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International Conference

Theme Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Science: Transferring Knowledge from Education to Practice
February 25-26, 2012, Nepal

Organized By

In Association With

With Support of





Nepal Pharmaceutical Association

Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Science: Transferring Knowledge from Education to Practice

International Conference
Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Science: Transferring Knowledge from Education to Practice
February 25-26, 2012, Nepal Venue: C V Raman Auditorium, Kathmandu University, Nepal

Organized By

In Association With
Nepal Pharmaceutical Association


With Support of

Namaste and Welcome to Nepal! A Himalayan republic conjures up the images of snow-capped mountains and rolling green hills. Indeed, out of ten worlds tallest mountains, eight stands in Nepal, making Nepal a mountaineers dream. But Nepal has much more to offer than just the high breathtaking Himalayas. A small country with an area of approximately 52,818 sq miles is diverse geographically as well as ethnically with more than 61 ethnic groups and 70 spoken languages. You will find rich cultures and vibrant traditions, exquisite temples and monuments as well as fast flowing rivers and tropical jungles teeming with wildlife, making your trip an unforgettable experience. All the people from different races and religions live in harmony and there is an ideal blending of Hinduism and Buddhism. To cross a street in Kathmandu is to travel across centuries. Shrines, temples, palaces, palace squares, ageless sculptures and legends that are parts of every brick and stone and gilded masterpiece, make Kathmandu Valley a verifiable living museum. Nepal is the place where the ice-cold of the mountains meets the steamy heat of the Indian plains. Its a land of yaks and yetis, stupas and Sherpas and some of the best trekking on earth. The Himalayas most sophisticated urban cultures took shape here, in the three great minikingdoms of the Kathmandu Valley Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur - home to a world-class artistic and architectural heritage. Nepal, as a state, was established when an ambitious Gorkha king named Prithvi Narayan Shah embarked on a conquering mission that led to the defeat of all the kingdoms in the valley (including Kirtipur which was an independent state) by 1769. Instead of annexing the newly acquired states to his kingdom of Gorkha, Prithvi Narayan decided to move his capital to Kathmandu establishing the Shah dynasty which ruled unified Nepal from 1769 to 2008 when the last Shah ruler, Gyanendra relinquished his power to make way for total democracy under the rule of a Prime Minister.

Tomorrows pharma education and research for superior health care pose a challenge to policy makers, statutory authorities, educators and researchers.
There are four major partners in the healthcare system- Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing and Dental. Pharmacy happens to play an important role as it presents to the other three partners medications, devices and pharmaceutical care services which are a pre-requisite for any health care program for amelioration of disease and pain. Pharmaceutical care practice areas can be broadly classified as Industrial, Community, Hospital and Clinical. Each of the four classes can be sub divided in to several categories/specialities which keep increasing with the development of the professional facets. Knowledge is a living organism which grows, replaces obsolete parts with new functional ones and prevents an individual/society from becoming inert, sterile and insular by acquisition transmission, extension and discovering applications. The agencies which assist in this process are universities, developed academic institutions, professional societies, information technology, industry, ethical pharmacies and hospitals. The foremost parameter is the individual who wishes to learn throughout ones life. One should clearly understand the scope of literacy, education and knowledge and differentiate between them. In the twenty first century a new definition has emerged learn, and relearn for survival. The objective of this conference is to provide scientific, professional and technological training to all aspects relating to identification, standardization, formulation, preparation, distribution, quality assurance and use of drugs and medicines, dissemination of drug information and methodology in the prevention and management of disease, prevention of misuse of drugs and implementation of laws governing drug misuse and development of innovative ideas to further strengthen pharmaceutical healthcare. The education should enable one to apply scientific methods, thoughts and expertise to fill positions of responsibility in education, pharmaceutical production, drug control, marketing and community, hospital and clinical practice areas.

Message from the Scientific Committee Chair
in its orientation of curriculum and practice in past few decades. There exists more challenges than solutions in terms of harmonisation of pharmacy education and practice globally. We are familiar with a saying one size does not fit all however we have seen that basic pharmacy curriculum always attempts to balance global and local need owing to the fact of global work force mobility. We have Dear Delegate, seen wide diversity and gaps in the On behalf of Scientific Coordinating status of our professional practice Committee, It is my pleasure to in various countries especially invite you to participate in this between developing and developed International Conference on countries. So this conference aims Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical to focus at the issues like pharmacy Sciences with a theme transferring curriculum, its impact on knowledge from Education to pharmacy practice in Practice scheduled to take place in various domain of our Nepal from 25 - 26 February 2012 profession such as at Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, hospital, community, and Nepal. This conference aims to industry regulatory affairs. prepare a roadmap for future pharmacists and make them aware This conference with current scenario and future could be a good opportunities in pharmaceutical platform for interface sciences. between educators, researchers and policy makers with Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences education and practice the goal of sharing information and have seen tremendous changes best practices relating to various aspects of pharmacy profession. There will be cross-fertilization of educators, policy makers, practicing pharmacists and researchers in the field of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. So this forum will provide us opportunity to: Exchange information, views and experiences in recent advances in various field of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences including educational aspects; Discuss problems that need to be explored regarding practice of pharmacy education and profession; Look for approaches to those problems and obstacles; including enabling policies to address these issues; Make professional Contacts; Keep track of what and who- is current in the field. So I urge you to submit and present your research work relating to various aspects of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences including impact of

national health/medicine policy and future aspect of profession. We extend a warm welcome to you to join us in Pre & Post conference workshop along with 2 days of ideas dissemination and technical discussions in February 2012 in Nepal.

Professor Panna Thapa

Dean School of Science Kathmandu University

Message from the Organizing Secretary

Dear Friends, Pharmacy profession is considered to be an important technical profession as it contributes significantly in the development of health sector which is of paramount importance for a nation to grow. Pharmacy as a profession demands resourcefulness, dedication, discipline, a strong character and interest in serving mankind. Besides providing professional education and training, it envisages heavy emphasis on strengthening positive personal traits. Every country, nation and society characterizes itself with a distinct culture. Culture can be said to be a way of life whichever the sphere-social, economic, educational, art, sculpture, religion, architecture, professional etc. The pharmacist over centuries has been able to evolve a culture which may be termed as Pharmaceutical Culture. It encompasses acquisition of knowledge and applying it in specific situations, sense of dedication to suffering humanity, integrity, objectivity and ethical attitude. The professional associations prescribe a code of conduct and expect its members to practise it. Standards play an important role in the evaluation and accreditation. The society is going through continuous change in its health care needs and expectations. The health care seeking behaviour has shifted from patients passive role to active participation in therapeutic decision-making. We invite all of you to this International conference to discuss all the charactristics and role of pharmacist. It also offers an academic treat for all pharmacist and healthcare professionals in the field of pharmaceutical science. This conference will have Pre-conference and Post-conference workshop on February 24th and 28th respectively along with the main conference from 25-26 February 2012. I assure you it will be the best knowledge trip of your professional life. Beside the conference organizing committee also invites you to meet the people from different nation & culture. Explore the world of pharmacy from tradition to modern with all the international delegates. Enjoy the beautiful scenic view of Himalaya and taste the mouthwatering cushine of Nepalese traditional food. Looking forward to meet you all in this International Conference at Kathmandu University, Nepal.

Harish Pal

Director Pharmanext Group

Message from the President APPON

Dear all, It is my pleasure to write this welcome message on behalf of Association of Pharmaceutical Producers of Nepal (APPON). I know that this kind of events will help for pharmacists and other pharmacy related personnel for continuous education.

Message from the President, Nepal Pharmaceutical Association (NPA)

Dear all, I am pleased to write a welcome message for this international conference on behalf of Nepal Pharmaceutical Association (NPA). Therefore, I would like to take the present opportunity to invite you to join us for that meeting. We are living a very exciting scientific period, with considerable advances in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Recent genetic, immunological, biochemical and microbiological breakthroughs have allowed new insights into the pharmacy field. However, there is a constant need not only to keep abreast of and develop new scientific approaches but also to identify adequate and effective pharmaceutical strategies for the implementation gained knowledge into practice. During the preand post-conference workshops and two day conference, we will bring together scientific leaders from this region, as well as young scientists and newcomers to the field of pharmacy in order to lead lively and interactive debates. In addition to an exciting scientific program, you will benefit from the wonderful time here in Nepal with lucrative views of range of mountains here in Pokhara, Kathmandu and Dhulikhel. Moreover, the cultural background and historical landscape that make of Nepal will contribute towards making this event an unforgettable moment. So lets come together and gather to live the exciting professional and cultural aspects of Nepal. Please give us the opportunity to be your host and make this event an ongoing process through the years to come. Dr. Uttam Budhathoki

Moreover you will have opportunity to see the natural beauty of this country as this conference time is the suitable time to visit this country. Thus, this event is important with the point of view of continuous education and tourism. Its pre and post-conference workshops will be held at Pokhara University (Pokhara) and Tribhuvan University (Kathmandu) which are beautiful cities for visit. Kathmandu is known as city of temples where you will see the temples everywhere. Pokhara is one of the best tourist destinations in Nepal and almost all tourists, who come to Nepal, visit Pokhara. The conference will be held in Kathmandu University,

Dhulikhel which is also a tourist destination and is popular for viewing a range of mountains. You may know that Once is not enough for visiting Nepal as it is having a lot of places with natural beauty. I hope that this conference will help you to know Nepal as well from closer if this is your first visit. Hope to see you all in Nepal at the conference venue.

President Association of Pharmaceutical Producers of Nepal (APPON)

Mahesh Gorkhali

President Nepal Pharmaceutical Association (NPA)

Message from the Secretary, Hospital Pharmacist Association of Nepal (HosPAN)

Dear all, It is our great pleasure to organize international conference in Nepal. I am pleased to welcome you all on behalf of Hospital Pharmacist Association of Nepal (HosPAN). Pharmaceutical science is fast changing worldwide. The shifting of the practice to patient oriented service from product oriented services has necessitated updating ourselves with advances in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. It is the utmost important that the gained knowledge is transferred into practice for the patients benefit. This conference will be a mega event bringing the scientific leaders, academicians, practitioners, newcomers and students together to look for the best practice for the patient care. This conference will provide the common platform for the pharmaceutical leaders to form a network for the future as well. Besides the scientific sessions, you will benefit the Natural beauty of Nepal with views of mountains. The adventures you will explore, the culture you will observe and the people you will interact will surely make your stay in Nepal the life time experience. I look forward to welcome you all along with your accompanying person in this international conference to share knowledge, idea and culture of pharmacy profession. We sincerely hope that you will join us to make this endeavor a success.

Call for Papers

Original contributions based on practice/theory/ research related to the theme are invited for poster/ oral presentation. All papers will go through a process of review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. All papers must be original contributions and should be submitted through email only. A panel of experts will review each contributed paper. Authors should use * Font: Times New Roman * Font Size: 12 points * File Format: MS Word format with double space * Word Limit: 500 (For Abstract) 7

Secretary Hospital Pharmacist Association of Nepal (HosPAN)

Kiran Bajracharya


Pharmanext is an international pharmaceutical magazine and operates from New Delhi (India) The magazine focuses on the healthcare professionals, young pharmacists, science students and tries to make as many resources available to them from around the world. It serves as a pathway to the students and new graduates to decide what is best for them in the profession and shape up their careers. Apart form the magazine the group also in the business of consultancy, training, publication, chain pharmacy and event management. This group is led by a young pharmacist Mr. Harish Pal, a pharmacy and management graduate and have more than 12 year experience in pharmacy profession.



Kathmandu University is an autonomous, not-for-profit, non - government institution dedicated to maintain high standards of academic excellence. It is committed to develop leaders in professional areas through quality education. It is located in a mountainous landscape in Dhulikhel Municipality about 30 kilometers east of Kathmandu (KTM) having round-the-year pleasant climate and panoramic Himalayan Views. The main thrust of KU is to make it a research-cum-teaching university in science, management, engineering, medical sciences, arts, and education.

Pokhara University was established in 1997 as the fifth University in the Country under the governments policy of adopting a multi-University system in the country with aims to expand the access to higher education. The Prime Minister is the Chancellor of the University and the Pro-Chancellor is the Minister of Education. The Vice Chancellor is the Principal Administrator of the University. The central office of the university is located in Lekhnath Municipality, Kaski district, Western Development Region of Nepal.

Tribhuvan University (henceforth, TU) is the first national institution of higher education in Nepal. It was established in 1959 A.D. and named after the late King Tribhuvan.The Central Administrative Office and the Central Campus of the university are located on the north eastern facade of Kirtipur, an ancient and small town located five kilometers away from downtown Kathmandu. There are five Institutes, four Faculties, thirty eight Central Departments, four Research Centres and sixty Constituent campuses in TU and out of them one Institute, three Faculties, 32 Departments, 3 Research Centres and two Constituent campuses are at Kirtipur.


The history of Nepal Pharmaceutical Association (NPA) goes back to 1972 A.D. (2028 BS) when it was initiated in a small room of Banaspati Bibhag by a group of people involved with pharmaceutical and medicinal plants. A five member ad hoc committee was formed to proceed with the formation of the association with a total of 27 members, including 14 pharmacists, under the presidency of Dr. Purosattam Narayan Suwal. In its glorious 40 years, NPA has organized several programs and has been actively involved in almost all the programs held with the objective of development of this sector.


APPON (Association of Pharmaceutical Producers of Nepal) was established in the year 1990 A.D by the Pharmaceutical entrepreneurs with the view to facilitate, enhance and improve the service of the Pharmaceutical companies to co-ordinate with different government bodies, medical fraternity and Pharmaceutical business houses. Today, it has 44 Pharmaceutical companies as its members, who govern the 40% of Nepalese Pharmaceutical Market Share, 50% of which are certified with WHO-GMP and others in process of it.


The Graduate Pharmacists Association, Nepal (GPAN) is a non- governmental, non-profitable, non-political and fully professional organization of pharmacists established in 1996 AD with the aim of overall development of pharmacy as a profession with the motto, Profession of Pharmacy for Better Health Care. GPANs membership includes pharmacy students, pharmacy graduates, postgraduates and Ph.D., who are involved in all aspects of pharmaceutical services ranging from academia, industry, hospital and government to private sectors.


The Hospital Pharmacist Association of Nepal (HosPAN) is the national professional body of hospital pharmacists engaged in the practice of pharmacy. The head quarter of this association is based in Kathmandu and Mr. R. K. Thapa is the President & Mr. Kiran S Bajracharya is the Secretary of this association. HosPAN is committed to provide professional forum for hospital pharmacists to help them secure their rightful place in the health care system.This organization continue organizing workshop, seminars and conferences for upliftment the status of Hospital Pharmacist.

General Information
Conference Venue: C V Raman Auditorium, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, NEPAL Conference Dates: 25- 26 February, 2012 Exhibition: A commercial and professional exhibition will take place on the conference dates. Climate: Weather in February is cool and mostly clear. The morning and evening are very cold while the afternoon is pretty sunny an romantic.The temperature during this month rises from 15* C to 20* C (59* F to 68* F). Letter of Invitation: The organizers will be pleased to provide a letter of invitation to any pre-registered and paid participant requesting one. Visa: Please visit ministry of external affairs of your respective country. Most of the foreign nationals require a visa to enter Nepal. NOTE: Indians are allowed in Nepal without Visa and passport. They must show their photo identity proof to cross the border. Currency: The unit of currency is Nepalees Rupee (NC). For details of exchange rate please visit Major credit cards are accepted at most of the hotels and major stores. Language: English is the official language of the congress Clothing: Clothing is informal for all occasions. Customs: All baggage must be declared and cleared through the customs on arrival at the entry point. Personal effects are permitted free entry. Passengers arriving at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) without any dutiable goods can proceed through the Green Channel for quick clearance without a baggage check. Export: The export of antiques requires special certification from the Department of Archeology, National Archive Building, Ram Shah Path, Kathmandu. It is illegal to export objects over 100 years old, such as sacred images, paintings, manuscripts that are valued for culture and religious reasons. Visitors are advised not to purchase such items as they are Nepals cultural heritage and belong here.

Morning Session
(09:00 AM to 02:30 PM) Registration (9:00 AM to 10:30 AM) Inauguration (11:30 AM to 01:30 PM) Lunch (01:30 PM to 02:30 PM)

Morning Session
(08:30 AM to12:30 PM) Breakfast (08:30 AM to 09:30 AM) Scientific Session V Scientific Session VI Scientific Session VII Scientific Session VIII

Afternoon Session
(02:30 PM to 06:00 PM) Scientific Session-I Scientific Session-II Scientific Session-III Scientific Session-IV

Afternoon Session
(12:30 PM to 05:00 PM) Lunch (12:30 PM to 01:30 PM) Poster/Oral Presentation (01:30 PM to 03:00 PM) Awards and Certificates Distribution (03:15 PM to 05:00 PM)

Evening Session
(06:30 PM to 09:30 PM) Cultural Events (06:30 PM to 08:00 PM)


The registration fee covers conference kit, conference proceedings, meals and tea with 1Night 2 day accomodation. Confirmation of registration is possible only if the duly completed registration form is received along with the registration fee. For Registration, please download the form from our website, fill it and send it back along with a Cheque/DD in favour of PHARMANEXT payable at DELHI. Please note that your registration is firm when your payment has been received.

Student Travel Grant

(Financial Assistance)
The International Conference on Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Science: Transferring Knowledge from Education to Practice offers a small number of Student Travel Grants to qualifying and selected students who need a supplement to their travel support to present an accepted paper at this conference in Nepal. To be eligible, students must: Be presenting an accepted paper at conference session or workshop. Must be registered before first deadline of conference. Submit a student travel grant application form detailing need for funds no later than 6 weeks prior to the 1st day of the Conference. Be a full-time student who is not also a full-time employee in industry, government, or academia (please submit a proof of status from your university); Have one letter of recommendation from your advisor or department head; For questions and inquiries, please contact Note: Travel Grant Application will be sent to shortlisted candidate after first deadline.

Registration fees


Early Bird Registration (Before Nov 10, 2011) STUDENTS PROFESSIONALS INR 4,000 INR 6,000 Before Nov 30, 2011 INR 5,000 INR 7,000 Before Dec 25, 2011 INR 8,000 INR 10,000

Important Dates
Conference Dates Feb 25-26, 2012 First Deadline Nov 30, 2011 Second Deadline Dec 25, 2011 Last Date for paper submission Dec 25, 2011

Early Bird Registration (Before Nov. 10, 2011) STUDENTS PROFESSIONALS USD 120 USD 180 Before Nov 30, 2011 USD 150 USD 220 Before Dec 25, 2011 USD 230 USD 300

Mode of Payment
Demand Draft / Cheque Please send Demand Draft or cheque in favour of PHARMANEXT payable at DELHI with filled registration form.

Payment by Wire Transfer

Account Name: PHARMANEXT, Account No: 630005008543, Bank: ICICI Bank Limited Branch Address: Defence Colony Branch, B-78, Defence Colony, New Delhi-24 (india) SWIFT CODE: ICICINBBCTS, RTGS/NEFT/IFSC CODE: ICIC0006300


Young Scientist Award:

To encourage young scientists, Organizing Committee announces two Young Scientist Award (YSA) for all registered delegate presenting oral/poster. This award carries a sum of Rs.11,000/- along with Certificate of merit and Gold Medal. Applications are invited from registered participants of International Conference who had paid their registration fee and submitted the paper abstract on or before December 25, 2011. The upper age limit of the candidates for the award is 35 years as reckoned on February 25, 2012. Soft copy of the abstract for poster/ oral presentation along with bio-data of the Candidate should reach to organizer before deadline.

The candidate should give an undertaking that the work which is being submitted has not been published in any journal or presented in any other Conference / Seminar / Symposium or submitted for consideration of any award. In case of a paper by more than one authors, the candidate (Young Pharmacist) has to be acknowledged by the other author(s) (in terms of a certificate) as having made the major contribution. A Young Pharmacist could present only one paper. The final selection for the Awards will be done by a duly constituted committee and the awards will be given at Kathmandu University during International conference on 25-26th February 2012.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

All abstracts must be submitted through EMAIL only (No Hard Copy). All abstracts must be in English with the maximum of 500 words. Table and image are not allowed. The text and the title should be free from abbreviations, except those commonly used (e.g. LVEF, CABG,VSD, ASD etc).

The title of the abstract should be printed in CAPITAL LETTERS. The name(s) of the author(s) must be in format of Last name First name The name of presenting author is bold. There should be no more than 5 authors. The order of authors and affiliation will be appeared as your set up. The abstract must contain original material, not published or presented at any other international congress prior to this International Conference. The confirmation of acceptance by the Scientific Committee will be sent to the author by 25th December 2011. ONLY author with accepted abstract will receive the confirmation via submitted Email and announced in the conference website. All the authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit the full papers. ONLY presenting author who registered and paid by 25th December 2011 will be added in the program and proceeding book.


Advisor Prof. Suresh Raj Sharma Vice Chancellor, Kathmandu University Prof. Khagendra Bhattarai Vice Chancellor, Pokhara University Prof. Hira Bahadur Maharjan Vice Chancellor, Tribhuvan University Mr. Yagya Prasad Neupane Chairman, Nepal Pharmacy Council Mr. Radharaman Prasad Director, Department of Drug Administration Patron Prof. Panna Thapa Dean, School of Science, Kathmandu University Er. Ishwar Chandra Baniya Dean, Faculty of Science & Technology, Pokhara University Mrs. Sadhana Amatya HOD, Dept of Pharmacy, Tribhuvan University Chairman Mr. Bhupendra Bahadur Thapa Sr. Drug Administrator Ministry of Health & Population Chairman- Scientific Committee Dr. Panna Thapa Dean, School of Science, Kathmandu University Vice Chairman Dr. Uttam Budhathoki President, NPA Mr. Mahesh Gorkhali President APPON Mr. Madhav Parajuli President GPAN Mr. Raj Kumar Thapa President, HosPAN Mr. Eurek Ranjit Board Member-KCHDB Convenor Mr. Arun Pateriya Organizing secretary Mr. Harish Pal Joint Secretary Mr. Aayush Agarwal Ms Rajani Shakya Mr. Gulam Muhammad Khan Mr. Kiran Bajracharya Ms Nayan Manandhar Treasurer Mr. Satendra Kumar Conference Manager Mrs. Neeraj Pal Co ordinators Mr. Ganesh Maharjan Mr. Badri KC Mr. Sabin Raj Shakya Mr. Rudra Pangeni Mr. Kishor Adhikari Ms. Srijana Gupta Mr. Omkar Regmi Mr. Anup Raj Upreti

LAKE SIDE DINNER 27 February 2012

Leave your laptop and cell phone inside the rooms, Keep your mind free after a two day scientific conference. Join us for an exclusive dinner, at lake side under the moon light with the presence of stars. Pharmanext arranged

an entertainment evening in Nepalss most beautiful city, Pokhara, which is famous for its beautiful lakes, Annapurna range of Himalaya, Beautiful scenic views, adventure games and also Nepalese tradition food. The Host committee and Pokhara University assure you an unforgettable evening of your life. Reserve your place now!


(Learn, Explore, Achieve & Progress)
PRE CONFERENCE WORKSHOP February 24, 2012 @ Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu
An exclusive workshop on LEADERSHIP by Pharmanext with technical support from Bizvantage. Workshop Objectives: Challenge Individual & TEAM to reinforce themselves to the leadership values, both as employees & in the market-place, viz., as an acknowledged leader; Align the team members to the goals, particularly of shifting paradigms in the market and our desire to accelerate the future; Enable team members to explore their potential strength and experience the joys & anxieties associated with risk taking which can be overcome through the collaborative process; Consolidate the feeling of esprit-de-corps!!

POST CONFERENCE WORKSHOP February 28, 2012 @ Pokhara University, Pokhara

GPP is an important component for raising the standards of pharmacy services as well as professional attitude and behavior of pharmacists for improving health in the community. GPP guidelines lay standards for quality of pharmacy services in community pharmacy settings. An exclusive workshop, on GPP by Pharmanext with technical support from iPharma Education. Supply and use of prescribed medicines and other health care products including counseling. Primary health care. Improving rational use of medicine. Health promotion and ill-health prevention. Improving health and quality assurance in health care delivery



Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Science: Transferring Knowledge from Education to Practice

International Conference
In Association With

Organized By

With Support of


Nepal Pharmaceutical Association

Workshop Interested
Please tick

P re C on feren c e Works h op
Fee 1000 INR/80 USD

Pos t C on feren c e Works h op

Fee 1000 INR/80 USD


Pin Code

Early Bird-Before Nov. 10, 2011 INR 4000 INR 6000

Before Nov 30, 2011 INR 5000 INR 7000

Before Dec 25, 2011 INR 8000 INR 10000

Pin Code

Early Bird-Before Nov. 10, 2011 Before Nov 30, 2011 USD 150 USD 220 Before Dec 25, 2011 USD 200 USD 300 STUDENTS USD 120 USD 180

Phone Numbers with STD code Cell


Enclosed Rupees ____________________________________ _________________________________________ (in words)

S. No.

Rs._____________________(in figures) through Demand Draft / Cheque drawn in favour of Pharmanext payable at Delhi (India). Name of the Bank____________________________________ D.D./Cheque No. _______________Dated ________ Place __________ Date :_____ Signature __________
Payment by Wire Transfer Account Name: PHARMANEXT , Account No: 630005008543 Bank: ICICI Bank Limited (Defence Colony Branch) Address: B-78, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024 (India) SWIFT CODE: ICICINBBCTS, RTGS/NEFT/IFSC CODE: ICIC0006300

Send your registration form, abstract and fee at any of following address:
* Department of Pharmacy (Prof. Panna Thapa) Kathmandu University, P. O. BOX 6250 (Kathmandu), Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal
* PHARMANEXT (Harish Pal) J 35, First Floor, Lajpat Nagar-III, New Delhi-110024 (India)

Registration is non refundable and non transferable. (No refund in case of cancellation. Only registered delegates will be allowed to attend the conference.)

The capital city, Kathmandu is enriched with temples more than homes and festivals exceeding the number of days in a year. The whole valley with its seven heritage sites has been enlisted in cultural World Heritage Site list. The place, which blends cultural vigor with modern facilities possible on earth is place liked by tourists been here. The place has more to offer and it is not only administrative capital of the country but to the fullest extend capital of traditional culture and physical resources. Pashupatinath, Bouddhanath, Swoyambhunath and Changunarayan are the places most revered by the whole world.

Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha and a World Heritage Site. This pilgrimage site in southwest Nepal attracts devout Buddhists from around the world, who arrive to pay homage at the Sacred Garden where the Enlightened One was born. A famous landmark is the Ashoka Pillar raised by the great Emperor who converted to Buddhism. Today Lumbini has been enlivened by the multitude of architecturally beautiful temples, stupas and monasteries built by various international Buddhist communities.

The natural beauty of Pokhara in Midwestern Nepal is simply bewitching. Forming the backdrop are the spectacular Annapurna Mountains with the magnificent fish-tailed Machhapuchhre dominating the scene. Adding to Pokharas enchantment are the three serene lakes of Phewa, Rupa and Begnas. Pokharas bewitching beauty has been the subject of many travel writers. Its pristine air, the spectacular backdrop of the snowy peaks, the serene lakes and the surrounding greenery make it the jewel in the Himalaya, a place of remarkable natural beauty.

Janakpur has become a great piligrimage site for Hindus today. The most sacred sites are the Janaki Mandir, dedicated to goddess Sita, the Ram Sita bibaha(marriage) mandir, built over the spot where Ram and Sita were said to have been married, Ram Mandir, dedicated to god Ram and the holy pond Dhanush Sagar. Hundreds of Nepali and Indian devotees come here every year to pay their respect to the goddess at this temple. Besides the religious importance, Janakpur is also the center for the revival of the ancient Mithila art and craft.


Asias most well-preserved conservation area is the Chitwan National Park, where wildlife thrives and habitats remain intact. The park lies in the Tarai region (plains) and is home to a range of wildlife including endangered species like the Greater One-horned rhinoceros and the elusive Royal Bengal tiger. Enlisted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the park has a particularly rich flora and fauna boasting more than 450 PATAN species of birds. Resorts within the park facilitate safaris on elephant Patan also known as Lalitpur back, boat ride or jeep drives. literally, the City of Artisans, lies 5km southeast of Kathmandu, and is home to the valleys finest craftsmen who preserve ancient techniques such as repouss and the lost wax process, still producing exquisite pieces of sculpture. The city retains much of the old charm with its narrow streets, brick houses and the multitude of well-preserved Hindu temples and Buddhist monasteries (Vihars).

Perched on a hill at an altitude of 1,401m, Bhaktapur or Bhadgaon, literally the City of Devotees, is a major tourist attraction taking visitors back in time. Covering an area of 4 sq. miles, this city retains the charming paved roads, red brick houses and a way of life that goes back to medieval times. The extraordinary Durbar Square with its celebrated Golden Gate and extraordinary Palace of Fifty-Five windows reflects the glory days of the Malla Dynasty when art and architecture thrived in the three cities of the valley.

It is a small town at an altitude 1,440-meter from the sea level. The artistic skills and urban ethos of its Newar inhabitants have made this a place of charm and beauty. Once an important link in the ancient trade route to Tibet, the town has a glorious past that can be witnessed in the lovely buildings and intricate woodcarvings found along the shoplined streets and in the temples. The place has many vantage points that offer a panorama of the low hills, valleys and the Himalayas. Sunset views are spectacular from here. Bird watching, mountain biking and hiking are the favorite activities of this place

Workshop Partner

Media Partner

Abstract Handling and Publishing

Travel Partner

Wings to Success...

Mr. Harish Pal Organizing Secretary PHARMANEXT J 35, First Floor, Lajpat Nagar-III New Delhi-110024 (India) Tel: +91-11-29840914, Fax: +91-11-46502814 Mob: +91-9818455437/9425712679 Email: Prof. Panna Thapa Chairman-Scientific Committee

Department of Pharmacy Kathmandu University, P. O. BOX 6250 (Kathmandu) Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal Tel: +977-11-661399, Fax: +977-11-661443 Mob: +977-9841301827/9841367679 Email:

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