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Miss Francisca Klenner J.

Warm Up
Getting to know 12th graders

Look at the images and raise your hand if

you like the item shown
Let’s make some statistics
countable Uncountable
Tree Sugar
Smartphone Love
Bee Soda
Student Rice
... ...
Did you get it?
Some vs Any
Any (negative and questions)
Any can be used with both countable or uncountable nouns
in negative or interrogative sentences to indicate an
indefinite or non-specific quantity.

Example: "I don't have any books to lend." (negative +

countable noun)

Example: "Is there any coffee left?" (interrogative +

uncountable noun)
Summing Up
Countable nouns can be counted and have a singular and plural form.
Uncountable nouns cannot be counted and do not have a plural form.
Use "a/an" with singular countable nouns to refer to a single item.
Use "some" in affirmative sentences with countable nouns.
Use "any" in negative and interrogative sentences with countable and
uncountable nouns.
Use "much" with uncountable nouns to express a large quantity.
Use "many" in questions and negative sentences with uncountable nouns.
Ask questions using "how much" with uncountable nouns and "how many" with
countable nouns.
Do you
have any

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