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SICHARGE UC Panto Kit Repair Instructions

Introduction 1

Safety instructions 2

Tools 3

Product overview 4
SICHARGE UC Panto Kit Repair 5
Torque Verification
Control box repair cases 6
Service Manual

Power box repair cases 7

Pantograph repair cases 8

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft. The remaining trademarks in
this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of
the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft A5E53652973-AA Copyright © Siemens 2024.

Smart Infrastructure Ⓟ 04/2024 Subject to change All rights reserved
Siemenspromenade 10
91058 Erlangen
Table of contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Safety instructions ................................................................................................................................. 6
3 Tools ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Product overview ................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Torque Verification .............................................................................................................................. 13
6 Control box repair cases ...................................................................................................................... 14
6.1 Establish the power-free state on the control box ............................................................... 14
6.2 Devices on DIN rail ............................................................................................................. 15
6.3 PCB - Linux Board (-KE02)................................................................................................... 16
6.4 HMI (-SZ01) ....................................................................................................................... 20
6.5 PCB - ACD Board................................................................................................................. 22
6.6 LED (-PF01)........................................................................................................................ 24
6.7 Door Switch (-BG01) .......................................................................................................... 26
6.8 Thermostat PT350 (-KF01) ................................................................................................. 27
6.9 EMV Filter (-RF01) .............................................................................................................. 28
6.10 Router (-KE03) ................................................................................................................... 29
7 Power box repair cases ........................................................................................................................ 31
7.1 Establish the power-free state on the power box ................................................................ 31
7.2 Devices on DIN rail ............................................................................................................. 32
7.3 Door Switch ....................................................................................................................... 33
7.4 FUSE 500A......................................................................................................................... 34
7.5 DC Contactor ..................................................................................................................... 35
7.6 PCB - Output ...................................................................................................................... 37
7.7 Thermistor ......................................................................................................................... 39
8 Pantograph repair cases ...................................................................................................................... 40
8.1 Establish the power-free state on the pantograph............................................................... 40
8.2 Pantograph Repair Cases .................................................................................................... 41

SICHARGE UC Panto Kit Repair Instructions

Service Manual, 04/2024, A5E53652973-AA 3
Introduction 1
DE Einführung
Die in dieser Dokumentation beschriebenen Arbeiten dürfen nur von qualifiziertem Personal der Kategorien BA4
und/ oder BA5 gemäß den IEC-Normen durchgeführt werden. Qualifiziertes Personal sind Personen, die aufgrund
ihrer Ausbildung und Erfahrung die Risiken erkennen und mögliche Gefahren bei der Arbeit mit diesen Produkten
vermeiden können.
Diese Anleitung beschreibt in kompakter Form einige Arbeitsschritte zum Austausch der in der Inhaltsübersicht
aufgeführten Komponenten. Diese Arbeiten müssen gemäß dieser Anleitung und den Informationen in der ent-
sprechenden Produktdokumentation durchgeführt werden. Beachten Sie stets die Warnhinweise auf dem
Eine ordnungsgemäße Wartung ist erforderlich, um sicherzustellen, dass SICHARGE UC Panto Kit sicher und prob-
lemlos funktioniert.
EN Introduction
The operations described in this documentation may be only performed by qualified personnel categorized as BA4
and/or BA5, in accordance with IEC standards. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and ex-
perience, can identify risks, and avoid potential hazards when working with these products.
This instruction describes some operations, in compact form, for replacing the detailed components on the content
overview. These operations shall be done according to this instruction and the information in the relevant product
documentation. Always follow the warning labels on the SICHARGE UC Panto Kit.
Proper maintenance is required to ensure that SICHARGE UC Panto Kit operates safely and without any problems.
FR Introduction
Les interventions décrites dans ce document doivent être effectuées exclusivement par des personnes qualifiées
des catégories BA4 et/ou BA5 selon les normes IEC. Les personnes qualifiées sont, en raison de leur formation et de
leur expérience, en mesure d'identifier les risques et de prévenir les dangers possibles liés aux interventions sur ces
Ces instructions décrivent sous forme abrégée des étapes nécessaires au remplacement des composants mention-
nés dans le sommaire. Ces interventions doivent être exécutées conformément à ces instructions et aux informa-
tions figurant dans la documentation produit correspondante. Vous devez toujours tenir compte des
avertissements apposés sur la station de recharge SICHARGE UC Panto Kit.
Une maintenance adéquate est nécessaire pour garantir un fonctionnement de la station SICHARGE UC Panto Kit
en toute sécurité.
IT Introduzione
Gli interventi descritti nella presente documentazione possono essere eseguiti solo da personale qualificati delle
categorie BA4 e/o BA5 secondo le norme IEC. Per personale qualificato si intendono persone in grado di riconosce-
re i rischi e i pericoli possibili in caso di utilizzo di questi prodotti in base alla propria formazione ed esperienza.
Le presenti istruzioni in formato sintetico descrivono alcune fasi dei componenti elencati nel sommario. Questi
interventi devono essere utilizzati in base alle presenti istruzioni e alle informazioni riportante nella documentazio-
ne del prodotto corrispondente. Osservare sempre le avvertenze su SICHARGE UC Panto Kit.
È necessaria una manutenzione adeguata per garantire il funziona-mento sicuro e senza problemi di SICHARGE UC
Panto Kit.
ES Introducción
Los trabajos descritos en esta documentación sólo podrán ser realizados por personal cualificado de las categorías
BA4 y/o BA5 de acuerdo con las normas IEC. El personal cualificado son personas que, por su formación y experien-
cia, pueden identificar los riesgos y evitar posibles peligros al trabajar con estos productos.
Estas instrucciones describen de forma resumida algunos de los pasos necesarios para sustituir los componentes
enumerados en el índice de contenido. Estos trabajos deben llevarse a cabo de acuerdo con estas instrucciones y
las informaciones contenidas en la documentación del producto correspondiente. Respete siempre las advertencias
que figuran en el SICHARGE UC Panto Kit.
Se requiere un mantenimiento adecuado para garantizar que SICHARGE UC Panto Kit funcione de forma segura y
sin problemas.

SICHARGE UC Panto Kit Repair Instructions

4 Service Manual, 04/2024, A5E53652973-AA

PT Introdução
As operações descritas nesta documentação só podem ser realiza-das por pessoal qualificado classificado como
BA4 e/ou BA5, de acordo com os ‘standards’ IEC. Entende-se como pessoal qualificado aquele que, com base no seu
treino e experiência, consegue identificar riscos e evitar potenciais perigos ao trabalhar com estes produtos.
Esta instrução descreve algumas operações, de forma compacta, para substituir os componentes detalhados no
índice. Estas operações devem ser feitas de acordo com esta instrução e com as informações relevantes na docu-
mentação do produto. Siga sempre as etiquetas de perigo no SICHARGE UC Panto Kit.
A manutenção adequada é necessária para garantir que o SICHARGE UC Panto Kit opera em segurança e sem pro-
SV Introduktion
De arbeten som beskrivs i denna dokumentation får endast utföras av kvalificerad personal enligt kategorierna BA4
och/eller BA5 i enlighet med IEC-standarderna. Kvalificerad personal är personer som på grund av sin utbildning
och erfarenhet kan identifiera riskerna och undvika eventuella faror vid arbete med dessa produkter.
Denna anvisning beskriver i kompakt form några arbetssteg för att byta ut de komponenter som anges i innehålls‐
förteckningen. Arbetena ska utföras i enlighet med dessa anvisningar och informationen i den relevanta produk-
tdo‐ kumentationen. Observera alltid varningarna på SICHARGE UC Panto Kit.
För att säkerställa att SICHARGE UC Panto Kit fungerar säkert och felfritt krävs korrekt underhåll.

SICHARGE UC Panto Kit Repair Instructions

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Safety instructions 2

DE GEFAHR: Gefährliche Spannung. Lebensgefahr oder schwere Verletzungsgefahr. Bevor Arbeiten am Gerät durch-
geführt werden, müssen alle Stromquellen ausgeschaltet und gegen Wiedereinschalten gesichert werden. Beach-
ten Sie die geltenden lokalen Sicherheitsregeln für Arbeiten an elektrischen Anlagen (5 Sicherheitsregeln).
HINWEIS: Installations- und Wartungsarbeiten sind von qualifiziertem Personal durchzuführen. Reparaturarbeiten
dürfen nur vom Hersteller durchgeführt werden.
EN DANGER: Hazardous voltage. Will cause death or serious injury. Turn off and lock out all power supplying this de-
vice before working on this device. Observe the applicable local safety rules for working on electrical systems (5
safety rules).
NOTICE: Installation and maintenance must be carried out by qualified personnel. Repair work may only be per-
formed by the manufacturer.
FR DANGER: Tension électrique dangereudse. Danger de mort ou risque de blessures graves. Avant d’intervenir sur
l’appareil, couper toutes les sources de tension et les consigner contre la refermeture. Respectez les règles de sécu-
rité locales applicables pour les travaux sur les systèmes électriques (5 règles de sécurité).
NOTIFICATION : L’installation et la maintenance doivent être effectuées uniquement par des personnes qualifiées.
Les travaux de réparation ne peuvent être effectués que par le fabricant.
ES PELIGRO: Tensión peligrosa. Puede causar la muerte o lesiones graves. Antes de realizar trabajos en este aparato,
desconecte todas las fuentes que lo alimentan eléctricamente y asegúrelas contra reconexión. Observe las reglas
de seguridad locales aplicables para trabajar en sistemas eléctricos (5 reglas de seguridad).
NOTA: Los trabajos de reparación deben ser realizados por el fabricante. El cable debe guardarse en su alojamiento
cuando no se utilice.
PERICOLO: Tensione pericolosa. Può causare la morte o lesioni gravi. Prima di lavorare su questa apparecchiatura,
IT disinserire tutte le fonti di alimentazione elettrica dell’apparecchiatura ed assicurarle contro la reinserzione. Osser-
vare le norme di sicurezza locali applicabili per gli interventi sugli impianti elettrici (5 regole di sicurezza).
NOTA: L’installazione e la manutenzione devono essere eseguite da personale qualificato. Le riparazioni devono
essere effettuate esclusivamente dal fabbricante.
PT NOTA: L’installazione e la manutenzione devono essere eseguite da personale qualificato. Le riparazioni devono
essere effettuate esclusivamente dal fabbricante.
ATENÇÃO: A instalação e manutenção têm de ser efetuadas por pessoal qualificado. O trabalho de reparação ape-
nas pode ser realizado pelo fabricante.
PL ZAGROŻENIE: Niebezpieczne napięcie. Niebezpieczeństwo poważnych obrażeń lub utraty życia. Wyłączyć i zablo-
kować wszystkie źródła zasilania urządzenia przed rozpoczęciem pracy na urządzeniu. Przestrzegaj obowiązujących
lokalnych przepisów bezpieczeństwa dotyczących prac przy instalacjach elektrycznych (5 zasad bezpieczeństwa).
UWAGA: Instalacja i konserwacja muszą być wykonywane przez wykwalifikowany personel. Prace naprawcze
mogą być wykonywane tylko przez producenta.
LV BĪSTAMI: bīstams spriegums. Letālu seku vai smagu traumu riski. Pirms veicat darbuar šo ierīci pilnībā izslēdziet un
nobloķējiet tās strāvas padevi. Ievērojiet spēkā esošos vietējos drošības noteikumus darbam ar elektriskajām sis-
tēmām (5 drošības noteikumi).
BRĪDINĀJUMS: uzstādīšana un tehniskā apkope jāveic kvalificētiem darbiniekiem. Remontdarbus drīkst veikt tikai

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Safety instructions

MT PERIKLU: Vultaġġ perikoluż. Riskju ta' mewt jew korriment serju. Qabel taħdem fuq dan l-apparat, itfi kull provvista
tal-elettriku tiegħu u sakkar kontra xegħil mill-ġdid aċċidentali. Osserva r-regoli ta' sigurtà lokali applikabbli għax-
xogħol fuq sistemi elettriċi (5 regoli ta' sigurtà).
AVVIŻ: L-installazzjoni u l-manutenzjoni għandhom jitwettqu minn persunal ikkwalifikat. Xogħol ta' tiswija fuq l-
punti tal-iċċarġjar jistgħu jitwettqu mill-manifattur biss.
NL GEVAAR: Gevaarlijke spanning. Levensgevaar of gevaar voor ernstig letsel. Voordat u aan dit apparaat werkt, moet
u alle actieve energiebronnen voor dit apparaat uitschakelen. Neem de geldende lokale veiligheidsregels voor
werkzaamheden aan elektrische systemen in acht (5 veiligheidsregels).
OPMERKING: Installatie en onderhoud moeten worden verricht door gekwalificeerd personeel. Reparatiew-
erkzaamheden mogen alleen door de fabrikant worden uitgevoerd.
PY ОПАСНО: Опасное напряжение. Опасность смертельных или тяжких телесных повреждений. До начала
работы выключите и заблокируйте все источники питания этого устройства. Соблюдайте действующие
местные правила безопасности при работе с электрическими системами (5 правил безопасности).
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Установка и техническое обслуживание должны производиться квалифицированным
персоналом. Ремонтные работы могут осуществляться только изготовителем.
RO ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Установка и техническое обслуживание должны производиться квалифицированным
персоналом. Ремонтные работы могут осуществляться только изготовителем.
ÎNŞTIINŢARE: Instalarea şi întreţinerea trebuie să se efectueze de către personal calificat. Lucrările de reparaţii pot
fi efectuate doar de către producător.
SK NEBEZPEČENSTVO: Nebezpečné napätie. Nebezpečenstvo ohrozenia života alebo vzniku ťažkých zranení. Pred
prácou na zariadení vypnite a zaistite všetky napájacie prípojky tohto zariadenia. Dodržiavajte platné miestne
bezpečnostné pravidlá pre prácu na elektrických systémoch (5 bezpečnostných pravidiel).
UPOZORNENIE: Inštaláciu a údržbu musí vykonávať kvalifikovaný personál. Opravy môžu byť vykonané len pros-
tredníctvom výrobcu.
SL NEVARNOST: Nevarna napetost. Nevarnost za življenje ali nevarnost hudih poškodb. Izklopite in prekinite celotno
napajanje naprave, preden na njej opravljate dela. Upoštevajte veljavna lokalna varnostna pravila za delo na el-
ektričnih sistemih (5 varnostnih pravil).
OPOMBA: Namestitev in vzdrževanje mora opraviti usposobljeno osebje. Popravila lahko izvaja le proizvajalec.
SV FARA: Farlig spänning. Livsfara eller risk för allvarliga personskador. Innan arbete utförs på utrustningen ska
strömförsörjningen till utrustningen stängas av. Följ gällande lokala säkerhetsregler för arbete på elektriska system
(5 säkerhetsregler).
OBS: Installation och underhåll får endast utföras av kvalificerad personal. Reparationsarbeten får endast utföras av
TR TEHLİKE: Tehlikeli gerilim. Ölüm tehlikesi veya ağır yaralanma tehlikesi mevcuttur. Cihazda çalışmalar yapılmadan
önce, tüm güç kaynakları kapatılmalı ve bir açma emniyetiyle donatılmalıdır. Elektrik sistemlerinde çalışmak için
geçerli yerel güvenlik kurallarına uyun (5 güvenlik kuralı).
NOT: Montaj ve bakım işlemleri kalifiye personel tarafından yapılmalıdır. Onarım işleri sadece üretici tarafından
БГ ОПАСНОСТ: Опасно напрежение. Опасност за живота или опасност от тежки телесни повреди. Преди да
извършвате дейности по устройството, изключете и обезопасете всички захранващи източници. Спазвайте
приложимите местни правила за безопасност при работа с електрически системи (5 правила за
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Инсталирането и поддръжката трябва да се извършват от квалифициран персонал.
Ремонтни работи могат да се извършват само от производителя.
中 危险:危险电压。可能导致生命危险或重伤危险。操作此设备前必须确保切断其电源并采取防接通保护措施。充电
5 条安全规定)。

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Tools 3
This section lists additional tools and aids for assembly and connection. Standard power tools
and assembly tools are assumed and therefore not listed.

Special tools and aids

You will need the following special tools and aids for assembly and connection:
• Lifting equipment, min 2.5 t load capacity
• Approved hoisting gear and sling gear for min. 2.5 t
• Elevating platform or working platform
• Torque wrench for ranges from 5 Nm to 550 Nm
• Torque wrench with fork attachment SW46
• Allen key size 17
• Security Torx bit insert TR30
• Electrical measuring devices for commissioning
– Testing grounding resistance, loop impedance
– Voltage tester up to at least 1000 V
– Multimeter for continuity test, for example
• Polishing cloth with grit size of about 320 to 1000
• Key file
• Loctite 243 screw lock or similar
• Anti-seize lubricant, e.g., Loctite LB 8014

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Product overview 4
The SICHARGE UC Panto Kit enables high-performance charging of electrically powered
vehicles. Thanks to the support of the open, universal charging standard, SAEJ3105, and the
OppCharge design guidelines, the SICHARGE UC Panto Kit charges different vehicle models
from different manufacturers quickly and efficiently.
The SICHARGE UC Panto Kit enables the used for the broad distribution of charging ports on a
SICHARGE UC charging station.

② Control box
③ Power box (wall or ceiling mounting)
④ WLAN antenna
⑤ RFID module (optional)
⑥ Pantograph
Figure 4-1 Product overview of the Panto Kit

Note that you may need additional parts depending on the project and installation location.

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Product overview

Control box

① LED display (optional) ⑨ Power supply unit

② Cable inlet and outlet for the power ⑩ Switch for manual lowering the pantograph
box, pantograph, WLAN antenna,
RFID module and Y sensor
③ Wall-mounting brackets ⑪ Router
④ Control cabinet lock ⑫ Thermostat
⑤ Touch screen (HMI) 10.1" (optional) ⑬ Heating
⑥ Cable input for the 230 V AC connec- ⑭ Circuit breakers
tion (supply cable)
⑦ Cable gland for the temperature ⑮ Industrial Ethernet Switch
sensor cable
⑧ Terminal strip ⑯ Linux and ACD board
Figure 4-2 Structure of the control box

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Product overview

Power box

Note that the position of the components varies depending on the configuration of the
power box you have ordered (wall or ceiling mounting).

① DC+ and DC- fuses

② Surge arrester
④ Surge arrester fuses
⑤ Terminal strip
⑥ Heating
⑦ Connection for DC-
⑧ Thermostat
⑨ Connection for DC-
Figure 4-3 Structure of the power box (wall mounting)

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Product overview


① Heating ④ Contact rail DC+

② Contact rail DC- ⑤ Contact rail CP
③ Contact rail PE

Figure 4-4 Description of the pantograph (bottom side)

Connection terminals
The following diagrams provide an overview of the connection terminals of the control box
and the power box.

① Power box
② Control box
Figure 4-5 Control box and power box connection terminals

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Torque Verification 5
• Connecting material
For screw connections, parts are protected against corrosion.
There are screws of solid category, e.g. class 8.8 or 10.9.
• Contact pressure
The bolts are equipped with a torque wrench to attract.
• Check the tightening torques according to the table below

Screw Tightening torque (Nm) dry

M6 10
M8 20
M10 45
M12 75
M16 140

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Control box repair cases 6
6.1 Establish the power-free state on the control box

• Disconnect completely.
• Secure the control box against reconnection.
• Verify the absence of operating voltage.
• Carry out earthing and short-circuiting (return line can have DC potential).
• Provide protection against adjacent live parts (be careful with measurement cables).
• Take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and the equipment while working on

Where to measure the power-free state

Figure 6-1 Location of -FB01 in the control box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-FB01 5SU1354-7KK16 1 RCBO elm

1. Safely disconnect the -FB01 connection and ensure it is secured to prevent accidental
2. Verify on the output -FB01 the absence of operating voltage.

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Control box repair cases
6.2 Devices on DIN rail

6.2 Devices on DIN rail

Location of the devices

Figure 6-2 Devices on DIN rail

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-EB01 L2D0097610 1 Fan Heater CSF 060 (06001.0-00); 50 W; 120/240 V
-FB01 5SU1354-7KK16 1 RCBO elm
-FC14, FC15 5SY4206-7 2 CIRCUIT BREAKER 10KA 2POL C6
-FA01 L2D0190260 1 DG M TN ACI 275 FM - 952220 - M surge arrester type 2
-KE03 L2D0097670 1 RUTX10000000
-KF22 L2D0290070 1 Industrial ETHERNET Switch - IGS-620TF
-KF22 L2D0290080 2 Industrial ETHERNET Switch - MGB-TSX
-SG01 3SU1500-0AA10-0AA0 1 Holder (for RJ45 Female Plug)
-TB01 6EP1336-3BA10 1 SITOP PSU8200 Output:24 V/20 A

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Control box repair cases
6.3 PCB - Linux Board (-KE02)

1. Label the cable(s) with the connected contact(s) or take a photo if sufficient.
2. Disconnect the cable(s) from the device.
3. Remove the device from the DIN rail.
4. Replace it with a new device and insert the new one on the DIN rail.
5. Reconnect the cable(s) to the same terminals as before, according to the picture or label.
6. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

6.3 PCB - Linux Board (-KE02)


Use an antistatic wrist strap otherwise you risk damaging the PCB.

Location of the devices

The Linux Board is located on the HMI.

Figure 6-3 Location of -KF02 in the control box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-KE02 L2D0096590 1 PCB - Linux Board V2

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Control box repair cases
6.3 PCB - Linux Board (-KE02)

Electrical schematic

Figure 6-4 Electrical schematic - PCB - Linux Board

1. Disconnect the ethernet cable.
2. Unscrew all the connection terminals (3 on the left side, 1 on the bottom, 3 on the right
3. Disconnect the earthing cable.

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Control box repair cases
6.3 PCB - Linux Board (-KE02)

4. Unscrew the old PCB - Linux Board (2 screws on the left side, 2 screws on the right side).

5. Disconnect the white flat cable from the HMI display on the back of the PCB - Linux Board.

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Control box repair cases
6.3 PCB - Linux Board (-KE02)

6. Disconnect the flat yellow wires or remove the small PCB by unscrewing the two semi-
transparent nuts.

7. Exchange the old PCB - Linux Board.

8. Reconnect the flat yellow wires or screw again the small PCB to the back of the PCB - Linux
9. Connect the white flat cable to the HMI display.
10.Screw again the new PCB - Linux Board (2 screws on the left side, 2 screws on the right
11.Reconnect and screw all the connection terminals as before, according to the picture or
12.Install the required software on the new PCB - Linux Board.
13.Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Control box repair cases
6.4 HMI (-SZ01)

6.4 HMI (-SZ01)

Location of the devices

Figure 6-5 HMI components

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-SZ01 L2D0094320 1 HMI (including flat cable)
-SZ01 L2D0023243 1 HMI Frame with sealing tape

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Control box repair cases
6.4 HMI (-SZ01)

Electrical schematic

Figure 6-6 Electrical schematic - HMI

1. Disassemble the PCB - Linux Board. Follow the instructions described in the chapter PCB -
Linux Board (-KE02) (Page 16).
2. Unscrew the HMI display.

3. Exchange the HMI display.

4. Reconnect the PCB - Linux Board to the new HMI display.
5. Screw and reconnect the PCB - Linux Board.
6. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Control box repair cases
6.5 PCB - ACD Board

6.5 PCB - ACD Board


Use an antistatic wrist strap otherwise you risk damaging the PCB.

Location of the devices

The ACD Board is located on top of the Linux Board.

Figure 6-7 Location of -KF02.1 in the control box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-KE02.1 L2D0094200 1 PCB - ACD Board

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Control box repair cases
6.5 PCB - ACD Board

Electrical schematic

Figure 6-8 Electrical schematic - PCB - ACD Board

1. Disassemble the PCB - Linux Board. Follow the instructions described in the chapter PCB -
Linux Board (-KE02) (Page 16).
2. Remove the ACD board from the top of the Linux Board.
3. Install the new ACD board.
4. Reassemble the PCB - Linux Board.
5. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Control box repair cases
6.6 LED (-PF01)

6.6 LED (-PF01)

Location of the devices

Figure 6-9 LED light

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-PF01 L2D0280000 1 RGB LED Semi-Sphere ø50x38mm

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Control box repair cases
6.6 LED (-PF01)

Electrical schematic

Figure 6-10 Electrical schematic - LED

1. Disconnect the cable from the LED light.
2. Unscrew and remove the old LED light.
3. Install the new LED light.
4. Reconnect the cable to the new LED light.

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Control box repair cases
6.7 Door Switch (-BG01)

6.7 Door Switch (-BG01)

Location of the devices

Figure 6-11 Location of -BG01 in the control box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-BG01 L2D0096100 1 Door Switch

1. Label the cable(s) with the connected contact(s) or take a photo if sufficient.
2. Disconnect the cable(s) from the door switch.
3. Unscrew and remove the old door switch.
4. Install the new door switch.
5. Reconnect the cable(s) as before, according to the picture or label.
6. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Control box repair cases
6.8 Thermostat PT350 (-KF01)

6.8 Thermostat PT350 (-KF01)

Location of the devices

Figure 6-12 Location of -KF01 in the control box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-KF01 L2D0097620 1 Thermostat PT350, 5-45°C

1. Label the cable(s) with the connected contact(s) or take a photo if sufficient.
2. Disconnect the cable(s) from the Thermostat.
3. Unscrew and remove the old Thermostat.
4. Install the new Thermostat.
5. Reconnect the cable(s) as before, according to the picture or label.
6. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Control box repair cases
6.9 EMV Filter (-RF01)

6.9 EMV Filter (-RF01)

Location of the devices

Figure 6-13 Location of -RF01 in the control box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-RF01 L2D0097630 1 EMV Filter AC 1P+N 16A

1. Label the cable(s) with the connected contact(s) or take a photo if sufficient.
2. Disconnect the cable(s) from the EMV Filter.
3. Unscrew and remove the old EMV Filter.
4. Install the new EMV Filter.
5. Reconnect the cable(s) as before, according to the picture or label.
6. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Control box repair cases
6.10 Router (-KE03)

6.10 Router (-KE03)

Location of the devices

Figure 6-14 Location of -KE03 in the control box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-KE03 L2D0097670 1 RUTX10000000

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Control box repair cases
6.10 Router (-KE03)

Electrical schematic

Figure 6-15 Electrical schematic - Router

1. Label the cable(s) with the connected contact(s) or take a photo if sufficient.
2. Disconnect the cable(s) from the router.
3. Unscrew and remove the old router.
4. Install the new router.
5. Reconnect the cable(s) as before, according to the picture or label.
6. Restart the system and configure the exchanged device.
7. To configure the router follow the instructions in the SICHARGE UC Software manual in
chapter Router Configurations

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Power box repair cases 7
7.1 Establish the power-free state on the power box

• Disconnect completely.
• Secure the control box against reconnection.
• Verify the absence of operating voltage.
• Carry out earthing and short-circuiting (return line can have DC potential).
• Provide protection against adjacent live parts (be careful with measurement cables).
• Take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and the equipment while working on it.

Where to measure the power-free state

Figure 7-1 Location of -QA01 and -QA02 in the power box

1. Make sure that the -QA01 switch in the charging station is OFF.
2. If necessary, you may have to remove the acrylic protection or any other covering from the
device to access its components.
3. Verify on the busbars L+ & L- the absence of operating voltage.
4. Make sure that the power box is properly grounded.

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Power box repair cases
7.2 Devices on DIN rail

7.2 Devices on DIN rail

Location of the devices

Figure 7-2 Devices on DIN rail

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-EB02 8MR2130-3BA 1 HEATER
-FC03, -FC04 L2D0097590 2 5026806.100 - FUSE 100A
-FA02 L2D0098080 1 952565 - DG M YPV 1200 FM - SPD Type 2 1200V DC
-KF01 L2D0091190 1 Thermostat KTO 011, NC, 0-60°C

1. Label the cable(s) with the connected contact(s) or take a photo if sufficient.
2. Disconnect the cable(s) from the device.
3. Remove the device from the DIN rail.
4. Replace it with a new device and insert the new one on the DIN rail.
5. Reconnect the cable(s) to the same terminals as before, according to the picture or label.
6. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Power box repair cases
7.3 Door Switch

7.3 Door Switch

Location of the devices

Figure 7-3 Location of -BG01 in the power box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-BG01 L2D0096100 2 Door Switch - TYPE S800eC - 1-1520-243499

1. Label the cable(s) with the connected contact(s) or take a photo if sufficient.
2. Disconnect the cable(s) from the door switch(es).
3. Unscrew and remove the old door switch(es).
4. Install the new door switch(es).
5. Reconnect the cable(s) as before, according to the picture or label.
6. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Power box repair cases
7.4 FUSE 500A

7.4 FUSE 500A

Location of the devices

Figure 7-4 Location of -FC01 & -FC02 in the power box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-FC01, -FC02 L2D0097400 2 PSR072DL0500 - FUSE 500A

1. Remove the acrylic protection.
2. Loosen the nuts on the bottom of the fuse(s) until the fuse(s) move(s).
3. Unscrew the nuts at the top of the fuse(s).
4. Remove the old fuse(s).
5. Install the new fuse(s).
6. Tighten the screws with the corresponding torque.
7. Marks the nuts with the new position.
8. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Power box repair cases
7.5 DC Contactor

7.5 DC Contactor

Location of the devices

Figure 7-5 Location of -QA01 & -QA02 in the power box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-QA01, - L2D0094450 2 HVC500C-24S | DC Contactor

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Power box repair cases
7.5 DC Contactor

1. Remove the acrylic protection.
2. Disassemble the fuse(s). Follow the instructions described in the chapter FUSE 500A
(Page 34).

Figure 7-6 Correct order to unscrew the DC contactor

3. Unscrew the middle screw that connects to the busbar and the power box.
4. Unscrew the upper screw(s) connecting the busbar and the DC contactor(s).
5. Unscrew the lower screw(s) connecting the busbar and the DC contactor(s).
6. Loosen the lower screw(s) connecting the two busbars.
7. Unscrew the DC contactor(s).
8. Label the cables with the connected terminals or take a photo if sufficient.
9. Disconnect all the cables from the PCB.
10.Remove the old DC contactor(s).
11.Install the new DC contactor(s).
12.Tighten the screws on the busbar with the corresponding torque.
13.Marks the nuts with the new position.
14.Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Power box repair cases
7.6 PCB - Output

7.6 PCB - Output

Location of the devices

Figure 7-7 Location of the PCB in the power box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation

-KE01 L2D0094360 1 PCB - Output

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Power box repair cases
7.6 PCB - Output

Electrical schematic

Figure 7-8 Electrical schematic - PCB - Output

1. Label the cables with the connected terminals or take a photo if sufficient.
2. Disconnect all the cables from the PCB.
3. Unscrew the four semi-transparent nuts.
4. Remove the old PCB.
5. Replace it with a new PCB.
6. Reconnect the cables to the same terminals as before, according to the picture or label.
7. To configure the PCB follow the instructions described in SIpdater
8. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Power box repair cases
7.7 Thermistor

7.7 Thermistor

Location of the devices

Figure 7-9 Location of -BT01 in the power box

Device tag Part number Quantity Designation


Electrical schematic

Figure 7-10 Electrical schematic - Thermistor

1. Unscrew and remove the old thermistor.
2. Connect the new thermistor to the PCB.
3. Restart the system and test the exchanged device.

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Pantograph repair cases 8
8.1 Establish the power-free state on the pantograph

• Disconnect completely.
• Secure the control box against reconnection.
• Verify the absence of operating voltage.
• Carry out earthing and short-circuiting (return line can have DC potential).
• Provide protection against adjacent live parts (be careful with measurement cables).
• Take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and the equipment while working on

Where to measure the power-free state

Figure 8-1 Location of -FB01 in the control box

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Pantograph repair cases
8.2 Pantograph Repair Cases

1. Make sure that the -QA01 switch in the charging station is OFF.
2. Safely disconnect the -FB01 connection and ensure it is secured to prevent accidental
3. Verify on the output -FB01 the absence of operating voltage.

8.2 Pantograph Repair Cases

All repair cases for the Pantograph can be found in the technical documentation for the
DepotPANTO DP 40. Contact Stemmann-Technik directly to obtain the necessary

Spare Part List

The spare parts list, which includes all the necessary components for repair, can also be
obtained from the supplier. To obtain these documents, please contact Stemmann-Technik

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