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‭Pre-K April Snack Calendar‬

‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wednesday‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬

‭8‬ ‭9‬ ‭10‬ ‭11‬ ‭12‬
‭Graham Crackers‬ ‭ retzels‬
P ‭ oldfish‬
G ‭ lueberry or‬
B T‭ urkey‬
‭Apple Sauce‬ ‭Cheese‬ ‭Raisins‬ ‭raspberry fig bars‬ ‭Wheat thins‬
‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬

‭15‬ ‭16‬ ‭17‬ ‭18‬ ‭19‬

‭ heerios‬
C ‭ illa Wafers‬
N ‭Graham Crackers‬ ‭ retzels‬
P ‭ am‬
‭Bananas‬ ‭Strawberry/Berry‬ ‭Apple Sauce‬ ‭Cheese‬ ‭Wheat thins‬
‭Water‬ ‭Go-Gurt‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬

‭22‬ ‭23‬ ‭24‬ ‭25‬ ‭26‬

‭ oldfish‬
G ‭Blueberry or‬ ‭Cheerios‬ ‭Graham Crackers‬ ‭Turkey‬
‭Raisins‬ ‭raspberry fig bars‬ ‭ ananas‬
B ‭Apple Sauce‬ ‭Wheat thins‬
‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬

‭29‬ ‭30‬ ‭26‬ ‭27‬ ‭28‬

‭ retzels‬
P ‭ oldfish‬
G ‭ lueberry or‬
B ‭ heerios‬
C ‭ am‬
‭Cheese‬ ‭Raisins‬ ‭raspberry fig bars‬ ‭Bananas‬ ‭Wheat thins‬
‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬ ‭Water‬

‭*Daily breakfast option of cheerios, raisins or yogurt, and water if needed.‬

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