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Advantages of Welfare State

In a welfare state, government tries to provide a wide range of social services and benefits for its
citizens which has paid for through taxes. These services include health care, education, social
security, unemployment, and housing. Welfare states provide a range of social and economic
benefits, including the reduction of poverty and income inequality, the promotion of population
health and longevity, and prepare a healthy and educated generation.

To begin with, well-designed welfare programs are effective in reducing poverty and it improves
the equality in society. It strives to create some sort of basic economic security such as housing and
food, for people who are financial crisis, such as people who have lost their job or struggle to find a
job such as new immigrant, people with disability and individuals who are not able to work due to
disease. So, it prevents people in need, being pushed even further into the extreme poverty due to
high costs of living, health care, education and so on. In other words, it helps individuals to get on
their feet without facing the harsh effect of poverty. When low-income families and individuals have
the same opportunity as others to educate or have access to healthcare, it helps individuals to
acquire the skills and knowledge they need to secure jobs so they can improve their financial
situation. This can help to reduce poverty by increasing the income and employability of this group
which in results it benefits the whole society.

Secondly, Improved access to education, healthcare, and other essential services, can have a lasting
impact on children's well-being. It prepares a generation of healthy and educated individuals. Some
research shows that a weak health care of babies can have negative effects on fundamental structure
of child's brain. Living in poverty or in an abusive environment can bring so many health problems
both physically and mentally, which results to a problematic health condition in adulthood.
Furthermore, in low-income families, parents mostly suffer from higher level of stress and mental
health issues which directly affect kids. Some children cannot even attend school and at this point,
society expects a generation of uneducated or low educated people, and it won’t be easy for them to
get in the society. More specifically, welfare system is mainly concerned with children who have
been abused or neglected. They constantly try to protect children from these dangerous positions
and help them with their basic needs as well as service that will help them heal. Our future cannot
gain a great prosperity if the children of today are not healthy, educated and protected.

Thirdly, welfare state benefits the overall health public by ensuring that everyone has access to
medical care a quality healthcare, nevertheless their income or the social status. It decreases death
rates and preventable diseases, the overall health in a country will improve which in turn can lead to
the higher life expectancy. Health care can have other forms such as providing health care coverage,
funding medical research, and implementing public health policies. investing in public health
initiatives and medical research can lead to the development of new treatments and technologies
that can benefit both the population and the economy. So, providing health coverage helps to
prevent the financial strain that can result from high medical costs, which can in turn lead to
increased productivity and economic growth.

There are discussions that these supports can lead to dependency on welfare, which can be difficult
to break. But without the safety net of welfare state programs, low-income persons will struggle to
afford basic needs, and this can cause an increasing poverty and widening gap between rich and
poor. In addition, they may be unable to participate fully in the economy, which can lead to lower
productivity and economic output. This can have negative consequences for the overall prosperity of
a society.
In conclusion, ensuring access to the social services and financial assistance provided by welfare
states can have positive effects such as reducing poverty, promoting social equality, and building
strong, prosperous societies. More importantly, it can promote kid’s long-term success in life and
prepare a healthier generation for future.


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