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Neural Control and Coordination

Neural Control and Coordination

Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
1 Which of the following is an example of conditioned
A. Hand withdraws when pierced with a needle
B. Eye close, when anything enters into them
C. During digestion, food goes forward in alimentary
D. Trained dog salivates when you ring a bell
2 Which of the following is not reflex action?

A. Salivation
B. Sweating
C. Withdrawal of hand when pinched by needle
D. None of these
3 Tree of life

A. Branchial tree
B. Lymphatic system
C. Arbor vitae
D. Loop of Henle
4 Salvation in mammals is under the control of

A. Medulla oblongata
B. Mesencephalon
C. Hypothalamus
D. Cerebellum
5 Human temperature is maintained by

A. Hypothalamus
B. Medulla oblongata
C. Pituitary
D. Cerebral cortex
6 Neurosecretory cells are present in

A. Cerebral hemisphere
B. Hypothalamus
C. Cerebellum
D. Medulla oblongata
7 Which part of the human brain controls the urge eating
and drinking?
A. Forebrain
B. Midbrain
C. Hindbrain
D. Spinal cord
8 Sense of smell is perceived by

A. Occipital lobe
B. Temporal lobe
C. Olfactory lobe
D. Parietal lobe
9 The primary visuals area is located in

A. Temporal lobe
B. Occipital lobe
C. Frontal lobe
D. Parietal lobe
10 The association areas are responsible for

A. Intersensory association
B. Communication
C. Memory
D. All of these
11 The correct sequence of meninges from inner to outer
side is
A. Duramater → arachnoid membrane → piamater
B. Duramater → piamater → arachnoid membrane
C. Piamater → arachnoid membrane → duramater
D. Arachnoid membrane → duramater → piamater
12 Corpus callosum connects two

A. Cerebral hemispheres
B. Ventricles of brain
C. Cerebellar hemispheres
D. Optic thalamus
1 The canal that passes through the midbrain is

A. Corpus callosum
B. Hypothalamus
C. Cerebral aqueduct
D. Corpora quadrigemina
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
1 Photosensitive compound in human eye is made up of

A. Opsin and retinol

B. Transducin and retinene
C. Guanosine and retinol
D. Opsin and retinal
2 Which of the following is true for the function of
labelled parts of diagram below?

a. A - Blindspot - Image is formed here

b. B - Fovea - No visual activity is present
c. C - Cornea - Helps to hold lens in place
d. D - Iris - Visible coloured portion of eye
3 The transparent lens in the human eye is held in its
place by
A. Ligaments attached to the ciliary body
B. Ligaments attached to the iris
C. Smooth muscles attached to the iris
D. Smooth muscles attached to the ciliary body
4 Which of these is an excitatory neurotransmitter in
B. Glycine
C. Glutamate
D. Aspartate
5 Myelin sheath is produced by

A. Astrocytes and Schwann cells

B. Oligodendrocytes and osteoclasts
C. Osteoclasts and astrocytes
D. Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes
6 Bipolar neurons are found in

A. Retina
B. Choroid
C. Cornea
D. Sclera
7 Human eye ball consists of three layers and it encloses

A. Lens, iris, optic nerve

B. Lens , aqueous humour and vitreous humour
C. Cornea, lens, iris
D. Cornea, lens,optic nerve
8 Olfactory receptors are present in
A. Eye
B. Nose
C. Ear
D. Skin
9 Taste buds contain
A. Gustatory receptors
B. Olfactory receptors
C. Photoreceptors
D. Phonoreceptors
10 The innermost layer of the human eye is
A. Choroid
B. Cornea
C. Sclera
D. Retina
11 Blind spot in vertebrate eye is the place where

A. There are no cones

B. There are no buds
C. There are neither rods nor cones
D. Retina is absent
12 The depression in the retina of eye which lodges only
the cones is called
A. Blind spot
B. Fovea centralis
C. Fenestra rotunda
D. Red nuclei
13 The light striking the reina generates nerve impulse.
Which of the following options correctly describes the
path of light?
A. Photosensory cells → Bipolar neurons → Ganglionic
cells → Sensory nerves
B. Sensory nerves → Bipolar neurons → Ganglionic
cells → Photosensory cells
C. Sensory nerves → Ganglionic cells → Bipolar
neurons → Photosensory cells
D. Photosensory cells → Ganglionic cells → Bipolar
neurons → Sensory nerves
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination
Neural Control and Coordination

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