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| Cerebellum #1 PL He} et functions (at Least): muscle lone: ote sbeclance - " Coowlination of Movement. Chil. clevelops From “Rhamboencephalan” , it's apart of HinclBrain- Pax heulocdy Zrom “MetencePhalon®. Lo ebil: Anterior Lobe - Pasterier Lobe - Flocculo Madlalar Lobe. The Prtimilive ater Ceven Zeunal in Fish) = F loceulowed ular Archi cerebellum. =r For Byalance ese: henel. tse), Dele? it: Paleocerebellum; Anterior Lebe-» muscle ‘Tone. “Iprast modern: Meo cece bellum: postenot..Lebe.» Ceotdination of Alaremen ke Hpprimaty Sissies btw Aateciot, posterior lobe. | Dorsallalecal (Posterolatecal) fisswe: Lt — Postecer lebe, flocerle Mackal pales, Anterior, Tone. 1 vermis: Depression ia center. i A cecebellax hemispheres. era at ‘ . peo—Postedar ait clocs its Sunchins £psibatesally. ‘Movement. postecelabted < ¥ Para Vermeal oed:on: the sicles.of: ra vermis bur ih pact of chil hemispheres: Vloculewede - Edu Avchis Polance! | it has another mame e Entermecliate one. Homunculus map» ~rvalG heacl in Vermis, Caxial muscles) | . abimbs. in paca veemel cores. fabs 4 ay Vermis £Unchions: Controting the Motor Sustem Relateol with the 1” ion” 4 al lol "Dal Muséulation” 2. veel, Shoulolers:) KINKs WP. gocoecmal eee VelMs a cecgbellar hemisphere, coaclieatties °2- leh op Motor sus Cwot cui): t Primey Motor Lesion —> Primes So | Contra Lateval Pacalysis + Doesnt hare, i Homuredus Mostof the Ideas orgineled in “pre Prntal Syrus” —liclea goes to. ‘Premotar een” \Unoter planing) ancl “Supplymentary motor oxen? then 9¢05 to —> CPD Basal ganglia. Then ite ike tenting the Motor Prodramme out. again goes back to thalamus —+ Supplimen dary acca aoch Primary Mobor, "-} even SemafosenSS awed, = Cortico spinal F- > Lawer uoloe wencon ~»rouve. IMs abasic way, ot Showing the Yele «g Chi. | Now, this give an ioee Sor The ‘Final Posibon” tha F you Vent Phe snore bo reach, but if ctlse olegercl on the “Inibal fesibion “of ww b Tere tomes the vole of Chil. Cedininy the Taihal Peston o4- Books « Anol Chl has this ingo every single Lime. Tn fezeahon Prim") ocomotar $4$"=>cbll guioes the. Motor Sy Stem r Hira Prom Loc. tee dill'the Cine. “inthal post + Whenever a movement is Being tobe dane 1 Cbilishoulel. te cansulortleols. + re eet dt aheeededt stad, | Be Sala and Chil Pie. Phe centers axe “ta e the move, Byethey copyiod- the inal pave Brom. inb: She Lower motor Meucen anol Ware MM! i ‘Joes upto chil So, chil can Chath i Ap Nios Jahe move was clesinneol wight or. pee 4 odadd wx! Double check, when Movements shack, Muely tt Gola: ithe tat | Recechors 1 TU Spink ea pane bmn Fite Qiving x copy ef what happenidg Again. ho bil aloo: Predlict ” whadl’s ering ’hapten in aalvan inthis angle be seated the’! Filead posit Thou tide she Rebel Binal Position was —Calvceng | il The cerebellum erealet meet ett Coccect it if iVhas dof wong « Reeckicle ale to pratect the beak. Jit danny Alem obs Caretshet oc che) when ‘lh Dats HLnlernal pars of ebliy Leobcabubes | fe tay. pee cerebellar cor. be a : Deep cerebellar ® tea 9g Pabees: beg ores te cbll | a Peo pa Rerior olive Climbing up fol) | Loubermosh Layer af Chill corfers They Release | tAspaclate , they ve. imulators Arbes. # Ail Phew. sbeisg Chil are “Exclahey | @i poses ac ODHe Piles sang | pt te ones From nf-olive Moss4 Fe r Hh Sak to cbll: Ne timing ¢. by Climbing F. by. mossy. §. a Aspactote Ml Autorna be he cerebellar cortex: 6 Mohecutlac Layer: G) Purkinje Layer. Covey @ Gronulay Layer. chil. the input fibers. give attach to eid AML Muctet giving “Excifabory signals”. Climbing Pibers , excite _Beee muckei picectly while. Being to chit cochex. Then Lrobiceedly }inhibils the: Ly Same Beep Wucleus t | y h if | Bctivatiog “Purkinje. celle” - which ris! GABA inhibiting ithe Deep. Miclea se 4 4 Mossy Sibers are MoT” Seing bo — Climb all the way. to weper PRN cochex. ib will enol up at | Granulac cells. Shimuloding the Sranulec cells’ LPenoleshes, he Axon ecanular-celt gesho eupter cucdex then It. Divioles Inbo 2, branches. Seiny very long, chitance Feeming the gma) white portion ithe chllarex. enol on ib way i connects with maitions of ParkKinie. cells. p # Climbing Fs co om ONE te aren oe on CNME eucninje cell. « Mossy f. Come From Many ovgines and Every Mossy F Connects..with pNany . granular Cells anol ranwtay Cell Jo UP as potaitel Zibers- ach paralle/ 4 Civer connects fo millens. 4 Purtinie ells. ancl ong purkinge Mass connects with Many pavallels+ * => Clinehing in far mahien one ong on onebosis: bud Mossy ‘age owe Very confuseel. also, gratulay cells Relewe Glutamate bo excite Puckinie colls. t bees. ‘eaclons) Niela) ‘opt we PurWCinje cells ctce Shmulatesl| Directly by Climbs . and Lndivectly omol cliffusely ley Mossy Granular Suse xinost ef chil oukpul SO Prom. Deep muctes's ¥ Golgi cells In Sromubar 1 Dagery they've stinulateol by“ Paroitet Prbecs” of Aronulew cells. Then gelai Cells Release GABA Dhiba Qroamlac culls Auto ighibihe Ses) 4 inhibi bey Newens in Chil are GABA eGic+ ¥ Golar colle con be Shinwlatey by Moxy ls Too. tealightesher | Stimdlodes ane lspetifc| “Purkinje kell". | time ithe same Parallel Pibec stimulates” Daske Cells which are tohibihay cells sin Wbibag the rein £ cells"! Hp cen rely pacts 2 Shimulabeol, Haire hd Pistandl | ached i Avehi cbICS vestibule coveleltens (Btlance) LPoileo cbil-2— Spine cerebellum. (veemal [parerezaaty— 1s Meoebi-2 —Cevebrocece bellum (tantocerebelian). Covhicopoatoc bit I, * Vesti bulocecebellue + Alost pyim Ba lance Position of heacl Cshabie,Xgnamit) sks) infocmec! Through the vestibular ecve- (vestibular parbiee vesihibulochochlear Merve). To the: 2) VYeshbulooe wuclei. Complex oinol to the 4 -Fletule oolular Lobe then. inFocmation Bo ho 2. : ’ vets Deep Nucleus 2 Pastoral wucleus (Fashgis Mac.) Ibs purkinge cells Ccor ley «neon Wuales) Then 5 veshibulac mcleus: which seth Fees, 10. QD wegs:.CD.up. @- clown. " 1 @ veskbular wucleus 5 Boing olown crs “ Vestibule Spinal: PT.” i Phas took. with Ankevauils muscles Certenser mi) att: Rulwospinel of Plexct Muiclg @ UP doing Piheis, conneching with DZf 6 ceanial weeves Se that they move the! Lyhaocuwlay muscles’ in such eway when herol i Lmevensnt is hapteaing eye Mare scant shodel e- Aalyatedl, ! TYhese up acing Zibes ove, Meolial longitwoloale Fast. Letnbecnalcennecbion in the Brain Sten, Asueleds 5 Becht cerebellum is congernedl with: | Nance « - it: (3) Aloveneah +f eyes «th P, fe Pace errr pat he i oH 4 | cerdoalevestle Be ceetale Celacteka) Lyell tneve Sateheling Fo i | smohy Rebtudesdgpinalae, Ai Licdl some pibels op from. dleoe lei -f chil. ty _Rebeular. Zocimabia | then Descenaling Born vod ad, Relicule spina) 1. | © + — H Spinecerebellun: Vermal anol Paravermal Payts Receive Lingo» Frem. Splng\.Corol —» thes'ce spinocbll. Wingo. comes From: Muscle spinclles Qolgi Tendon ovzans ~Li9. 4 Seint carps Arrows Sicsh ovcleewenen 0 alovsal.Sanglion Then 2 oder Lo. Chi theeugh, jnfuckll peck. => Dorsal spinocerebellar op. Faring ProPrccephive ings doen Lwec LiMbs andl. Lovet pact gM Ascending to. chil. CPS! laterally. Tl Pivecs from Vip acca > Vecmal Areas bees Atom Fock Repl Pacavecnal Aire. [holsics 1 * Now, proftiocephie info from UPFER Libs, grec Tesal enter trough another Tract Ces, endl uppan) { Terminating oo E Para-cureibs vucleus (Accessory )} areal then jng- cll. ped chil, | Theewh: Cuvee cerebellr Fathins. x) Deer Malet: DEG.FEGED (\ idle ——Lartera [Dart Bot Greasy Fone” © Fastisi “Ee Auchichil , vestibulockll. rate eet ah SS ® Globosus me), Vermal , poxaverenerl Emboliformensy SPitocbli/feleo cb ~“aieles infecposihs.” Greatalas wme.—s Cocty of ebll, aw Lou of Spinocorebellar 3yse Bosal Spinocerebellr Ty © ventral Spine cerebellac 1 @. Cuneccerebouort, + The General Process s+ 4 Spingl coral if. chils higher centes ane! thendrem there ,cavechien Comes olomia+ Ee muscles. = Spinocetebellar Me -outipuh fron. G. E uctei i ~OAralame (v.0, vil auclei) DicecHly CerebelleThalamic Bb Wale Cle lgcbblells Pulleal tathuts \-sbohich ba itd 2 dunbss (Que tor vit vil of thalames: (CecebelloRubre Thalamic Fx) —ycortex - * Thalamocertical §. » Stimulating pe ete moter area. codex, Primos)» antoconcece, + + 4 Soma te Senter otto | Then eventually, Coclice Seinal Prhers wil came Cauiny.Jot Conections.. © Dow i Rudsre Spinal P. vealte Baberiot of talons. a ferba vente Uadetal 2 f-Tralais Ceiebedttaoe fo EA: L of Lalecall Malanss. ueeenis, spina palee= Pacaveinat Lg Lae a 4 Cuneackil pre Ze LL Wenthret Sinz: erm ad Ceelorocerebellurn = Peokicercbellum= Meeicerehellan.. | The Lateral pactso2 hemispheres ‘the ifaw come Fhom Cecebral carter Pers» iled.cbil.ped »cbit. t at nputs) Corkeco ponlocerebelhun < Doing to chllorter of merch. tt Ut pad sass Cocbex—e Denhihs uc then alia 2 wens: ol up UL 6 Dentothalamicio vA vil Thalams dicey, ® Sento Ruleral Ho. Rabio wuclens—y Tralanuas dy DenkoRubre tha loumic Tethdn Pech “SUnlhesut EadK lagiin Kol teleleal Cortex ; @.Pe mobo axcea _G Pemmcdrasher aren G)- Suppleman tery reebor xen. Q SomabSensey 214 Seieg elke Cycle again; covhicoponbine F- Pont cerchellar F. UThen %oCochceseinal »move.

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