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Architecture Building Blocks

Project XXXX
Client YYYY
<<Note: This document provides a generic template. It may require tailoring to suit a specific client and
project situation.>>
Table of Contents
1 Purpose of this ocument...........................................................................................................................................!
" #uilding #loc$s...........................................................................................................................................................%
! Interfaces.....................................................................................................................................................................&
% 'apping......................................................................................................................................................................(

Document Information
Project Name: Project )))
Prepared By: Document Version No: *.1
Title: +rchitecture #uilding #loc$s Document Version Date:
Reviewed By: Review Date:

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T4+05 6 Template: +rchitecture #uilding #loc$s "

7opyright 8 "*1* The pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T4+05 is a trademar$ of The pen 4roup.
" Pur#ose of this Document
<<+rchitecture #uilding #loc$s 2+##s3 relate to the +rchitecture 7ontinuum- and are defined or selected
as a result of the application of the +'.
7haracteristics are:
• 7apture architecture requirements9 e.g.- usiness- data- application- and technology requirements
• irect and guide the development of ;##s>>

T4+05 6 Template: +rchitecture #uilding #loc$s !

7opyright 8 "*1* The pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T4+05 is a trademar$ of The pen 4roup.
$ Building Blocks
<<The purpose of this section is to outline fundamental functionality and attriutes: semantic-
unamiguous- including security capaility and manageaility.>>

$%" &undamental &unctionalit!

$%$ Attributes

$%' (emantic

$%) (ecurit! Ca#abilit!

$%* +anageabilit!

T4+05 6 Template: +rchitecture #uilding #loc$s %

7opyright 8 "*1* The pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T4+05 is a trademar$ of The pen 4roup.
' Interfaces
<<Interfaces: chosen set- supplied.>>

'%" ,-er-ie.

'%$ Intero#erabilit!
<<Interoperaility and relationship /ith other uilding loc$s.>>

'%' De#endent Building Blocks

<<escrie dependent uilding loc$s /ith required functionality and named user interfaces.>>

T4+05 6 Template: +rchitecture #uilding #loc$s &

7opyright 8 "*1* The pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T4+05 is a trademar$ of The pen 4roup.
) +a##ing
<<'ap to usinessorgani=ational entities and policies.>>

)%" +a##ing to Business/,rgani0ational 1ntities

<<The purpose of this section is to crossreference the uilding loc$s to the usinessorgani=ational
'andatoryoptional: This section is mandatory.>>

)%$ +a##ing to Business/,rgani0ational Policies

<<The purpose of this section is to crossreference the uilding loc$s to the usinessorgani=ational
'andatoryoptional: This section is mandatory.>>

T4+05 6 Template: +rchitecture #uilding #loc$s (

7opyright 8 "*1* The pen 4roup. +ll rights reserved. T4+05 is a trademar$ of The pen 4roup.

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