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Agents of sociolaitzation include family , peer group ,school , and mass media
2. The family is the most important agent of socialization in socities
3. Father may teach his children the values , norms , and beliefs of society
4. The mother instruct her children on how to react with people and learn in what to spend money
5. If trying to listen to the diliberete things his father said and sees his father opposes it will he
listen to him
6. Peer group is a group of people similar in age and charactristics
7. Peer group see their values and norms based on what their group and subculture view
8. School is important as it shapes the kids and teach them the reading and writing skills and
9. The media has no face to face contact meanwhile it npact how we react
10. The most thing that involve in media is TV and it impact us as it have negative effects it could
make us violent angry aggressive.

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