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Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, March 25th 8:00 am 2:00 pm 6

Tuesday, March 26th 8:00 am 11:00 am - 12:15 pm 7:00 pm 9.75

Wednesday, March 27th 8:00 am 2:00 pm 6

Thursday, March 28th 9:00 am 11:00 am - 12:15 pm 5:00 pm 6.75

Friday, March 29th 9:00 am 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 7

Total Weekly Hours 35.50

Total Hours to Date 360.10

On Monday, March 25th, I had a scheduled meeting with my site supervisor at work to receive

feedback on my flyer and survey for my internship project. After the meeting, I began revising

my flyer and survey in order to post them around campus later that day. Since I had no other

assignments, I worked on updating my resume and e-portfolio for my internship course. I also

continued working on homework for my other classes until it was time for me to leave.

On Tuesday, March 26th, I arrived at work and immediately began cleaning up the office in

preparation for our weekly event, Tupperware Tuesday. Additionally, later that day, PRIDE had

their meeting in the office. I wanted to ensure that the office was neat and clean for both events.

As a result, both events were very successful and had a great turnout overall.

On Wednesday, March 27th, when I arrived at work, I cleaned up the office because we had a

couple of events the day before. This week, we are hosting our Women’s Leadership Program,

and the supervisors instructed us to keep the office clean and tidy as visitors may stop by due to

the program. I also worked on updating my resume as I had completed the tasks assigned by my

supervisor. Later in the day, I attended a student panel at the admission building for school

counselor appreciation day. It was enjoyable as I shared my positive experiences at Georgia

College and discussed some of my activities in Blackbridge Hall.

On Thursday, March 28th, I came into the office and received my resume feedback from the

Career Center. Then, during my break, I went to class, as I normally do on Tuesdays and

Thursdays. After class, my supervisor allowed me and the other student worker to attend the

Career Fair on campus. Following that, we had to meet in Peabody Auditorium to help set up for

the Women's Leadership Program event, which is scheduled for tomorrow at 9 am.

Today, Friday, March 29th, we are hosting our Women’s Leadership Conference on the campus

of Georgia College & State University. I will be attending this conference for my shift and
helping throughout the conference in any way that I can. Overall, the Women’s Leadership

Conference went very well, and I am pleased that I had the opportunity to attend because I

learned many valuable tips that will help me in the future. I may even consider attending the

conference again next year.

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