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When you’re a nurse, every day you touch a life or a life will touch yours. Touching someone’s
life, physical or not, a nurse must be able to comprehend a person to give a better care, yet to
understand another, a person must be able to understand his/herself first. This way, a nurse and a
patient grows each day with holistic caring. A Personality Test is a test would help to be self-aware
Myers Briggs Personality Test helps people develop self-awareness and other-awareness
which are among the most valuable characteristics that one can possess in any organizational
setting. This test also measures psychological preferences of people, upon how they act to an
environment, perceive the world and make decisions from it. This way, a person will be able to
know how to cope up with oneself and more understand the way he/she acts with such things. My
MBTI results are mostly true, especially when it showed that I’m extravert, it’s really true I’m a very
outgoing person and I love socializing. The test also showed that there’s a greater percentage with
my intuitive side that the thinking and I guess or for me, I’m more of my thinking side because I
always see what might prevail in my actions, basing on experiences which could be considered as a
conscious reasoning and not instinctive. I’m also not a “one-up-manship” I don’t bring people down
and actually, I love working by groups and not individually so I don’t debate for something just to
bring a person down but that would be because I think that I have good points in the topic.
Health Education is described as any combination of learning experiences designed to help
individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing
their attitudes. So as a nurse understanding the self would be essential upon doing health
education, this would help us better understand ourselves, attitudes and perceptions and so we
may see how our manner are perceived by others. We make ourselves better teachers upon
building up what we know about ourselves and make our job more constructive and so our
patients/learners would get our information tightly. As a learner, self-awareness would be essential
so that we may be able to see our true selves rather than concealing them and accept the way we
absorb things and try to get something out of what we listen setting aside our bad perspectives
about it because of our attitudes.

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