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Part of degree of






Dr. Shabnam mam Name : Sakeel Ansari
Assistance Professor Sap Id : 100017562
Section: I (P2)
Branch: B-Tech,

(State Private University through State Legislature Act No. 10 of 2013 of Uttarakhand and approved by UGC)

Mussoorie Diversion Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand - 248009, India.

Q. Write the SRS (Software Requirements Specification) documents on
your interested project.

Table of Contents

 Introduction
 Purpose
 Project Scope

 Overall Description
 Product Perspective
 Products Features
 User classes and Characteristics
 Operating Environment
 ER Diagram
 Design and Implementation Constraints

 System Interface Requirements

 User Interfaces
 Hardware Interfaces
 Software Interface

 Non Functional Requirements

 Future Scope and further enhancement of the Project

 Conclusion
 References
 Project Title



 Scope of the Work

This project can be implemented in any bank by fulfilling basic requirements.

 Project Modules

 Create Account : The User needs to create new account first to get a

unique account number to login.

 User Login : After creating an account, The user need to login first to enable

to access the system.

 Deposit Amount : This module is used to add money to an existing customer


 Withdraw Amount: This module is used to withdraw money from an account.

 Balance Enquiry : This module is used for checking available balance of an


. Admin login : Admin module manage administration related activities.

 Overall Description

 Product Perspective

A banking domain is comprised of all the components needed to run a financial service
end-to-end. It covers the transaction and distribution process; the ways in which
customers interact with the system, products, and services the organization offers; and the
technology involved.

 Product Features

Customer experience is an integral part of a bank’s operations. That’s why banks focus a lot
on improving customer experience by removing hassles and enhancing the facilities they
provide. Opening a new account in a bank usually requires a person to visit the bank, fill out
a form, and submit the necessary papers. All of these tasks take up a lot of time and dampen
the overall customer experience. Moreover, many people have to take time out of their
schedules to go to a bank.

 Project Description

Moving on, this banking management system project in Python Django focuses mainly on
dealing with personal transactions. It is based on the concept of creating and storing
customers’ account details. Here the user can perform all the tasks like creating an
account, deposit amount, withdraw amount, checking balance. This project is divided into
two categories: User, and Admin Panel. In an overview of this web application, a user can
simply create account and start using it. Here, the user can create account number and
password for login. After setting up, the user can simply deposit and withdraw amounts.
Also, the user can check his/her balance enquiry report displaying the remaining balance
with each personal transaction detail. This detail includes account activities .
 User Uses and Characteristic

The project “Banking System” includes the following Advantages:

 It allows users to open new accounts
 Users can make transactions by entering the respective amounts
 Users can check the balance of their accounts
 Admin can view a list of users to see how many users there are along with their details
 Account holders have to pass through a login system to enter their accounts.
 Transactions can be done with minimum user events.

 Operating Environment

 Admin:
Bank admin roles would be able to perform all administration related activities. Which will
include functionality related to Customers. Bank branches and account management.
 Customer:
End customer would be able to perform all necessary operations related to their bank
account such as money deposit, withdraw, funds transfer and viewing balance enquiry, and
profile information. These would be main functionalities apart from some usual operations
such as login, logout etc.
• Admin/Users Flow Chart.
 Design and Implementation Constrains

 Flow chart For Deposit and Withdraw

 Flow chart For Modifying account

 E-R diagram

 System Interface Requirement

 Software Interface
a) Front-end : HTML, CSS

b) Back-end : PYTHON (Server Scripting Language)

c) Frame work : Django include libraries.

d) Database : Sqllite(back-end)
 Hardware Interface
RAM : 4 GB
Hard Disk : 500 GB
OS: : Microsoft Window10
Editor:- : PYCHARM(Version--2017.3.1)

 Future Scope and further enhancement of the Project

In Future I shall try to make this project more secure and more efficient. After the analyzing
The results of the developed systems, some issues are still open which can be taken up as
future enhancements. In future I will try my best to add those features.

 Conclusion

This Project is to nurture the needs of the user in banking sector by embedding all the tasks of
transactions taking place in bank.
Thus the Bank Management System is Developed and executed successfully.

 References

 Fundamentals of database Systems Website:

 Learning HTML AND CSS. Website:
 MySQL video tutorials, Website:
Data Flow Diagram (DFD):
 A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a traditional visual representation of the information flows within
a system. A neat and clear DFD can depict the right amount of the system requirement
graphically. It can be manual, automated, or a combination of both.
 It shows how data enter and leaves the system, what changes the information, and where data
is stored.
 The objective of a DFD is to show the scope and boundaries of a system as a whole. It may be
used as a communication tool between a system analyst and any person who plays a part in
the order that acts as a starting point for redesigning a system. The DFD is also called as a data
flow graph or bubble chart.

Levels in Data Flow Diagram (DFD):

i. 0 Level DFD:
It is also known as fundamental system model, or context diagram represents the entire
software requirement as a single bubble with input and output data denoted by
incoming and outgoing arrows. Then the system is decomposed and described as a DFD
with multiple bubbles. Parts of the system represented by each of these bubbles are
then decomposed and documented as more and more detailed DFDs.

ii. 1 Level DFD:

In 1-level DFD, a context diagram is decomposed into multiple bubbles/processes. In
this level, we highlight the main objectives of the system and breakdown the high-level
process of 0-level DFD into sub processes.

iii. 2 Level DFD:

2-level DFD goes one process deeper into parts of 1-level DFD. It can be used to project
or record the specific/necessary detail about the system's functioning.
Q. Draw the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of Simple Bank Management System.

0 Level DFD:
1 Level DFD:
2 Level DFD:
Q. Draw the Level 0 and Level 1 of DFD of Airport Security Management

Q. Draw the Sequence Diagram of Simple Banking System i.e. ATM


Q. Draw the sequence diagram of Group Diary System.


Q. Draw the Structure Chart of Spurty Sports Fest.

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