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Mushroom Biology and Genetics

Chapter · January 2007


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5 authors, including:

Ursula Kües Prayook Srivilai

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Mahasarakham University


Rajesh Velagapudi



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Mushroom Biology and Genetics 587

23. Mushroom Biology and Genetics

Ursula Kües, Mónica Navarro-González, Prayook Srivilai,

Wassana Chaisaena and Rajesh Velagapudi
Molecular Wood Biotechnology, Institute of Forest Botany,
Georg-August-University Göttingen

Worldwide, a large range of mushrooms are collected as non-timer forest products
for human consumption and/or health purposes (Boa 2004). Total harvests of
fruiting bodies from the forests are however difficult to estimate. According to
interviews with mushroom pickers and brokers, the economic value of collected
Boletes, Chanterelles and Pine Mushrooms in Washington State, Oregon and Idaho
in 1992 comprised US $14 million (Schlosser & Blatner 1995). Following recorded
exports to Japan, the value of the Canadian 1994 harvest of Pine Mushrooms added
up to at least US $18.5 million (de Geus & Berch 1997). The global trade in wild
edible fungi has been estimated at US $2 billion (Hall et al. 2003a). The complete
value of mushrooms as non-timber forest products is however much higher, since
588 U. Kües et al.

large amounts of fruiting bodies collected for personal use are left aside in this num-
ber (Boa 2004). On occasions, the total value of mushroom as non-timber forest
products may reach in a given forest that of the timber - usually, it is lower than that
of the timber. Reasons for this are the relative low and variable yields of mushrooms
at short seasons and the relative high effort needed to find and collect them
(Alexander et al. 2002). Moreover, harvests of many mycorrhizal mushrooms have
declined dramatically over the past hundred years (Yun & Hall 2004). As a con-
sequence, certain forest mushrooms belong to the most expensive foodstuff (Kües
& Liu 2000, Boa 2004, Mello et al. 2006, Yamada, A. et al. 2006).
Harvests of wild mushrooms are influenced by the changing climatic conditions
with from year to year varying results. Furthermore, measures in forest management
can have effects on mushroom yields whilst effects of mushroom harvesting are
differentially estimated (Kües & Liu 2000, Pilz & Molina 2002, Boa 2004, Luoma et
al. 2004, Pilz et al. 2004, 2006, Ogaya & Penuelas 2005, Sinha & Brault 2005, Egli et
al. 2006). For reliable mushroom yields independent of seasonal climate conditions
and other factors, commercial production processes are essential. The number of
cultivable species increased over the years but all these are saprotrophs (Boa 2004;
see Chapter 22 of this book). In contrast, many of the mushrooms collected from
the forests are mycorrhizal. Obviously, such symbiotic species require being associa-
ted with their hosts in order to fruit. Where tried, mycorrhizal species resisted so far
mushroom production in culture with a few exceptions where a fungus was cultiva-
ted together with its host. At the best, artificial inoculation of roots lead to increased
mushroom yields at natural sites (Ayer & Egli 1997, Danell & Camacho 1997, Kües
& Liu 2000, Yamada et al. 2001, Hall et al. 2003b, Boa 2004, Salerni & Perini 2004,
Yun & Hall 2004, Bonet et al. 2006). Nevertheless of success with some fungi,
propagation by in situ root inoculation and subsequent transplantation is so far not
applicable to all species (Hall et al. 2003b, Guerin-Laguette et al. 2005).
For most species, the biology of fruiting body production is not at all or only
poorly described. Generally, fruiting body development is environmentally regulated
by a combination of signals such as the overall nutrient availability, the C to N rela-
tionship, temperature, light, humidity, aeration and CO2 concentrations (Kües & Liu
2000, Peter et al. 2001, Kües et al. 2004, Wösten & Wessels 2006; see Chapter 22 of
this book). Mycorrhizal fungi in addition may receive signals from their hosts (Smith
et al. 1994, Bücking & Heyser 2001, 2003, Nehls et al. 2001, Yamada et al. 2001, Wu
et al. 2002). The monographs by Clémençon (1997, 2004) compile on a subset of
basidiomycetes what is available on the cytology of mushroom development. Under-
standing the physiology and cytology of fruiting body development is expected to
contribute to establishing and improving cultural conditions in commercial mush-
room production (Chiu et al. 2000, Kües et al. 2004; see Chapter 22 of this book)
and to help to sustain natural production of mycorrhizal species that remain to be
collected from the forests (Yun & Hall 2004, Ogaya & Penuelas 2005). Breeding of
edible and pharmaceutical mushrooms targets at obtaining efficient, reliable and
Mushroom Biology and Genetics 589

easy to manage strains for economical production of high quality fruiting bodies
(Kothe 2001, Kitamoto 2006). Such breeding is based on selection of genetic
variants that produced fruiting bodies of desirable quality and appearance from wild
genetic resources (Stoop & Mooibroek 1999, Chiu et al. 2000, Kitamato 2006).
Studies for better understanding of fruiting body development require genetical-
ly accessible sexual systems. By the ease to obtain mushrooms in culture, the dung
fungus Coprinopsis cinerea (formerly called Coprinus cinereus; Redhead et al. 2001;
common name: inky cap fungus) is used by now for over hundred years as the
model species to unravel the basic biological principles in fruiting body develop-
ment of higher basidiomycetes (Brefeld 1877, Buller 1924, Kües 2000, Kamada
2002, Fischer & Kües 2003, Kües et al. 2004). Unlike other basidiomycetes, the
species is well accessible by both classical and molecular genetics (Binninger et al.
1986, Granado et al. 1997, Walser et al. 2001).

Fruiting body development of Coprinopsis cinerea

C. cinerea has a standard basidiomycete life cycle starting with the infertile mono-
karyons that germinate from the sexual haploid basidiospores. Monokaryons are
characterised by hyphae with simple septa and usually one haploid nucleus in the
hyphal cells. Mating compatible monokaryons (those that have a different mating
type) fuse in order to form the fertile dikaryon. This is a secondary mycelium carry-
ing in all hyphal cells one haploid nucleus from each parental monokaryon and
clamp cells as specialised structures at the hyphal septa (see Fig. 2 and 3 in Chapter
22 of this book). Fruiting bodies are easily obtained from dikaryons in culture. Sexu-
al spore formation occurs on the basidia, specific cells located on the surface of the
mushroom gills. In the basidia, the two parental types of haploid nuclei fuse (karyo-
gamy) to give a diploid nucleus with two sets of chromosomes. The two reduction
divisions of meiosis directly follow the karyogamy with the final result of four ha-
ploid nuclei. Each one of these nuclei migrates into one of the four different basidi-
ospores formed externally on the basidium, which completes the fungal life cycle. In
total, it takes only two weeks for C. cinerea to go through the whole life cycle (Ben-
saude 1918, Buller 1924, Kües 2000, Kües et al. 2002a; see Chapter 22 in this book).
Whilst growth of the vegetative mycelium of C. cinerea occurs best at 37°C,
fruiting body development takes place only at 25-28°C. Fruiting requires day-night
changes (e.g. a 12 h light/12 h dark regime or 16 h light/8 h dark regime) and >80%
humidity (Granado et al. 1997, Walser et al. 2001). In total, six days are needed from
the first step of fruiting body development (primary hyphal knot formation) over
tissue formation in the fruiting body primordia to fruiting body maturation. Because
of autolysis typical for the coprinoid mushrooms, fruiting bodies of C. cinerea are
only short-lived. Being fully established after midnight in the early morning hours,
they usually are already collapsed at midday of the next day (Boulianne et al. 2000,
Kües 2000, Walser et al. 2003; Fig. 1). In case environmental conditions change
590 U. Kües et al.

day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7

further incubation in
constant dark

Fig. 1 The course of fruiting body development in Coprinopsis cinerea over the time on an
artificial agar medium (Granado et al. 1997). After mycelial growth at 37°C in the dark, cul-
tures were transferred at the beginning of the light phase of day 0 into a 12 h dark/12 h light
regime at 28°C. Night periods are shown in the bar above the photos by black boxes, day
periods by white boxes. Fruiting body development starts in the dark by intense branching
at single or a few hyphae of the vegetative mycelium in order to form loose hyphal aggre-
gates (primary hyphal knots). Upon receipt of a light signal, hyphal cells aggregate firmly in-
to small round bodies (secondary hyphal knots; day 1). Within these bodies, tissue deve-
lopment of stipe and cap starts (day 2). When kept further in the dark, long structures (dark
stipes or etiolated stipes) form with extended stipes and underdeveloped caps. To progress
properly in tissue formation in the fruiting body primordia, three dark-light changes are
required before another light signal induces karyogamy within the basidia of the fully estab-
lished primordia (day 5). In parallel to karyogamy (start of light phase at day 6), subsequent
meiosis and spore formation, the stipe elongates and the cap opens (afternoon, night hours
of day 6). Some of the basidiospores might be ejected from the gills of the opened mush-
room. However, soon after maturation the cap autolyses (day 7 late morning up to midday)
in order to release the majority of basidiospores in liquid droplets (Iten 1970, Moore et al.
1979, Walser et al. 2003, Kües et al. 2004). With the exception of the autolysed fruiting
body, all developmental stages were photographed at the switch from dark to light (hour 8
on the 24 h clock scale)

during any of the earlier stages, mushroom development will arrest. Most interesting
is the effect of too little light. Instead of normal mushrooms, so-called dark stipes or
etiolated stipes with underdeveloped caps and strong, elongated stipes are formed
that will not autolyse (Lu 1974, Fig. 1). This property is made use of by small farmers
in Thailand in the cultivation of C. cinerea mushrooms on agricultural wastes. Result-
ing etiolated stipes are harvested, shortly boiled in water and pickled in salt for sale
(Fig. 2). Similarly, by the constant addition of new waste material onto the compost
heaps in the sisal plantations in Tanzania, young C. cinerea primordia are kept in dark
conditions and are thus hindered from normal development. Etiolated stipes are
Mushroom Biology and Genetics 591

Fig. 2 A commercial dikaryotic strain of Hed-Cone-Noy (Coprinopsis cinerea) from Thailand

grows and fruits at 28°C on wheat straw (photos left). Hed-Cone-Noy pickled in a 50% salt
solution from a Thai food store (photos right; kindly supplied by Jiraphant Supadit). Note
that the pickled Hed-Cone-Noy are immature primordia as obtained under exclusion of
light. The inscription on the glass states as values for nutrition low fat, no cholesterol, high
mineral content, and potassium and promises consumers decrease of blood pressure, pro-
tection against cancer cells by selenium, quickening the appetite by glutamic acid, and
decrease of blood sugar as a preventive action in diabetes

grubbed out by plantation workers and fried as a welcome tasty addition to their
lunches (Härkönen et al. 1993).

Genetic access of fruiting body development

As stated above, fruiting body development of C. cinerea occurs in nature on the dika-
ryons. Dikaryon formation is genetically controlled by the two mating type loci A and
B. The A mating type genes encode homeodomain transcription factors, proteins that
control expression of downstream genes in sexual development. The B mating type
genes encode pheromones and pheromone receptors, mediating signalling between
cells and/or nuclei of different mating type. To form and maintain a dikaryotic myce-
lium, both A and B mating type genes of different specificity are needed (Casselton &
Olesnicky 1998, Hiscock & Kües 1999, Brown & Casselton 2001, Casselton & Chal-
len 2006, Casselton & Kües 2007). Cloned mating type genes were transformed into
C. cinerea monokaryons. Next to eliciting typical features of the dikaryotic mycelium
(e.g. clamps cells and clamp cell fusion; Kües et al. 1992, 1994a,c, Badalyan et al.
2004), the A mating type genes were shown to induce hyphal knot and primordia
development (Tymon et al. 1992, Kües et al. 1998) and the B mating type genes to
support the A mating type genes in initiation of fruiting body development and to act
in fruiting body maturation at the stage of karyogamy (Kües et al. 2002b). Therefore
not surprisingly, certain mutations in the mating type loci (Kües et al. 1994b, Pardo et
al. 1996, Olesnicky et al. 1999, Srivilai et al. 2006b) make fruiting body development
independent from dikaryon formation (Swamy et al. 1984). Basidiospores with such
mutations germinate into a self-compatible, fertile mycelium with a dikaryon-like
592 U. Kües et al.


Basidium Homokaryon

Fig. 3 Simplified life cycle of the self-compatible Coprinopsis cinerea homokaryon
AmutBmut. Fruiting bodies of homokaryon AmutBmut formed on sterilised horse dung in
the laboratory are shown at the right (photo: Markus Aebi)

appearance: it has clamp cells at the hyphal septa and often two haploid nuclei in the
hyphal cells – since these nuclei are genetic identical, the self-compatible mycelium is
called a homokaryon: Also like the dikaryon, under appropriate environmental
conditions fruiting bodies develop on the homokaryotic mycelium (Fig. 3).
Self-compatible homokaryons of C. cinerea offer a unique genetic opportunity to
study fruiting body development. On the dikaryon, dominant mutations in fruiting
body development can easily be found whereas recessive mutations will be over-
looked unless a respective mutation is present in both nuclei of the mycelium (Moore
1981). This situation is different in the self-compatible homokaryons. Recessive
mutations in fruiting body development result in apparent phenotypes (Lu et al. 2003,
Liu et al. 2006, Srivilai et al. 2006a; Fig. 4). Therefore, self-compatible homokaryons
are appointed in mutagenesis programmes (Granado et al. 1997, Cummings et al.
1999, Muraguchi et al. 1999, Kües et al. unpublished). Like monokaryons, the self-
compatible homokaryons are able to produce abundant asexual, single-celled uninu-
cleate spores (called oidia; Fig. 3) with a haploid nucleus. However, oidia production
is not constitutive as in monokaryons but light induced as is asexual sporulation in
dikaryons (Polak et al. 1997, 2001, Kertesz-Chaloupková et al. 1998, Kües et al.
2002a, Fischer & Kües 2006). For mutagenesis, oidia can be treated with chemicals or
UV-light or they might be transformed with external DNA that integrates into the
genome, thereby interrupting the genes at the places of integration (Walser et al.
2001). Screening for mutations showed that defects in fruiting body development
occur relatively often - the mutation frequency can rise above 1% - suggesting that
many different genes contribute to the complex process of fruiting body and sexual
basidiospore development (Takemaru & Kamada 1969, 1970, 1972, Granado et al.
1997, Cummings et al. 1999, Muraguchi et al. 1999, Kües et al. unpublished). Cloning
Mushroom Biology and Genetics 593


Fig. 4 Mutants in fruiting body development of self-compatible homokaryons. A. Strain

PUK1 has a dst1 defect and thus forms etiolated stipes also in light (Terashima et al.
2005). B. Mutant OU2 with a yet uncharacterised mutation in basidiospore formation (bad)
forms white mushrooms without spores (Srivilai et al. 2006a). C. UFO1 is a mutant with a
defect in stipe elongation (eln) and forms therefore dumpy mushrooms. The fruiting body
cap is white due to an additional bad mutation (Srivilai et al. 2006a)

of genes by mutant complementation supports the idea that various types of genes
contribute to fruiting.
Since work intensive, from mutant analysis in C. cinerea only a handful of genes
have so far been identified that are engaged in fruiting body development. A yet un-
characterised gene pkn1 has been cloned that is essential for primary hyphal knot for-
mation (Clergeot et al. 2003 and unpublished results). Gene cfs1 is a gene required for
secondary hyphal knot formation. It encodes a cyclopropane fatty acid synthase be-
longing to the family of C-methyltransferases that adds methylene-groups from S-
adenosyl-methionine moleclues across C-double bonds in membrane-localised lipids
in order to form a cyclopropane ring (Loos 2001, Pemmasani et al. 2005, Liu et al.
2006). Gene ich1 acts in cap tissue formation and genes eln2 and eln3 in stipe elonga-
tion. ich1 encodes a potential O-methyltransferase, eln2 a cytochrome P450 and eln3 a
potential glycosyltransferase probably involved in cell wall biogenesis (Muraguchi &
Kamada 1998, 2000, Kües 2000, Arima et al. 2004). Defects in the dst1 gene lead to
the dark-stipe phenotype and this gene encodes a putative blue light receptor of the
white-collar 1 type (Terashima et al. 2005; Fig. 4A). White cap mutants (Fig. 4B)
lacking any basidiospores helped to clone the gene spo11 for a type II topoisomerase
active in meiosis (Cummings et al. 1999, Celerin et al. 2000). Two further genes have
been identified by mutant analysis that act in the A mating type pathway. A defect in
gene clp1 blocks clamp cell formation and fruiting body formation in self-compatible
homokaryons (Inada et al. 2001). In contrast, mutations in gene pcc1 that encodes a
MHG-box transcription factor allow fruiting body development on the monokaryon
(Murata et al. 1998a,b).
DNA transformation has a crucial role in mutant analysis: wildtype genomic
DNA cloned in suitable Escherichia coli plasmid constructs [often phage ƫ-related cos-
mids that can take up foreign DNA in length of up to 40 kb stretching over with
several genes (Bottoli et al. 1999)] is introduced into the mutants in order to identify
594 U. Kües et al.


Fig. 5 A. The self-compatible cfs1 mutant forms wildtype mushrooms, when

transformed with cosmid 40-5A that carries a cfs1 wildtype gene (Liu et al. 2006). B. A
wildtype dikaryon carrying a rasVal19 copy forms small “Bonsai” mushrooms (P. Srivilai et
al. unpublished)

the defective genes by restoration of the wildtype phenotype (e.g. see Liu et al.
2006; Fig. 5A). However, with dominant phenotypes it is also possible to use wild-
type strains in transformations of developmentally regulated genes under control
of foreign promoters (Inada et al. 2001; see below). Analysis of dominant mutant
genes by transformation in wildtype strains is also possible. ras genes, encoding
small GTPases functioning in signal transduction pathways, are genes of which
mutant versions with dominant, constitutive active phenotypes have been de-
scribed in various organisms. Normally in cells, Ras GTPases switch between two
physiological stages, an active form where GTP is bound to the protein and an in-
active form without GTP. By mutation constitutively activated Ras proteins have
an amino acid substitution in the GTP binding site that causes GTP to perma-
nently bind to the proteins (Bourne et al. 1991, Paduch et al. 2001, Weeks & Spie-
gelman 2003). An analogous mutant (rasVal19) has been constructed by in vitro mu-
tagenesis from a cloned ras gene of C. cinerea (Bottoli 2001). When introduced into
C. cinerea wildtype strains, multiple phenotypes are observed including alterations
in tissue formation within fruiting bodies and defects in stipe elongation (Bottoli
2001, Srivilai 2006, Srivilai et al. 2006c; Fig. 5B). These multiple phenotypes very
much resemble those described in a Schizophyllum commune mutant lacking the gene
gap1 for the Ras GTPase-activating protein that promotes hydrolysis of Ras-
bound GTP to GDP and thereby inactivates the protein (Schubert et al. 2006).
Both the rasVal19 transformed dikaryons of C. cinerea and the gap1 defective dikary-
ons of S. commune show defects in morphological features regulated by the B ma-
ting type pathway (Schubert et al. 2006, P. Srivilai et al. unpublished). By co-trans-
formation, it is possible to introduce simultaneously two or more genes into
C. cinerea strains (Kües et al. 2001b). Co-transformation of rasVal19 and B mating
type genes into suitable C. cinerea monokaryons could become an interesting expe-
riment in the future.
Mushroom Biology and Genetics 595

Other than by mutant analysis, two fruiting body-specific genes (cgl1, cgl2) for
galectins [belonging to a Ƣ-galactoside binding family of lectins (Walser et al.
2004)] have been identified via the expressed proteins (Charlton et al. 1992, Coo-
per et al. 1997). These proteins are specifically expressed in the outer cap and stipe
tissues (Boulianne et al. 2000), together with ligands of likely a lipid nature (Walser
et al. 2004, 2005). The proteins have been suggested to contribute to hyphal aggre-
gation (Boulianne et al. 2000). They are however not essential as recently shown
by gene inactivation in a self-compatible homokaryon through the posttranscrip-
tional acting RNAi technique that leads to degradation of gene transcripts (Wälti
et al. 2006). Establishing this technique in C. cinerea in various laboratories (Name-
kawa et al. 2005, Heneghan et al. 2006, Wälti et al. 2006) is a great achievement for
analysis of those genes for which mutants are not available. The gene for the
LIM15/DCM1 recombinase has been inactivated in a self-compatible homokary-
on with the result of an abnormal chromosomal pairing in meiosis, a highly re-
duced basidiospore number and viability (Namekawa et al. 2005). Classical knock-
ing-out of genes via exchange by homologous recombination of wildtype genes in
the fungal genome by non-functional gene copies with an inserted transformation
marker gene has been attempted before in C. cinerea. In cases where gene knock-
outs were obtained; the frequency was low: 1% and less of all analysed transfor-
mants (Binninger et al. 1991, Pardo 1995, Kües et al. 2004, Walser 2004). With the
complete C. cinerea genome sequence made available to the public by the Broad
Institute (
background.html), that allows identifying genes of interest by their sequences,
functional gene activation techniques have gained major importance.
To us, two groups of genes within the C. cinerea genome were of primary im-
portance, those for hydrophobins since they were shown in vitro to interact with
the mushroom galectins [work by P.J. Walser presented in Velagapudi (2006)], and
those for laccases whose functions in fruiting are a matter of dispute (Kües & Liu
2000, Wösten & Wessels 2006). Hydrophobins are small secreted proteins with 8
conserved cysteine residues. They cover aerial hyphae in order to provide them a
hydrophobic surface needed for growth in the air and they line air channels in
fruiting bodies in order to prevent them from water logging (Wösten 2001, Walser
et al. 2003, Linder et al. 2005, Peddireddi et al. 2006, Velagapudi 2006). Recent
results in the ascomycete Aspergillus oryzae further suggest that hydrophobins
recruit other proteins to the fungal surface (Takahashi et al. 2005). In the C. cinerea
genome, as many as 34 different hydrophobin genes were found by sequence ana-
lysis and many of them are expressed in the fruiting bodies. Very few are, how-
ever, specific to the fruiting body (Velagapudi et al. 2005a,b, Velagapudi 2006).
With a total of 17 different genes, laccase genes are also manifold present in the
C. cinerea genome (Hoegger et al. 2004, Kilaru et al. 2006a). Also many of these
genes are transcribed in the fruiting bodies, particularly in the cap during
formation of the black basidiospores (M. Navarro-González et al. 2005). Specific
596 U. Kües et al.

fungal laccases have been implicated in pigment formation (Langfelder et al. 2003,
Youngchim et al. 2004, Walton et al. 2005) but phylogenetic analysis of the C.
cinerea laccases do not support such a function for any of the enzymes (Hoegger et
al. 2006). It will be a major effort to individually inactive the various hydrophobin
and laccase genes in C. cinerea to test their specific functions in the fruiting bodies.
The simultaneous silencing of the two galectin genes cgl1 and cgl2 by the RNAi
technique (Wälti et al. 2006) gives hope that this could also become the case at
least for the closer related hydrophobin genes, respectively laccase genes.
Further important recent achievements for studies of genes acting in fruiting
body development are the availability of regulated and constitutive promoters and
the availability of reporter genes. Laccase genes have been shown to be versatile
reporter genes for studying activities of fruiting body specific promoters. Promo-
ter activities are recorded by enzymatic conversion of colourless substrates into
coloured products (Velagapudi 2006, Velagapudi et al. 2006). Another functional
reporter in C. cinerea is the green fluorescent protein GFP from the jellyfish Aequo-
rea victoria (Burns et al. 2005). The promoters of the galectin genes can be used to
express genes specifically in the early stages of fruiting body development (Bertos-
sa et al. 2004, Velagapudi et al. 2006). Various constitutive promoters - with the
Agaricus bisporus gpdII promoter being most effective - might be used to express
fruiting body-specific genes within the vegetative mycelium, for example to obtain
larger amounts of proteins for their characterisation (Burns et al. 2005, Kilaru et
al. 2006b,c). Constitutive expression of developmental regulator genes can be of
interest to confirm suspected functional roles. For instance, gene clp1 induces
under such conditions clamp cell formation in monokaryons confirming an opera-
tive position in sexual development downstream of the A mating type genes
(Inada et al. 2001).

How can Coprinopsis cinerea research contribute to the

understanding of mushroom formation in other species?
A number of interesting gene functions have now been described in fruiting body
development of C. cinerea (see above), but their interrelations are far from clear.
Certainly, they are just first isolated parts of a large puzzle and it will require time
to add more and more pieces to the picture. Large scale gene expression analysis
(sequencing of EST libraries, micro-array studies, differential display techniques,
proteomic approaches, etc.) are means to quickly identify bulks of genes that are
active at specific developmental stages. For C. cinerea, over 15,000 ESTs (expressed
sequence tags, denoting transcripts from active genes) are currently deposited in
the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) sequence database.
Over 2800 of these are from the fruiting body cap
( In other basidiomycete species (A. bisporus, Flam-
mulina velutipes, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus ostreatus, S. commune), large scale expression
Mushroom Biology and Genetics 597

studies have also been performed and/or differential expressed genes identified
for stages of fruiting body development (Mulder & Wessels 1986, de Groot et al.
1997, Leung et al. 2000, Ospina-Giraldo et al. 2000, Eastwood et al. 2001, Lee et
al. 2002, Hirano et al. 2004, Miyazaki et al. 2005, Sunagawa & Magae 2005, Park et
al. 2006, Yamada, M. et al. 2006). Comparison between species might identify
those functions which are globally important in mushroom development.
Although for all important edible species DNA transformation systems have
now been described, compared to C. cinerea transformation methods (Binninger et
al. 1987, Granado et al. 1997), these are very inefficient and less reliable since
more difficult to perform (van de Rhee et al. 1996, Chen et al. 2000, Honda et al.
2000, Irie et al. 2001, 2003, Kikosch et al. 2001, Sunegawa & Magae 2002, Kuo et
al. 2004, Burns et al. 2005, Li et al. 2006). Studying gene functions extensively first
in easily to obtain C. cinerea transformants, thereby defining their exact roles in
development, can drastically reduce the workload when later confirming gene
functions in the other, less approachable species.
It is in addition possible to transform candidate genes from other species into
the characterised C. cinerea mutants to check conservation of functions. Currently,
only mating type genes from Coprinellus disseminatus (formerly Coprinus disseminatus),
Coprinopsis scobicola (formerly Coprinus bilanatus) and C. cinerea under control of their
native promoters have unambiguously been shown to work in heterologous higher
basidiomycetes (Challen et al. 1993, Kües et al. 2001a, James et al. 2006, Srivilai
2006). Several other basidiomycete promoters have been found to work across
species borders (Alves et al. 2004, Burns et al. 2005, Kilaru et al. 2006b,c, Rekan-
galt et al. 2004, 2007). Promoters of heterologous genes are therefore not ex-
pected to cause principle problems for expression in C. cinerea. However, fruiting
body-specific promoters from L. edodes and S. commune are expressed in the vegeta-
tive mycelium of monokaryons of C. cinerea (Kilaru et al. 2006b, P. Srivilai, unpub-
lished observation) and Phanerochaete chrysosporium (Alves et al. 2006) whereas the
fruiting body-specific cgl1 promoter from C. cinerea is expressed in the vegetative
mycelium of Hebeloma cylindrosporum (Rekangalt et al. 2004, 2007). This different b-
haviour of the promoters might not necessarily be due to that transcription factors
react differentially in the species. An altered global sequence environment in
which the promoters are embedded in the cloning vectors could also explain the
results. This idea is supported by experiments with the cfs1 and pkn1 mutants of
C. cinerea. For fully complementation of the cfs1 and pkn1 defects, it was not
sufficient to transform just the wildtype genes with their promoters into the
mutants. Instead, larger DNA fragments were required containing also the natural
neighbouring genes (Liu et al. 2006, P.-H. Clergeot et al. unpublished). Inactivat-
ing the cfs1 neighbouring genes by small internal deletions on the DNA fragments
used in transformation did not derogate the complementation results. This sug-
gests that the sensitive factor for correct expression is the global structure of the
chromosome at the places where the genes naturally reside (Liu et al. 2006). In
598 U. Kües et al.

mutant complementation experiments with heterologous genes in C. cinerea fruit-

ing mutants, exchanges of native promoters with fruiting-body specific promoters
on larger DNA fragments might therefore be required.
Transformation of mating type genes and the constitutive active rasVal19 mutant
allele into different C. cinerea monokaryons revealed that developmental reactions
can differ in strength and occurrence, depending on the genetic background of the
respective strains (Kües et al. 1998, 2002b, Bottoli 2001, Srivilai 2006).
Firstly, this is interesting since it indicates that in nature there is much flexibi-
lity in the system due to the normal dikaryotic state of the fruiting mycelium
(Moore 1981, Kües 2002). Breeding programmes for highly efficient strains in
P. ostreatus showed that mushrooms have many genetic loci scattered over the
whole genome which contribute to the fruiting body productivity of the strains
(QTLs, quantitative trait loci; Larraya et al. 2003). Such QTLs also appear to exist
in C. cinerea (Srivilai 2006).
Secondly, the results from transformations of mating type genes and rasVal19 in
different C. cinerea monokaryons indicate that observations from transformations
have carefully to be evaluated in the best suitable strains. Such ideal strains might
be obtained by genetic crosses under appropriate selection for best fruiters with
healthy mycelial growth (Kitamoto 2006). In classical crosses of distantly related
C. cinerea strains, large proportions of progenies will perform poorly in growth
and/or in fruiting body development (Liu et al. 1999, Srivilai 2006, P. Srivilai et al.
in preparation). Since positively selected for their ability to form fruiting bodies
without a prior need of mating, self-compatible haploid homokaryons present
strains with an expected good-quality pool of fruiting genes (Swamy et al. 1984).
By repeated backcrosses against strong, fruiting-proficient, self-compatible homo-
karyons, monokaryons co-isogenic to these homokaryons have been obtained
carrying such good-quality pool of fruiting genes (Liu et al. 2006, Srivilai 2006).

Little is so far understood about the physiological and genetic backgrounds of the
very complex differentiation processes in mushroom development in the higher
basidiomycetes. By the easy access through classical and molecular genetics,
C. cinerea is the preferred species to study fruiting body development. The fungus
forms mushrooms with cap and stipe. In C. cinerea, large collections of mutants are
available that can help to unravel the basics of the fruiting processes.
The genomes of the saprotroph C. cinerea (
annotation/fungi/coprinus_cinereus/background.html), the white-rot P. chrysospo-
rium (Martinez et al. 2004, Vanden Wymelenberg et al. 2006) and the
ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor (
DOEmicrobes2006.html) are released to the public. Genome sequencing of the
wood-colonising species S. commune [the other model of higher basidiomycetes for
Mushroom Biology and Genetics 599

studying developmental processes which has fan-shaped fruiting bodies (Kothe

2001, Wösten & Wessels 2006)] is ongoing at JGI (DOE Joint Genome Institute; In addition, se-
quencing of the genome of the brown-rot Postia placenta has been accomplished
and the JGI has agreed to sequence other economical and ecological important
higher basidiomycetes (the edible white-rot P. ostreatus, the edible saprotrophic
compost fungus A. bisporus, the pathogenic white-rot Heterobasidion annosum, the
brown-rot Serpula lacrymans, and the ectomycorrhizal species Paxillus involutus).
Soon, we will have a vast amount of sequence data that will help to perform
comparative studies on genes acting in fruiting body development in order to
better understand the process also in terms of sustainable fruiting body
production by the mushroom industry and possibly in the forests, too.

Acknowledgements. MNG received a PhD grant from CONACYT Mexico, PS

from the Mahasarakham University of Thailand, and WC from the Rajamangala
University of Technology, Lanna Phitsanulok Campus, Thailand. Financial
support of our laboratory by the DBU is acknowledged. Work on mutants in
fruiting at the ETH Zurich was financed by the Swiss National Science Founda-
tion (Grant 31-59157.99) and an ETHZ-internal research grant shared with
Markus Aebi.

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