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Short notes 2).

Walt Disney
Std-12 / English  The life of Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse and Disneyland
has been described here.
1). Conditions for Making Love/ Can you Install love?/
Position effects of love  Walt Disney was a genius man for writers and producer.

 •This is a lovely passage about installing love in the heart.  He was very kind and warm personality for his movie viewers.

 The CSR is helping the customer to install love.  He was an amazing kid brother for Roy Disney.

 It is not about installing any program in computer.  While struggling, his two companies 'A little Animated Cartoon
Company and 'Alice in Cartoon land were flopped.
 It is about how to have love in our heart.
 His another series 'Oswald the rabbit was also copyrighted by a
 To install love, one has to remove some feelings like GRUDGE and distributor.
 He studies cartooning in Chicago and earned his first money through
 One has to have a directory called 'SELF-ACCEPTANCE' in her heart. the picture of neighbor’s horse.

 To install love, one has to delete 'SELFCRITIC' from her heart.  His first successful product was 'Mickey Mouse.

 One needs to begin connecting to other hearts in order to get  'Mickey created the history and got billions of views.
 He built a new kind of 'Disneyland and changed the fortune of
 One has to love herself before loving others. Disney.

 If the heart is filling up with really neat files, it can show SMILE,  He was never affected by success but always remained the simplest.
 He had ability to turn impractical dreams into reality.
 LOVE is freeware.
 The night before he died, he was full of plans for future as he had
 We have to be sure to give it and its various modules to everybody been always in his whole life.
you meet.

 They will in return give you Love.

3). The Ways to develop Mental Balance Or  You will get the best solution for your problems.

The Techniques to reduce stress  All these techniques give you mental balance and remove your
mental stress.
Or The Positive Thinking and Screen Exercises
4).Stress Control Exercises
 Meditation has the power to improve your concentration of mind.
 If you have a problem in concentrating, taking decisions or in
grasping the easy things, it is clear that you are suffering from  It is important for healthy and happy life.
mental stress.
 Choose any word for calmness and meditate about it.
 There are two main techniques to improve mental stress.
 Secondly, take any material or object and explore the texture.
 Firstly, you must stop over thinking.
 One more exercise is deep breathing.
 'I have no expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when
it happens.'  When we are in stress, we cannot breathe properly.

 This mantra will help you to calm down.  So, our brain doesn't get sufficient oxygen.

 Second technique is self-hypnosis.  In this case, rub hands and get energy and breathe continuously into
 In this technique, you need to count from 99 to 0 imagining different
situation.  When our brain gets hit of oxygen, our stress will be reduced.

 It removes all negative thoughts from your mind.  Sometimes, the cerebrospinal fluid cannot circulate properly.

 This method is good for our concentration power.  This technique proves to be helpful

 These two technique reduce anger, frustration and boost our  It results into headache, stress etc.
confidence.  At that time crown pull technique proves to be helpful.
 In positive thinking method, you have to anticipate about your  Place your fingers on your head and then press down on your scalp
success. like combing.
 Stay with your positive thoughts and bring them back into current  It helps calm your nervous system.
 It also helps you in thinking clearly.
 It remove all negative thought from your mind.

 When life becomes hectic and you cannot think clearly, use screen
5).Nana's Love For Nani or Multiple Disorder 6).Ants
Personality of Nana or  The scientists have observed behaviour of ants many times.

Nana and Nani made for each other or  They concluded that there are many similarities between ant and
human being.
Appropriacy of the title ‘Adjustment'
 Like human being, they work in group.
Or Nature of Nana and Nani.
 They are co-operative and hard working.
 Nana and Nani lived for more than fifty years together.
 There are many different types of ants in the world.
 Nana always fought with Nani on small stuffs.
 One is called 'Umbrella Ants' as they carry a big leaf on head.
 They both wanted to die before each other.
 They are from South America and they do farming.
 But Nani really leave before Nana.
 They make beds of chewed leaves and grow fungus for food.
 Nana became very lonely and his behavior was changed.
 The driver ants of Africa are the most ferocious kind of ants.
 He regretted a lot as if he lost a wager and missed Nani too much.
 They have no fix home.
 He imprisoned himself in his bedroom.
 They are blind.
 He began to think himself as Nani and started living double lives.
 They march in long lines.
 Dr. KD Kamble said that he was suffering from dissociative
 Tigers and elephants like animals too have fear of them.
personality disorder.
 The driver ants eat any animals coming in their way.
 According to doctor, Nana loved Nani so much that he had started to
think as if he were Nani.  When they enter any home, people run away in forest.
 He was not ready to believe that Nani was dead.  This is how we can say that the ants are very intelligent and
ferocious creature.
 Even he wore dresses of Nani and took medicines behalf of her.

 According to Dr. Kamble, Nana's love for Nani is the main cause for
his behavior.

 The way Nana had ‘adjusted' with Nani, we could say that they were
made for each other.
7). Strike Against War/The writer's 8). Sojourner Truth
understanding for some intellectuals.  Sojourner Truth was a black American freedom fighter and orator.

 The Trap for workers according to writer. OR  She was sold off for three times.
Terrible effects of war described by the writer.  At first, to an Englishman named John Neely.

 Real life problems and basic rights of workers OR  The Second time, to a fisherman, a bar owner.
the injustice towards workers.
 The third time, to John J. Dumont, a plantation owner.
 War destroys everything from our life to economic system action.
 She faced lot of trouble at the Neely's due to language problem.
 Helen Keller wanted to day that she was not the mouthpiece of
 She learnt idiomatic expressions at bar to improve her speech.
unprincipled people.
 She married and had five children at John Dumont's place.
 She tried to awake people from blind beliefs towards politicians.
 When NY passed an act to free the slaves,
 She took the side of workers and praised their hard work and
generosity of the heart.  She ran away with only her youngest child.

 She went for the fight on to the death against war and its side effects.  She finally stayed in New York.

 She had the fear that statesman may fool the workers by their  She raised money from her lectures.
 She bought gifts for the soldiers during Civil War.
 She believed that the workers are the most unselfish human being as
they work, live and die for others and yet they are not free.  She helped fugitive slaves find work and housing.

 She told that the workers work hard still they are not given enough  She was the first black woman to sue and win against the white.
 Ain't I a woman?" was her famous speech.
 She told how Germany had abolished slums by providing essentials
 She talked about the hardships she faced in her speech.
to the people.
 She also talked about the rights of women.
 She told workers to force government to make laws in favour of
them.  She talked about how her thirteen children sold off and she could do
 She inspired everyone to be the hero of constructive army of the
nation.  She encouraged all the women to rise up and fight for themselves.

 This is how we can say that the Helen Keller had her vision and she
went on to inspire others.
9). Monkey’s paw 10). For youth/ The red freedom
 Mr. White, Mrs. White and their son Herbert were waiting for No limitation is the real freedom./ The real
Sergeant Morris, the family friend. ⇒
function of Education.
 Sergeant Morris had got the monkey's paw from an old fakir.
 We much talk about freedom but we have no freedom.
 He wanted to show that fate ruled people's lives.
 We are not free if we follow the example of some hero or anyone.
 He put a magic on the monkey's paw.
 We are not free if we copy someone.
 Three men could ask three wishes from it.
 We are not free if we want to be something or somebody.
 Morris warned Mr. White not to use it as it caused enough trouble
already.  Freedom is a complex problem.

 But Mr.White wanted to test the powers of the monkey's paw..  We are free if we try to be what we really are.

 Mr.White asked the first wish of 200 pounds.  It is difficult but we have to be what we really are.

 His wish was granted at the cost of his son's life.  Deep observation & sensitivity are the key to the problem of
 Mrs. White wished her son alive in second wish.
 Freedom is not whatever one wishes to do.
 Somebody started knocking at the door.
 Many people are independent, but not free.
 Having been afraid, Mr. White asked for the third wish to stop it.
 You must be intelligent to understand freedom.
 But the house started falling down.
 We have to come out of all tradition to get freedom.
 The roof, walls and staircase started falling down.
 Freedom means no fear of anything in life.
 They ran towards the main gate of the villa to escape.
 Titles, position and knowledge don't give us freedom.
 The magic of the Monkey's paw had worked.
 The function of education is to make us free from everything.

 We are made up by the thought of everyone around us.

 We have to act on our own thoughts not that of others.

 That is the true and extraordinary freedom.

 We have to fight against false actually not verbally.

For that, we need the right kind of education.
11). Headache 12). Green Charter
 Headache is the most useful excuse.  We face the biggest problem of CO2 or Carbon Footprint.

 It is the blessings of God.  It affects Climate change and Global Warming.

 Facts don't always help but excuse like headache helps.  We have to reduce emissions of CO2.

 Even in schools, headache is a boon for a leave.  We have to follow some steps to fight against this problem.

 Headache gives the sufferer a touch of importance.  We have to use Solar bases instruments.

 One can openly mention headache but no other ailment.  Print-out & pamphlets are printed as per the need only.

 Headache is a kind of indisposition.  Updating ACs will reduce electricity up to 50%.

 According to the writer, there is nothing like headache or  Battery driven scooters should be used.
 Lights, fans must be off when not in use.
 This excuse is even used in meetings and social gatherings.
 We must go by walking, cycling, carpooling and public transport.
 Everywhere you cannot use the excuse of indisposition.
 Use of bicycle should be made popular.
 People just use it as an excuse.
 Goods using less energy should be bought.
 Headache is essential to maintain human relationship.
 Forests should be protected as they store huge quantity of carbon.
 Headache is a habit and to cure it, we developed medicine too.
 Barren land should be cultivated.
 Some people carry some headache medicine in pockets all the time.
 Water should be used judicially as water is life.
 Thus, we can say that mankind easily begins to believe in myths
.( ’k;tf:tt)  To respect environment, we have to apply slogan 'Repair'' Reclaim'
and 'Restore' in addition to Recycle, Reduce and Re-use.

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