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The Fox and the Fish

One day the fox saw a fish in the river and said "Hi ,Fish!
Can you run?"
"Yes, I can," said the fish.
"You cannot run!" said the fox.
"You are not right," said the fish. "I can prove it! Let us run
to that tree. I shall run in the river and you will run along the
bank of the river."
So they began to run. But the fish didn't run. It was very lazy.
It told its friend, another fish, about running, and that fish
told its friend, and soon all the fish in the river knew about
running. So, when the fox ran to the tree he asked, "Fish, are you there?" "Yes, I am here",
answered the other fish. " I can run better than you! Good-bye, fox!"

Peter’s farm

Peter has a farm. He has got a lot of animals. He has got nine sheep, they are
brown. He has got five cows, they are black and white. He has got a donkey.
It is ten years old. It is grey. He has got twelve pigs. They are pink. His
favourite animal is the goat.

Where were you on Saturday?


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