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First thing First - Relationship with God those in the Heavens, I said

Written By OLATUJA SEGUN earlier that God created

In our journey in life we must understand that there is a everything with a heart of
person, a supreme being called God He is the brain behind every Love and therefore both
knowledge, invention, innovations and creations. This personality Human and celestial being
in the living historic book and also a highly Spiritual book called are free moral beings, they
BIBLE reveal this personality God as the Creator and the source of can plan and do things freely
all living and non-living thing both physically and meta- physically even against God and this
and even inanimate and animate. In the beginning God was the free will is what makes God
sole proprietor of the Heavens and the Earth He then decided to supreme. God can do
extend His influence by creating other beings both visible and whatever please him but
invisible for a purpose that he had predetermined. So the creations always in attitude of Love.
proceed from this Eternal Life (God) that every other thing can God also provide necessary
draw life from Him. information to man is
But something happened a rebellion activities begin to special creation to navigate
occur as an attempt by the creation to exist outside of the Creator out of error, but from the
the source of Life. beginning man as always fail
Commentary by Felix Udorah and man as not cease to
He rules beyond all boundaries make inventions, programs
Most times the situation of life have made us to condition our life and other activities that are
such that by virtue of these we Begin to set limitations or range of completely different from
performance for either ourselves or God's intervention. The their original purposes. Now
background we came from or environment in which we reside or Jesus came in according to
grew up have a way of telling us what we can or can't do or ways in the Bible that whoso ever
which God can or can't help us in our lives such as family, believe in Jesus will forever
academic, finance, businesses or ministries. If there is anything we be connected back to God as
should understand about God is that, He rules beyond all long He/she believes, and
boundaries that could be set by us or the people around us. What the will be able to function in
makes God supreme overall situation or creatures is that He can't the design modus operandi.
be bottled by the boundaries set by our mind. His love for Now the rebellion acts of the
humanity enables him to do things unimaginable or work in ways creation brought a great gap
we can't understand. An understanding of these should propel us between the Almighty God
to be flexible and submissive in our dealings with God, casting our and His creations we may
cares upon him because He knows more than we could ever ask why? Did God not know
imagine. that the creation can rebel?
So we around up on this so as to move to other necessary Yes God knew because all of
things, I started with this because I believe if you know your source creation are created with a
you will be able to understand your make up and capacity hence purpose in the mind of the
can discover, develop and deploy your potentials, talents and gifts. Creator. But when the
By now we understand that God has a predetermined purpose for purpose of anything is not
everyone and everything on the surface of the Earth and even known abuse and misuse is
inevitable DR. Myles Munroe said and I agree that, all the things The life of job is a good piece
that ever rebel act outside of their purpose. The next question then that could be used to
will be, is God not all controlling to make the creation to do only illustrate this. He never
what is expected of them? Yes God is in control, But God is Eternal expected that such would
Life and He God is also Called Love so God created everything with happen to him. Every time
Love in His heart and Love is such that you allow your creation to we went worshipping God,
be able to make choices and decisions even against the Creator he would offer sacrifices for
that makes Human Being and celestial himself and every of his
family in advance perhaps
LET NOT YOU HEART BE TROUBLED they might have sinned
Written By Felix Udorah against God that would
Have you once gotten to a point where your heart is result to evil occurrence. But
troubled? Do you really know what it's like? Let me paint the by the time he was subjected
picture for you. by an unpleasant situations,
It is like a boiling water, whatever that is being placed on it after he described his situation
some time becomes agitated bringing the object to a state of saying "Job 3:26 I have no
unrest. It's also like an insect on a hot object. At a point the insect peace, no quietness. I have
appears to be in a state of rest but by the time the object becomes no rest; only trouble comes."
Hot, then Boom!! A state of unrest is created. Same also is a The devil capitalize
troubled heart. on such moment created by
The design and desire of God concerning man is that he the external forces or
becomes an entity of rest. It is in such moment he is able to situation to bring various
effectively know and receive the counsels of God and from that suggestion and desires that
state of mind, all that he does becomes good to himself, others and negate the will of God. We
God. Dominion is effectively exercise such state of rest. Rest in must be careful of the word
itself is a proof of Dominion. we speak, action we portray
The fall of man was a just a medium for introducing this state of and decision we take in such
unrest on the surface of the Earth, creating various tendency or time. In such times we must
circumstances programmed to bring one to this point. Though it also be careful not to allow
is not all circumstances that are pleasant but when the unpleasant those situations affect us in 3
one catches up with a man, it tends to bring the heart of such different aspects.
person to a state of unrest; troubled by the pressure of these 1) Our perspective
things. about God: we
According to Newton, a well-known physicist, he stated must keep
that "an object remains in a state of rest until it is subjected by an maintaining the
externally impressed force". This law is even applicable in this right perspective
context in term of human endeavours. If I may paraphrase, a about God and
human being is emotionally and mentally stable until an increase our
unpleasant situation collides with such persons bringing him to a commitment to him.
state of unrest. This were the very words of job "Job 3:25 the worst Many have been
of my fears has come true, what I've dreaded most has happened." forced or lured to
curse God or believing that He is wicked saying that "if had to quickly cover up (wipe
God exist and he is good then why are evil happening and her tears) so as to attend to
things not going as planned". Some have in like manner me. Unfortunately I wasn't
reduced their commitment to him. God remain God and with much money to assist
will forever be good. In such moment we should move them but as I was about
closer to Him; increasing our commitment to him. For in leaving, I had to ask her if
such manner, He would give you the way out of the she had any prayer request?
situations. Then she replied "where will
2) Our relationship with people. In such time our she start from?”
relationship with people is necessary; the right people What is that thing that has
who are a blessing and not a burden. Pressure has a way been a matter of concern;
of making one behave rudely, harshly or pulling away troubling your heart and
from the people who could be of help. We must learn to bringing you to that state of
manage our self in such time such that it doesn't affect our unrest such that you have
relationship with people. cried secretly several times?
3) Our perspective about ourselves. Many have Is it marriage, family, health,
condemned themselves and regarded themselves as business or job, ministry,
useless, saying “nothing good can come out of me". This is and others? I would like you
exactly the desires of the devil to render one useless and to pay attention to the very
believe those words. Some have in like manner committed words of Jesus.
suicide thinking that Is the way out; taking various critical John 14:1 "Don't let your
decision that is no way close to the solution. hearts be troubled. Trust in
Job, when faced with an unpleasant challenges was brought to God, and trust also in me.
a point where his heart was troubled. It was in such moment that
the devil tempted him through his wife saying "Job 2:9 His wife
said to him, "Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse
God and die." Hannah also got to a point where her heart was
troubled because of the delay in child bearing. Same also Abraham
when faced with Abimelech and the wickedness in Egypt had to
tell his wife Sarah to say that she was his sister lest they kill him
and spare her. Many other personality in scripture also at one
point or the other was troubled. Men like Joseph, Jacob, Rachel,
Elijah, David, Saul, and even Jesus when the time for the sacrificial
process was near. The scripture recorded that he had to cry out 3
times, repeating the same prayer points and saying "let the will be
I remember a friend of mine telling me of his experience while
he was going along a street. He said Felix, as I was approaching
the shop where they sell fruits, I noticed from afar that the child of
the woman was crying and as I moved closer, I also realized that
the mother was also in tears. By the time the woman saw me, she
Power of Self Discovery The soul of man is made up
Written By OLATUJA SEGUN of the Will, Intellect (Mind)
Since we all came from a source that is indomitable and and Emotions.
all controlling it's should have a way of helping us understand of
To be continue in volume
our makeup, Everything and everyone as a part of God them,
plants, Animals, Human, Living and non-living, God is personality
that I come to understand that He created everything because He
discovered Himself. Before God ever created everything He
was(Because He is Eternal), so has He discovered Himself made
move to see is Discovery become materialize by Speaking them
forth. We will still back to the Power of Words. Now we must
understand that Human is tripartite in Nature - Spirit, Soul and
Body. Only the spirit can you connect with God because God is a
Spirit, the Spirit is what you are and the soul (Will, intellect and
Emotions) this who you are and the Body is where you are. Now
all your makeup has their functions and uses, I mean you physical
body design. By now we know that the human nature is three in
one, The spirit of man is the essence and the real man, in creation
made man in is image and After is likeness and is a spirit so man
is a spirit we will come to the body later.
The spirit of the human being is dead without connection
with God(Eternal Life) the spirit of man is void of any achievement
that will last forever without God, now this differentiate between
those that are connected to God and those that are not. Don't
forget we all have inherent capacity but different life, now to have
a lasting impact you must be connected to God. Now if your spirit
is dead it comes alive when the Spirit of Gods into you this is called
newness of Life or Born again according to Bible, through Faith
the Jesus.
The Soul
The soul generally is the face of person, his true personality, what
a man become is he has in his soul this part of human started from
birth and the personality is develop with time, and this where we
have various temperament.
1. The Extrovert
a. Sanguine
b. Choleric
2. The Introvert
a. The Melancholy
b. The phlegmatic

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