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English Film Pitch Descriptive Writing

Picture this opening scene:

A sheer cliff face rose above the stormy waves, its chalky surface battered as the tides persevered,
swelling to great heights, and falling. As the sea rose and sank, driftwood became visible and jagged
points of broken wood peaked on top of the seething surface before being engulfed again. The pieces
drifted aimlessly above the waves, speaking of the destruction that was caused; once a magnificent
ship, now reduced to rubble.

High above the tempestuous water, a solitary cave cut into the crumbling rocky face looked down
upon the devastating scene below. In the cave, stalagmites and stalactites clung to the ceiling and
floors, trembling under the might of the tempest. Near the centre, the cave hollowed out and the
cavern grew wide and tall, with rough and coarse rocks surrounding it on all sides. Standing on the
precipice of the mouth of the cavern, a single man: Prospero.

As the sea raged around him, a salty tang rose into the air, and water droplets were flung from the
ocean, latching onto his tousled, silvery hair that grew to his waist. Wave after wave pummelled the
rocky escarpment, and though a raw, biting northernly wind whipped around him, the man stood
extraordinarily still, barely flinching as the surf roared around him. Briny, sulphurous smells invaded
his nose and his pinched, distinctive features twisted into a sour grimace.

His bony, calloused hands held a gnarled tree branch that reached to his broad shoulders - a staff from
which his art was possible. The tip of this staff separated into spiked and pointed twigs that twisted
like strands of thread around a single orb of green light. A billowing ankle-length cloak flowed behind
him in the blustery wind, embroidered with symbols in a language that perhaps only the mysterious
man knew.

His trousers were liquorice black, and his shirt pale grey. The man himself was wrinkled and aged,
with rough skin and hazel, kohl-rimmed eyes that told tales of times long ago. Those eyes now gazed
below at the scene of desolation and his arched eyebrows rose higher as he marvelled at the
destruction he had caused.

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