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Event Title: Wheelchair Basketball Introduction and Practice

Event Staff: Nina Collins, Temo Dadiana, and Allison Qualls

Event Description: a brief description of your event--what are the goals of the event, who is
your target audience? Etc.
This event will be held at the Hamel Recreation Center on the University of New Hampshire
Durham Campus. This event is intended to provide a learning experience for wheelchair users or
individuals with disabilities who would benefit from wheelchair sports and who would like to learn
more about the the adaptive sport, wheelchair basketball. This event will let individuals with
disabilities (Cerebal Palsy, Dwarfism, lower spinal cord injury, Spina Bifida, Amputees, Elher
Danos Syndrome, or Ambulatory Wheelchair users) learn about how to use a court wheelchair if
this is their first time, rules of the game, experience a practice game at the end. This event does
require core control and ability to push a wheelchair independently.
Goals of event:
1. To provide community opportunities to adaptive sports.
2. Teach skills that pertain to wheelchair skills and basketball skills that include dribbling,
passing and shooting.
3. Building confidence in adaptive sports.
This event will take place a practice, giving participants an opportunity to learn more about the
sport and have fun while doing it.
Inclusion Plan: how will you include participants with varying levels of participation needs?
As a team, we will go over any health forms that the participants provide for us and review any
health problems or intellectual or physical disabilities they have. If there are going to be
participants that need any accommodations or adaptations then a member of the staff (1or if
needed, all staff) will approach them and speak with them individually about those arrangements.
If the participant is new to this sport then respectfully we will show them equipment that they can
use to help enhance their performance on the court.

Equipment/Supplies: what do you need to make your event run?

● 6-10 court wheelchairs
● 2-6 basketballs
● Medi-first cold spray (may not be needed for practice)
● Whistle
● Cones (if not available, lines on the court should work well).
● Wheelchair tools
● Masking tape
● Padding/cushioning
● Foam
● Straps to help hold limbs in place if needed.
Risk Management Plan: What are foreseeable risks and how will you reduce or minimize them?
Foreseeable risks:
● Tipping in the wheelchair
● Blisters from pushing the wheelchair
● Pressure sores from sitting
● Accidental injury from basketballs (being hit by a basketball, accidental bumping into other
Reducing risks:
● Informing the participants about how to use the equipment appropriately and what can
happen if they lean back to far.
● Encouraging to have safe play and not purposely ramming into other participants.
● Checking in with the participants periodically to make sure that they are comfortable and
are not developing any sores from sitting or pushing the wheelchair.

Animation Plan: timeline of your 45-minute event facilitation, broken up into sections (e.g.,
setup, intro, a warm-up activity, game/scrimmage, debrief)
we each take a 15-minute section of time
1. Temo
● Stretching/Warm up
○ Have everyone get in a circle
○ Have 3-4 body stretches
○ Introduce what we will be doing
● Introductions of staff and participants
○ Staff introductions
○ How long have you been playing? Is this your first time playing this sport?
● Learning and showing the equipment
○ Have everyone get in a wheelchair (as well as the staff)
○ Go over and demonstrate (participants are just watching)
■ Basic movement in the chair
■ Moving forward
■ Moving backward
■ Stopping
2. Allison
● The rules of the game(Junior Varsity)
1. Four players will be playing-2v2/Half court game
2. You are able to steal the ball, pass the ball
3. Push the wheels twice and then dribble
4. Can use any way you feel comfortable shooting
a. Two handed shot
b. One handed shot

● Drills
○ Pacman game(5-7 minutes)
○ Up and down the courts
■ Start
■ Slow down
■ Stop
■ Dribbling with ball (push the wheels twice and then dribble)
■ Ball pickup
■ Passing
■ Munnsy hoops
3. Nina
● 10-minute game
● closing/takeaways about how it went
○ Go over how the game went
○ How do the participants think they did?
○ How do the participants think the staff did?

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