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Determining the Relationship between the Concentration of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) acting as
an electrolyte and the average rate of gas volume production of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gas
in the Decomposition Reaction with liquid distilled water (H2O).

Research Question

How does the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution affect the average rate of gas volume production
(mLmin-1) of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) during aqueous electrolysis?


As a huge fan of Formula 1 and automobile racing, I was shocked when I heard that new regulations might be on
their way, where gasoline will no longer be used. Although some proposed solutions for new engines may appear
distant and unrealistic, the necessity to reduce carbon dioxide emissions demands a change in the whole combustion
process of gasoline within engines. Moreover, it is predicted that it will become the primary energy supply for
electricity due to its “environmentally friendly nature and easiness to produce” [1].

Many engineers are starting to put their attention on cars that work through the electrolysis of water, to produce H2.
Although the electrolysis of water to create H2 gas, which will be used to propel the car, is endothermic and will
require enormous amounts of energy, it is more environment-friendly than the combustion of carbon-based gases
(used in gasoline). This is because its only emission is steam, and the energy used to convert pure water (H2O) into
hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gasses is renewable. Thus, the energy can be reused, “has great potential and [would
be] economically beneficial” [1], while emitting “zero greenhouse gas emissions” [2] providing a new method of
cleaner, renewable transportation.

I started investigating aqueous electrolysis and based my initial method on an online video focusing on the addition
of electrolytes to increase the volume of H2 gas produced [3]. However, before performing the experiment, I did
preliminary trials, where I realized that some of my materials did not work properly. Therefore, I had to refine the
method and change certain materials, in order to control external variables that might affect the final rate of reaction
values. As an example, certain wires failed due to oxidation and rusting, which made me understand that I would
need to control wire conductivity so as to not affect the experiment. I also started using 50 mL graduated cylinders
but quickly decided it was better to use smaller graduated cylinders (25mL) because they facilitated the procedure.
Overall, the preliminary trials helped me improve the materials and polish the approach to adjust for the change in
materials and simplify the process.

Through the experiment, I aim to find a way to increase the generation of hydrogen gasses, as that would increase
the supply of H2 gas to the engine, providing more power. Consequently, I hope that by adding electrolytes, the
energy needed to fulfill the electrolysis of water is reduced, decreasing the electrical energy required by the water to
separate. Overall, this would improve engine efficiency, lowering the amount of energy required for automobiles to
attain particular speeds or travel a certain distance. Altogether this would ensure that supplying engines with H2 as
fuel would not be as expensive, facilitating the approach to more sustainable engines. Therefore my research
question is: How does the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution affect the average rate of gas
volume production (mLmin-1) of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) during aqueous electrolysis?

Background Information

This investigation will cover units 9 (electrolytic cells), 8 (strong bases), and 6 (rate of reaction).

To fulfill the aim of the experiment one must create an electrolytic cell, which is an electrochemical cell that uses
electricity to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction. Aqueous electrolysis works by creating a circuit
consisting of a battery and two electrodes connected by an aqueous solution. When electricity passes through the
solution it provides the necessary energy to surpass the activation energy of the decomposition reaction. The process
splits the ions in a molecule into individual atoms that react in either of the electrodes. Therefore, the decomposition
reaction is endothermic, as it needs an external supplier of energy to occur. Water is then decomposed into OH- and
H+, with the first going to the anode and the latest to the cathode. This is because the OH- anions are attracted by the

anode’s positive charge, whilst the H+ cations are attracted by the cathode’s negative charge. The anode is oxidized,
as the negative OH- ions lose electrons at the anode, while the cathode is reduced, as the positive H+ ions gain
electrons at the cathode.

NaOH is a strong base, which is able to completely dissociate,

creating Na+ and OH- ions, which are free to move and increase
both the conductivity and rate of water electrolysis of the solution.
As seen in Figure 1, the creation of Na+ might appear detrimental
to the experiment, as it should theoretically compete with the H+
ions to be reduced in the cathode, however, Na+ is electrically inert
in water due to its complete outer shell of electrons, so it will not
be attracted to any of the electrodes. Therefore, NaOH is a great
aqueous electrolyte because it increases the rate of reaction,
without competing with or negatively affecting the production of
neither H2 nor O2 gas. As a result, only H+ and OH- will be
reduced and oxidized respectively, so only H2 and O2 gas will be
produced. Sodium hydroxide is also very soluble in water but is
not consumed during electrolysis, allowing for high concentrations
of NaOH, thus, higher currents. Since NaOH will not produce any
toxic gasses (as Na+ will not be reduced and will not react during
electrolysis), it proves useful when analyzing the rate of gas (H2
and O2) volume produced, as it enables a fairly easy and risk-free method to be used. Thus, I believe that sodium
hydroxide is a promising electrolyte to use in the process of hydrogen fueling because it is highly soluble,
electrically inert in water, easily spreadable, and affordable.

A decomposition reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which a single compound breaks down into two or more
elements. The breakdown of water into hydrogen and oxygen gasses when an electric current is passed through it is
a prime example of it: .

The average rate of reaction (RoR) is the average speed at which a chemical reaction takes place, which can be
measured by the average volume of gas produced over a certain time interval (mLmin-1). The rate will be derived by
measuring the volume of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gas produced in a fixed 1-minute interval. There will be
three trials for every concentration value (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 M), with three rates of reaction readings in each one
of them (rate of reaction from 0-1 min, 1-2 min, 2-3 min). Altogether, there will be a total of 9 readings of the rate of
(H2 and O2) gas volume produced for every concentration value. This will allow for an average between the readings
within each trial to be taken, giving a much more accurate result.

Many different factors (apart from concentration) can affect the rate of reaction, including temperature, the reactant
concentration, the surface area of the reactants, the presence of a catalyst, and the nature of the reactants. To get the
most accurate results possible, these factors must be controlled.

Although an electrolytic cell is often used to purify water, this Internal Assessment seeks to determine how effective
it is in producing hydrogen fuel. Furthermore, the effectiveness of electrolyte concentration will also be assessed, in
hopes to find a suitable solution to the pollution caused by engines operating on fossil fuels.


From a rate of reaction standpoint, increasing the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) will lead to an
increase in the particles of NaOH in the solution within a fixed volume, therefore, more frequent and effective
collisions will occur in a given time period, increasing the rate of gas volume production. Additionally, from an
aqueous electrolysis point of view, Sodium Hydroxide is a white, odorless, strong base, which will be able to
dissociate and completely ionize in water, generating charged ions in the solution that can move freely, thus, are
strong conductors of electricity. This will increase the amount of ions oxidized or reduced at the electrodes,
increasing the rate of water electrolysis, thus, increasing the rate of gas volume production. As seen through both

standpoints, the incorporation of a strong base such as Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) will increase the rate at which
both gasses, hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), are produced.

Discussion of Variables

Independent Variable: the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) (moldm-3) (0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1), with an
uncertainty of ± 0.01 moldm-3[M], calculated by changing the mass of NaOH within 1L of pure water, indicates the
amount of electrolyte present in the water.

Dependent Variable: the volume of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) produced in a fixed time interval (1 minute).
There will be three trials, and the volume will be measured between 0-1 min, 1-2 min, and 2-3 min for every trial.
This will be done using a camera, as it will improve the accuracy of the volume of gasses produced, and ensure that
the time period calculated is precise (1 min). It has an uncertainty of ± 0.5 mL, and portrays the relationship between
the concentration of NaOH (the conductivity of the water) and the output of gas. The volume of hydrogen (H2) and
oxygen (O2) produced in a fixed time interval will then be used to calculate the average rate of gas volume
production (mLmin-1).

Control Variables:

Variable How it is controlled Why it is controlled

The voltage of The voltage applied to the water is controlled by The voltage of the battery is controlled so that it does not
the battery using the same battery every trial. The battery interfere with the rate of reaction. As the voltage increases, the
has a voltage of 12V. rate at which both gasses are produced would increase because
a larger number of electrons would flow into the anode. This
would increase the attraction between the oxygen hydroxide
(OH-) and the anode (positive electrode), as well as the
hydrogen cations (H+) and the cathode (negative electrode),
increasing the speed of the reaction.

The The conductivity of the wires was kept constant It is fundamental to maintain the conductivity constant so that
conductivity of by using the same wires and alligator clips, the flow of electrons is steady and does not change the readings
the wires. which were coated with an insulator. of the rate of reaction. Using the same wires ensures that even
if the wires were slightly damaged or oxidized, there would still
be no change in the conductivity during the experiment.

The time The time interval between the volume of gas The time interval between the volume of gas produced
interval produced measurements is controlled by using a measurements needs to be controlled because the rate of
between the camera and recording the whole aqueous reaction (gas volume produced over a fixed time interval), is
volume of gas electrolysis. The use of the camera eliminated directly affected by time. If it were not controlled, the rate of
produced human error while ensuring that the measured reaction measurements and the findings in this experiment
measurements time interval and the gas volume produced were would be wrong, as the time interval is supposed to be exactly 1
more accurate and precise. min.


- Weighing Scale (± 0.01 g) - 60g of NaOH grains

- Weighing Paper - Stirring Rod
- 500 mL volumetric flask (± 0.01 dm3, 10mL) - Alligator Wire x 2
- 12 V battery - Stainless steel nail x2
- Burette clamp x 2 - 5 L Pure water
- Iron base for burette x2 - Spoon
- 25mL graduated cylinders (± 0.5 mL) x 2 - Funnel
- 1 L beaker - Camera
- 3 L long container

Figure 2. Apparatus Setup


Section 1 - Preparing the concentration of NaOH (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 M)

To calculate the first concentration of NaOH (0.1M):

1. Calculate the number of moles (n) needed from the volume of water (vw) and concentration (c)
2. Calculate the mass (m) of NaOH from the number of moles (n) and NaOH molar mass (μ)

To prepare the first concentration of NaOH (0.1M):

3. Calibrate the weighing scale with the weighing paper on top, pour NaOH grains using the spoon, and
measure a mass of 4g of NaOH grains.
4. Using a funnel, pour 500mL of pure water into the 500mL volumetric flask, and then pour it into the 1L
beaker. Repeat this same step to fill the 1L beaker with 1L of water.
5. Pour the 4g of NaOH grains into the 1L beaker with 1L of pure water, and stir with the stirring rod until all
of the NaOH grains are dissolved.

Section 2 - Performing the aqueous electrolysis to calculate the average rate of gas volume production

6. Pour the solution in step 6 into the 3L long container and using gloves submerge both 25 mL graduated
cylinders into the solution ensuring that no air is left inside.
7. Connect one end of the 12V battery to a stainless steel nail using an alligator wire.
8. Insert both stainless steel nails into the submerged 25 mL graduated cylinders, and attach two burette
clamps to two iron bases for burettes approximately 10-15 cm vertically above the 3L container with the
9. Carefully, and without allowing any air inside, lift both 25 mL graduated cylinders so that they are upside
down and attach the base of the 25 mL graduated cylinders to the two burette clamps
10. Ensure that the two stainless steel nails are still inside of the 25 mL graduated cylinders, and adjust the
burette holders so that the 25 mL graduated cylinders are upright.

11. Connect the remaining end of the 12V battery to a stainless steel nail using an alligator wire.
12. Record the first 3 minutes of aqueous electrolysis with a camera.
13. Repeat steps 1-12 three times for every concentration of NaOH (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 M).

Qualitative Data

When performing the experiment, I realized there was a clear difference between both rates at which hydrogen (H2)
and oxygen (O2) gasses were produced. There appeared to be twice the volume of hydrogen gas than oxygen. This
occurs because the endothermic decomposition reaction separates two molecules of water into two hydrogen
molecules and only one oxygen molecule: . Therefore, two hydrogen gas particles are
produced for every oxygen gas particle. This ratio comes from the stoichiometry of the chemical reaction, as
the number of moles (n) of hydrogen is twice that of oxygens. As seen in Figure 3, the 25 mL graduated cylinder to
the viewer’s left (producing Hydrogen gas) is much whiter than the one on the right (producing Oxygen gas),
because there is twice the amount of bubbles generated. Moreover, it also demonstrates that there is around twice the
volume of Hydrogen gas (H2) than there is of Oxygen gas (O2).

Figure 3. Picture taken during the experiment

Safety Concerns

According to the Safety SDS website, Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), “causes severe skin burns and eye damage”, and
belongs to the “skin corrosion/irritation” hazard category [4]. Therefore, one must wear a lab coat, gloves, and
glasses at all times, as operating with such a volume of the solution (NaOH in pure water) can cause splashes,
irritating both the skin and eyes. To ensure proper disposal, the solution should be diluted with tap water and then
poured down the drain after each trial to lower the concentration of NaOH in the solution thus reducing its toxicity.
Finally, despite trying to minimize the amount of both pure water and Sodium hydroxide used, I realized that doing
so would greatly compromise the experiment, as the volume of water would have an uncertainty greater than ±1 mL,
thus, the experiment would not be reliable (explained in Strengths section). Nonetheless, the mass of NaOH (60g)
and volume of pure water (5L) used were not excessive, and they were disposed of in a correct manner.

Raw Data

Table 1. Volume (mL) of hydrogen gas (H2) produced in a fixed 1 min interval as a result of a change in the concentration of NaOH
electrolyte (moldm-3) in the solution.

Concentration Volume (mL) of hydrogen gas (H2) produced in an interval of 1 minute (± 0.5 mL)
of NaOH
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

1 min 2 min 3 min 1 min 2 min 3 min 1 min 2 min 3 min

0.100 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.7 2.4
(± 0.002)

0.200 3.7 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.0 3.5 3.7 3.6
(± 0.004)

0.300 4.8 5.1 5.0 5.2 5.7 5.6 5.3 5.7 5.4
(± 0.006)

0.400 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.0 6.7 6.4 6.3 6.7 6.4
(± 0.008)

0.50 6.4 6.9 6.7 6.5 6.8 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.3
(± 0.01)

Table 2. Volume (mL) of oxygen (O2) gas produced in a fixed 1 min interval as a result of a change in the concentration of NaOH
electrolyte (moldm-3) in the solution.

Concentration of Volume (mL) of oxygen gas (O2) produced in an interval of 1 minute (± 0.5 mL)
NaOH (moldm-3)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

1 min 2 min 3 min 1 min 2 min 3 min 1 min 2 min 3 min

0.100 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.2
(± 0.002)

0.200 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.7 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0
(± 0.004)

0.300 2.3 2.7 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.1 2.8 2.9 2.9
(± 0.006)

0.400 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.2 3.3 3.1
(± 0.008)

0.50 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.6 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 3.7
(± 0.01)

Data Analysis

Tables 1 & 2 Calculations:

The uncertainty for the volume of gas produced over a fixed 1 min interval is ± 0.5 mL because it is half the value of
the 25 mL graduated cylinder smallest measurement (1 mL).

The method to calculate the concentration of NaOH in the solution was already shown in the procedure. In order to
get the uncertainty of the concentration, one must first find the percentage uncertainty of the volume of water, and of

the mass of NaOH added. Percentage uncertainty . The absolute uncertainty of mass was

± 0.01 g, as its the smallest possible measurement on a digital scale, thus, it represents a of the
total mass (4g). On the other hand, the uncertainty of the volumetric flask used to measure the water volume is ±
0.01 dm3 (10 mL) but because it was used twice (refer to the procedure), the absolute uncertainty of the volume of

water is ± 0.02 dm3 (20 mL), which represents a of the total volume of water (1dm3 or
1000mL). The percentage uncertainty of the concentration is the addition of both percentage values ± 2.25%.
Finally, the absolute uncertainty is calculated by modifying the percentage uncertainty formula:
. Altogether, the absolute uncertainty for a
concentration of 0.1 M is .

It is important to note that the percentage uncertainty for the volume of water does not change as it is constant,
however, the percentage uncertainty for the mass of NaOH added changes, which affects the absolute uncertainty of

Processed Data

Table 3. Average volume (mL) of hydrogen (H2) gas produced in a fixed 1 min interval as a result of a
change in the concentration of NaOH electrolyte (moldm-3) in the solution.

Concentration of Average volume (mL) of hydrogen gas (H2) produced in an interval of 1 minute (± 0.5 mL)
NaOH (moldm-3)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Total

0.100 (± 0.002) 2.6 2.2 2.5 2.4

0.200 (± 0.004) 3.9 4.2 3.6 3.9

0.300 (± 0.006) 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.3

0.400 (± 0.008) 6.6 6.4 6.5 6.5

0.50 (± 0.01) 6.7 6.7 7.2 6.9


Table 4. Average volume (mL) of oxygen (O2) gas produced in a fixed 1 min interval as a result of a change
in the concentration of NaOH electrolyte (moldm-3) in the solution.

Concentration of Average volume (mL) of oxygen gas (O2) produced in an interval of 1 minute (± 0.5 mL)
NaOH (moldm-3)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Total

0.100 (± 0.002) 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3

0.200 (± 0.004) 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.9

0.300 (± 0.006) 2.5 3.0 2.9 2.8

0.400 (± 0.008) 3.4 3.8 3.2 3.5

0.50 (± 0.01) 3.2 3.8 4.0 3.7

Tables 3 & 4 Calculations:

To calculate the average volume production for both H2 and O2 gasses (Graph 3 and 4), the following formula is

used , thus, the average hydrogen gas volume produced for a concentration

of NaOH of 0.1 M, is .

The propagation of uncertainties for the average volume produced (avg vgp) in a fixed 1 min interval for both H2 and

O2 gasses is , which is .

Table 5. Average rate of hydrogen and oxygen gas volume production (mLmin-1) as a result of a
change in concentration of NaOH (moldm-3)

Concentration of NaOH (moldm-3) Average Rate of gas volume production (mLmin-1)

Hydrogen (H2) (± 0.5 mLmin-1) Oxygen (O2) (± 0.5 mLmin-1)

0.100 (± 0.002) 2.4 1.3

0.200 (± 0.004) 3.9 1.9

0.300 (± 0.006) 5.3 2.8

0.400 (± 0.008) 6.5 3.5

0.50 (± 0.01) 6.9 3.7

Table 5 Calculations:
The average RoR is the average change in the volume of gas produced (vgp) over a time interval (t) :

. As a result, the average RoR for hydrogen gas with an NaOH concentration of 0.1 M is


The uncertainty for the average volume of gas produced (avg vgp), is ± 0.5 mL. For the average rate of Hydrogen gas

with a concentration of NaOH of 0.5 M it represents a . The uncertainty of the time is

± 0.006 min (0.6%), which represents a thus, the average rate of Hydrogen gas

volume produced for a concentration of 0.5 M absolute uncertainty is:

.Where ΔRoR% stands for rate of reaction (RoR) percentage uncertainty. The uncertainties for the remaining values
of RoR for both Hydrogen and Oxygen gasses were also calculated using this same method and all came out to be ±
0.5 mLmin-1.

Processed Data & Results


Graph 3 is included to demonstrate the difference between the average rate of H2 and O2 gas volume production and
the 2:1 ratio previously mentioned. In other words, it demonstrates the contrast between Graph 1 and Graph 2
clearly and explicitly.


This investigation aimed to investigate how different NaOH concentrations (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 M) impact the
average rate of gas production (mLmin-1) in aqueous electrolysis. The findings support the hypothesis that as the
concentration of the NaOH electrolyte increases, so will the average rate of gas volume production. Altogether, this
demonstrates that NaOH is a great water-electrolyte that could be used in the production of H2 fuel for new,
renewable engines. As shown in Graph 3, the relationship between the average rate of gas production and
concentration is proportional and the trendline follows a logarithmic function (seen in both Graphs 1 and 2). There is
a strong correlation coefficient for both H2 and O2 graphs, being 0.9842 and 0.9552 respectively. Moreover, the
qualitative data is supported by Graph 3, where one can see that the data, together with the trendline of the H gas
volume produced is twice that of O2. The trendline for the H2 average rate of gas volume produced is avg RoRgp =
2.9121 [mLmin-1M-1] ln(c) + 8.9171 [mLmin-1] whereas the one for the O2 average rate of gas volume produced is
avg RoRgp = 1.5642 [mLmin-1M-1] ln(c) + 4.696 [mLmin-1], where c is the concentration of NaOH in the solution,
and M is the abbreviated unit of concentration M [mol dm-3].

Conducting preliminary trials was very helpful since it identified the errors within the procedure and materials I was
going to use. This enabled me to complete the trials more smoothly, without any major complications. As an
example, in the preliminary trials, I realized that it was much more convenient to use a camera to record the times
and volume produced values, as it would significantly reduce both uncertainties, adding much more reliability to the
experiment’s results, while facilitating the data collection. The most important change done after performing the
preliminary trials was that my initial procedure consisted in using the same solution but adding water to change the
concentration of NaOH in the solution. Basically, I would first create a solution with 0.5 M of NaOH, and then add
pure water to the solution to make the NaOH more dilute and create the other concentration values (0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1
M). Although this seemed a better, and more environmentally-friendly approach (as I would be using much less
NaOH and water, thus, creating less waste), it had a major problem, which is that, for example, to reduce the
concentration of 0.4 M to 0.3M, I’d need to add 0.333 dm3 (0.33L), which cannot be done as it would greatly
increase the uncertainty of the water’s volume(arising questions on the validity of the experiment). Therefore, I
decided to create every concentration of NaOH separately, which is less environmentally friendly but much easier
and safer to do.
Additionally, during the preliminary trials I decided that rather than using carbon electrodes, I would use stainless
steel nails, which are much more conductive, allowing for a greater average rate of reaction. Moreover, the findings
in this investigation support the idea that the experiment was carried out smoothly and without any complications, as
there is a strong correlation coefficient for both gasses produced, and the uncertainties are relatively small.

One of the limitations was that the experiment depended on the amount of the stainless steel nail that was inside the
25 mL graduated cylinder during the experiment. By this, I refer to the fact that both H2 and O2 gasses were
produced at the electrodes (stainless steel nails), thus, a portion of the gas did not emerge to the 25 mL graduated
cylinder, which affected the volume of gas produced, thereby the average rate of gas volume production. To try and
minimize the systematic error, as it affects the volume of gas produced by reducing its actual value, the nails were
pushed using gloves inside the 25 mL graduated cylinders. Nonetheless, although it ended up working since the
findings have a strong correlation coefficient, some bubbles (of H2 and O2 gas) still escaped to the surface. Thus, a
different method could have been used where the electrode (stainless steel nail) is attached to the 25 mL graduated
cylinder so that no gas escapes.
Another weakness of the experiment was that the temperature was not controlled. Although this may appear as a
variable that wouldn’t really affect the average rate of gas production, it has a fairly noticeable effect on the rate of
reaction of chemical reactions. Thus, this random error, as it could have affected the rate of reaction in both
directions, was minimized by performing 9 total trials for every concentration value. This was done to try and
reduce the random error, however, a suggestion for further improvement would be to control the temperature during
the aqueous electrolysis. Since once the circuit is connected there is nothing for one to do but record with a camera,
the temperature could be controlled by performing the aqueous electrolysis in a more controlled, closed

Furthermore, although the conductivity of the wires (Alligator wires and stainless steel nails) was kept constant, by
using the same wires and nails throughout the experiment, it could have been further controlled. Since I did not
check that both wires had the same exact conductivity (carry the same current), one of the gasses might have had an
“advantage”, as if there was more charge in one of the electrodes, more ions would be converted into atoms,
increasing the average rate of gas volume produced. This systematic error, as it affects the results for one of the
gasses’ average rate of volume produced, could be eliminated by ensuring that both wires have the same
conductivity using an ammeter.

Extension: As an extension, one could investigate how different factors affect the rate of gas volume production,
such as temperature or using a catalyst, and compare their findings with the ones in this investigation. For example,
if one found that temperature is linear and directly proportional to the rate of reaction, whilst concentration takes a
logarithmic function, they would be able to find the most efficient approach to increase H2 gas production to aid in
the move to sustainable H2 engines.

Works Cited

[1] Bow, Yohandri, et al. Effect of Sodium Chloride Solution Concentration on Hydrogen Gas Production in
Water Electrolyzer Prototype, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, 5 June 2020,
Gas-Production-in-Water-Electrolyzer-Prototype.pdf. Accessed 7 December 2022.

[2] Hydrogen Production: Electrolysis. Energy.gov, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy,
https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/hydrogen-production-electrolysis. Accessed 13 December 2022.

[3] Ruiz José Ignacio Simon. Decomposition of Water into Hydrogen and Oxygen by Electrolysis. YouTube,
Cienciabit: Science and Technology, 1 Oct. 2017,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlAU0zReIRY.Accessed 5 Dec. 2022.

[4] SDS Search Page. Chemical Safety, SDS, 10 Mar. 2023, https://chemicalsafety.com/sds-search/.
Accessed 13 December 2022.

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