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This didactic unit was created to be added to the nature science contents in two groups
of 4th grade of primary school (4th A and 4th B, there are 24 children in each class), in a
school in the area of Getafe (Madrid-south). The school is located in a middle-class area,
so most of the pupils have the necessary tools for learning. Within the 4th grade we have
a great diversity of students, in 4th A we have two Chinese children, who sometimes have
problems with Spanish. We also have an autistic girl. In year 4B we have a boy with ADHD.
This didactic unit is part of an extensive programme of the school, which will not be
discussed here, as it includes a lot of contents. Therefore, in this document we will focus
only on this unit. The aim of the unit is to follow the "project-based learning"
methodology, so that students can acquire knowledge and skills through the development
of a project. The teachers will ensure that the pupils have sufficient information and
resources to carry out the project. The school, as well as the parents, agree to carry out a
project in which the children learn by doing and have fun. The teacher who will carry out
this unit is the 4th B tutor. She is a new teacher at the school who has already carried out
this type of project in other schools, with very good results, and she will be assisted by
the 4th A teacher.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (didactic aims)

1. Educational aims of the stage (official)

All the aims and competences of the compulsory Primary Education stage (Objetivos de
la Educación Primaria) are assumed, as stated in Articles 7 of the official curriculum of
the Community of Madrid (Real Decreto 126/2014, de 28 de febrero). More specifically,
in this work we will focus on the following points:

Primary education will contribute to the development of children's capacities that will
enable them:

7.a) To know and appreciate the values and rules of coexistence, to learn to act in
accordance with them, to prepare for the active exercise of citizenship and to respect
human rights, as well as the pluralism of a democratic society.

7.b) Develop habits of individual and teamwork, effort, and responsibility in study, as well
as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and
creativity in learning, and entrepreneurial spirit.
7.c) Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, enabling them
to develop autonomously in the family and domestic sphere, as well as in the social
groups with which they interact.

7.h) Knowing the fundamental aspects of Natural Sciences.

7.i) Initiate in the use, for learning purposes, of Information and Communication
Technologies, developing a critical spirit in relation to the messages they receive and

7.j) To use different artistic representations and expressions and to initiate in the
construction of visual and audio-visual proposals.

2. General educational aims of the course treated in this unit:

1. Initiation to scientific activity.

2. To use different sources of information (direct, books).
3. To use information and communication technologies to search for and select
4. To use different materials, taking into account safety regulations.
5. To know how to work individually and in groups
6. To know now how to plan projects and prepare reports
7. To communicate results orally and in writing, presenting them with graphic
8. To use means of observation, such as optical and measuring instruments,
consulting, and using written documents, images and graphs.
9. To use, in an appropriate way, the vocabulary corresponding to each of the blocks
of contents.
10. To use strategies to carry out individual and teamwork, showing skills for the
peaceful resolution of conflicts.
11. To present work in an orderly, clear, and clean manner, on paper and digital
12. To show autonomy in the planning and execution of actions and tasks and have
initiative in decision-making.
3. Specific educational aims of the unit

1. To know what the atom is

2. To understand what the relationship between Democritus and the atom is
3. To know the different parts of the atom
a. Proton
b. Neutron
c. Electron
4. To comprehend the process of the division of the atom
5. To distinguish Rutherford's atomic model
6. To learn how to work autonomously and individually
7. To develop their creativity
8. To learn the specific vocabulary of the topic
9. To learn how to use the material
10. To take care of the classroom
11. To respect their classmates


➔ The Atom: the basic unit that makes up all matter.
➔ How did it all start?
◆ Democritus
➔ The matter
➔ The atoms around us
➔ The structure of the atom:
◆ Protons
◆ Neutrons
◆ Electrons
➔ The division of the atoms
➔ The union of the atoms
➔ Rutherford's atomic model

➔ Use of school textbooks.

➔ Use of information from the internet: explanatory videos for children, specialised
websites on the subject.
➔ Health and safety procedures.
➔ Materials for carrying out the project:
◆ Eight polystyrene balls (two of small size, two of medium size and four of
medium size),
◆ Two medium-sized and four medium-sized medium-large),
◆ Three bottles of tempera in three colours (green, red, and blue)
◆ Brushes
◆ Glue.
◆ Paper
◆ Soap and water.
◆ Four 60-centimetre wires
➔ Help from the teacher with the complex parts, such as the use of the wire.


➔ Respect for the teacher

➔ Respect for fellow students
➔ Respect for safety rules
➔ Respect for the material
➔ Respect for diversity
➔ Integration
➔ Cooperation
➔ Motivation
➔ Following instructions
➔ Cleanliness and organisation of the classroom

Each session will last 50 minutes and will take place first thing in the morning.

Introduction of the activity (IA)

Development of the activity (DA)

End of the activity (EA)

Session 1
Title: How did it all begin? and What is matter?

Type Brief Place Timing Material Methodology and Evaluation

description resources groupings indicators

IA The teacher Classroom 5m Blackboard Tables placed in a -Participation

says the topic semicircle. -Motivation
and ask the
students what
they imagine
it to be or
what ideas
they have

DA The teacher Classroom 40 m -Short video Tables placed in a -Questions

will explain entitled: semicircle. from the
the topic but Demócrito y students
making el átomo - Attentive
question to -Blackboard and active
the students, -Internet participation
in order to - Factsheet
make the of "the
session as matter".
as possible.

EA The teacher Classroom 5m Tables placed in a -Active

will ask the semicircle. participation
students the
main ideas of
the topic and
the class have
to answer.
Session 2
Title: What is an atom? The structure of the atom

Type Brief Place Timing Material Methodology and Evaluation

description resources groupings indicators

IA The teacher Classroom 5m -Blackboard In pairs -Active

says the topic participation
and as the -Motivation
already have
an idea, asks
them what
they want to
know about
the atom or
what ideas
they have

DA The teacher Classroom 40m -Blackboard In pairs -Questions

will explain - Short from the
what the Video students
atom is, and entitled: - Attentive
its structure “Estructura and active
but making del átomo” participation
questions to -Fact sheet
the students of the atom
in order to
make it

EA The teacher Classroom 5m In pairs -Active

will ask the participation
students the
main ideas of
the topic and
the class have
to answer.
Session 3
Title: How do atoms split? What holds them together?

Type Brief Place Timing Material Methodology and Evaluation

description resources groupings indicators

IA The teacher Classroom 5m -Blackboard In pairs -Active

says the topic participation
and asks the -Motivation
students how
they think
atoms are
divided and
lets them
make their
Then do the
same by
asking what
they think
holds atoms
together and
let them make

DA The teacher Classroom 40m -Blackboard In pairs -Questions

will explain -Short video from the
how the entitled: students
atoms are ¡Los átomos - Attentive
divided and se unen para and active
what keeps formas participation
them moléculas!
together. The
teacher will
questions in
order to ask
for the
of the
children and
foster the

EA The teacher Classroom 5m In pairs -Active

will ask the participation
students the
main ideas of
the topic and
the class have
to answer.
Session 4 a
Title: Final project: mock-up of the atom

Type Brief Place Timing Material Methodology and Evaluation

description resources groupings indicators

IA The teacher The art 5m -Blackboard 6 groups of 4 -Attention

will explain classroom children each -Motivation
the activity -Questions
and provide from the
the students

DA The children The art 35m - Eight 6 groups of 4 -Teamwork

will paint four classroom polystyrene children each -Work
small balls -Motivation
polystyrene - Two of
balls, small size
representing -Two of
electrons, medium
blue. Then size
they will -Four of
paint two medium
medium-sized size)
red balls to -Three
represent the bottles of
protons. And tempera in
then they will three
paint two colours
medium-sized (green, red,
green balls, and blue)
which will be -Brushes
the neutrons. -Paper

EA The teacher The art 10m -Soap and 6 groups of 4 -Attitude

will tell the classroom water children each -Participation
pupils to -Paper Collaboration
clean the -Initiative
brushes, the
tables, throw
away dirty
Collect the
materials and
clean the
Session 4 b
Title: Final project: mock-up of the atom

Type Brief Place Timing Material Methodology and Evaluation

description resources groupings indicators

IA The teacher will The art 5m 6 groups of 4 -Attention

explain the classroo children each -Motivation
activity and m -Questions
provide the from the
instructions students

DA With the help of The art 30m - A large 6 groups of 4 -Teamwork

the teacher, they classroo polystyrene children each -Work
will make the m ball cut in -Motivation
shapes of the half for the
four wires. While base.
the teacher is -Bottles of
helping with the different
wires, the coloured
children will be tempera
painting the paints
polystyrene ball -Four 60-
split down the centimetre
middle (the wires
base) in the -Glue
colour of their -Paper
choice. Once they
have the wires,
they will glue the
balls together
following the

EA The teacher will The art 10m -Soap and 6 groups of 4 -Attitude
tell the pupils to classroo water children each -Participation
clean the m -Paper Collaboration
brushes, the -Initiative
tables, throw
away dirty
papers. Collect
the materials and
clean the

EA The teacher will The art 5m -Blackboard 6 groups of 4 -Active

ask if they liked classroo children each participation
the activity and m
what they
learned. Let the
students express
Attention to diversity:

Taking into account that in the classes there are children with problems related with the
language and also there are an autistic child and another with ADHD, the teachers have
to pay a special attention to them. Due to this, the teachers will try to stay around them
helping in what they need. They will include them in order to make them participate. In
addition, teachers can involve the rest of the pupils, so that the class can cooperate with
the teacher and help their classmates and learn at the same time.


In the table of activities there are included some evaluation indicators. However, they are
a type of informal assessment, they will help the teacher to have an idea about whether
or not the objective has been achieved. On the other side, In the ANNEX 2, there is the
evaluation rubric that the teacher will use in order to make the assessment of the activity.

ANNEX 1: Additional resources:

-Video entitled: “Demócrito y el átomo”:

- Fact sheet of the matter:

-Video entitled: “Estructura del átomo”:

-Fact sheet of the atom:

- Video entitled: ¡Los átomos se unen para formas moléculas!:

-Example of the final project: The mock-up of the atom



Theoretical The students have The students have The students The students have
parts acquired the knowledge acquired the have acquired not acquired the
imparted in an knowledge some of the knowledge
excellent way. They imparted. They knowledge imparted. They
understood the topic understood the imparted. They did not
and are able to explain topic, but they are understood the understand the
in an adequate way. not able to explain topic, but they topic, and they
in a perfect way. need to work on need to work on
it. it.

Attitude There is a good active There is a good There is a There is not

participation form part active participation participation participation, the
of all the class. They are form part of a big form part of a teacher has to ask
motivated. They also number of the few numbers of them. There is not
collaborate with their members of the the students. motivation
classmates and provide class. They are They have some neither
help. motivated. They motivation. collaboration
collaborate with Some of the between
their classmates students classmates.
and provide help. collaborate with
their classmates
and provide

Material All the members of the All the members of Some of the The students do
and class collaborate in the class students not want to tidy
classroom order to tidy up and collaborate in collaborate in up and clean the
care clean the materials and order to tidy up order to tidy up materials and the
the classroom. and clean the and clean the classroom. There
materials and the materials and are distracted all
classroom. Some of the classroom, the time and
them are distracted while other are doing other
all the time but distracted and things.
collaborate at their the teacher has
rhythm to send them to
do things.

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