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Mir Iqbal Faheem

Deccan Group of Institutions


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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


Scholars of Master of Engineering, 2Prof. & Head & Vice Principal
Transportation Engineering Division, 2Department of Civil Engineering
Deccan College of Engineering and Technology, Dar-us-Salam, Hyderabad-1, India

Abstract: Rural road connectivity and its sustained availability is a key component of rural development. Rural roads are connecting
areas of production with markets and connecting these with each other or to the state and national highways. The unavailability of
database is major constrain to the access of rural roads. This paper envisages consolidation of the existing rural road network to improve
its overall efficiency as a provider of transportation services for people, goods and services. This study has undertaken an extended
attempt to develop geographic information system (GIS) based rural road database so that planners, decision makers, researchers and
other different level authorities in the rural road sector will be benefited from the final output. The study area is located in Nalgonda
District, Telangana, India. Network analysis has been conducted to select shortest path, service area accessibility, and closest facility,
location allocation of a facility and shows the vehicle routing in terms of travel time, between two locations in the study area and towards
rural hubs. The average travel times were observed from the field surveys. Rural hubs has been selected, from 24 mandals found in the
study area, based on the cumulative weightage of rural infrastructures and the number of trough-routes they have. Furthermore, an
evaluation of road network has done based on the connectivity measures before and after identification of critical links of the network and
also identifies the centroid point of the network by measuring the connectivity values of the nodes.

Keywords: GIS, Network analysis, Shortest Path, Rural Roads, Optimal Route.

A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all
types of spatial or geographical data. The acronym GIS studies to refer to the academic discipline or career of working with geographic
information systems and is a large domain within the broader academic discipline of Geo-informatics. GIS has been used in several areas
such as retail site analysis, transportation, emergency services, fire, petrol station mapping, and health care planning for the measurement
of physical accessibility etc. The shortest path problem is a problem of finding the shortest path or route from a starting point to a final
destination. We use graphs to represents the shortest path problems. it is a mathematical abstract object. It contains sets of vertices and
edges. Edges connect pairs of vertices. It is possible to walk by moving from one vertex to other vertices along the edges of a graph. The
graph can be a directed graph or an undirected graph. The lengths of edges are often called weights. Weights are normally used for
calculating the shortest path from one point to another point. In order to represent a map we can use a graph, where vertices represent
cities and edges represent routes that connect the cities.

Rural areas play a major role in country development. Villages are the backbone of any developing country. In India, rural roads
comprise over 85% of the road network of the country. Hence keeping them in serviceable condition is crucial for the rural people get
access to social facilities like medical, education and market. Lack of maintenance affects the residents of rural areas significantly as the
time for access to markets and other social infrastructure is increased. The rural roads in India form a substantial portion of the Indian
road network.

Need for study

 Connecting areas of production with markets and connecting these with each other or with the State and National Highways.
 those expenses of travel would be based on the length of time required traveling from origin to any destination point by visiting
certain locations.

Objectives of the Study

The main intention of this study is to develop road information system so that it will be useful for solving complex planning, Decision
making and management problems of rural roads in the study area. It covers the application of GIS to find optimal route by using network
analysis. The objectives are
1. To select the optimal route between two locations
2. To identify the growth centres and rural hubs
3. To find and develop the spatial and attribute database for the road network of this study area.
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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

2. Literature Review:
Ahmed S, Ibrahim RF, Hefny HA(2018) in his paper “GIS based Network Analysis for the Roads Network of the Greater Cairo Area”
to determine finding the best route between two locations on the road network and finding the nearest healthcare service
providers.Dijkstra routing algorithm used by the ArcGIS network analysis extension to improve its performance.

Hajnalka KA (2018) in his paper “Road network analysis using GIS techniques in the interest of finding the optimal routes for
emergency situations.” Which determines road network analysis,and GIS optimal route.To identify the optimal routes for emergency
situations. Moreover, with the construction of new emergency units in the periphery of the city, the response time can be improved.

Shaheen Begum (2017), in his study has undertaken an extended attempt to develop Geographic Information System (GIS) based rural
network plan .It also aimed to select the shortest and alternative paths from different villages towards growth centers. Network analysis
has been conducted to select shortest path in terms of travel time between two locations in the study area.

K. Shalini et al (2017), made an attempt to develop a need based approach for rural connectivity which would ensure Accessibility to the
basic facilities. Using GIS platform, It also suggested that it is not necessary to construct high quality roads for each link and depending
on the usage and population served they could be constructed as earth, gravel or black top/concrete roads.

Faheem et. al (2015) investigated In this study a GIS based transportation system management (G-TSM) technique using Arc View and
Avenue programming language is developed to evaluate reduced peak period travel and parking management on a selected stretch of road
network in central business district (CBD). Traffic volume and road inventory data collected are appended as attributes in the form of
databases and data is retrieved by making queries and applied on each link of the selected road network to determine the roadway
capacity, volume-capacity (v/c) ratio and level of service (LOS), travel time, travel distance and travel cost.

J. K. Shrestha et al (2013), in his paper “A Methodology for Definition of Road Networks in Rural Areas of Nepal’’ considered in the
development of road networks, using objectives such as maximization of accessibility to settlements, maximization of equity
(distribution), robustness of network and maximization of covering of settlements and public facilities during planning of a rural road

Rao et al. (2007), discussed about GIS based technique for identification of core network and rural road planning. Core network,
consisting through routes and link roads, provides basic minimum access to all habitations with single all weather connectivity. Minimum
spanning tree procedure is adopted for identification of core network. The efficiency of core network and link roads in meeting the access
requirements of connecting settlement is not explained.

Research Methodology

Nalgonda district is a district in the Telangana state of India. It has a population of 3,483,648, of which 13.32% is urban as of 2011.The
district shares boundaries with Suryapet, Rangareddy, Yadadri, and Nagarkurnool districts, and with the state boundary of Andhra
Pradesh. The district is spread over an area of 2,449.79 square kilometres (945.87 sq mi).

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Figure 1 : Study area

Existing Data of Nalgonda District: Data like Map, Travel Time and Travel Cost details as well as road information data and other
ancillary data were collected from Panchayat Raj and Roads & Building department of Nalgonda district.

Table 1 Existing Data of Nalgonda District Deverkonda is concluded as new rural hub
Existing Distance in Existing Travel Existing Time Taken with
Origin Destination
k/m Cost(Rs) 50km/h
Devarakonda Gudapalli 21.76 23 0.44

Devarakonda Nalgonda 56.2 59 1.14

Devarakonda Narketpalle 73.23 74 1.47

Devarakonda Chityala 76.4 71 1.53

1.Delimiting text layer: Converting the collected data sheet in delimited text format.
2.Geo-referencing: The added layer does not contain information as to where the area represented on the map fits on the surface of the
earth. To create the relationship between a delimited layer and a map (x, y) coordinates system need to geo-reference the raster data.
Assign the co-ordinate reference system.
3.Digitizing: Digitizing is the process of converting analogue information into a digital representation. The road network of the study area
was digitized as line features and accident locations are digitized as point features. The spatial data prepared in feature class and personal
geo database

There are many types of shortest path problems. For example, the most economic path or fastest path or minimum fuel consumption path
from one specified node to another in a network. To conduct network analysis, this study focused on determining the optimal route
between two or more destinations based on a specific travel expense. For the purposes of this study, those expenses of travel would be
based on the length of time required n traveling from origin to any destination point by visiting certain locations. The analysis was done
by using the extension Network Analyst extension of Quantum GIS software on the whole study area to locate some best routes. This
network dataset is used for identify the number of nodes, edges present in the network to calculate the ATS. Calculating the Distance and
time using Quantum GIS software. Let Deverkonda as origin and with respect to changing the Destination

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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Step 1 First we will calculate the Travel Distance and Travel Time of Deverkonda to Gudapalli.

Let go to the Quantum Geographical System software, calculate it.

Figure 2 Deverkonda to Gudapalli.

Figure 1 describing about Path connectivity and Travel Distance, Travel Time of Deverkonda to Gudapalli.

Step 2 Travel Distance and Travel Time from Deverkonda to Nalgonda

Figure 3 Deverkonda to Nalgonda

Figure 2 describing about Path connectivity and Travel Distance, Travel Time of Deverkonda to Nalgonda

Step 3 Travel Distance and Travel Time from Deverkonda to Narketpalle

Figure 4 Deverkonda to Narketpalle

Figure 3 describing about Path connectivity and Travel Distance, Travel Time of Deverkonda to Narketpalle

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Step 4 Travel Distance and Travel Time from Deverkonda to Chityala.

Figure 5 Deverkonda to Chityala.

Figure 4 describing about Path connectivity and Travel Distance, Travel Time of Deverkonda to Chityala.

Structural Analysis of Network

Structure in transport geography refers to a system of arrangement consisting of a number of edges (e) and vertices (v)in a plain surface
in terrestrial surface by making a nexus of spatial activities of people in order to get the connectivity (sarkar 2013). There are different
techniques of analyzing the structure of a road network. Connectivity, circuitry and accessibility are some the
methods. In the present study analysis is done by connectivity method. Connectivity is the combined effect of Aggregate Transportation
Score (ATS) which is the summation of alpha index (α), beta index (β), gamma index (γ) and Cyclomatic number (μ). The formulas for
determine these indices and correlation with the connectivity is given in Table 2. Higher the ATS value means good connectivity in the

Table 2: Formula for Structural Analysis of Existing Road Networks

Indices Formula Correlation with connectivity

Road Density Road length/Area Higher the density higher the development

Alpha Index α =e-v+1/2v-5 Higher the indicates more connectivity

Beta Index β =e/v Higher the indicates more connectivity

Gamma Index ¥=e/3(v-2) Higher the indicates more connectivity
Cyclomatic Number µ =e-v+1 Higher the indicates more connectivity

ATS β+α+¥+µ Higher the indicates more connectivity and efficiency


Results are obtained after Optimisation the Distance, Time and cost is given in Table3.Rural road network planning is important to
connecting areas of production with markets and connecting these with each other or with the State and National Highways.

Table 3: Results of new Proposed Data

Origin Destination New Distance in K/m New Travel Cost (Rs) New Time Taken with 50km/h
Devarakonda Gudapalli 19.2 20 0.38
Devarakonda Nalgonda 51.57 52 1.13
Devarakonda Narketpalle 67.9 68 1.28
Devarakonda Chityala 63.9 65 1.26

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Comparison of results

1.Comparison the existing Travel Distance and New Proposed Travel Distance.

Table 4. Comparing the existing Travel Distance and New Proposed Travel Distance

Origin Destination Existing Distance in k/m New Distance in K/m

Devarakonda Gudapalli 21.76 19.2
Devarakonda Nalgonda 56.2 51.57
Devarakonda Narketpalle 73.23 67.9
Devarakonda Chityala 76.4 63.9

The above Table 4 represents the comparison of the Existing Distance in k/m and New Distance in K/m

Figure 6 Comparison graph of existing Travel Distance and New proposed Travel Distance

The above Figure 4 represents the comparison of the Existing Distance in k/m and New Distance in K/m

2.Comparison the existing Travel Time and New Proposed Travel Time.

Table 5 Comparing the existing Travel Time and New Proposed Travel Time
Origin Destination Existing Time Taken with 50km/h New Time Taken with 50km/h
Devarakonda Gudapalli 0.44 0.38
Devarakonda Nalgonda 1.14 1.13
Devarakonda Narketpalle 1.47 1.28
Devarakonda Chityala 1.53 1.26

The above Table 5 represents the comparison of the existing Travel Time and New Proposed Travel Time.

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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Figure 7 Comparison graph of existing Travel Time and New Proposed Travel Time.

The above Figure 6 represents the comparison of the existing Travel Time and New Proposed Travel Time.

3. Comparison the existing Travel Cost and New Travel Cost

Table 6 Comparing the existing Travel Cost and New Travel Cost

Origin Destination Existing Travel Cost(Rs) New Travel Cost (Rs)

Devarakonda Gudapalli 23 20
Devarakonda Nalgonda 59 52
Devarakonda Narketpalle 74 68
Devarakonda Chityala 71 65
The above Table 6 represents the comparison of the existing Travel Cost and New Travel Cost.

Figure 8 Comparison graph of existing Travel Cost and New Travel Cost.

The above Figure 6 represents the comparison of the existing Travel Cost and New Travel Cost

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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


The main purpose of this study was to validate the Existing Travel Distance, Travel cost and Travel Time with proposed Travel Distance,
Travel cost and Travel Time. For this, a prediction Equation was developed. The main concept in the prediction Equation was to predict
the Travel Distance, Travel cost and Travel Time by considering various parameters.

Table 5 Z-values for validation

Parameters Z calculated Z critical P value

Travel Distance 0.93 1.96 0.351
Travel Time -0.26 1.96 0.205
Travel Cost 0.94 1.96 0.172

In all the zones Z-calculated is less than the Z-critical value. Also P-value greater than the 5% significance (0.05). Therefore the Null-
Hypothesis is accepted.


The major constraints on access to rural areas are the unavailability of database. This study has undertaken an extended attempt to
develop Geographic Information System (GIS) based rural road database. From the present study the salient conclusions are listed below.
 The concept of shortest path analysis can be applied for emergence cases, service area allocation and facility allocation.

 Network Analysis is carried out for all the network related problems. This will help the user to find the shortest path from their
location to the health centre. Also the user can able to find all the closest present within their area dynamically

 Deverkonda is concluded as new rural hub.

 It is helpful in terms of reducing their travel time and finding appropriate hospital immediately.


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