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Discovery & Strategy stage Plan & Build stage

Objectives Objectives
Establish the SIAM® transition project Complete the design of the SIAM® model,
Establish a governance framework including the services that are in scope
Define the strategy and outline model for SIAM® Obtain full approval for the SIAM® model
and the services in scope Appoint the service integrator and service
Analyze the current state of the organization, providers
including skills, services, service providers, tools Commence organizational change management.
and processes Run & Improve
Analyze the marketplace for potential service Triggers
providers and service integrators. This stage is triggered on completion of the Objectives
Discovery & Strategy stage, when the Manage the SIAM® model
Triggers organization confirms its intention to proceed Manage day to day service delivery
There are many reasons for organizations to with a SIAM® implementation
Implement stage
Manage processes, teams and tools
consider adopting a SIAM® model Manage the continual improvement activities.
The objective of this stage is to manage the
Inputs Governance requirements and high-level SIAM® Triggers
transition from the organization’s ‘as is’ current
Enterprise, corporate, and IT governance governance framework This stage is triggered when the Implement
state to the ‘to be’ desired future state, the new
standards Defined principles and policies for roles and stage is completed. If the chosen implementation
SIAM® model. At the end of this stage, the new
Current business, procurement and IT strategies responsibilities approach is ‘phased’, Run & Improve will take
SIAM® model will be in place and in use.
Business requirements and constraints Map of existing services and sourcing over elements of delivery in an incremental way,
Current organization structure, processes, environment as each phase, service, process or service
products and practices Current maturity and capability levels Triggers
provider exits the Implement stage.
Existing service provider information, including Market awareness This stage is triggered when the organization
existing contracts and agreements Approved outline business case for SIAM® completes all activities of the Discovery &
Strategy and Plan & Build stages. The timing for Inputs
Understanding of market forces and technology Strategy for SIAM® The SIAM® model
START trends. Outline SIAM® model. the start of the Implement stage can be FINISH
influenced by events in the existing environment. Process models
Performance management and reporting
SIAM® Activities (iteratively) Activities (iteratively) framework
implementation Establish the project Design the detailed SIAM model Inputs implementation
Collaboration model for providers
roadmap Define strategic objectives Approve the full business case All the outputs from the Discovery & Strategy roadmap
Tooling strategy
Define governance requirements and the high- Commence organizational change management and Plan & Build stages form inputs for the
Ongoing improvement framework.
level governance framework Appoint the service integrator Implement stage.
Define principles and policies for roles and Appoint service providers Activities (iteratively)
responsibilities Plan for service provider and service retirement Activities (iteratively)
Operate governance structural elements
Map the existing services and sourcing Review stage and approve implementation. Select the implementation approach
Performance management and improvement
environment Transition to the approved SIAM model
Operate management structural elements
Assess the organization’s current maturity and Outputs Ongoing organizational change management.
Audit and compliance
capability Full design of the SIAM® model Reward
Understand the marketplace including:Services, service groups, and service Outputs Ongoing change management.
Define the strategy for SIAM® and the outline providers (the ‘service model’)The selected The output from the Implement stage is the new
SIAM® model SIAM® structure SIAM model that is in place
Produce the outline business case. Process models and operating, and supported by appropriate
Outputs from the Run & Improve stage fall into
Practices contracts and agreements.
two categories: Run outputs: business as usual
Outputs Structural elements: outputs including reports, service data and
An established SIAM® transition project Roles and responsibilities process data Improve outputs: information used
Strategic objectives Governance model to evolve and continually improve the SIAM®
Governance requirements and high-level SIAM® Performance management and reporting
governance framework framework
Defined principles and policies for roles and Collaboration model
responsibilities Tooling strategy
Map of existing services and sourcing Ongoing improvement framework
environment Approved business case
Current maturity and capability levels Organizational change management activities
Market awareness Service integrator appointed
Approved outline business case for SIAM® Service providers appointed
Strategy for SIAM® Plan for service provider and service retirement.
Outline SIAM® model.
Understand the customer
organization’s current
capability and maturity in
organization, processes,
practices and tools

Setting up a project management office Assess the

Identify any issues that
organization’s current require a review of
Defining roles and responsibilities for
the project Establish the project maturity and capability earlier decisions

Setting up project governance

Setting up project governance

Review of available
SIAM® model technologies and
Define strategic Understand the services against the
SIAM® governance framework
objectives marketplace strategic objectives

Sourcing model The service providers of

commodity cloud
services are unlikely to
Roles and responsibilities
take part in the SIAM®
model’s boards, process
forums and working
Specific corporate governance The vision for SIAM®
requirements that support any externa l Define governance
regulations and legal requirements
requirements and the Define the strategy for
Strategic objectives
high-level governance SIAM® and the outline
Controls to be retained and operated by
customer organization framework Discovery & SIAM® model
Current maturity and capability
Definition of governance boards and Strategy stage
governance board structures Existing services and sourcing
Segregation of duties between the
customer organization and external
organizations Marketplace analysis

Risk management approach

Governance requirements
Strategy for SIAM®
Performance management approach Define principles and
Proposed SIAM ® structure, including
policies for roles and retained capabilitie s
Contract management approach responsibilities
Proposed sourcing approach
Dispute management approach

Justification for proposals

Se gregation of dutie s if one organization

is operating in more tha n one SIAM ®
layer Produce the outline
business case.
Boundaries of delegated authority Map the existing
Outline SIAM® Model Principles and policies
services and sourcing
Governance framework

Outline roles and responsibilities

Outline of process models, practices,

and structural elements
Existing services and the service
hierarchy Outline of services

Strategy for SIAM®

Existing service providers (internal and
Outline SIAM® model

Current state
Service provider performance
Duplications in service offerings
Expected benefits from SIAM®
Relationships with service providers

Misaligned contractual commitments Risks

Cost of services

It can also help to highlight issues Unused operational services

Outline costs of the transition to SIAM ®

High-level plan
Uneconomic services

Service risks that require mitigation

Purpose and outcomes

High-level activities

Inputs, outputs, interactions and

dependencies with other processes

The service provider(s)

Inputs, outputs, and interactions
between the different parties

The service consumer(s)


The service characteristics, including

service levels

The service boundaries

Supporting policies and templates

Dependencies with other services

Technical interactions with other

Scope and Accountabilities

Data and information interactions with

Responsibilities other services

Service outcomes, value, and objectives

Meeting formats and frequencies Service providers cannot
be selected until this
point, as it will not be
Inputs and Outputs (including reports)
possible to fully
document the
Hierarchy requirements until the
SIAM® model has been
fully defined
Terms of reference and Related policies
Service model and sourcing
approach The contracts in place in
a SIAM® model need to
The selected SIAM® structure
support the overall
(SIAM® model)
strategy for SIAM
Process models
Design process models (as the
SIAM® artifact) The challenge is to
Practices Design the detailed Appoint service balance the customer’s
Design governance model SIAM® model providers desire for specific
requirements against
Governance boards
Design detailed roles and what is offered in the
responsibilities marketplace
Process forums Design performance
management and reporting
framework It is important to verify
Organizational structures and locations
for any retained capabilities that the desired service
Design collaboration model
providers can meet the
Approve the full full set of requirements
Define tooling strategy in the SIAM® model,
business case
Key performance indicators particularly for strategic
Design ongoing improvement service providers
Performance of processes and process framework
In addition to the service
The outline business providers that are
Achievement of service level targets
case should be reviewed appointed here, it is
and updated with important to remember
System and service performance detailed information to that service providers
create a full business can be added and
Adherence to contractual and non-
case removed throughout the
contractual responsibilities
Commence SIAM® roadmap
organizational change
management Plan &
Customer satisfaction
A SIAM® transformation
is a major business
change, affecting the
Plan for service
customer organization, provider and service
The outline business case should be service integrator and retirement
reviewed and updated with detailed
information to create a full business
service providers at Planning also needs to
Enterprise architecture case. This should then be approve d every level address retiring services,
using the organization’s corporate and any resulting
governance and approvals process
transfer of services to
Functional and non-functional
requirements new service providers
Ideally, the service integrator
should be selected and in Appoint the service
Integration requirements (technical and
place before the SIAM® integrator Detailed plans should be
model is finalized and before
developed for any
any service providers are
Data mapping for each SIAM® layer decommissioning,
A SIAM® transformation is a major
Review stage and discontinuation, and
business change, affecting the customer approve transfer of services
Data ownership organization, service integrator and If this can be achieved, the implementation
service providers at every level.
Organizational change management will service integrator can be
Access control
be essential if the transformation is to involved with the Plan & Build They must also detail
succeed activities how data, information, What needs to be transferred
and knowledge will be
Measurement and reporting transferred from retiring
To whom it will be transferred
The selection process and The outputs from this service providers
contractual agreement for an stage should be reviewed
The outputs from this When it needs to be transferred
external service integrator against decisions taken
may take some time in the previous stage, to stage should be reviewed
identify if there are any against decisions taken How to assess if the transfer is
issues or necessary in the previous stage, to
Alternatively, the service changes identify if there are any
providers might already be in issues or necessary
place or undergoing transition changes
from legacy contracts before
the service integrator role is
Conducting awareness
campaigns throughout
the organization
‘Big bang’. A ‘big bang’
implementation approach is
one that introduces
everything at once, including: Communicating with and
the service integrator, the preparing stakeholders
service providers (with new for the change
contracts) and the new ways Select the
of working implementation Ongoing organizational
approach change management

Phased. A phased
Ensuring appropriate
implementation approach
training is completed
makes the transformation to
the new SIAM® model in
smaller, more easily managed
transition projects and
Continuing with
deployment of the
organizational change

Establishing processes and

supporting infrastructure

Measurement of the
Commencing transition effectiveness of
activity to new service communications and
providers and services Transition to the organizational change
approved SIAM® activities
Removing service providers model
who are not part of the SIAM Implement

Verifying the successful

execution of the transition

Toolset and process alignment

between all parties
Governance boards provide an This can include process
important role in the control audits, service audits, service
of the overall SIAM® provider audits. Whatever is
ecosystem. During the Plan & most appropriate for each
Build stage, the high-level organization and the SIAM®
governance framework was ecosystem. Some audits will
created. In Implement, it was be mandated by regulations,
transferred to the live legislation or corporate
environment. In Run & governance
Improve, governance board
members adopt their new
These audits may be
Operate governance
performed by an external
structural elements Audit and compliance organization

Audits support ongoing

assurance of compliance to
The performance of all the customer organization’s
services and processes should legislative and regulatory
be measured and monitored requirements. They can
against key performance provide valuable information
indicators and, where about whether elements of
appropriate, service level the model are working as they
targets. The measurements should and help to embed a
should be both qualitative and culture of improvement

Measurements are used to

create meaningful and
understandable reports for A SIAM® ecosystem can
the appropriate audiences. challenge all stakeholders to
They provide visibility of Performance behave in new ways. Service
performance issues, and providers must be encouraged
management and to collaborate rather than
support trend analysis to give
early warning of possible improvement Reward protect their own interests.
failures Run & Improve Reward mechanisms can be
used to encourage Use small rewards often, linked to
collaboration and specific actions
communication. Good
Within SIAM®, reports also practices for creating a Give rewards at unexpected times
need to include feedback for reward system include
how the service is perceived Reward the behavior, not just the
by users, referred to as results
qualitative reporting. Reports
can be used to identify Reward all stakeholders, not just one
opportunities for improvement layer of the SIAM model
and innovation
Reward publicly

Process forums and working

groups are two of the After the SIAM® model enters
structural elements that unite the Run & Improve stage, it
the service integrator, service will change and evolve as the
providers and the customer. sourcing landscape and
They provide an environment Operate management Ongoing change business requirements change
to work collaboratively on the and evolve
structural elements management
operation of a specific process
or processes, process outputs,
issue or project
Ongoing change management
will include the addition and
removal of service providers,
In this stage of the roadmap, scaling the services if
these forums and groups customer needs get grow or
should be actively working. shrink, and potentially
The frequency and format of changing the SIAM®
meetings will vary, but it is a structure
good idea to have regular
contact between the forum
and group members in the
early stages of
implementation, as they will If major change is required,
be instrumental in creating this can include going back to
the necessary collaborative earlier roadmap stages, for
culture example to revisit Discovery &

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