2023 DSP Assgnment2

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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

(Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad)

Academic Year: 2023 - 2024


Subject : (EC611) Digital Signal Processing

Class : B. Tech. Sem.VI (EC)
Topic : Discrete Time Systems

Due Date :31-12-23


Q.1 Answer in Brief (Short Questions)

(1) Classify following with reference to linearity, causality and time variance, memory.
1. y[n]=x[n]x[n-1]

2. y[n]=nx[n]

3. y[n+2]=x[n+1]

4. y[n]=x2[n]

5. y[n]=x[n2]

(2) Design and draw echo filter to obtain echo after 0.5s with 50% attenuation. Assume 8KHz sampling

Q.2 Do as Directed (Descriptive Answers, Examples etc)

(1) Find out response through recursion method

(2) Write down difference equation, Transfer function and plot poles and zeros in z
plane for following Realization

(3) Write down expression for second order All pass filter
(4) If H1(z) is a minimum phase system, Determine whether the following system is
minimum phase system or not.
H(z)= (z2+7z+12)H1(z).
If it is not a minimum phase system, design all pass filter to make it minimum phase
Write down difference equation, Transfer function and plot poles and zeros in z
plane for following Realization

Faculty Name : Dr. Hardip Shah ( echardip@ddu.ac.in)

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