Fountains of Living Waters - Volume Two

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its best. Except this is so it keeps functioning below expectations.

No one truly is made dull or poor mentally. This becomes so

because of our inabilities to feed the mind with the right and
Written By Felix Udorah
needed food through discipline for it to unleash it potentials. I read
Everyone possesses
of a man called Peter Daniel in Australia whose teacher (miss
a will. The absence of the will
Philip) called him out of the class in front of the student to
makes one inanimate. The
embarrass him that he was a dullard and can never amount to
will is revealed with time
anything in life. After some years he married and entered business
through our words, action as
after several failure in business he was still determined rightly
we Begin to respond to life
feeding his mind with the right delicacies of hope, believe and his
situation. The will of God
determination grew. Today he is an international multimillionaire
means categorically God's
acclaimed business man who had created successful ventures over
intent of making, doing or
the world. He ended up writing a book titled “Miss Philips, you are
permitting. It was for this
wrong!" (A reminder to his old teacher not to give up quickly on
reasons all continue to exist
her student). Inside everyone is a potential for great possibility
and shall the beauty of all be
prepared by God but until we begins to develop mind and other
seen. All were made in
major components of the soul. We therefore function below
beauty and to reflect its
beauty but it is only in its
abiding that the beauty is Educating the Mind
seen. Bulb, car, fan, and Written By OLATUJA SEGUN
other invented appliances or The Emotions
object becomes valuable and
The Emotions is the part of the soul that's responsible for
appreciated because they
Likes and dislike, this part of you is mostly moved by what you see,
function in their designed
hear, taste, feel and smile. The Emotions is built by your consistent
modus operandi. So also
interaction with the physical world. The Emotions mostly control
shall the beauty of man be
our feelings which is based majorly on our sense organs. Now the
seen and appreciated if we
Emotions must be put under control by subjecting it to necessary
finds and operate in God's
judgement from the information in your Mind. This is because
Will for us
something are good for us but because it's against our emotions
The will has been
we lose the benefits hence we must for our Mind Haven rightly
discussed by my friend Felix
educate the mind as against our Emotions
Udorah and I will just focus
In the soul the will is power is it determine your choice
on the Intellect- the Mind.
and something you can choose the wrong things because of the
The mind needs a lot of
wrong information and Education in your Mind (Intellect) now
Education and information
the so you must be selective in the information you allow into your
to function. Felix Udorah
Mind, there are different kind of information.
comments “That’s
1. Spiritual Information- Basically from the Bible and other
true...there are education
Inspirational Books.
that the mind must go
2. Intellectual Information-Basically from Schools. And this
through for it to perform at
form a lots of our disposition to live.
3. Cultural and this is important for anything the human spirit wants to achieve
Traditional on the Earth. God created the human spirit but made the body
Information- Basically from the earth hence the body is powerful for the inherent capacity
from parents and immediate and ability in man to come to lime light, now the body must be well
Environment say Family take care of but must also be put under discipline to avoid excess
Culture and Traditions. and extreme.
Now while are young we can Now the body is only part of man that grow naturally and
help as to the information will need not so much except food. But the health of body is needed
that comes to our Mind to bring out the ability inside.
through this various sources
but has grown to a stage of Discovery of one’s Uniqueness
accountability we must be Written by OLATUJA SEGUN
deliberate and intention Everyone and Everything God created are unique and
about the information that special in one or more ways. The birds can naturally fly in the air,
will allow into our Mind. As Fish can naturally swim in the water, grass naturally grows on the
the forms temperament we Earth, and human naturally adapt to his environment. Now when
get a book Title" Why you these things are taken away from the environment they naturally
Act the way you do" die. When you take Fish out of water its die naturally, when you
The summary of the take birds out of Air its dies naturally, when you uproot plants
whole man is that only with and grass from the soil its Dies naturally. The same with the
human spirit can we connect human spirit when it is separated from God its dies naturally
back to God through Faith in because God is the source of Life. Now the first unique ability God
Jesus and by the convictions gave human is HIS Likeness and Image. What does this means!
of The Holy Spirit, the It's means man has the ability to imagine things and determine to
human spirit grows by achieve it. We have the Power of Imagination
intentional study of the Now you must understand that you are not a biological
Word of God (the Bible) and accident but a deliberate pre planned creation of a Creator. You
Prayers, then the human are on Earth not to join the number but to make a difference and
soul is developed by you can only do that when you know you are special and loaded
Education either formal or and cannot be grounded hence you must understand your
informal and the human inherent Abilities, talents and gifts so as to bring the colour you
body needs food and basic expect to bring to the whole creation.
hygiene to stay healthy. Now to discover your Uniqueness do the following.
All of these are 1. Find out your Passion - what brings out life, joy, peace and
useful and powerful for fulfilment in you. What can you without even been paid.
existence on Earth. 2. Find your Pains - what brings out tears in your eyes that you
always desire you can help and always willing to help.
The Body 3. Find your Pledge - what can you die for not just live for.
The human body is Now the earth may to experience some beauty without you
the only physical and bringing your flavour that's within. That is the whole man and His
feasible part of his makeup, environment and the Uniqueness of man that is within. Now we
must know that our poisoning thought. When you worry it reveals your inabilities and
Uniqueness is our flavour in like manner extinguishing the flavour of life and makes you see
and the colour we must add the tasteless board of Life. It becomes difficult to receive God's
to our world. The world is counsel and instructions that brings rest , peace and comfort to
beautiful piece of God the your soul. The scriptures speaking about the man who was found
great Creator and the worrying and had to call his attention to God's ever readiness to
creations are the colour and meet needs. Giving practicable instances of the bird of the air and
flavour that brings out the other animals or plants on the Field. Let us therefore as God's
beauty in the world. Can you children cast our cares on him for he cares for us. He understands
imagine a world without beyond all situation and he is ready to intervene If only we could
plants and animals, a world give him a chance
without soil and rocks, a As I began to look at the above quote of TD Jake's
world without water and air, teachings, it occurred to me that I had once experienced such and
a world without man? It's as an ant is drawn to the sugar so also I was drawn to do a write up
will be complete mess. But on these, in order that voice may be given to the sayings of the
thanks to God who made all Father (God) as regarding anyone who might be in such
these other things all categories. There are 3 categories of people that these may be
beautiful. So find your relatable to;
Uniqueness and develop it or
1) Past: those who had once experienced these.
them then begin to deploy
and distribute it and them. 2) Present: those who are currently going through such at the
Why worry
3) Future: these are those who are not going through such
Written By Felix Udorah
presently but might still have to go through it.

Worry doesn't add We must realize that, 'to say that there would be no difficult and
to you rather removes from unforeseen circumstances is to say that there would be no more
you. It is like you sucking out rain again till eternity'. These circumstances differs, though you
the content of a canned might not be going through such at the moment but there might
drink. The more you suck the be others who are currently going through such and are on the
more the strain caused on verge of making critical decision. It is one thing that these
the vessel by the uneven circumstances catches up with a man in times when he is
pressure exerted. The same adequately prepared then it becomes a walk over for him. But it is
goes with worrying it makes another thing if it tend to happen in time when you are least
us be in a state of unrest. It prepared then it becomes more like a tug of war. If it is handled
rubs you of the properly, it could be of great advantage thus a stepping stone
consciousness of the God where various lessons and virtues are learnt and built. But if
unfailingly faithfulness and handled wrongly could have a detrimental effect on you. Difficult
love and his ability to uphold circumstances would in most cases want to rub one of the
his word. It gives room for consciousness of God's beauty and how unique and blessed he has
other weakening and made us to be as his people. Therefore giving us to worry,
discouragement, and others are temporal and as such brace up as we keep retaining a mentality
by which we are being we call "productivity mentality".
tempted to say various kinds Please let us feel free to share your our friends and loved once
of words both to God and especially in these time of Corona
ourselves that we shouldn't As it seems, the word "precious", means ' of high worth or
say on the norm. Many have value'. Nothing of high worth or value possessed by you or anyone
been tempted to curse God is handled like a garbage. Do you remember how much attention
or call him wicked or even to and care you gave to that belongings of yours that seems special to
the extent of denying Him as you. Not allowing anyone touch or use it without your permission
the one over their life. Also with fear of it wearing out on Time, damaging easily or getting lost.
many have gotten to the Though it is quite understandable that the word 'precious' has
point where they felt that He become a commonly used word but even as how common it might
was partial for making be, its usage can't be avoided. There are times in life when it is
others better than they are necessary that we are reminded of how precious we are, not just
which is no. before others but before God and His perspective of us. The
unfolding of life situation has a way of making you doubt such
Not knowing that
sayings thus giving room to other depressing thought and
difficult circumstances
speaking of the devil through situation. Identity crisis is when you
doesn't have the ability to
begin to have a low perspective of who you are before God
discredit God from being
therefore making you believe you are of less value to Him. Many
good. God is forever good
in the place of worrying about various issues such as family,
both in good and in bad time,
business, marriage, ministry and others have been tempted and
He remains good. In the
pressured to take various steps and hasty premature critical
same vain God has made us
decision which is as a result of the void of accurate understanding
to be his people and by virtue
of our identity and God's intention on the subject of concern.
of salvation we are declared
According to Daniel U., he stated that "Every true knowledge is
blessed by him even in the
only powerful when it stems from an understanding"; which in this
bad and good times, we are
case, understanding of how precious you are in God's sight. How
blessed. We must choose to
precious you are is only a function of your knowledge that grows
retain that consciousness of
into understanding. This understanding brings peace and comfort
how unique and blessed we
to the worrying soul thus making it receptive for God's counsel on
are by God even in bad and
what to do next. Let us take a look at the reassuring words of Jesus
good times. These is the
in response to how delicate we see to God. Matthew 7:7-11 "Don't
mentality that we need to
bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn't a
possess that has the capacity
cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we're in. If your child asks for
to give us energy and hope
bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you
thus keeping us going in
scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you
such situations as we trust
wouldn't think of such a thing. You're at least decent to your own
God for a change. We must
children. So don't you think the God who conceived you in love will
also understand that tough
be even better?
situation doesn't last they
God's love for us is supreme progressively, man first died spiritually. Now what's is Spiritual
and incomparable. We are death- This is the separation of the human spirit from the Spirit of
His prized possession. God, God's spirit is the source of Life and His presence sustain the
Therefore, when things Human spirit in relationship with God. No wonder the Bible says
seems not to be working as the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal Life. So man
planned why worry? lost Eternal Life when he fell by disobeying the instructions of
Knowing that when you go to God.
Him with the request He To reemphasize that all have sin and the sin is more of
wouldn't give you stone. nature than just an act so man must first Experience Newness of
Rather He will give you a way Spirit before He can newness of Life. Now the Faith is when you
out and Grant you grace. understand your state as related to God and Life and take a step to
know and understand that God Loves you and have provided a
Newness of Spirit way- The way through which you can experience this Life which is
Written by OLATUJA Jesus. Now for our Life to experience newness it all started from
SEGUN the newness of our spirit, the scripture says all have sin and come
The newness of short of the Glory of the Lord, and that we all humans are death in
Spirit only happens when sins and trespass. So the first death man experience as a result of
the Human Spirit receive the the fall is spiritual death. When God said the day eat of the fruit of
Spirit of God. Now the Spirit the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will die, it's was a
of God is the breath of Life, complete death God was talking about which proceed from Spirit
man may retain his mental then soul then to The Body.
prowess but still be dead On a final note, all scripture are given by the Inspiration
spiritually and this is the of God and is Profitable 2nd Tim. 3:16There is Spirit in Man the
only dead that transcend the Inspiration of the Almighty gives Him Understanding Job 32:8,
Physical death. One of the Now from this scripture we can draw that man enjoy understand
benefits of having Eternal from through their Spirit and this Understand comes by
Life which is the God kind of Inspiration which can Profit. The need to be born a New.
Life is that you enjoyed
unlimited access to great
Possibilities and abilities. So
you must know you are dead
spiritually and needs help
which is available to you
through the sacrifice of Jesus
on the cross and Faith in His
Resurrection with
confession of His Lordship
you have Newness of Spirit.
Now as have come to
understand that death
manifested on Earth

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