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‭Ribstein 1‬

‭Chloe Ribstein‬

‭Mr. Rudebusch‬

‭Senior Project‬


‭Senior Project Reflection‬

‭My senior project focused on Chiropractic Care. For my shadowing experience, I‬

‭shadowed Doctors Bethany and Devon McMullen at Northern Peak Chiropractic. I watched‬

‭them do many different types of adjustments on patients. I had shadowed a total of around 22‬

‭hours. These hours were broken up between the three days I had shadowed. Each day there were‬

‭many different types of patients that came in. There were mostly regular adjustments that are just‬

‭adjustments that chiropractors use on most patients to make sure your spine is aligned correctly.‬

‭There were also others which included pregnant women, jaw pain, neck pain, ankle pain, ankle‬

‭pain and shoulder pain patients. Throughout this shadowing experience, I had learned a lot about‬

‭what Chiropractors really do. With a few hours working on building my website, researching‬

‭about my career, creating my product and presentation, my total hours spent on my senior project‬

‭came out to around 35 hours.‬

‭There were a few challenges in this project that I faced but luckily overcame. Those‬

‭challenges included trying to find the right scans to match each condition that I used in my senior‬

‭product. I had a pregnant woman, lower back pain and neck pain patient. After researching‬

‭different scans, I finally found the correct scans that matched the conditions. Another challenge I‬

‭had was about my research. I had some trouble finding good evidence and reliable sources. It‬

‭took a lot of digging, but I found the right evidence and resources to fit my topic.‬
‭Ribstein 1‬

‭Time management was not an issue for me. I managed my time very well during my‬

‭senior project. I always make sure to get what needs to be done on time. When I get things done‬

‭on time I feel weight lifted off my shoulders and I feel like I can breathe again. I did put some‬

‭things off to the side, but I always managed to get them done before the deadline.‬

‭During this experience, I learned a lot about what chiropractors do and how they treat‬

‭their patients. One of my favorite things I learned was that they use a form of physical Therapy‬

‭with their treatments. After the chiropractor is done with the adjustments, they may send home a‬

‭list of exercises home with the patient or may have them do them at the office. Another one of‬

‭my favorites was learning that when you go to the chiropractor when you are pregnant, it can‬

‭help you in childbirth.‬

‭I will use the information I have learned in my future. I know that when I am in pain, that‬

‭is causing me to not do a lot of stuff like I normally would, I can go to the chiropractor and they‬

‭will try their best to help me get me out of pain. I also know that one day when I am ready to‬

‭start a family, I can go to them and get adjusted so that way birth may be a little easier.‬

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