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ESG Introduction

Path to good
corporate citizenship
Commitment to ESG in shipping is being driven by consumer pressure, reports Felicity Landon

H ere’s a starter question. If ESG – Environmental, Social and

Governance – is not a regulation, is it just CSR – Corporate
Social Responsibility – with a new hat on?
ESG is good for shipping and for society

Jagmeet Makkar, chairman of the Institute’s Hong Kong

Branch, dismisses that idea straight off the bat. “ESG is very
Felicity different. CSR is more like an ‘afterthought’ – if you are an
organisation and you want to look good, you might invest in
something which is good for society.

Topic: ESG
Keywords: Standards, commitment,
Background: Environmental, Social and
Governance must be at the heart of every
shipping organisation’s commercial and
operational strategies what they are doing for sustainability. “The pressure is growing.
People demand it. And lenders will not give money to anyone
“ESG comes in right at the beginning. ESG in shipping is not following these principles.”
essential at every stage, from before you even start thinking
about investing in a ship, right through to the scrapyard. There ESG learning
are so many different stakeholders in this and at every stage Makkar’s passion for ESG has fed through to his work revising
you require the dedication, and proper checks and balances of the MBA syllabus for the Indian Maritime University. “In my
each and every stakeholder – whether they believe in ESG, have preliminary comments, I said we must have a module dedicated
a system in place, how they are rated.” to ESG, because ESG is like an envelope. Even as you plan to
This isn’t just a ‘nice to have’, he says – it’s a matter of build a ship, you should be thinking – when I scrap or sell the
finance. “You might want money for a project. Lenders want ship, what will be the impact of what I am doing now?
to be seen as responsible people, caring for the environment. “In the day-to-day operations of a ship, ESG comes in at
If they are lending you money, someone else is lending them every stage. Is there pollution or non-compliance? If there is a
money, and they in turn want to see they are lending funds to machinery breakdown, how is it going to impact? Who is going
someone who is responsible. Therefore, the chain is building to be my manager – are they green? Do they believe in it? Are
up.” they passionate and dedicated to these principles? If I appoint
As he points out, signatories to the Poseidon Principles, an agent, have I checked for corruption? If I buy fuel, where
the global framework to align lending decisions with the IMO’s does it come from, who is involved, what about sanctions? All
decarbonisation goals, now represent more than US$185bn of of this should be part of the questionnaire for senior officers’
lending capacity, nearly half of the global ship finance portfolio. exams.”
“That is so very important. It is no more a question of being Capt Subhangshu Dutt, chairman of the Institute’s
a signatory to the Poseidon Principles. Not being a signatory is Singapore Branch, agrees: “For a public company, they don’t
basically telling people you don’t care.” have a choice. They have to have an ESG policy which exceeds
Shipping, he says, ultimately serves consumers, and the regulatory minimum standards. Everybody is trying to get
consumers (or people) have become more aware. This filters as creative as they can and announcing new initiatives. Covid
through to recruitment, too. Young people want to know they has not been a dampener – they are pursuing these goals
are making a difference in their careers – they want to know regardless.”
There is a tendency to emphasise the E for environment in
ESG discussions. However, Dutt says: “Even if not expressed,
“In the day-to-day operations of a ship, there is implied responsibility or commitment towards social and
ESG comes in at every stage,” As he says, companies had welfare policies for their staff

Jagmeet Makkar, Institute’s Hong Kong and programmes to support charities, organisations and less
fortunate people in place long before social media turned up.
Branch chairman “They just did it and never spoke about it – but social media has

6 Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers – Shipping Network

ESG Introduction

taken them to another level where they not only have to do it

but have to tell everybody what they did. The social aspect has
progressively taken on a more prominent role.”
Meanwhile, good corporate governance may not make top
content for social media, but checks and balances do exist within
annual reports and other publications, and in the structures that
provide for an oversight of management by a separate board,
for example.
“There are the basic parameters within which an
organisation functions, whether public or private, to clearly
define the division of power between management and board,
and ethics – including moral and financial. Those existed from
the time any company started. Some didn’t have an actual
policy, but it was ingrained into the company.”

‘A step beyond’
In short, ESG has progressively evolved – the S and G parts
existed before, but the E part has been enhanced and become Many banks are looking at green financing

more demanding due to recent and upcoming regulation.

“Companies probably used to feel that complying with the The ESG work is never done. “It is not just complying with
regulatory part for the environment was enough – now they something today. Are you ready to comply with something that
realise they need to go a step beyond that. That is why today we is coming tomorrow? What impact will your actions of today
are seeing a massive amount of time, effort and money being have in ten years’ time?”
spent trying to get future ships more than compliant.”
We are seeing at least vocal commitment not only to meet Not a negative
the IMO’s 2050 targets but to do better, says Dutt. “I would ESG provides an opportunity for shipping companies to review
say shipping as a whole has responded in a committed and and improve their practices, become more efficient and aware,
responsible manner to go beyond the minimum regulatory and start doing things differently, says Malin Högberg, corporate
requirements.” and legal director at the Swedish P&I Club.
He also highlights the commitment of the younger Far from being a negative, she says ESG is exciting. “You
generation now starting their careers, who see protecting the shouldn’t look at ESG as a necessary evil that comes from
environment as a duty – ‘no longer a part-time thing’. They outside demanding things, but as an opportunity to streamline
would definitely look for employment in companies with the your business and consider whether you have covered all bases.
right commitment. It is an opportunity to consider – are we making efficient ships,
“Meanwhile, banks are looking at green financing. are we being competitive? Because what you will be up against
Corporates that move huge amounts of cargo all have green otherwise is more efficient ships and more developed outfits.
programmes, including moving cargo in more environmentally This is very much about taking responsibility for your own
friendly ways. It is becoming an entire eco-system.” business.”

The case for transparency

Jan Hoffmann, head of the trade we sometimes say we do not want a level playing field – we
logistics branch at UNCTAD’s Division on want the least developed countries and poor countries to pay
Technology and Logistics, welcomes the less. If you generate this money from a carbon levy, which
overall increase in transparency allied to everyone pays, it has to go to the least developed and those
Credit: Jan Hoffmann

ESG, whether being able to find out the negatively affected.”

emissions from specific ships or shipping An interesting ESG challenge could be made to the
companies, or reading the small print on decisions by some shipping lines to cancel sailings to small
packages that tells consumers if fishing island developing states (SIDS) and remote destinations,
Jan Hoffman
was carried out in a dolphin-friendly way, because of rocketing world trade and the ability to earn more
or if a product has been grown organically. by moving cargo on the main shipping routes.
He believes that soon consumers will be able to read There have already been situations where such countries’
about the carbon emissions related to a product they buy, exports – particularly perishables – have been hit by lower or
too. It’s all part of the ESG principle that “we can no longer unreliable frequency of services, says Hoffmann.
say we didn’t know”, he says. “Shipping lines, even if they could at this moment make
He believes that shipping can take advantage of an even more billions of dollars of profits by re-assigning some
opportunity to lead the way in decarbonisation. “With global services from SIDS to routes that pay more – call it CSR,
regulation, shipping can be ahead of the curve and have one call it ESG – but please stay there. If you don’t, your clients
global regime and one price or levy for carbon. In UNCTAD, suffer.” SN

Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers – Shipping Network 7

ESG Introduction

ESG ensures responsibility and commitment

towards social and governance

In some ways, shipping companies are already on top has values; as every day they try to create this balance in their
of this, says Högberg – they are under pressure from banks, own lives, they want to work for a company that reflects their
finance institutions and their home regulatory authorities. What values. It is not the same in every territory, but talent retention
ESG emphatically is not, is just signing up to various initiatives, is definitely a very important element.”
she adds. “You have to look at what you can do and how you She hears people refer to ESG as an ‘alphabet soup’ and
can utilise this.” says: “We try to make it simpler, clear, straightforward, for
ESG focuses the effort and intentions and creates a common everyone to have the benefits.”
picture in a company – “this is the direction we are going in, ESG is an umbrella term that should provide information
these are the goals, these are the ways we are going to work to society about a company corporate behaviour, says Dinucci.
with this.” Specifically for shipping: “Of course, climate change is one of
She says that if everyone takes this approach and starts the important pillars. But life at sea would be another, with all
mapping what they do and considering how to improve it, then the responsibility towards the risks of pollution control. We can
everything will become a bit more sustainable over time. “I think also bring in the social aspect – the labour related to maritime
that is the whole essence – all these small streams should create operations, including labour conditions, equality, diversity,
great rivers.” inclusion.”
The Swedish Club’s ESG policy, which is based on four of ESG’s importance is ‘absolutely growing’ and the demands
the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, is reviewed annually are becoming more intense, she says. This is especially the case
and all employees are tasked with reading and understanding in that good governance requires a company to ensure that its
it, says Högberg. “It is also divided into various focus areas partners, clients and suppliers also adopt good governance, so
– for example, specific considerations for underwriters or in that the requirements are cascading through their supply chain.
investment and finance, so it is relevant.” “The way Mott MacDonald sees it, for every client and
She says anyone who focuses on the E for environment and every project there is going to be a pack of frameworks that
stops there is “missing the bigger picture”. are relevant for them. As an engineering and cross-sector
“If you are a company committed to good governance, consultancy, part of our commitment is making sure every
then environmental response ties in with this. People focus project has these principles in mind and that we can help our
very much on greenhouse gas emissions, but you should also clients to see and to provide for better environmental quality,
consider – are we paying our employees a fair wage, are we social values and outcomes, so that we can include these in the
taking responsibility regarding the society where we operate? design – the best place to start.”
The overarching goal is to be a good corporate citizen.” ESG is a vast picture, and the publishing of the EU’s
European Green Deal is just one example of regional regulations
Reputation and resilience that are changing the picture rapidly, she says.
ESG elements go straight to the heart of a company when More and more clients are asking for support, says Adam
discussing reputational and resilience risks – “in every angle, Rees-Leonard, project director at Mott MacDonald. “The best
you can see the benefits”, says Karen Dinucci, ESG lead for way we can help our clients is through attentive listening –
advisory services at global consultancy Mott MacDonald. “Also, capturing what matters to their business and providing smart
we are living in what is being called the ‘Great Resignation’ insights that can enable them to enhance ESG performance.
times where it is clear that it is not all about money. People want We ask, ‘what do you need and what do you aspire to’, and we
to make sure they are working in an environment that cares and create a roadmap based on these.” SN

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