The Implications For Energy Simulations of GBC Zero Energy Certification

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The implications for energy simulations of GBC Zero Energy Certification

[Zero Energy Buildings]

Pablo Antonio Hidalgo Sandoval

Architect. Msc. Sustainable Design USYD

This essay describes the proposal to obtain a reference to the energy modeling process in the Brazilian certification "GBC Brasil Zero Energy" for
buildings with zero net energy. The certification lacks of a standard that establishes the necessary steps to achieve high performance buildings,
since it only presents credits and forms that can be fulfilled, in some cases, without an evaluation of energy modeling.
As a methodology, the use of the ANSI/ASHRAE 209-2018 standard is presented, which indicates a logical and sequential procedure to evaluate,
calibrate and track the energy consumption during the entire design process of the building. DesignBuilder software techniques are indicated as
necessary steps to evaluate a building in terms of energy efficiency.
The expected results are the improvement of the quality and reliability of the energy design over time and all the environmental problems involved,
such as the reduction of carbon emissions and the renewable energy used.
The impact that the use of the Ashrae 209-2018 standard would have when applied to buildings that seek to be zero energy, would lead to a
paradigm shift in the design process, as well as in the operations and functioning of buildings. The area of energy simulations would be immensely
favored because they would take advantage in the best ways of software´s analysis tools.

Keywords: GBC brasil zero energy, Ashrae 209-2018, Zero net energy buildings, Designbuilder, Building energy modelling.


Within the global context of improving energy efficiency from the Paris Agreement (COP), IEA (2018), the World Green
Building Council (WGBC) began to work in several countries with their local green building councils to develop a new
"Zero net energy" building certification system including Brazil, and during the years 2016 and 2017, such system was
developed. Specialists in energy efficiency and energy simulations of the construction industry and universities were
invited to develop the reference guide. On the other hand, the ASHRAE Organization (American Society of Heating
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) seeks to achieve energy (zero) autonomy and low carbon emissions up
to the year 2030 (Architecture 2030).
In the Brazilian reality and national architectural and engineering design practices, energy simulations are almost
never used as tools to support designers, and GBC Zero Energy certification would promote this new reality, but for
this to be done it is necessary to set the parameters and orientate the type of evaluations and assessments. It is at this
point that an opportunity opens up to make grow the specific knowledge of the discipline and area. The main
objective of this essay is to develop a reference model for an initial implementation, supporting the designers and
energy simulators who should evaluate the buildings that seek this voluntary certification.

How to help the design process to get low energy consumption/high performance buildings through the use of
software energy simulations?

State of the art

In 2017 the first certification for buildings of zero nergy consumption was launched in Brazil with the GBC Brasil Zero
Energy guide. This system applies to all types of buildings that have a permanent occupation; residential, commercial,
industrial, etc. While obtaining the certification requires an energy performance assessment period of 12 months after
the building is operating, the advantages and potentials of energy simulations during the design development can
make a big difference to produce energy efficient buildings, using renewable energies and achieving the goal of being
"Zero Energy". As a powerful analysis tools, energy simulations serve to forecast future consumptions and minimize
them with project modifications, through software such as DesignBuilder (a its internal simulation engine Energyplus).
While there are references to other environmental certifications that have considered international standards such as
ANSI/ASHRAE 90.1-2010 in the "Minimum Energy Efficiency for Off Site Generation" credit, there are no references to
a standard that helps the designers to produce high-performance energy projects, or to indicate a clear path in this
regard, considering that the building must get high energy efficiency and low energy consumption targets. Basically
any type of project can be certified if it proves that after 12 months of building operation the energy consumption in
KWh/yr was matched with those produced through renewable energy production and credit purchases energy. The
main topic of analysis is how a specific support standard for energy modeling coupled with the main tools of
simulation software such as DesignBuilder (EnergyPlus), can help optimize projects to be more energy efficient.


The analysis methodology considers 3 stages; description of GBC Zero Energy Certification, Regulatory Reference and
Computational Tools.

GBC Zero Energy Certification

The definition of"Net Zero Energy Building" indicates that the building must show that the local energy consumption
of the annual operation is zero with a combination of high efficiency and energy generation from renewable sources.
GBC Brazil (2018)

To obtain the final GBC Brasil Zero Energy certification, all buildings must have at least 1 year of operation
continuously monitored with their zero annual energy balance. New buildings in the project phase, construction or
less than 1 year of operation that meet the requirements will receive the Pre-Certification.
Figure 1. Zero Energy Certification Logo. Source: GBC Brazil, 2017.

Certification Requirements

1. Operating time: 12 months of operation and energy measurement

2. Minimum occupancy rate: Average minimum occupancy of 50% of the constructed area (not applicable to

3. Minimum footage of built areas: 100m2 (not applicable to residential)

4. Typology: building for permanent use (non-temporary)

5. Attention to legislation: must comply with relevant legislation (national, regional and local)

6. Off Grid building: In a maximum of 5% of fossil energy offset by REC's (renewable energy certificates) or 100%
renewable energy

7. Minimum Energy Efficiency for On Site Generation: 100% renewable power generation on site

8. Minimum Energy Efficiency for Off Site Generation: any of the options mentioned

• LEED Certified Project, GBC Brasil Casa/Condominio, AQUA-HQE, PBE Edifica

• 5% annual energy reduction compared to ASHRAE 90.1- 2010
• 18% energy reduction compared to ASHRAE 90.1- 2007
• 30% energy reduction relative to the DEO (Desempenho Energético Operacionalo de Edifícios /
Operational Energy Performance in Buildings ) of the CBCS (Conselho Brasileiro de Construção
Sustentável / Brazilian Sustainable Construction Council)
• 15% energy reduction compared to the average of 3 continuous years of the last 5 years

9. Renewable energy generation on site: 100% renewable energy generation on site, or offsite, or purchase of
credits (REC's)

10. Off Site Renewable Power Generation: 100% offsite renewable power generation, or credit purchase

11. Purchase of renewable energy credits:

• REC Brazil limited to 10% of annual consumption (not applicable to residential)

• REC Brazil for availability rate compensation (applicable for residential)
• REC Brazil for compensation of non-electrical energy sources

12. Non-renewable energyuse: 100% compensation of all non-renewable energy sources with the purchase of

13. Annual Energy Balance of the building:

• The annual energy balance has been restored by renewable sources or credit purchase
• Annual energy balance was zero with acquisition of REC Brazil

Regulatory Reference ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 209-2018

The Certification includes national (brazilian) and international normative references such as ANSI/ASHRAE 90.1-2010
(used for LEED V4) for credit 8 – Energy Efficiency Off Site Generation - being left to decisions of each project team to
use the reference in order to obtain the desired result . To unify criteria and give total meaning to the process of
energy simulation in all project stages, is proposed to use the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 209.1-2018 (Energy Simulation
Aided Design for Buidings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings).

The standard describes a methodology for applying building energy modeling to the design process. It was created to
define reliable and consistent procedures that promote the use of energy models to quantify the impact of design
decisions at the time they are being made. The standard defines the general requirements for energy modelling
aligned with eleven cycles of modeling each with specific goals according to different stages of the design,
construction or operation process. Each cycle is an extension of the general modeling requirements, which represents
an approximation of best practices using modeling to give useful information to the design process. Seven of the
cycles coincide with the design stage of the building, three cycles are applied during construction and one occurs in
post-occupation. Post-occupation analysis is included to help both the owner and modeler to understand the modeled
results compared to current energy performance, and thus deliver information to the operation and assumptions to
be used in future projects.


Define the minimum requirements to provide energy design assistance using building energy simulations and analysis.


The energy modeler shall perform energy modeling on each phase of planning, design, and construction or operation
of the building as indicated in the owner's requirements (Owner Project Requeriments – OPR) or in the agreement
between owner/energy modeler using information obtained from relevant agents involved, which must include the
owner, project team, builders and operators. The modeler shall provide the results of the simulations with opinions
and recommendations, as required in each modeling cycle being evaluated, to inform the decisions of the agents
involved ( skateholders).

11 Design Model Cycles


1. Simple Box Modeling: identification of end-use of energy affecting conceptual design.

2. Conceptual Design Modeling: evaluation of improvements of shape and architecture.

3. Load Reduction Modeling: evaluation of strategies to reduce cooling and heating loads.

4. HVAC System Selection Modeling: identification of impact on demand and annual energy by climate
conditioning systems.

5. Design Refinement: evaluation of building systems, confirmation of design decisions and subsequent

6. Design Integration and Optimization: Integration of building systems through an optimization process to
achieve performance goals and explore complex integrations between multiple variables.

7. Energy Simulation-Aided Value Engineering: provision of information for holistic implications of value
engineering measures in performance goals.

Operation and Construction

8. "As-designed" energy performance: development of energy model for representation of the final project and
comparison with performance goals as designed.

9. Change orders: provide information for changes that affect the project's energy performance goals.

10. "As built" energy performance: development of energy model for project representation as built and
comparison with project performance goals.


11. Post-occupancy energy performance comparison: comparison of the performance of the last energy model
with the measurement of current energy use and climatic conditions of the building in operation.

Figure 2.Standard cover Ashrae 209-2018. Source: ASHRAE, 2018.

Computational tools

Calculation of Thermal Loads (Heating & Cooling Design): if active cooling / heating systems are used, the calculation
of thermal loads considering the environmental and constructive aspects of the projects is fundamental to improving
the need for associated energy consumption.

Daylighting Calculation: Throughout natural lighting evalution it is possible to reduce the associated electrical energy
consumption, maximizing the use of natural lighting. When testing different types of artificial lighting systems, the
type of products that consume the least energy is evaluated while meeting the minimum requirements indicated in
the regulations.

Photovoltaic System (PV) modeling: due to the necessary on-site power production characteristics the simple panel
modelingtool photovoltaics and solar collectors, is essential for modeling zero net energy buildings.

Energy Results: obtaining the results of consumptions em Kwh and the costs allow the evaluation, comparison and
improvement depending on each cycle of study ASHRAE 209-2018.

While most energy analysis software poses the above tools, the "friendly" features of the graphical interface (GUI)
coupled with the powerful Energyplus Simulation Engine (Ibarra, Reinhardt,2009) make DesignBuilder an easy-to-use
platform by the various professionals involved in the process of designing energy from buildings; architects, engineers
and evaluators energy. In this way, in the 11 cycles that the test proposes, it becomes easier to evaluate totally and
compatibility with system ssuch as BIM (Building Information Modeling).

Figure 2.Simulation EngineEnergyplusinDesignbuilder. Source:, 2018.


By applying the regulations as a practical guidance model, you will obtain the enhanced foundations of the Net
Zero Guide, which in the next release will consider reducing the carbon emissions associated with the
environmental impact of projects. This also contributes to raise the level of technical quality of the construction
industry in Brazil by designing High Performance Buildings already evaluated through energy simulations.

Discussion and Conclusions

The area of energy simulations, represented by IBPSA Brazil (and internationally) can be immensely benefited by the
commitment that must be acquired for modeling professionals energy in buildings work through out the design
process, from the conceptual stage to the post-occupation.This produces the best results in energy performance of
buildings and make the most of the resources and analysis tools that computational program such as Designbuilder
has to offer.

To Ms. Juliana Martins for supporting this essay, the GBC Brazil for inviting me to participate in the Technical
Committee in the Zero Energy certification in 2017 and the IBPSA Latam 2018 by invitation to develop the topic.


IEA (2018). source:

WGBC (2018). source:

Architecture 2030 (2018). source:

Ashrae (2018). source:

DesignBuilder (2018). source:

GBC Brazil (2018). source:

GBC Brasil (2017), technical committee. Net Zero Referential1 of the Edition. São Paulo.

Ibarra, D., Reinhardt, C. (2009). source:

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