=0.5, r=0.4, respectively, Table 2) while Stations 2B, 3B, and Jessie Beazely A reveal
strong relationships between HCC and time (r=0.7, r=0.6, r=0.7, respectively, Table 2). Station 2B
shows a positive trend based on its rate of change; this means that hard coral cover in this station
increased by 3.1% from 2012-2018 (Table 12). This is in contrast to the pattern for Stations 3A,
3B, 4A, and Jessie Beazley A whose hard coral covers decreased by 3.5%, 5.5%, 1.6%, and 8.0%,

Table 12 Linear regression of HC at different levels i.e. location, site, and station level wherein ns=P>0.05; * =
p≤0.05; ** =p≤0.01; *** =p≤0.001.

p-values Coefficient of Pearson’s Rate of change (b)

Determination (r ) Correlation (r)
WHOLE LOCATION 0.9212 0.003% 0.01 0.1
SITE 1 0.8469ns 0.1% 0.02 -0.1
SITE 2 0.0003*** 17.8% 0.4 1.9
SITE 3 <0.0001*** 33.3% 0.6 -4.5
SITE 4 0.0413* 6.0% 0.2 -1.1
JESSIE BEAZLEY 0.1701 4.9% 0.2 -4.9
STATION 1A 0.4413ns 1.8% 0.1 -0.7
STATION 1B 0.3099ns 3.1% 0.2 0.5
STATION 2A 0.0809 8.9% 0.3 0.8
STATION 2B <0.0001*** 42.7% 0.7 3.1
STATION 3A 0.0006*** 30.1% 0.5 -3.5
STATION 3B <0.0001*** 37.4% 0.6 -5.5%
STATION 4A 0.0178* 15.9% 0.4 -1.6
STATION 4B 0.3095ns 3.1% 0.2 -0.6
JESSIE BEAZLEY A 0.001*** 46.2% 0.7 -8.0%
JESSIE BEAZLEY B 0.2223 8.2% 0.3 -1.74

TAUs Diversity

The average number of TAUs for all stations in Tubbataha in 2018 is 19 ± 1. Three monitoring
stations are classified under Diversity Category B, namely stations 1B (23 ± 1 TAUs), 2B (24 ± 0
TAUs) and 4B (23 ± 1 TAUs). Jessie Beazley B is the only station with Diversity Category C, with
an average of 20 ± 2 TAUs. The rest of the monitoring stations fall under Diversity Category D,
each having up to 18 TAUs.

Ave. Number of TAUs

Figure 43 Bar graphs of TAU diversity per year for all sites/stations. Error bars indicate +/- 1 standard error.

7.5 Change in TAUs diversity

TAU diversity in Tubbataha did not show any significant change at the location level (p=0.1003
; Table 13) from 2012 to 2018. Sites 1, 3, 4, and Jessie Beazley also did not show any statistically
significant changes at the site and station levels (Table 13). Site 2, on the other hand, showed a
statistically significant change at the site (p<0.0001; Table 3) and station level (2A p=0.0299*; 2B
p<0.0001***; Table 13). The relationship between the number of TAUs and year for Stations 2A
and 2B can be described as a moderate and a strong relationship, respectively, using the
Pearson’s coefficient (r=0.4 and r=0.8, Table 3) as basis. The rate of change is below two TAUs
for both stations. This means that every year from 2012 to 2018, Stations 2A and 2B increased in
diversity by one and two TAUs. It is worth noting that the TAUs diversity in Station 2B has been
steadily improving since 2016 (Figure 43).

Table 13 Linear regression of TAUs at different levels i.e. location, site, and station level wherein ns=P>0.05; *
= p≤0.05; ** =p≤0.01; *** =p≤0.001.

p-value Coefficient of Pearson’s Rate of change

Determination Coefficient (r)
(r )
LOCATION LEVEL 0.1003ns 0.8% 0.1 0.2
SITE 1 0.2971ns 1.6% 0.1 0.2
SITE 2 <0.0001*** 29.8% 0.5 1.1
SITE 3 0.5125 0.6% 0.1 -0.2
SITE 4 0.6700ns 0.3% 0.1 0.1
ns 0.3% 0.1 0.2
STATION 1A 0.4395 ns 1.8% 0.1 0.2
STATION 1B 0.2055 4.8% 0.2 0.3
STATION 2A 0.0299* 13.5% 0.4 0.6
STATION 2B <0.0001*** 59.4% 0.8 1.6
STATION 3A 0.1372 6.6% 0.3 -0.5
STATION 3B 0.8602 0.1% 0.0 0.1
STATION 4A 0.5419 1.1% 0.1 -0.2
STATION 4B 0.1752 ns 5.5% 0.2 0.4
JESSIE BEAZLEY A 0.7798 0.4% 0.1 -0.2
JESSIE BEAZLEY B 0.2487 7.3% 0.3 0.6


The stations that have a decreasing trend in hard coral cover (HCC) i.e., Stations 3A, 3B, 4A, and
Jessie Beazley A have moderate to moderately strong Pearson's correlation coefficients. This
indicates that these stations should be carefully observed for any more changes in the succeeding
resurveys. The changes in HCC in Stations 3A and 3B could be related to large fields of Isopora
brueggemanni rubble in the deeper portions of the stations (Plate 11), which may have been
created by logs and payao floats that hit the reef (Eneria and Licuanan, 2017). Rubble moving
around due to strong water movement could further destabilize the substrate and damage more
coral. A similar situation may exist in Jessie Beazley A where foliose growth forms of Montipora
dominate the reef. Foliose colonies of Montipora are considered 'competitive' corals (Darling,

Alvarez-Filip, Oliver, Mcclanahan, & Cote, 2012). These types of corals are more competitive for
space against other corals. They have faster growth rate, they can dominate a reef rapidly and
they create canopies to get more sunlight. However these types of corals are more vulnerable to
disturbances such physical breakage (Darling et al., 2012).

Results from Station 4A reveal decreasing hard coral cover. It is possible that the presence of
thick tufts of turf algae (Plate 13) here may have limited the growth and settlement of new coral
recruits. These stations should be carefully tracked in the future.

Station 2B is dominated by colonies of Isopora, massive Porites and Favites. These are ‘stress-
tolerant’ corals that can withstand disturbances such as warming temperatures and breakage
(Darling et al., 2012). This trait may have allowed the corals in this station to endure, but it does
not explain its increasing HCC, especially since these same corals are also slow-growing.

However, it is of note that all rates of change are less than 5%, which is lower than the 9%
minimum detectable change of the methods used at the station level (WY Licuanan et al. 2017).
This suggests that these values are statistically significant but may not be ecologically significant,
as these may be attributed to the spatial variability that accompanies re-randomization of
transects within the sampling area during each monitoring survey (WY Licuanan et al. 2017).

A simple linear regression revealed that station 2A and 2B have statistically significant changes
in coral TAU diversity over time. The change in the number of TAUs in 2B shows a stronger
relationship than in Station 2A. Five TAUs were recorded in 2018 that were not recorded in the
previous two years, namely ACAN, AF, COS, MON and PAV (Appendix 25). These may also be
due to re-randomization of transects within the monitoring station during each survey.

These results indicate that hard coral cover and diversity have not significantly changed in the
Tubbataha Reefs Marine Natural Park since reef monitoring activities in 2012, despite two ship
groundings, typhoons, and two thermal events that affected the reefs within the monitoring
period (see also WY Licuanan et al. 2017). However, changes at the site and station level will need
to be examined again in the future. These, along with minor impacts, like discarded fishing lines
in Jessie Beazley (Plate 12), may foreshadow future problems. “Blooms” of turf algae was also
observed in stations 4A and 4B (Plate 13), and these may be caused by nutrient-rich run-off from
the lagoon. The occurrence of this algae is notable, as Tubbataha substrate would usually be
characterized by “clean” carbonate rock (WY Licuanan, personal communication).

The protection of Tubbataha has proven effective, as indicated by the stable coral cover and
diversity at the location level. Other indicators of a healthy reef ecosystem include the large sizes,

high density and diversity of reef fishes, the presence of apex predators such as various species
of sharks, numerous individuals of endangered species such as hawksbill and green turtles and
giant clams, as well as large, highly-prized fish species such as the bumphead parrotfish and
humphead wrasse. All these were spotted in at least one reef monitoring station during the
survey. Tubbataha remains a benchmark of a healthy reef ecosystem and remains one of the
most well-protected reefs locally and globally (Nañola et al. 2011, AM Licuanan et al. 2017, WY
Licuanan et al. 2017).


Plate 1 Reef shot of Jessie Beazley A, with divers for scale. The reef is dominated by foliose Montipora colonies.

Plate 2 Reef shot of Station 1B, with a diver for scale. The reef is dominated by corals with branching and
massive life forms.

Plate 3 Reef shot of Station 3A, with a diver for scale. Deeper parts of the monitoring station are dominated
by Isopora brueggemanni, while the shallower parts are dominated by a more several genera of massive corals.

Plate 4 Reef shot of Station 2B. A 75-m base transect is used to demarcate the deepest part of the monitoring

Plate 5 Reef shot of Station 3B, with a diver for scale. Station 3B shares similar coral distribution patterns as
its replicate station, 3A.

Plate 6 Reef shot of Station 4B, with a diver for scale.

Plate 7 Reef shot of Jessie Beazley B, showing a diver taking photographs of the benthos using an aluminum
monopod. Deeper parts of the reef are dominated by soft corals.

Plate 8 Reef shot of Station 1A.

Plate 9 Reef shot of Station 2A. Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) were observed in the reef during the time of

Plate 10 Reef shot of Station 4A, with a diver for scale.

Plate 11 Large stands of Isopora brueggemanni in Station 3B are interspersed with vast fields of coral rubble
(divers for scale).

Plate 12 Discarded fishing lines observed in Jessie Beazley A.

Plate 13 A layer of turf algae on the carbonate substrate observed in Station 4A.

7.6 Ship Grounding Sites


Tubbataha is a highly protected coral reef ecosystem, but it is not free from human impacts. Such
impacts include the two ship groundings, i.e., those of the USS Guardian and Min Ping Yu, in
Tubbataha. The Avenger-class minehunter USS Guardian ship hit the northwest side of the
South Atoll in January 2013, and then three (3) months later a Chinese fishing vessel, F/V Min Ping
Yu, hit the southeast side of the North atoll. Estimated cost of the damage from the ship
grounding was around Php 60M and Php 7M, respectively (“What Went Before: Damage wrought
by USS Guardian”, 2014; “Province Takes Custody of the Chinese Vessel, Min Ping Yu”, 2014).

The two (2) ship grounding sites were surveyed using three 4m x 4m quadrat plots each (Figure
40). They were strategically positioned to capture the impact of the ship groundings on the
affected reefs. In each of the grounding sites, one quadrat was positioned in the impact zone,
one quadrat in a buffer zone, and another quadrat in a control zone. Simple linear regression was
used to identify the rate of changes in the different zones of the grounding sites. Confidence
interval was set at 95%.


‘Ground Zero’ in Figure 6 refers to the area in USS Guardian site that was the most damaged,
while the ‘impact border’ refers to the area that was moderately damaged. The ‘adjacent control’
refers to the area of the site where no damage from the grounding was observed. ‘Small
fragments’ in Figure 45 refers to the area in Min Ping Yu site that was the most damaged while
the ‘large fragments’ refers to the area that was moderately damaged. The ‘adjacent control’
refers to the area of the site where no damage from the grounding was observed.

The ‘ground zero’ quadrat in USS Guardian shows a statistically significant rate of change of 1.4%
(p-value = 0.0010) in hard coral cover from 2014-2018 using a simple linear regression analysis.
There was also a statistically significant decrease in algal assemblage cover by 2.7% (p-value
<0.0001) for the same period. On the other hand, ‘adjacent control’ shows a significantly
increasing trend of 2.5% (p-value 0.0217) in algal assemblage cover.

The quadrats in Min Ping Yu were established in similar situations as those at the USS Guardian
site. The ‘small fragments’ quadrat represent the most damaged area in the reef. This is because
the ship repeatedly hit the reef and the corals there were reduced to small fragments. These
fragments were then subsequently scraped together by the ship to one side. Adjacent areas from

the immediate grounding consisted of larger fragments created when ship's rudder hit massive
corals. These areas are represented by the ‘large fragments’ quadrat. ‘Adjacent control’ quadrat
represents part of the same reef that was not directly damaged by the grounding. None of the
quadrats in Min Ping Yu show statistically significant changes in HCC, but the ‘small fragments’
quadrat shows a significant increase in algal assemblage cover of 8.1% (p-value < 0.0001) based
on a simple linear regression analysis.

Figure 44. Hard coral cover (HCC) at and around the grounding site of the USS Guardian at the South Atoll of
the Tubbataha Reefs. Error bars indicate +/- 1 standard error.

Figure 45. Hard coral cover (HCC) in fixed plots at and around the Ming Ping Yu grounding site at the North
Atoll of the Tubbataha Reefs. Error bars indicate +/- 1 standard error.


‘Ground zero’ in USS Guardian shows a significant increase in hard coral cover at a rate of 1.4%,
and small corals (<5cm, Figure 46) are becoming common in the site. Although small, this rate of
change is an indication that USS Guardian site is gradually recovering from the damage the ship
has caused in 2013. This recovery is also evident in the decrease in algal assemblage cover by
2.7% (p-value <0.0001). As hard corals are slowly growing over the reef, the amount of available
space is decreasing.

Figure 46. Small corals found in USS Guardian with a ruler for scale.

It is possible that the reason why the quadrats in Min Ping Yu did not show any signs of coral
recovery is the rubble in the grounding site. This may have prevented the growth of new coral
recruits because rubble does not serve as a stable substrate needed for the growth of corals
(Flower et al., 2017; Figure 47).

Figure 47. Rubble was observed scattered all over the Min Ping Yu grounding site.

7.7 Southwest Wall


A second method, the C-30 sampling method (Licuanan et al., in prep.), was used along with the
photo-transect method to survey the benthos within the Southwest Wall station, with the main
objective of detecting the presence and impact of a reported crown-of-thorns starfish outbreak.
Using a sampling station with the same 25 × 75m dimensions, 1 × 1m photographs of the
substrate were taken at randomly-determined positions. Two sets of random numbers were used
to determine where photographs would be taken in the survey area – one set corresponding to
the number of fin kicks from the previous imaging point and another set corresponding to one of
the eight cardinal directions (i.e., N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW) which the diver will swim towards.
A total of 50 photographs were taken using this methodology. A subset of 30 randomly selected
photographs were then scored using modified TAUs that correspond to the TAU major
categories (Appendix 25). This method was found to be more sensitive for detecting small
impacts such as those created by crown-of-thorns outbreaks because of the higher number of
replicates (30) compared to the five replicates of the photo-transect method (Licuanan et al. in


Using the photo-transect method outlined in Part 1 of this report, it was found that the
Southwest Wall's HCC is 15.6 ± 3.4% with an average diversity of 20 ± 2 hard coral TAUs. Thus,
the Southwest Wall belongs to HCC Category D and Diversity Category C (AM Licuanan et al.
2017; Licuanan et al. in prep). The substrate is mostly comprised of algal assemblages, amounting
to 72.4% ± 8.3% of the benthic composition. While the station was assessed because of a
reported crown-of-thorns outbreak, crown-of-thorns sea stars were not encountered in the

Using the C-30 method, HCC in Southwest Wall was reported at 18.3% ± 2.7%, which does not
differ significantly from the HCC values obtained using the photo-transect method (WY Licuanan
et al. 2017). Like the photo-transect method, the C-30 method was also not able to detect the
presence of crown of thorns starfish in the station.


Based on observations, there were less than ten (10) COTS within the 25 × 75m sampling area.
Most crown-of-thorns sea stars were located under crevices in the deeper areas of the station,
which is why they were not encountered along the photo-transect and C30 images during the
assessment. COTS along the base transect and near the drop-off were extracted by members of
the Tubbataha Management Office staff. There were Stylophora colonies that were seen eaten
by COTS, as denoted by the clean white skeleton with no live tissue and covered by a thin layer
of turf algae (Figure 49).

Figure 48 Crown-of-thorns observed in Southwest Wall site with a hand as a scale.

Figure 49 Stylophora sp. colony that seems like it was freshly eaten by crown-of-thorns sea star.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Reefs that are protected from anthropogenic disturbance such as destructive and irresponsible
fishing have a better chance of recovering from disturbances such as ship groundings, crown-of-
thorns outbreaks, and warming due to climate change. In terms of hard coral cover, Tubbataha
reefs have not changed significantly in the last few years, which indicates that their management
and protection have been effective, and the natural processes in a coral reef are kept intact.
Tubbataha is arguably the best protected reef system in the country and the results in this report
shows that its protection should be continued for the years to come.


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Appendix 1. Monitoring Team

Gerlie Gedoria, TMO
Segundo Conales, Jr., TMO
Cresencio Caranay, Jr., TMO
Cleto Naňola, Jr., University of the Philippines - Mindanao
Denmark Recamara, Jose P. Rizal Memorial State University, Dapitan City Campus

Rowell Alarcon, TMO
Maria Retchie Pagliawan, TMO
Noel Bundal, TMO
Jeffrey David, TMO
Wilfredo Licuanan, De La Salle University
Jennifer Deauna, De La Salle University
Giannina Feliciano, De La Salle University

Arne Jensen, Ornithologist
Angelique Songco, TMO
Rowell Alarcon, TMO
Noel Bundal, TMO
Cresencio Caranay Jr, TMO
Segundo Conales Jr, TMO PR
Jeffrey David, TMO
Gerlie Gedoria, TMO
Maria Retchie C. Pagliawan, TMO
Darius Cayanan, WWF-Philippines
Ronald de Roa, WWF-Philippines
SNI April Jay Santuelle PCD
SGT Rudy N Tani PN
Angelito Y. Favila
Teri Aquino, Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines
Bonifaco Ganotice Jr., Field Assistant
Juan Carlos Gonzales, Professor and Curator, University of the Philippines, Los Baños
Philip Godfrey Jakosalem, Ornithologist, Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc.
Lisa Paguntalan, Director, Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc.

Appendix 2. Fish and Benthos Monitoring Sites

Sites Stations Latitude (N) Longitude (E)

Station 1A 8.93532 ° 120.01302 °

Site 2
Station 1B 8.93781 ° 120.00851 °

Station 2A 8.89236 ° 119.90627 °

Site 4
Station 2B 8.89128 ° 119.90453 °

Station 3A 8.75591 ° 119.82881 °

Site 6
Station 3B 8.75186 ° 119.82784 °

Station 4A 8.80850 ° 119.81907 °

Site 7
Station 4B 8.80656 ° 119.82169 °

Station JBA 9.04393 ° 119.81599 °

Jessie Beazley
Station JBB 9.04557 ° 119.81348 °

USSG 8 49.297° 119 48.187°

Grounding sites
MPY 8 51.183° 119 56.188°

Appendix 3. Categories for evaluating ecological health of coral reef fish communities
according to Hilomen et al. (2000) and Nañola et al. (2004).

Parameter Measure Category

Number of species
Species Richness per 1000m2)
<26 Very poor
27-47 Poor
48-74 Moderate
75-100 High
>100 Very High

Number of fish
Density per 1000m2)
< 201 fish Very Poor
202-676 Low
677-2267 Moderate
2268-7592 High
> 7592 Very High

Biomass mt/km2
0-10 Very Low to Low
11-20 Moderate
21-40 High
>40 Very High

Appendix 4. Mean density of fish families in deep (n=30) and shallow (n=30) areas in the
regular monitoring sites.

Family Common Names Deep Shallow

Acanthuridae Surgeonfish 48.2 51.1
Acanthuridae:Nasinae Unicornfish 16.2 7.8
Apogonidae Cardinalfish 0.1 0.0
Balistidae Triggerfish 18.5 32.6
Blenniidae Bleniies 0.2 0.1
Caesionidae Fusiliers 44.6 0.8
Carangidae Jacks and Trevallies 4.3 2.0
Carcharhinidae Sharks 0.3 0.0
Chaetodontidae Butterflyfish 27.0 17.5
Cirrhitidae Hawkfish 1.0 2.3
Dasyatidae Stingrays 0.0 0.0
Ephippidae Spadefish 0.1 0.0
Fistulariidae Cornetfish 0.0 0.1
Haemulidae Sweetlips 1.6 1.2
Holocentridae Squirrelfish 26.5 1.1
Kyphosidae Sea chubs 0.6 1.9
Labridae Wrasses 34.9 85.5
Lethrinidae Emperor fish 14.2 1.6
Lutjanidae Snappers 10.5 2.0
Monacanthidae Filefish 0.2 0.7
Mullidae Goatfish 1.5 1.6
Muraenidae Moray eels 0.2 0.1
Ostraciidae Boxfish 0.1 0.2
Pinguipedidae Sandperches 0.0 0.0
Pomacanthidae Angelfish 17.9 15.4
Pomacentridae Damselfish 547.7 531.2
Ptereleotridae Gudgeonfish 0.7 4.5
Scaridae Parrotfish 16.2 15.1
Scombridae Tuna and Mackerel 0.1 0.0
Serranidae Groupers 12.4 12.8
Serranidae: Anthiinae Fairy basslets/Anthias 613.8 335.8
Siganidae Rabbitfish 1.2 0.6
Tetraodontidae Pufferfish 1.1 1.2
Zanclidae Moorish Idol 4.2 3.1
Grand Total 1466.5 1130.8

Appendix 5. Mean biomass of fish families in deep (n=30) and shallow (n=30) areas in the
regular monitoring sites.

Family Common Names Deep Shallow

Acanthuridae Surgeonfish 7.31 4.07
Acanthuridae:Nasinae Unicornfish 22.17 8.29
Apogonidae Cardinalfish 0.01 0.00
Balistidae Triggerfish 7.91 12.04
Blenniidae Bleniies 0.00 0.00
Caesionidae Fusiliers 5.71 0.08
Carangidae Jacks and Trevallies 26.70 4.87
Carcharhinidae Sharks 6.69 1.75
Chaetodontidae Butterflyfish 2.47 1.36
Cirrhitidae Hawkfish 0.02 0.02
Dasyatidae Stingrays 0.00 0.09
Ephippidae Spadefish 0.12 0.16
Fistulariidae Cornetfish 0.00 0.22
Haemulidae Sweetlips 3.57 2.88
Holocentridae Squirrelfish 6.71 1.48
Kyphosidae Sea chubs 0.74 1.43
Labridae Wrasses 2.07 1.62
Lethrinidae Emperor fish 4.09 0.47
Lutjanidae Snappers 6.69 1.69
Monacanthidae Filefish 0.05 0.06
Mullidae Goatfish 0.33 0.27
Muraenidae Moray eels 0.22 0.06
Ostraciidae Boxfish 0.02 0.03
Pinguipedidae Sandperches 0.00 0.00
Pomacanthidae Angelfish 0.76 0.39
Pomacentridae Damselfish 5.39 3.28
Ptereleotridae Gudgeonfish 0.00 0.02
Scaridae Parrotfish 14.89 11.23
Scombridae Tuna and Mackerel 0.39 0.00
Serranidae Groupers 5.21 3.74
Serranidae: Anthiinae Fairy basslets/Anthias 1.90 1.00
Siganidae Rabbitfish 0.50 0.24
Tetraodontidae Pufferfish 0.54 0.18
Zanclidae Moorish Idol 0.92 0.58
Grand Total 134.11 63.62

Appendix 6. Results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) between spatial and temporal
means of fish biomass in in TRNP.

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

2013 5 1157.179289 231.4359 2678.9917
2014 5 581.0266174 116.2053 1002.6167
2015 5 1672.349578 334.4699 28489.861
2016 5 1094.286253 218.8573 3390.5731
2017 5 755.3677886 151.0736 1221.3391
2018 5 490.9218382 98.18437 170.3532

Seafan Alley 6 1122.363401 187.0606 3825.8432

Malayan Wreck 6 1124.025953 187.3377 15476.602
Delsan Wreck 6 988.456782 164.7428 5170.4934
Ko-ok 6 1623.837386 270.6396 30499.898
Jessie Beazley 6 892.4478423 148.7413 2772.0029

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
between years (2013-2018) 193974.1541 5 38794.83 8.1888786 0.000242 2.71089
between sites 53064.89498 4 13266.22 2.800257 0.053755 2.866081
Error 94750.04529 20 4737.502

Total 341789.0944 29

Appendix 7. Mean density of fish families in deep (n=6) and shallow (n=3) of Min Ping Yu
grounding site.

Families Common name Deep Shallow

Acanthuridae Surgeonfish 61.33 79.67
Acanthuridae:Nasinae Unicornfish 13.33 2.67
Apogonidae Cardinalfish 0.33 0.00
Balistidae Triggerfish 7.67 11.67
Blenniidae Bleniies 1.67 0.33
Caesionidae Fusiliers 21.33 18.67
Carangidae Jacks and Trevallies 1.67 2.67
Chaetodontidae Butterflyfish 23.67 20.33
Cirrhitidae Hawkfish 0.00 1.67
Fistulariidae Neddlefish 3.33 0.00
Haemulidae Sweetlips 2.00 0.33
Holocentridae Squirrelfish 24.67 12.33
Labridae Wrasses 65.00 50.67
Lethrinidae Emperorfish 6.00 13.67
Lutjanidae Snappers 4.67 3.33
Monacanthidae Filefish 3.00 0.67
Mullidae Goatfish 2.00 5.67
Nemipteridae Breams 0.00 0.67
Pempheridae Sweepers 1.00 0.00
Pinguipedidae Sandperches 0.00 0.67
Pomacanthidae Angelfish 16.00 10.00
Pomacentridae Damselfish 680.00 755.00
Ptereleotridae Gudgeonfish 0.67 3.33
Scaridae Parrotfish 16.00 24.00
Serranidae Groupers 4.33 10.67
Serranidae: Anthiinae Basslets/Anthias 260.67 149.33
Siganidae Rabbitfish 2.00 0.00
Tetraodontidae Pufferfish 1.00 0.33
Zanclidae Moorish Idol 1.33 0.67
Grand Total 1224.67 1179.00

Appendix 8. Mean density of fish families in deep (n=6) and shallow (n=3) of USS Guardian
grounding site.

Families Common names Deep Shallow

Acanthuridae Surgeonfish 32.00 95.67
Acanthuridae:Nasinae Unicornfish 9.33 4.67
Balistidae Triggerfish 91.67 67.33
Blenniidae Blennies 0.33 0.00
Carangidae Jacks and Trevally 0.33 3.67
Chaetodontidae Butterflyfish 14.67 9.00
Cirrhitidae Hawkfish 0.67 2.33
Ephippidae Batfish 0.00 0.33
Haemulidae Sweetlips 1.00 0.33
Holocentridae Squirrelfish 23.67 0.67
Kyphosidae Sea chubs 0.33 0.00
Labridae Wrasse 49.67 175.00
Lethrinidae Emperorfish 4.33 0.00
Lutjanidae Snappers 3.33 1.67
Mullidae Goatfish 0.00 3.33
Muraenidae Moray Eel 0.00 0.33
Pomacanthidae Angelfish 22.00 17.67
Pomacentridae Damselfish 263.67 462.00
Ptereleotridae Gudgeonfish 0.67 1.33
Scaridae Parrotfish 28.33 12.67
Serranidae Groupers 15.00 17.33
Serranidae: Anthiinae Fairy basslets/Anthias 775.00 305.67
Tetraodontidae Pufferfish 1.33 2.00
Zanclidae Moorish idol 1.33 0.67
Grand Total 1338.67 1183.67

Appendix 9. Mean biomass of fish families in deep (n=6) and shallow (n=3) of Min Ping Yu
grounding site.

Families Common name Deep Shallow

Acanthuridae Surgeonfish 3.90 5.18
Acanthuridae:Nasinae Unicornfish 7.57 1.70
Apogonidae Cardinalfish 0.03 0.00
Balistidae Triggerfish 3.72 8.81
Blenniidae Bleniies 0.01 0.00
Caesionidae Fusiliers 2.72 0.66
Carangidae Jacks and Trevallies 2.38 7.52
Chaetodontidae Butterflyfish 2.35 1.07
Cirrhitidae Hawkfish 0.00 0.01
Fistulariidae Neddlefish 1.18 0.00
Haemulidae Sweetlips 5.28 0.57
Holocentridae Squirrelfish 4.34 1.61
Labridae Wrasses 0.96 2.14
Lethrinidae Emperorfish 2.52 1.41
Lutjanidae Snappers 2.56 1.71
Monacanthidae Filefish 0.17 0.06
Mullidae Goatfish 0.35 0.57
Nemipteridae Breams 0.00 0.07
Pempheridae Sweepers 0.13 0.00
Pinguipedidae Sandperches 0.00 0.02
Pomacanthidae Angelfish 0.29 0.14
Pomacentridae Damselfish 6.02 5.23
Ptereleotridae Gudgeonfish 0.00 0.01
Scaridae Parrotfish 10.41 9.06
Serranidae Groupers 2.05 3.64
Serranidae: Anthiinae Basslets/Anthias 0.82 0.46
Siganidae Rabbitfish 1.53 0.00
Tetraodontidae Pufferfish 0.02 0.04
Zanclidae Moorish Idol 0.18 0.08
Grand Total 61.50 51.77

Appendix 10. Mean biomass of fish families in deep (n=6) and shallow (n=3) of USS
Guardian grounding site.

Families Common Names Deep Shallow

Acanthuridae Surgeonfish 11.73 8.62
Acanthuridae:Nasinae Unicornfish 26.30 4.52
Balistidae Triggerfish 21.62 19.11
Blenniidae Blennies 0.00 0.00
Carangidae Jacks and Trevally 4.89 5.19
Chaetodontidae Butterflyfish 2.26 0.63
Cirrhitidae Hawkfish 0.05 0.05
Ephippidae Batfish 0.00 0.94
Haemulidae Sweetlips 5.68 0.52
Holocentridae Squirrelfish 12.52 0.91
Kyphosidae Sea chubs 0.60 0.00
Labridae Wrasse 4.04 2.43
Lethrinidae Emperorfish 0.95 0.00
Lutjanidae Snappers 3.70 3.03
Mullidae Goatfish 0.00 0.25
Muraenidae Moray Eel 0.00 0.64
Pomacanthidae Angelfish 2.07 1.20
Pomacentridae Damselfish 3.58 2.29
Ptereleotridae Gudgeonfish 0.00 0.00
Scaridae Parrotfish 25.15 11.45
Serranidae Groupers 6.83 6.08
Serranidae: Anthiinae Fairy basslets/Anthias 2.28 0.77
Tetraodontidae Pufferfish 0.13 0.10
Zanclidae Moorish idol 0.19 0.14
Grand Total 134.56 68.86

Appendix 11. Taxonomic amalgamation units (TAUs)

CORAL (HC) Other foliose corals (CF)

Acanthastrea (ACAN) Other free living fungiids (FOT)
Acropora branching (ACB) Other massive corals (CM)
Acropora corymbose (ACC) Oulastrea (OULA)
Acropora digitate (ACD) Oulophyllia (OULO)
Acropora hispidose (ACH) Oxypora (OXY)
Acropora plate (ACT) Pachyseris encrusting (PACE)
Acropora robusta group (ACR) Pachyseris foliose (PACF)
Astreopora (AST) Pavona (PAV)
Attached fungiids (AF) Pectinia (PEC)
Caulastrea (CAU) Platygyra (PLAT)
Coeloseris (COE) Pocillopora (POC)
Coscinarea (COS) Porites branching (PORB)
Cyphastrea (CYP) Porites encrusting (PORE)
Diploastrea heliopora (DIP) Porites massive (PORM)
Echinophyllia (ECHY) Seriatopora (SER)
Echinopora (ECHI) Stylophora (STY)
Euphyllia (EUP) Symphyllia (SYM)
Favia (FAV) Tubipora musica (TUBI)
Favites (FVI) Turbinaria (TURB)
Galaxea (GAL) Soft coral (SC)
Goniastrea (GONIA) ALGAE (AA)
Goniopora (GONIO) Algal assemblage (AAA)
Heliopora branching (HELB) Crustose Coralline algae (CA)
Heliopora encrusting (HELE) Halimeda (HA)
Heliopora submassive (HELS) Turf (TU)
Hydnophora branching (HYDB) MORTALITIES (MOR)
Hydnophora encrusting (HYDE) Dead coral (DC)
Isopora (ISO) Dead coral with algae (DCA)
Leptoria (LEPA) ABIOTIC (AB)
Leptoseris (LEPS) Rubble (R)
Lobophyllia (LOB) Sand (S)
Merulina (MER) Silt (SI)
Millepora (MILL) Rock (RCK)
Montipora branching (MONTB) Corallimorpharian (COR)
Montipora encrusting (MONTE) Sponge (SP)
Montipora foliose (MONTF) Zoanthid (ZO)
Mycedium (MYC) Ascidian (ASC)
Other branching corals (CB) Gorgonian (GORG)
Other bubble corals (BUB) Invertebrates (INV)
Other encrusting corals (CE)

Appendix 12. Distance count estimate: objectives and methods

Objective Documentation of: a) presence or absence of seabird species, and, b) the

relative population trend variation throughout the year.

Method Distance counts include all species of boobies, frigatebirds and terns
including noddies.

Distance counts are carried out as a monthly patrol routine at both Bird Islet
and South Islet.

It is carried out from a patrol boat while cruising at very low speed, e.g. 5
knots,interrupted by frequent stops every 80-100 meters parallel to the
shoreline. If the birds show signs of being disturbed or start to fly, it may
indicate the distance is too close and needs to be adjusted.

The count is an estimation of the population numbers carried out by using a

binocular with magnification 8 x 50 or 10 x 50. The method does not allow
for exact count of population numbers.

Two Park Rangers conducts the count: One counts/estimates the bird
population numbers, the other serves as the recorder. At least two
independent counts must be made.

Analysis The average estimated figures are used to determine the population
variation trend of the different species throughout the year.

Data storage The results are reported on a quarterly basis to the TMO in Puerto Princesa.
The TMO is responsible for storing and safeguarding the data.

Appendix 13. Inventory and population calculation methods per breeding species

Species Calculation methods

Red-footed The active adult breeding population size is expressed as the number of nests
Booby multiplied by two = the minimum number of active adult breeding birds. This result is
compared to the day-time number of adult birds counted. Whichever number is
higher represents the daytime population.

The in-flight counts of adult birds are added to the day-time results to determine the
total minimum population present. Although more adult birds arrive during the night,
there is currently no method used to capture this part of the population given that
night counts with flashlight is unfeasible and highly disturbing to the birds.

Reproduction rate is expressed as the number of nests, eggs and/or pulli, juvenile and
immature birds recorded. For the immature population the result of the in-flight
count is added.

Brown Booby The active adult breeding population size is expressed as the number of nests
multiplied by two = the minimum number of active adult breeding birds. This result is
compared to the day-time number of adult birds. Whichever count is higher is used
to represent the daytime population.

The in-flight result of adult birds is added to the day-time result in order to express
the minimum adult population present. Since more adult birds arrive during the night,
two to three distance counts of adults present at dawn at ‘Plaza’ is carried out and the
average result is compared with the combined results of the day-count and the
inflight-count. Whichever of these two counts is the highest is used to express the
maximum adult population present.

The species only irregularly breeds at South Islet, the count result of adults from this
islet is not included in the calculation of the total population of the species.

Reproduction rate is expressed as the number of nests, eggs and/or pulli, juvenile and
immature birds recorded. For the immature population the result of the in-flight
count is added.

Pacific Reef The number of adult birds counted at high tide represents the breeding population.
Heron The result from South Islet is added to the result for North Islet in order to express the
total population of the species present at TRNP.

Reproduction rate is expressed as the number of nests, eggs and/or pulli and juveniles
found during the inventory of other breeding species.

Barred Rail The number of adult birds noted during counts of other breeding species represents
the breeding population. Nests are difficult to find. If nest is found, one nest
represents 2 adult birds

Brown Noddy The population size is expressed as the number of nests found multiplied by two =
minimum number of adult birds. This result is compared to the day-time number of
adult birds counted next to the nests, the number of birds roosting along the shoreline
and the results of the in-flight count. The total of these three counts is used to express
the maximum adult population present.

At South Islet in-flight counts are normally not carried out and only two data sets are
used to determine the population at this islet: the number of nests found compared
to the number of adult birds counted next to the nests, and the birds roosting along
the shoreline and on the wreck. The results from South Islet are added to the result
for North Islet in order to express the total population of TRNP.

Reproduction rate is expressed as the number of nests, eggs and/or pulli and juveniles
found during the inventory.

Black Noddy The population size is expressed as the average number of nests found during two to
three separate counts multiplied by two = the total active breeding population. This
result is compared to the average result of two to three daytime counts of birds
carried out during nest counts plus the results of the in-flight count. Whichever of the
two count results is the highest is used.

At South Islet in-flight counts are normally not carried out and only two data sets are
used to determine the population at this islet: number of nests and number of adult
birds counter. This result from South Islet is added to the result for North Islet in order
to express the total population.

Reproduction rate is expressed as the number of nests, eggs and/or pulli and juveniles
found during the inventory. Because the nests mostly are placed at high elevation in
the vegetation, total counts of eggs and pulli is only possible at Bird Islet.
Identification of immature birds is not possible as they look similar to adults.

Great Crested Population size is expressed as the number of eggs and/or pulli and juvenile found
Tern multiplied by two = the minimum number of active breeding birds. This result is
compared to the day-time number of adult birds counted next to the
eggs/pulli/juveniles plus the average result of two to three high tide counts along the
shoreline. Whichever of these two results is the highest is used to express the
maximum breeding population. In years with very high population density, adult birds
should be photo-ducmented using structured picture-taking of clearly demarcated
and numbered sub-sections of the breeding areas. At South Islet where breeding only
occurs irregularly, the number of territorial adult birds are counted and added to the
figure for North Islet in order to express the total population of species present at

Since the species is not breeding at either Black Rock, Amos Rock or Ranger Station,
the count result from these localities are not included in the population calculation.

Reproduction rate is expressed as the number of eggs and/or pulli and juveniles found.

Sooty Tern Population size is expressed as the number of eggs and/or pulli and juveniles recorded
multiplied by two = minimum number of active breeding birds. This result is
compared to the day-time number of adult birds counted next to the
eggs/pulli/juveniles and to the average results of two to three late afternoon/evening
estimates of the total adult population present at that time. Whichever of these three
results is the highest is used to express the breeding population.. In years with very
high population density, adult birds should be photo-ducmented using structured
picture-taking of clearly demarcated and numbered sub-sections of the breeding

Since the species is not breeding at South Islet, the count result from this islet is not
included in the calculation of the total population.

Reproduction rate is expressed as the number of eggs and/or pulli and juveniles found
during the inventory.

Eurasian Tree Population size is expressed as presence of adult birds since nests have not yet been
Sparrow found.

Appendix 14. Bird Islet Beach Erosion Assessment

Cesar Villanoy, Fernando Siringan, Justin de la Cruz

Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines


Ocular observations in recent years have suggested that the Bird Islet is being eroded. This is alarming
because the Bird Islet is basically just a small sand cay with a very low and flat topography. It is entirely
covered in sand and is exposed to the open sea monsoon winds and occasional typhoons that visits the
area. Fortunately, the Bird Islet is located within the North Atoll so it is well protected from strong offshore
waves. Waves do reach the shores of Bird Islet but is significantly attenuated due to the shallow depths of
the reef. The islet is located on the back reef so it may be exposed to stronger wave energy during the
southwest monsoon due to a slight fetch within the lagoon. This report attempts to gain insights on
sediment transport and potential erosion patterns in the Bird Islet, Tubbataha Reefs.


The beach sediment transport patterns were inferred from 2 aerial photographs taken by drones. The
photographs were taken in May 2017 (Figure 1) and October 2017 (Figure 2), representing the end of the
Northeast Monsoon and Southwest Monsoon, respectively. The two photographs were overlain using a
GIS software to ensure that both have the same scale as close as possible. Beach sediment seasonal
transport patterns were then inferred from these photographs.

Figure 1. Aerial photograph of Bird Islet take by a drone in May 2017

Figure 2. Aerial photograph of Bird Islet taken by a drone in October 2017


The photo taken in May 2017 (Figure 1) represents the beach sediment distribution after the northeast
monsoon. A spit is formed on the southwest end of the island resulting from the southward alongshore
transport driven by waves reaching the island from the northeast. A spit is a protrusion into the water of
the shoreline due to deposition of sediment. It is during the end of the northeast monsoon that the
northern side of the island appears eroded, leaving rocks exposed.

Figure 2, which was taken in October 2017, shows the shape of the island representing beach sediment
distribution after the southwest monsoon. Several spits are formed, including one on the north and one
each on the eastern and western tips of the island. The orientation of the spits indicates the direction of
sand transport and suggests that the direction of incident waves is from the west-southwest. The spits
have a much more defined distal (end protruding into the water) and proximal (end attached to the island)
ends perhaps suggesting more intense longshore transport of sand and longshore currents during the
southwest monsoon. The southwest spit is of particular interest because this is the same spit formed
during the northeast monsoon from sand transported from the northern part of the island. During the
southwest monsoon, it swings to the east and probably loses some of that sand off the island, unable to
return to the pool of sand that drifts around the island.

This seasonal cycle of sand transport repeats annually. If sand is removed from the island every southwest
monsoon, erosion effects will eventually appear after a few seasonal cycles. Deposition areas of sand from
the shore of the island which appear as light colored areas are very distinct in the May 2017 picture (Figure
1). The stronger longshore drift during the southwest monsoon is a function of the longer fetch in the
southwest direction

The pathway of sand loss appears to be as follows (see Figure 3). During the northeast monsoon, sand is
transported via longshore drift from the northern end of the island to the southwest tip to form the
southern spit seen in Figure 1. However during the southwest monsoon, this sand is not transported back
to the north shore but is instead pushed towards the east, some of which are deposited some distance
from the shore. The inability of some of the sand to return to the north shore during the southwest
monsoon results in a net loss of the sand budget of the island and, over time, leads to erosion.

Figure 3. Schematic of longshore transport/drift of beach sand during the Northeast Monsoon
(top) and Southwest Monsoon (bottom).


The strength and characteristics of the monsoons slightly vary from year to year so it is important to
continue taking aerial pictures of the island at the end of each monsoon season. This photographic
database will be very important in trying to understand the beach sand dynamics in Bird Islet.

The observed erosion is clearly due to a net loss in the island’s sand budget. Most of the sand loss occurs
during the southwest monsoon when the Bird Islet is more exposed to stronger wave energies. Minimizing
sand loss by installing structures that can attenuate wave energy coming from the west/southwest (e.g.
reef balls or submerged breakers) is a possible option but must be done carefully such that longshore
currents in the other parts of the island are not affected significantly.

The other option is to do active beach sand nourishment which is to physically pump sand
deposited away from the shore back closer to the shore where it can eventually be incorporated
into the seasonal sand migration. This will require identifying where these deposition areas are
and using sand pumps to transfer the sand closer to shore. However, this may also affect the bird
populations if the sand pump engines will disturb bird behavior.

Appendix 15. Condition of vegetation on Bird Islet and South Islet

Condition of vegetation on Bird Islet, May 2006 (baseline year) and 2016 to 2018

Trees/ Good Fair Bad Total

(optimal) (moderately (severely deteriorating)
Condition (live trees) Dead trees

















Dead trees 82 75 ND

Mature,live 10 1 0 0 49 4 0 0 11 16 10 0 70 21 10 0
(> 3 feet)
Small, live 109 33 0 0 0 24 4 3 0 7 9 10 109 64 13 13
(2- 3 feet )

Seedlings 50 14 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 2 7 0 50 25 16 0?
(< 1 feet)

Total 169 48 0 0 49 37 13 3 11 25 26 10 229 110 39 13 82 75 ND ND

Note Coco Palms 2018: 3

Condition of vegetation on South Islet May 2011 (baseline year) and 2015 to 2018

Trees/ Good Fair Bad Total Dead

Condition (live trees)
(optimal) (moderately (severely deteriorating)



















Dead trees 6 16 ND ND

Mature, live 70 0 0 0 28 20 9 3 5 40 23 17 103 60 32 20

(> 3 feet)

Small, live 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 4 0
(2- 3 feet )

Seedlings 19 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 8 6

(< 1 feet)

Total 91 0 0 6 28 20 17 3 5 40 27 17 124 60 44 26 6 16 ND ND

Notes: Coco Palms 2011: 13, 2016: 6, 2017:6, 2018:10

Appendix 16. Results of Park Rangers’ inventory counts, August and November 2017 and
February 2018 at Bird Islet and South Islet

Bird Islet 2017 2018

Species/Date 17 August 17 November 10 February

Red-footed Booby Day Count Day Count Inflight Total Day Count

Adult 274 371 331 702 576

Sub-adult 5 7 21 28 18

Pullus/ juvenile 1 20 20 16

Eggs 3 36 36 12

Nests 63 139 139 106

Brown Booby

Adult 78 1201 1292 2493 1047

Sub-adult 3 0 33 36 24

Pullus/ juvenile 6 215 215 452

Eggs 6 1388 1388 74

Nests 196 1074 1074 637

Masked Booby

Adult 1 1 1

Great Crested Tern

Adult 20 0 0 30

Sub-adult 2 0 0 0

Pullus/ juvenile 0 0 0 0

Eggs 10 0 0 0

Nests 0 0 0 0

Sooty Tern

Adult 87 1077 0 1077 970

Sub-adult 5 697 0 697 17

Pullus/juvenile 0 167 0 167 0

Eggs 36 198 - 198 0

Nests 0 0 - 0 0

Brown Noddy

Adult 642 378 - 378 1500

Sub-adult 20 0 - 0 20

Pullus/juvenile 131 0 - 0 0

Eggs 58 3 - 3 433

Nests 159 13 - 13 534

Black Noddy

Adult 240 289 - 289 976

Sub-adult 6 0 - 0 0

Pullus/juvenile 17 0 - 0 1

Eggs 32 2 - 2 80

Nests 24 5 - 5 141

South Islet 2017 2018

Species/Date 17 August 17 November 10 February

Day Count Day Count Day Count

Red-footed Booby

Adult 322 175 458

Sub-adult 6 2 29

Pullus/ juvenile 5 16 20

Eggs 2 25 0

Nests 95 53 207

Brown Booby

Adult 20 2 24

Sub-adult 0 0 0

Pullus/ juvenile 0 0 0

Eggs 0 0 0

Nests 0 0 0

Great Crested Tern

Adult 0 0 0

Sub-adult 0 0 0

Pullus/juvenile 1 0 0

Eggs 0 0 0

Nests 0 0 0

Sooty Tern

Adult 0 0 0

Sub-adult 0 0 0

Pullus/ juvenile 0 0 0

Eggs 0 0 0

Nests 0 0 0

Brown Noddy

Adult 366 1 0

Sub-adult 17 0 0

Pullus/ juvenile 0 0 0

Eggs 25 0 0

Nests 119 36 0

Black Noddy

Adult 137 1 0

Sub-adult 4 0 0

Pullus/juvenile 0 0 0

Eggs 16 0 0

Nests 226 0 0

Appendix 17. Population results and population trend of breeding seabirds in TRNP April to June 1981 – 2018.

Source: Kennedy 1982, Manamtam 1996, WWF Philippines 1998-2004 and TMO 2004-2018. Baseline years are underlined .

1981 1995 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
13,388 3,949 1,744 4,695 7,529 7,635 2,804 5,200 13,825 16,957 7,746 10,534

Masked Booby 150 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Brown Booby 3,768 1) 2,060 1,716 1,045 850 577 623 856 1,877 1,108 1,016 1,059

Brown Noddy 2,136 643 0 500 37 775 115 336 590 1,035 530 800

Great Crested Tern 2,264 335 0 150 414 4,160 2,064 2,808 7,858 6,894 4,700 4,875

Sooty Tern 5,070 1) 910 28 3,000 6,228 2,123 2 1,200 3,500 7,920 >1,500 3,800
156 7,128 3,250 3,502 7,042 5,003 1,630 3,240 8,353 8,727 7,902 10,403
Red-Footed Booby 9 0 0 2 44 43 20 2,435 1,947 1,877 2,902 2,513

Black Noddy 147 7,128 3,250 3,500 6,998 4,860 1,610 805 6,406 6,850 > 5,000 7,890

TOTAL 13,544 11,077 4,994 8,197 14,571 12,638 4,434 8,440 22,178 25,684 15,648 20,937

Notes: 1) End of March data. 2) Based on Park Rangers distance count 1 June 2014. 3) Based on Park Rangers count 9 August 2014. 4) Based on Park Rangers
egg count 14 Feb 2015

Species/ Trend
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Numbers (%)

9,721 18,669 13,592 18,383 15,988 16,448 27,193 27,654 29,940 35,878 + 168

Masked Booby 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 - 99

Brown Booby 1,018 1,438 1,846 1,879 1,690 1,632 2,403 3,122 3,535 3,367 - 11

Brown Noddy 1,570 1,575 2,042 1,492 1,688 1,862 2,583 2,096 4,209 3,470 + 62

Great Crested Tern 4,433 4,790 6,160 8,653 9,794 2) 7,730 <12,387 3,880 17,097 17,752 + 684

Sooty Tern 2,700 10,866 3,544 6,359 2,816 3) 5,224 4) 9,820 8,555 >5,098 11,288 + 123

9,525 9,975 10,746 11,776 12,858 10,630 11,718 11,101 7,278 5,916 + 3,695

Red-Footed Booby 2,220 2,331 2,395 2,340 2,202 3,074 3,492 2,141 2,087 1,443 - 41

Black Noddy > 7,305 7,644 8,351 9,436 10,656 7,556 8,226 8,716 5,191 4,473 - 37

TOTAL 19,246 28,644 24,338 30,159 28,846 27,078 38,911 38,549 37,218 41,794 + 208

Appendix 18. Seabird breeding data from Bird Islet and from South Islet, April to June 2004-2018

Source: WWF Philippines 2004 and TMO 2004 to 2018

Species/Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Red-footed Booby

Immatures 398 1,455 606 597 780 477 677 795 799 426 134 206 80 97 89

Pulli/1st year juv. > 35 71 105 116 69 180 88 171 243 312 277 240 49 43 39

Eggs + + + + + + + 68 >166 >185 >57 >46 > 49 55 74

Nests 279 217 225 404 361 367 451 369 739 848 431 379 315 177 223

Brown Booby

Immatures 0 81 26 55 55 61 126 110 140 62 51 28 66 157 264

Pulli/1st year juv. 43 2 7 12 91 126 125 225 46 28 266 200 22 175 95

Eggs 1 0 18 95 317 48 106 52 69 532 466 55 144 43 25

Nests 117 43 250 89 497 453 513 575 507 618 816 726 887 886 376

Brown Noddy

Immatures 0 2 0 0 0 4 1 1 2 3 5 2 0 2 14

Pulli/1st year juv. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 109 223 493

Eggs 0 0 0 3 17 126 438 253 >147 >607 679 571 620 1,005 581

Nests 115 124 20+ 25+ 218 384 653 571 709 771 931 960 1,048 1,917 1,644

Black Noddy

Immatures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pulli/1st year juv. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 193 8 74

Eggs ND + 0 + + 430 + + >80 >700 >351 >299 >191 406 468

Nests 208 3,203 1,131 1,734 1,824 2,680 3,525 3,827 4,282 5,156 3,778 2,397 1,634 1,205 1131

Great Crested Tern

Immatures 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pulli/1st year juv. 0 2,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 832

Eggs 0 1,829 0 0 0 515 2,341 498 1,456 3,939 2,120 4,280 6,800 8,620 7,461

Sooty Tern

Immatures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Pulli/1st year juv. 0 1,750 0 458 0 846 0 1,764 0 1,258 0 3,538 0 2,549 680

Eggs 9 0 0 63 2 3 5,515 2 1,534 146 37 52 166 0 4,964

Appendix 19. In-flight to roost statistics of boobies and noddies on South Islet May 2014 to 2018

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018
Black &
Red-footed Brown Brown
Booby Booby Noddy
(Note2) (Note 3)
(Note 1)

May 8: May 8: May 13: May 9: May 12: May 8: May 8: May 13: May 9: May 12: May 8: May 13: May 9: May 12;
16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 - 16.30 -
17.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 17.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30

Daytime 401 366 508 584 262 7 22 40 31 160 6,856 > 4,421 4,126 2,179

In-flight 910 1,020 1,018 633 355 2 28 24 11 144 4,678 > 3,500 < 2,066 1,335
Adjusted to
2-hour period 1,820 - - - - 4 - - - - 4,678 - - -

Total 2,221 1,386 1,526 1,217 617 11 50 64 42 304 11,534 7,921 6,192 3,514
% in-flight
population 82.0% 73.6% 66.7% 52.0% 57.5% 18.2% 56.0% 37.5% 26.2% 47.4% 40.6% 44.2% 33.4% 38.0%
Immature: Adult:
Daytime 68 58 32 27 22 0 2 0 4 32 Daytime 2,921 1,347
In-flight Not No Not
counted 21 1 23 0 count counted 1 0 In-flight (Note 4) 1,461 681

Adjusted Adjusted to
to 2-hour 2-hour
period 2 - - - - 0 - - - - period - - -

Total 70 > 58 63 28 45 0 >2 0 5 32 Total 4,382 2,028

% in-flight
% in-flight
2.9% - 33.3% 3.6% 51.1% 0% - - 20.0% 0% 33.3% 33.6%
Daytime 1,205 832

(Note 4)
In-flight 605 654
period -
Total 1,810 1,486
% in-flight
33.4% 44.0%

Note 1: Predominantly Black Noddy

Note 2: From 16.30 to 17.30 more birds left the islet compared to the number of birds arriving. From 17.30 to 18.00 more birds arrived than left the islet

Note 3: 578 individuals left the islet while 2,644 flew in = 2,066

Note 4: Number extrapolated based on ratio between the numbers of the two species present during daytime

Appendix 20. In-flight to roost statistics of boobies and noddies on Bird Islet May 2005 to May 2018

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
May 10: Apr 28: May 8: May 7: May 7: May 13: May 9: May 10: May 10: May 9: May 9: May 11: May 10: May 14:
17.00- 16.30- 16.30- 16.00- 16.30- 16.30- 16.30- 16.30- 16.30- 16.30- 16.30- 16:30 – 16.30 – 16.30 –
18.15 18.25 18.20 18.00 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.30 18.00 18.00
Red-footed Booby
Daytime 823 655 631 1,241 686 982 1,011 382 830 950 1,499 248 343 470
In-flight 960 1,171 2,082 1,272 1,534 1,259 1,259 1,680 779 813 602 367 527 356
Adjusted to
2-hour period 1,012 1,222 2,271 - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 1,835 1,877 2,902 2,513 2,220 2,241 2,270 2,062 1,609 1,763 2,101 615 870 826
population 55% 65% 78% 51% 69% 56% 55% 81% 48% 46% 29% 25% 25% 43.1%
Average In-flight
Daytime 514 >205 275 239 179 194 106 174 125 61 111 8 29 24
In-flight 588 401 295 541 298 483 483 249 149 5 37 17 40 20
Adjusted to
2-hour period 941 419 322 - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 1,455 >606 597 780 477 677 589 423 274 66 148 25 69 44
population 65% 69% 54% 69% 63% 71% 82% 59% 54% 8% 25% 25% 25% 45%
Average In-flight
Brown Booby
Daytime 629 405 660 691 650 930 1,338 1,060 968 834 1,505 1,920 2,257 1,295
In-flight 360 225 326 368 368 508 508 819 722 798 848 1,202 1,278 2,072
Adjusted to
2-hour period 576 235 356 - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 1,205 640 1,016 1,059 1,018 1,438 1,846 1,879 1,690 1,632 2,353 3,122 3,535 3,367

population 48% 37% 35% 35% 36% 35% 28% 44% 43% 49% 36% 25% 25% 62%
Average In-flight
Daytime 22 20 21 20+? 22 30+ 96 81 30 13 1 25 74 127
In-flight 37 6 31 34 39 96 14 59 32 39 25 41 78 105
Adjusted to
2-hour period 59 6 34 - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 81 26 55 54 61 126 110 140 64 51 26 66 152 232
population 73% 23% 62% 63% 64% 76% 13% 42% 50% 76% 96% 62% 51% 45%
Average In-flight
Brown Noddy
Daytime 618 607 1,004 1,045 1,031 992 2,953 1,984
In-flight 1,124 525 142 239 378 358 51
Total 1,742 1,132 1,146 1,284 1,409 1,350 3,004
population 65% 46% 12% 19% 27% 27% 2%
Average In-flight
Black Noddy
Daytime 421 1,098 2,243 1,506 2,412 711 800 2,445
In-flight 1,334 1,124 272 318 132 84 9
Total 1,755 2,222 2,515 1,824 2,544 795 809
population 76% 51% 11% 17% 5% 11% 1%
Average In-flight

Appendix 21. Systematic list of avifaunal records from Jessie Beazley Reef, South Islet, Bird
Islet, and Ranger Station from 12 to 15 May 2018.

Breeding species are indicated in bold letters. Taxonomic treatment and sequence follows
IOC/Wild Bird Club of the Philippines 2017. Threat status follows Gonzales, J.C.T. et al 2018.
Scientific review and update of the National List of Threatened Terrestrial Fauna of the

CR – Critically Endangered, EN – Endangered, VU – Vulnerable, OTS – Other Threatened

Species, Near Threatened, LC – Least Concern

Abundance Species name Number of Locality Notes

(within Sulu Sea) individuals
Threat Status (IUCN
and National Red
Resident Pacific Reef Heron Adults: 4 Bird Islet Dark phase
Uncommon Egretta sacra Nests: 0
LC Adults: 1 Ranger Station Dark phase

Adults: 4 South Islet Dark phase. 3 eggs in

Nests: 3 one nest
Migrant Christmas Frigatebird Juv: 1 Bird Islet
Rare Fregata andrewsii
Migrant Great Frigatebird Adults: 1 Bird Islet
Locally uncommon Fregata minor Adult female 1
LC Adults: 8 South Islet Adult female 3, male 5
Immature: 1 Jessie Beazley
Migrant Lesser Frigatebird 3 Bird Islet Immatures
Locally uncommon Fregata ariel
Unidentified Frigatebird 9 South Islet Distance too far for
Fregata sp. identification
Extirpated Masked Booby Adult: 1 Bird Islet Male. Same bird as first
Rare Sula dactylatra found in May 2016.
Resident Red-footed Booby Adults: 826 Bird Islet More than 10 pairs
Locally uncommon Sula sula Immatures: 44 breeding on the
LC Pulli/juv.: 19 structures for Black
Nests: 122 Noddy
Eggs: 42
Adults: 617 South Islet

Immatures: 45
Pulli/juv.: 20
Nests: 101
Eggs: 32
Resident Brown Booby Adults: 3,367 Bird Islet
Rare Sula leucogaster Immatures:232
EN Pulli/juv.: 95
Nests: 376
Eggs: 25
Adults: 304 South Islet Not breeding
Immature: 32
Adult: 1 Jessie Beazley
Resident Barred Rail Bird Islet
Uncommon Gallirallus torquatus 1
Resident Watercock Bird Islet Male. Died 15 May
Fairly Common Gallicrex cinerea 1
LC 1 South Islet Male
Migratory Grey-tailed Tattler 1 Bird Islet
Common Heteroscelus brevipes
Migrant Ruddy Turnstone 7 Bird Islet Breeding plumage
Fairly common Arenaria interpres 1 Ranger Station Breeding plumage
Resident Brown Noddy Adults: 1,984 Bird Islet High Number of
Locally Rare Anous stolidus Pullus: 353 juveniles, suggest early
VU Nests: 992 breeding start
Eggs: 357
Adults: 1,486 South Islet
Immatures: 14
Pullus: 140
Nests: 652
Eggs: 224
Resident Black Noddy Adults: 2,445 Bird Islet 4th time with pulli in
Locally Rare Anous minutus Pullus: 74 May. Nearly adult birds
EN Nests: 682 were found on the
Eggs: 306 artificial breeding
Adults: 2,028 South Islet Massive decline due to
Pullus: 0 lack of breeding trees
Nests: 449
Eggs: 162
Resident Great Crested Tern Adults: 17,752 Bird Islet Highest number ever
Fairly Common Thalasseus bergii Pullus: 832 recorded; one count
VU Eggs: 7,461 suggested a population
even higher. High
number of pulli suggest

early breeding start for
small part of population
Adults: 7 South Islet Not breeding
Adults: 173 Ranger Station Not breeding
Adults: 80 Jessie Beazley Not Breeding
Resident Sooty Tern Adults: 11,288 Bird Islet Highest number ever
Locally Rare Onychoprion fuscata Pulll: 680 recorded. Number of
VU Juv: 12 pulli suggest early
Eggs: 4,964 breeding start for small
part of population
Adults: 4 South Islet Not breeding
Adults: 90 Jessie Beazley Not breeding
Migrant? Roseate Tern 6 Ranger Station Roosting, then flew
Rare Sterna dougallii north
Resident Black-naped Tern 11 Bird Islet Passing by
Uncommon Sterna sumatrana 2 Ranger Station
Resident Collared Kingfisher 1 Bird Islet Left islet and passed
Common Todiramphus chloris research vessel first day
Migrant Barn Swallow 1 Bird Islet
Common Hirundo rustica
Migrant Lanceolated Warbler 1 Bird Islet
Uncommon Locustella lanceolata
Migrant Chestnut-cheeked 1 Bird Islet
Uncommon Starling
LC Agropsar philippensis
Resident Eurasian Tree Sparrow 7 Bird Islet
Common Passer montanus 6 South Islet
Migrant Eastern Yellow Wagtail 3 Bird Islet
Common Motacilla tschutschensis 2 South Islet

Appendix 22. Inclusion of the Black Noddy (Anous minutus) subspecies worcesteri on
Appendix II of the Convention on Migratory Species

Appendix 23. Comparison of the landscape and habitats seen from the Permanent Photo Documentation Sites on Bird Islet and South
Islet, May 2004 and May 2018

Bird Islet

Viewing angle for photo: facing NW 180º Comments: panoramic view Photo name code: BI 01 Photo Doc Site NI No. 01 - 2004

Film no: 33, 34, 35, 36 Date: May 7, 2004 Photo no (camera): 4 shots

Photo name code: B1 01 Comments: 7 shots (Stitched by Microsoft ICE) Date: May 15, 2018 Photo Doc Site NI No. 01 - 2018

Photo nos.: DSC_7926 – 32 Photo credit: Teri Aquino

Viewing angle for photo: facing NE 038º

Film no: 27, 28 Photo no (camera):

Photo name code: BI 02 Photo no (negative):

Comments: 2 shots good angle Date: May 7, 2004

Photo name code: BI 02 Comments: 7 shots Photo Doc Site NI No. 02 - 2018

Photo nos.: DSC_7876 - 83 Date: May 15, 2018

Viewing angle for photo: facing S 165º Comments: 3 shots panoramic view Photo name code: BI 03

Film no: 22, 23, 24 Date: May 7, 2004 Photo no (camera):

Photo name code: BI 03 Comments: 10 shots stitched (Microsoft ICE) Photo credit: Teri Aquino

Date: May 15, 2018 Photo no (camera): DSC_7900 - 10

Photo Doc Site NI No. 04 - 2004

Viewing angle for photo: facing E 067º

Film no: 14 Photo no (negative):

Photo name code: BI 04 Photo no (camera):

Comments: 1 shot plaza Date: May 7, 2004

Photo name code: BI 04

Comments: 1 shot plaza

Date: May 15, 2018

Photo nos.: DSC_7851

South Islet:

Photo name code: SI 01

Viewing angle for photo: facing S 060º
Date: May 15, 2018
Comments: shot includes view of parola at the background
Comments: single shot including parola at the background
Photo name code: SI 01
Photo no (camera): DSC_7851
Film no: 35

Appendix 24. Species which were seen frequently (≥70%) in the Tubbataha Reefs. Species are listed in order of decreasing frequency.
The frequency score is listed before each name. After each species name, the abundance index is given in parentheses.

100% Pseudanthias hutchi (4) 100% Naso vlamingii (3.5) 87.5% Labroides dimidiatus (2.625)
100% Pseudanthias tuka (4) 100% Balistapus undulatus (2.375) 87.5% Thalassoma hardwickii (2.25)
100% Pseudanthias smithvanizi (3.875) 100% Balistoides viridescens (2.125) 87.5% Chlorurus microrhinos (1.75)
100% Macolor macularis (3.25) 100% Melichthys niger (2.875) 87.5% Scarus dimidiatus (2.125)
100% Chaetodon kleinii (3) 100% Melichthys vidua (3) 87.5% Zanclus cornutus (2.5)
100% Cephalopholis argus (2.875) 100% Arothron nigropunctatus (2.25) 87.5% Acanthurus thompsoni (3.5)
100% Caranx melampygus (2.875) 87.5% Cephalopholis urodeta (2.375) 87.5% Naso lituratus (1.75)
100% Lutjanus bohar (2.875) 87.5% Centropyge vroliki (2.375) 87.5% Zebrasoma scopas (2.375)
100% Myripristis kuntee (2.125) 87.5% Sargocentron spiniferum (2) 75% Pterocaesio tile (3)
100% Chaetodon lunulatus (2.125) 87.5% Psecuochromis bitaeniata (1.875) 75% Lutjanus gibbus (2.25)
100% Chaetodon vagabundus (2.125) 87.5% Chaetodon melanotus (1.875) 75% Lutjanus decussatus (1.75)
100% Pygloplites diacanthus (2.125) 87.5% Heniochus varius (1.875) 75% Sargocentron caudimaculatum (1.625)
100% Chaetodon auriga (2) 87.5% Trimma erdmanni (1.875) 75% Chaetodon ephippium (1.5)
100% Chaetodon baronessa (2) 87.5% Chaetodon ulietensis (1.75) 75% Chaetodon lunula (1.5)
100% Chaetodon ornatissumus (2) 87.5% Triaenodon obesus (1.5) 75% Chaetodon ocellicaudus (1.5)
100% Heniochus chrystostomus (2) 87.5% Meiacanthus atrodorsalis (1.625) 75% Chaetodon punctofasciatus (1.5)
100% Heniochus singularis (2) 87.5% Plagiotremus rhinorhynchus (1.75) 75% Gracilia albomarginata (1.375)
100% Aethaloperca rogaa (1.75) 87.5% Amblyglyphidodon aureus (3.375) 75% Aphaerus furca (1.375)
100% Nemateleotris magnifica (2.125) 87.5% Chromis amboinensis (3.375) 75% Parupeneus cyclostomus (1.375)
100% Chromis analis (3.875) 87.5% Chromis margaritifer (3.5) 75% Cephalopholis cyanostigma (1.25)
100% Chromis retrofasciata (4) 87.5% Chromis ternatensis (3.5) 75% Pomacanthus xanthometopon (1)
100% Dascllus reticulatus (3.875) 87.5% Chromis weberi (3.375) 75% Ecsenius dilemma (1.875)
100% Pomacentrus auriventris (4) 87.5% Chromis xanthura (3.375) 75% Chromis atripectoralis (2.5)
100% Pomacentrus brachialis (3.875) 87.5% Pomacentrus bankanensis (2.5) 75% Chromis atripes (2.625)
100% Bodianus diana (dictynna) (2.5) 87.5% Pomacentrus lepidogenys (2.875) 75% Chromis viridis (3)
100% Pseudocheilinus evanides (2.25) 87.5% Bodiaus mesothorax (1.75) 75% Dascyllus trimaculatus (2.5)
100% Pseudocheilinus hexataenia (2) 87.5% Cheilinus undulatus (1.875) 75% Plectroglyphidodon dickii (2)
100% Thalassoma lunare (3) 87.5% Gomphosus varius (2.125) 75% Epibulus brevis (1.125)
100% Acanthurus pyroferus (2.75) 87.5% Halichoeres hortulanus (2.125) 75% Halichoeres chrysus (2.125)

75% Labroides bicolor (1.5)
75% Thalassoma amblycephalum (2.625)
75% Thalassoma jansenii (1.5)
75% Thalassoma purpureum (1.5)
75% Cetoscarus bicolor (now ocellatus) (1.5)
75% Siganus vulpinus (1.5)
75% Acanthurus japonicus (1.75)
75% Acanthurus nigrofuscus (2)
75% Naso brevirostris (1.875)
75% Naso hexacanthus (2.25)
75% Arothron meleagris (1.375)

Appendix 25. Taxonomic Amalgamation Units (TAUs) (van Woesik et al. 2009; Licuanan et
al. 2017)

Hard Coral (HC)

Acanthastrea (ACAN) Oxypora (OXY)
Acropora branching (ACB) Pachyseris encrusting (PACE)
Acropora corymbose (ACC) Pachyseris foliose (PACF)
Acropora digitate (ACD) Pavona (PAV)
Acropora hispidose (ACH) Pectinia (PEC)
Acropora plate (ACT) Platygyra (PLAT)
Acropora robusta group (ACR) Pocillopora (POC)
Astreopora (AST) Porites branching (PORB)
Attached fungiids (AF) Porites encrusting (PORE)
Bleached coral (BLEC) Porites massive (PORM)
Caulastrea (CAU) Seriatopora (SER)
Coeloseris (COE) Stylophora (STY)
Coscinaraea (COS) Symphyllia (SYM)
Cyphastrea (CYP) Tubipora musica (TUBI)
Diploastrea heliopora (DIP) Turbinaria (TURB)
Echinophyllia (ECHY) Algal Assemblage (AA)
Echinopora (ECHI) Algal assemblage (AA)
Euphyllia (EUP) Crustose/coralline algae (CA)
Favia (FAV) Dead coral (DC)
Favites (FVI) Dead coral with algae (DCA)
Fungia (CMR) Disease (DIS)
Galaxea (GAL) Abiotic (AB)
Goniastrea (GONIA) Gravel (GRV)
Goniopora (GONIO) Rubble (R)
Heliopora (HEL) Sand (S)
Hydnophora (HYD) Sedimentary rock (RCK)
Isopora (ISO) Silt (SI)
Leptoria (LEPA) Macroalgae (MA)
Leptoseris (LEPS) Codium (COD)
Lobophyllia (LOB) Kappaphycus (KAPP)
Merulina (MER) Macroalgae (MA)
Millepora (MILL) Sargassum (SARG)
Montastrea (MON) Halimeda (HA)
Montipora branching (MONTB) Halimeda (HA)
Montipora encrusting (MONTE) Other biota (OT)
Montipora foliose (MONTF) Acanthaster (COTS)
Mycedium (MYC) Corallimorpharian (COR)
Other branching corals (CB) Diadema (DIA)
Other bubble corals (BUB) Gorgonian (GORG)
Other encrusting corals (CE) Isis (ISIS)
Other foliose corals (CF) Other invertebrates (OT)
Other free-living fungiids (CMR) Seagrass (SG)
Other massive corals (CM) Soft coral (SC)
Oulastrea (OULA) Sponge (SP)
Oulophyllia (OULO) Zoanthid (ZO)

Appendix 26. Top ten hard coral TAUs of Tubbataha reef stations

Station 1A Station 1B Station 2A Station 2B

Porites (encrusting) Echinopora Isopora Isopora
Echinopora Millepora Porites (massive) Porites (massive)
Porites (branching) Platygyra Millepora Favites
Porites (massive) Favites Montipora (encrusting) Cyphastrea
Platygyra Favia Acropora (corymbose) Pocillopora
Favia Porites (encrusting) Pocillopora Acropora (branching)
Favites Porites (branching) Acropora (plate) Goniastrea
Pocillopora Porites (massive) Goniastrea Platygyra
Montipora (encrusting) Acropora (branching) Favia Millepora
Millepora Heliopora Favites
Station 3A Station 3B Station 4A Station 4B
Isopora Isopora Favites Favites
Favites Favites Porites (massive) Millepora
Porites (massive) Favia Platygyra Porites (massive)
Favia Porites (massive) Goniastrea Platygyra
Platygyra Goniastrea Pocillopora Cyphastrea
Acropora (corymbose) Platygyra Millepora Porites (encrusting)
Millepora Symphyllia Montipora (encrusting) Goniastrea
Goniastrea Millepora Favia Isopora
Cyphastrea Porites (branching) Porites (encrusting) Porites (branching)
Pocillopora Montipora (encrusting) Symphyllia Echinopora
Jessie Beazley A Jessie Beazley B Southwest Wall
Montipora (foliose) Millepora Millepora
Montipora (encrusting) Acropora (branching) Pocillopora
Acropora (plate) Isopora Favites
Acropora (branching) Pocillopora Porites (massive)
Isopora Heliopora Platygyra
Montipora (branching) Platygyra Favia
Porites (massive) Porites (encrusting) Cyphastrea
Acropora (corymbose) Porites (encrusting) Montipora (encrusting)
Porites (encrusting) Porites (massive) Goniastrea
Heliopora Favites Porites (encrusting)


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