EN3037 Examples Pressure Vessels Solutions

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EXAMPLES Pressure vessels - SOLUTIONS

The storage tank of an air compressor consists of a cylinder closed by hemispherical ends.
The cylinder is 600 mm inside diameter and is subjected to an internal pressure of 3.5 MPa.
If the material is a steel whose yield point is 250 MPa, and a safety factor of 3.5 (on stress) is
used, calculate the required wall thickness of the cylinder. Calculate the increase in the
diameter of the cylinder due to the internal pressure. Neglect localised effects at the junction
of the cylinder and hemisphere. Assume E = 200 GPa;  = 0.3.

The hoop and longitudinal stress components are:

pa pa
  z 
t 2t
Where a is the radius of the cylinder, p is the internal pressure and t is the cylinder wall
The three principal stresses are:
pa pa
1  2  3  0
t 2t
So the Tresca criterion gives
  ys at yield.
A safety factor of 3.5 (on stress) gives
pa  ys

t 3 .5
3.5 pa (3.5)(3.5  106 )(0.300)
t   0.0147 m  14.7 mm
 ys (250  106 )
The hoop strain is
      z  
1 u
E r
where u is the radial displacement and r = a, hence
a pa    pa 2   
u 1    1  
E t  2  Et  2 
Using P, a, t from above, and E = 200 GPa,  = 0.3 we have
(3.5 106 )(0.3) 2  0.3  5
u 3 
1   9.110 m  0.091 mm
(200 10 )(14.7  10 ) 
2 
The increase in diameter of the cylinder is therefore 0.18 mm.

A closed steel tube of 900 mm inside diameter, 3 m long and 10 mm wall thickness, is
subjected to a fluid test pressure of 1.5 MPa. Find the volume of fluid ejected when a valve is
opened assuming (a) incompressible and (b) compressible (K = 3500 MPa) fluid. Assume E
= 207 GPa;  = 0.3.

(a) incompressible fluid

It is assumed that the closed ends of the tube are flat. From the lecture notes the fractional
change in the volume of a closed cylinder due to internal pressure is given as
V  pd 
 5  4 
V  4tE 
In this case p = 1.5 MPa; d = 900 mm; t = 10 mm; E = 207 GPa;  = 0.3, hence

V  1.5 106 )(900 103 
 
 5  (4)(0.3)   6.196 104
3 9 
V  (4)(10 10 )(207 10 ) 
The nominal volume is
d 2 L  900 2 (3000)
V    1.909  109 mm 3
4 4
V  (1.909 109 )(6.196 104 )  1.18 106 mm3

(b) compressible fluid

In the case of a compressible fluid additional fluid must be pumped in according to
V p
 where K is the bulk modulus of the fluid,
hence the additional volume will be

V 
 
Vp 1.909 109 1.5 106

 0.818 106 mm 3
K  3500 106 
So the total volume of fluid that will be ejected is then
(1.18+0.82)×106 mm3 = 2.00×106 mm3

An earlier version of the undersea research vehicle Alvin had a spherical pressure hull 1.0 m
in radius with a shell thickness of 30 mm. The pressure hull was fabricated from high
strength steel having a yield stress of 700 MPa. Determine the theoretical depth of
submergence that would set up the yield point stress in the spherical shell assuming the shell
behaves as a perfect complete sphere. Determine the reduction in volume of the vessel under
these conditions. Take the mass density of sea water to be 1020 kg/m3 and assume E = 200
GPa;  = 0.3.

The hoop stress in a thin-walled sphere of radius a subjected to internal pressure p is

 
Equating the hoop stress to the given yield stress of 700 MPa, with a = 1.0 m; t = 30 mm
gives a critical pressure of
2 y t (2)(700 106 )(30 103 )
p   42 MPa
a (1)

The hydrostatic pressure at depth H is p  gH , so the depth of sea water (   1020 kg/m3)
corresponding to the pressure of 42 MPa is
p 42 106
H   4197 m
g (1020)(9.81)
(Considerations such as entrance ports and safety reduced the maximum working depth to
about 1650 m in practice. More recent versions of Alvin can dive to a depth of 4500 m. Note
that the wreck of RMS Titanic lies at a depth of 4000 m).

The fractional reduction in volume of the sphere is given by

V  3 pa 
 1  
V  2tE 
With p = 42 MPa; a = 1 m; t = 30 mm; E = 200 GPa;  = 0.3 we obtain
V (3)(42 106 )(1.0)
 1  0.3  7.35 103
V (2)(30 103 )(200 109 )
The volume of the sphere is
 
V   d 3  4.19 m 3
V = (4.19)(7.35×103) = 0.0308 m3

A thick-walled steel sphere of 500 mm internal diameter is to withstand an external fluid
pressure of 1000 bar. Find the necessary thickness if the maximum allowable compressive
stress in the vessel is 230 MPa. Find the percentage change of internal volume under this
pressure. (E = 200 GPa;  = 0.3).

The lecture notes give the stress components for internal pressure. In the case of external
pressure we return to the general expressions for the stress components as follows:
 r  A1  31 (1) and    A1  13 (2)
r 2r
The boundary conditions corresponding to external pressure are:
r at r = a = 0; r at r = b = p
Substitution of these conditions into equation (1) gives
 pb3  pa3b3
A1  3 ; B1  3
b  a3 b  a3
And the stress components are then:
 a3   a3 
 pb3 1  3   pb3 1  3 
r   r     2r 
 b a
 3
 
b  a3

The maximum hoop compressive stress is at r = a where

 3p
(  ) max  where k  a / b
2(1  k 3 )
The maximum allowable stress is 230 MPa so

(3)(1000  105 )
230  10 

2(1  k 3 )
Which gives k = 0.703 and b = a/k = 250/0.703 = 355.49 mm
So the required wall thickness is 355.49250 = 105.5 mm.
The fractional change of the internal volume is given by
 3  r a         r r a
The stress components at r = a are
 a3 
 pb3 1  3  3
r = 0;    2a    3 pb

b3  a 3   
2 b3  a 3
V 3 pb3
   1     1  
V E  
2 E b3  a 3
With p = 1000 bar; b = 355.49 mm; a = 250 mm;  = 0.3; E = 200 GPa this gives
V (1000 105 )(.35549)3
1  0.3  2.415 103 (0.24%)
V 9

2(200 10 ) 0.35549  0.250 3

A gas storage tank for use in space is in the form of a thin-walled toroidal shell. The toroid
has a mean diameter of 20 m with a cross-section diameter of 2 m as shown in Figure 1. The
internal gas pressure is 0.15 MPa and the shell material is an aluminium alloy having a yield
stress of 350 MPa. Determine the required wall thickness when a safety factor of 1.5 (on
stress) is applied.
R 10 m


Figure 1

From the lecture notes the stress components are given by:
pa pa  2 R  a sin  
   
2t  R  a sin  
The maximum value of the meridional stress occurs at the inner edge ( = 90o)
 2R  a 
  max  pa
2t  R  a 
Clearly, this is greater than the hoop stress, so the critical stress is the meridional stress at the
inner edge of the toroidal vessel. The maximum allowable stress is 350/1.5 = 233.3 MPa, so,
equating this to the maximum meridional stress gives

 1  pa  2 R  a 
t  6 
 233.3  10  2  R  a 
Substituting R = 10 m; a = 1 m; p = 0.15 MPa gives

t = 6.79×10-4 m (0.68 mm)

Consider a thin-walled conical/cylindrical tank as shown in Figure 2. The tank is supported
around its upper rim and filled to a maximum depth of 3.5 m with oil of mass density 850
kg/m3. The tank is fabricated from steel having a yield stress of 250 MPa. Determine the
minimum thickness of the tank if a factor of safety of 4 (on stress) is applied. Ignore the
weight of the tank and any disturbance of the stresses due to the joint between the two


3.5 m



1.75 m

Figure 2

The semi-apex angle of the conical part is

  tan 1 1 / 2
so cos  
Hoop stress 
Below the fluid level in the conical part of the vessel the hoop stress is given by
  
y tan 
where r  and p  g h  y 
cos 

tan 
   g hy  y 2 
t cos 
This has a maximum value at y = h/2 = 1.75 m
which is

  max,cone  g  h  h  tan 
 2 2

 2 4  t cos 
Substitution of h = 3.5 m; tan = 1/2; cos = 2/ 5 gives
  max,cone  1.712 g
This local maximum value of the hoop stress occurs within the conical part of the vessel at
position C as indicated on the above figure.
The maximum hoop stress in the cylindrical part of the vessel will be at location B as
indicated on the figure. At this point
p  g (h  y )  1.5 g
hence the maximum hoop stress in the cylindrical section is
pa (1.5) g (1.0) g
    1.5
t t t
Meridional stress, 
The maximum meridional stress in the cylindrical part of the vessel will be at section A in the
above figure. It may be obtained by equating the weight of the fluid supported to the rim
force due to  as follows
a 2 (1.5) g  a 2 g (2)  2at 
   1.083
In the conical part of the vessel the meridional stress is (see lecture notes)
g tan   hy y 2 
    
t cos  2 3
This does not have a max/min value in the conical part (i.e. 0  y  2.0 m) but increases from
zero at y = 0 monotonically with y. Hence the maximum value of  in the conical part will
occur at y = 2.0 m, so

 
  max,cone 
 g 12  (2.0)(3.5) 2 2 
    1.211
t  2  
2 3 t
 5
Maximum principal stress
Comparison of the above stress components shows that the maximum principal stress will be
the hoop stress at location C. We therefore equate this to the maximum allowable value, i.e.
g 250
1.712  MPa
t 4
which gives
(1.712)( g )(4.0) (1.712)(850)(9.81)(4)
t   2.28  10 4 m (0.23 mm)
250  10 6
250  10 6

In practice a thicker material would be required to prevent buckling, and sustain forces other
than pure hydrostatic pressure.

Figure 3 (a) shows a thin-walled, open-topped hemispherical vessel of radius R and wall
thickness t. The vessel is filled with a liquid of mass density  and is suspended around its
upper rim as shown. Show that the meridional and hoop stress components are given by

 g R 2 1  cos 3  
   
3t  sin 2  

 g R2  1  cos 3  
  3 cos   
3t  sin 2  

where the angle  is defined in Figure 3 (a) and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

It may be assumed that the volume of a segment of a hemisphere as shown shaded in Figure 3
(b) is given by V   a 2 3R  a  3 .


(a) (b)
Figure 3

Meridional stress

 


For the section shown in the above figure the upwards force due to the vertical component of
stress force acting around the circle of radius Rsin is balanced by the weight of fluid in the
volume below this section, plus the hydrostatic pressure force acting on this section, i.e.
a 2 3R  a 
2R sin   t sin   g  g R sin   R cos 

a  R  R cos   R1  cos  
The RHS of this equation is
1 
g  R 2 1  cos  2 3R  R1  cos    R 3 sin 2  cos  
3 
which may be simplified to
gR 3 1  cos 3  
equating this to the LHS of the above gives
 g R 2 1  cos 3  
   
3t  sin 2  

Hoop stress

The hoop stress is found from the general relation between the stress components
  p
 
r r t
In this case the vessel is spherical, so
r  r  R
hence from the above we have
Rp R
     gR cos    
t t
which becomes
 g R2  1  cos 3  
  3 cos   
3t  sin 2  

The graph below shows the variation of the two non-dimensional stress components
  t  t 
 and  2  with the angle . Note that the meridional stress remains tensile but the
 gR gR 

hoop stress becomes compressive near the rim of the vessel. Note also that the stresses are
equal, as expected because of symmetry, at the base of the vessel.

 1  cos 3   3
Note that lim  0   
 sin   2

base of rim of
vessel vessel

 t
gR 2 
and 0
 t -0.1
gR 2 -0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Figure 4 shows a thin-walled, open-topped hemispherical vessel of radius R and wall
thickness t. The vessel is partially filled with a liquid of mass density  and is suspended
around its upper rim as shown. Show that the meridional and hoop stress components are as
For 0    45 (i.e. above the level of the liquid surface)
0.0387gR 2
     
t cos 2 
And for 90    45 (i.e. below the level of the liquid surface)
gR 2 1  sin   sin 2  
    0.354
t  31  sin   
gR 2
  sin   0.707   
where, in this case, the angle  is defined in Figure 4 and g is the acceleration due to gravity.



Figure 4

Stresses above the fluid level 

Volume of fluid, V

a 2 3R  a  45o
V 
3 Rcos R
where a  R  R sin 45
so V
V  0.2432 R 3

Vertical equilibrium of section below the radius Rcos gives

t  2R cos  cos   0.2432 R 3 g

0.03871gR 2
 
t cos 2 

From the following general relation between the stress components

  p
 
r r t
we obtain, with p = 0, and r = r = R,
    

Stresses below the fluid level

 45o

Rsin  0.7071R R

fluid level
Rcos 0.2929R
R(sin  0.7071)

The volume of fluid below section in question is

a 2 3R  a 
In this case a = R(1sin)

Vertical equilibrium gives

  2Rt cos  cos   R 2 1  sin   3R  R1  sin    gR 2 cos 2 Rsin   0.7071

gR 2  1  sin  2 2  sin   
    
31  sin 2  
 sin 0.7071
2t  
which may be simplified to
gR 2 1  sin   sin 2  
    0.3536
t  31  sin   
The hoop stress component is then obtained from
  p
 
r r t
In this case the hydrostatic pressure at the section in question is given by

p = gR(sin  0.7071)
r = r = R as before, hence
 g R2
  sin   0.7071   
The graph below shows the variation of the two non-dimensional stress components
  t  t 
 and  with the angle . Note that the maximum tensile stress occurs at the
 gR gR 2 

 g R2
lowest point of the vessel ( = 90o) where       0.1464 .

above fluid level below fluid level

non-dim. stress

 t 0.15
gR 2 0.1
and 0.05
 t 0
gR 2 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

 / degrees

Note that  is defined differently in questions 7 and 8.


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