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Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology

Course Title: Personal & Professional Development-ii

Course Code: ppd-4309

Topic: SWOT analysis

Submitted To:
Swapan Kumer Guha
(Lecturer Shanto-Mariam University of
Creative Technology) Submitted By:

Name: Faria Rahaman Heem

Batch: 35th
Group: A
Semester: 12th
Department: F.D.T
Program: BA (HONS)


At first, I like to thanks Allah for keep us well. Then I would like to thanks & gratitude to
our honorable teacher Swapan Kumer Guha for give us project on SWOT analysis. Which
also helped us in doing a lot of research and we came to know about so many new things we
are really thankful to them.

Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.


Answer to the question no: -01

This Is Faria Rahman. I Live in Dhaka. My hometown in Khulna. I am a student & I read in fashion Design
department of Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology. I really enjoy crafting. In my Leisure
time I genuinely drawing model figure. Beside my study I’m doing job and now I am work at a new project
fashion Runway season-I
Through those experiences I have learned to interact with a diverse group of people, which has increased my
ability to relate to others. I have also had the opportunity to create lessons for the campers that focused on
life skills like teamwork, communication, and time management.
My strengths are I am self-motivated, Hardworking and disciplined person. My short-term goal is to get a
job in a reputed company. My long-term goal is to achieve a good position where I can build my career and
help the organization too. My hobbies are listening to music, reading and quotes writing.

Answer to the question No 02

As described, SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis for a
student implies the parts they are good at and factors that need improvement. Through SWOT analysis, a
student can analyze what opportunities lie ahead of them.
Now I point out my SWOT analysis below here: -

Strength: -
• Strong Communication skill
• I’m passionate about my dissertation topic.
• Good on CLO
• Gerber
• Experts on illustrator
• Experts on photoshop
• Experts on MS Office
• Disciplined
• Honest
• Hard-working
• Quick leaner
• Team work
• Problem solver
• Creativity
• Leadership skill

Weakness: -
• Easily distracted and get nervous at interviews.
• I’m juggling a lot of things in my personal life so I may struggle to focus.
• Speck in English.
• Overthinking.
• Sensitive.

Opportunities: -
• As a designer, I have to be up to date with the digital world.
• The university is offering a career fair day where I can meet potential employers.
• I have the chance to teach graduate classes which will be motivating.
• The university library has great resources for my studies.
• Ability to lead a team.
• Opportunity to work in product developing & design
• Ability to work in apparel pattern design and development
• Opportunity to work in production and planning.

• I like things to be perfect, so it takes a lot of time to finish a particular task.
• I get easily distracted so I am not able to focus on things properly.
• I’m too much sensitive person. So I can’t accept any kind of negative talking about me.
• I want to get quick result in any work.
• I can’t sit down easily without finished my tusks.

Answer to the question no: -3
When it comes to significant changes in life, it involves lot of information gathering, thinking and analyzing.
Conduiting a personal Swat analysis can help I avoid unforeseen mistakes mistaken because it requires I to
address strength, weakness, opportunities and threats.
1.Ask yourself if questions.
2.List all my answer.
3.Ask other for their opinions and be open-minded.
4.Gather my answer.
5. Determine my solution.
Answer to the question no 04
Hard skills are specific competencies, skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to perform a specific task or
role. They can be learned through education and professional development. Usually, they are technical (but
not always) and easily measurable.
Hard skills can be demonstrated through educational certificates or practical demonstrations.
For example, software development requires knowledge of some programming language and can be used for
a variety of tasks, but the main goal is to write a computer program. The proficiency level can be easily

 Web development  Research

 Microsoft office  Data engineering
 Interpreting data  Design Diagnostics
 Financial planning  Google analytics
 Copywriting  Sales funnel management
 Troubleshooting  Coding languages
 Project management  Construction
 Programming skills  Content creation
 Social Media  Storytelling
 Marketing  Presentation skills
 Bookkeeping  Logistics
 Spoken languages  Business development
 Adobe Creative  Engineering
 Cloud  Market research
 CRM platforms

Soft skills are personality traits, social competencies and skills, knowledge, and abilities used to perform
interpersonal activities and unique tasks. Sometimes they are also called human skills. Usually, they are
more closely linked to people’s personality traits they are born with and social skills. But they also can be
trained and developed through practice and professional development.

 Leadership  Problem Solving

 Decision Making  Customer Service
 Communication  Flexibility/Adaptability
 Listening  Psychology
 Collaboration  Organization
 Teamwork  Dependability
 Coordination  Self Confidence
 Time Management  Compassion
 Active Learning  Self Motivated
 Interpersonal Skills  Judgement
 Perceptiveness  Honesty
 Good Attitude  Ethical
 Detail-Oriented  Critical Thinking
 Strong Work Ethic  Physically Fit
 Persuasion

Answer to the question no 05

Personal development skills are qualities and abilities that help I grow both personally and professionally. In
other words, they are skills that help I nurture my personal development. Understanding and improving
these skills can help I maximize my potential. This process is also known as self-development or personal
Personal development skills are important because they allow I to create strategic and tactical plans for
personal and professional growth toward my goals. It can be helpful to hone personal development skills so I
can naturally work them into my daily routines and use them to:

 Achieve personal and career goals

 Advance in my career
 Improve my strengths and talents
 Better yourself
 Find fulfillment and satisfaction

Here are some of the most important personal development skills one should learn in order to become more
capable and confident.

 Face my fears and overcome them.

 Expand my reading material.
 Learn a new skill or ability.
 Ask others for feedback on my work.
 Observe and learn from others.
 Expand my network.

Personal development skills can be traits or qualities I already have or ones I can gain through education and
training. Individuals will value different personal development skills depending on their goals, but here are
some examples of skills people commonly practice to facilitate personal growth:

Communication: Communication includes my ability to speak, write and listen. With these skills, I can
understand what others are saying and feeling and also convey my own ideas and feelings. Good
communicators can speak clearly and confidently, using a positive and appropriate tone for the situation.
Interpersonal: Also called people skills or social skills, interpersonal skills are the verbal and nonverbal
behaviors and reactions to interactions with other people. They affect my ability to build relationships and
make impressions on others in social situations.
Organization: Organization skills include the tidiness of my physical and digital spaces as well as my
ability to plan, schedule and prioritize. Good organization can help save time, prevent miscommunications
and improve efficiency.
Problem-solving: Problem-solving is my ability to handle challenging or surprising situations. Good
problem-solvers can stay calm when they encounter obstacles and assess all their options to find the best
Self-confidence: Self-confidence is the belief in my abilities, actions and decisions. If I have confidence in
yourself, I might be more likely to pursue ambitious goals, try new things and believe I can succeed.
Adaptability: Adaptability is my ability to adjust quickly and easily to new things. People who handle
change well often get along with various personalities and thrive in any environment. They can also remain
calm in surprising situations.
Integrity: People tend to trust honest people and stand by their values. Integrity means doing what is right
and telling the truth, even if doing so presents challenges. Having integrity can lead to a good reputation and
opportunities for advancement.
Work ethic: Work ethic includes not only hard work but also reliability, responsibility, quality,
determination and discipline. People with good work ethics tend to be productive and have a positive
Leadership: Leadership is the ability to guide people. Good leaders can motivate others and help them
reach a shared goal. They build confidence and improve morale.

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