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LG1: 1989

The Chartered Institutionof Building Services Engineers
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© 1989

ISBN 0 900953 38 1

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Typesetand printed inGreat Britain byTheYale Press Limited.SF25 SLY.

Foreword This is the first Guide on Lighting for Industrypublished by the Lighting
Division of CIBSE (or its predecessor, The Illuminating Engineering
Society).It isintendedas a introduction to the subject ofindustrial lighting
for lighting engineers, specifiers, users and students. It is essentially a
compendiumofexperience.Withtheaimofmakingthe guide suitable fora
wide readership the task group has concentrated upon the practical
applications of lighting in industry and on giving proven solutions to
practical problems.
The task groupwould like to acknowledgethe help of W Burt, Esq., and
the time and facilities provided by the City of Manchester Council, the
ElectricityCouncilResearchCentre, EngineeringDesign andProcurement
Limited, the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board, Philips
Lighting Ltd andThorn Lighting Ltd.
Task Group
A Wilson Chairman
PR Boyce Technical Editor
B Hill
MAC Heanly
R Hoey
Publications Secretary
KJ Butcher
Co-ordinating editor

Contents Page
1 Introduction 1
2 Lighting forindustry 2
2.1 Theiluminanceon thetask 2
2.2 Theplaneofthetask 2
2.3 Illuminanceuniformity 2
2.4 Obstruction 3
2.5 Lighting ofthegeneral surround 3
2.6 Surfacereflectances 3
2.7 Directglare 4
2.8 Glarebyreflection 4
2.9 Colourproperties S
2.10 Stroboscopiceffects 5
2.11 Environmentalconditions 6
2.12 Maintenance 6
2.13 EnergyConsumption 6
2.14 Emergencylighting 7
3 Recommendationsinteriorlighting 7
3.1 Introduction 7
3.2 Workshopunits 8
3.3 Fuel industries 8

3.4 Metal manufacture .13
3.5 Ceramics 16
3.6 Chemicals 19
3.7 Mechanicalengineering 21
3.8 Electricalandelectronicengineering 25
3.9 Food, drinkand tobacco 26
3.10 Textiles 29
3.11 Leatherindustry 33
3.12 Clothingandfootwear 33
3.13 Timberandfurnishing 34
3.14 Papermakingand printing 35
3.15 Plasticsandrubber 40
3.16 Distribution and storage 41
3.17 Ancillaryareas 44
3.18 Techniquesofvisualinspection 46
3.19 Emergencylighting 51
4 Exteriorlighting recommendations 53
4.1 Introduction 53
4.2 Loadingbays 53
4.3 Outdoor working andstorage 56
4.4 Factory roadwaylighting 60
4.5 Securitylighting 62
4.6 Sidings,marshallingyardsandgoodsyards 65
4.7 Dockyards,terminals, jettiesandquays 67
5 Equipment 69
5.1 Lightsources 69
5.2 Luminaires 71
5.3 Control systems 75
5.4 Maintenanceoflightingequipment 75
6 Lightingdesign 79
6.1 Introduction 79
6.2 Objectives 79
6.3 Specification 79
6.4 Generalplanning 80
6.5 Detailedplanning 85

Appendix 1 Lightsourcecolour 99

Appendix2 Illuminanceatapointreferencediagrams 100

Appendix3 Field measurementsofilluminance 103

Glossary 105

Bibliography 109

Index 111

The Industrial Environment

1 IntrodUctio The scope of thisguide is concerned with lighting for industry.Industry is

taken to be those activities involved in the production, treatment,
manufacture and distribution ofproducts. Associatedareas suchas offices
andsales roomsare notconsidered in this guide. By lighting is meant those
facilities whose primary purpose is to enable people to see to perform work.
Light as a direct part of the production process is not considered in this
guide. Given the myriad of different products produced by industry it is
impossibleto consider each one separately andeven if it was the resulting
document would be extremely large and very repetitious. Therefore,the
approachadopted here is toconsidereach industryseparately, bringingout
the specific lighting problems posed by that industry. Ifyou cannot find a
mention ofthe activitywhich interests youin thisguide then examiningthe
discussionofan analogousactivity willoften be worthwhile.

Lighting, as used in industry,has three objectives:to facilitate quick and

accurate work, to contribute to the safety of those doing the work and to
create a good visual environment. These three objectivesare not mutually
exclusive. Indeed, if quick and accurate work is to be possible then visual
discomfort needs to be eliminatedand safetyensured.
The lighting conditions needed to facilitate rapid and accurate work are
determined by several different factors. First amongst them are the
capabilitiesof the humanvisual system in different lighting conditions. As
the luminance to which the visual system is adapted increases, people's
abilities to discriminate fine detail, identify small contrasts and see
significant differences in form and colour all improve. Second, is the
stimulus presented to the visual system; the smaller the size of detail, the
lower the contrast of those details, the shorter the time for which the
stimulus is presented and the less predictable the position where the
stimulus will appear, the more difficult will be the situation faced by the
visual system. Most of these variablesare determined by the taskitselfbut
lighting conditions can have an effect as for example when veiling
reflectionschange the contrast of the task or the directional properties of
the lighting change the perception of form. Third, is the role of the
informationobtained visuallyin the performance of the overall task. Some
tasks are largely visual but others can almost be done with the eyes shut.
The greater the significance ofthe visualpart ofthe taskto the speed andlor
accuracy with which the task can be done, the greater is the importance to
be attached to the lighting conditions.

It must be stressed that it is as important to apply the correct colour and

form of lighting as it is to accurately achievea specified illuminance. The
successof an installation should not be judged by lightmeters but through
theeyes ofthose who havetoperformthe work. Similarly,efficiencyshould
not be rated simply by the effectivenessofgathering all the lamp lumens
and exclusivelydirecting them onto the working plane, but rather by the
easewith which the taskcan be seen andby the contribution ofthe lighting
installation to making the workplacemore agreeable.

The readeris urged to read through the whole ofthisguide andnot simply
to turn to the tables ofrecommendations. Throughout the text, successful
lighting techniques are discussed. Learnto analyse the visual task and the
lighting problem. Ifan operativehasmoved a lamp by tyingit into position
with a piece ofstring thinkwhy and buildon it. Ifcertain jobs can only be


carried out at a particular time of day with the aid of daylight try to
understand why.
The recommendationsand advice givenin this guide are representative of
good practice and are based on practical experience, scientific knowledge

2 Lighting for industry In order to provide good lighting conditions for industry it is necessaryto
consider carefullythe followingaspects.

2.1 The illuminance of The illuminancein the task is the mainquantitative criterion used for all
the task forms of functional lighting, including industrial lighting. It is the
illuminanceon the task which, in combination with the reflectness of the
materials from which the taskis constructed and the immediatesurround-
ings to the task, determines the sensitivity of the visual system. The
illuminance recommendedin this guide are given in the form of standard
serviceilluminances,that is, the illuminanceson the taskaveragedover the
relevant areaand over onecomplete maintenance cycle of the installation.
The relevant area can be the immediate taskor a part ofa workshop or the
complete factoryfloor.
The illuminances recommended in this guide are consistent with those
recommendedin the CIBSE Code for InteriorLighting1984. As such,they
represent good lighting practice. The illuminancesrecommended here are
generallygreater than those recommended in the recent Health andSafety
GuidanceDocument 38, Lighting at Work, published by the Health and
Safety Executive. This is because the recommendations published in the
Health andSafetyGuide quiteproperly consideronly the effectsoflighting
conditions on health and safety. The illuminances recommended in this
guide are based onadditional considerations,suchas task performanceand
the appearanceof the workplaces. As an example,it is recommended that
the minimum average illuminance in any continuously occupied interior
should not be less than 200 lx, for reasonsofamenity.

2.2 The plane of the task It is common in industry for tasksto occuron different planes, horizontal,
vertical and anywhere in-between. The illuminance recommendations
given in thisguide are to be produced on the plane in which the tasklies.
A common failing of lighting in industry is the provision of low illumi-
nances on the vertical plane. The usual causes are the use of narrow
distribution luminaires and/or the overspacingof luminaires. Illuminance
on the vertical plane is muchmore sensitive to changesin spacingbetween
luminaires than is illuminance on the horizontal plane. Therefore it is
possible to haveconditionsin which theilluminanceon the horizontalplane
meets the illuminancerecommendationsbut the illuminanceon thevertical
plane is much reduced and markedly non-uniform. Typically, the best
approach to avoiding this problem is to use luminaireswith a batwing or
similar wide distribution, at a reduced spacing. Higher room surface
reflectancescan also help (see Section2.6).

2.3 llluminance uniformity The standardserviceilluminancesrecommended in thisguide areaverages

over the relevantarea.For such valuesit is alwaysnecessaryto consider the
range of illuminances that should be allowed to occur about the average.
This is the purpose ofthe illuminanceuniformity criterion. This criterion


takes two forms. First, the ratio of minimum illuminance to average

illuminanceover the relevantarea should not be less than 0.8.
This criterion is appropriate for a space which is to be lit uniformly.
However, some industrial premises can conveniently be divided into
working andnon-workingareas. A typical non-workingarea would be one
used for storage, either ofincoming materials or completed manufactures.
If this is the situation then it is possible to light the working and non-
workingareasto different illuminancesbut both to the sameuniformity and
limitingGlareIndex standards. Itis then recommendedthat the ratio ofthe
illuminancesofthe workingarea to the illuminanceofthenon-workingarea
should not be greater than 3:1.

Of course, sub-dividing any space into working and non-working areas

limits the flexibilityofuse ofthat space. An alternativeapproach would be
to use either switching or one of the increasinglysophisticated dimming
systemsavailable to allow the illuminanceproduced by a singleinstallation
to be varied to match the locationofactivitiesin the space.

2.4 Obstruction Itis acommon feature ofmanyindustries that thereisextensiveobstruction

to the distribution of light from the lighting installation. Large pieces of
machinery, overhead conveyers, cranes and pipework can all cause such
obstruction. If obstruction and the consequent possibilityofshadowingis
thought likely to be a problem then specialcareis required in the design of
the installation.

There are a number of approaches which can be used to reduce the

problems caused by obstructions. First, if the obstruction is by overhead
conveyers, etc., the possibility of positioning the lighting below the
obstruction should be considered. Second, if there are a few large
obstructionsin the space,a suitable approach is tocheckthat all parts ofthe
space are lit by at least two luminaires. These luminaires can be roof
mounted or can be flood lights mounted on the walls. This, approach,
together with high surfacereflectancesin the interior, should eliminateany
patchesoflowilluminance.Third, andmost generally,the spacingbetween
luminairescan be reduced, the amount ofreduction beinggreater thelarger
the size and numberof obstructions and the lower the reflectances of the
obstructions. Typically a one-third reduction in the maximum spacing!
mounting height ratio is required.

2.5 Lighting of the Except in those areas where it is detrimental to efficientperformance ofthe
general surround task, illuminance of the walls and overhead surfaces will improve the
appearance of the workplace. Luminaires having a sharpcut-off, i.e. with
no upward light component, when usedin areaswithlow reflectancecreate
a tunnel-like appearancewhich can be depressing, as in Figure2.1.

2.6 Surface reflectances The reflectancesof the surfaces in an individual interior can make an
important contribution to the quality ofthe lighting. Bymaking use ofhigh
reflectances for the surfaces in the interior, the installation will be made
more efficient,the shadowingeffect ofany obstructionswill be reduced and
the magnitude of discomfortglare will be reduced. Ideally, the reflectance
of the floor should be at least 0.2 and the walls at least 0.5. If light is
reflected off the ceiling or roof to a significant degree, then this surface
should havea reflectance ofat least 0.7. The cover photograph showingthe
military vehicles, illustrates the appearance of an interior using high


reflectance surfaces.

Figure 2.1Tunnellike appearancecaused byluminaireswith noupwardlight

2.7 Direct glare Directglareis theglareoccurring becauseofa direct view ofthe luminaires.
Twoforms ofglareare knowntoexist, disabilityglareanddiscomfortglare.
Disability glare occurs when the presence of a bright lightsource close to
the line of sight makes the task more difficult to see. The most common
experienceofdisabilityglareis meetingacarwith headlightson full beamat
night. This is likely to occur on factory roads, construction sites and other
places where traffic moves. The presence of road lighting or site lighting
will considerablyreduce disabilityglareexcept in extreme cases. Disability
glare can alsooccurindoors, for example, to a fork-lift driverlooking up
towards a luminaire when attempting to place a pallet on some high level
racking, but careful selectionand positioningof luminaires will eliminate
Discomfort glare occurs when people experience discomfort without any
detrimentaleffectsofvision. In thisguide, discomfortglare is controlled by
ensuring that the GlareIndex ofthe lighting installationdoes not exceed the
limiting GlareIndex recommended, (see Section6.5.6).

2.8 Glare by reflection Glare by reflection occurs when a high luminance luminaire is reflected
from aglossysurface. It can be a particularly seriousproblem when critical
viewingofhighly polished surfacesor newly machined metal is called for.
Sometimesthe high luminance reflections forming the reflected glare can
be useful for revealingform but iftheyarenotuseful theycan be reduced by
using low luminance luminaires, or by arranging the luminaire/work!
viewergeometry so that reflectionsarenot directedalong thenormal line of
sight. Reflectedglare canbe eliminatedby changingfrom glossy (specular)
surfaces to man surfaces for the material being worked.


2.9 Colour properties In some industrial work people are required to make accurate colour
judgements. Where thisis the case light sourceswithaCIE GeneralColour
Rendering Index of greater than 80 are recommended(see Appendix 1 for
details of the CIE General Colour Rendering Index). These light sources
can be used either for the completeinstallation or, ifthecolour judgements
are to be done in a specified location, an inspection booth can be
constructed in which the articles being examinedare largely shieldedfrom
light from the general lighting installation. Theinspectionbooth should be
lit by the correct lamp and surfaces should be of medium reflectanceand
neutral in colour. It should be noted that with modern light sources it is
possible to have a high CIE General Colour Rendering Index as well as a
high luminousefficacy(amount oflightper watt).

2.10 Stroboscopic effects The stroboscopiceffect is an illusionwhich makesrotating or reciprocating

machineryappear as stationary or movingat a different speed than that at
which it really is. It occurs when the light source produces a regular
oscillationin light output. Such oscillationsoccur with all lightsources fed
from an a.c. supply but are almostalwaysinsufficientin magnitudetocause
any perceptible stroboscopiceffect. However, when a stroboscopic effect
does occur it can cause considerablediscomfort and possibly danger. The
key to eliminating it is to reduce the magnitude of the oscillationsin the
light source reaching the rotating or reciprocating machinery. Figure 2.2
shows the variation in the magnitude of these oscillationsusing different
control circuits on fluorescent lamps. This can be done by (a) usinghigh
frequency control gear, where this is available, (b) by having alternate
luminaireson different electricalphases and ensuring that the critical area
receives light in roughly equalproportions from more than one luminaire,
(c) supplementing the lighting of machinery by local luminaires using
lamps, such as incandescent lamps, which have only a small oscillationin
light output. For this approach to work the illuminance provided by the
local luminaire must be significantlygreater than that of the general room

t ot

10 ms
20 —ø-t
ElectronicHF operation at 35 kHz
1O 20 —t
Lead/log circuit— inductive/capacitive50Hz Ballast/startercircuit-inductive50 Hz

Figure 2.2 Variationinlight output with control Circuit


2.11 Environmental Many industries involveconditionswhich are hostile andior hazardous. By

conditions hostile is meant anenvironmentinwhich damage to lighting equipmentcan
occur. Damage can be caused by excessive heat, cold, vibration or a
corrosiveatmosphere. By hazardousis meant an environment in which the
operation of the lighting equipment poses the risk of fire or explosion.
Where such conditionsoccur thelighting equipment has tobe selectedwith
care. Full guidance is given in the CIBSE Application Guide: Lighting in

2.12 Maintenance Lighting installations start to deteriorate from the moment they are first
switchedon. The light outputfromlamps reduces with increasinghoursof
use. The light emitted from luminaires will diminish as the luminaires
become increasingly dirty. The inter-reflected light in an interior will
reduce as the interior becomesmore dirty.To maintain thelightoutputofa
lighting installation it is necessary to carry out maintenance of the
installation. The first requirement of such maintenance is ease of access.
This is something that should always be considered when designing an
installation. Figure 2.3 showsa schemefor a bulk handling plantwhere the
luminaires have been positioned to facilitate ease of maintenance, whilst
still paying regard to the lighting requirements. Furthermore, the most
suitable cleaningintervals for lamp replacementand luminaire and surface
cleaningandthe bestmeans ofcarryingout thismaintenanceshould also be
considered when designing the installation. Further advice is given in
Section 5.4.

Figure2.3Typical schemefor bulkmaterials handlingplant

2.13 Energy consumption Lighting installations consume electricity and so cost money to run.
Therefore, the energycosts ofaninstallation are important. Twoaspectsof
the installation determine the energy cost, the installed power of the
installation, and the numberofhoursthe installation is used.
Installed power is determined by the choice of light source and luminaire,
the proportions of the interior and the reflectance of the rooms of the
interior surfaces. Table 2.1 gives some target installed power loadingsfor
uniform lighting installationsin interiors usingconventionalequipment.
Table2.1 Targetinstalledpower loadingsfor uniformindustriallightingofinteriorsW/m2
. Standardservice illuminance (lx)
Mountingheight 200 300 500 750
5 metresorless 6 10 16 25
Greaterthan 5 metres 4 6 10 15

A more sophisticatedsetoftarg et power limitsisdiscussedin the CIBSECode

forInterior Lighting 1984.

It should be noted that the power consumed by any control system

necessaryto operate the chosen lampsshould be included in the total power
ofthe installation.
It is important to note that these power loading targets are secondary
criteria as far as lighting is concerned. The lighting conditions to be
achievedare the primary criteria. The purpose ofthe power loadingtargets
is to indicate the power within which it should be possible to provide the


recommendedlighting conditions.Withcareful designit maybepossible to

achievelower power loadings. Conversely, theremay be situations where
special requirements justifya power loadingabove the target value.
Thereare a numberofcircumstanceswhere the power loadingtargets may
need to be increased. These are (a) where a Glare Index ofless than 22 is
required, (b) where special luminaires, e.g. flameproof or corrosion-proof
luminairesare required, (c) where considerableobstruction to the lighting
is likely to occur.
As for the hours ofuse ofthe installation, these can be controlledby oneof
the many different control systems which are available (see Section 5.3).
Simpletime switchesare all that is needed to match the useofthelighting to
the use ofthe space. Photocell switches can be used to match the use of the
lighting to the availabilityofdaylight. Lamp types with long restrike times
andrun-up times are not suitablefor frequent switchingso care isnecessary
when consideringthe use ofsuchcontrol systems.

2.14 Emergency lighting Under the Health andSafety at WorkAct1974, emergency lighting may be
required in industrial premiseswherever thereis deemed to be a risk to the
safety, health or welfare of employees, should the normal lighting fail.
Failure of the normal lighting can cause three different types of hazard,
depending onthe natureoftheindustry. For allindustries, a hazardexists if
people have to evacuate the building in darkness. Emergency lighting
should be providedto allow people to safely and quickly leave the building.
For some industries, there is an additional requirement, namely to bring
plant or processes into a safe, stable state before evacuating the area. For
others, there is a need to continue operations, even though the normal
lighting has failed. The extent and nature of the emergency lighting
required in industrial premisesis determined by the type ofoccupancy, the
size and complexity of the site and the processes undertaken. Detailed
guidance on emergencylighting is given in CIBSE Technical Memorandum
12, EmergencyLighting.

3 Recommendations interior lighting

3.1 Introduction Many different building typescan be considered as industrial premises,

from the simple shells widely used for light industry to the large purpose-
built plant associated with computer aided manufacture. Further, many
industrial sites have a range of buildings as well as exterior areas requiring
lighting. This diversity makes it difficult to simply specify lighting
conditionsappropriate to all forms ofindustry.Theapproach adopted here
is to split the recommendations into two parts, interior and exterior
lighting. Interior lighting ranges from simple workshop units to complex
storage and distribution facilities. Exterior lighting ranges from security
lighting on premisestositeroadsandmarshallingyards. Even with suchan
extensive range of applications it may be that some situations have not
been considered. If a search of the contents fails to reveal the set of
recommendations for the specific application that interests you, then the
bestcourse to adopt is to search for an analogoussituation where the nature
of the tasks, their layout and the environmental conditions are similar to
those ofinterest. For example,theproblem oflighting quarries issimilar to
those faced when attempting to light coal tips. If you are interested in
lighting quarries the recommendationson coal tips may be useful.


3.2 Workshop unit Application Standard Service Limiting Glare

300 22
Workshop units

Probably the most basic form of lighting for industry occursand in advanced
These are shed type buildings occur on
factory units. usually simple
industrial estates all over the country. Often these unit are built before they
are leased or sold or there is no knowledge of what they will be used for. The
lighting is almost always a combination of daylighting by rooflights and
electric lighting from a regular array ofluminaires.Thespecificationofthe
electric lighting is simply to light the area uniformly using conventional
equipment. There are assumed to be no special requirements relevant to
lighting, suchas accurate colour judgementor fine discrimination ofform
or detail. Further, the areais assumed to be free from operation oflighting
equipment, suchas extreme heator cold, marked vibration, excessivedirt
or damp, or a corrosive or flammable atmosphere.
Ifthe activityto becarried out in the spaceis known it is possibleto use the
recommendations given in other parts of this guide when designing the
lighting. However, if the activity to be carried out in a space is unknown
then the recommended design conditions are as given above. An install-
ation which meets these recommendations will provide good quality
lighting for a wide range of activities.

3.3 Fuel industries Electricity generation, transmission and distribution

Other relevant documents
1. The ElectricityRegulations,1908. 2.Central ElectricityGeneratingBoard, Standard 12701, CEGB,
1981. 3. CIBSETechnical Memorandum6: Lighting and visual displayunits.4. CIBSE Application
Guide: Lighting in hostile and hazardous environments.

Applications Standard Service Limiting Glare

Illuminance(lx) Indices

(operatingfloor) 200 25
Boiler and turbine house
basements 100 25
Boiler houses, platforms,
100 —
areas around burners
oil plant rooms, H.V.
150 —
Control rooms 300 19

Gas Manufacture, storage and distribution

Other relevant documents
1. The ChemicalWorks Regulations(1922).2. British Gas EngineeringStandardPS/ELi. 3. CIBSE
ApplicationGuide: Lighting in Hostile and Hazardous Environments.4. CIBSE Technical Memo-
randum 6: Lighting and visual displayunits.
Applications Standard Service Limiting Glare
Illuminance(lx) Indices

Relay and tele-

communicationrooms 300 25
Swicchrooms 150 25
Pump houses,water
150 —
treatment planthouse
Standby generator

rooms, compressorrooms 150
150 —


Oil refining
Other relevant documents
1. TheChemical WorksRegulations, 1922.2.ThePatentFuel Manufacture(Health &Welfare)Special
Regulations1946. 3. The highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations,
1972. 4. The Protection of Eyes Regulations1974 (amended 1975). 5. CIBSE Application Guide:
Lighting in Hostile and Hazardous Environments.
Applications Standard Service Limiting Glare
Illuminance(lx) Indices
Exterior walkways,
platforms,stairs and ladders 50 —

Exterior pump and valve

areas 100 —

Pump and compressor houses 150 —

Process plant with remote

control 50 —

Process plant requiring

occasional manual
intervention 100 —

work stations in process
200 —
Control rooms for ptocess
plant 300 19

CoalMining (Surface buildings) WithFuelIndustries

Other relevant documents
1. Mines and Quarries Act 1954 and associated Regulations.2. MiningIndustryAct 1920andassociated
Regulations.3. National Coal BoardUndergroundLightingRecommendations.4. NationalCoal Board
Design Guide for Coal Preparation Plant. 5. CIBSE Application Guide: Lighting in Hostile and
Hazardous Environments.

Application Standard Service Limiting Glare

Illuminance(lx) Indices
Coal Preparation Plant
Walkways, floors undec
50 —
Wagon loading, bunkers 50 —

Elevators, chutetransfer
pits, washbox area 100 —

Drum filters, screens,

rotating shafts 150
Picking belts 200 —

Lamp Rooms
Repair section 300 25
Other areas 150 28
Coke Ovens
Oven top 30 —

Gas alleyways 50 —

Platformsand walkways 50 —

Quenchingstation 50 —

Paddle feeder pit 100 —

Control Rooms 300 19

3.3.1 Introduction Here we are concerned with the facilities used to produceand distribute
fuel. For electricity, these facilities cover power stations and the national
grid, including the associated transformer and switching complexes. For
gas, the facilitiesinvolve on-shore pumping stations and storage facilities.
Off-shore gas rigs are excluded. For oil, the facilities include on-shore
pumping stations and refineries. Again off-shore production and explor-
ation rigs are excluded. For coal, these facilities are limited to surface
buildingsonly. Mine lightingis a very specialisedfield which is not covered
by this guide.


3.3.2 Lighting problems The lighting techniqueswhich maybe required in theseindustries can vary
widely, from large scale area floodlighting, e.g. for a coal stockyard at a
power station, to the uniform lighting of high bay interiors, e.g. turbine
halls and conventionaloffices.Most situations within these industries can
be met by routine solutions but there are some situations which are
common to all fuel industries and which require special consideration. Control rooms A common feature of these industries is the existence of control rooms.
These rooms are the nerve centres of the operation, controlling the
production ofthe fuel andloritsdistribution. Such control rooms tend to be
occupied by few people but what they do influences the operation of the
whole facility.Further, the control room usuallyoperatescontinuously, 24
hoursa day, 365 daysa year. The essenceof the control room is to present
informationto theoperators onthe state ofthe system so that they can make
any necessaryadjustments. This information was, until recently, usually
presented on a large display board, often taking some form of mimic
diagram, but thereis nowa tendency toprovide suchinformation bymeans
of visual display units.
Whatthismeansforthe lighting engineeris that he/shemay be dealing with
informationdisplayedon vertical ornear verticalsurfaces, presented either
by reflection from the surface or by self-luminous means, or by some
combination of the two.

For a mimic diagram, suchas a network diagram, itis important to provide

an illuminance of at least 500 lx. This illuminance should be provided
uniformly, from top to bottom and from side to side of the diagram. The
ratio of the minimum illuminance to the average illuminance on the
diagram should be greater than 0.8. For large sized diagrams a special
lighting installation may be necessary to achieve such uniformity (see
Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1 Lightingcontrol roomshowing (a)Mimicdiagram;

(b)Self-illuminated mimicdiagram abovecut.offangle;


It should be noted that while the illuminance recommended, 500 lx, is

adequate for most display boards, if small details have to be seen from a
relatively long distance, or some low contrast details have to be seen, a
higher illuminancewill be required. Conversely,if the information on the
displayis self-luminous,care willhave tobetakento ensure that thegeneral
diagram lighting does not make the self-luminouscomponent ofthedisplay
ineffective. Thus the exact form of the lighting and illuminance provided
for a mimicdiagram depends on the exact form ofthe diagram. However, if
thishas notbeen decided at the time the lighting is designed(a not unusual
situation) itis important to provide some flexibilityofilluminance,through
dimming, but to maintain uniformity.
For an interior where VDUs are widely used, care is necessary to avoid
reflectionsfrom the display screen and luminance imbalance between the
luminance of the display screens, of associated documents and of
surrounding areas. There are three lighting approaches by which these
problems can be avoided.
The first is by a careful choice of position for each luminaire. This is
sometimesa practical option because many control rooms are occupied by
only a few people, each with a largeamount ofspace. Further, these people
are usually facingthe same way, towards the mimic diagram. Therefore by
positioning luminaires forward of the display unit, reflections can be
avoided, although care is still necessaryto avoid veiling reflections from
material on thehorizontalsurfaces. These can beavoidedby positioningthe
luminaires so they are forward and to the side of the control desks.
The second approachis to use uplighting (see Figure 3.2).This is a method
of lighting in which light is taken from the lamp and distributed evenly
across the ceiling, this surface thereby becoming a large area, low
luminance lightsource. By ensuring that the average ceilingluminance is
less than 500 cdlm2andthe maximumceilingluminance at any pointis less
than 1500 cdlm2 and that the changes in luminance are smooth, any
reflectionswhich occur from the display screens will be of low brightness
and so be less noticeable. Uplighting has been found to be effective for
control room lighting, particularly where VDUs with some form of screen
treatment to reduce the specularity of the screen are being used.

\I \7 T

Cut-off Reflected
angle light

Figure 3.2Control roomlit byuptighters Figure 3.3 Silvered paraboliclow brightness

The third approach is to use low luminance luminaires (see Figure 3.3).
These luminaires provide a closely controlled luminous intensity distri-
bution sothat the luminanceofthe luminaireis less than200cd/rn2 atangles
greater than 50° from the downward vertical. This luminous intensity
distribution means that high luminance reflections are not seen in
conventionallypositioned display screens, i.e. screens standing on a desk
andviewedby someonesitting at the desk. It is important to realise that if

thisassumption about the positioningof the VDUs is notmet, then the use
of low luminance luminaires can make the situation worse rather than
The choice betweenthese approachesis governedby the circumstances.As
a general guide, it can be said that, where available, position is the most
certain approach to avoidingproblems with high brightness reflections.If
careful positioning is not possible, and the VDUs are conventionally
mounted, then the choice between uplighting and low luminance lumin-
aires depends on the specularityofthe display screens and the importance
attached to the appearance of the room. If a completely specular display
screen is being used, then the low luminance luminaire approach is the
better but the interior will tend to look rather gloomy unless a high floor
reflectance is used. If other types of display screen are in use then
uplighting will control high brightness reflections and provide a more
attractive interior. Ifthe VDUs are not conventionallypositioned then only
the uplighter system is available. However, recently a number of hybrid
Walkway luminaires providing both uplightmg and closely controlled downlight-
ing have been produced.

Further advice on these problems can be obtained from CIBSE TM6

LightingofVisualDisplay Units, CIE Publication60LightingandtheVisual
Display Unit Work Station and other references given in the bibliography.
Whatever the form ofroom lighting adopted it is important to remember
threefacts, all related to the fact that control rooms operate continuously.
The first is that in these situations people like some control over their
environment. Thus thereis alot to be said for providingas much flexibility
Figure 3.4 Luminairecolumnattachedto as possible in an interior, either by dimming or switching, but preferably
the former. The second is that operators need to continue or to safelyclose
down the plant should the mains supply fail. The illuminances needed in
emergencysituations would depend on the specificcircumstancesbut may
beashigh as the normal illuminanceprovided. The third is that the lighting
installation will have to be maintained, probably with the control room in
operation. This suggests that the installation should be designed for
infrequent maintenancebut in sucha waythat maintenanceprocedures are
easy. In particular, access tolighting equipment should be straightforward. Large outdoorplant The electricity oil and coal industries commonly have very large outdoor
plant, e.g. oil refineries, coal handling plant. Such plants tend to be
complex with many platformsat different levels. Itis rarely possible to plan
any form of regular lighting array and it is difficult to assess the effect of
light spilling from one area to another. If the plant is existing it is best to
makea sitevisit andmarkupsuitable mounting positions on plans andthen
carryout the calculationofdirect illuminancetodetermine the type andsize
of luminaire, followedby a further site visit to confirm the scheme. If the
plantdoes not exist then a series ofplans drawn upontracing paper laid on
top of one another will assist in determining suitable luminaire fixing
positions. Luminaires should be mounted away from the major sources of
dirt and corrosion and be accessible for maintenance. This may mean that
some form of directional luminaire mounted at the sides ofthe structure is
used. Where no suitable structure can be found for mounting it will be
necessary to provide brackets or columns for mounting luminaires (see
Figure 3.4).
Because such plants contain many stairways and platforms reflectance
factors are usuallylow and there is considerableobstruction. It is essential
to ensure that light is not obstructed andluminairesare not spacedbeyond
cut-offangles causing dangerous dark spots.

THE INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT Hazardous areas All fuel industries have areas which are hazardous in the sense that the
operation oflighting installationsin theseareasmay posea risk offire andl
or a risk of explosion.This is particularly trueofthe gas andoil industries
where whole installations, e.g. refineries, are considered hazardous areas.
This is a specialised field of lighting requiring specifically designed
equipment which meets all the relevant standards. Full details of the
problems faced by the lighting engineer and the relevant standards are
given in CIBSE Application Guide: Lighting in Hostile and Hazardous
Environments. Hostile areas Again, all fuel industries will contain areas which are hostile to lighting
equipment, i.e. tend to pose the riskofdamage bycorrosion. Again, thisisa
specialisedarea callingfor the correct choice ofequipment. Full details of
the solutions to this problem can be found in CIBSE ApplicationGuide:
Lightingin Hostileand Hazardous Environments. Maintenance Alllighting installationsneed maintaining so lighting maintenance should

be considered in every design. However, there are some areas in the fuel
industrywhich pose particular problemsofmaintenance; a good exampleis
the coal and ash handling areas of a power station and coal preparation
plants. Lighting equipment capable of withstanding the associated
conditions should be selected using the ingress protection classification
system (see Section 5.2.1). Where hosing down is the common method of
cleaning, luminairesof1P55 or better should be used. Butthis alone is not
enough. By selectingthe appropriate equipment, dirt and moisture can be
prevented from entering the luminaire but the outside surfaces will still
need to be cleaned regularly. An essential prerequisite for good main-
tenance is easy access to the lighting equipment. Once access has been
gained, the equipment can be cleaned.

3.4 Metal manufacture Ozreanzdunu

1. The Protection ofEyes Regulations(1974)(Amended 1975). British Steel Corporation, Corporate
EngineeringStandardCES 35, 1981. 3. CIBSE Application Guide: Lightingin HostileandHazardous
Standard-Service —
Applications Illununance(lx) Indices

Sinter plant:
Plant floor 200 28

Mixerdrum, fan house,

screen houses,coolers,
transfer stations 150 28

Furnance cupolas:
General 150 28
Control platforms 300 —

Conveyor galleries,
walkways 50 28


Electric melting shops 200 28

Basic oxygen stcelmaking
General 150 28
Convertor floor, teeming
bay 200 28
Control platforms 300 —

Scrap bays 150 28


Metal forming and treatment
Ingotstripping, soaking
pits, annealingand heat
treatment bays, acid
recovery plant 200 28
Pickling and cleaning bays,
roughing mills, cold mills,
finishingmills, tinning and
galvanising lines, cup up
and rewind lines:
General 150 28
Control platforms 300 —
Wire mills, productfinishing,
steelinspectionand treatment 300 28
Plate/strip inspection 500 25
without manual operation 50 28
withoccasional manual
operation 150 28
withcontinuous manual
operation 200 28
Control room 300 19

Control platforms 300

charging floor, pouring,
shaking Out,cleaning,
grinding, fettling 300 28

Rough moulding, rough core

making 300 28
Finemoulding, fine core
making 500 25
Inspection 500 —
General 300 25
Inspection 500 —

3.4.1 Introduction Included under this heading are the manufacture of metals: aluminium,
brass, copper, iron, steel, etc., and theirforming into products by casting,
roliirig,-drawingand annealing. For the lighting engineer theseoperations
imply two conditions: heat and dirt. In some areas, such as furnace and
casting bays, both these conditions will be present. In others, including
surrounding plantareassuchas serviceroads, only dirt will be present.All
lighting engineers working in these areas will need to remember these
ubiquitous environmental conditions.

3.4.2 Lighting problems The general lighting solution for interior lighting in metalmanufacture is
high bayindustrial lighting, typicallyusing high intensity dischargelamps.
However, metal melting sometimes requires accurate judgement of tem-
perature from the colour of the molten metal. This may be difficult under
high pressure sodium dischargelamps so these light sources should be used
with care. These installations have to be capable of operating at high
temperatures, sometimes over 50°C. Temperatures like this may occur
anywhere but much higher temperatures occur close to furnaces. It is
uselesstoattemptto mountluminairesnearsuchlocalised'hotspots'so the
position of luminaires needs to be considered carefully in relation to the
layout of the plant. Controlgear should be mounted remotely from areasof
high ambient temperature. However, care should be taken over the
distance between the control gear and the lamp, particularly for ignitor
circuits. Manufacturers should be consulted aboutthe maximum distance
that is allowable.


The equipment usedalsohas to bechosen with care. Theinstallationwillbe

expectedtooperate reliablyover long periods with minimum maintenance.
Control gear should be of substantial construction. It should offer
maximum heatdissipationwhile preventing the ingress ofdust. Similarly,
luminaires should be of substantial construction and selected with care.
Self-cleaning luminaires can usually cope with the volume of dust in such
locations. However, any enclosed luminaire must be fitted with a gasket
suitable for the temperatures found in the plant. The luminaires chosen
should be capable of easy maintenance, because this will be required
frequently. Finally, there should be little risk of parts of the luminaire
becoming accidentallydetached duringmaintenance. If all these require-
mentscan be met and the installation can be laid out to ensure easy access
for maintenance, then many of the problems of lighting for metal
manufacture will be solved. However, there are a number of special
problems that deserve consideration. Crariage Inmany areasofplants usedin metalmanufacture considerablenumbers of
overheadcranesare used. Ifhigh intensity dischargelampsare usedfor the
general lighting thereis a risk of the crane obstructing a significantpartof
the lighting ofsome areas. This can be alleviatedby a staggered layout of
luminairesor by fitting each crane with boom lightsso that the cranecarries
some supplementary lighting with it, this configuration is shown on the
front cover ofthis guide. All the comments about the conditions in which
the high baylighting has to operate apply to suchboom lights,as wellas the
need to consider the effects of vibration. If vibration is likely to be a
problem filament lamps should not be used. Screw cap discharge lamps
withstand vibration better. Ifvibration is likely to be severe, anti-vibration
mountings should be provided. Local and localised lighting There are a number of operations in metal manufacture which call for
detailed visualwork andhence which require higherluminancesthan those
usually recommended for general movement. Such activities are re-lining
furnaces, ladle inspection and building up stopping rods, devices which
control the flow of metal from the ladle. Some form oflocalisedor angled
directional floodlighting may be needed in these areas. Control areas and rooms Controlareasand controlrooms arenow widelyusedin metalmanufacture.
A feature of these control rooms which differentiates them from those
discussed in the fuel industries is that there is usually a view of the plant
being controlled. In Figure 3.5 parabolic wedge luminaires have been set

Figure3.5Metal manufacturecontrolroom

into the ceiling, these minimisereflectionson the VDUs and the window,
they also produce good horizontal illumination. Viewing through glass
requires care becauseif the room surfaces in the control room are brighter
than the surfaces of the plant area being controlled, reflections from the
windowsmay be disturbing anddistracting. Fittingthe lighting installation
in such control rooms with dimming facilities is desirable. Otherwise the
problems of lighting control rooms are, again, those ofensuring adequate
lighting on vertical planesand avoidingreflectionsfrom instrument panels
andVDU screens. Theseproblemscan be overcomeby thecareful selection
of lighting approach, luminaires and positioning.

3.5 Ceramics Other relevantdocuments

1. The Protection of Eyes Regulations(1974) (amended1975). 2. The ClayWorks (Welfare) Special
Regulations, 1948.
. Standard Service Limiting Glare
Application . .
Illuminance (lx) Indices

Mixing, casting, cleaning 200 28

Grinding, moulding,
pressing, cleaning,
glazing, firing 300 28
Enamelling, colouring 750 16

3.5.1 Introduction In this context, ceramicsincludes concrete, pottery and glass and covers a
wide range of products. Theproducts of the ceramic industryare put to a
vastrange ofuses from windowglassto sanitary ware, from works ofart to
specialised scientific equipment.
3.5.2 Concrete products The lightingofareas usedin the production of concrete does not pose any
particular problemsto the lighting engineer provided careis takenwith the
selection of luminaires. The manufacture of concrete products tends to
involvedust and water. Therefore robust luminaires protected against the
ingress of dust and water are desirable (1P54 minimum).

3.5.3 Potteries Potteriesvary greatly in size but they all have areas where considerableheat
is produced. Care is needed to avoid positioningluminaires where they are
likely to bedamaged byheat.Mass produced pottery and porcelaindoes not
pose any problem for the lighting engineer until the finished productis
inspected, and then only a full appraisal of how and where the finished
itemsare inspected will reveal the bestapproach. Muchwilldependon the
value of the individual items produced and whether they are inspected
individually. Generallythisinspection willbe to detect anynon-uniformity
in body shape, the quality of surface glaze coverage and the constancy of
colour. The lightingengineer willusuallyadvisethat lightsourcesofColour
Rendering Group 1A or lB be used to assist discrimination ofcolours and
that care should betakento ensure that theilluminationprovided meets the
specifiedilluminancevalueswithin the inspection area without discomfort
glare or strong shadows.

Pottery and porcelain which is hand-crafted or painted presents rather

more difficult problems for the lighting engineer. The uniform lighting,
probablyquite satisfactoryand commonlyprovided for the general pottery
production areas, is not appropriate for hand-crafted production. It is
necessary to create conditions very close to those provided for most


inspection lighting, for the inherent requirements that are present in the
visual taskassociatedwith intricate hand painting andhigh class individual
glazing are accurate visual discrimination, colour discrimination,
perception offine detail and form, and possiblyeven matching of colours.
A high proportion ofthe most critical work isdone with the workpieceheld
or supported at approximately 45° angle and at short visual range. As
different features may be more effectivelyrevealed by different lighting
techniques it may be found that a number of identical luminaires,
preferably using two light sources of different colour rendering qualities
andwith separate switching and dimming facilities, under local operating
control, is the most satisfactoryand successfulsolution. An illustration of
this type of lighting is shown on the front cover.
To increase the vertical illuminance on the task the luminaires, which
should be capableoffull positional adjustment by the artist, will normally
require to be tilted parallel to the target plane.
There is to a large extent, a form of continuous visual inspection taking
place as the artist works and appraises the results of this effort, but
nevertheless some form of final inspection will be required prior to the
finished product being packaged. The most suitable form of inspection
lighting for any specific product can only be determined accurately by an
on-site survey of the visual task involved. A separate inspection room is
rarelypossible, but with individuallycreated porcelainfigures andchina an
inspection booth of some kind may be appropriate.
Section 3.18 covers the principles of lighting for visual inspection.
However, two techniques which are particularly useful in an inspection of
ceramics are transmitted and reflected images of the light source. For
translucentmaterials, such as porcelainwith a diffusesurface, a light source
positionbehind, below or within the productwill create transillumination
and hence reveal imperfectionswithinthe material itself. Ifthe purpose of
the inspection is to emphasise surface irregularities and the surface is
strongly specular, an overhead local luminaire positioned to reflect the
image of the source to the eye will reveal surface blemishes.

3.5.4 Glassworks . Standard Service Limiting Glare

Application . .
Illuminance (lx) In&ces

Furnace rooms, bending,

annealinglehrs 150 28
Mixing rooms, forming,
cutting, grinding,
polishing,toughening 300 28

cutting, etching,
silvering 500 22

500 —

It is only on the rare occasions when a new production plant specifically

intendedfor glass manufacture is built that the opportunity is given to the
lighting designer to provide a lighting system which is likely to create
optimum visualconditions.Mostlighting andvisualproblemsencountered
are to be found in existing glass making plants but a great deal can and
should be done to enhance these often onerous visual environments.

The term glass works conceals a wide divergence in visual needs and
although the applicationofgood lighting techniques at the 'hot end' of the

plant,(the furnacesandglassmakingmachineareas),are equallyapplicable

to all glass making factories, the range ofend products which leave those
factories can differ greatly, from a sheet of plate glass to a delicately
engraved wine goblet, from a milkbottle to a spectacle lens.
Atthe hotendofthe glassprocesswhere heatandatmosphericpollution are
excessive and plant machinery is large it is customary to find mounting
heights of20-2Sm available anda regular array ofhighbayluminairesis the
usual approach. The main problem is ensuring access for ongoing
maintenanceand lamp replacement as theseluminaires are likely to be in
the path of hot exhaust fumes created by extractor fans placed in the roof.
The question ofelectrical maintenancemust be studiedin detail, for with
activefurnaces and molten glass being constantly on stream, it is virtually
impossible to use conventional access equipment to reach the lighting
equipment. Heat, height, dense occupationoffloor space by cumbersome
plant,hot acrid fumes andpipework atintermediate heights abovethefloor
make anyunplanned maintenanceroutines extremely hazardous. Suchare
the onerous conditions found in this part of the works that prescriptive
methods of lighting are oftennot practical. Onlyan on-site inspection will
reveal what is possible in any particular plant.

Shadowscreated bylarge furnace plantcan be a problem whenconsidering

theilluminationofverticalsurfaces. Withexcessive ambient heatlevelsand
theusual design offurnacesuperstructure it maybeadvantageousto mount
floodlightson the superstructure tolightthe surrounding vertical surfaces.
In some areas, conventionalhigh baylighting maybe ineffectiveasmanyof
the floor areas are totally shielded from any overhead lighting. Then,
additional lighting must be placed under platforms and canopies to enable
work routines to be done in safety. Theseluminaires usually require to be
cleaned very frequently and therefore need to withstand washing by
pressure hose (1P55).
Some areas, for example, at the rear of furnace structures and machinery
where timer mechanismsneed to beadjusted whenchangesin a production
run are required, can be exceptionally restricted in size and can be
particularly dark. Some form of portable lighting is generally the most
satisfactory solution but as cables are frequently severed by moving
machinery or are completely burned by contact with hot metal surfaces
whilst in use, low voltage operation through a step-down transformer is

Inall areasthelighting designermustpayfullregard to safetyofmovement,

to providing fast and accurate vision for operating valves and furnace
controlsand to ensuring that the lighting equipment usedmeetsthe safety
and future maintenance problems associated with very hot, dusty and

Packing and despatch areas are normally associated with the 'coldend' of
the plantand generally these areas will be adequately served by standard
industrial luminairesin aregular array. Thedesign briefhowevermusttake
into account the fact that even at the cold end dust and machine vibration
can affect lampandcontrol gear life and luminaireperformance. It is likely
that there will be ample quantities of the chemical dusts created from the
silicates,borates andphosphateswhich constitute therawmaterials usedin
glass manufacture and can be expected to have a corrosive action on
unprotected luminaires. Care should be takento choose luminaires which
will withstand onerous conditions.

A high proportion of decorative glass manufacture involves complex

processes such as cutting, bevelling and etching. It is likely that supple-
mentary lighting ofoneform or another willbe needed for these activities.


The essentialcharacteristic of the supplementarylighting is that it should

be adjustable by the operator, both in positionand quantity. Care will also
have to be taken with the surroundings of the working area to avoid
specular reflectionsoccurring in the workpiece, the geometry of a typical
layout is shown in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6Principlesfor lightingofglassware

Many ofthe techniques recommendedfor the visualinspection ofspecular

materials may be appropriate with glass (see Section3.18). Small itemsof
glassware lend themselves ideally to directional lighting, where narrow
beams of light aimed at oblique angles, or edge lighting techniques will
produce excellentvisibilityofdetail suchas bubbles (seed), surface cracks
(crizzles) and various forms of scratches, by creating areas of high
luminance. Glasscontainers, particularly glass apparatus for the chemical
laboratory, may require illumination from the base to show any imper-
fections within, and rear illumination to enable an inspector to check on
symmetry or homogeneity by transiluminationand, where appropriate,
rotation (see Section 3.9.1).

3.6 Chemicals Other relevantdocwnents

1.TheChemicalWorksRegulations,1922.2.ThePatent FuelManufacture(Health&Welfare) Special
Regulations, 1946. 3. The Highly Flammable Liquids and LiquefiedPetroleum Gases Regulations,
1972. 4. The Protection of Eyes Regulations, 1974(amended 1975). 5. CIBSE ApplicationGuide:
Lighting in Hostileand HazardousEnvironments.
Standard Service Limiting Glare
Application Illuminance(lx) Indices

Petroleum, chemical and petrochemical works

Exterior walkways, plat-

forms, stairs and ladders 50
Exterior pump and valve
areas 100


Pump and compressorhouses 150
Processplantwith remote
control 50 —

manual intervention 100
work stations in process
200 —
Control rooms for process
plant 300 19

Pharmaceutical and fine chemicals manufacture

grinding, granulating,
mixing, drying, tableting,
preparation ofsolutions,
filling, capping, wrapping,
hardening 500 22

Fine chemicalmanufacture:
Exterior walkways, plat-

forms, stairs and ladders 50
Processplant 100 25
Fine chemical fmishing 500 25
500 —
Generalarea 300 25
Automaticprocesses 200 25
Control panels 300 —
Machines 300 25


General 300 25
Automaticprocesses 200 25
Control panels 300 —

Special batch mixing 750 22

Colourmatching 1000 19

3.6.1 Introduction The chemical industry covers an enormous range of premises from large
outdoor planttOCleanroomswhere the environmentiscarefullycontrolled.
A common characteristicof chemicalplantsis the presence of a hazardous
environment, (one in which the operation of the lighting equipment may
represent a riskoffireor explosion),orahostile environment, (oneinwhich
the lighting equipment is likely to suffer from corrosion). Advice on the
standards applicable to andthe selectionofequipment for these conditions
is givenin the CuRSE Application Guide:Lightingin HostileandHazardous

3.6.2 Outdoor chemical plant Large outdoor chemicalplantshavemuchin commonwith theoil industry.
The approaches discussed in Section 3.3 are therefore applicable.

3.6.3 Enclosed chemical plant Enclosed chemical plant have many featuresin common with heavy
industry. Adverse environmental conditions may include heat, vibration,
explosivegas/vapourmixtures and a corrosiveatmosphere. There is likely
to be considerable obstruction to any form of overhead lighting. Careful
selectionof lamps and luminaires to meet the environmental conditions is
required as is careful positioning of them, Figure 3.7 shows the individual
placing of luminaires around a hopper to provide the necessary task and
access lighting. It may be necessary to provide additional lighting at some
locations in the plant itself, particularly where there are control panels or


where obstruction is excessive. If the plant is used for continuous

production, theremay be a separate control room. The options for lighting
control rooms are discussed in Section 3.3.2. Supplementary lighting may
be necessary for maintenance work on parts of the plant.

Figure 3.7Individualplacementofluminairesonachemicalplatform

3.6.4 Pharmaceuticaland Plants for the manufacture offine chemicalsand pharmaceutical products
fine chemicals are frequently hazardous and corrosive in nature and suitably certified
corrosion-resistantluminaires must be used. In general, it is necessaryto
ensure that lamps are enclosed in anyareas where the productis processed
in open vessels. Theinstallationshould bedesignedtoexclude cavitiesin or
behind luminaires and associated wiring systems where dust and dirt can
settle and infestation can take place. The equipment must be capable of
easy and sometimesrigorous cleaning. This may require sealed luminaires
of ingress protection rating 1P54 to be recessedinto or onto a membraned
ceiling with the joints sealed with a suitable compound.
Attention must be given to the colourrendering ofthe lightsourcesusedto
ensure consistent colour rendering of the product. If accurate colour
judgements are required lampsofcolour rendering groups 1A or lB should
be used (see Appendix 1).

3.7 Mechanical Other relevantdocuments

1. The Protectionof Eyes Regulations, 1974 (amended 1975). 2. The Horizontal Milling Machines
engineering Regulations,1928. 3. The GrindingofCutleryand Edge Tools Regulations,1925. 4. The Grindingof
Metals(Miscellaneous Industries)Regulations,1925. 5.The HighlyFlammableLiquids and Liquefied
PetroleumGases Regulations,1972. 6. CIBSE Application Guidez Lighting in Hostileand Hazardous
Environments.7. Protectionagainst UltravioletRadiationin the Workplace,National Radiological


Standard Service Limiting Glare

Application Illuminance(lx) Indices
Structural steel fabrication
General 300 28
Marking off 500 28

Sheetmetal works
Pressing, punching, shearing,
stamping, spinning, folding 500 22
inspection 750 22
Machineand tool shops
Rough bench andmachine
work 300 25
Medium bench and machine
work 500 22
Fine bench and machine
work 750 22

Gauge rooms 1000 19

Die sinking shops

General 500 22
Fine work 1500

Weldingand solderingshops
Gas and arc welding,
rough spot welding 300 28

Medium soldering,brazing,
spot welding 500 28
Fine soldering,fme spot
welding 1000

Rough work, e.g. frameand
heavy machineryassembly 300 25
Medium work, e.g. engine
assembly 500 22
Fine work, e.g. office
machineryassembly 750 19
Veryfine work, e.g.
instrument assembly 1000
Minute work, e.g. watch
making 1500

Inspectionand testing shops

Coarsework,e.g. using go/no
go gauges, inspectionoflarge
sub-assemblies 500 22
Medium work,e.g. inspection
ofpainted surfaces 750 19
Finework, e.g. using cali-
brated scales, inspectionof
precisionmechanisms 1000 19
Very fine work,e.g. gauging
and spraying and
finishing 750 22
matching 1000 22

Plating shops
Vats and baths 300 25
Buffing, polishing,burnishing 500 22
Final buffing and polishing 750 22


3.7.1 Sheet metal shops and In sheet metal shops andmachine rooms the choice of lamps, in respect of
machine toolrooms colour rendering, is generally not critical. However, care should be
exercisedin choosinglightsources for non-ferrous metal working areas, as
High Pressure Sodium discharge lamps may reduce contrast of surfaces
such as brass and copper.
For sheetmetal shops, accurate scribingand setting outmetal workrequire
freedom from strong shadows. This can be achieved by using a large
numberofcloselyspaced luminaires, each with a widespreaddistribution.
Thediffusenessofthe lighting can be further enhanced by using relatively
high reflectance surfaces in the shop.
The majority of machine shops contain rotating machinery and although
thisis generallysuitablyguarded, it is sometimesnecessaryto gainaccessto
the moving parts. This should be borne in mindwhen lighting these areas
and selecting luminaire types. Special attention to stroboscopic effect is
important. Light from discharge lamps can in certain circumstancescause
rotating machineryto appear stationaryorto be movingatadifferent speed
than that at which it really is. Remedialmeasurestoovercomestroboscopic
effect are discussed in Section 2.9.

Where metal is being cut, the different levels of the material are best
revealedby directional lighting which causesthe newly cutmetalto sparkle
andproduces a shadowofthe cut, which is then easy to identify. Similarly,
a drillbit may be more easilyseen underdirectional light, the cuttingedge
having extra sheen. Directional lighting is best provided by a small
directional luminaire attached to the machine. Ideally thislampshould be
capable of being moved around the work as desired by the operator. An
illustration of thistype ofmachine lamp is shown on the front cover of this
The revealingpower of light when viewingcomplicated shapes can vary
with the type of lighting used and the nature of the object to be seen. A
cylinder head or similar concave and convex shape is best seen under a
uniform general illuminance. Small objects such as screws, can be better
identified by directional lighting.

3.7.2 Structural steel fabricating Generally,the information contain in Section3.7.1 applies here. In welding
& welding/soldering shops shops, screens are used extensively and so considerable obstruction is
likely. Where weldingis carried out, portable lighting maybeuseful tolight
the workpiece.
3.7.3 Assemblyshops The processofassemblycan bedivided intotwoseparate anddistinct types:
smalland largeassembly.Assemblyofsmallitemswhich, whenfinished do
not present a large obstruction, can be adequately illuminated by a regular
array of luminaires.
Inlarge assembly,the object beingfabricated maycreate shadowhazardsto
other parts of the working area or parts of it may be in shadow. As the
structure is assembled, the working plane may change drastically. Several
levels of lighting may be needed, as may local portable lighting to
compensatefor illuminationlossescausedby the structure. Supplementary
lighting may be required on the vertical plane.
Where largeassemblyisinvolvedparticular careshould betakento ensure a
uniform illuminance, at the highest point of the building to which the
eventual structure will go. It is sometimes advisable to under-space
luminaires to achieve this uniformity. Alternatively, the use of directional
floodlightingequipment mounted on the side walls may be preferred to
increase vertical plane illuminance.


3.7.4 Inspection and These shops are usually devoted to precise work. The illuminances
testing shops provided are higher than generally used in the mechanical engineering
industry. Care should be taken to ensure that the illuminanceis provided
0 uniformly without discomfort glare. A good approach is to use low
luminance luminaires at close spacing. If accurate colour judgements are
required lamps of colour rendering groups 1A or lB should be used.
Adjustable local lighting should be installed to allowindividual workers to
provide a directional element when and where it is needed. Figure 3.8
showsa car body inspection booth lit by fluorescent lamps behind flat opal
J7/II_ oJ
panels to give a high illuminanceon horizontal and vertical surfaces, with
particular attention to the lower body panels. To reveal dents in body work
the mirror imagesofluminairesare used anda portable spotlight is used to
detect surface scratches.
Figure 3.8 Car bodyinspectionbooth

3.7.5 Paint shops and The HighlyFlammableLiquids andPetroleum Gases Regulation (1972) and
spray booths Local Authority Regulations may apply to these areas. The lighting
equipment should be of the appropriate standard for the paint type being
used. Therefore it is necessaryto know the hazard classificationofthe area
and/or paint material and reference may be necessary to the above
regulations and local authorities. More detailed advise is given in the
CIBSE Lighting Guidefor Hostileand HazardousEnvironments.
Lighting of these areas must be designed so that the illumination enables
the operator of the booth to be able to see all parts of the object to be
painted. Inspection normally takes place outside the booth. Inspection
techniques are discussed in Section 3.18
Where colour matching is required care will have to be taken in the
selectionofthe lightsource. Lamps ofcolour rendering index group 1Aor
lB shouldbeused(see Appendix 1). The choiceofluminairesin these areas
is very important. As well as complying with the relevant regulations,
maintenance should be considered. It is advisable to mount the luminaires
as high as possible away from the paintspray,to stopspray adhering to the
luminaires. It may even be considered necessary to house the luminaires
above some form of glass sub-ceiling structure which can easily be
maintained (see Figure 3.9). Ifthis is not possible then a luminaire which is
capableofbeing cleaned,with the necessarychemicalsto remove the paint,
should be chosen. It can sometimes be an advantage to use side lighting
rather than overhead lighting. This gives two benefits. It increases the
Figure 3.9Paint spray booth illuminanceon the vertical plane and keeps the luminaires away from the
paint spray.

3.7.6 Plating shops The plating shop normally has an atmosphere of acidic fumes. Therefore
the lighting equipment chosen must be able to withstand this corrosive
atmosphere. Luminaires should beofthe enclosedtypeandifmetal, should
be substantially constructed and finished, to avoid corrosion of the
luminaire and the electrical contacts therein.

For easeofmaintenancethe luminairesshould bemounted around the edge

ofthe large plating tanks. This serves two purposes, access is easy and the
luminaire is out of the path of direct rising acidic fumes.
The general process of plating is to deposit a coating of one metal onto
another metal sample. The evennessofthe coating andcolour will need to
be inspected. Suitable inspection techniques are discussed in Section 3.18

3.8 Electrical and Other relevantdocuments

1. The Electricity Regulations, 1908. 2. The Wireless Telegraphy (Control of interference from
electronic engineering fluorescent lighting apparatus) Regulations, 1978. 3. The Protection of Eyes Regulations, 1974
(amended 1975).
. Standard Service Limiting Glare
Application .
Illuminancc (lx)

Electrical equipment manufacture

Manufactureofcables, and
insulated wires, winding,
varnishingand immersion of
coils, assembly oflarge
machines,simple assembly
work 300 25
Medium assembly,e.g.
telephones,small motors 500 25
components,e.g. tele-
adjustment, inspectionand
calibration 1000 —

1500 —
parts .

Electronicequipment manufacture
Printed circuit boards:
Silk screening 500
Hand insertion ofcomponents,
soldering 750 —
1000 —
Assemblyof wiring harness,
cleating harness, testing
and calibration 750 —
Chassis assembly 1000 —

Inspectionand testing:
Soak test 200 25
Safety and functional tests 300 25

3.8.1 Introduction Electrical andelectronicequipment manufacture involvesvery high quality

workmanshipandcontrol, often with very smallcomponents. Indeed,such
is the demand for quality with the assemblyofelectronic components that
quality control procedures andinspection may be almosta continuous part
of the process of assembly.

3.8.2 Electrical equipment The fabricationofcomponents and assemblyis usually carried out in open
manufacture bay,mediumheightbuildings.Largearea,low luminance luminaireswith
an indirect component can be used to advantage for the general lighting.
Such luminaireswill reduce the incidence of undesirable reflectionsin the
task. Depending on the complexityofthe equipment being manufactured,
some form of adjustable local lighting may be of value.

In a typicalelectricalengineeringworkshop, work isnotperformed inevery

partofthe workspace,but the tasks tendtobe concentratedin certainareas.
In suchcases, it may be logical to limit the illuminancefrom the overhead
general lighting andevaluatewaysofintroducing local directional lighting,
which need not necessarily be machine mounted. General plus localised
lighting schemes do require care if excessive contrasts in the field of view
are to be avoided. Compact fluorescent luminaires may be particularly
useful for localised use where precision assembly demands an increased
illuminance. Wherever accurate colour judgements are required, e.g., for
the selectionofcabling, lamps ofcolour rendering groups 1Aor lB should
be used.


3.8.3 Electrical equipment High precisionworkassociatedwith the assemblyof printed circuit boards
assembly and particularly with the tasks of inspecting circuit continuity and the
quality ofsoldered joints requires a critical analysisofthe visualtask. The
consequencesoferrors occurring after completion are likely to be serious
and costly. The accuracy of colour judgement is an important factor in
selecting the lightsource. In electronicsassembly, multi-cored cables and
components are usedwhich are recognised by their colour identification.
The colours enable the operativeto identify andconnect individual circuits
and components. Typical examples would be distinguishing grey from
silver, pink from beige, beige from amber or yellow, etc. Where such
differences have to be seen, lamps of colour rendering groups 1A or lB
should be used.

For the assemblyof printed circuit boards satisfactory visualperformance

can be achieved using luminaires which provide an asymmetrical light
distribution when they are suspended above but to each side of the area of
work. Further improvements may be achievedby the addition of supple-
mentary lighting. How this additional illuminance is introduced will
depend on the interior layout and orientation of work stations. Supple-
mentary illumination can be provided by localisedlighting, which in these
circumstances should be adjustable by the operative, or the supplement
may be achieved by the addition of a significant indirect component of
illumination. This may be achieved very effectively by uplighter lum-
inaires. Lightsources ofhigh colour rendering index are recommended. If
localisedor uplighting techniques are used as supplementary to a general
lighting arrangementitis important to ensure lamp colour compatibility.A
techniquefor theinspection ofprinted circuit boards is discussedin Section

3.9 Food, drink and Other relevantdocuments

1. The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations, 1970. 2.The Herring Curing Welfare Order, 1927
tobacco (Scotland 1926). 3. The Slaughterhouse(Hygiene) Regulations, 1958. 4. The Milk and Dairies
(General) Regulations, 1959. 5. CIBSE Application Guide: Lighting in Hostile and Hazardous
. Standard
. Service Limiting Glare
Applications Illuminance (lx)


General 500 25
Inspection 750 19
Canning, preservingand freezing
Grading and sorting ofraw
materials 750 22
Preparation 500 25
Canned and bottled goods:
Retorts 300 25
Automaticprocesses 200 25
Labelling and packaging 300 25
Frozen foods:
Process area 300 25
Packagingand storage 300 25

Bottling, brewing and distilling

Keg washingand handling,
bottle washing 200 28
Keginspection 300 25
Process areas 300 25
Bottle filling 750 25

Edible oils and fats processing

Refining and blending 300 25
Production 500 22


Milling, filtering and
packing 300 25

General 300 22
Hand decorating, icing 500 22
Chocolate and confectionery manufacture
General 300 25
Automatic processes 200 25
Hand decoration, inspection,
wrapping and packing 500 22

Tobacco processing
Material preparation, making
and packing 500 22
Hand processes 750 22

3.9.1 Food and drink Theaims oflighting in the food and drink industry are to enable the visual
industry task to be carried out as easily as possible and to create a good working
environment. The latter is particularly important since a bright cheerful
atmosphere is• usually synonymous with cleanliness; a dull dark environ-
ment can meanalso a dirty environment, certainly dirt is not easily seen in
the dark. A good cheerful environment can be created by using high
reflectance decorations coupled with a lighting scheme using luminaires
with a wide light distribution and a generous upward lighting component.
The food anddrink industry covers a vast range ofworking areas, some of
which are dusty, oil and fat vapour laden, damp, corrosiveand hazardous.
The ambient temperatures can range from high (above50°C) to low (down
to -30°C). Care is therefore necessaryin the selectionof equipment.
Where the product is processed openly, the Food Hygiene (General)
Regulations require that luminaires near the product be housed in an
enclosurewhich prevents the lamp or anypart ofthe luminaire accidentally
falling into the product. The luminaires should be easily cleaned, main-
tained and re-lamped, have the minimum horizontal surface area upon
which dust can rest andhave smooth lines andno crevicesin which fungus
can grow. Theyshould have no loose parts which can accidentallybecome
detached from the luminaire, andbe constructed ofmaterials with finishes
which will withstand frequent cleaning and possibly hosing down (1P55
Figure3.10 Hosingdowninmilkbottlingplant minimum), (see Figure 3.10).
Indesigningschemesforthe food anddrink industry itis therefore essential
to mountluminaires where they can be regularlymaintained andpreferably
notdirectly over the product. Figure 3.11 showsluminairesmounted in the
passageway,clear of the machines, in a roller grinder alley ofa flour mill.

Figure 3.11Luminaire arrangementfor flour mill


This gives access for maintenance and provides illumination through

windows to the roller grinders.

The choice of lightsource can be important in areas where constant visual

quality control is required, although it is generally sufficient to provide
illumination from efficient light sources, and to use lamps of colour
rendering group 1A only at quality control stations. Frequently, the
illuminance at these points will be controlled to a constant level by a
photocelland dimmer, and the time the lampis in use monitored to ensure
that the lamps are changed after the recommended burning hours.
In addition to the quality control check under the best colour rendering
lamps, afurthercheck should be made underthose lampsnormallyusedfor
displaying the goods at the point of sale to ensure that the product is
attractive to the purchaser.

As statedearlier, some areasmay be hazardous. Distilleriesofalcohol and

essenceshavemany suchareas. Luminaires certifiedfor use in areaswhere
hazardousvapours andgasesmay be presentshould be used. Adviceon the
requirements of such luminaires is given in CIBSE Application Guide:
LightinginHostileandHazardousEnvironments. In some areas, a hazardous
environment may be present even though it is not obvious. This is
particularly so in milling where certainconcentrates of dust can be highly
explosive.At presentthereis no British or international standard covering
dust hazards but one is in preparation. In the meantime some companies
have produced their own requirements which generally specify that the
luminaires should be dust tight as defined in BS 4533 and have a surface
temperature compatible with the BASEEFA Type N, with a temperature
ratingappropriate to the dust ignition temperature. If thereis anydoubtit
is wise to check if an area should be classified as hazardous.
Therefining and blending ofoils and fatsare areas where fire or explosion
hazards are obviouslypossible. This is coupled in some areas with a highly
corrosive atmosphere.

Some sectionsof the food and drink industry are highly corrosivedue to
steam emitted from the preparation and cooking, or the cleaning and
sterilisingofcontainers. Slaughterhousesfor example, tend to have highly
corrosiveatmospheresand in certain areas hosing down takes place, so the
luminaires should be jetproof (1P55).

Itshould benotedthat therearestatutory requirements coveringlighting in

slaughterhousescallingfor general lighting of215 lx (20 lm/ft2) and 540 lx
(50 lm/ft2)in inspection areas, where lamps ofcolour rendering group 1A
should be used.

Some food and drink factories where foodproductsare refined or certain

constituents are extracted resemble a chemical works, whereas others are
similar to a laboratory. Nonetheless, the principles outlined in this section
should be followedin all cases.
The packaging lines for food and drink have to be well lit, for although
many of the packing lines use elaborate measuring devices, it is essential
that a visual check can be carried out easily, as due to the speed of the
packingprocess, anymalfunctionofthe automatic control can involvehigh
Figure 3.12 Frozenfood packagingconveyor costs due to wastage (see Figure 3.12).

Bottling plants haveparticular inspectionproblems as the bottles havetobe

checked for cracks andwhere they are re-cycled they must also be checked
for cleanliness. The check for cracks can be carried out with the bottles
passing automaticallythrough a booth with a low reflectionbackground in

Canopy housing
fluorescent Darkmatt background which the lighting is provided from above by fluorescent tubes (see Figure
lamps \ forinspection1ofcracks. 3.13). It is worthwhileexperimentingwith tube coloursasit hasbeenfound
that inspectors have a preferencefor inspecting clear bottles under green
I fluorescent tubes. To inspect the bottles for cleanliness,the bottles should
pass through a similar booth having a high reflectance matt background

.— t_
- -_-I.... illuminated by white tubular fluorescent lamps (see also Figure 3.13).

Conveyor Figure3.13 Boothforinspectionofbottles

3.9.2 Tobacco industry Much of the selectionandgrading ofthe tobacco leafis carried out prior to
the productbeing receivedfor processingat the plant. Thetobacco arrives
as a cake, in the form ofa 600lb, approximately1 metre cube ofcompressed
tobaccoleaf. This has to be conditioned and softenedby steam and broken
up. Maturity oftheleaf,itsgeneral conditionandgrade,is judged primarily
by colour. The iluminant best suited for this extremely critical colour
judgement task is one similar to daylight from a clear northern sky. An
illuminance of 500 lx, from a lamp of colour rendering group 1A with a
correlated colour temperature of approximately 6,500 K will produce
satisfactory conditions.
Initial checking of the tobacco may occur when the product is in its
compressedcake stage. The use ofa portable trolley on which these colour
matchinglamps aremounted andwhich can be takento the productmay be
found to be particularly useful.
Apart from any grading requirement, most seeing tasks in the tobacco
industry can be illuminated satisfactorily by a general lighting system,
provided the iluminance recommendations are met. This will even be
adequate for the needs of experienced quality control inspectors who are
seeking any tobacco leaf that has been affected by mould growth.
There is a possibility that with the dry leaf, dust can be a problem which
needs to be considered in terms ofmaintenanceof lighting equipment, but
not necessarilyas far as the provision ofdust tightluminaires. Someof the
hand processes may require supplementary task lighting.
Likesome parts ofthe food and drink industry,the tobaccoindustryhas a
relativelysubstantial warehousingrequirement, including bonded storage.
It is likely that high pressure sodium sources will be eminently suitable for
the warehouse areas and due to the need to establish a high security
environment it is considered essential that the lighting installation within
the warehouse shall provide good illumination on all vertical surfaces as
appropriate to the conditionsand layout ofthe storage system. In addition,
adequate security lighting is recommended for installation around the
exterior, with particular emphasis being given to access points to the
building (see Section 4.5).

3.1 0 Textiles Otherrelevantdocuments

1. The Mute Spinning (Health) Special Regulations, 1953. 2. BS 950 Artificial Daylight for the
Assessment ofColour. 3. CIBSEApplicationGuide: LightinginHostileand HazardousEnvironments.

Standard Service Limiting Glare
Illuminance (lx) Indices

Bale breaking, washing 300 25
Stock dyeing,tinting 300 25


Spinning, roving,
winding, etc. 500 22
Healding (drawingin) 1000 —

Fabric production
Knitting 500 22
Jute and hemp 300 25
Heavy woollens 500 19
Medium worsteds,
fme woollens, cottons 750 19
Fineworsteds, fme linen,
synthetics 1000 19
Mending 1500 16
Inspection 1500 —

Fabric finishing
Dyeing 300 25
treatment, etc. 500 22
'Grey' cloth 1000 —
Final 2000 —

Winding, beaming 300 25
Setting pattern, tufting,
cropping, trimming,fringing,
latexingand latex drying 500 22
Designing, working, mending 750 22
General 1000 19
Piece dyeing 750 —

3.10.1 Introduction Textile manufacture, the turning of natural or man-made fibres into
finished cloth, involvesnumerous processeswhich vary according to the
raw materials used and the finishes required. Indeed, some of these
processescan vary from factory to factory producing similar cloth. Careful
analysisofthe operations, particularly those involved in the preparation of
the fibres, indicate that many are rough processes involving no exacting
visualtask. Someothers are completelyautomatic andthe processing takes
place inside a machine. In this case the lighting can only be regarded as
givingamenity and safe access. In these areas a general overhead lighting
system designedto giveilluminationthroughout the area ofthe floorswith
increased illumination at the feed and take off ends of machines, as
required, will be satisfactory.

3.10.2 Yarns and fabrics The process of forming the yarn commences with the carding engines
which form the staples into a loose rope. These machines are large and for
the most partthe process is enclosed. It is important to illuminate the feed
and condenser ends of the engines and for the sake of safety, the sides.
Where the mounting height is restricted, luminaires placed over the cards
would cause dense shadows on the sides, and in these circumstancesit is
best to place rows of dispersivetype fluorescent tube luminaires over the

Following the carding, various other processes may take place in prepar-
ation prior to spinning. In all these processes the illumination recom-
mended should be provided in such a way as to ensure the elimination of
dense shadowsandas far as possible the penetration oflightso that broken
ends can be located easily. Bearing in mind that the operatives will be
creating an obstruction, it is best to use luminaires with "simple" light
control systems and never to overspace these luminaires.

Mule spinning, once common, has all but disappeared from the textile
industry. Framespinning in its variousforms is nowmost used.The frames
are usually tall with the working planes vertical and horizontal. The
operative must be able to see the thread clearly from the point where it
leaves the bobbin, down to theactual spinning spindle. It is difficult to state
a universalcorrect waytoilluminate the spinning room. It wasthoughtthat
the best way was to run rows of fluorescent luminaires down the gates
between frameswhich normally face each other and certainly thiscan give
excellent results. However, where space above the frames allows, a more
economical layout is torun the fluorescentluminaires in continuous rows at
right angles to the frames, note that in Figure 3.14, only the luminaires
within angle 6 contribute directly to the illuminance at point A. In both
systems the spacing between luminaires should not exceed the maximum
spacing/mountingheight ratioand preferably they should be underspaced
by up to one third.

II •11•
II_......_ —

Figure 3.14 Spinningframesforminga tcorridor'in alargearea

Since the rows of spinning frames form corridors, the use of the lumen
design formula to calculate iluminancesis inappropriate and a method
whichincludes only those luminairescontributing directlyandindirectly to
the illumination on the machines should be employed. Suitable methods
are the aspect factor method for direct illuminance and the flux transfer
method for the indirect component (see Section 6.5.4). Other machines
such as twisting, doubling, winding, crimping, are similar in their lighting
requirements to spinning frames.
Beaming or warping is the process oflaying threads onto a beam or roller
formingthe warp priortobeing placedonthe loomforweaving.The thread
of bobbins is placed upon a creel capable of taking hundreds of bobbins
which are drawn through a reed which lays them onto the beam. It is
essential that the operativeshould be ableto see that all the ends are intact
and that they are in the correct order.
Healding ordrawing in, where done manually,isamost exactingvisualtask
and the lightmust penetrate through the heald shafts so that the operator
can distinguish the correct eye. Apreference is for the generallighting to be
supplemented by some local lighting which is portable and adjustable by
the operative.


As for weaving, there are so many different types of looms and so many
different types offabrics that the lighting engineer's firstproblem willbe to
fmd the correct category. Having done this, the recommendedilluminance
and limiting glare index can be found. The next consideration is obstruc-
tions. Whilst good general overheadlighting is usuallypreferred, overhead
obstruction may necessitate a localisedlighting approach. It is generally
agreed that fluorescentluminairesinnear continuousrows parallelwith the
warp, give satisfactory results, particularly when placed over the shuttle
boxes, givinggood illuminationon the threads andobviating shadowsfrom
the loomand theheald frames.Jacquard loomswith overheadcard systems
can cause obstruction to a general lighting system necessitating a more

The dyeingprocessisnot one requiring agood colourmatchinglightsource

since the actual matching andmixing ofdyes is usually carried out visually
Figure 3.15Typical anti-corrosionfluorescent ina separate room with speciallyconstructed lighting booths, or by spectro-
fitting chemicalanalysis. In the dyehouse, steam is usually present to a greater or
lesser degree and the use ofvapour-proofanti-corrosionluminaires may be
required. Figure 3.15 shows the typical construction for an anti-corrosive
fitting to IP 65, the body is glass fibre reinforced andthediffuser isacrylic,
the diffuser clamps over a seal onto the body of the fitting. Whilst tubular
fluorescent lamps are the most common light source used, in high
buildings, high pressure discharge sources have been used.

Finishing processes fall into two classes, wet and dry, the former
necessitatingtheuse ofcorrosionresistant enclosedluminaires.Some ofthe
processesarehot, andtherefore luminairesshould be locatedawayfrom the
hot spots created above machines.
General overhead lighting systems within the areas are usually adequate
providing they are supplemented by local or localisedlighting ofmachines
where necessarywith luminairesdirectedinwards towards theclothpassing
through,and at any inspection points.
Figure 3.16Backlightingofcloth Inspection and mending in the textile industry are very difficult tasks.
Many different types offaultare possible and it is unlikely that anysingle
system of lighting will be ideal for all of them. Variations in weave, slubs
and foreignmatter can be located by back lighting, (see Figure 3.16) with
the cloth passing between a diffuse light source and the observer. Front
lighting with a stronglydirectional component helps to reveal surfacefaults
(see Figure 3.17). Generally, the use of lamps ofcolour rendering groups
1A or lB is necessary to detectvariations in woven colour patterns caused
by the joining together of wrong broken warp threads by the weaver.
However, it should be noted that to detect the difference between two
similar colours it is sometimes helpful to distinguish both colours by
showingthem under strongly coloured light of a totally different colour.
The removal of foreign matter and mending usually takes place with
operativesseatedat adeskwhich maybe slopingorflatwith theclothdrawn
over, and thefaults made good by hand. This isa most exactingvisualtask,
so it is necessary to provide a high iluminance (1500 lx) in a glare free
manner and having good colour rendering properties. How this
illumination is provided requires careful consideration, for whilst high
illuminances provided by very diffuse lighting or by lighting which is
strongly directional normal to the surface of the cloth, may be good for
some work, it does littleto revealthe weave andtextureofthe material. It is
therefore desirable to introduce some modelling by a directional
component either by usingan asymmetricalgeneral lighting system, or by
Figure 3.17Frontlightingofcloth local lighting adjustable by the operatives.


3.1 1 Leather industry Other relevant documents

1. CIBSE Application Guide: Lighting in Hostile and Hazardous Environments.
. Standard Service Limiting Glare
Application . .
Illuminance (lx) Indices

Cleaning,tanning and
stretching, vats, cutting,
fleshing, stuffing 300 25
Finishing, scarfing 500 25

Genera! 300 25
Pressing, glazing 500 22
Cutting, splitting, scarfing, sewing 750 22
1000 —
Grading, matching

Leatheris animal hide or skin that has been converted to a stable, non-
putrescent stateandmadesofter andmore flexibleby aseries ofprocessesof
which the main one is tanning.

The tanning processinvolvessaltingand drying and although conventional

general lighting from a regular array of luminaires is normally used, the
designer has to select luminaires that are capable of withstanding hot,
humidand salty conditionsand position themso that they are not exposed
to the worst conditions.
As for leather working, the primevisual problems are concerned with the
selectionand handling of the skinafter deliveryfrom the tannery. For the
majority ofactivities, a uniform lighting installation is all that is necessary.
However, the initial grading of the leather and fmal inspection of the
product require special lighting. Satisfactory selection of skins has been
achievedusing north skydaylight butwith the requirementsofquicker and
morecontinuous production in premises that do not permit the ingress of
sufficientnaturallight, the use of artificiallighting has become important.
For evaluating the evenness and density of skins a well diffused general
lighting system using lamps of colour rendering group 1A is particularly
desirableand a uniform illuminanceis recommended. Ifglossyleather is to
be examined, large area low luminance luminaires should be used. To
searchfor blemishesin texture it may be necessaryto provide a component
of directional illumination. This may be achieved by omitting light from
luminaires placed directly overhead and employing sources shielded from
the direct view of the worker placed each side of the inspection table,
thereby avoidinghigh luminance reflectionsin the leather. Thesurfacesof
the bench which form the immediate surround to the work task should
preferably be composed of colours having a high value and low chroma as
classifiedby theMunsell system. Neutrallightgreysaresuitable. To search
for holes in the skin a light table can be used.

3.12 Clothing and Other relevant documents

1. CIBSE ApplicationGuide: Lighting in Hostile and Hazardous Environments
. Standard Service Limiting Glare
Application . .
Illuminance (lx) Indices

Clothing manufacture
Preparation ofcloth 300 22
Cutting 750 19
Matching 750 19
Sewing 1000 19
Pressing 500 22
Inspection 1500 16
Hand tailoring 1500 —


Hosiery and knitwear manufacture

Flat bed knitting machines 500 22
Circular knitting machines 750 22
Lockstitch and over-locking machines 1000 19
Linking orrunning on 1000 19
Mending, hand finishing 1500 —
Inspection 1500 —

Glove manufacture
Sorting and grading 750 19
Pressing,knitting, cutting 500 22
Sewing 750 22
Inspection 1500 —

Hat manufacture
Stiffening, braiding, refining, forming,
sizing, pouncing, ironing 300 22
Cleaning,flanging, finishing 500 22
Sewing 750 22
Inspection 1500 —

Boot and shoe manufacture

Leather and synthetics:
Sorting and grading 1000 16
Clicking,closing 1000 22
Preparatoryoperations 1000 22
Cutting tables and presses 1500 16
Bottomstock preparation,
lasting, bottoming, finishing,
shoe rooms 1000 19
Washing, compounding,coating,
drying, varnishing,vulcanising,
calendering,cutting 300 25
Lining, making and finishing 500 22

Tailoring, garment making, and boot andshoe manufacture can all present
demanding visual tasks involving file detail, poor contrast and requiring
accurate colour matching. The usual approach to lighting in the clothing
and footwearindustryis to provide uniformlighting with good control of
discomfort glare, complemented by adjustable local lighting or by fixed
localisedlighting. Accurate colour judgements are requiredin most of the
work so lamps of colour rendering groups 1A or lB should be used for
general, localisedand local lighting. Colour matching of clothis probably
best done in a separate areaspeciallydesignedfor the work but with lamps
of colour rendering group 1A and finished with neutral colour, medium
reflectancesurfaces. Iflocal lighting isuseditshould beeasilyadjustableby
the userbutcareshould be takentoensure that it does notcause discomfort
glare either to the user or to others.
It is advisable to consider that finished goods may be displayed under
different lighting conditions from those in the factory and it is therefore
wise to also inspect merchandise under the appropriate light sources.

3.13 Timber and furnishing Other relevantdocuments

1. The Protection of Eyes Regulations, 1974 (amended 1975). 2. The
Woodworking Machines
Regulations, 1974. 3. The Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied PetroleumGases Regulations,
1972. 4. CIBSE ApplicationGuide: Lighting in Hostile and Hazardous Environments.

Applications Standard Service Limiting Glare

illuminance (lx) Indices
General 200 25
Headsaw 500
Grading 750


Woodwork shops
Rough sawing, benchwork 300 22
Sizing, planing, sanding,
medium machiningand benchwork 500 22
Fine bench and machine
work,fine sanding,
finishing 750 22

Raw materials stores 100 28
Finished goods stores 150 25
Wood matching and assembly,
rough sawing, cutting 300 22
Machining, sandingand
assembly,polishing 500 22
Tool rooms 500 22
Spray booths:
Colour finishing 500 —
Clear finishing 300 —
Cabinet making:
Veneer sorting and grading 1000 19
Marquetry, pressing,
patching and fitting 500 22
Final inspection 750 —

Upholstery manufacture
Cloth inspection 1500 —
Filling, covering 500 22
Slipping,cutting, sewing 750 22
Mattress making:
Assembly 500 22
Tape edging 1000 22

The visual approach to lighting in the timber and furniture industryis to

provide uniform lighting from a regular array of luminaires.
However, there are a numberof particular aspects of the industry which
require attention from the lighting designer. The first is lighting main-
tenance. Dusty conditions are likely anywhere where timber is sawn,
machinedor otherwiseworked. Dust tightluminaires (IP6X) are desirable
in these areas. In extreme cases an explosion hazard may be present.
Luminaires should be chosen appropriately. The second is the use oflocal
lighting to highlight dangerousareas suchas sawblades. Figure 3.18 shows
the positioning of a lamp so that both light and shadowis used to indicate
the position of the saw blade. The third is the possibility of stroboscopic
effects occurring (see Section 2.7). The fourth is the need for lamps with
good colour rendering properties. The grading and matching of veneers
and solid wood are good examples of activities where accurate colour
judgementis required. In these locationslamps ofcolourrendering groups
1A or lB should be used. In addition, some adjustable local lighting to
provide directional effects may be useful in the grading of veneer timber.
Figure3.18 Lightingasaw blade (For information on the lighting of spray booths see Section 3.7.5).

3.14 Paper making and Other relevant documents

1. Lighting in Printing Works, British Printing Industries Federation, 1980. 2. CIBSE Technical
printing Memorandum6, Lighting forvisual displayunits.3. BS950, Artificialdaylightfor the assessmentof
colour. 4. CIBSE Application Guide: Lighting inHostile and HazardousEnvironments.5. Protection
against ultravioletradiation in the workplace,National Radiological Protection Board, 1977.


. Standard Service Limiting

. Glare
Applications .
Illuminance (lx) Indices

Pulp mills, preparation plants 300 25
Paper and board making:
General 300 25
Automaticprocesses 200 25
Inspection sorting 500 19
Paper convertingprocesses:
General 300 25
Associated printing 500 25
Printing works
Type foundries:
Matrix making, dressing
type, hand and machine casting 300 25
Font assembly,sorting 750 22
Composing rooms:
Hand composing,imposition
and distribution 750 19
Hot metal - keyboard 750 19
Hot metal - casting 300 22
Photocomposing - keyboard
orsetters 500 19
Paste up 750 16
Illuminated tables - general
lighting 300 —
Proofpresses 500 22
Proofreading 750 16
Graphic reproduction:
General 500 22
retouching,etching 1000 —
Colourreproduction and inspection 1500 —

Printing machine room:

Presses 500 22
Pre-make ready 500 22
Printed sheet inspection 1000 19
Folding, pasting, punching,stitching 500 22
Cutting, assembling,embossing 750 22

Paper making is divided into two sections, wet end and dry end. The wet
end involves the breaking up of the dry wood pulp and the mixing by
rapidly rotating blades into a wet pulp in a vat. The pulp may be further
beaten andotherchemicalsandcolouringadded.Bynature ofthis process,
these areas tend to be dusty, warm and damp, such that the dust coats all
surfacesandis solidified by thehumidity so that all hangingobjects become
festoonedwith stalactiteswhich are dripping with water,eventuallyfalling
off. Therefore, withintheseareas theluminairesshould bemounted so that
they do not overhang the productbut are positioned so that the insides of
the vat are illuminated. Thetypeofluminaire should be dust andjet proof
(1P55 minimum), resistant to corrosion and easy to maintain.

3.14.1 Paper making Theactual lightsource chosen and the distribution from the luminaire will
depend on the room dimensions. In many cases these roomsare low, dismal
areas. Therefore, luminaireswith a widespreaddistribution anda generous
upward lighting component are appropriate.
While it is in this area that the colours are added, it is not necessaryto use
lamps other than those normally used in industrial processes since the
matching and mixing of the colourants usually takes place in a special
colour matching booth (see Section 3.18). The slurry produced is fed into
the open end of the paper machine andis first suspended on a continuous
movingwire mesh known as "thewire" which theoperators view from both
above and below to judge the even spread of the slurry which forms the


web. Luminaires should not be mounted directly over the product but
aboveandtoeachside, paralleltothe machine,andpositioned such that the
illuminance is even over the length and width of the wire mesh. Further
luminaires should be positioned at low level to illuminate below the top
wire, Figure 3.19 shows the layout of of the luminaires.

Angleluminoires Bulkheads
tolight between mounted


Endelevation Side elevation

Figure3.19 Lighting'thewire' ina papermill


Figure 3.20Localisedlightingfora papercutting machine


Theweb passesthrough heated rollersor calendersonafelt. Frequently the

calenders are covered by a canopy to extract the heat and humidity. It is
most important to mountluminaires such that lightpenetrates between the
rollers. This is usually achieved by using rows of fluorescent luminaires
along both sides of the calenders suspended from or fixed to the canopy.
At the dry endofthecalenders the paperis viewedfrom belowfor flawsand
at this point it is normal to illuminate this web with luminaires mounted
directly aboveto showup anythin patches or foreignmatterbefore passing
to the finishing calenders and the final reel off.
Whilst tubular fluorescentluminairesaremost appropriatefor illuminating
the machines, the surrounding areacould be lit by high intensity discharge

Paper cutting machines should be lit by fluorescent trough or angle

reflector luminaires arranged in a localisedscheme, mounted at both ends
of the machine, with the sides at right angles to the rollers carrying the
cutting blades, Figure3.20illustrates this arrangement. It is important to
reduce any possible stroboscopic effects to a minimum. This may be
achievedby usinghigh frequency control gear or by adjacent lamps being
out of phase with each other, as produced by a twin lead-lag circuit or
having lamps fed from different phases of the supply (see Section 2.10).
Thechecking of sheets of papertakes place in a room named a salle. This
requires lighting of good colour rendering and it is recommended that
lamps of colour rendering groups 1A or lB be used. To show up surface
imperfectionsit is necessary to provide lighting with a moderately strong
directionaleffect suchas might occur in a room lit by large sidewindows.
This effectcan be achievedartificiallyby a generaloverheadlighting system
using luminaires with a medium to wide light distribution and fluorescent
luminaires mounted on the benches. These bench mounted luminaires
should bedesignedsuchthat thelightsource is shieldedfromthe inspector.

3.14.2 Printing In theprintingindustrythereare many tasks which demand the perception

offme detail and precise colour appraisal. Without lighting of the correct
quantity and quality these tasks cannot be performed accurately.
The principal processes used in printing work involve letterpress, offset
lithography and gravure. Letterpress is the process ofprintingfrom raised
surfaces, inking rollers touching only the raised surfaces. Printingmay be
done on a flat cylinder press or rotary press which can handle continuous
rolls ofpaper athigh speeds. Thelighting must takeaccount ofthe need for
safe and efficient operation ofall presses, but particularly the high speed
rotary presses which require rapidand accurate vision. Task lighting may
be beneficialfor the make-readystage, as strongly directional lightenables
the strength ofprint impressions on the paper to be accurately judged and
adjusted. Although very little monotype or linotype setting is now done by
hand, there are occasions when this is used and lighting needs in both
strengthand direction are also critical for this task.
Offset lithography involves the preparation of a litho' plate and this
includes photographic and chemical processes as well as the skilled re-
touching of half-tone pictures. Preferably, the lighting should be soft,
diffused lightofthe recommended illuminanceto restrictthe formation of
specularreflectionsfrom the plates. A system ofuplighting luminairesmay
be appropriate. In some litho' processes it is necessary to reduce the
illuminancein areas where the sensitisedplatescan be affected by ambient
light. Inafew cases, it maybenecessarytoutilise photograph 'safelights' to
which theplates are not sensitive.Alternatively,thereis a sensitisedcoating


used by some printersthat may be handled at normal illuminancesprovided

the only illuminant is the monochromatic low pressure sodium lamp.
Accurate photographic work is a major part of plate preparation, and the
associated visual tasks are extremely demanding. Generally, the lighting
units for the photography are furnished by the camera manufacturer.
Stripping and opaquing are done on a large internally illuminated table.
The table should afford the artist low luminance diffused brightness for
visual comfort. The overhead lighting system would generally provide a
low ambient level so arrangedto eliminateanyreflectionsin the table top. A
form of uplighting could be used to good effect for this purpose.

A suitable level ofluminance for the table has been found to be 500 cd/rn2,
within a room iluminance of 300 lx.

Gravure is the process ofprinting from sunken surfaces, and the printing
surfaceis usually a copper cylinder. Gravure is usedfor fme quality work,
such as stamps, banknotes, glossy magazines and mass circulation items
such as colour supplements. Although the preparation of the cylinder is
mainly photographic, some hand engraving is still done, and on many
occasionshand alterations have to be effectedupon the completed cylinder
imageswhen these are foundto be defectivein some wayfollowingarunon
the proofpresses.Thefundamental problem is the discrimination ofdetail
of the image on a curved metallic surface. Lighting from low surface
brightness luminairesplus localtasklights under thecontrol ofthe engineer
isessential. Specularreflectionsin the taskcan makeintricate brushwork a
most difficult visual task. Large area, low luminance luminaires provide
excellent contrast between the darker details of the photo image and the
relatively lighter copper cylinder background, without much specular

A numberofcorrosiveacids, flammablesolventsandpetroleum based inks,

are widelyusedinallprinting processes,soduecànsideration must begiven
to selectingluminaires appropriate to the level of risk offire or explosion.
Guidanceis givenin the CIBSEApplicationGuide, LightingforHostileand
Hazardous Areas. Liaison with the Factory Inspectorate and/or the Fire
Prevention Officer is recommended in these cases.

Inkhazecan seriouslypollute the atmospherein someprintingshops. It can

affect the performance ofluminairesby adhesionto both the lampsand the
reflectors. It is difficult to remove without the use of a solvent which
may also damage the luminaire. Depending on the degree of problem
encountered it may be beneficial to spray the luminaireswith a protective
agent before use and after each cleaning, in order to prevent permanent
adhesion of the ink haze.

Many machines are not fully guarded and protected against accidents.
Guillotining, trimming, piercing, punching, slitting, embossing,
numbering, folding, stitching, gluing and stapling are all necessary,andin
many cases the settings must be arranged by time control. It is vital that
lighting is organisedto enable the operator to see what needs to be seen in
preference to touch. The use of local or task lighting will be justified in
many instances at vital points of suchmachinery as dark shadows and low
contrasts can reduce the safety margins.

High speed rotating machines require fast vision. Occasionallya strobo-

scopic effect is encountered and could cause problems. The possible
solutions are discussed in Section 2.7. Multi-colour work demands that
everyconsiderationmust be givento the choiceoflightsource. Anyreliance
on daylight for colour appraisal is impractical, even during the long
midsummer days. Tubular fluorescent lamps of correlated colour
temperature 6500 K with a high colour rendering index (greater than 95)


should beusedforcritical colourmatching or appraisal. It isimportant that

the recommendedilluminanceis maintained over the whole area where the
visual taskis being done. A specialfluorescent lamp,Colour 47 (Graphica)
is used for fine colour work and is incorporated into viewing cabinets of
transparency viewers. This lampcomplieswith BS 950 PartII.

3.15 Plastics and rubber Other relevantdocuments

1. The ChemicalWorks Regulations(1922). 2. The ProtectionofEyes Regulations, 1974 (amended
1975). 3. CIBSE ApplicationGuide: Lighting in Hostileand HazardousEnvironments. 4. Protection
against ultravioletradiationin the workplace,National Radiological ProtectionBoard, 1977.

. Standard Service Limiting Glare

Applications . .
Illuminance (lx) Indices

Plastic products
Without manual control 50 28
Withoccasionalmanual control 100 28
Withcontinuous manual control 300 28
Control rooms 300 19
Control platforms 300 —
injection,compressionand blow
moulding,sheet fabrication 300 25
Trimming, cutting,
polishing,cementing 500 22
Printing, inspection 1000 19

Stock preparation - plasticising, milling 200 25
Calendering,fabric preparation,
stock cutting 500 25
Extruding, moulding,curing 500 22
Inspection 1000 —

3.15.1 Introduction The lighting approachadoptedfor plant employed in producing plastics

and rubber manufactures is little different from that used in industryin
general. The usual approach is to provide a uniform iluminanceover the
whole plant area and to supplement it to a higher iluminance by local
lighting as required. Locationswhere local lighting may be requiredare on
control platforms and where inspection is undertaken. Portable lighting
may also be useful for maintenance work on plant which is largely

3.15.2 Lighting problems The problems posed by plastic and rubber manufacture as far as the
lighting engineer is concerned, are those ofthe environmental conditions.
Plastics and rubber manufacture involves processes which may produce
high ambient temperatures insome areas. Further, therecan be a lot ofdirt
and dust in the atmosphere and the effect on lighting maintenance can be
severe.To overcometheseproblems, lightsourcesandcontrol gear capable
of operating at high ambient temperatures are desirable and dustproof
(1P54) luminaires should be used. It should be noted that the lightoutputof
fluorescentlampsreduces markedly at high ambient temperatures, butthat
of high pressure discharge lamps does not. In addition to choosing
dustproof luminaires it is good practice to arrange the layout of the
luminaires so that they can be easily reached and maintained. This is
particularly important in mixing areas where dirt and dust will be at a
maximum level, so frequent regular maintenance is necessary.

Manyplastics andrubbers are very dark or black in colour. Thesevery low


reflectancescan causeproblemsindiscerning detail, which calls foramuch

higherlevel ofilluminance. Strongly directional lighting may be required.
Another characteristicofplastic andrubbermanufacture is the obstruction
to light distribution produced by the large pieces of plant used in the
processes. Someplantmay require lighting mountedon itifthe operator is
to see the work clearly.

Finally, where colour judgementsare required, as incomparing plasticsub-

components, lamps of colour rendering groups 1Aor lB should be used,
the surrounds should be neutralincolour andthe inspection area should be
shielded from the general interior lighting.

3.16 Distribution Otre1,an:dumetus

I. The Chemical Works Regulations(1922). 2. CIBSE ApplicationGuide: Lighting in Hostile and
an siorage

. StandardService Limiting Glare

Applications . .
Illuminance (lx) Indices

Work stores
150 —
Loading bays
Unpacking,sorting 200 25
Large itemstorage 100 25
Smallitemrack storage 300 25
Issue counter, records,
storeman'sdesks 500 22

Warehouses and bulkstores

Storageof goods where
identificationrequires only limited
perception ofdetail 100 25
Storageof goods whereidentification
requires perceptionofdetail 150 25
Continuouslyoccupied storageareas
where identificationrequires only
limited perceptionof detail 200 25
Continuouslyoccupied storageareas
where identificationrequires
perceptionofdetail 300 25
Automatichigh bay rack stores:
Gangway 20 —
Control station 200 —

Packingand despatch 300 25

150 —
Loading bays

Cold stores
General 300 25
breakdown, make-up and despatch 300 25
Loading bays 150

3.16.1 Introduction Warehouses and storage areas exist in many formsbut basically fall into a
combinationofthefollowing:floor storage,highand lowlevel pallets, high
and low level racking, small and large bins, manual and automatic self
picking areas. The basis oflighting the aboveareas is discussedin detail in
each of the following sections.

3.16.2 Bulk storage For bulk storage at floor level it is generally important to avoid dense
shadows and to give a reasonable iluminance on vertical surfaces if the
reading of identification marks, labels, etc., is frequently carried out. A
suitable wayoflighting such an areais to use acloselyspacedoverheadarray
of luminaires with a widespread distribution. Generally the wider the

distribution is the higher the vertical illuminance will be. Alternatively, a

combinationof overheadand side lighting will achievesatisfactoryresults.

3.16.3 Items stored in bins The main problems inlighting this type ofareais to eliminateshadowsand
to getthe lightto penetrate into the bins.Theproblemsassociatedwith bin
lighting can best be solved by rows of tubular fluorescent luminaires, with
trough reflectors, mounted just above bin height and forward of the bins,
the luminaires being mounted parallel to the rows ofbins. Oneparticular
problem occurs where the bin racks are movableandclose together, oropen
up to form an access way. In these cases it is necessary to runthe rows of
luminairesin a continuousrowat rightanglesto themovable bin racks. The
rows should be spacedsuch that thecut-offangleoftheluminairesdoesnot
causeshadowson the top bins. Figure 3.21 showsslidingracking, designed
so that the cut-off angle is aligned with the sides of the racks.

Fluorescent luminaires
mountedon trunking.
exceed:-2 x Nt
tan ofcut-offangle

Figure 3.21 Lununairepositioningaboveracking

It helps considerablyif the bins are painted light colours, as thisassists in

reflectinglight into the bins,andreflectinglightwithin the bins,which can
be almost impossible to illuminate directly from any overhead lighting

3.16.4 Random high pallet The main problems encountered here are the varying working plane
storage heights, the variable location of the pallet stacks and the potential glare
presented to fork-lift truck drivers. The latter, who are mainly concerned
with locating the forks of the truck in pallets, and the correct and even


stackingofthe pallets, frequently work lookingup towards the luminaires.

These problems can be solved by using low brightness luminaires with a
widespread distribution, underspaced, with and if possible, a degree of
upward light,coupled with high reflectance surfacesin the upper roofarea
of the building structure.

3.16.5 High palletised racking In high palletisednarrow aisleracking areas, themainproblem is to get the
storage required illuminance at floor level between the racks without too much
light on the tops of the racks.
These areashave similarproblems to those discussedin Section3.16.4, i.e.
varyingworking plane height, andglare to fork-lift truckdrivers. Itis good
practice to light these narrow aisles with runs of tubular fluorescent
luminaireswith narrow distributions arranged along the aisles. Figure3.22
illustratesthe principle. It is alsodesirable that luminairesshould givesome
upward light. Again, giving the roof surface a high reflectance helps to
diminish any discomfort glare.

twin trough


Rock Aisle Rack Aisle Rock

Figure 3.22 Narrow transversedistributionluminaire

For mounting heightsabove 15 metres, highintensity discharge lampsmay

beusedin luminaireswith a narrow transversedistribution andawide axial
distribution. The spacingoftheseluminaires should be such as to avoid the
triangular dark areas which sometimes occur between luminaires (see
Figure 3.23).

3.16.6 Self-selection Where self-selection takes place, the overhead lighting can be supple-
warehouses mented with luminaires mounted on the racking at low level to penetrate
the bins. If thistype of warehouseis fully automated, it is only required to
givealow level ofilluminanceofabout20 to 50 lx, to providesafe accessat
floor level. Any maintenance work can be carried out using portable
lighting as and where required.


Figure3.23 Darktriangularpatchesonrackscaused byoverspacing ofluminaires

3.16.7 Cold stores Special attention must be given to cold stores because of the low
temperatures involved.Thelamps and luminairesshould be chosen so that
they can operate reliably in these conditions, the most common problems
being starting and icing up. Adviceon lamps suitable for low temperature
operation is given in Section 4.2.

3.17 Ancillary areas .

Applications Standard
. Service LisniungGlare
Illuminances (bc) Indices

Staff Restaurants
Canteens, cafeterias,
dining rooms, messrooms 200 22
Servery, vegetablepreparation,
washingup area 300 22
Food preparationand cooking 500 22
Food stores, cellars 150 22


Circulation Areas
Lifts 100 —
Corridors, passageways, stairs 100 22
Escalators, travellators 150 —

Switchboardrooms 300 19
Telephoneapparatus room 150 25
Telex room, post room 500 19
Reprographicroom 300 19

Building Services
Boiler houses:
General 100 25
Boilerfront 150 —
Boilercontrol room 300 19
Control rooms 300 19
Mechanicalplant room 150 25
Electricalpower supply
and distribution rooms 150 —
Store rooms 100 —

3.17.1 Introduction This sectionis intended to deal with all the ancillary areas common to
industrialpremises, suchas communicationfacilities, staff canteens, wash
rooms, circulation areas, boiler houses, switch rooms, etc. Many of these
areas can be lit by regular arrays of luminaires. However, some, such as
reception areas, staff canteens and rest rooms benefit from a more
imaginative approach to the lighting, aimed at creating the desired
impression. For these situations the recommendedilluminances should be
treated as indicative only and the conventional illuminance uniformity
requirements can be greatly relaxed.
The lighting of offices is beyond the scope of this document. General
guidance can be obtained from the CIBSE Code forInteriorLighting1984.
Guidance on the special problems posed by visual display units can be
obtained from CIBSE TechnicalMemorandum 6, Lightingfor VisualDisplay

Thelighting ofmedical andfirstaid centres is also beyond the scopeofthis

document. Guidance can be obtained from the CIBSE Lighting Guide:
Hospital andHealth Care Facilities.

3.17.2 Kitchens and serveries In kitchens and serveries the comments given for the food industry
generally will apply (see Section 3.9). Lamps and luminaires capable of
operating in cold conditions or hot and humid conditions will be needed.

3.17.3 Circulation areas For circulation areas, suchas corridors, stairs and escalators, the problem
facing the lighting designer is that of positioning the luminaires. Linear
luminairesshould be orientated parallel to the corridors, unless some form
ofceilingstructurecuts off the view ofthe luminaire when it is positioned
normal to the corridor. On stairs and escalators the luminaires should be
positioned to provide a contrast between the treads and the risers. If the
tread is made of specular material, care should be taken to avoid high
luminance reflections from the tread towards anyone using the stairs or

3.17.4 Communicationfacilities Communications facilities, such as post rooms and reprographic rooms
have few significant featuresas far as lighting is concerned. However, in
telephonefacilities, luminairessuitablefor use with visualdisplayunits and
other self-luminousinformation may be needed.

3.17.5 Building services In boiler houses and switch rooms it is usually sufficient to use a small
numberofluminaires suitablyplaced around the boiler or switch panel. In
switch rooms etc. care should be taken to provide some form oflighting at
the rear of the cubicles, transformers, etc. to enable maintenance to be
performed. Should the switch room, boiler house, control room, etc. have
meters or gauges which are horizontalor vertical, special lighting will have
to be considered, to avoid glare and reflections from them. Boiler houses
usuallyhave a high ambienttemperature as well as large quantities of hot
surfaces which radiate heat. In suchareas, special thoughtwill have to be
given to the type of lamp and luminaire used, if short life oflamp and/or
control gearis to be avoided. Discharge lampsgenerallywill be better than
tungsten or fluorescent in these areas, particularly if the gear is mounted
remotelyinsome coolerarea. Boilerhousesand switchrooms arevital areas
ofanybuilding andas with otherareas, should be protected by standby or
emergencylighting systemsto enable quickaction to be taken should it be
necessary.Boilerrooms and storageareas have the possibilityofcontaining
inflammablematerial. It may be necessaryto use flameproofluminairesin
these areas. Document storage rooms and large walk-in safes containing
vital files, documents, etc. will also benefit from enclosed flameproof there is less chance of a fire developingfrom the luminaire.
In ducts which normally carry cables and pipes, both hot and cold, it is
usual to illuminate the areawith bulkhead type luminaires with tungsten
lamps. However, ifthe duct is used continuously and the lighting is left on
for long periods, the energy can bereduced by up to 75%and maintenance
considerably reduced by using compact fluorescent lamps or discharge
lamps in suitable bulkhead luminaires.

3.18 Techniques of visual Visual inspection of products is an important aspect of many manufac-
inspection turing processes. The accuracy of visual inspection is influenced by four
aspects of the situation: the people, the task, the environment and the
organisation. The people doing the inspecting are important because their
3.18.1 Introduction visual capabilities affect the ease with which they can see the features of
interest and their experience ofthe work will influence the way that they
examinethe product.Thetaskis important in the way it is presented to the
inspector. It can be presented for different periods of time, regularly or
irregularly, stationary or moving, in ordered groups or individually, with
different types of features occurring with different probabilities. The
environment, which includes the lighting, is important because it affects
the conspicuity of the features of interest. The organisation is important
becauseitincludes suchaspectsas the numberanddurationofrest pauses,
the understanding the inspector has of what constitutes a feature that
should be detected, the extent to which theinspector is keptinformed ofhis
performance and the relationship between the inspection and production
sides of the business.
Thus the lighting of the productis only oneof several factors influencing
theaccuracyofvisualinspection; but itis an important factor andoften it is
oneofthe easiestto change. All toofrequently the only concessionmade to
the visual difficultyof inspection work is to provide a high iluminancein
the inspection area. Although this is generally helpful, special lighting
designed to reveal the critical features can be much more effective.

3.18.2 Principles of inspection The aim of all inspection lighting is to increase the conspicuity of the
lighting featuresofthe productthat determinewhetheritis acceptableor not. There
are a numberoflighting techniques that can be usedto achievethisaim,the
choice between them depending on the nature ofthe material from which
the productis madeand the type of feature beingsought. An outline ofthe
main techniques is given below.

3. 18.2. 1 Controlling the direction For flat materials with diffuse reflection characteristicswhere the features
of incident light being sought are damage to the surface, e.g. scratches on a tile, the most
effectivetechnique istolightthematerial at a glancingangleso that no light
is reflected towards the inspector's eyes. The damage to the surfacewill be
emphasised by the highlights and shadows created around it. Figure 3.24
shows the effect of glancing angle lighting on the visibility of damage in
cloth. It should be noted that glancing angle lighting is very effectivefor
revealing any form of texture on a surface, although whether this is an
advantageor not depends on the particular circumstances; too muchdetail
can be confusing.
For materials with specular reflection properties where the features being
sought causea change in the specular reflectionpatternof the surface, e.g.
scribe marks on stainless steel, there are two useful lighting techniques
involvingreflection. The first requires the reflection of a luminaire away
from the observer. Then the damaged area will appear as brighton a dark
background. The second requires the reflection ofa luminaire towards the
observer. Then the damaged area will appear as dark on a bright
background. These differences occur in both cases because the damaged
area scatters the light rather than reflecting it specularly.

Figure 3.24 Directionallightingrevealingdamageincloth Reflection of a large area For materials with specular reflection properties but where the feature
of low luminance being sought does not change the reflection characteristics but only the
form ofthe product,e.g.adent in asilverplated surface, auseful technique
is to reflect a large area of low luminance from the producttowards the
inspector. Then, departures in form are revealedby non- uniformities in
the luminance ofthe reflected image. Theluminousareawhich is reflected
from the product should be large enough to cover the whole productwhen
viewed from the inspector's position.
This technique is quite effective for dents which have a small radius of
curvature (see Figure 3.25). However, where the dents have a large radius
ofcurvature it will be advantageousto superimposea regular grid over the
large area of luminance. Then dents in the products will be shown by
distortions in the reflected image of the grid.

Figure 3.25 Non-uniformityofluminanceindicatingdents

Withor withouta grid, this technique depends on a non-uniformity in the

image reflected from the product. Therefore this technique is only really
suited for flat objects, more complex shapes producing too complicated a
pattern of non-uniformities.
It should be noted that this technique of reflecting a large area of low
luminance from a specular surface can be useful when it is necessary to
separate a specularsurfacefrom adiffuselyreflectingsurface. Forexample,
forexaminingthe continuityofprinted circuits, thereflectionofa large area
of low luminance towards the observer increases the conspicuity of the
printed circuit fromits backgroundand revealsanybreaks in it (see Figure

Figure 3.26Reflectionofalargeareaoflow luminanceemphasisesthedetailon acircuit board

CIBSE LIGHTINGGUIDE Transmission of light Transmission of a large area of low luminance. For transparent and
translucent materials where the features being sought are within the
material, an effectivetechnique is for the inspector to view a large areaof
low luminance through the object. Any bubbles, cracks, chips or foreign
bodies willcreate non-uniformityin the transmitted luminance. Again the
area ofthe lowluminance shouldbesufficient to coverthe productfrom the
inspector's position.
Ifthefeatures being sought involve a changeinform oftheobject it is useful
to have a regular grid superimposed over the largeareaoflow luminance.
Then any changesin form create distortions in the regular grid as seen by
the inspector (see Figure 3.27). Again this method is suitable only for
objects of simple shape; complex shapes are likely to produce many
distortions in the grid which will be confusing.

Oblique transmission. For transparent materials, where the features being

sought are bubbles, cracks, scratches, etc., another useful technique is to
lightthe object with a stronglydirectional beam into theedge ofthe product
so that no light reaches the inspector directly. Faults in the material will
tend to produce scattered lightwhich, when the object is viewed against a
dark background, will appear as sparkling highlights. Figure 3.28 shows
this technique being usedfor the inspection of moulded translucent glass.
Figure 3.27 Defectrevealedbydistortion ofa
backgroundgrid Spectral composition Formany products,a commonform ofvisualinspection is the examination

of light ofthe colour of the product. For example, oneof the criteria usedto grade
agricultural and horticultural produce is their colour. This form of visual
inspection is called colour appraisal. The most important lighting variable
for colour appraisal work is the spectral composition of the light source
used. The lighting designer has two conditions to consider, (a) the light
source under which the product will be used, (b) the light source under
which the product will be sold. When these two light sources have similar
effectson thecolour ofthe productthen the productneed only be examined
under one light source. However, if the using and selling conditions are
markedly different, then inspection under both light sources may be

There is no singlelightsource which is bestfor colour appraisal work; the

Iigl.p.oof,on.n.r -
choice of light source is determined by the characteristics of the product
and the colour appearance that is desired. For this reason, there is no
substitute forpractical experiencewhen selectingappropriatelightsources,
although, in general, light sources with high CIE General Colour
Rendering Indices enableinspectors tomakefiner discriminationsbetween
hues. Forcolourappraisal work the inspection area should be lit uniformly,
Figure3.28 Obliquelightingaids theinspection without veiling reflections and to the recommended illuminance. The
oftranslucentproducts, such as glasscontainers surroundings should be neutral in colour and of medium reflectance.
For some industries, such as printing and textiles, an important form of
visual inspection is the matching of the colour of a productto an existing
standard. Again the most important lighting variable available to the
lighting designer is the spectral composition of the light source. BS 950,
Artificial daylight for the assessmentof colour gives recommendations on
the spectral composition of light sources suitable for accurate colour
matching in various industries. In general, light sources with high CIE
General Colour Rendering Indices are most suitable for accurate colour
For colour matching work the inspection area should be lit uniformly,
without veiling reflections and to the recommended illuminance. The
surroundings should be neutral in colour and of medium reflectance.

Figure 3.29 shows a typical inspection booth used for colour matching

fluorescent lamps

Figure 3.29Aninspectionboothfor colourmatching

A special aspect of colour matching is metamerism. This is the pheno-

menon whereby the colours of two products match under onelight source
but do not match under another. When this is likely to be important a
check formetamerism can be carried out by examiningthe match between
products under two light sources with widely different spectral
compositions. Special Techniques So far the lighting techniques considered have been those which use
conventionallighting equipment to light the productand the naked eye to
examineit. However, thereare some inspection techniques which require
unusual lighting equipment and/or some form of optical aid.

Polarised light can be used to examine the stresses within transparent

products such as blown glass and moulded plastic. Light from an
incandescentlamp is first polarised then transmitted through the product
andfinally analysedby another polariser. Stressin the transparent product
changesthe transmissionpattern. Special apparatus is required forthistype
of work and the equipment usually includes the necessary lighting.

Many materials, including some lubricating and cutting oils, fluoresce in

the presence ofultra-violet radiation, i.e. they producevisible light. This
can be a useful aid in inspection. For example,by using a fluorescingdye,
the security of a seal can be checked with ultra-violet radiation. Another
possibilityis to coat the surfaceofthe productwith a fluorescingmaterial.
Then when illuminated by ultra-violet radiation any hole will appear as
black. To use this technique a suitable combination of fluorescing agents
and an ultra-violet radiation source is required. Whenever ultra-violet
radiation is used it is essential to consider precautions against excessive
exposure of eyes or skin.
Some products are too small to be inspected by the naked eye. For such
products some form ofmagnificationis needed. This magnificationcan be
achieveddirectly by viewingthrough a microscopeor amagnifier. In either
case the lighting required can be an integral part of the equipment
Sometimesit is necessary to inspect moving parts whilst they are moving


rapidly. Stroboscopicilluminationcanbeusedto apparently'slow down' or

'stop' the movementofconstant speed rotating orreciprocating machinery.
To be successfulthe technique requires a very regular movement andvery
little illuminationapart from that provided by the stroboscope. For safety
reasons, whenever using this technique the operator's attention should be
drawn to the fact that although the machine is apparently moving only
slowly or has stopped, it is actually still moving at the original speed.

3.18.3 Practical aspects Thevast majority ofvisual inspection work involveslooking for morethan
one feature in a product at a time. As different features may be most Multiple defects effectively revealedby different lighting techniques, thisimplies that visual
inspection should be arranged sequentially with different lighting being
produced for each stage. Rarely is this an economicproposition. Usually a
compromise is required in which several different forms of lighting are
providedat the inspectionareaandtheinspector uses them as he thinksfit.
This compromiseapproach will be most easilyaccomplishedifthe product
is sufficientlysmall andlightfor theinspector to manipulate it amongstthe
various lighting conditions himself. If this is not possible then sequential
inspection lighting based on the most important features which need to be
detected may have to be used. Separation from general Most inspection lighting techniques rely for their effect on creating
lighting conditions very different from those produced by the uniform lighting
commonly provided in production areas. Therefore, if inspection lighting
is to be effective,it either has to be much brighterthan the production area
lighting or it has to be separated from the production area lighting. A
separate inspectionroom is rarely possible, but an inspectionboothofsome
sort usually is. Figure 3.30 shows the design of an inspection booth for
inspecting veneer pressings for flatness by using glancing angle lighting.
Notethe canopyshieldingthe inspectorfrom theoverheadlighting, andthe
pivoting mirrorso that it can be set at a convenientangle for the inspector.
The linear lamps may be fluorescent tubes with reflectors or double-ended
clear tubular filament lamps.

Figure 3.30 Apparatusfor directionallighting, inspectingveneerpressingsforflatness

THE INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT The need for direct The most suitableform of inspection lighting for any specific product
involvement cannot be determined remotely. The variety of lighting effects that are
possible is too large that a simple verbal description of the object to be
inspected and the features to be found will be insufficient to identify the
appropriate lighting technique. There is no substitute for the lighting
designerbeing directlyinvolvedwith theinspection taskorat thevery least,
having available samples of the objects to be inspected which contain a
representative collection of the features that need to be identified. Only
then will the lighting designer be able to 'tailor' the lighting to the task.

3.19 Emergency hghting Emergencylighting is provided to enable essential activities to be carried

out in the event ofthe normal lighting failing, for whatever reason. These
essential activities can be divided into three types. The first, and most
3.19.1 Types of emergency common, is to evacuatethe area affected quickly and safely. This type of
lighting emergency lighting is called escape lighting. The second is to put
machinery, plantorprocessorsinto a safe andstable state beforeevacuating
the area. This type of emergency lighting is called special location
emergency lighting. The third type of activity is where continuous
operation isnecessaryduringthe failure ofthenormal lighting. This type of
emergency lighting is called standby lighting.

3.19.2 Escape lighting Escapelightingis provided to ensure the safeand efficientevacuationofan

requirements interior. It must (a) identify the escape route clearly and unambiguously
and the direction ofmovement along it, (b) illuminate the escape route to
allow safe movement towards and out of the exit and (c) ensure that fire
alarm call points and fire fighting equipment provided along the escape
route can be readily located.
The standards usually adopted for escape lighting are specifiedin BS 5266
and in CIBSE Technical Memorandum 12, Emergency Lighting. Neitherof
these documents are legal requirements. However, they can acquire legal
status by reference. Although most enforcing authorities quote BS 5266,
some modify the conditions. For example, they may insist on a higher
illuminance. Therefore, the designer must thoroughly investigate the
standards that will be applied to the interior by the client and by the
relevant enforcing authority. Marking the route All exits and emergency exits must have exit or emergency exit signs.
Where direct sight ofan exit is not possible,ortherecouldbedoubt as tothe
direction, then direction signs with an appropriate arrow and the words
"EXIT" or "EMERGENCY EXIT" are required. The idea is to direct
someonewho is unfamiliarwith the building to the exit. All of these signs
must be illuminatedatallreasonabletimes so that they are legible.Atypical
emergencylighting layout for a small factoryis shown in Figure 3.31.Note
the exits are clearly marked with a luminaire outside the final exit,
luminairesare placed at changesoflevel anddirection, andarealso adjacent
to fire appliances. Illuminating the route The minimum illuminancealong the centre line ofa clearlydefined escape
routeshould be 0.2 lx, and 50%ofthe route width forescape routes up to 2
metres wide should belit to a minimumof0.1 lx. Gangways should be lit as
clearly defined escape routes. Where the escape route is not defined, the
averagehorizontalilluminanceshould not beless than 1.0 Lx. It is important
to note that most fires areaccompaniedby smoke andthat smoke may affect
the iluminancesproduced on the escape routes.

Theemergencylighting must reachits required illuminance5 seconds after


failure of the mainlighting system. If the occupants are familiar with the
building, this time can be increased to 15 seconds at the discretion of the
enforcingauthority. The minimum illuminance should be exceeded for at
least onehour. Durations ofthreehoursmay be necessaryin large complex
premises, particularly where people unfamiliar with the site or of limited
mobility may be present.

Ground floor First floor

Emergencyexit sign
Exit signs


Figure3.31Typicalemergency forsmall factory


The emergencylighting luminairesshould not causeproblems ofdisability

glare. Luminaires should be mounted at least 2m abovefloor level in order
to avoidglare but should not be muchhigheras theymay becomeobscured
by smoke.
Luminaires should be locatednear each exit doorandemergencyexit door
and at points where it is necessary to emphasise the position of potential
hazards, suchas changesofdirection, staircases,changes offloor level and
so on.
Fire fighting equipment and fire alarm call points along the escape route
must be adequately illuminated at all reasonable times.

Although these may not be used in the event of fire they should be
illuminated. Emergencylighting is required in each lift carin which people
can travel. Escalators must be illuminated to the same standard as the
escape route to prevent accidents.

Emergencylighting luminairesare required in all control rooms and plant

rooms. In toilets of over 8 m2 gross area, emergency lighting should be
installed to provide a minimum of 0.2 Ix.


3.19.3 Special location Special location emergencylighting is required in cases where machinery,
emergency lighting plantor processorsneed to be brought to a safe and stable state before the
area is evacuated. For such locations, the area should be illuminated to a
minimum iluminance of 2 lx or such higher illuminances as may be
necessaryfor the particular task. The emergencylighting may be needed
for less time than is recommendedfor escape routelighting, the minimum
duration being determined by an assessment of the time required to make
the machinery or process safe. After this period, the emergency lighting
may be extinguished or the iluminanceprovided reduced depending on
whether the area forms part of an escape route or not.

3.19.4 Standby lighting For areas where continuous operation is needed throughout the period of
failure of the normal lighting, standby lighting should be installed. The
illuminanceprovided by standby lighting can vary from 5 per cent to 100
per cent of the standard service illuminance provided by the normal
lighting, depending on the nature of the activities that need to continue.
Thecorrect lightingrequirement canonly beestablished bycareful analysis
of each situation.

4 Exterior lighting recommendations

4.1 Introduction Thereare numerous exterior areas associatedwith places ofwork, usually
falling into three groups: working, access and storage. For all these areas
the lighting must be designed to give a safe environment by revealing
obstacles and hazards and be of a quantity and nature to enable efficient

4.2 Loading bays AppIcatlon StandardService

Loadingbays 150

4.2.1 Introduction
The lighting ofloading bays frequently pays little attention to the needs of
theenduser.Forinstance, itis pointlesshavingaluminaire mounted under
acanopycoveringaloadingbaydoorwhere alarge vehiclecanreverseup to
the bay door and eliminate any possibility of the luminaire contributing
useful illuminationto anyworkingareaotherthan to the vehiclerooforthe
inside of the vehicleif the roofis translucent.

4.2.2 Low canopy loading bays In bays with canopies 3—6 m above ground level, tubular fluorescent
luminaires of 1P23 or above should be used. Because of the possibility of
sub-zero starting conditions it is better to restrictfluorescent tube lengths
to 1500mm forswitch start circuits, electronic startcircuits can be usedfor
any tube length. These two types of circuits will ensure reliable starting
throughout the normal temperature operating range.
Luminaires should be so placed as to illuminate the areas to both sides ofa
vehicleasitreversesup to the loadingbaydoor(see Figure 4.1).This allows
the driverto place the vehiclewhereverhe needs withoutcreating shadows
and hazards. Figure 4.1 shows a typical layout of a fluorescent luminaire
canopy mounted to illuminate as much as possibleof the area between the
vehiclesandto facilitateunloadingfrom thesidesofthevehicles. Verydeep
canopiesmay required two or three luminaires per vehicleside in place of
the single luminaire shown in Figure 4.1.


Figure 4.1Correctluminairepositioningfor loadingbaywithlow canopy

4.2.3 High canopy loading bays For canopieswith heights greater than 6 m, as well as tubular fluorescent
lamps, high pressure sodium dischargelamps can be consideredin the form
ofhigh bayluminaireswith dispersivereflectors mounted on the canopyin
a similar layout to Figure 4.1. If loading doors are further apart, the
luminaires could be further apart to suit the vehicle use.

A further alternative for high canopiesis the use of general purpose wide
beam floodlight luminaires with high pressure sodium discharge lamps
mounted in similar positions to high bayluminaires or on the loading bay
walls (see Figure 4.2). When usinghigh bayor floodlight luminaires, great
care has to be taken so that undue glare is not caused to operatives,
particularly vehicledrivers, as accidentscould be so easilyinduced. Always
keep the peak beam ofthe floodlight outofthe normal line ofsight or light
backwards to eliminateglare, as in Figure 4.3. Back floodlightingdoes not
providemuchlighting beyond the canopyedge. However,themovementof
shadows may help the driver to position the vehicle.

4.2.4 P.ighting vehicle interior To help operatives see inside the vehicle and to assist with the task of
loadingandunloading it is sometimesbeneficialto place oneor more small
wattage floodlight luminaires of the impact resistant type, on the loading
bay door oron swingingarms on either side. Ifit isnot apractical possibility
then at least onefloodlightshould bemounted on onesideaimed inside the
rear of the vehicle. Two such units will produce a reasonably balanced
environment to enable operative and fork- lift drive trucks to load and
unload the inside of the vehicle. These floodlights should be switched on
automaticallywhenthe loading bay doors are open and/oravehicleis at the

only when vehicle

Figure 4.2 Floodlightingluniinairesforhighcanopyloadingbays

Figure4.3 Back-floodlighting for highcanopies

4.2.5 Stepped loading bays If the canopy has a stepped loading ramp under it (see Figure 4.4) then
sufficient light should also fall on the rampas wellas betweenvehicles. Itis
less important in this instance which way the luminairesrun, but generally
the above guidance still applies. The edge of the loading bay should be


Figure 4.4Using light tomarktheedgeofaloadingbay

4.2.6 Adjacent areas Careshould betakento ensure that theilluminancesinareas adjacentto the
loading bay are not greatly different from that of the loading bay. For
example,theratioofthe standard serviceilluminancesinaninteriorstorage
area and on an adjacent loading bay should not be greater than 10:1.

4.3 Outdoor working and Standard Service

storage areas Illuminance(lx)
Storageareas 20
Working areas 50-100

4.3.1 Introduction Area lighting is used to illuminate an open space, such as a car park or
storage yard. Usually, the luminaires are mounted on poles along one or
more sides of the area, but in cases of larger areas there may be a small
numberof lighting towers.

4.3.2 Areas free from In thissituation, two things can bedone to help producean economicalarea
obstruction lighting scheme. First, the most efficient type of lamp should be used,
notingthat itismore economicaltouse asmall numberoflargelampsthan a
greater numberof small lamps. Second, it is more economicalto trust to a
group ofluminairesonasinglesupport than to mounteachindividually. Of
course these ideas must be applied with discretion because the area of
darkness is greater in the event of a fault. If the luminaires or clusters of
luminaires are spaced too far apart relative to the mounting height, the
lighting will be uneven and therewill be dark patches which willmakethe
installation ineffective for security purposes. The ideal arrangement is
where everypointin the area receiveslightin substantial proportions from
at least two directions, this will reduce the shadows considerably. In

general, the lower the mounting height of the lamps, the greater the
likelihoodofdamageandthe greater the degree ofglare caused. Puttingthe
lamps higher improvesthe spread oflightandresults in fewer lamps being
needed. The mounting height should be related to the lightoutput of each
lamp (see Section 6.4.3).
Usually a lamp column or tower with its associated wiring is relatively
expensive compared with the cost of a single luminaire. It therefore
becomes logical to cluster two or more luminaires on a single column or
mast, ifthis suitsthe lighting layout. The luminaires on a single stalk may
face the same or different directions or mighteven be mounted at different
As for spacing, the idea is to space the luminaires as far apart as possible
whilst maintainingan acceptableuniformity ratiofor the illuminanceon the
area. Typically a ratio of minimum to average illuminance of 1 to 8 is
acceptableandachievable.Spacingthe luminairestoo far apartwillresultin
poolsoflightwith dark areasbetween in which itmay not be possible to see
what is happening. A typicallayout showingspacingin termsofmounting
heightoftheluminairesisshown in Figure4.5, which canbeusedforeither
road lighting lanterns or floodlighting lanterns. As a rule of thumb, a
spacing/mountingheight ratio of 6:1 will be satisfactory. It should also be
noted that it is usually both glaring and inefficient to aim floodlights at
angles greater than 75° from the downward vertical.

Figure 4.5 Typicallayout forsinglefloodlights

Figure 4.6Typicallayout forplacingadditionalcolumns


Ifthe area isso large that it cannot be illuminatedby luminairesoncolumns

or masts around its perimeter, it may be necessary to place additional
columns or masts in the area (see Figure 4.6). An alternative approach for
large areas is to use corner or central high mast installations. High mast
installations typically have masts of 18 metres or more. High mast
installations are beyond the scope of this guide so the advice of an
experienced lighting engineer should be sought.

4.3.3 Obstructed areas In designingarealighting itmust be appreciated that in some areas, suchas
lorry parks and container terminals, obstructions may cause long shadows
and very dark areas. Increasingthe mounting height in such a situation can
dramatically reduce the size of the shadowed area.

4.3.4 Gantry and crane yards Gantry yards are typical of many areas used for the storage of steel stock,
iron, concretepipes,bulk paper, etc. The area is divided into long narrow
access and storage areas served by overhead travelling cranes. The
stanchions supporting the gantry tracks can be used for mounting the
floodlightswhich should bedirectedsoas to illuminateeach bayfrom both
sides (see Figure 4.7). Although crane rail heights vary, the luminaires
should be mounted at about6 or 7 metres. Supplementarylighting should
also be provided on the crane bridge. For this type of installation special
attention has to be paid to the luminaire fixingarrangement, to ensure that
it will withstand the vibration set up by the movementofcranes. Lighting
each bay separatelymay be a good arrangement to enable energy savingsto
be made from switching, and avoiding obstruction.

Figure 4.7Floodlightinggantry-stockyard

In cases where operators have to move abouton the tops of the stacks to
handle stock or hoisting tackle or for other reasons, mounting height is
particularlyimportant andit maybe necessaryto addextensionpoles tothe
stanchionsto obtain height to provide the illuminationwhere it is required.

Bays where vehicle movements occur need supplementary luminaires

mounted on columns or towers opposite the ends of the bays so as to
illuminate these important loading areas withoutshadows. With the bay


dimensionsusually encounteredwide angle floodlightsare most applicable

as havinga good general lightdistribution without wasteful upward light.
The latter features may also help to restrict glare towards the crane.

4.3.5 Bulk tank storage Whereaccess andworkingareashave to beilluminated betweenbulktanks,

the main problem isto get thelightdown to thenecessaryareas betweenthe
often tall tanks. Generally luminairescan be placed between the tanks, on
columns, masts or even on the supporting steelwork of the tanks
themselves. Carewill have to be takenwhensiting the luminaires that long
shadowsoreven darkareasare not created betweentanks. A high mounting
height and careful location so that all areas are lit from two directions will
greatly alleviate this problem (see Figure 4.8).

Additional floodlights
will greatlyreduce


Figure 4.8Planoftankfarm lighting

4.3.6 Large open stocking areas The sort ofareaswhich would fall under thisheading areforinstance, solid
fuel storesat power stations and the mining industry. Generallyin the coal
industrythe stocks are builtup during the summermonthsand may riseto
6 or 9 million tons. Areascovered are large and it is not unusual for land in
excessof 10,000 square metres to be used. Tipping gives rise to a series of
mounds and valleys that have to be created and levelled by mechanical
means, i.e. bulldozers,mechanicalshovels,etc. Vehicle headlightsprovide
only strictly local illuminationandas the surfaceis dark the luminance will
be low. These exceptional conditions call for a technique which is rather
different from normal floodlightingas the low reflectivityofthe surround-
ings makes attempts to obtain an adequate brightvisual field ofmedium to
high luminance uneconomical. The alternative is to reveal the shapes of
mounds and valleys by a combination ofshadowsand silhouette vision (see
Figure 4.9). Since silhouette vision depends on looking towards a light
source or illuminated background, the floodlightingpositions have to be
selectedaccordingly.It is common to illuminate such areas using a series of
towers around the perimeter with several narrow beam floodlight lumin-
aires on each tower to provide an average illuminanceofgreater than 5 lx.
High towers call for high wattage discharge lamps with narrow beam
distributions. The illumination in the areas of hoppers, conveyer belts,
fixed loadings and unloading zones, etc. should be enhanced with
additional luminaires.




toobserversince isshaded


4.4 Factory roadway Location Minimum Minimum Notes

. maintained maintained on
lighting average illuminance Glare
illuminance at any point
(lx) (lx)
Factory Road, 6.0 2.5 Lanterns emitting less
footwayor than 3500 lumens in the
footpath lower hemisphereare unlikely
to causeglare problems. For
lanterns emitting 3500 lumens
or more in the lower
hemisphere, the maximum
luminous intensity/1000lumens
are 160 candelas/1000 lumensat
80 candelasll000lumens at 90°
to the downwardvertical.

4.4.1 Introduction The lighting of public highways is outside the scope of this guide, the
principles being welldocumentedinBS5489RoadLighting. The approach
adopted here is suitable for simple roadway, footwayand footpath lighting
within factoriesand industrial sites where the speed ofvehiclesis restricted
to less than 30 miles per hour and vehicles normally drive on dipped
headlights during hours ofdarkness. Iftheroadway within a site should fall
within the category of a major traffic route then its design should be in
accordance with BS 5489, Part 2.

4.4.2 Principles The purpose of lighting roadways within a factory site is to enable
pedestrians to detectvehicularand other hazards, to provide guidance for
vehicles and to assist security. To fulfil these purposes the average and
point illuminances recommended above should be provided over the
relevant area, which includes the road, footway and any intermediate
verges, as wellas anysurfaces shared by bothvehiclesandpedestrians. The
values are minimum design values. Theyare based on the lighting design
lumens of the lamp and the appropriate maintenance factor (see Section

Further, both disability and discomfort glare need to be controlled. The

maximumluminous intensity per 1000 lumen criteria described abovewill
ensure the necessary degree of control.

It ismost important to rememberwhendesigningroadwaylighting that the


scene is viewedin horizontalperspectiveand not in plan. Rows oflanterns

tend to lead users along the lines which they should follow. It is therefore
essential that confused patterns are not created by badly sited lanterns
which give the impression of roads continuing where they do not.

4.4.3 Roadway lighting design On thebasis ofluminousefficacy andlife, the most suitable lightsourcesfor
roadwaylighting on factorysites are low pressure andhigh pressure sodium Lightsources discharge lamps. Within many factory sites, recognition of people and
objects frequently involvescolour judgement. It is therefore better to use
high pressure sodium ratherthan low pressure sodium lamps in spite ofthe
latter'sgreater luminousefficacy,where pedestrian activities predominate. Lanterns Ingeneral, posttoporendsupport lanterns withor withoutintegral control

gear offer economic and aesthetic design solutions for factory roadway
lighting. However, the exact choice of lantern will depend on the design
criteria adopted, andtheenvironmentalconditionsinwhich the lantern will
have to operate, including whetheror not the area is classified as safe or
hazardous. The environmental conditions are important because they
affect the degree of ingress protection needed by the lantern (see Section
5.2.1). The degree of Ingress Protection of the lantern will have a
considerableeffect upon the maintenancefactor which must be applied for
the samecleaninginterval. For example, a lanternwith a high IP 23 rating
will haveamaintenancefactorof0.53,whilst a lantern with an IP 54rating
will havea maintenancefactorof0.86, fora 12 monthcleaningintervalin a
high pollution area.
The degree and type ofatmosphericpollution can also affect the properties
ofsome materialswhich are usedinlantern construction. Aluminium alloys
with a high magnesium content should not be used in heavy industrial

Many lanterns incorporate lampcontrol gear integrally mounted either in

the lamp enclosure or a separate chamber. This system is particularly
advantageous where lanterns are fixed to a building structure and also
where individual photocell control is required, as the cabling is much
simpler. Mounting height The mountingheightsof lanterns will be governed to some extent by the
design requirement to provide a minimum pointilluminanceof2.5 lx over
the relevant area, but there are also a number of practical aspects which
should be considered. These are (a) the maximum height which can be
reached by the maintenanceequipment availableon the site, (b) whereit is
notpossible to erect columnsthe lanterns may haveto be mounted on other
structures and will therefore be restricted to the available heights, (c)
hazardous area conditionsatground level may cause the mounting height to
be increased so that the lantern with integral lamp control gear can be
located in a safe area, and only the cable termination in the column base
need be suitably certified, (d) overheadelectricalsupply cableswillrestrict
the column height to give the safe clearance distance appropriate to the
voltage carried. Arrangement A staggeredarrangement of lanterns is preferred for most roadways but a

singleside arrangement may be usedproviding the design criteria are met.
Lanterns should not restrict the passage of any vehicle likely to use the
carriagewayand should not project beyond the kerb. Columns should be
mounted to givea clearanceof0.8 metres from the surfaceofthe column to
the kerb. Bends androundabouts should belit by lanterns on the outside of


the kerb but it may be necessaryto place lanterns on the inside to meet the
design requirements. Junctions should be treated as shown in Figure 4.10.
Pedestrian crossingsshould have a lanternplaced justbeyond the crossing
from the approaching driver.

Approximately than'/3S

i.:' JPProximatel

Sisthedesignspacingfor the road

Figure 4.10 Lantern placementfor junctions;(a)T junctions;(b)CrossRoads;(c)Roundabouts

4.5 Security lighting . Standard Service

Application Illuminance (lx) Notes

Area lighting 5-20 The greater the lighting

ofthe adjacent area the
higher the illuminance
which should be used.
Perimeter lighting 1 Minimum vertical
illuminanceat thedistance at
which detectionis required.
Checkpoints 150
Gatehouses 200 Installationmust
be dimmable.

4.5.1 Introduction The risk of a crime being committed is significantlyhigher at night than
during the hours of daylight. Security lighting reduces this risk for two
reasons: psychologically it acts as a deterrent to criminals who prefer to
work under the cover of darkness, and functionally it allows security
officers to see anything that may be happening in an area. Several factors
affect the choice of lighting for security purposes: the economics of the
situation, whether other security systems, such as closed circuit television
surveillanceare to be employed, the locationofthe lighting and the kind of
premises being protected.

4.5.2 Principles Theprimary principle of securitylighting is to providesufficient lightover

the protected area so that anyone moving in that area can be seen and
preferably recognised easily. There should be no dark shadowed areas in
which an intruder can hide.

Security lighting,applications are many and varied, they range from the
protection ofa small rear door to the security ofa large industrial stocking
area, perhaps covering several thousand square metres. If closed circuit
television surveillance is involved then the lighting criteria may be
determined by the characteristics of the camera used, although it should
always be remembered that ultimately if intruders are to be deterred then


the possibility of active intervention by guards is necessary. This will

require the illuminancesrecommendedin order for the guards to be ableto
see the intruder adequately.
Most security lighting can be adequately provided by area lighting and
roadway lighting as described in Sections4.3 and 4.4. However, there are
some areas which require special treatment.

4.5.3 Perimeter lighting Perimeter lighting is intended to enable security guards or police to detect
anybody loiteringoutside a perimeter, which may be a fence or a building,
orattempting to crossthefence orenterthe building. Figure4.11 illustrates
suggestedlayoutsforthe securitylighting ofperimeters, including spacing,
where H is the height of the luminaire and the spacing is 3 to 4 H. Street
lighting lanterns, as shown, or floodlights and lanterns can be used.

Figure 4.11 Street lightinglanterns and Figure4.12Checkpointlightingwithroadway

columnsjustinside theboundaryfence entrance

4.5.4 Checkpoints A perimeter fencecan be returned alongthelineofanentrance roadwayand

the space between the two facing lines of fence brightly illuminated. This
creates a channel throughwhich it is impossibleto pass without being seen
andwilloftenstopunauthorised people evenifthereis nogate.Figure4.12
illustrates a typical layout. At a gatehouse or vehicle checkpoint a
convenient arrangement is to have local floodlights and a fence or light
coloured wall extending for at least two vehicle lengths from the
observationpointand local lighting atlower level for checking vehiclesand
drivers papers. Sufficient light should penetrate horizontallyto enable the
inside of the vehicle to be checked adequately.

4.5.5 Gate houses Theinterior lighting of a gatehouse should be shielded and subdued, and
fitted with a dimmer. The idea is to prevent the gateman from being seen
from outside, to ensure that his view is not hampered by brightreflections
on the inside of the windows and to maintain his dark adaptation. The
principles are illustrated in Figure 4.13. If the windows of the gate house
are covered with wire mesh painted white outside or are madeofvery small
glasspanes with white painted glazingbarsbetween, or ifhalfsilveredglass
is used,it willmake it almost impossiblefor anyone to see in from outside,
especiallyifthe interiorofthe gate house is painted in darkcolours. Ifthere
are windows on both sides of the gatehouse care should be taken that the
gateman is not seen or silhouetted by other outside lighting. It should be
impossible to tell from outside whether a gate house or security hut is
occupied or not but the view from inside should be unimpeded.


Figure 4.13Gatehouse lighting

4.5.6 Floodlighting buildings Floodlightinga building orwall creates a bright background against which
an intruder may be readily seen. If the district brightness is low, the thief
standing in the space between the building and the floodlight projectors
fmds himself in a very difficult dilemma; going forwards towards the
_____ buildingwill increase the likelihoodofhis being seen, yet to retreattowards
the floodlights is dangerous for him as there may be police or security
EU Floodlighting guards behind the glare of the lights. This approach is illustrated in Figure
EU 4.14. In theory an intruder might decrease the chance of his being seen at
night if he suitably camouflaged himself, for example, if he wore dark
EU Security
clothes and blacked his face. This might work if the building surfacesand
U 'Wirefence the groundswere of the same reflectancebut if the building and the area
around it has a number of different reflectances such attempts at
camouflage will be unsuccessful.
Figure 4.14Floodlighting
The floodlighting of buildings is described more fully in the GIBSE
LighdngGuide, The outdoor environment. Inthecontext ofsecurity it should
be notedthat floodlightsmounted low or on the ground may be subject to
damage or deliberate interference unless they protected. In some
situations, better revealment and lower cost will result from lighting
building facesaround anarearatherthan using area lighting. Theremay be
publicity value in the floodlighting as well.

4.5.7 CCTV surveillance Closedcircuit TV surveillanceis a common security facility.Themainrole

oflighting in sucha facilityis to allowthe camerato producea good quality
picture. To do this it is essential to determine (a) the sensitivity of the
camera to the wavelengthsproduced by the light source, (b) the minimum
illuminance that will be required to produce good quality pictures,
especiallyofmoving objects, (c) the locationofthe camera, and (d) the area
to be surveyed.
The spectral sensitivitiesof CCTV cameras are not the same as the human
visual system, many being sensitiveto infrared radiation as well as visible
radiation. The choice oflight source should takethe spectral sensitivity of
the camera into account.
Most manufacturers of camerawill indicate a minimum illuminance to be


provided for the camera to operate successfully. However, if moving

objects are to be successfullyshown an iluminanceabove the minimum
should be provided. Care should be taken to provide the required
illuminance evenly on all of the relevant surfaces.

Ideally, the cameraandthe luminaires should be in the same plane. Where

thisis not possiblethe luminaires should be locatedso as to light the whole
surveyedareauniformly. Itis essentialthat the luminairesdo not silhouette
any object of interest nor should they point directly into the camera.
The area to be surveyed should be determined with care,particularly ifthe
camerais ofthemotorisedpanand tilt type. Onlywhenthecompleteareato
be surveyed is known will it be possible to select suitable positions for the
camera and luminaires so that uniformlighting can be provided on all
relevant surfaces and static highlights, e.g. direct sunlight, and moving
highlights, e.g. vehicle headlights, can be avoided.
Whendesigninga security lighting system foruse with CCTV it is essential
that guidanceas to the characteristicsofthe CCTV system be sought from a
competent systems installer. It is also necessary to remember that the
lighting installation has a role to play in security, independent ofthe CCTV
system. A well lit area will deter thieves and intruders and will enable
anyone responding to the CCTV surveillanceto see what is happening. A
well designed security lighting system should be capable of meeting the
requirements of both people and CCTV cameras.

4.6 Sidings, marshalling Standard Service

Application I1linance (lx)
yards and goods yards
Generalsidings 10*
Switchingareas 20*
Marshalling yards:
Sidingsand walkways 10*
Switchingareas (neck andlor hump) 20*
Control rooms 150

Goods depots: :

Containerparking 10
Open cartageroads and forecourt 50
Transfer area 50
Shed deck 200
*Betweentracks withrollingstock in position

4.6.1 Sidings In principle sidings can be treatedas examples of arealighting. However

there aresome featureswhich deservespecial attention. Oneis the presence
ofessentialsignals. These are ofgreat importancewien the lighting isbeing
planned. Thefloodlight luminairesmust not beoitioned or directed so as
to appear close to signals when viewed by an approaching driver. Apart
from any confusion, glare can readily mask the light of the signal itself.
Further, the floodlights should not be positioned so that reflectionsfrom
the signal glasses give misleading impressions.
Careful placing ofthe lighting can greatly enhance the visibilityofcertain
features suchas the lie of points or the occupation of sidings when viewed
from specific viewpoints.This is achievedby arrangingfor thelightsource,
the track concerned and the viewpoint all to be roughly in line. This
alignment takes advantage of the specular reflections from the polished
surfaces of the rails to reveal them clearly.


4.6.2 Marshalling yards The object of a marshalling yard is to receive trains of mixed wagons
intended for many destinations, and to sort them out into several trains
destined for particular townsor areas. Thebasicarrangement thus consists
ofanumberof'roads'(a trackformed by a pair ofrails is often referred toas
a 'road')into which the wagonscan be switchedfrom a single sorting point
(the 'neck'). The smaller yards are usually flat and the wagons have to be
movedby shunting engines,the largeryardson theotherhand are normally
ofthe humptype,inwhich the wagonsare pushed up thehumpatthe neck,
and run down by gravity over the points of their respective roads.
On arrival, the mixed trains are placed in receptionsidings untilthey can be
handled in the marshallingareas. The reading of the destination labels by
the sorters involves the use of hand iamps, as not only is this a
comparativelyfine visual task, but the labels are frequently on the lower
framework and in shadow. On the other hand if the general lighting is
properly arranged it is often sufficient for preliminary sorting; this is
sometimes done by the recognition of label colours. For this reason
monochromatic light sources such as the low pressure sodium discharge
lampshouldnotbeusedin theseareas. When the destinationofa wagonhas
been determined, the sorters chalk large numbers on the wagon ends,
indicating to which road they are to be moved in the marshalling yard.
Whilst in these sidings the wagons are checked by the wagon inspector,
handlamps are necessary for examination of the undercarriage and other
parts of the wagon.
From the reception sidings the wagonsare pushed through the neck and
distributed totheirvarious roads. Lighting ofthe hump orneckareais very
important; operatives must have a clear view in both directions without
glare, so that they can see the chalk numbers on approaching wagons, the
setting ofthe points, and the amount ofclear track left in each of the train
sidings.Viewedfrom theneck area verticalplane illuminationalso becomes
important in assistingtheidentification ofwagonmarkings, or judgingthe
speed ofapproaching orreceding wagons.In suchcasesilluminationon the
end of the moving wagon is essential.

In mechanised hump yards the speed of the wagons running into the
different roads is controlled by automatic retarders, but in other yards
MOX\ operatives known as 'chasers'have to apply the wagon brakes according to
requirements. The lighting in this area has to reveal any spillage from
trucks or otherobstaclesendangering the chasers, besidesallowingthemto
performtheir normal duties.
Consideration ofthe various factors discussedin this reportsuggeststhat a
hightower installation isusuallymore suitable for these large areas,besides
having the advantageofless risk of confusion with signals. With properly
5 I

Figure4.15 Maximumangle foreffective sitedtowers thebanksoflamps are normallywellaway from thelineofsight

lightingbetweenwagons ofan engine driveron themainline,and are easy to recogniseas a groupof
floodlights. Lowmounted lights tend to form a large and irregular pattern
and it may not be easy to pick outa signalfrom its confused background of
lights. Tower positions should be selectedandplaced as near as is practical
to the higher illumination areas such as those around points, hump and
neck. As mentioned above, as far as possible the floodlights should be
directed along the tracks, but where the lighting has to be across occupied
tracks, the results depend on reflections from wagon sides etc., and can
only be consideredeffectiveup to a limiting angle of about 45° (see Figure
4.15). The lateral spacingthus depends on the height ofthe luminairesless
the height ofa wagon or coach. The maximum lateral spacing is obtained
with the higher towers as the light coverageincreasesat a greater rate than
S=2(HM—HW} the height. For example,ifthe height ofacoach is 4m andmounting height
of the lighting 7.5 m, (see Figure4.16) the maximum lateral spacingis 2 x
Figure 4.16 Maximumlateral spacing (7.5 —4) or 7 m. Ifthe mounting height is increased six times, to 45 m, the


lateral spacing can be increased to 2 x (45 —4) or 82 m, or nearly 12 times.

Floodlight luminaires should be selected with care to avoidglare to

operatives, the majority of lightfluxdistributed from a floodlight, should
generally be contained within an angle not greater than 75°, to the
downwardvertical, i.e. minimal lightflux, should fall outside the 75°(see
Figure 4.17).

Figure 4.17Limiting glareangle

4.6.3 Goods depots Normally goodsdepotsconsistof sidings for loading and unloading road
vehicles and standing or berthing sidings.

The main concern is the loading and unloading area with its associated
trafficspace. Motor road systemswithin theyardshould have road lighting,
as specified in BritishStandardBS 5489, Code ofPracticeforRoadlighting.
For other areas, low or medium height installations, use broad beam
asymmetricfloodlights, or lanterntype luminaireson columns or catenary
wire. The layout and height employed naturally varying with the local
conditions. All columns and catenary systems must give sufficient
clearancefor the manoeuvring of vehicles and movement ofcranes, and be
high enough for light penetration into open wagons. Penetration into the
vantype ofwagon is naturally desirable, but this can be provided only to a
very limited extent andisusuallyimpracticalasanexcessively closespacing
would be involved.Nevertheless,in loadingyards,anybias in the direction
of the lighting should be towards the loading side of the wagons. Where
cranes are used see Section 4.3.4.

4.7 Dockyards, terminals, Application Standard Service Notes

jetties and quays flluminance
Container and bulkcargo terminals
loading!unloadingareas 50
stackingareas 20
Jetties 50
Quaysidefor general cargo 50 Care should be taken to
provide a transition zone
between the quaysideand

Most modern docks are constructed as a series of bays to provide the

maximum amount of usable quay length from which to service the ship.
Decisions concerning the lighting can only be satisfactorily resolved by
separatelyconsideringeach type offacility andevaluatingthe various areas
which may present significantdifferences in visual tasks.

4.7.1 Container and bulk Container terminals involve cargo movement by rail or road. Thehighest
cargo terminals illuminances are required at the quayside where the landing and hoisting
originates and where the securingor releasingofchassis locking devicesis


likely to be part of the work. Bulk cargo is received by road or rail for
loading aboard ship and is discharged from the vessels and transported
away from the dockside by similar means. Typical cargo handling devices
include conveyer systems, gantry cranes, suction devices and powerful
electromagneticcollectors.The highest iluminancesare needed where the
transfer of cargo from ship to road or rail and vice versa occur.

The lighting installation in all these areas has to satisfy certain primary
requirements. It must not be allowed to produceglare to passing shipping
or to navigators of vessels moving alongside. Neither must any columns,
masts or towers, or individual luminairesobstructor diminish the effect of
navigational aids or signs. In practice, the avoidance of glare and harsh
shadowsis atleast asimportant as theilluminance. However, terminalsand
docksides are vulnerable to unauthorised intrusion and theft can be a
serious problem during the hours of darkness. Control of glare from the
lighting system and the elimination of shadows will facilitate the task of
visual supervision and the surveillanceof the site.

Because large areas of land need to be kept clear to allow for the general
movement ofvehicles and cargo and the swinging loads of both fixed and
travellingcranes, a useful approach is a high tower floodlightingsystem. A
high tower installation has the great advantage of being able to light
between stacked containers, cargoesand dockside buildings easily. These
can present significant obstructions to the flow of light from floodlight
situationswhere theirmounting height aboveground is a more traditional 8
to 20 metres. The location of all high masts must be chosen with care to
ensure the minimumphysicalhindrance to work and traffic flowwithin the
area. Tower heights maybein the range 35 to 70metres. An illuminanceof
50 lx covering the whole working area willnormally be sufficient for crane
operations. Thisilluminancecanbe provided byuniform area lighting or, if
a lower illuminance is provided generally, supplementary lighting by
floodlights attached to cranes and container handling equipment may be
used. However, it is recommended that such lighting should not be
mounted on anysection ofa cranethat rotates. Constantlymoving patches
of light with noticeably higher luminances than the ambient luminances
may distract the attention of those working in the vicinity of the crane.

4.7.2 Jetties Jetties generally extend into the waterway and are usually a T-shaped
structure. Becauseoftheneed to restrict glareto the surrounding waterway
and to satisfystringent navigationalrequirements itmay be necessaryto use
louvred floodlights.Workingconditionsona jetty, particularly ifithandles
oil or chemical cargoes may be much more arduous than in the main
harbourbasin orcontainer terminal. The need for good lighting is essential
and if the area is classed as a hazard zone all locally mounted lighting
equipment must be suitably robust and corrosion resistant to suit the
onerous conditions and may need to be of a selected design that meets
national and international regulations covering the use of electrical
equipment in areas where thereis an explosionhazard (CIBSEApplication
Guide: Lighting in hostile and hazardous environments). Attention to the
benefits of standardisationin the type of lighting installed and how access
would be gained to luminaires for relamping and cleaning would be

4.7.3 Quaysides for Guidance for the lighting of shipbuilding berths and docks, fitting- out
general cargo quays, repairyards andgravingdocks can be foundin the CIBSE Lighting
Guidefor the Shipbuildingand Ship Repair Industiy. This is an industry
that presents particular challengesto the various lighting systems that it
requires as there are tremendous variations in the nature of visual work;
many of the tasks having to be performed in unusual and singularly


awkward locations. In this regard, many of the individual needs and

recommendations applicable to ship construction and repair could be of
considerablehelp to the lighting engineer faced with the lighting ofgeneral
cargoesat open docks and quaysides.

5 Equipment

5.1 Light sources The main types of light source referred to in this guide are (a) tungsten
filament, (b) tungsten halogen filament, (c) high pressure mercury
5.1.1 Introduction discharge(fluorescent),(d) high pressure mercury discharge(metal halide),
(e) low pressure mercury discharge (tubular fluorescent), U) high pressure
sodium discharge, (g) low pressure sodium discharge.

Within each type there are a range of lamps available which differ in
construction, wattage, luminous efficacy, colour properties, cost, etc.
For exact details of the characteristics of a specific light source the
manufacturers should be consulted.

5.1.2 Summary of light The broad properties of the light sources commonly used for lighting in
source characteristics industry are summarised in Table 5.1. The meaning of the column
headingsis as follows: Lamp prefix letters Thesemay be foundmarkedon thelampor on its packagingand in the UK
they are widelyused as a means ofidentification. Additional lettersmay be
addedto the end ofthe prefix according to the construction ofthe specific
lamp, e.g. F for a fluorescent coating, R for a reflector coating. The prefix
letters shown in brackets are widely usedin Europe and may be found on
equipment in the UK. Construction and Entries in this column describe the method of light production and the
appearance physical appearance of the lamp. Luminous efficacy This is a measure of how efficiently the lamp converts electrical power
(measured in watts) to light(measured in lumens). Thehigher the value of
the luminous efficacy, the more efficient the lamp. A range of values is
given for each lamp type because luminous efficacy varies with power.
Thesevalues do not include the power consumed by any control gear that
may be required. Life Thelife ofa lamp willbeaffected by suchfactors as the switchingcycle, the
voltagesupply and thephysical operating conditions. The lives oftungsten
and tungsten halogen incandescent lamps and metal halide and high
pressure sodium discharge lamps, are particularly sensitive to the voltage
applied. Within a range of lamps the life will vary from one wattage to
another, generally the lower wattage lamps having the shorter life. It is
always advisable to contact the lamp manufacturer for the data regarding
the particular lamp underconsideration.Therange oflamplifegivenrefers
to the typical lamp life as defined by 50% ofthe lamps in alarge installation
failing. The lowervalueineach range, refers to thelower wattagelamps and
the higher value refers to the higherwattages, generallyused in industry.


Sometimes, information is supplied on the rated life of a lamp. This is

essentiallyan economic concept, representing the optimum point in time
for lamp replacement, thereby ensuring that operating costs are at a
minimum. The factorsincluded in the estimationofratedlife are electricity
andreplacementlabourcosts, lightoutput,lampmortality andlampprice.
These factors will obviously vary according to local conditions.
Table 5.1 Summary oflampcharacteristics
Lamptype Lamp Construction andappearance Luminous Life Colour Restrike Typical
prefix efficacy (hours) rendering time time Applications
letters (lm/W) (mm) (mm)
Tungsten GLS Atungstenfilament heated to 8-18 1000-2000 Excellent Immediate Immediate Emergency lighting,
incandescenceinaglassenvelope handlamps
Tungsten TH Atungstenfilament heated to 18-24 2000-4000 Excellent Immediate Immediate Areafloodlighting
halogen incandescenceinasmall
envelopecontaining halogens

Highpressure MBF Anelectric discharge inahigh 35-54 5000-24000 Moderate 4 10 Industrial lighting,
mercury* (HPL-N) pressure mercury atmosphere road lighting
contained inanarc tubewithina
glassenvelope with aflourescent
coating. Needscontrol gear.
Metal MBI Anelectric discharge inahigh 66-84 4000-12000 Good 5 10 Industrial lighting,
halide* (HPI) pressure mercury atmosphere with areafloodlighting
metalhalide additivesinan arc
tube,sometimes contained withina
glassenvelope. Needscontrol gear.
Tubular MCF Anelectric discharge inalow 37-100 5000-15000 Anything from Immediate Immediate Industrial lighting.
fluorescent pressuremercury atmosphere moderateto Rapiddevelopment
contained inaglasstube excellent includes compact
internally coatedwithafluorescent depending on versions suitable as
material.Needscontrol gear, theproperties replacements for
ofthe tungstenlamps.

Highpressure SON Anelectric discharge inahigh 67-137 6000-24000 Varies from 5 1 Industriallighting; area
sodium pressuresodium atmosphere inan poor togood floodlighting;road
arctubecontained inanouter depending on lighting;security
envelope. Needscontrol gear. thepressure lighting. Rapid
used, development includes
Lowpressure SOX Anelectric discharge ina low 101-190 5000-20000 Non-existent 10 3 Roadlightingand
sodium pressuresodium atmosphere in a securitylighting.
glassarctube contained maglass
envelope. Needscontrol gear.
*This lampshould not be usediftheouter envelopeisbrokenbecause considerable quantities ofultra-voilet radiation will then beemitted.
MANUFACTURERS SHOULDALWAYS BE CONSULTEDFOR EXACT DATA Colour rendering The extent to which a lamp type will give surface colours the same
appearance as they have under a reference light source, usually daylight.
Excellent colour rendering implies no distortion of surface colours. Run-up time Tungsten, tungsten halogen and tubular fluorescent lamps produce
significantamounts of light immediatelywhen switchedon. All the other
lamp types require several minutes to approach full lightoutput; this may
be important where installations have to be used at unexpected times.
THE INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT Restrike time Tungsten, tungsterhalogen andtubularfluorescent lampscan beswitched

off and then switched on again immediately. All the other lamp types,
unless fitted with specialcontrol gear, show a significantdelay afterswitch
off before they will re-ignite. This property may have important safety
implications as momentary interruption in the electricity supply can
extinguish these lamps and it may be some time before they can be re-lit.

5.1.3 Control gear The control gear which is associated with all types of discharge lamps
should fulfil three functions. It should (a) start the lamp, (b) control the
lamp current after ignition and (c) correct the power factor. Control gear
consumes energy.The efficiencyofalampcircuit asa whole depends on the
total power taken by the lamp and the control gear. It is also necessaryto
consider the power factor of the circuit in order to minimise electricity
charges and to ensure correct cable ratings.

The current and the wattageratings ofcables, fuses andswitchgearusedin

the control gear must be related to the total current in the circuit, or an
allowance may be necessary for increased currents and voltages during
switching.Harmonic currentsmay be present and willincrease the neutral
current in a three-phase system. Current ratings of neutral conductors
should be the same as that ofphase conductors. Manufacturers can supply
informationaboutthe power factor and harmonic currentsof theircontrol
gear. All electricalinstallationsshould comply with the currentedition and
amendments of the Regulations for ElectricalInstallationspublished by the
Institutionof Electrical Engineers.
It is important to appreciate that the lampand the associated control gear
constitute an integrated unit for producing light. Lamps from different
manufacturers may not operate on the same control gear even when the
lampsare nominallyofthe sametype. Whenever anychange is proposed in
either element of the lamp/control gear package, care should be taken to
ensure that the proposed combination is compatible, both electrically and
physically. For some lamps which are sensitive to the voltage applied
tapped chokes are provided. It is important that the voltage at the point of
connection is matched to the voltage tapping.

Highfrequency control gearis now widelyavailable for tubularfluorescent

lamps. This gear has a numberof advantages over conventional control
gear, the main ones being increased efficacy, instant starting and flicker
free operation. Special types of control gear are necessaryif dimming or
rapid re-ignition of some types of discharge lamps are required, although
some types of high frequency control gear can be used to dim tubular
fluorescent lamps to a limited extent, without further modification.

The life of control gear is sensitive to ambient temperature. The control

gear used should have an appropriate temperature ratingfor the situation.
If this temperature is exceeded the insulating material may deteriorate

5.2 Luminaires Luminaires can take many different forms, but have to be safe during
installationand operation andbeableto withstand the ambientconditions.
5.2.1 Standards and markings The standard which covers most luminaires in the UK is BS 4533:
Luminaires. It is suitable for use with luminaires containing tungsten
filament, tubularfluorescentand otherdischarge lamps running on supply
voltagesnot exceeding 1 kilovolt. It covers the electrical, mechanicaland
thermal aspects of safety. Luminaires should comply with BS 4533.


In BS 4533, luminaires are classified according to the type of protection

against electrical shock that they have, the degree of protection against
ingress of dust or moisture they have, and according to the material ofthe
supporting surface which the luminaire is designed. Table 5.2 lists the
luminaire classes according to the type ofprotection againstelectric shock.
Class zero luminaires are not permitted in the UK by reason of the
ElectricalEquipment (SafetyRegulations) and the Electricity (FactoriesAct)
Special Regulations, 1908 and 1944.

Table5.2 Classification ofluminairesaccordingtothetype ofprotectionprovide againstelectricshock(from BS4533)

Class Type ofProtection Symbolused tomark

0* Alununairein whichprotectionagainstelectricshock reliesuponbasic insulation;thisimplies that there are no No symbol
meansfor theconnectionofaccessibleconductiveparts,ifany,tothe protectiveconductorinthefixed wiringofthe
installation,reliancein theevent ofafailure ofthe basicinsulationbeing placed ontheenvironment.
I Aluminaireinwhich protectionagainstelectricshockdoes notrely on basicinsulationonly, butwhichincludesan No symbol
additionalsafetyprecautioninsuch away that meansareprovidedfortheconnectionofaccessibleconductiveparts
to theprotective(earthing)conductorinthefixed wiringoftheinstallationin such awaythattheaccessible
conductiveparts cannotbecomelive in theevent ofafailure ofthebasicinsulation.
II Aluminairein whichprotectionagainstelectricshockdoes notrely on basicinsulationonly, but inwhichadditional Two concentric
safety precautionssuch asdouble insulationorreinforcedinsulationareprovided, therebeing noprovisionfor boxes
III Aluminairein whichprotectionagainstelectricshock reliesuponsupplyatsafety extralow voltage (SELV) or in iiiin adiamond
whichvoltages higherthan SELV are not generated. TheSELV isdefmedasavoltage which does not exceed50
volts.a.c., r.m.s.betweenconductorsor betweenanyconductorandearthina circuitwhichisisolatedfrom the
supplymains by meanssuch asa safetyisolatingtransformeror converterwithseparatewindings,
*Class01uminairesarenotpermitted in theU.K.

The degreeofprotection the luminaire provides against the ingress ofdust

and moisture is classifiedaccording to the Ingress Protection (IP) system.
This system describes a luminaire by two digits, for example, 1P54. The
first digit classifies the degree ofprotection the luminaire provides against
the ingress ofsolid foreignbodies from fingers and tools, to fme dust. The
second digit classifies the degree of protection the luminaire provides
againstthe ingressofmoisture. Table 5.3liststheclassesofthesetwodigits.
Table 5.4 lists the IP numbers which correspond to some commonlyused
descriptions ofluminaire types. Table 5.5 liststhe symbols which may be
used to mark the luminaires in addition to the IP number.
BS 4533 applies to most luminaires intendedfor use in neutral or hostile
environments (including luminaires with type of protection N (non
sparking)). It does not apply to many ofthe luminairesintendedfor use in
hazardousenvironments, i.e. environmentsinwhich thereisarisk offire or
explosion. For such applications there are different requirements so
different standards and certification procedures apply. Detailed guidance
on this topic can be found in the CIBSE ApplicationGuide, Lightingfor
Hostileand Hazardous Environments.

5.2.2 Summary of luminaire Table5.6 summarisestheproperties ofthe luminaireswhich are most likely
characteristics to be usedin lighting forindustry. The column headingsindicate, from left
to right,the commonname ofthe luminairetype,the light source for which
it is usually available (identified by the prefix letters (see Table 5.1)), the
usual mounting position, the typical light distribution and some of the
applications where the luminaires are commonly used. The table only
gives an overview of the many types of luminaires available. For exact
informationon any specific luminaire the manufacturer should always be


Table5.3 Thedegreesofprotectionagainstthe ingress ofsolid bodies(first characteristicnumeral)andmoisture(secondcharacteristicnumeral)inthe

IngressProtection(IP) System ofluminaireclassification
characteristicShort Briefdetails ofobjectswhichwill be'excluded' from theluminaire
numeral description
0 Non-protected Nospecialprotection
1 Protectedagainstsolid objects Alargesurfaceofthe body, such as a hand (but noprotection againstdeliberateaccess).Solidobjects
greaterthan50mm exceeding 50mmindiameter.
2 Protectedagainstsolid objects Fingersorsimilarobjectsnot exceeding80mminlength. Solidobjectsexceeding12mmindiameter
greater than 12mm
3 Protectedagainst solidobjects Tools,wires,etc., ofdiameteror thicknessgreaterthan2.5mm. Solidobjectsexceeding2.5mmin diater.
greater than 2.5mm
4 Protectedagainst solidobjects Wires orstrips ofthicknessgreater than 1.0mm. Solidobjects exceeding1.0mmindiameter
greater than 1.0mm
5 Dust-protected Ingressofdustisnot totallypreventedbutdust does not enterinsufficientquantity to interferewith
6 Dust-tight Noingress ofdust

characteristicShort Details ofthe type ofprotection providedby theluminaire
numeral description
0 Non-protected Nospecialprotection
1 Protected against dripping water Dripping water(verticallyfallingdrops) shall havenoharmful effect.
2 Protected against dripping water Verticallydripping watershallhave no harmfuleffect when theluminaireistilted at anyangle upto 15°
when tilted up to 15° from itsnormal position
3 Protected againstsprayingwater Waterfallingasa sprayatanangle upto 60°from the verticalshallhave no harmful effect
4 Protectedagainst splashingwater Watersplashedagainst theenclosurefrom anydirectionshallhavenoharmful effect
5 Protected againstwaterjets Waterprotected byanozzleagainsttheenclosurefrom anydirectionshallhaveno harmful effect
6 Protected againstheavyseas Waterfrom heavyseasorwater protectedin powerfuljets shallnot enter theluminaireinharmful
7 Protectedagainsttheeffectsof Ingressofwatermaharmful quantity shallnotbe possiblewhen theluminaire isimmersedinwater
immersion underdefinedconditionsofpressureandtime
8 Protectedagainstsubmersion The equipmentissuitableforcontinuoussubmersioninwaterunder conditionswhichshall be specified
by themanufacturer.

Table5.4 IngressProtection(IP) numberscorrespondingtosomecommonlyused descriptionsofluminaire typesandthe symbols whichmay be used to

mark a luminairein addition totheIPnumber
Commonly used descriptionofluminairetype IP Number * Symbolwhichmay beused in addition totheIPclassificationnumber
Ordinary 1P20** nosymbol
Drip-proof IPXI (onedrop)
Rain-proof IPX3 (onedropin square)
Splash-proof IPX4 (onedropin triangle)
Jet-proof IPX5 (two triangleswithonedrop ineach)
Watertight(immersible) IPX7 (two drops)
Pressure-watertight(submersible) IPX8 (two dropsfollowed byanindicationof
the maximumdepthofsubmersioninmetrics)

Proofagainst 1mmdiameter probe IP4X no symbol

Dust-proof IPSX (amesh withoutframe)
Dust-right IP6X (amesh withframe)
* Where Xisused in an IPnumber in thisCode, itindicatesamissingcharacteristicnumeral.However,onanyluminaire,bothappropriatecharacteristic
numeralsshouldbe marked.
** Marking ofIP20 on ordinaryluminairesisnotrequired. In thiscontextanordinary luminaireis onewithout specialprotectionagainstdirtor moisture.


Table5.5 Informationwhichshouldbe markedon luminaires(from BS 4533)

1. Mark oforigin.
2. Ratedvoltage(s)in volts. (Luminairesfor tungsten filamentlamps areonlymarked the rated voltage isdifferentfrom 250 volts).
3. Ratedmaximumambienttemperatureifother than 25°C (ta. ..°C).
4. Symbol ofclass!!orclass IIIluminaire, whereapplicable.
5. IngressProtection(IP)number, whereapplicable.
6. Maker's modelnumber ortype reference.
7. Rated wattageofthelamp(s)inwatts. (Where thelamp wattagealoneis sufficient,the number oflamps andthe type shallalso be given.
Luminairesfor tungstenfilamentlamps shouldbe markedwiththemaximumratedwattageand number oflamps).
8. Symbolofluminaireswithbuilt-in ballastortransformerssuitablefordirect mounting onnormallyflammablesurfaces,ifapplicable.
9. Informationconcerningspeciallamps,ifapplicable.
10. Symbolfor luminairesusing lamps ofsimilarshape to'cool beam' lampswhere theuse ofa 'coolbeam' lampmight impairsafety,ifapplicable.
11. Terminationstobe clearly marked toidentifywhichterminationshould beconnectedto thelive side ofthesupply, wherenecessaryfor safetyorto
ensure satisfactory operation.Earthing terminatorsshouldbeclearlyindicated.
12. Symbolsfor theminimumdistancefrom lightedobjects,forspotlightsand thelike,whereapplicable.
In additionto theabovemarkings,all detailswhicharenecessarytoensure proper installation,use andmaintenanceshould be giveneither on theluminaire
orona built-in ballastorinthe manufacturer'sinstructionsprovidedwith theluminaire.

Table5.6. Summaryofluminairecharacteristics
Luminairetype Suitablelamptypes Mountingpositions intensitydistributions Typicalapplication
Cone GLS, compactMCF Pendant Widespreadbutdownward Industrial premises
Bare batten MCF Surfaceor pendant Inall directions Industrialpremises
Trough reflector MCF Surfaceor pendant Widespreadbutdownward, Industrialpremises
someupwardlight iftrough
has slots
Linear enclosed MCF Surfaceor pendant Widespread Industrialpremieswhere lamps
have tobe enclosed,e.g.for
protection from damp, dustor
Linear prismatic/opal MCF Surfaceorpendant Varieswidelydependingon Industrial premiseswhereglare
the characteristicsofthe control isrequired
prismaticopal panel
Recessedlouvre MCF,MBF, (HPEN), Recessed Varieswithreflectorused Industrial premiseswhereclose
MB!, (HP!),SON, (HPS) control ofglareis required
Barelamp reflector MBFR (HPL-R) SON-R Surfaceorpendant Widespreadbutdownwards Highbayindustrialpremises
Bare lamp reflectorwith MBFR (HPL-R) SON-R Surfaceorpendant Widespreadbutdownwards Highbayindustrialpremises
High bayreflector MBF, (HPL-N), MB!, Surfaceorpendant Concentrateddownwards Highbayindustrialpremises
Low bay MBF, (HPL-M), Surface,pendant orrecessed Widespreadbutdownward, Industrial premiseswherelow
SON, (HPS) dependingonwhether mountingheightsare
reflectors,prismatics, unavoidable
diffusersorlouvres are used
in the luminaire
Bulkheads GLS, MBF, (HPL-N), Surface Widespread Industrial premises,exterior
SON, SOX, Compact areas around buildings
Floodlightingprojector GLS, TH, SON, SOX, Poleorsurface Varies withtheshape ofthe Industrialareafloodlighting;
MBF, MB!, (HP!), reflectorused security lighting
Streetlightinglanterns SOX, SON, MBF, Poleorsurface Widespreadbut closely Road lighting, securitylighting
(HPL-N), MBI, controlledwithin specific arealighting
(HP!) angles
Post toplantern SOX, SON, MBF, Pole In alldirections Road lighting,exterioramenity
(HPL-N), MB!, (HP!) lighting
Smalltungsten TH Poleor surface Widespreadbut flat Area floodlighting


5.3 Control systems Controlsystemsare an inherentpart of anylighting installation. They can

take many forms, varying from a simple wall switch to being a part of a
5.3.1 The function of control sophisticated microprocessor-controlled, building management system.
Whatever the method used, the aim ofa control system is always to ensure
systems that the lighting systemisonly operating when itis required, and that when
it is, itis operating in the required state.The aim ofmost control systems is
to vary the light output of the installation, either by switching or by
dimming the lamps.

5.3.2 Switching In principle, all light sources can be switched but the light output that is
immediately available on switch on and the interval necessary between
restarts varieswith lamp type (see Table 5.1). Switchingcan be achievedby
anumberofdifferent methods. Thesimplestis the manual switch. Remote
switcheswhich use an infrared transmitter and a receiver on the luminaire
are also available. Both these forms ofswitching require humaninitiative.
Alternative forms of switching operate without human intervention.
Lamps can be switchedby time switchesorin responseto the availabilityof
daylight or the occupation ofan area. Photocellsare used to sense the level
of daylight available, whilst sensors of noise level, movementand emitted
or reflected radiation have all been used to detect people's presence.
One particular aspect of switchingwhich has limited its use in the past has
been the difficulty of switching individual or small groups of luminaires
without excessive investment in wiring. Recent developments in elec-
tronicshavemadeit possibleto send switchingsignalsby lowvoltagewiring
or by high frequency transmission pulses over the existing supply wiring.
Further, logic circuitry now exists which allows individual luminaires to
respond in one of several different ways. Such systems provide great
flexibility in the way the lighting installation can be used.

5.3.3 Dimming Whenever the ability to steadily diminish the illuminance in a room is
desirable, dimming is required. Tungsten ifiament lamps can be readily
dimmed. Not all discharge lamps can be dimmed and those that can, such
as tubular fluorescent lamps, may need special control gear. Dimming
lamps reduces the energy consumed by the lamp, but not necessarily in
proportion to the light output, and usually changesits colour properties.
Dimmers can be controlled manually or automatically in response to
daylight availability. Many of the electronic developments mentioned in
relationto switchingcan also beassociatedwith dimming. Useful advice on
the selectionof lighting control systems is given in the BRE Digest272:
Lighting Controls andDaylight Use.

5.4 Maintenance of Maintenance of lighting systems keeps the performance of the system
lighting equipment within the design limits, promotes safety, and, ifconsidered at the design
stage, can help to minimise the electricalload and capital costs. Mainten-
5.4.1 Introduction ance includes replacementof failed or deteriorated lamps and control gear,
and the cleaning of luminaires and room surfaces at suitable intervals.

5.4.2 Lamp replacement There are two factorswhich need to be considered when determining the
timing oflampreplacement; the changein lightoutputand the probability
oflampfailure. Therelative weight given to these two factors depends on
the lamp type. Tungsten andtungsten halogenlamps,bothofwhich have a
filament, usuallyfail before the declinein light output becomessignificant.
Therefore the replacement time for these lamps is determined by the
probability oflampfailure alone. All the other lightsources conventionally


usedin industry show a significantreduction in light outputbefore a large

proportion fail. Therefore, for these lamps, both the declinein lightoutput
and the probability of lamp failure are important in determining the lamp
replacement time. Frequently it is desirable to replace such lamps even
though they are still operating electrically,simply because the light output
has fallen to an uneconomiclevel.
For the majorityofinstallationsthemost sensibleprocedure is to replaceall
the lamps at planned intervals. This procedure, which is known as group
replacement, has visual, electrical and financial advantages over the
alternative of replacing individual lamps as they fail. Visually, group
replacement ensures that the installation maintains a uniform appearance.
Electrically, group replacement reduces the risk of damage to the control
gear caused by lamps nearing the endoftheirelectricallife. Financially, by
arranging that the lampreplacementis associatedwith luminaire cleaning,
and doing it at a time when it will causethe minimum ofdisturbance to the
activities, the costoflampreplacement can be minimised. Groupreplace-
ment is an appropriate procedure for routine maintenance. However, in
any large installation, a few lamps can be expected to fail prematurely.
Failure of control gear and luminaire components may occur,unless these
lamps are replaced promptly.
No matterwhetherlamps are replacedindividuallyorin a group, a decision
has to be made about the replacement light source. As light source
developmentproceedsthereisa temptation to replaceone lightsource with
another which is superficially similar but of higher luminous efficacy. If
thiscourse ofaction isattemptedgreatcareshould betakento establish that
the replacementlight source and the existing control gear are compatible;
physicallyandelectrically.Beforereplacinganydischargelightsource with
another of a different type, or the same type but from a different
manufacturer, advice on compatibility should be sought from the

Thetiming and natureoflampreplacementis usuallyamatterofeconomic

and managerial judgement and may well be determined by factors other
than those directly related to the lighting. The proposed lampreplacement
procedure should be considered during the design of the installation. Bulk disposal of lamps If lamps are to be disposedofin large quantities the followingprecautions
need to be observed.

Staff should be instructed towear suitable protectiveclothing, in particular

eye protection and gloves to guard against broken glass.
Tubularfluorescent lamps, andthe outerjackets ofhigh pressure mercury,
sodium, andmetal halide lamps should be broken in a suitable container, to
prevent flyingglass,inawellventilated areaoutdoors. Thereisno reason to
break theinnerenvelopes(arc tubes) ofhigh pressure sodium, mercury and
metal halide lamps.

Low pressure sodium lamps should be broken into small pieces within a
large, drycontainer, ina wellventilatedareaoutdoors, in a dryatmosphere.
As sodium reacts violently with water, precautions should also be taken
against fire.
No more than 20 lamps should be broken into a container at anyone time.
When the container is no more than one-quarter full, the operator should
use a hose, from asafe distance, to fill the containerfull ofwater. Theliquid
may then be disposed of as a very weak solution of caustic soda and the
debris as glass.


5.4.3 Luminaire cleaning The rate at which dirt is deposited on and in a luminaire depends on the
interval amount and composition of the dirt in the atmosphere, and on the type of
luminaire. Overthe sameperiod andin the samelocationdustproof (IP SX)
and dust tight (IP 6X) luminaires andopen reflectors with slots in the top
willcollectless dirt than louvred luminaireswith closedtops, or luminaires
with unsealed diffusers. This last type frequently act as a dust trap.

For particularly dirty atmospheres or where access is difficult it is usually

best to have either dustproof(IP SX) or dust tight (IP 6X) luminaires,
ventilated luminaires which are designed to use air currents to keep them
clean, or lamps with internalreflectors. If cleaningis to be done in situ by
water jets then luminaires suitably protected from moisture penetration
must be used (IP SX). It is important to note that even the most protected
luminaires, for example, dust tight (IP 6X) luminaires, will collect dirt on
their external surfaces. Therefore even these luminaires willneed cleaning
regularly (see Section 5.2.1 for a description of the IP system).
The appropriate cleaningintervalforluminairesandthe lampstheycontain
is again an economicand managerialquestion. The factors that need to be
consideredare.the costandconvenienceofcleaningat a particular time and
the prevailingefficiencyofthe installation. As a general guide, luminaires
should be cleanedat least oncea year but for some locationsthiswill not be
sufficient. It is usuallyadvantageousto co-ordinateluminaire cleaningwith
lamp replacement if the latter is required.

5.4.4 Room surface TheFactories Act1961 stipulates that room surfaces in factories should be
cleaning interval cleanedand redecorated regularly, but regular cleaningis importantin all
buildings ii a dirty appearance is to be avoided. Regular cleaning is
particularlyimportant where lightreflectedfrom theroom surfacesmakesa
major contribution to the lighting of the interior, e.g. where daylight from
the side windows is used or where an indirect lighting installation is
5.4.5 Design aspects The maintenance procedures for a lighting installation should be con-
sidered at the design stage. Three aspects are particularly important. The
firstis the maintenancefactor to beusedinthe calculationofthenumberof
lamps andluminairesneeded to providetherequired conditions. Table 5.7
shows typical maintenance factors used for industrial lighting, assuming
replacement of failed or brokenlamps and annual cleaningof equipment.
Table 5.8 shows typical maintenance factors for exterior lighting for
different degreesofingress protection, air pollution and cleaninginterval.

The second aspect is the practical one of access and handling. Good
maintenancewill only occur ifaccessto the lighting installation is safe and
easy, and the lighting equipment is simple to handle. Figure 5.1 show two
type of lighting columns designed for easy maintenance.
The third aspect is equipment selection. The dirtierthe atmosphere where
the installation is to operate, the more important it is to select equipment
which is resistant to dirt deposition.
Table5.7 Typical maintenancefactors used for industrial interiors
Application MaintenanceFactor
Clean industry, e.g. electronics 0.8
Moderatelydirtyindustry, e.g. timber 0.7
Figure5.1Two typesofhingedcolumnsfor Dirtyindustry, e.g. concrete casting 0.6
maintenanceatground level Very dirtyindustry,
e.g. coal preparation plant 0.5


Table5.8. Maintenancefactors forexteriorlighting

Degressofingressprotection oflamp housing
IP23 Minimum IP 54Minimum
Cleaninginterval Pollutioncategory Pollutioncategory
(months) High Medium Low High Medium Low
6 0.61 0.69 0.96 0.91 0.92 0.96
12 0.53 0.62 0.94 0.86 0.88 0.94
18 0.48 0.58 0.92 0.83 0.85 0.92
24 0.45 0.56 0.91 0.81 0.83 0.91
36 0.42 0.53 0.90 0.79 0.82 0.90
NOTE: Highpollutionoccursin thecentreoflargeurbanareas and inheavyindustrialareas.
Mediumpollutionoccurs insemi-urban,residential,andlight industrialareas.Low
pollutionoccurs in ruralareas.

5.4.6 Practical aspects A wide rangeof different materials are used in luminaires. Table 5.9
summarises themostsuitable cleaningmethods for usewith these different

Table5.9Suitable cleaningmethods for lighting maintenance

Material Best cleaning Alternative Remarks

compound cleaners
Aluminium Soap and water Acidicoralkalinecleanerswatermay causechalkingof
the oxide surfaces. Aluminium should be rinsed
thoroughlyafter cleaning.
Glass Detergents and water Proprietary glazecleaners Polishing pastes and fluids are not recommendedas
these may leave a film on the glass surface which
affects its characteristicsin relation to moisture and
dirt adhesion. Paraffin must not be used.
Plastics (includingGRP) Non-ionicdetergents Ordinary detergents Dustaccumulates duetoa staticchargedevelopingon
and water and water the plastic. It should not, therefore, be wiped, but
allowed to drip-dry after cleaning. De-staticisersare
commerciallyavailable either as a polish, spray or
solution in the rinse bath.
VitreousEnamel Detergentsand water Proprietary glaze cleaners See remarks appertaining to glass.
StovedEnamel and Paints Detergentsand water Abrasivecleanersshouldnotbeused asthey willinjure
the finish.

Different lighting installations call for different levels of skill from the
people doing the maintenance. For completely conventionalinstallations
only the most basic knowledge is necessary but where luminaires with
special properties, e.g. dustproof (IP 5X), jetproof (IP X5), are used,
considerableknowledge and care is required from the operator doing the
cleaningandreassembly. Similarly,where complex control systemsform a
part ofthe installation, the maintenanceoperator will need to understand
the operation ofthe systemand the consequencesofany changesmade. For
all maintenanceworkthe operators should be aware ofthe basic electrical
and mechanicalsafety aspects of the work.


6 Lighting design

6.1 Introduction Lighting designis a complex process and no hard and fast rules can be
devisedwhichwill suitalldesign problemsoreverydesigner. Nevertheless,
the followingdesign approach represents reasonablepractice and will give
guidance to less experienced designers.

6.2 Objectives The first stage in planning any lighting installation is to establish the
lighting design objectives.Careand time expended on thisis wellinvested,
because the objectives guide the decisions in all the other stages of the
design process. The lighting objectivescan be considered in three parts.
Thelighting must be safeinitselfandmust allowthe occupantstoworkand
moveabout safely. There are not only primary objectivesbut also statutory
obligations.It is, therefore, necessarytoidentify anyhazardspresentand to
consider the most appropriate form of emergency lighting.

The type ofwork which takesplace in theinteriorwilldefine thenature and

variety ofthe visualtasks. Ananalysisofthe visualtasks (thereisrarelyjust
one) intermsofsize, contrast, duration, need for colourdiscrimination and
so on, is essential to establish the quantity and quality of the lighting
required to achieve satisfactory visual conditions. In addition to est-
ablishing the nature of the tasksdone in an interior, it is also necessary to
identify the positions where the tasksoccur,the planes on which the tasks
lie, and the extent of any obstruction. This information is essential if
lighting matched to the tasks is to be provided.
The lighting ofa spacewillaffect its character, and the character ofobjects
within it. It is, therefore, necessaryto establishwhat mood or atmosphereis
to be created. This is not a luxury to be reserved only for prestige offices,
places of entertainment, and the like, but should be considered in all
When establishing the objectives, it is important to differentiate between
those which are essentialandthose which are desirable. Itis also important
at this stage to establish both the design objectives and the design
constraints. There are many constraints which may affect the design
objectives, such as allowed budget, energy consumption, environmental
considerations (which may limit the range of acceptable luminaires),
physical problems of access, and so on. These constraints must be
recognised at the objectivesstage of the design.

6.3 Specification Once the lighting objectives have been defined, they must be quantified
wherever possible. However, not all design objectivescan be quantified.
For example, the need to makean environment appear efficient cannot be
quantified. Furthermore, although many objectives can be expressed in
physical terms, suitable design techniques may not exist or may be too
cumbersome. For example,obstruction losses are difficult to calculateand
predict accurately. This does not mean that the objectivesrepresented by
these terms should be ignored, but that experience and judgement may
have to replace calculation.


6.4 General planning When the design specification has been established the purpose of the
remaining stages of design is to translate these requirements into the best
possible solutions, with the intention of meeting the original objectives.
The designer should never lose sight of the fact that the aim is to meet the
original objectives,and that the specificationis only a stepping stone in this
process, and not an end in itself. Indeed, if it proves difficult to plan an
installation which meets the design specification it may be necessary to
reassessthe originalobjectives.There are no hard and fastrules about how
to plan a lighting installation, and experience and judgement will usually
dominate the planning process. Nevertheless, the planning stages can be
divided into general planning and detailed planning (see Section 6.5).

At the general planning stage, the designer aims to establish whether the
original objectives are viable, and resolve what type of design can be
employedto satisfythese objectives.The first stagein the general planning
ofa lighting installationis to consider the interior to be lit, its proportions,
its contents, and most importantly the daylight available.
6.4.1 Daylight A comprehensive assessment of the role of windows and rooflights in
buildings is given in the CIBSE Window Design Guide. In industry, the
most common means ofadmitting daylight is by rooflights. Therefore this
guide will restrict the consideration of daylight to the role of rooflights.
Specifically, the question which needs to be considered is how should the
electric lighting relate to the natural lighting. Electric lighting is usually
planned as if daylight did not exist. However natural lighting may well
suggest the form andespeciallythe control system ofthe electric lighting.
For this reason every lighting designer needs some knowledgeofdaylight
In temperate climates, the extent towhich daylight isavailableat a position
in an interioris conventionallyexpressed as a 'daylight factor'. This is the
illuminanceat a pointon a plane in an interior duetolightreceiveddirectly
or indirectly from a sky of known or assumed luminance distribution
expressedas a percentageofthe illuminanceon a horizontalplanedueto an
unobstructed hemisphere of the same sky. The sky usually assumed is the
overcast sky specified by the CIE. The average daylight factor (%) on a
horizontal reference plane in an empty interior is given approximately by
the followingexpression:

average daylight factor

where T= transmittance of glazing material, expressed as a decimal
W= nett area of glazing (mZ)
0 = angle(degrees)in vertical plane,subtended by sky visiblefrom
the centre of a rooflight - (see Figure 6.1)
A= total areaofindoor surfaces:ceiling + floor + walls, including
windows or rooflights (m2)
R= area weighted average reflectance of all indoor surfaces,
including the rooflights
Figure 6.1Maxiniuin9on ashed roof

When the average daylight factor is 5 per cent or more, an interior will
generallylook well day-lit. Whenthe averagedaylight factoris less than 2
per cent, the interior will not be perceived as well day-lit and electric
lighting may be in constant use throughout the day.
Whenthe average daylight factorexceedsS per centin a building which is
used mainly duringthe day, electricityconsumption for lighting should be


too small to justify elaborate control systems on economic grounds,

provided that switches are sensibly located.
Whenthe average daylight factor is between 2 per centand 5 per cent, the
electric lighting should be planned to take full advantage of available
daylight. Localised or local lighting may be particularly advantageous,
using daylight to provide the general surround lighting.
Averagedaylight factor will often give the designer sufficient information
on which to base decisionson the relationshipbetween natural and electric

6.4.2 Choice of electric Lighting systems which provide an approximately uniform iluminance
lighting systems over the whole working plane are called general lighting systems. The
luminaires are normally arranged in a regular layout. General lighting is General lighting simple to plan usingthe lumen method and requires no co-ordination with
task locations. The greatest advantage of such systems is that they permit
complete flexibility of task location.
The major disadvantageofgeneral lighting systemsis that energy may be
wasted illuminating the whole area to the level needed for the most critical
tasks. Energy could be saved by providing the necessaryilluminanceover
only the taskareasand using a lower ambient level for circulation andother
non-critical tasks. Localised lighting Localised lighting systems employ an arrangement ofluminaires designed
to providetherequired standard serviceilluminanceonworkareas together
with a lower illuminancefor the otherareas. The iluminanceon the other
areasshould not beless thanone-third oftheilluminanceonthe work areas.
Considerablecaremust be taken to co-ordinate the lighting layout to task
positions and orientation. The system can be inflexible and correct
informationis essentialat the design stage. Changesin the work layout can
seriously impair a localised system, although uplighters and other easily
relocatableor switchable systems can overcome these problems.

Localised systems normally consume less energy than general lighting

systems unless a high proportion of the areais occupied by workstations.
This should be confirmed by specific calculations.Localised systems may
require more maintenance than general lighting systems. Local lighting Local lighting provides illumination only over the small area occupied by
the taskandits immediatesurroundings. A general lighting system must be
installedto provide sufficientambient illuminationforcirculation andnon-
critical tasks. This is then supplemented by the local lighting system to
achieve the necessary design service illuminance on tasks. The general
surround illuminance should not be less than one-third of the task
Local lighting can be a very efficient method for providing adequate task
illumination, particularly where high illuminances are necessary and/or
flexible directional lighting is required. Local lighting is frequently
provided by luminaires mounted on the work station.
Fixed local lighting must be positioned to minimise shadows, veiling
reflectionsandglare. Although local luminairesallowefficientutilisationof
emitted light, the luminaires themselves may be inefficient and can be
expensive. Most local lighting systemsare accessible andoften adjustable.


This increases wear and tear and hence maintenance costs but provides
some individual control.

Both local andlocalisedlighting offer scope for switch control ofindividual

luminaires which can be offwhennot required, but care must be taken to
ensure that sufficient ambient illumination is provided.

6.4.3 Choice of lamps and The choice oflampwill affect the range of luminaires available, and vice-
luminaires versa. Therefore, onecannot be consideredwithoutreference to the other.
Tables 6.1 and 6.2 list some typical mounting heights for some common
lamp/luminaire combinations used for interior lighting and exterior area
lighting respectively. Choice oflamp The designer should compile a list of suitable lamps, by rejecting those
which do not satisfy the design objectives. The availability of suitable
luminaires can then be checked and the economics of each assessed.
General guidance can be obtained from Section 5.2.

The run-uptime ofmost discharge iamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) is

unsatisfactoryfor applicationsrequiring rapidprovision ofilluminationor
switching unless auxiliary tungsten lamps are provided.
Table 6.1 Typical mountingheightrangesfor some common lamp/luminairecombinations used in
interior lighting

Lampand luniinaire Typical mounting Comment

heights in metres
min. max.
Fluorescentluminaire with 2.5 8 Usuallydifficult
trough reflector, any to maintain at heights
wattage/length over5 m
Fluorescentluminaire with 2 4 Upperlimit depends
controller, e.g. opal, on manufacturer's
prismatic or louvre; any photometric data and
wattage/length lumen output of lamps
Discharge (SON, MBF(HPL-N),
MBI(HPI)) luminaire with opal,
prismatic or louvre
Up to 250 W SON or 2.5 5 Upperlimit depends
400 MBF(HPL-N) on manufacturer's
Up to 400 W SON photometric data and
lumen output of lamp
High bay type luminaire
dispersiveor concentrating
UptolSOWSONor 4 8
250 W MBF(HPL-N)
25OWSONor 5 8
400 W MBF(HPL-N)
400WSONor 7 12
700 W MBF(HPL-N)
1000W SON or 12 no limit
1000W MBF(HPL.N)
Low bay type luminaire, bare
Uptol5OWSONor 3 5
250 W MBF(HPL-N)
2SOWSONor 4 5
400 W MBF(HPL-N)
400WSON 5 7
NB Tungsten (GLS) lamps have been omitted from this table because they are now considered
inefficientand require largeamountsofmaintenance.Dischargelampsaremore efficientandhave
a much longer life.


Lamps must have colourrendering properties suited to theirintendeduse.

Good colour rendering may be required in order to achieve better
discriminationbetween colourswhere that ispartofthe visualtask. Thelife
and lumen maintenancecharacteristicsofthe lamps must be considered to
arrive at a practicable and economic maintenance schedule.

Standardisationoflamptypes andsizes within a particular site or company

can simplify maintenance and stocking.

Table 6.2 Typical minimum mounting height ranges for floodlightsused in area lighting schemes
Nominal Lighting Typical Minimum
Lamp rating design mounting height
(W) lumens (m)
Tungsten halogen(TH) 300 5000 4
500 10000 5
1000 22000 7
1500 34000 8
2000 44000 8
Highpressure mercury 125 5200 4
fluorescent(MBF)(HPL-N) 250 12000 5
400 20000 6
700 38000 8
1000 50000 10
2000 110000 12
High pressure sodium (SON) 50-70 5600 4
100 9000 5
150 14000 6
250 24000 7
400 45000 8
1000 110000 12
NB 1. Tungsten (GLS) lamps have been omitted from this table because they are now considered
inefficientand require large amounts ofmaintenance.Dischargelamps aremoreefficientand
have a much longer life.

2. These recommendedminimummountingheightsdonot applyto schemesusing street lighting

lanterns. Choice of luminaire In the choice of luminaire, the designer can exercise a combination of
professional judgement, personal preference and economic analysis.
Luminairesmay have to withstand a variety ofphysical conditions, suchas
vibration, moisture, dust, ambient temperature, vandalism and so on. In
addition, the onus is on the designer to specifysafe equipment. Safetycan
be guaranteedby using equipment with theBritishStandard safetymarkor
obtaining written assurances from the manufacturer. It is important to
ensure that equipment isselectedwhich can withstand andoperate safelyin
the environmental conditions that will be encountered. The Ingress
Protection (IP) ratinggives guidance regarding the ability of the luminaire
to withstand the ingress of solid foreignbodies and moisture. The designer
must make sure that the manufacturer's claims apply throughout the
intended life of the luminaire. This is particularly true of a claimed I?
rating, which, without further qualification, applies to a new luminaire.
However, when a luminaire has the British Standard safety mark, the IP
rating is applied to an already arduously tested luminaire.
Not only must the luminairewithstand the ambient conditions, it mayhave
to operate in a hazardous area, such as a refinery, mine or similar
environment. In this event, special equipment is required to satisfy the
safetyregulations. Such equipment is beyond the scope ofthis Guide. This
subject is covered by the CIBSEApplicationGuide: Lightingfor hostile and
hazardous environments.

The lightdistribution of the luminaire should be carefullyconsidered as it


influences the distribution of illuminance and the directional effects that

will be achieved.

Luminaire reliabilityand life will havea direct impact on the economicsof

the scheme, and must be realistically considered. The ease with which
luminaires can be installed and maintained will also affect the overall
economics and convenience of the scheme. Luminaires with good main-
tenance characteristics and which can be easily maintained will not only
save on maintenancecosts,but willalso be more efficient throughout their
life. Luminaires which can be unplugged and detached, or which have
removable gear, can simplify maintenance by allowing remote servicing.

6.4.4 System management A good lighting systemmust not only be well designed, but must also be
managed and operated effectively and efficiently. System management
must: (a) control the use ofthe system to ensure efficiency(b) maintain the
system in good order. Control Methods of control fall into three broad categories: (a) Manual control
(Managerial)(b) Automatic control (non intelligent) (c) Processor control
Manual methods rely upon individuals and appointed members of staff
controlling the lighting system. These methods tend to be inexpensive in
capital costs but may be less effective than automatic methods. To be
effective the lighting system must be well planned to permit flexible
switching of individual luminaires or banks of luminaires. The switch
panelsmust be sensiblylocatedandclearlymarked (amimicdiagram canbe
very helpful). An education programme to ensure staff awareness is
essential and this can be reinforced with posters, and with labels on or
adjacent to the switch panels.
One ofthe mainsnagswith manual methods is that, whilst occupants may
be awarethat natural lightingis insufficientand willturn on lights, it is rare
for themto respond to sufficient daylight by turninglights off. Automatic
control in the form ofan imposed switch-off (particularly at meal breaks)
can be effective, since, if natural lighting is adequate, the luminaires may
not be turned back on.
A considerableamount ofenergyis often wasted afterworking hourswhen
the lighting is left on to no useful purpose. The provision of automatic
cleaners' circuits controllingonly some of the lighting to provide reduced
illuminances can save money.

Automatic control systems, such as time switches or photocells, can be

inexpensiveandcanswitch (or dim) banks oflights. Photocellscanmonitor
the level of daylight and turn off lamps when there is sufficient daylight.

Whether or not thisis economicwill depend upon the daylight factorand

the proportion of the working year for which the required illuminance
is exceeded.
Time switches provide a convenient method of ensuring that unwanted
lighting is not provided outside working hours.

Occupancydetectors can be used to detectthepresence ofoccupants andto

control the lights accordingly. These can rely upon acoustic, infra red,
radar,orothermethods ofdetection. A time-lagmustnormally be builtinto
the system to prevent premature switch-offs.

Automaticsystemsmust normally havesome degreeofmanual override(on

and off) to cater for unexpected circumstances. Systems which automa-
tically cancellighting but must be manually reset can offer greater savings
than those which switch on again automatically. Occupants can be relied
upon to turn on lighting if they need it.
Computer-based or microprocessor-based control systems are becoming
increasingly popular,more reliable and less expensive. These rely upon
dedicated computers or processors to control some o,r all of the building
services.Lifts,fire alarms, lighting, air-conditioningand otherequipment
can be controlled. The most important advantages ofsuchan approach are
that complex decisionscan be takenfrom moment to moment, based upon
the precise state of the building's operation, and that the system is
controlled by software. This last feature means that the control programs
canberefined and tailoredto suitthe building andcan be easilyamended to
suit changed circumstances.
Such intelligentsystemscancontinuouslymonitor thebuilding tooperate it
at maximum efficiencyand economy. For example, lighting load can be
shed in non-critical areas if the electricity maximum demand is reached
during winter months, or shed in summer if cooling demands become

With any control system considerable care must be taken to ensure that
acceptable lighting conditions are always provided for the occupants.
Safety must always be of paramount importance.
Control systemswhich are obtrusive or disruptive are counter-productive
and may even be sabotaged by the staff. For this reason, dimmer systems
are often preferred. Photocellsandothersensingcircuitry mustincorporate
a delay to prevent sporadic and disruptive switch-offs,but must respond
immediately when a switch-on is called for.
Further details on the choice ofa lighting control system can be foundin
BRE Digest272: Lighting Controls and Daylight Use. Maintenance Lighting systemsmust be servicedregularlyand thismust be allowedfor at

the design stage. Faulty or failed lamps should be replaced and unsafe
or faulty equipment should be rectified. In addition, depreciation in
illumination,causedby dirt onlamps, luminairesandroom surfacesshould
be controlled by regular cleaning.
It is not always enough to replace lamps on failure. The light output of
lamps falls with hours of operation. For most lamp types, a point will
usuallybe reached where itis financiallybetter to replacethe lamps than to
continue towaste power. Furthermore, labourchargesfor the replacement
of individual lamps can be high, so it is often less expensivein the end to
clean and servicea completeinstallation whenconvenient, than to indulge
in intermittentcleaning and relamping.

6.5 Detailed planning When the overall design has been resolved in general terms, detailed
calculations are required to determine such things as the number of
6.5.1 Introduction luminaires, the Glare Index, the final cost and so on.

The calculations which may have to be carried out during the design
process are detailed in the followingsections.


6.5.2 Average illuminance The average illuminanceEs over a reference surface S can be calculated
for interior lighting from the 'lumen method' formula: Utilisationfactor
Es—- F.n.N.MF.UFs

where F = the lamp luminous flux (lighting design lumens)

n = the numberof lamps per luminaire
N = the number of luminaires
MF = the maintenancefactor
UF5 = theutilisationfactorfor the reference surfaceS
As =the area of the reference surface S (m2)
Theformula can be re-arranged to permit the calculationofthe numberof
luminaires required to achieve the chosen illuminance.

Utilisation factors can be determined for any surface or layout of

luminaires, but, in practice, are only calculatedfor general lighting systems
with regular arrays ofluminairesand for the threemainroom surfaces, the
ceiling cavity, the walls, and the floor cavity (see Figure 6.2). Utilisation
factors forthese surfaces:the ceilingcavity, the wallsand thefloor cavity or
horizontal reference plane, are designated UF,
utilisation factor for
and UFF respec- UF
tively. The method for calculating these surfaces is
given in CIBSE Technical Memorandum 5: The calculation and use of
Figure 6.2Walls, andceiling and floorcavities utilisationfactors.

Although utilisationfactorscan be calculatedby the lighting designer, most

manufacturers publish utilizationfactors for standard conditions for their
luminaires. CIBSE Technical Memorandum No. S defines a standard
method of presentation and states the assumptions on which the tabulated
values are based. Figure 6.3 is an example of the standard presentation.

U,,l,S.t.o.. F.cloenUFIF) St.nd..dP,...nt.hw. 5114 MOM— IS

Room Refleclonce RoomIndex

C W F 0.75 .00 I 25 1.51) 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00

0.70 0.50 0.20 0.43 0.49 0.55 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.80 0.83
0.30 0.35 0.41 0.47 0.52 0.59 0.65 0.69 0.75 0.78
0.10 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.46 0.53 0.59 0.63 0.70 0.74

0.50 0.50 0.20 0.38 0.44 0.49 0.53 0.59 0.63 0.66 0.70 0.73
0.30 0.31 0.37 0.42 0.46 0.53 0.58 0.61 0.66 0.70
0.10 0.27 0.32 0.37 0.41 0.48 0.53 0.57 0.62 0.66

0.30 0.50 0.20 0.30 0.37 0.41 0.45 0.52 0.57 0.60 0.65 0.69
0.30 0.28 0.33 0.38 0.41 0.47 0.51 0.54 0.59 0.82
0.10 0.24 0.29 0.34 0.37 0.43 0.48 0.51 0.56 0.59

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.30 0.35 0.39 0.42 0.46 0.48

R.)trM 65W 1500mn, Monnied:OnCeihn

MoIlip)y UI v.lnc, byservice corrCctiont.clots
C.Iculntedinnccord.nceWith(IllS Technic.) Memot.ndnmNo. 3/1980

Figure6.3Typical utilisationfactortable for atwinfluorescentluminaire

To use utilisationfactortables it is necessaryto know the Room Index and

the room reflectances. The room is considered to consist of three main
Mouthof surfaces: the ceiling cavity, the walls, and the floor cavity or horizontal
cavity reference plane (see Figure 6.2).

Walisof The room index is a measureofthe proportions ofthe room. It is twice the
cavity plan area ofthe room dividedby the areaofthewalls betweenthe horizontal
Base ocavity reference plane(mouth ofthe floor cavity) and the luminaire plane (mouth
of the ceiling cavity) - (see Figure 6.4). For rectangular rooms the room
Figure6.4Calculationofcavitymdcx index RI is:


where L = the lengthof the room

W = the width of the room
H = the height of the luminaire plane above the horizontal
reference plane
Results may be roundedto the nearest value in the utilizationfactortable.

If the room is re-entrant in shape (e.g. L-shaped) then it must be divided

into two or morenon re-entrant sectionswhich can betreatedseparately.In
order to use utilizationfactor tables correctlythe effectivereflectanceofthe
ceiling cavity, walls and floor cavity must be calculated.
For the ceilingcavity and floor cavity the cavity indices GIG and GIFmust
be calculated.The cavity index GI, which is similar in concept to the room
index, is given by: (see Figure 6.4).

= mouth areaof cavity + base area of cavity

wall area of cavity

For rectangular rooms

(L + W) h

Where h is the depth of the cavity.

The effectivereflectanceREofthe cavityXcan then be determined from
Figure 6.5, to use the figure it is necessary to know the reflectanceof the
surfaces forming the cavity and the geometry of the cavity. Alternatively
there is a simplified, but less accurate, formula:

+2(1 RAE) —

where RA = the average area weighted reflectance of the cavity X

CIA- = the cavity index of the cavity X

The average reflectance RA of a series of surfaces S1 to S,, with

reflectances Rs and areas A1 to A respectively is given by:

It should be noted that in order to calculate the effectivereflectances, it is

not necessaryto know the colours ofthe surfaces, only the reflectancesare


Cavity Cavity Indv

Wala Due I 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10

0.1 0.037 0.056 0.067 0.073 0.078 0.08! 0.083 0.085 0.087 0.088
0.2 0.056 0.098 0.122 0.137 0.148 0.155 0.161 0.165 0.168 0.171
0.3 0.075 0.140 0.178 0.201 0.218 0.229 0.238 0.245 0.250 0.255
0.1 0.4 0.094 0.182 0.254 0.266 0.288 0.303 0.315 0.325 0.332 0.338
0.5 0.1IS 0.224 0.289 0.330 0.358 0.378 0.393 0.404 0.414 0.422
0.6 0.132 0.267 0.345 0.395 0.428 0.452 0.470 0.484 0.496 0.505
0.7 0.151 0.309 0.401 0.459 0.498 0.527 0.548 0.565 0.578 0.589
0.8 0.171 0.352 0.458 0.524 0.569 0.601 0.626 0.645 0.660 0.673
0.! 0.058 0.073 0.080 0.084 0.087 0.089 0.090 0.092 0.092 0.093
0.2 0.079 0.117 0.137 0.150 0.158 0.164 0.169 0.172 0.175 0.177
0.3 0.100 0.161 0.195 0.216 0.230 0.240 0.247 0.253 0.258 0.262
0.4 0.121 0.206 0.253 0.282 0.301 0.316 0.326 0.334 0.341 0.346
0.5 0.142 0.250 0.31! 0.348 0.373 0.39! 0.405 0.416 0.424 0.43!
0.6 0.163 0.296 0.369 0.415 0.446 0.468 0.484 0.497 0.507 0.516
0.7 0.185 0.341 0.428 0.482 0.518 0.544 0.563 0.579 0.59! 0.60!
0.8 0.207 0.386 0.487 0.549 0.591 0.620 0.643 0.660 0.674 0.686
0.! 0.082 0.09! 0.094 0.095 0.096 0.097 0.098 0.098 0.098 0.098
0.2 0.105 0.137 0.153 0.163 0.169 0.174 0.177 0.180 0.182 0.184
0.3 0.128 0.184 0.213 0.23! 0.242 0.251 0.257 0.262 0.266 0.269
0.4 0.151 0.231 0.273 0.299 0.316 0.328 0.337 0.344 0.350 0.355
0.5 0.175 0.278 0.334 0.367 0.39(7 0.406 0.418 0.427 0.434 0.440
0.6 0.199 0.326 0.395 0.436 0.464 0.484 0.498 0.510 0.519 0.526
0.7 0.223 0.375 0.456 0.506 0.559 0.562 0.579 0.593 0.604 0.613
0.8 0.248 0.424 0.518 0.575 0.613 0.641 0.66! 0.676 0.689 0.699
0.1 0.107 0.109 0.108 0.107 0.106 0.105 0.105 0.104 0.104 0.104
0.2 0.133 0.158 0.170 0.176 0.181 0.184 0.186 0.187 0.189 0.190
0.3 0.159 0.208 0.232 0.246 0.255 0.262 0.267 0.27! 0.274 0.276
0.4 0.185 0.258 0.295 0.316 0.331 0.341 0.349 0.354 0.359 0.363
0.5 0.211 0.308 0.358 0.387 0.407 0.420 0.43! 0.439 0.445 0.450
0.6 0.239 0.360 0.422 0.459 0.483 0.500 0.513 0.523 0.53! 0.537
0.7 0.266 0.412 0.486 0.531 0.560 0.581 0.596 0.608 0.617 0.625
0.8 0.294 0.464 0.552 0.603 0.637 0.66! 0.679 0.693 0.704 0.713
0.1 0.136 0.129 0.123 0.119 0.116 0.114 0.112 0.111 0.110 0.109
0.2 0.164 0.181 0.187 0.190 0.192 0.194 0.195 0.195 0.196 0.196
0.3 0.193 0.233 0.252 0.262 0.269 0.274 0.277 0.280 0.282 0.284
0.4 0.223 0.287 0.317 0.335 0.346 0.354 0.560 0.365 0.369 0.372
0.5 0.253 0.34! 0.383 0.408 0.424 0.436 0.444 0.450 0.456 0.460
0.6 0.284 0.396 0.450 0.482 0.503 0.517 0528 0.537 0.543 0.548
0.7 0.516 0.452 0.518 0.557 0.582 0.600 0.613 0.623 0.63! 0.657
0.8 0.348 0.509 0.587 0.633 0.662 0.683 0.698 0.710 0.719 0.727
0.1 0.168 0.151 0.339 0.131 0.126 0.123 0.120 0.118 0 116 0.115
0.2 0.200 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.204 0.204 0.204 0.203 0.203 0.203
0.3 0.232 0.261 0.273 0.279 0.283 0.286 0.288 0.289 0.290 0.291
0.4 0.266 0.318 0.34! 0.354 0.362 0.568 0.372 0.376 0.378 0.380
0.5 0.301 0.376 0.410 0.430 0.443 0.45! 0.438 0.463 0.467 0.470
0.6 0.336 0.435 0.48! 0.507 0.524 0.535 0.544 0.550 0.536 0.360
0.7 0.373 0.496 0.532 0.585 0.605 0.620 0.630 0.639 0.645 0.650
0.8 0.411 0.557 0.625 0.663 0.688 0.705 0.718 0.727 0.735 0.74!
0.1 0.204 0.173 0.155 0.144 0.137 0.132 0.328 0.125 0.122 0.120
0.2 0.240 0.23! 0.224 0.220 0.217 0.215 0.233 0.211 0.210 0.210
0.3 0.277 0.291 0.295 0.296 0.297 0.298 0.298 0.299 0.299 0.299
0.4 0.315 0.332 0.366 0.374 0.379 0.382 0.385 0.387 0.388 0.389
0.3 0.355 0.414 0.439 0.453 0.46! 0.468 0.472 0.473 0.478 0.480
0.6 0.397 0.478 0.313 0.533 0.545 0.554 0.560 0.565 0.568 0.57!
0.7 0.440 0.545 0.589 0.614 0.630 0.64! 0.649 0.655 0.660 0.663
0.8 0.485 0.611 0.666 0.696 0.715 0.728 0.738 0.745 0.751 0.756
0.1 0.245 0.198 0.173 0.158 0.148 0.141 0.136 0.132 0.129 0.126
0.2 0.285 0.260 0.245 0.236 0.230 0.225 0.222 0.220 0.218 0.216
0.3 0.328 0.323 0.318 0.315 0.312 0.311 0.309 0.308 0.308 0.307
0.4 0.373 0.388 0.393 0.395 0.396 0.397 0.398 0.398 0.398 0.399
0.5 0.419 0.456 0.469 0.477 0.481 0.484 0.487 0.488 0.490 0.49!
0.6 0.468 0.325 0.548 0.560 0.567 0.573 0.576 0.379 0.582 0.583
0.7 0.519 0.596 0.627 0.644 0.655 0.662 0.667 0.67! 0.674 0.677
0.8 0.573 0.670 0.709 0.730 0.743 0.752 0.759 0.764 0.768 0.77!

Figure6.5The effectivereflectanceofcavities Spacing/mounting The maximum spacing to height ratio (SHR MAX) of the luminaire is
height ratio normally calculated when the utilization factor table is calculated. The
maximum spacing between the centres of luminaires divided by the
mounting height above the horizontal reference plane should not exceed
SHR MAXifthe uniformity ofilluminanceis to be acceptablefor general
I I I I I For some luminaires, notably those with distinctly di-symmetric distri-
—I I I I I I I I butions, extra spacing to height ratio information may be given.
The bestform ofinformationisagraphofacceptableSHR combinationsin
the axial and transverse directions. Figure 6.6 is an example of this for a
particular luminaire.

H For linear luminaires with conventional distributions, the maximum

0.5 2.0 spacingto height ratio SHR MAXcan be supplemented by the maximum
1.0 1.5 2.5 3.0 transverse spacingto height ratio (SHR MAX TR). This approach is less
Transversespacingto height ratio
precise than the graphicalmethod. The axial spacing to height ratio (SHR
Figure6.6Combinationoftransverseandaxial AX) should not exceed SHR MAX and the transverse spacing to height
spacingtoheight ratiosproducingacceptable ratio SHR TR should not exceed the maximum transverse spacing to
uniformity(batwingluminaire) mounting height ratioSHR MAX TR. In addition to this, the productof

SHR AX and SHR TR should not exceed SHR MAX squared. Thus:


andSHR TR < SHR MAX TR Calculation procedure The following procedure gives guidance on the sequence of calculationsto
he performed when calculating the number of luminaires necessary to
obtain a chosen average illuminance on the horizontal reference plane by
the lumen method.
1 Calculate the room index RI, the floor cavity index CIF and the ceiling
cavity index Cic. (See Section
2 Calculate the effectivereflectances of the ceiling cavity, walls and floor
cavity. Rememberto include the effectofdesksor machines in the latter.
(see Section 6.1)
3 Determine the utjlisation factor value from the manufacturer's data for
the luminaire, using the room index andeffectivereflectancescalculated
as above.
4 Apply any correctionfactors, giveninthe utilisationfactortable forlamp
type or mounting position, to the utilisation factor UFFvalue.
5 Decide on a suitable maintenance factor (see Section 5.4.5). An
alternative approach based on light loss factor is given in the CIBSE
Code forInteriorLighting. Lightlossfactor allowsa more detailed consid-
eration of the effects of maintenance procedure on the illuminance
provided by an installation to be made.
6 Insert the appropriate variables into the lumen method formula:

N-- E5.A
to obtain the numberof luminaires required.
where Es = theaverageilluminanceto be provided on the working plane
the areaofthe working plane (m2)
= the lamp luminous flux (lighting design lumens)
n = the number of lamps/luminaire
MF = the maintenance factor
UF5 = the utilisationfactorfor the plane
(s —refers to horizontalreferenceplane)
7 Determine a suitable layout.
8 Check that the geometric mean spacing to height ratio of the layout is
within the range ofthe nominal spacing to height ratio (SHR NOM)for
which the utilization factor table is based,i.e.


9 Check that the proposed layout does not exceed the maximumspacing
to height ratios.
Namely: Either - Check the value of SHR AX andSHR TR against a
uniformity graph
or - Check that:
*or SHR MAXifSHR MAXTR no given.
10 Calculate the illuminance that will be achieved by the final layout.

CIBSE LIGHTINGGUIDE Applications The lumenmethodis the most commonly used method for illuminance
calculationandis appropriate for an unobstructed areain an interior where
aregular arrayofluminairesisrequired to giveareasonablyuniformlevelof
illuminance. This calculation gives an average illuminance over the area
taking into account direct flux from the luminaire and the indirect flux
reflected from room surfaces. Care should be taken in assessing the
effective room size for the purposes of arriving at an appropriate room
index. In many industries the buildings are large and yet the plant and
machineryeffectivelydivide the building into muchsmaller unobstructed
areas. It is the dimensions of these small unobstructed areas which should
be usedto calculatethe room index to arrive at a realisticutilization factor.
Manufacturerspublish data ofluminaires for various room indices. Where
the room index is less that than published, other methods of calculation
should be used. Where the room index is greater than that published,
usually a room index > 6, then the utilization factor values for the
maximum room index published may be used.

6.5.3 Average illuminance for The average illuminance which will be achieved on a horizontal surface
exterior areas using area lighting techniques can be calculated approximately from the


where E == lamp luminous

illuminance on the horizontal surface (S)
flux (lighting design
N = numberof lamps
BF = beam factor of luminaire
WLF = waste light factor
MF = maintenancefactor
As = area of the horizontal surface (S) (m2)
Thebeamfactorof the luminaire and the light output of the lamp will be
supplied by the manufacturer. Themaintenancefactorwill dependon the
location of the installation and the frequency of cleaning. As a first
approximationa combined beamfactor, waste light factorandmaintenance
factor of 0.25 will often be satisfactory. For accurate estimation, ilIum-
inance at a point calculation should be used (see Section 6.5.5).

6.5.4 Designing factory The design processfor factory roadwaylighting consists ofseven parts:
roadway lighting (a) the gathering of preliminary data. This can include some or all the
items from the following list: roadway andfootpath width;mounting
height; lamp type; lantern arrangement; column location; bracket
type; width from lantern to rear of footpath; cleaning interval;
pollution category; photometric requirements of road; average
illuminance; minimum point illuminance; choice of lantern from
manufacturers' data; lamp flux; Ingress Protection code of lamp
housing; downwardlightoutput ratioluminaire for the lantern;flux
inlower hemisphereofthe lighting; check whether lower hemisphere
lumens exceeds 3500; glare control data of lighting; check the glare
control requirements are met; check scale ofisolux diagrams.
(b) the determination of a design spacing to provide a given minimum
(c) the calculation of a design spacing to provide a given average
(d) the determination of the design spacing which provides compliance
with all the photometric requirements.

(e) the plotting of lantern positions taking into account the individual
features ofthe road.
(f) the determinationof column positions, taking into account the
individualfeatures ofthe site.
The followingprocedure can be used to determine the design for a given
minimum illuminance:
(i) consult the lantern manufacturer's design datafor the chosen lantern
The contours in the isolux diagram givethe illuminance/l000lumens
on a horizontalplanefrom a mounting height ofonemetre.
(ii) calculatetheisolux contour correspondingtohalfthe minimum point
illuminanceby usingthe equation:

Contour value =
where E = minimumdesignilluminance(lux)
H = mountingheight(metres)
= lampflux(in kilolumens)
(iii) sketch the required contour value on the manufacturer's original
isolux diagram.
(iv) with the lantern position correctly locatedtransversely, superimpose
the straight road layout ofthe carriageway,footwayand verge on the
copy oftheisolux diagram.
(v) make a copy of the marked isolux diagram and orientate both it and
the original on a light table such that the staggered installation is
represented. Adjust the longitudinal position of lanterns to a
maximum spacingin which the contours foradjacent lanterns overlap
to coverthe whole area to be illuminated.
(vi) measure to scale the distance between adjacent lanterns along a kerb
line and convert to metres. This will give the theoretical minimum
spacingto achievethe minimum pointilluminance.
(vii) by using the isolux diagram, calculate the illuminanceat points O.2H
either sideof the pointwhere the unconfirmed minimum occurs on a
line parallel to the road axis. If the illuminancesobtained are greater,
the unconfirmed minimum is the true minimum.

Figure 6.7 Dimensionsforroadwaylighting


The followingprocedure can be used to calculate the design spacing for

given averageilluminance:
(i) consult the lantern manufacturer'sdesign datafor the chosen lantern.
(ii) select the appropriate value of W1/H where W1 is the distance
between the lantern, and the rear of the far footway and H is the
height of the lantern, and read the corresponding value of U1 (the
roadside utilisation factor) from the table of utilisation factors (see
Figure 6.7).
(iii) similarly, select W2/H(where W2 is the distance between the lantern
andtherearofthe nearfootwayandHisthe height ofthe lantern) and
read from the Table ofUtilisation Factors the correspondingvalue of
U2 (houseside utilisationfactor).
(iv) from a knowledge of the reference cleaning interval, ingress protec-
tion rating and pollution category, use Table 5.8 to obtain the
maintenance factor.
(v) calculate the design spacing in metres required to give the desired
averageilluminanceusing the equation:

1000 (U1 + U2)4.MF

where U1 = roadside utilisation factor
U2 = houseside utilisation fctor
4) = lamp flux (kilolumens)
MF = maintenancefactor
W1 = distancebetween lantern and rear of the far footway (metres)
W2 = distancebetween lantern and rear ofthe near footway(metres)
E = average illuminance
S = design spacing
To determine the design spacing necessary to meet all photometric
requirements, compare the two design spacings and use the lesser of
them when plotting straight road lantern positions. The revised average
illuminance can now be calculated using the equation:

— I000(U1 + U2).4).MF
where the symbols are as defmed above
Thenext stageinthe designprocessis to plot thelanternpositions. Firstthe
lantern positions to meet the requirements of the special features of the
road, suchas junctions, crossingsand footpaths leading from the road, are
established and then the lantern layout is developed. Next, the layout for
the uninterruptedstraights and bends in the roadway are fitted into that of
the specialfeatures, with an element of compromise. Thefmal step in the
design processis the determinationofcolumn positions. Individual lantern
positions are checked on site to ensure that it is possible for columns to be
erected such that underground and overground obstructions are avoided.

6.5.5 Illuminance at a point When local or localisedlighting systems are employed, or when irregular
layouts of luminaires are used, or luminaires with unconventional light
distributions are selected, or where there is considerable obstruction,
calculations of average illuminance can be inadequate or meaningless. In
such circumstancesit is necessaryto calculate the illuminanceat all points
of interest.
These calculations can be done in one or more of three ways. (a)
calculationsbyhand from basicphotometric data,(b) calculationfrom pre-
calculated aids such as isolux diagrams, (c) calculating using a computer
Thefirstmethod involvesthe greatest amount ofwork andis only suitable
for a few points before it becomes tedious. However, hand calculations,
when usedwith discretion, can yield muchinformationaboutthe required

Isolux diagrams , ifavailablefor the particular set of circumstances,offer a

faster method ofcarrying out the samecalculations. For local and localised
lighting systems they can provide considerable guidance on the correct
locationofluminaires. Isolux diagrams must normally be produced for the
mounting height, scaleandlumen outputrequired. Ifthisisnot done, then,
although isolux diagrams can still be used, considerable correction is

Where a computer is available with suitable programs, illuminance values

can be easily calculated. Although some limited design programs do exist,
most programs simulate the iluminance pattern produced by a chosen
layout of luminaires.
The ease with which computers can be used often results in abuse. The
quality oftheresults isonly asgood as thecalculationapproach usedandthe
dataon which thecalculationis performed, but the computer printoutgives
the impressionofprecision. Beforeusinga computer program the designer
should take care that the assumptions contained within the program are
understood and should ensure that the data used is appropriate to the
equipment and the situation of interest.
At the planning stage it is often better to obtain illuminance plots for
individual luminaires or a groupofluminaires than to attempt to simulate
the complete installation. The performance of an individual luminaire or
groupcan be easilyanalysedto assistwith selectionofthe bestlayout. When
the complete layout has been established it can be simulated on the
The output datais important. Ifthe information is insufficiently detailed,
then important features may be overlooked. More commonly, ifthe data is
too detailed it becomes too complex to interpret.
Graphic methods such as contour maps or boundary maps are easy to
understand, and are preferable to tabulated data. However, they require
more sophisticated software and hardware than conventionalprintouts.

6.5.5. 1 Direct i!luminance at The direct illuminance at a point can be calculated by the inverse square
a point law.
E = lid2
whereE = the illuminanceat a point (lx)
= luminous intensity of the luminaire in the direction
corresponding to the line from the luminaire to the point
d = distance from the luminaire to the point (m)
The inverse square law can only be applied when the source is small
comparedwith the distance betweenitand thepointofillumination. When
this is not the case, the calculation must be modified. Sources can be
considered to be one of three basic types:

(a) Point sources, a luminaire can be considered as a point source if its


largest dimension is less than a fifth of the distance from it to the point
being illuminated. For a point source, the direct illuminanceat a point
can be found by applying the inverse square and cosine laws (see
Appendix 2).

(b) Line sources, when a luminaire is too long to be considered as a point

source it can be regarded as a line source, providing that its width is less
thana fifth ofthe distancefrom its centre to thepointbeingilluminated.
For most situations, fluorescent luminairescome into thiscategory. To
performcalculationsonlinesourcesitis necessaryto have somemethod
ofintegrating the effectofthelength oftheluminaire. Onesuchmethod
of doing this is the 'Aspect Factor Method'.

Aspect factors are derived from the axial luminous intensity distri-
bution of the luminaire and, when used in the correct formula, make
allowance for theeffectofthelength ofthe luminaire. Aspect factorscan
be published for almost all fluorescent luminaires, and must be used
with the transverse luminous intensity distribution curves.
Twosetsofaspect factorsare provided. The parallelplane aspectfactors
are for calculatingthe direct illuminanceon surfaces parallel to the axis
of the luminaire, such as the floor, working plane or side walls. The
otherset ofaspect factors, theperpendicular planeaspectfactors are for
calculating the direct illuminances on surfaces normal (i.e. at right
angles)to the axis ofthe luminaire, suchas the end walls (see Appendix
2 for formulae).
Surfaceswhich are neither parallel to, nor perpendicular to, the axis of
the luminaire(suchas an angleddrawing board) can be dealt with by a
combinationofthe two types ofaspect factor.

(c) Area sources,whenboth the width and length ofa luminaire are greater
than a fifth of the distance from its centre to the point ofillumination,
then the source should be considered as an area source.
Area source calculationsare by far the most complicated of the three
types. Thereis no simple equivalent of the inverse square law or aspect
factor calculation for area sources. Indeed, for many situations the
formulae have not been solved. For this reason, and the fact that area
source calculations are not often required, only the simple case of a
uniform area source is considered in this guide (see Appendix 2). Indirect illuminance at The precedingmethods ofcalculatingilluminanceat a pointdealonly with

a point the calculation of direct illuminance and do not allow for inter-reflected
light.Forexterior lighting thisis allthat is needed. For interior lighting the
contribution of interreflected light to the illuminance may be significant.

Interreflected light can be dealt with in one of four ways:

(a) Calculate the interreflected illuminance at the point and add it to the
calculateddirect illuminance. To do thisfirst calculatethe final illum-
inancesofthe walls,floor andceiling(usingtransferfactors, see GIBSE
Technical Memorandum 5: The calculation and use ofutilisation factors)
Then treat each of these room surfaces as if it was an area source of
intensity distribution 1e



where E = the illuminanceof the surface,

R = reflectance,
0 = is theangle from the normal to the surface.
The major snag with this is that the calculations involved are quite
lengthy, and only really suited to a computer. Another disadvantageis
that the result will be somewhat artificial, since local changes in
reflectancecanmakea vast changeto the amount ofinterreflected light.

(b) Ignore the interreflected light and assume that it will be a bonus,
increasing the final illuminance. In other words, calculate the worse
case. This is the most practical approach where obstructions are great
but may not be adequate for some situations.
(c) Ignore the interreflected light at the point, but calculate the average
illuminanceon the horizontal reference plane (by the lumen method)
for the actual reflectances and for a black room (zero reflectances).
These two figures, the average final illuminance, which includes
interreflection, andthe average direct illuminancecan be foundeasily.
The difference gives a good indication of the proportion of the total
luminous flux that is reflected to the point.

This has the advantagethat it is easy to do and is more precise than the
second approach. It can also be applied to planes other than the
horizontal if the appropriate utilization factors are available.

(d) Calculate the average indirect illuminance End by the formula

End = 4).DLOR.(DR.REF) + ((1 + DR).REw)+ (FFR.REF)

AF.[2 + (2/RI)(l — REW) — RE — REF]

where4) = installed bare lamp luminous flux (lumens)

DLOR = downward light output ratio
AF = area of floor (m2)
DR = direct ratio of installation
FFR = flux fractionratio of installation
RI = room index
RE = effective reflectances of floor cavity, ceiling cavity and walls
This indirect illuminance is assumed to be uniformly distributed over all
the room surfaces. It may therefore be added to the direct illuminance
calculated at each individual point. This method is recommended when
programmable calculatorsare to be used.

6.5.6 Glare Index The CIBSEGlareIndex systemfor the evaluation of discomfort glare is
discussedin detail in CIBSE Technical Memorandum No. 10: Calculationof
Glare Indices.
There are two methods ofcalculation:(a) The calculationofglare index for
the actual installation using the basic formula. (b) The calculationofglare
index from tables based on photometric data for the real luminaire
(published by themanufacturer), in the form ofan uncorrected glare index
with correction factors.

The first method requires the use ofa suitable computer and program and
the availabilityofdetailed photometric data. The advantages to be gained


from the use ofa program are that any layout of luminairesseen from any
viewingpositioncan be considered. These advantagesare seldomsufficient
to justify the expense of developing or buying the software. The second
method is sufficientlyaccurate for most purposes andis easy to use. Figure
6.8 showsa typicaluncorrected glareindex table, that could be providedfor
a luminaire from a manufacturer.


Ceiling reflectlance .70 .70 .50 .50 .30 .70 .70 .50 .50 .30
Wallreflectance .50 .30 .50 .30 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30 .30
Floorreflectance .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20
Room dimension Viewed crosswise Viewed endwise
x V
2H 2H 7.0 8.4 8.0 9.5 10.8 6.8 8.2 7.8 9.2 10.5
311 8.9 10.2 10.0 11.3 12.6 8.6 9.8 9.6 10.9 12.2
4H 9.9 11.1 10.9 12.2 13.5 9.4 10.6 10.4 11.7 13.0
6H 11.0 12.1 12.0 13.2 14.5 10.3 11.4 11.3 12.5 13.8
8H 11.6 12.6 12.6 13.7 16.1 10.7 11.8 11.7 12.9 142
12H 12.2 13.2 13.2 14.3 16.7 11.1 12.1 12.1 13.2 14.6
4H 2H 7.7 8.9 8.7 10.0 11.3 7.5 8.7 8.5 9.3 11.1
3H 10.0 11.0 11.0 12.1 13.5 9.6 10.6 10.9 11.7 13.1
4H 11.2 12.1 12.2 13.2 14.6 10.6 11.6 11.7 12.7 14.1
6H 12.5 13.4 13.6 14.5 15.9 11.8 12.6 12.3 13.7 15.1
8H 13.3 14.0 14.4 15.2 16.6 12.3 13.1 13.4 14.2 15.7
12H 14.0 14.3 15.1 15.9 17.3 12.8 13.5 13.9 14.7 16.1

8H 4H 11.8 12.5 12.9 13.7 15.2 11.4 12.2 12.5 13.3 14.7
6H 13.5 14.2 14.6 15.3 16.8 12.8 13.5 13.9 14.6 16.1
8H 14.4 15.0 15.5 16.1 17.6 13.5 14.1 14.6 152 16.7
12H 15.4 16.0 16.6 17.1 18.6 14.2 14.8 15.4 15.9 17.4
12H 4H 12.0 12.7 13.1 13.8 15.3 11.6 12.3 12.7 13.5 14.9
6H 13.7 14.3 14.9 15.5 17.0 13.1 13.7 14.3 14.9 16.4
BR 14.8 15.3 16.0 16.5 18.0 14.0 14.5 15.1 15.7 17.2
12H 15.7 16.2 16.8 17.3 18.8 14.6 15.0 15.7 16.2 17.7

Figure 6.8Typical uncorrectedGlareIndex table

The table is based upon a number of assumptions. These are: (a) the
luminaires are at a spacing to height ratioof 1.0; (b) the luminairesare at a
height of 2.0 m aboveeye level;(c) the total lightoutputofthe lamps in the
luminaire is 1000lumens; (d) the observer is located at the mid-point ofa
wall, with a horizontalline of sight towards the centre ofthe opposite wall;
(e) the eye level is taken as 1.2 m above floor level.
Correction termscan be applied to the uncorrected glare index to allow for
changesin mounting height andlampoutputper luminaire. At the present
time there is no correction for other spacing to height ratios.

Uncorrected glare indicesare tabulated according to room dimensionsand

reflectances, for specified room dimensions. The Y dimension is always
parallel to the line ofsight and the X dimension is perpendicular to the line
ofsight. Theyareboth expressedas multiplesofthe mounting height above
eye level.
The worst glare condition willoccurfor viewingfrom the centre of either
the long wall or the short wall. The tables permit either to be calculated by
interchanging X and Y.
One view ofthe room will show the ends of the luminaires (endwise view)
and the otherview will show the sides (crosswise view). Thetwo halves of
the table cater for this.


When the Glare Index has been found (interpolation may be needed) it
must be corrected for: (a) mounting height above 1.2 m eye level if this
differs from 2 m; (b) Total lamp luminous fluxper luminaire ifthis differs
from 1000lm; (c) extracorrection terms if the published uncorrected glare
index table covers a variety of luminaire sizes or lamp types.

These correction terms are added (or subtracted) from the initial glare
index to give the final glare index of the installation.
The height correctiontermand the total luminousfluxcorrection termcan
be calculated as follows:

Height correction term = 4 log10 H — 1.2

where H = the height above eye level (m)

Total lampluminous flux per luminairecorrectionterm = 6 1og10(n.F)— 18

where F = the luminousflux/lamp(lumens)
n = numberof lamps/luminaire

6.5.7 Emergency lighting The designaspects ofemergencylighting are discussedin detail in CIBSE
Technical Memorandum 12: Emergency lighting, the basic points are alsolaid Equipmentoptions out in Section 3.19. In summary, there are two main supply systems,
generatorsandbatteries. Generatorsmust providethe required illuminance
within 5—15 seconds, the actual times being at the discretion of the
authority. Therefore, they must either be running continuously or
automatically start within the maximum time allowed. If this cannot be
achieved then auxiliary battery systems must be used.
Generators require considerable capital investment and are difficult to
justify except for standby systems on large sites.

Battery systemscanbe oftwotypes: central systems,where the batteriesare

in banks at oneor more locations;and self-containedsystems, where each
individual luminaire has its own battery. Central systems have battery
roomsor cubiclesin which the charger, batteries and switchingdevicesare

Battery cubicles can be designed to simplify system maintenance. How-

ever, thesystem must be welldesignedifitis not to berendered inoperative
if damaged by fire.
Self-containedluminairesareself-poweredandoperate independentlyin an
emergency.Thus, although an individual luminaire may be destroyed in a
fire, the otherluminaireswill be unaffected.Thefact that each luminaireis
an independent unitmeans that maintenancemust be thorough. For most
applicationsbatterysystemsmust operate foraperiod of 1 hr to 3 hrs. Many
designers base their designs on the 3 hr standard because it gives greater
reliability. Self-containedluminaires can have three modes of operation:
(a) Maintained,in thisthesamelamporlamps are used,powered normally
by the mains supply. Under emergency conditions it uses its own
battery supply.
(b) Non-maintained, in this the lampis offwhen mains power is available
to charge the batteries. Upon supply failure the lampis energised from
the battery pack.

(c) Sustained, this is a hybrid of the previous two. A lamp is provided

which operatesfrom the mains supply under normal conditions. Under


emergencyconditions a second lamp, powered from the batterypack,

takes over. Sustained luminaires are often used for exit signs.

Systems of self-containedluminaires are the easiest and most flexible to

install but their effectivelife is likely to be less than that ofcentral battery
systems. Also, maintenance and testing must be thorough if operation in
the event of emergency is to be guaranteed. Calculating the illuminance In order to ensure that theminimum illuminancesare within theprescribed
along the escape route limits, the calculation of illuminance along the escape route is required.
Methods and formulae for doing this are given in CIBSE Technical
Memorandum 12: Emergency Lighting. It is important to base the
calculationsuponrealisticphotometric datafor the luminaire and lamps. It
is essentialthat the calculationsportray the worst set ofconditions that are
likely to be encountered; the luminairesmay be at the end oftheircleaning
andmaintenancecycle;the lamps may be at the end oftheiruseful life; the
batteries may be at the end of their discharge period; the ambient
temperature may be excessive; and so on. Theseare just examples, and the
true worst condition must be determined.

Many manufacturers provide design information to help in planning

emergencylighting. It is important to use this datacorrectly and with the
appropriate value of 'emergency lighting design lumens' for the lamp.


giverooms a gloomyappearance atsuchilluminancesand (b)

Appendix 1 Light source colour different apparent colour lamps should not be used
haphazardly in the same room.
Light sources, both natural and electric, have two colour
properties related to the spectral composition of their
emission. One is the apparent colour of the light that the
source emits and the other is the effect that the lighthas on A1.2 Colour rendering
the colours of surfaces. The latter effect is called colour
Theabilityofa lightsource to rendercolours ofsurfaces
accurately can be conveniently quantified by the CIE
general colour rendering index. This index is based on
the accuracy with which a set of test colours are
AU Apparent colour of the emitted light reproduced by the lamp ofinterest relative to how they
arereproduced by anappropriate standard lightsource,
Thecolourofthe light emitted by a'nearwhite' sourcecan be perfect agreement being givena value of 100. TheCIE
indicated by its correlatedcolour temperature (CCT). Each generalcolourrendering index has some limitationsbut
lamptypehas aspecificcorrelatedcolour temperature but for it is the most widely accepted measure of the colour
practical use, the correlated colour temperatures have been rendering properties oflightsources.TableA 1.1 shows
grouped into threeclasses by the CommissionInternational the groups of the CIE general colour rendering index
de l'Eclairage (CIE) (see Table A1.1). used by the CIE and in this Guide.

Table A1.ICorrelated colour temperature classes and colour rendering Where work involvingaccurate colour judgement is to
groups used in this Guide be done, electric light sources with high CIE general
colour rendering indices (i.e. from Groups 1A or 1B)
CorrelatedColour Temperature (CCT) CCT Class
are necessary. Where exact colour matching is to be
CCT < 3300 K Warm done, lamps of colour rendering group 1A should be
3300 K < CCT < 5300 K Intermediate*
5300 K < CCT
used and the recommendations of BS 950 should be
followed as appropriate. The surfaces of surrounding
1A Ra > 90 Whereveraccurate colour matching areaswhere accuratecolour judgementsarebeing made
is required, e.g. colour printing
should be of weak Chroma (not greater than 1) and
inspection. medium reflectance (notless than 0.4). An illuminance
lB 80 < Ra < 90 Whereveraccurate colour judgements of at least 500 lx should be provided on the task.
are necessary and/or good colour
rendering is required for reasons Where the mainconsiderationis the appearance of the
of appearance,e.g. shops and
other commercial premises. space and objects within it, light sources with a high
CIE general colour rendering index may be desirable.
2 60 < Ra < 80 Wherevermoderate colourrendering In general, light sources with good colour rendering
is required. properties (Groups 1A and 1B) makesurfaces ofobjects
40 < Ra < 60
appear more colourful than do light sources with
3 Wherevercolour rendering is of moderate or poor colour rendering properties (Groups
little significance but marked
distortion ofcolour is 2, 3 and4). In addition, lightsources with poor colour
unaccepable. rendering properties may distort some colours to a
marked extent. Thus, where a colourful appearance is
4 20 < Ra < 40 Wherever colour rendering is of desirable, lamps with good colour rendering properties
no importanceat all and marked are appropriate. However, the exact level of colour
distortion ofcolour is
acceptable. rendering desirable in any particular circumstance
remains a matter of individual judgement. Ultimately
*This class covers a large range of correlated colour temperatures.
the CIEgeneral colour rendering index is no substitute
Experiencein the U.K. suggeststhat light sourceswith correlatedcolour
temperatures approaching the 5300 K end of the range will usually be for actually seeing the effect of different light sources
considered to have a 'cool' colour appearance. when it comes to assessing their contribution to the
appearance of an interior.
The choiceofan appropriate apparent colour of light source
fora room is largelydetermined by thefunctionoftheroom.
This may involvesuchpsychological aspects ofcolour as the
impression given of warmth, relaxation, clarity, etc., and
more mundane considerations such as the need to have a
colour appearance compatible with daylight and yet to
provide a 'white' colour at night. The only general rules to
helpwith theselectionofapparent colourare(a)for rooms lit
to an illuminanceof 300 lx or less, a warm or intermediate
colour is preferred; cold apparent colour lamps tending to


the relativeposition ofthe source. Ifa plane passingthrough

Appendix 2 the point and perpendicular to the axis of the luminaire
Illuminance at a point reference passesthrough the end oftheluminaire, then the 'a' variation
diagrams applies. If the plane cuts the luminaire into two parts, then
the 'b' variation must be used, and if the plane does not cut
the luminaire at all then the 'c' situation applies.

A2.1 Introduction The differences between these different cases are most
readily seen by examining the different diagrams. In each
formula, I is the luminous intensity of the luminaire at an
On thefollowingpagesis a series ofdiagrams. Each diagram angle in the transverseplane; i.e. in a planeat right anglesto
shows a particular arrangementofa light sourceilluminating theluminaireaxis. Theanglesa1 anda2 arecalled the'aspect
a point on a surface. With each diagram is the associated angles' and are usedto obtain the aspect factors from aspect
formula necessary for the calculationof illuminance at the factor tables. In all cases:
a1 = tan (S1ID)
In order to use the reference diagrams, first determine
whether the source is a point source, a line source or an area a1 = tan (S2/D)
source. To do this, calculatethe distancebetween the centre
oftheluminaire and thepoint for whichtheilluminanceis to andAFa, denotes the parallelplaneaspect factor for an angle
becalculated. Ifthisdistance isDand thewidth andlength of ofa1, whilst afa2denotes a perpendicular planeaspect factor
the fitting are W and L respectively. for an angle a2.
IfSW< D, and SL <D, thenuse thepointsourceformulae.
If SW < D, but 5L > D, then use the line source formulae.
If SW> D, and 5L > D, then use the area sourceformulae.
A2.4 Area source formula
Having establishedwhich set of formulaeto use, turnto the
appropriate section and read the notes, before looking The basicformulafor a uniform area source with a cosine
through the individual diagrams to find one which matches distribution gives the illuminanceat apointdirectly beneath
your problem. one corner. The geometry is given in Figure A2.8.
Where luminous intensity values are obtained from To obtain the illuminance at a point that is not directly
published photometric data they willnormallybe quoted in beneath one corner, it is necessary to add or subtract
candelas per 1000 lamplumens. These should be corrected contributions from 4 imaginary area sources, each with a
by multiplying by the total bare lamp luminous flux of the corner over the point, to obtain the resultant.
luminaire divided by 1000.

A2.2 Point source formulae

Three applications of the inverse square and cosine
laws are given: (a) the general case from which the
others are derived (see Figure A2.l.); (b) the
illuminance on a horizontal surface (see Figure
A2.2); (c) the illuminance on a vertical surface (see
Figure. A2.3).
In each of the formulae the luminous intensity I in
candelas at the angle of elevation 0 is required.
This can be found from the luminous intensity
distribution of the luminaire.

A2.3 Line source formulae

Line sourceformulae are given for four situations (see

Figures A2.4 to Figure A2.7) with three variations for each Figure A2.IPoint sourceformulaegeneralcase; illuminance onaplane at
case according to the position of the point of illumination an angle b to the source
relative to the end of the luminaire.
F I.cosb
The most suitable case for any given application can be
obtained by studying the figures. Having established which = I.cos2O.cos b
caseapplies to the situation, it is then necessary to determine



Figure A2.2Point source formulaeilluminance ona honaontaj

E D2

E J.cos38

l' /////
\ !°

'1 (b)

Figure A23 Pointsource formulaeforilluminance onavertical

I.cosb plane

E I(,.stna
wheresina X/ii

Figure A2.4Line source formulae,illunsinance on a


(b) E tr(AFa,+AFa,)
(c) E = 1Fa,—AFa,)



— C

1i' Ib)


"Ii Ic)
Figure A2.6 Line sourceformulae, illuminanceona verticalsurface
perpendicularto the axisoftheluminaire




E = 10.(afa,
— afa2)

Figure A2.S Line sourceformulae,illuminance on an inclined(or vertical)

surface parallelto theaxis ofthe luminaire
(e = & — c)
e. AFa,)
(a) F = 19.eosL.D
(b) F = 19.cose.(AFa, + AFa2)
cos e.(AFa, — AFa2)
(c) F = 'H

FigureA2.8Area sourceformula,illuminanceata point directly beneath

onecorner ofthe source

E = I(A2.sinBl + B2.sinAZ)
Al = tan' (W/H)
A2 = tan' (W/V(L2 + 112))
B! = tan'(Lu-f)
B2 = tan1 (L/\/(W2 + 112))
I,, = Peakluminousintensity(Itisassumedthat 4. = I.cos 0)

Appendix 3
Field measurements of illuminance

A3.1 Functions of field measurements

Field measurements of illuminance are usually undertaken

for one of three reasons: (a) to establish whether a new
installation has achieved the design specification; (b) to
establishwhether an installationmeets a desiredcriterion; (c)
as part of a processfor identifying the causes of complaints
about the lighting, i.e. trouble-shooting.

The same instrumentation is used for all three purposes

Figure A2.7Line source formulae,generalcase,illuminanceonany although the nature ofthe measurementsmade willvary with
inclinedsurface(e = — c) the circumstances.
cose.cosb.AFa, + 4..sin baja,
(a) E =

E = 4..cose.cosb.(AFa, + AFa2)
(b) + 18.sin b.(afa, + afa2) A3.2 Illuminance meters

+ 4..sin b. (afa,
E = 4..cose.cos b.(AFa,)L.D

Illuminance meters usually consist of a selenium or silicon
photovoltaic cell connected directly or indirectly by an
amplifier to a display which can be analogueor digital. The
quality ofan illuminancemeterisdetermined by fourfactors:
(a) its spectral response; (b) its response to lightincident on
thephotocellat different angles; (c) its linearityofresponse;
and (d) its sensitivity to temperature.
The basic spectral response of both selenium and silicon


photovoltaic cells differs from that of the human visual A3.3 Field surveys
system. Therefore to achieve accurate measurements of
illuminanceit is necessarytocorrect the spectral responseof A3.3.1 General
thephotocellto that ofthehuman visual system. Thiscanbe
done eitherdirectly, by meansofa filter superimposedon the
photocell, or indirectly by providing correction factors to Field measurements arealways obtained in specificcircum-
effectively recalibrate the photocell for different light stances. It is therefore essentialwhen making field measure-
sources.When filters are used the instrument is describedas ments to keep a complete and accurate record ofthe stateof
colour corrected. The photocellwhose spectral sensitivityis thelighting installationand theinterior in generalatthe time
corrected by a filter can be used for all lightsources, either the measurements aremade. Particular attention should be
separately or in combination, although the accuracy of the given to the lamp type and age, the level and stability ofthe
result will obviouslydepend on the quality of the filter. The supply voltage, the state of maintenance of the lamps and
photocellwhosespectral sensitivityis modifiedby correction luminaires, the surface reflectances, the degree of
factors supplied by the manufacturers, can only be used for obstruction and any other factors which may be expected to
those lightsources for which correction factors are available influencethe measurement. Photographsofthe interiorare a
and thenonly for those lightsources when they occur alone. valuable supplement to a written record.

The response of illuminance meters to light falling on the Beforestarting measurementsitis necessaryto decideon the
photocellfrom differentdirections, is termed the responseto conditions of interest. For example, is daylight to be
oblique lightincidence(orcosineresponse). Specifically, the admitted and ifitis what type ofcontrol is tobe used; are the
measured illuminanceE for lightincident at an angle 0 from measurementsto be concerned with average conditionsover
the normal n to thephotocellshould followtheequationE = theinterior or arethey concernedonly with individual work
E cos 0. Illuminance meters which are not cosinecorrected
can give large measurement errors when used to measure
places; should the measurementsaround the work place be
taken with the people present etc. The answers to these and
illuminances where an appreciable proportion of the similar questions are determined by the aim of the survey.
luminousfluxcomesat largedeviationsfrom thenormal, e.g.
when measuringdaylight in side-litrooms. Most illuminance In addition, before starting measurementsit is necessaryto
meters are cosine corrected by means of either transparent stabilise the performanceofthe lamps and luminaires and of
hemispheresor diffusingcoversofsome sort. It is important the illuminance and luminance meters used. The time
that these covers are kept clean. required to stabilise the light output of an installation
depends on the nature of the lamp and luminaire. Install-
The linearity of response of an illuminance meter is ations usingdischargelamps, including tubularfluorescents,
determined by the resistance of the circuit into which the should be lit for at least 20 minutes and ideally for 1 hour
output from thephotocellis fed; the higher the resistancethe before measurements are made. Installations using incan-
greater will be the non-linearity of response at higher descent lamps should be lit for at least 10 minutes before any
illuminances. measurements are made.

The sensitivity of illuminance meters to temperature Itshould benotedthat daylight israrely stableand hencethe
variationsis alsoinfluenced by the resistance ofthe circuitry illuminanceand luminance it produces can vary over a very
associatedwith the photocell. If that resistance is high then large range very quickly. For this reason when measure-
extremesof temperatures will cause errorsin measurement. ments ofthe electric lighting installationalone are required,
Selenium photocells are considerably more sensitive to daylight must be excluded from the interior.
temperature than are siliconphotocells. Prolongedexposure To stabilise the reading of the photovoltaic cells used in
to temperatures above 50°C will permanently damage
selenium photocells. Ideally photovoltaic cells should be illuminance and luminance meters it is desirable to expose
the photocell to the approximate luminous flux to be
operated in ambient temperatures of about 25°C. For other measured for about 5 minutes before making the first
temperatures errors will occur, but correction factors for measurement.
different operating temperatures can be supplied by
A3.3.2 Average illumnance
To summarise, a good illuminance meter should be colour
and cosine corrected, should be linear in response and Theaverageilluminanceover aninterior is usuallymeasured
insensitiveto ambient temperature variations. Standards for to check if an electric lighting installation has achieved its
two grades of portable photo-electric illuminance meters design specification. To do this the following procedure is
(Types P1 and P2) are given in BS 667. Errors of measure- recommended, after the installation has been operating for
mentof ±10% (Type 1) and ±15% (Type 2) arepermitted. an appropriate time at the design supply voltage. For
This gives some idea of what is achievableeven with a good dischargelamps this time is 100 hours but for incandescent
quality illuminance meterwhen it is new. It should also be lamps it will be less.
noted that the sensitivity of illuminancemeters varies with
time. Illuminancemeters should be recalibratedat leastonce The interior is divided into a numberof equal areas which
a year. This can be done by any photometric laboratory. should be as nearly square as possible. The illuminanceat
Illuminancemeters are availablefor illuminancesfrom 0.1 lx the centre of each area is measured and the mean value
to 100,000 lx full scale deflection, i.e. from emergency calculated.This givesan estimateofthe averageilluminance.
lighting conditions to daylight conditions. The accuracy of the estimate depends on the number of
measurement points and the uniformity of illuminance.


Table A3.1 relates the room index to the number of A3.3.3 Illuminance at a point
measurementpointsnecessarytogiveanerror ofless than 10
per cent; the data in the table are valid for spacing/height
ratios up to 1.5:1. Where an error of less than 5 per cent is When the illuminanceat aworkplaceis ofinterest,e.g. when
required, the number of measurement points should be local lighting is being measured, the illuminance should be
doubled. measuredatan appropriate pointand plane with the worker
in his normal position, nomatterwhether this casts a shadow
The only limitation on the use of Table A3.1 is when the on the meter or not.
periodicityofthe grid ofmeasuringpoints coincideswith the
periodicityofthe grid oflighting points; large errors are then Point illuminancemeasurementscanalso be used toestimate
possible and more points than the number given in Table the uniformity of the illuminance provided by the electric
A3.1 should be used. The numbers ofmeasurement points lightinginstallation. For this purpose the illuminanceshould
suggested are minima, and it may be necessary to increase be measured on a horizontal plane at an appropriate height
theirnumber toobtain a symmetricalgrid to suit a particular without shadowingthephotocell.Uniformitycriteria needto
room shape. be interpreted with a degree of common sense. It is always
possibleto findavery lowilluminancein the corner ofaroom
TableA3.1 Relationshipbetweenroomindex and theminimumnumber of butthis isoflittlerelevanceifnowork is
measurementpoints being done there.It
is the uniformity of the illuminance over the working area
Room Index Number ofPoints that usually is of concern.
Below 1 4
landbelow2 9
2 and below 3 16
3 and above 25

The followingexamples illustrate the use of the method:
aspect factor (AF)
A function ofthe anglesubtended atapointbythe length ofa
(a) For an interior measuring 20 m x 20 m and with linear source, and of the axial distribution of luminous
luminaires mounted 4 m above the working plane.
intensity from the source; used in the calculation ofillum-
20 x 20 inance at a point.
Room index = = 2.5
4(20+ 20) asymmetric distribution
A luminous intensity distribution which is not symmetric
Sixteen points of measurement are therefore required, about the vertical axis through the luminaire.
i.e. a 4 x 4 grid.
axial distribution
(b) Ifthe room measures20 m x 40 m and the luminairesare The luminousintensitydistributionofa linearluminaire in
mounted atthe same height, it should betreated astwo 20 the plane parallel to the length of the luminaire.
m x 20 m areas and thirty-two points of measurements
should be used. average illuminance
See service illuminance.
(c) If the room measures 20 m x 33 m, the number of
measurement pointsrequiredshould be derived by first beam angle
considering a 20 m x 20 m area within the larger The totalangleoverwhichthe luminous intensity ofa beam
rectangle. From example (a) and treating this area by drops to a given proportion (usually halforone-tenth) of the
itself, sixteenpoints would be required. The number for peak value.
the room is then obtained proportionately, i.e.
beam factor
Numberof points = 16 x 20 x 30 = 26 The proportionof the lampflux contained within the beam
20 20 angle.
The points areplaced at the centres of rectangleswhich candela (cd)
should beas 'square'aspossible.Taking twenty-sixasthe The SI unit of luminous intensity, equal to one lumen per
minimumnumberofpoints,twenty-eightpointsona 4 x steradian.
7 grid could be used.
cavity index (Cl)
Measurementsshould bemadeat aposition representativeof A term, indicating the proportions of boundary surfaces,
the working plane but if this is not specified the measure- used in determining the effective reflectances of room
ments should betakenon a horizontalplane atheight of0.7m surfaces for interior lighting design: defined for a cavity of
above the floor for officesand of 0.85 m above the floor for length L, width W, and depth d, as LWI(d(L + W)).
industrial premises. A portable stand or tripod is useful to
support the photocellat the required height and inclination. ceiling cavity reflectance (REt))
Care should be taken not to casta shadow over the photocell Effectivereflectanceofthe room volumeabove the plane of
when taking the readings. the luminaires.


chroma disability glare

In the Munsell system, an index of saturation of colour Glare which impairs the ability to see detail.
ranging from 0forneutral grey to 16 forstrong colours. A low
chroma implies a pastel shade. discharge lamp
A lamp in whichthelightisproduced eitherdirectly orbythe
colour rendering excitation of phosphors by an electric discharge through a
A general expression for the appearance of surface colours gas, a metal vapour or a mixture ofseveralgasesand vapours.
when illuminated by light from a given source compared,
consciouslyor unconsciously,with their appearance under discomfort glare
light from some reference source. 'Good colour rendering' Glare which causes visual discomfort.
implies similarityofappearance to that underan acceptable
light source, such as daylight. effective reflectance (RE)
Estimatedreflectanceofa surface, based on the relativeareas
colour rendering index (CR!) and the refiectances of the materials forming the surface.
A measure of the degree to which the colours of surfaces Thus, 'effective wallreflectance' takes account ofthe reflec-
illuminated by a given light source conform to those of tances ofthe wall surface, the windows, the filing cabinets,
the same surfaces under a reference illuminant, suitable etc., that comprise the sides of a room.
allowance having been made for the state of chromatic
adaptation. (CIE Publication 13.2). emergency lighting
Lightingprovidedfor usewhenthe main lightinginstallation
Atermthat is used subjectivelyand objectively.Subjectively
it describes the difference in appearance of two parts of escape lighting
a visual field seen simultaneously or successively. The Emergency lighting provided to ensure that the means of
difference may be one of brightness or colour or both. escapecan be safelyand effectively usedatallmaterial times.
Objectively, the term expresses the luminance difference
between the two parts of the field by such relationships as: externally reflected component of the daylight factor
contrast = L —L1 The illuminancereceiveddirectlyat a point indoors from a
L1 sky of known or assumed luminance distribution after
reflection from an external reflectingsurface, expressedas a
percentage of the horizontal illuminance outdoors from an
Quantitatively, the sign of the contrast is ignored. L1 is the unobstructed hemisphereofthe same sky. Directsunlight is
dominant or backgroundluminance.L is thetaskluminance. excluded from both illuminances.
correlated colour temperature (unit: K) flicker
The temperature of a full radiator which emits radiation A visible oscillationin luminous flux.
havinga chromaticitynearest to that ofthe lightsourcebeing
considered, e.g. the colour ofa full radiator at 3500 K is the footpath
nearest match to that of a White tubular fluorescent lamp. A means of passage for pedestrians
daylight factor flux fraction ratio (FFR)
The illuminancereceivedat a point indoors, from a sky of The ratio of the upward luminous flux to the downward
known or assumed luminance distribution, expressed as a luminous flux from a luminaire
percentage of the horizontal illuminance outdoors from an
unobstructed hemisphereofthe same sky. Direct sunlight is footway
excludedfrom both values of illuminance. That portion of a road which is reserved for pedestrians
diffuse reflection floor cavity reflectance (REF)
Reflection in which the reflected light is diffusedand thereis Effective reflectanceofthe room volume belowthe working
no significant specular reflection, as from a matt paint. plane.
diffused lighting full radiator
Lighting in which the luminous flux comes from many A thermal radiator obeyingPlanck's radiationlawandhaving
directions, none of which predominates. the maximum possible radiant exitance for all wavelengths
foragiven temperature; alsocalledablack body toemphasise
direct lighting its absorption of all incident radiation.
Lighting in which the greater part ofthe luminous fluxfrom
the luminaires reaches the surface (usually the working full radiatorlocus
plane) directly, i.e. without reflection from surrounding Thecurveon achromaticitydiagram representing the colour
surfaces. Luminaires with a flux fraction ratio less than 0.1 of the radiation from a full radiator as a function of its
are usually regarded as direct. temperature.
directional lighting general dispersivedistribution
Lighting designedto illuminate a task or surface predomin- The luminousintensitydistributionofa class ofluminaires,
antly from some direction. characterised by a spacing/height ratio > 1.0 and < 1.5.


general lighting internally reflected component of the daylight factor

Lighting designedto illuminate the whole of an area (IRC)
uniformly, without provision for speciallocal requirements. The illuminancereceivedat a point indoors from a sky
ofknown orassumed luminancedistribution afterreflection
glare within the interior, expressed as a percentage of the
The discomfortor impairment of vision experienced when horizontal illuminance outdoors from an unobstructed
parts ofthe visualfield arc excessively bright inrelation to the hemisphereofthe same sky. Direct sunlight is excludedfrom
general surroundings. both illuminances.

glare index system isolux diagram

A system which produces a numerical index calculated A diagram showing contours of equal illuminance.
according to the method described in CIBSE Technical
Memorandum 10. It enables the discomfort glare from light loss factor (LLF)
lighting installationstobe ranked in order ofseverityand the The ratio of the illuminanceprovided by the installation at
permissiblelimit ofdiscomfort glare from an installation to some stated time, with respect to the initial illuminance,i.e.
be prescribed quantitatively. that after 100 hours ofoperation. The lightloss factor is the
product ofthe lamplumen maintenance factor, the luminaire
hazardous environment maintenancefactor and the room surfacemaintenancefactor.
An environment in which a risk of fire or explosion exists.
lighting design lumens (LDL) (unit: Im)
hostile environment Lamps vary in flux output, both between themselves and
An environment in which the lighting equipment may be through theiroperating lives. The lighting designlumen is a
subject to chemical, thermal or mechanical attack. nominal value which is representative of the average light
output of each type or size of lamp throughout its life.
Colour in the sense of red, or yellow or green, etc. In the limiting glare index
Munsell system, an index derived by arranging the five The maximum value of the Glare Index which is recom-
named colours (red, yellow, green, blue and purple) and mended for a specific lighting installation.
theirintermediates(yellow-red,green-yellow,etc.)in acircle
of constant chroma and dividing each of these ten equally local lighting
spaced bands into ten equal steps in the complete atlas (but Lighting designed toilluminatea particular smallareawhich
fourin thestandard atlases, hence7.5 BGasahuereference). usually doesnot extend farbeyond thevisual task, e.g. adesk
ingress-protection(IP) number
A two-digit numberassociated with a luminaire. The first localised lighting
digit classifies the degree of protection the luminaire pro- Lighting designedto illuminate an interior and at the same
vides against the ingress of solid foreign bodies. the second time to provide higher illuminancesover a particular part or
digit classifies the degree of protection the luminaire parts of the interior.
providesagainstthe ingressofmoisture. Detailsofthe nature
of the protection achieved at different levels is given in lumen (Im)
BS 4533. TheSI unitofluminousflux, usedindescribingaquantity of
light emitted by a source or received by a surface. A small
illuminance (E) (unit: lm/m2, lux) sourcewhich has auniform luminousintensity ofonecandela
Theluminousflux densityat asurface, i.e. the luminous flux emits a total of 4ir lumens in all directions and emits one
incident perunitarea. (This quantity was formerlyknown as lumen within unit solid angle.
the illuminationvalue or illumination level.)
illumination An apparatus which controls the distribution of lightgiven
The process of lighting. by a lamp or lamps and which includes all the components
necessary for fixing and protecting the lamps and for
incandescent lamp connecting them to the supply circuit. Luminaire has
A lampin which light is produced by a filament heated to superseded the term lighting fitting.
incandescenceby the passage of an electric current.
indirect lighting luminance (L) (unit: cd/m2)
The physicalmeasureof the stimulus which produces the
Lighting in which the greater part of the flux reaches the sensation of brightness measured by the luminous intensity
surface (usually the working plane) only after reflection
at other surfaces and particularly at the roof or ceiling. of the lightemitted or reflected in a given direction from a
Luminaires with a flux fraction ratio greater than 10 are surface element, divided by the area of the element in the
same direction. The SI unit of luminanceis the candela per
usually regarded as indirect.
square metre, the relationship between luminance and
initial light output (unit: Im) illuminanceis given by the equation
The luminousflux from a lampafter100hoursofoperation.
Luminance —
Illuminance x reflectance


This equation applies to a matt surface. For a non matt reflectance (R)
surface, the reflectanceis replaced by the luminancefactor. The ratioof the luminous fluxreflected from a surfaceto the
luminous flux incident on it. Except for matt surfaces,
luminous efficacy (unit: lm/W) reflectance depends on how the surface is illuminated but
The ratio ofthe luminousflux emitted by a lamp to the power especially on the direction of the incident light and its
consumed by the lamp. When the power consumed by spectral distribution. The valueis alwaysless than unityand
control gear is taken into account this term is sometimes is expressed as either a decimal or as a percentage.
known as lamp circuit luminousefficacyand is expressed in
lumens/circuit watt. room index (RI)
Anindex related to thedimensionsofa room and used when
luminous flux (unit: Im) calculatingthe utilization factor and other characteristicsof
The light emittedby a source, or receivedby a surface. The the lighting installation:
quantity is derived from radiant flux by evaluating the
radiation in accordance with the spectral sensitivity of the LW
standard eye as described by the CIE Standard Photometric room index =
Observer. h, (L + W)

where L is the length ofthe room, W the width and hm the

luminous intensity (unit: cd)
height of the luminaires above the working plane.
A quantity which describes the power of a source or
illuminatedsurfaceto emit lightin a given direction. It is the service illuminance
luminous flux emitted in a very narrow cone containing the The meanilluminancethroughoutthe maintenance cycle of
given direction divided by the solid angle of the cone: the aninstallation,averagedover therelevant area. Theareamay
result is expressed in candelas. bethewholeoftheworkingplane orjust theareaofthevisual
task and its immediate surround, depending on the lighting
luminous intensity distribution
The distribution of the luminous intensity of a lamp or approach used.
luminairein all spatialdirections. Luminous intensity distri-
butions are usuallyshown in the form ofapolar diagramor a sky component of the daylight factor (SC)
The illuminancereceived directly at a point indoors from a
table for a single verticalplane, interms ofcandelasper 1000 skyof known or assumed luminance distribution expressed
lumens of lampluminous flux. as a percentageof thehorizontal illuminanceoutdoors from
lux (lx) an unobstructedhemisphereofthe same sky. Direct sunlight
The SI unit of illuminance, equal to one lumen per square is excluded from both values of illuminance.
spacing/height ratio (SHR)
maintenance factor (MF) This ratiodescribes the distance between luminaire centres
Theratioofthe illuminanceprovidedbyan installationinthe in relation to their height above the working plane. For a
average condition of dirtiness expected in service, to the regular square arrangement of luminaires, it is the distance
illuminance from the same installation when clean. The between adjacent luminaires divided by their height above
maintenance factor is always less than unity. the working plane. More generally,

minimum illuminance spacing/heightratio = \/(A/N) -

The lowest illuminance occurring at any point and at any /Zfl
time on the working plane in the working area.
whereA is the total floor area, N is the numbero luminaires
mountingheight (hm) and hm is their height above the working plane.
Usually the vertical distance between a luminaire and the
working plane, but sometimes the distance between the special location emergency lighting
luminaire and the floor. Emergency lighting provided to allow machinery, plant or
processes, to be placed in a safe and stable condition before
Munsell system leaving the location.
A system of surface colour classification using uniform
colour scales of hue, value and chroma. A typical Munsell specular reflection
designation of a colour is 7.5 BG6/2, where 7.5 BG (blue- Reflection without diffusion in accordance with the laws of
green)is the hue reference, 6 is the value and 2 is the chroma optical reflection as in a mirror.
reference number.
standard service illuminance
narrow distribution The serviceilluminancerecommendedfor the assumed
Theluminousintensitydistributionofa class ofluminaires, standard conditions of the application.
characterisedby a spacing/heightratio of 1.0 or less.
standby lighting
power factor Emergencylighting provided to enable normal activitiesto
In anelectric circuit,the power factor is equal to theratioof continue.
theroot mean squarepower inwatts to theproductoftheroot
mean square values of voltage and current; for sinusoidal stroboscopic effect
waveforms the power factor is alsoequal to the cosineofthe Anillusioncausedby oscillationinluminousflux, thatmakes
angle of phase difference between voltage and current. a moving object appear as stationary or as moving in a

manner different from that in which it is truly moving. VDU (visual display unit)
A self-luminous screen on which information is displayed
symmetric distribution (when the VDU ispart ofacomputer system, itis sometimes
A luminous intensity distribution which is symmetrical called a VDT (visual display terminal))
about the vertical axis through the luminaire.
visual environment
transmittance The environmenteither indoors or outdoors as seen by an
The ratioof luminous flux transmitted by a material to the observer.
incident luminous flux.
visual field
transverse distribution Thefullextentin space ofwhat can be seen when lookingina
The luminousintensitydistributionofa linear luminairein a given direction.
plane normal to the length of the luminaire.
waste light factor
uniformity ratio The proportion of light produced by an exterior area
The ratio of the minimum illuminance to the average floodlighting installation that falls on the area to be lit
illuminance.In some instances, the ratioofthe minimum to (typically 0,8).
the maximum illuminance is quoted. The ratio usually
appliestovalueson the working planeover the working area. widespread distribution
The luminousintensitydistributionofa class ofluminaires
utilisation factor (UF) characterised by a spacing/heightratioof> 1.5.
The proportion of the luminous flux emitted by the lamps
which reaches the working plane. working plane
Thehorizontal,vertical,or inclined planeinwhich the visual
value task lies. If no information is available, the working plane
In the Munsellsystem, an index ofthe lightnessofa surface may be considered to be horizontal and at 0.7 m above the
ranging from 0 (black) to 10 (white). Approximatelyrelated floor for offices, horizontal and 0.85 m above the floor for
to percentagereflectance by the relationship industry.
R = V(V-1)
where R = reflectance(%), and V = value.

Bibliography Regulationsmade under the FactoriesAct 1961

Legislation relevant to lighting The Locomotive andWagons(used onLines and Sidings)Regulations1906

SR&O 1906 No. 679.
Sections 2-4 ofthe Health and SafetyatWorkAct apply to all
The Electricity Regulations1908 SR&O 1908 No. 1312.
places of work. Section 2 places a general duty on the
employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the The Chemical Works Regulations1922 SR&O 1922 No. 731.
health, safety and welfare of all his employees. Section 3
requires the employerandthe self-employedtoensure, sofar The Grinding ofCutleryand EdgeTools Regulations 1925 SR&O 1925 No.
as is reasonablypracticable, that people not in their employ 1089.
who may be affected by theirwork activitiesare not exposed
to risks to their health or safety. Section 4 requires that TheGrinding ofMetals(MiscellaneousIndustries) Regulations1925 SR&O
premises made available to people as a place of work or 1925 No. 904.
equipment provided for use thereare safe and without risks
to health. These general duties include, where appropriate, The Construction(GeneralProvisions)Regulations1961 SI 1961 No. 1580.
the provision of suitable lighting.
The Construction (Health and Welfare)Regulations1966 SI 1966No. 95.
Other requirements dealing specifically with lighting are The Carcinogenic SubstancesRegulations1967SI 1967 No. 879.
containedin the Factories Act 1961, the Offices, Shops and
Railway PremisesAct 1963 and the Mines and QuarriesAct The Woodworking Machines Regulations1974 SI 1974 No. 903.
1954. These require effective provision of 'sufficient and
suitable' lighting, whether by artificial or natural means, in
1928 No. 548.
everypart ofthe premiseswhere peopleworkor pass, and all The Horizontal MillingMachinesRegulations1928SR&O
apparatus for producing artificial lighting to be properly The Docks Regulations1934 SR&O 1934 No. 279.
maintained. Thereare also a number ofspecificRegulations
made under these and other Acts of Parliament which The Patent Fuel Manufacture (Health and Welfare) Special Regulations
contain lighting requirements. The relevant legislation is 1946SR&O 1946No. 258.
listed below:
The Jute (Safetyand Welfare) Regulations 1948SI 1948No. 1696.
The FactoriesAct 1961 Sections 5, 7 and 69.

The Offices, Shopsand Railway PremisesAct 1963Sections 8 and 9. The Clay Works (Welfare) Special Regulations 1948 SI 1948 No. 1547.

The Mines and Quarries Act 1954, Sections61 to 65 and 111. ThePottery (Healthand Welfare) SpecialRegulations1950 SI l950 No.65.


The Mule Spinning (Health) Special Regulations1953 SI 1953 No. 1545. CIBSE Application Guide: Hostile and Hazardous Environments 1983.

The Work in Compressed Air Special Regulations 1958 SI 1958 No. 61. CIBSE Lighting Guide: Hospitals and Health Care Buildings 1979.

The Shipbuildingand Ship-repairingRegulations1960SI 1960 No. 1932. CIBSE Lighting Guide: Lecture Theatres 1973.

CIBSE Lighting Guide: Museum and Art Galleries 1980.

Regulations made under The Offices Shops and Railway
Premises ,Act 1963
CIBSE Lighting Guide: Sports 1974.
TheOffices,Shopsand Railway PremisesAct 1963 (ExemptionOrderNo.
7)1968 SI 1968 No. 1947. CIBSE Lighting Guide: Shipbuildingand Ship Repair 1979.

Regulationsmade under the Mines and Quarries Act 1954 CIBSE Technical Memorandum 5: The calculation of utilisation factor
The QuarriesOrder 1956 SI 1956No. 1780.
CIBSE Technical Memorandum6: Lightingfor visual display units 1981.
TheCoalandOtherMines(Safety-lamps and Lighting)Order1956SI 1956
No. 1765. CIBSE TechnicalMemorandum 10: The calculation ofglare indices 1985.

The Coal and Other Mines (Sidings)Order 1956 SI 1956No. 1773. CIBSE Technical Memorandum 12: Emergencylighting 1986.

The Miscellaneous Mines Order 1956 SI 1956No. 1778. CIBSE Window Design Guide, 1987.

Quarries VehiclesRegulations1970SI 1970 No, 168.

Regulations under the Agriculture (Safety, Health and

Welfare Provisions) Act 1956 Health and Safety Executive publications (availablefrom HMSO
PublicationsCentre, P.O. Box 276, London).
1959SI 1959 No. 427.
The Agriculture(CircularSaws)Regulations
Health and SafetyGuidance Note 38: Lighting at work.
The Agriculture (Stationary Machinery)Regulations 1959 SI 1959 No.
1216. Electricity Council publications (available from The Electricity Council
Marketing Department, 30 Millbank, London, SWIP4RD).
The Agriculture(ThreshersandBalers)Regulations1960SI 1960No. 1199.
ElectricityCouncil and Lighting Industries Federation, Interior Lighting
Design, London, 6th Edition, 1986.
British Standards (availablefrom British StandardsInstitution, Sales
Department, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, MK14 6LE). Electricity Council, Farm Electric 25, Essentials of farm lighting (Ref.
BS 667 Specification for portable photoelectricphotometers.
ElectricityCouncil, Essentialsof Security Lighting(Ref. 4804).
BS 4533Luminaires

BS 4800Specificationfor paintcolours for buildingpurposes.

Other Publications
BS 5266Part I: Code of Practice for the emergency lighting of premises
BoycePR Human Factors in Lighting. Applied Science Publishers, London
other than cinemas and certain other specifiedpremises used for
Building Research Establishment. BRE Digest 272, Lighting controls and
BS 5345 Code of Practice for selection, installation and maintenance of
daylight use. BRE Watford,(1983).
electrical apparatus for use in potentially explosiveatmospheres
(other than mining applications or explosive processing and Cayless MAandMarsdenAM Lamps andLighting EdwardArnold, London,
manufacture). (1983).
BS 5489Code ofPractice for road lighting. Dc Boer JB and Fischer D Interior Lighting Philips Technical Library
Antwerp, (1978).
BS 8206Part I: Code of Practice for artificiallighting.
De Boer JB and Van Bomell RoadLighting Philips Technical Library.
BS DD 73 Basic data for the design ofbuildings: daylight.
Lyons SL Exterior Lighting for indust,y and Security, Applied Science
ClBSE Publications(availablefrom CIBSE,Delta House,222 Balham Publishers, London, (1980).
High Road, London, SW12 9BS).
Lyons SL Handbook ofIndustrialLighting. Butterworth, London, (1981).
CIBSE Code for Interior Lighting 1984
Batchelor BT Hill DA & Hodgson DC Automated visual inspection. IFS
CIBSE Lighting Guide: Building and Civil EngineeringSites 1975. (Publications)Ltd.,Bedford, U.K. (1985).


Index Electrical and electronic engineering,25 Lanterns, 61

Electricity, 8 Large assembly,25
Elevators, 9 Leather, 33
Emergencylighting, 7, 51, 97, 106 Life of a lamp, 69
Aspect factor, 105 Energy, 6 Lifts, 45
Assembly, 22 Environmentalconditions,6 Light loss factor, 107
Assemblyshops, 23 Equipment, 69 Light sources, 69
Asymmetric distribution, lOS Escalators,45 Lightingdesign lumens, 107
Automaticcontrol, 84 Escape lighting, 51, 106 Limiting glare index, 107
Average daylight factor, 80 Exterior, 51 Loading bays, 53
Average illuminance, 105 Exterior walkway,9 Local lighting, 81, 107
Average illuminancc for exteriorareas, 90 Externally reflectedcomponent, 106 Localiscd lighting, 81, 107
Axial distribution, 105 Fabrics, 29 Low luminanceluminaires, 11
Bakeries,27 Flicker, 106 Lumen, 107
Beamangle, 105 Floor cavity reflectance, 106 Lumen method, 86
Beamfactor, 105 Fluorescence,46 Luminaires, 71,107
Boiler house, 8,45 Flux fraction ratio, 106 Luminance, 107
Boot, 34 Food, 26 Luminous efficacy, 69, 108
Bottling,26 Footpath, 106 Luminous flux, 108
Brewing, 26 Footway, 106 Luminous intensity, 108
Bulk disposal oflamps, 76 Footwear, 34 Lux, 108
Bulk storage, 41 Forges, 14 Magnification,49
Cabinet making, 35 Frozen foods, 26 Maintenance,6, 13, 75, 85
Cafeterias,44 Fuelindustries, 8 Maintenancefactor, 108
Candela, 105 Full radiator, 106 Marshallingyards, 65
Canning, 26 Full radiator locus, 106 Mechanicalengineering,21
Canteens, 44 Furnaces, 13 Metal manufacture, 13
Carpet manufacture, 30 Furniture, 33 Meter rooms, 8
Cavity index, 86, 105 Gantry, 58 Mills, 27
Ceiling cavityreflectance, 105 Gas, 8 Mimicdiagram, 10
Ceramics, 16 Gatchouses, 62,63 Mine lighting, 9
Checkpoints,62,63 Generaldispersivedistribution, 106 Minimum illuminance,108
Chemical, 19 Generallighting, 81, 107 Mounting height, 108
Chocolate,27 Glare, 4, 107 Munsell system, 108
Chroma, 106 Glare Index, 95 Narrow distribution, 108
Chute transfer, 9 Glare index system, 107 Obstruction, 3
Circulationareas,45 Glassworks, 17 Off-shore,9
Clean rooms, 20 Glove, 34 Oil plant rooms, 9
Closedcircuit TV, 64 Goods depots, 65 Oil refining,9
Clothing,33 Goods yards, 65 Overhead lighting, 15, 58
Cokeovens, 9 Group replacement,76 Paint,20, 24
Cold stores, 41 H.V.,8 Paint shops, 24
Colour, 5 Hat, 34 Pallet storage, 43
Colour appraisal,48 Hazardousareas, 13 Paper, 35
Colour matching,48 Hazardousenvironment, 107 Paper mills, 35
Colour rendering,70, 106 Health, 2 Perimeter, 63
Colour Rendering Index, 5, 106 High precisionwork, 25 Pharmaceutical,20
Compressor house, 9 Highways,60 Picking belts, 9
Concrete, 16 Hosiery, 34 Pickling, 14
Continuousoperation, 12 Hostile areas, 13 Plane ofthe task, 2
Contrast, 106 Hostile environment, 107 Plastics,40
Control, 75, 84 Hue, 107 Plating, 22
Control rooms, 10 Illuminance, 107 Point source formulae, 100
Control systems, 75, 84 Illuminanceat a point, 100 Polarised light, 49
Correlatedcolour temperature, 106 Illuminanceon the task, 2 Post rooms, 45
Corridors,45 Illumination, 107 Potteries, 16
Cranes, 15, 58 Incandescentlamp, 107 Power factor, 108
Daylight, 80 Indirect lighting, 107 Power loadings,6
Daylight factor, 80, 106 Ingress-protection(IP) number, 107 Printing, 36, 38
Diffuse reflection, 106 Initial light output, 107 Process plant, 9
Diffused lighting, 106 Inspection,25, 46 Processorcontrol, 84
Dimming, 75 Inspectionlighting, 25, 46 Quays, 68
Direct lighting, 106 Internallyreflected component, 107 Reflectance,3, 108
Directionallighting, 106 Introduction, 1 Reprographicroom, 36, 45
Disability glare, 106 Ironmaking, 13 Restaurants, 44
Dischargelamp, 106 Isolux diagram, 107 Restrike time, 71
Discomfortglare, 106 Jetties, 68 Roadway, 60, 90
Distilling, 26 Kitchens, 44 Room index, 86, 108
Distribution, 41 Knitting, 38 Rubber, 40
Dockyards, 67 Knitwear, 34 Run-up time, 70
Drink, 26 Ladders, 9 Sawmills,34
Dyeing, 30 Lamp prefix letters, 69 Scope, I
Effective reflectance, 106 Lamp replacement,75 Securitylighting, 62


Service illuminance, 108 Steelmaking, 13 Uplighting, 11

Shoe, 33 Storage,41 Utilisationfactors, 86, 109
Sidings, 65 Stroboscopiceffect, 5, 108 Value, 109
Sky component, 108 Stroboscopicillumination, 50 VDUs, 11, 109
Slaughterhouses,26 Switchboardrooms, 45 Vibration, 15
Soap, 20 Switching,75 Visual environment, 109
Spacingto height ratio, 88 Switchroom,8 Visual field, 109
Spacingfheight ratio, 10 Symmetricdistribution, 109 Wagonloading, 9
Spacing/mounting height ratio,3 Terminals, 67 Warehouses,41
Special locationemergencylighting, 108 Textile, 29 Waste light factor, 109
Specularreflection, 108 Timber, 34 Weaving,30
Spinning,29 Tobacco, 26, 29 Welding, 22
Spray booths, 22 Transmittance, 109 Welding/solderingshops, 22
Stairs, 9, 45 Transverse distribution, 109 Widespreaddistribution, 109
Standard service illuminance,108 Turbine houses, 8 Working plane, 109
Standby lighting, 51, 108 Uniformity,2 Workshop units,8
Steel, 13 Uniformity ratio, 109 Yarns, 30

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