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Quick History of the Internet Protocol

Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4, or just IP)
First developed for the original Internet (ARPANET) in spring 1978 Deployed globally with growth of the Internet Total of 4 billion IP addresses available Well entrenched and used by every ISP and hosting company to connect customers to the Internet Allocated based on documented need

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)

D i Design started in 1993 when IETF f t t di h forecasts showed IPv4 t h d IP 4 depletion between 2010 and 2017 Completed, tested, and available for production since 1999 Total of 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IP addresses available Used and managed similar to IPv4

About IPv4 and IPv6

IP version
Deployed Address Size Address Format Number of Addresses Examples of Prefix Notation

1981 32-bit number Dotted Decimal Notation: 232 = 4,294,967,296 10/8
(a ( /8 bl k = 1/256th of t t l IPv4 address block f total IP 4 dd 24 = 16,777,216 addresses) space = 2

1999 128-bit number Hexadecimal Notation: 2001:0DB8:0234:AB00: 0123:4567:8901:ABCD 2128 = 340,282,366,920,938,463, 463,374,607,431,768,211,456 2001:0DB8:0234::/48 2600:0000::/12

IPv4 Address Space Utilization

*as of 3 February 2011

Available IPv4 Space in /8s

IPv4 Depletion Situation Report

Each RIR received its last /8 from IANA on 3 February 2011. The IANA free pool of IPv4 addresses has reached 0%. Whil each RIR currently has IP 4 addresses to While h tl h IPv4 dd t allocate, it is impossible to predict when each RIR will run out. ARIN publishes an inventory of available IPv4 addresses, updated daily, at

IPv4 & IPv6 - The Bottom Line

Were running out of IPv4 We re address space. IPv6 must be adopted for continued Internet growth. IPv6 is not backwards compatible with IPv4. We must maintain IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously for many years. IPv6 deployment has begun begun.

TechmotivationforIPv6 Tech motivation for IPv6

LargerAddressSpace dd BetterManagementofAddressSpace g p EliminationofAddressingKludges EasierTCP/IPAdministration(autoconfig) Easier TCP/IP Administration (auto config) ModernRoutingdesign BetterSupportforMulticast BetterSupportforMobility Better Support for Mobility SecurityAwareness

IPv6 Deployment has begun

RIRs h RIR have been allocating b ll ti IPv6 address space since 1999. Thousands of organizations have received an IP 6 allocation t date. i d IPv6 ll ti to d t ARIN has IPv6 distribution policies for service providers, community networks, and end user organizations end-user organizations.

IPv4 & IPv6 Coexistence

Today, the Internet is predominantly based on IPv4. For the foreseeable future, the Internet must run both IP versions (IPv4 & IPv6) at the same ( ) time. (When done on a single device, this is called the dual-stack approach.) Deployment is already underway. Today, there are organizations attempting to reach your mail, web, and application servers via IPv6...

PenetrationEstimatesofIPv6intheUS Penetration Estimates of IPv6 in the US

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000

Pe ercent

2005 Inf Vendors

2010 Year App Vendors

2015 ISPs

2020 Users


HowbigistheIPv6addressrange? How big is the IPv6 address range ?

Weightofearth (i i h f h (ingrams) ) 5x10^27~5x2^90<2^93 IPv6addressrange 2^128 Currentinternetaddressrange 2^32 Wehavemorethan8timesthecurrentinternet We have more than 8 times the current internet foreachgramonearth!

IPv6addressnotation IPv6 address notation

IPv6AddressNotation IPv6 Address Notation

805B:2D9D:DC28:0000:0000:FC57:D4C8:1FFF 805B:2D9D:DC28:0:0:FC57:D4C8:1FFF 805B:2D9D:DC28::FC57:D4C8:1FFF 805B:2D9D:DC28::FC57:

andsomemorenotations and some more notations

Long notation 0:0:0:0:0:0: Short notation ::

805B:2D9D:DC28:0:0:0:0:0/48 805B:2D9D:DC28 ::/48



Therearethreetypesofaddresses: Unicast:Anidentifierforasingleinterface. A Anycast:Anidentifierforasetofinterfacesandisdeliveredto t A id tifi f t fi t f d i d li dt oneoftheinterfacesidentifiedbythataddress. Multicast:Anidentifierforasetofinterfacesandisdeliveredto allinterfacesidentifiedbythataddress.

Note :> There are no broadcast addresses in IPv6 their function : > TherearenobroadcastaddressesinIPv6,theirfunction

IPv6header IPv6 header

Multicastaddresses Multicast addresses

Multicastaddressesalwaysstartwith(xx isthe y ( scopevalue) y ffxy: Multicast addresses format: Multicastaddressesformat:
|8|4|4|112bits| + +++++ |11111111|flgs|scop| + + + +|11111111|flgs|scop| groupID| +++++

Multicastaddressesaresplitintoscopesand types


11111111 at the start of the address identifies the address as being a multicast address. + - + - + -+ - + | 0|0|0|T | + - + - + -+ - +

flgs is a set of 4 flags:

The high-order 3 flags are reserved.

T = 0 indicates a permanently-assigned ("well-known") multicast address, assigned by the global internet numbering authority. T = 1 indicates a non-permanently-assigned ("transient") multicast address.

Multicastscopes Multicast scopes

ffx1:nodelocal ffx2:linklocal ffx5:sitelocal ffx5: site local ffx8:organizationlocal ffxe:globalscope othersarereserved

Multicasttypes Multicast types

All N d Add AllNodesAddress: ID=1h,addressesallhostsonthelocalnode (ff01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1)ortheconnectedlink (ff01 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) h d li k (ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1).

AllRoutersAddress: ID=2h,addressesallroutersonthelocalnode (ff01:0:0:0:0:0:0:2),ontheconnectedlink (ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2),oronthelocalsite (ff05:0:0:0:0:0:0:2). (ff05 0 0 0 0 0 0 2)

ComparisonbetweenIPv4multicasting&IPv6 multicasting

AlthoughthebasicnotionofmulticastingiscommontoIPv4and Although the basic notion of multicasting is common to IPv4 and IPv6,severalnewcharacteristicsareintroducedinIPv6 multicasting. InIPv4,multicastingwasextensionofthebasicspecification,while , g p , specificationsofIPv6requirethatallIPv6nodessupport multicasting. IPv6explicitlylimitsthescopeofamulticastaddressbyusinga fixedaddressfield,whereasthescopewasspecifiedusingTTL (TimetoLive)ofamulticastpacketinIPv4.


InIPv4,multicasttunnelswereintroducedtodeploymulticasting.In IPv6,allroutersshouldbemulticastcapable,whichmeansthatwedo nothavetousemulticasttunnelstodeployIPv6multicasting. not have to use multicast tunnels to deploy IPv6 multicasting IPv4multicastinguseunicastaddressestoidentifyanetwork IPv4 multicasting use unicast addresses to identify a network interface.However,thisisnotsuitableforIPv6,asanIPv6capable y g p g , nodemayassignmultipleaddressesonasingleinterface,which tendstocauseaconfigurationmismatch.InIPv6,toidentifythe interfacetheusermustusespecifiedinterfaceindex.

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