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Tony Brown

BIO 103/104

25 March 2024

Chapter 7 Quiz

1. Cellular respiration involves the

B. release of energy

2. Which of the following molecules deliver electrons to the electron transport chain during
cellular respiration?


3. Which of the following pathways of cellular respiration produces the majority of ATP?:

D. electron transport chain and chemiosmosis

4. Where does glycolysis take place within the cell?

E. cytoplasm

5. What happens to the end products of glycolysis when oxygen is not available?

C. The products of glycolysis proceed to the fermentation pathway.

6. Where does the preparatory reaction take place within the cell?

A. mitochondrial matrix

7. For the complete respiration of one molecule of glucose, the citric acid cycle must turn a total

B. two times.

8. The final acceptor for electrons in aerobic cellular respiration is

A. oxygen.

9. Which of the following would increase the electron transport system's production of ATP?

E. adding additional hydrogen ions into the intermembrane space of the mitochondria

10. Why is fermentation important in animals?

D. It generates the NAD+ we need for metabolism.

Chloroplasts and mitochondria are both involved in redox reactions because
A. carbon dioxide is reduced during photosynthesis and carbohydrates are oxidized during
cellular respiration.

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