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Copyright © 2024 Hermes Yamanic

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If you are brave: read this essay from beginning to end and then draw your
own conclusions. But, if you are a cowardly fanatic who is afraid of discovering
that everything you were taught is false: you can stop reading this essay right
The problem with many vegans, animalists, sensitivity-centrists, feminists
and environmentalists is that they have that Western, European, fanatical and
extremist all-or-nothing way of thinking that is based on perfectionism.
For example, many vegans and many animal activists say they are not
speciesists, but the majority only care about animals domesticated by humans,
they do not care about wild animals, and they do not care that the destruction of
indigenous territories causes the death of millions of animals. wild, then they are
speciesists because they discriminate against wild animals.
That's why there are Right-wing vegans, Neoliberals and capitalists.
Many vegans and animalists say they are aware that humans are
biologically and scientifically animals, but when they judge and condemn
indigenous ethnic groups they make it clear that they do not really believe that
humans are animals, and that deep down they still have that Judeo-Christian way
of thinking that humans are not animals.
For this reason, there are vegans who are Jews, Christians or Islamic
without caring that this god preferred Abel's animal sacrifice and rejected the
plant offerings that Cain offered him.
In the case of sensocentrists, I can give as an example Damo, who is a
sensocentrist vegan from Argentina. I remember that in a video he said
something like perhaps the best thing would be for the world to be destroyed so
that no being with the capacity to feel suffers, because You need to exist to
suffer, so this is an all-or-nothing and fanatical way of thinking that says that
everything always has to be happiness, well-being and life in an absolute and
perfectionist way.
This way of thinking is very reminiscent of Gnosticism and Buddhism which
affirm that existence is the same as suffering, or in the case of Gnosticism which
affirms that this world was created by a false god or demiurge, that it is a prison
or hell, and that sees everything in terms of all or nothing, without an
intermediate vision that creates a balance.
In the case of feminism, many times, just as white ethnic groups,
monotheistic religions and Gnosticism consider light and darkness as enemies in
war and not as complements, feminism often does the same thing of considering
man and women as enemies in war and not as complements, and because of
that all-or-nothing absolutist way of thinking, they consider gender roles to be
always a bad thing.

This is very reminiscent of the Amazons in Greek mythology who were
Greek women who hated men.
According to Greek mythology: the Amazons were warrior women in
accordance with the concept of war that the white ethnic groups had, these
women sought to be warriors just like the soldiers of the white ethnic groups, that
is, although they hated men, they sought to be equal to men of those white
About why the European colonizers (Spanish and Portuguese) gave the
name of the Amazons to this place on the continent, is because, being sexists,
they consider the masculine and the feminine as enemies in war with the same
as those feminists I am referring to, so since for them the indigenous represents
the feminine, for them naming the place with the name of the Amazon is a way to
say that it represents the wild feminine that must be dominated and subdued
according to its absolutist way of thinking.
Furthermore, many feminists want to be equal to sexist men. And because
of the absolutist thinking of all or nothing, they consider that you cannot be
sensitive and a warrior at the same time, that you cannot cry and fight against
those who deserve it at the same time.
It is that absolutist way of thinking (all or nothing) of either crying, being
sensitive and empathetic all the time and with everyone, or being cruel, warlike
and insensitive all the time and with everyone, without balance.
This reminds us of Isabel of Castile (the Catholic) who financed the
colonization of this continent, of Inés Suárez who was a colonizing woman, of the
women who practice bullfighting and hunting for pleasure (without being a
necessity to survive), of Jeanine Añez, Dilma Boluarte, Keiko Fujimori and all the
women who, like sexist men, believe that harming the weakest is strength, that
harming the most vulnerable is power and that harming the innocent is bravery.
They are those kinds of feminists who say they hate sexist men, but want
women to be equal to those sexist men they say they hate.
I too, when I have met feminist women, have seen that, although many of
them say they hate sexist men, when they have a sexist man on their side it
gives them pleasure and they want to be like that man, and some of them
(except those who They are vegan) they go to venues where cowboy men on
horses appear.
In the case of environmentalists, they often only care about wild animals
and not animals domesticated by humans, which is why they often propose
exterminating animals such as cats, which they consider invasive species and
harmful to ecosystems.
And on the other hand are the sensory centrists who consider that
individuals can live without ecosystems, and who in a way say that only
individuals matter and not ecosystems (collective).
However, these ecologists also deny that humans are animals, because
the majority of humans who are not indigenous are the ones who destroy and

contaminate ecosystems the most, but since they are humans they never
propose to exterminate them, unlike what they do with cats.
These environmentalists have a Celtic or Viking way of thinking in the
sense that although livestock farming, which is dedicated to raising bulls, cows,
sheep and goats for meat, milk, leather, wool and dairy products, causes the
destruction of forests and jungles to make pastures for these animals, and
causes excessive emissions of methane and carbon dioxide, and the urine of
cows emits excessive emissions of nitrogen, and the water is contaminated with
the blood, excrement and waste of these animals: most of environmentalists do
not see livestock farming that is dedicated to raising these animals as a problem,
as if they consider cats as a problem.
And environmental organizations like WWF and GreenPeace never attack
livestock farming that is dedicated to raising these animals, and they never run
television campaigns against livestock farming that is dedicated to raising these
animals and that was developed by white ethnic groups.
Conflict is part of nature, humans are animals, in all human races there are
traitors, utopia does not exist, utopia would not exist and perfection does not
exist. Nature is not utopia.
Therefore, when indigenous ethnic groups are stripped of their warrior part
or the pacification process happens as the European colonizers said, they are
simply left defenseless and vulnerable to those who harm them.
When New Age hippie people or people from peace organizations funded
by the United States government visit indigenous territories and talk to them
about their ideologies that say that everything has to be love and peace, they are
telling the indigenous people who have to love their enemies, who have to turn
the other cheek and who have to forgive everything because according to them
forgiveness is healing , that is, they are telling them the same thing that the
Christian religions say.
Peace and love with those who harm the most vulnerable, peace and love
with those who harm the innocent, peace and love with those who harm the
weakest, forgiving the oppressor and turning the other cheek to the tyrant, should
be considered as crimes.
Christianity promotes hatred and violence against the weakest, the most
vulnerable and the innocent. While that same Christianity with those teachings of
loving your enemies, forgiving everything and turning the other cheek defends
those who harm the weak, those who harm the vulnerable and those who harm
the innocent.
For this reason, the Hispanists (defenders of Spanish colonization) and the
defenders of other forms of European colonization such as the Portuguese,
English and French always justify all the damage they did to the indigenous
people, and try to soften all this, and It is also from these white ethnic groups that
bullfighting comes from, hunting for pleasure (without being a necessity to
survive) and cockfighting that they brought to this continent during colonization.

But, if I talk to them about revenge, resentment, and physically eliminating
human tyrants like social Darwinists, they immediately defend the Christian
teachings of loving one's enemies, of turning the other cheek, that revenge is
bad, that resentment is reprehensible and forgiving everything, and they tell me
that if I do the same to them it is because I am putting myself on the same level
as them.
Christianity has this dialectic where it attacks the weakest, the most
vulnerable and the innocent, and at the same time defends those who harm the
weakest, those who harm the most vulnerable and those who harm the innocent
when it tells the victims to forgive, to turn the other cheek and that they have to
love their enemies, and tells the victims that if they defend themselves or take
revenge they are savages, terrorists or criminals.
All these monsters who defend colonization always say that the indigenous
ethnic groups were the same as the white ethnic groups and they will always
answer that the indigenous people did the same.
But, when they mention human sacrifices by indigenous ethnic groups to
promote hatred of indigenous people, they never say that white ethnic groups like
the Celts, the Vikings and the others made human sacrifices, and they never talk
about the human killings (sacrifices) that Christianity provoked the inquisition and
the crusades.
The Jews lied in the Old Testament when they said that they were slaves
of the Egyptians, the pyramids were not built by slaves, but it is the fault of the
Jews that the majority, in their ignorance, believe that the pyramids were built by
slaves. The Jews defame the Egyptians in the Old Testament, therefore, what the
Masonic and Rosicrucian lodges do of mixing the Egyptian with the Judeo-
Christian is something aberrant.
When that political right-wing Satanism called The Temple of Seth founded
by Michael Aquino (who belonged to another right-wing Satanism called The
Church of Satan founded by Anton Lavey), claims the Egyptian god Seth is the
same devil that Jews believe in, Christians and Islamic: Seth is an Egyptian god
who represents drought, desert and chaos. And the Judeo-Christian religions
cause droughts, turn many places into deserts and cause chaos.
In reality, the Egyptian god Seth to whom it is assimilated is the Judeo-
Christian god invented by the Jews, because the Judeo-Christian god represents
the desert, drought and chaos by asking human beings to dominate or subjugate
the earth, by supporting slavery and by ordering the murder of children and
pregnant women.
Genesis chapter 1, verse 28: God blessed them and said to them: Be
fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it.
Psalms chapter 8, verse 6: You made him have dominion over the works of
your hands; You put everything under his feet.
Exodus chapter 21, verse 7: If anyone sells his daughter into slavery, she
will not be freed like male slaves.

Colossians, chapter 3, verse 22: -You, male and female slaves, must obey
your masters here on earth in everything.
Isaiah chapter 13, verse 18: They will sweep away the young with bows,
they will not have mercy on the fruit of the womb, nor will their eyes have mercy
on the children.
Hosea chapter 13, verse 16: Samaria will be desolate, because she
rebelled against her God; They will fall by the sword; Their children will be
dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women will be cut open.
Psalms chapter 137, verses 9: Blessed is he who takes and dashes his
little ones against the rock.
Isaiah 13, verses 16 and 17: Their children will be dashed before them;
Their houses will be looted, and their women raped. Behold, I awaken the Medes
against them.
Quran, sura 2, verse 191: -Kill them where you find them, and expel them
from where they have expelled you. Tempt is more serious than killing.
Quran, surah 24, verse 32: - Marry those of you who are not married and
your honest male and female slaves.
Quran, surah 24, verse 58: -O believers! Slaves and prepubescent children
must ask your permission three times: before getting up, when you take off your
clothes at noon, and after going to bed.
Quran, sura 2, verse 191: -Kill them where you find them, and expel them
from where they have expelled you. Tempt is more serious than killing.
Quran, sura 33, verse 61: - Cursed, they will be captured and killed without
mercy wherever they are found.
Quran, sura 8, verse 12: -When your Lord inspired the angels: I am with
you. Confirm then those who believe! I will strike terror into the hearts of those
who do not believe. Cut their necks, hit them on all their fingers!
Remember that among the Egyptians it is the god Seth who murders the
god Osiris who is then resurrected with the help of the goddess Isis. The
Egyptian god Seth is a god of destruction just like the Judeo-Christian god.
Seth is also associated with war in the same meaning that white ethnic
groups gave to war of invading, colonizing, subduing the most vulnerable and
dominating the weakest. Therefore, the opposite of the god Seth is the god Osiris
who represents the complete opposite of Seth.
Seth is the god who represents the negative and the Egyptians who
choose that path or traitors. Osiris is the god who represents the positive and the
Egyptians who choose that path. Just like the good indigenous people and the
traitor indigenous people on this continent.
Seth represents envy, individualism and selfishness. YeHoVaH is the same
Jewish god YHVH, YeHoVaH is formed by adding a vowel after each letter to the
word YHVH.
Exodus chapter 15, verse 3: Jehovah is a man of war.

The meaning that Jews give to war is the same as invading and colonizing,
just like the white ethnic groups of Europe such as the Vikings, Romans, Greeks,
Celts, Basques, Saxons and Slavs.
Psalms chapter 144, verse 1: Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my
hands for battle, and my fingers for war.
And what the fictional character invented by Christians who is the son of
the other fictional character invented by Jews said:
Matthew chapter 10, verse 34: Do not believe that I have come to bring
peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Therefore, that satanic religion at the service of the capitalist right in the
United States called The Temple of Seth lies when it says that Seth is the same
fictional character of the devil or Satan invented by the Jews.
In reality, Seth is the same as that fictional character invented by the Jews
of the Jewish god called YHVH or YeHoVaH who is the father of Jesus Christ,
just as in the Greeks, Zeus was the father of Hercules, and changing the letter Z
of the name Zeus For the letter D in Latin and Portuguese it is Deus.
Those who are part of this system based on oppression, rejection and
hatred of indigenous people often use words to confuse, such as right-wing
satanists, neo-Nazis and neo-pagans or pagans of white ethnic groups who
believe that social Darwinism is the opposite of Christianity.
When in reality the teachings of Jesus Christ to love your enemies, turn the
other cheek, forgive everything and not judge are teachings that favor social
Darwinism because they defend those who harm the most vulnerable, they
defend those who harm the weakest and they defend those who harms the
In addition, the father of Jesus Christ, who is the Jewish god YHVH or
YeHoVaH, is a god in favor of social Darwinism because he supports human
slavery, and orders the murder of children and women in the Old Testament.
Furthermore, all the politicians who have made hate speeches against
indigenous people, supported invasions of indigenous territories, who have
promoted laws that harm indigenous people and that promote the extermination
of indigenous people in the present such as Jair Bolsonaro, Guillermo Lasso,
Donald Trump , María Fernanda Cabal, Álvaro Uribe, Jeanine Añez, Donald
Trump, VOX in Spain and others are from Christian religions, some are Catholic
and others are from other Christian religions.
And they always have that cowardice of treating indigenous people as
savages, criminals or terrorists when they take revenge or defend themselves.
These cowards of the Hispanistas (defenders of Spanish colonization),
defenders of Portuguese colonization, defenders of English colonization and
defenders of French colonization, sometimes deny feeling hatred for the
indigenous people, but they always show hatred for the indigenous people when
they treat them of savages, when they affirm that everything indigenous is bad

and never mention anything positive about the indigenous people, when they
affirm that the indigenous people are backward and did not provide contributions.
And, furthermore, that the elites and governments that cause
exterminations of indigenous people in the present always use those words of
savages, uncivilized and backward to refer to the indigenous people.
Also, many times they refer to indigenous people as if they were machines
and not human when they affirm that all indigenous people are equal and that all
indigenous people think the same. The reality is that when someone meets many
indigenous people, they realize that not all of them are the same in their way of
being and that not all of them are the same in their way of thinking, both in
different ethnicities and within the same ethnic group.
If the majority of humans who are not indigenous, did not belong to
Christian religions, did not belong to Islamic religions and did not belong to the
New Age, no indigenous people of this continent to which the colonizers gave the
name America and no indigenous people of Asia would have their minds
colonized with those beliefs, the fault that the majority of indigenous people are
not aware that those beliefs were brought by the European colonizers and will
forget their own beliefs always lies with the majority who are not indigenous.
If the majority of those who are not indigenous never ate red meat, never
used leather, never used wool, never drank animal milk and never took dairy
products, no indigenous person would be dedicated to livestock farming that
raises animals brought by the European colonizers, the blame The fact that some
indigenous people fall into livestock farming dedicated to raising animals brought
by the European colonizers is always the case of the majority of those who are
not indigenous.
It's like these indigenous people from Mexico who protested naked in the
movement of the 400 towns:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

There is nothing wrong with protesting naked, because before the
European colonizers arrived, in many indigenous ethnic groups, nudity was not a
bad thing, nudity was part of many rituals and ceremonies, and it was a way of
connecting with nature.
But, the bad thing is that they wear cowboy boots, but I am sure that those
indigenous people did not know that the livestock that is dedicated to raising
these animals was brought by the European colonizers. There are ignorant
people who think that Mexico's ranch culture comes from the indigenous people,
when in reality that ranch culture comes from the Spanish colonizers.
It is necessary to remember that in addition to the army and the police,
which in these colonialist countries have always acted as enemies of the
indigenous people at the service of colonialist governments and colonialist elites:
in the United States and Canada, the greatest enemies of the indigenous people
and those who murdered indigenous people the most They were the cowboys.

Images recovered from the Internet

It is necessary to remember that the extermination of indigenous people of

the Selknam ethnic group in Argentina and Chile was caused by businessmen to
use those lands for livestock farming that is dedicated to raising those animals
brought by the Europeans and that it was the same thing that happened with
many indigenous ethnic groups throughout the continent where the perpetrators
were mainly ranchers who raised those animals brought by the Europeans:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

It is necessary to remember that the Amazons where indigenous ethnic

groups live are destroyed in a large percentage by the livestock that is dedicated
to raising those animals brought by the Europeans, and that the large percentage
of soybean cultivation that causes destruction of the Amazons is used to prepare
fattening concentrates for these animals:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Although it is true that current veganism and current feminism have

criticizable and questionable aspects. This white woman from the United States
who claims to be a Pachamamist in the New Age sense of Evo Morales'
Pachamama, made a video criticizing veganism:

Screenshots recovered from the Internet

She mentions in the video the importance of consuming local foods that
are not imported and that are not bought in supermarkets, but animals such as
cows, bulls, goats and sheep are not local because they were brought to the
continent by Europeans.
It's like this feminist named Keith Lierre who wrote a book called: The
Vegetarian Myth. In the book she mentions some things that are true such as
that, in the industrial cultivation of plant foods, animals such as insects, rodents,
rabbits and birds are also killed to protect the crops, and that pesticides are used
that cause contamination and death of animals.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

But, also in the book he writes many lies such as that the majority of
buffaloes in the United States were exterminated to use those lands for growing
plant foods, which is 100% false. Most buffaloes in the United States were
exterminated by European immigrants and European settlers who were cowboys
to replace the buffaloes with cows and bulls brought from Europe.
Keith Lierre would have you believe in his book that growing plant foods
alone is the problem. When in reality, the problem is monocultures and industrial
agriculture (agribusiness as many Brazilians who only care about money call it in
The indigenous ethnic groups had ways of growing plant foods that were
sustainable and in harmony with the environment such as the three sisters
developed by the Iroquois and other indigenous ethnic groups where they grow
corn, beans and squash together in small spaces, organically and without using
And although it is true that pelmaculture was developed by white people
like Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. Bill Mollison investigated ways of growing
plant foods in the indigenous ethnic groups of this continent, Asia and Africa, and
uniting ways of growing these indigenous ethnic groups in the three continents
was what developed pelmaculture.
Before the arrival of European colonizers to this continent: insects, rodents,
rabbits, birds and other animals were never a problem for indigenous crops,
because on the continent there were many forests and jungles that offered

sources of food for those animals, and the indigenous people had no problems
with those animals eating a small part of the crops because this rarely happened
when they had enough food in forests and jungles.
But, when the European colonizers arrived, and began to destroy most of
the forests and destroy most of the jungles, those animals such as insects,
rodents, rabbits, birds and others became a problem for the forms of industrial
cultivation practiced by Europeans.
As the indigenous ethnic groups grew a wide variety of plant foods in the
same area of land, biodiversity was favored and as the indigenous ethnic groups
practiced crop rotation, they helped the soil recover its nutrients and become
fertile again.
But, the monocultures that the Europeans developed and that always grow
the same thing in the same place causes the soil to lose nutrients and over the
years it becomes a desert, making it impossible to cultivate it again because it
has become infertile.
In the indigenous people of the Iroquois ethnic group: the clans were led by
women, women directed the crops and participated in political decisions, and
there are other indigenous ethnic groups that were matriarchal. The indigenous
people of the Bribri ethnic group are also matrilineal and the clan is transmitted
through the mother. But, in these matriarchal ethnic groups, men also had an
important role and were not belittled.
For this reason, these indigenous ethnic groups are not comparable to the
feminism developed by Europeans where men are despised and nullified, just as
in the machismo of the white ethnic groups of Europe such as the Romans,
women were despised and nullified.
What governments and elites in power do with indigenous people is to
scare them and provoke terror in them, and discredit them by making them
believe that they are inferior, ugly or bad, in order to be able to dominate and
subdue them, and even make them hate themselves and develop a masochistic
relationship with their sadistic oppressors.
Always remember this indigenous character dressed as a cowboy who
serves the white settlers:

Images recovered from the Internet

When neo-Nazis, Zionists, Hispanists, and advocates of other forms of

colonization mention that Europeans had indigenous allies who helped them
colonize the continent, is a way of telling the indigenous people of the present
that they should do the same to be allies of those who hate them.
This is what the indigenous people who are in favor of Jair Bolsonaro do:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

For example, the following indigenous traitor who was a soldier and
belongs to Jair Bolsonaro's political party named Sílvia Waiãpi to humiliate and
denigrate the indigenous people told the lie that the indigenous people relieve
themselves in the water of the rivers:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Sílvia Waiãpi uses this lie to agree with presidents and soldiers who
belonged to Freemasonry and Christian religions such as the Freemason and
Catholic Domingo Faustino Sarmiento of Argentina who affirmed that indigenous
people are disgusting beings:

Tribute that the Masonic Grand Lodge of Argentina paid to Domingo Faustino
Sarmiento. Photograph recovered from the Internet

Publication of the Grand Lodge of Argentina in honor of Domingo Faustino
Sarmiento entitled: Domingo F. Sarmiento. Recovered from:

Publication of the Catholic website called aciprensa, titled: Sarmiento promoted
Catholic teaching in Argentina. Screenshot retrieved from:

Here you can see the lie of conservatives who invent conspiracy theories
when they claim that the church and Freemasonry are enemies or that
Christianity and Freemasonry are enemies.
When in reality, Freemasonry is the same as the church and Christianity,
and it would not be surprising if these conservatives who invent conspiracy
theories, in addition to being Christians, are also Freemasons used to misinform.
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento said: - Will we be able to exterminate the
Indians? For the savages of America I feel an invincible disgust without being
able to remedy it. Those scoundrels are nothing more than some disgusting
Indians. Incapable of progress, their extermination is providential and useful,
sublime and great.
When neo-Nazis, Zionists, Hispanists and defenders of other forms of
colonization refer to the indigenous people as savages, they affirm that the
indigenous people are uncivilized and that they did not provide contributions,
they speak of the colonizers as if they were brave heroes, and Hispanic channels
such as EL VIEJO DE HISTORIA (Pura historia de Chile) and RATAS NEGRAS
pay tribute to Inés Suárez who caused the murder of indigenous chiefs:

Screenshots recovered from YouTube

They are ways that these monsters have of humiliating the indigenous
people and making the indigenous people feel inferior (although the indigenous
people never respond to them), and ways of telling the indigenous people that
the best thing is for them to submit, to allow themselves to be dominated, to
forgive, turn the other cheek and have love for their enemies who hate them.
Also, when channels like Indiomamon claim that pre-Hispanic indigenous
people lacked good hygiene, that they were dirty, that Latinos with European
features have beauty and that indigenous people are ugly, and that indigenous
men have small genital organs, these are ways that these monsters They have to
promote hatred of indigenous people.

Screenshots retrieved from:

The channel of YouTube indiomamon is full of comments from Hispanistas

(defenders of Spanish colonization) who support it:

Screenshots of comments from Hispanistas on the YouTube channel called

But, even so, many of these Hispanistas (defenders of Spanish

colonization) and defenders of other forms of European colonization sometimes
have the cowardice of denying that they hate the indigenous people, and
softening colonization by saying that it improved the lives of the indigenous
people, when only the lives of Creoles, mestizos and Europeans improved (not
the lives of indigenous people).
Also, it is very suspicious that video platforms like YouTube and social
networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow the promotion of hatred
against indigenous people, but, when it comes to hateful comments towards
people who are not indigenous, YouTube and social networks if they delete the
comments and if they delete the accounts that make them.
This is an excerpt from a Survival International text that I think is important
to rescue and share: Since the beginning of the colonial era, terms such as
primitive or Stone Age have been used to describe indigenous peoples as
societies frozen in a past time and therefore backward. This idea is as erroneous
as it is dangerous: erroneous because these peoples, like everyone else, change
and adapt, and dangerous because it is frequently used to justify the theft of land
or the forced development of indigenous peoples. The results are almost always
catastrophic: poverty, alcoholism, sexual exploitation, illness and death.
Continuing with the excerpt from the text of Survival International:
Examples of racist violence are found in its most obvious forms, such as in the
attacks by gold seekers against the Yanomami people, or by armed park rangers
by conservation organizations against the Baka people, but also in forms more
invisible to our eyes: like when the media talks about virgin nature to refer to
lands that have been inhabited and cared for by indigenous peoples for
generations, or like when colonialism is celebrated in Spain in every October 12.

In Brazil, in Lula's pacifist government: the Yanomami continue to suffer
invasion of territory by illegal miners.
The sources of the following information are Survival International:
The invasion of illegal gold miners into Yanomami territory intensified
during Bolsonaro's term. The situation remains serious despite the operation
launched by Lula's government to expel them in January 2023.
The miners worked even at night to avoid being discovered and expelled.
Now, the miners invade the territory again. They are so sure that they will not be
punished, that they even publish about their activities on social networks.
And the violence continues in a video where you can see how the miners
tie three Yanomami children to some trees. Miners attack frequently: in April,
three Yanomami were shot and two died. Indigenous adults and children are
dying from malaria and malnutrition.

Screenshots recovered from video released by Survival International.

What the indigenous ethnic groups continue to suffer in all the countries of
this continent, and also what the indigenous ethnic groups of Asia and Africa
continue to suffer at the present, and the silence, indifference and apathy of the
majority that is not indigenous: have no forgiveness.

I would sentence those miners to the death penalty, but a slow death
penalty so that they suffer what they have made the indigenous people suffer.
The Baka, who are an indigenous ethnic group in Africa, continue to suffer
expulsion from their territories and all kinds of crimes. In a video released by
Survival International, Baka indigenous people are seen on the side of a road
suffering needs, while paths loaded with wood pass by.
The sources of the following information are Survival International:
These Baka indigenous people have been expelled from their lands in the
name of nature conservation. Their home is now a national park. But within the
park and in the area surrounding it there are: luxury hotels, two mining
concessions and logging concessions.
A new Daily Mail investigation reveals horrific abuses against Bakas,
including torture and rape. Prince Harry is on the board of African Parks, the
organization whose park rangers are committing the abuses.

Screenshots of video released by Survival International.

The following is a testimony from Eyaya Nivrel who is an indigenous man

of the Baka ethnic group: -The jungle is our home, it is where we live. They are
destroying this jungle and forcing the Baka to leave. We are no longer allowed to
live in the jungle. The park rangers prevent us from entering the jungle. But how
are we going to eat? How are our children going to eat? I'd like whoever is
sending these people here to hear what it's like.
Continuing with the testimony of Eyaya Nivrel disclosed by Survival
International: -I want the person who is in charge of the park rangers and gives
them orders to hear this. For us Bakas, the jungle is our home. If we leave the
jungle, where will they send us to live? Somewhere in Europe? Where will we
go? In what country will we live? They should leave us Bakas alone living in the
Eyaya Nivrel: -If they want to put us in jail, let them come and arrest us, or
even come and kill me. The jungle is ours, but now others control it. Now there is
only torture in the jungle. If today a Baka enters the jungle and encounters park
rangers, they will torture him to death. They say: you can't enter here. They took
everything to the Odzala Kokoua park and now we are in this situation. For us,
entering the jungle is a problem. Even going to the jungle for bananas is a
problem. The park rangers say that the Baka destroy the jungle, but it is not true.
We, the Bakas, enter the jungle to get the things we need.

Screenshots of video released by Survival International.

The following information was released by Survival International:

Uncontacted Hongana Manyawa indigenous people in Indonesia watch as
their forest is destroyed to make way for nickel mining. The nickel will be used for
the production of batteries for electric cars. We have to prevent it. They know that
they will not survive if they destroy their jungle. Support their fight.

Screenshots of video released by Survival International.

For all the crimes, injustices and atrocities that the indigenous ethnic
groups of all the countries of this continent Abya Yala (to which the colonizers
gave the name America), the indigenous ethnic groups of Africa and the
indigenous ethnic groups of Asia continue to suffer in the present: If I had the
power I would make the elites in power, the governments, these businessmen,
and the majority of humanity who are not indigenous who are equally complicit
and guilty for their silence, apathy and indifference, and for treating the
indigenous people. of criminals, savages and terrorists when they defend
themselves or take revenge, I would make them suffer three times as much as
they have made the indigenous people suffer so that they suffer all the damage
that they have done to the indigenous people.
In the Bible, this fictional character invented by the nefarious Jews (who
are a religion and not a race) of the Jewish god rejects the vegetable offerings
that Cain offered him and only accepts the sacrifice of lambs that Abel offered
When the character of Abel sacrifices lambs that are peaceful and
herbivorous animals, this represents the destruction of the innocent, and that is
what pleases the Jewish god who is in the image and likeness of the majority of
But, since Christianity teaches humanity to see non-human animals as
simple things or objects, the majority of stupid humanity considers that the

fictional character of Cain was evil and that the fictional character of Abel was
Proof that this New Age clowning is the same as Christianity is that these
clowns have come to say that Cain was a reptilian, just as they have said that the
indigenous god Quetzalcoatl was a reptilian, as they do in the following capture
from a video circulating on Facebook:

Screenshot recovered from Facebook

Something very dangerous about this video and that is 100% racist is that
this old man claims that there are humans who descend from Cain who have
reptilian genetics and humans who descend from Abel who have more human
The New Age by inventing tall, white extraterrestrials, with light eyes and
blonde hair like the Pleiadians and Venusians, and affirming that they are the
good ones, and inventing gray extraterrestrials and reptilian extraterrestrials, and
affirming that they are the bad ones, proves to be 100% racist.

I don't understand how the majority of ignorant humanity doesn't realize
that New Age and conspiracy theories invented by conservatives are exactly the
same as Christianity.
I am quite ashamed of having been New Age (New Age) in my past, but at
the same time I believe that knowing the New Age inside and its different sects is
what allows me to be able to denounce them in the present.
The Mormons or Church of Jesus Christ of the last days that originated in
the United States, are totally linked to Freemasonry and are a Christian religion,
daughter of the Catholic, just like the Evangelical, Pentecostal, Jehovah's
Witnesses, Adventists and others: they affirm in their some of his writings that the
indigenous people are Laminites who descend from Cain, and that for this
reason, the fictional Judeo-Christian god cursed them with having reddish skin,
black hair, and suffering extermination and hatred.
And speaking of this nonsense that is the New Age: the Colombian Mafe
Walker who claims to speak an extraterrestrial language participates in a
Colombian trash program called La Casa De Los Famosos.

Screenshot recovered from Facebook

Many rightly write that it seems like a total joke, mocking emojis and that
television is increasingly dedicated to promoting stupidity. But, many others write
that Mafe seems like a sweet and tender woman, and that the important thing is
her hippie message that everything has to be love .
When someone has love and peace with those who harm the innocent,
they are being complicit with those who harm the innocent, and, therefore, just as
guilty. Warrior energy is important to fight against tyrants, to fight against those
who harm the weakest, to fight against those who harm the most vulnerable and
to fight against those who harm the innocent.
And yes, on the one hand, the New Age (New Age) in a hippie way says
that everything has to be unconditional love and peace in an absolutist way,
without balance.
On the other hand, this same New Age always blames the victims of
injustice for what happens to them, stating that they are paying karma from past
lives, that they attracted it with their mind through the law of attraction, and that it
They chose before incarnating through soul-to-soul agreements with those who
harm them.
The same Freemasonry that inspired the motto equality, liberty and
fraternity of the French Revolution is the same Freemasonry that celebrates
Freemason presidents and Freemason military officers such as Domingo
Faustino Sarmiento, John Milton Chivington and Andrew Jackson who promoted
visceral hatred of indigenous people, who They expelled most indigenous people
from their territories so that non-indigenous people would have economic
freedom and freedom to harm indigenous people, and they caused massacres of
indigenous people.
And the reason why the politically correct left seems just as disastrous to
me as the right and the neoliberals or libertarians, and I will never be politically
correct, is because when I look at photographs of Freemasons, I can perceive
that if there is evil which comes from genetics:

Photographs recovered from the Internet.

In those previous photos, Catholic priests appear supporting Freemasonry,

and Jair Bolsonaro and his son Flávio Bolsonaro who are from the evangelical
Christian religion supporting Freemasonry, then possibly: the majority of
conservatives who invent conspiracy theories where they claim that Freemasonry
is enemy of the Catholic Church or that Freemasonry is an enemy of Christianity,
whether they are Freemasons who seek to misinform.
An example of how all human races in their beginnings made human
sacrifices, and white ethnic groups also did them in their beginnings, is the Greek
story of Polyxena who was sacrificed by Neoptolemus, although the story is
supposed to be a myth, it is known that white ethnic groups such as the Greeks
did make human sacrifices in their beginnings, and that the Celts, Vikings and
Romans in their beginnings made these human sacrifices:

Photographs recovered from the Internet.

Vetón human sacrifice altar in Spain:

Photograph recovered from the Internet.

Human sacrifices practiced by the Celts and Vikings in Europe:

Photographs of Greek engraving and Viking engraving. Recovered from the


Conservatives and defenders of Christian religions say that crimes

committed by Christian religions are black legends, and that Christian Europeans
brought civilization and progress to this continent (meaning by civilization and
progress to pollute and destroy the environment in exchange for money and
Western technology).

But, the same minutes of the inquisition and books written by inquisitors
such as El Martillo De Las Brujas, are evidence that Christianity did commit all
those crimes and that they are not black legends.
It is incredible when these conservative Christians of the present deny that
what other Christians wrote in the past is true, it is the same as when they deny
what the European colonizers themselves accepted in their letters and books.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

A human sacrifice is any killing in the name of a god. And that was what
the inquisition did, torturing and murdering other people in the name of the

Judeo-Christian god. So these defenders of Christianity should not be clowns
and should accept that Christian Europeans made human sacrifices.
Some instruments of torture used by the inquisition were: the iron maiden,
the head crusher, the thumb crusher, the breast ripper, the pear and the Judas

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Anyone who had been tortured with these torture instruments for a long
time would have confessed whatever the inquisitors wanted him to confess so
that they would kill him once and for all and not continue torturing him.
Remember that the Christian inquisitors tortured the victims, and if the
victims said that they had not committed the things for which they were accused,
the inquisitors continued to torture them until they confessed that they had
committed the things for which they were accused. But, the defenders of
European Christianity always take these accusations as real, when they were
only insults and defamations.
And it was not only the inquisitors of the past in Europe during the Middle
Ages who had the civilized and superior custom of lying, defaming, slandering
and insulting. The nefarious religious fanatics of Christian religions today like the

conservatives who invent conspiracy theories have the same civilized and
superior habit of lying, defaming, slandering and insulting. And I write civilized
and superior custom in the sense of sarcasm.
Simply put, if I had the power to do it, I would end this problem with the
death penalty, no pacifism and no dialogue with these criminals.
But, even with all this, these defenders of Christianity and the Western
have the cowardice to say that Christian Europeans were kind and civilized
beings, or to minimize all this by saying that the victims were few, as the atheist
Dalas Review did.
When whether the victims were few or many is irrelevant, in addition to the
fact that those same garbage are the ones who complain that feminism
minimizes the men who are victims of violence because they are few when they
do exactly the same thing when it suits them.
Therefore, this image that they published from the Dalas Review in the
incyclopedia with the text: - Who is this? A parasite, but for the pambis (followers
of Dalas) he is everything.

They are absolutely right to refer to the parasitic atheist who calls himself
Dalas Review (whose real name is Daniel Santomé Lemus) that way.

All this is what elites and governments do that want the replacement and
extermination of all indigenous people, and call civilization, progress and
development the destruction and pollution of the environment in exchange for
Western money and technology.
The Jewish plan was always to lead the world to complete destruction, the
Jews (who must always be repeated that they are a religion and not a race
because the world is full of idiots from both the political right and the political left),
and they They reflect their plan to destroy the world when they invent the
character of the Judeo-Christian god who says that he gave the world to the
colonizers and then caused its destruction:
Deuteronomy chapter 28, verse 63: And it will come to pass, that just as
the Lord took delight in you to prosper you and multiply you, so the Lord will take
delight in you to cause you to perish and destroy you; and you will be uprooted
from the land into which you are entering to possess it.
Of course, as always, the fanatics are going to say that this part that does
not suit them is metaphor, symbolic or taken out of context as they do with all the
parts of the Torah, the Tanakh and the Bible that do not suit them. Judaism
created prophecies that later believers in this god invented by the Jews took it
upon themselves to fulfill.
It is unfortunate that the majority of indigenous people have their minds
colonized with Christian religions or with the New Age, because everything that
European colonizers who were of Christian religions did to the indigenous people
was a direct order from that god invented by the Jews, but many indigenous
people are not aware that the belief in that god was brought by the Europeans:
Deuteronomy chapter 20, verse 16: But of the cities of these people that
the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you will not leave a single
person alive.
The European colonizers who were of Christian religions and their
descendants (creoles and mestizos on this continent) are simply fulfilling the
word of their Judeo-Christian god invented by the Jews, and even though the
majority of indigenous people at present are of Christian religions or of the New
Age will never consider them as equals and will always see them as inferior.
For example, in the United States it was of no use to many indigenous
ethnic groups to convert to Christian religions and adopt pacifism, because the
United States government always caused the extermination of the majority. And
in Brazil, Christian missionaries were going to evangelize and pacify the
indigenous people, and then as they were left defenseless, other Christians were
going to invade and murder the majority of indigenous people.
Colonization is a complete brainwashing because because of Christian
religions, many indigenous people believe that belief in the Judeo-Christian god
was always present on the continent. And because of the New Age, many
indigenous people believe that their creator god is the same as the Judeo-
Christian god.

I compare this to a parasite that takes over the minds of the majority of
indigenous people so that they serve their enemies without knowing it.
Those who hate the indigenous people claim that the indigenous people
themselves hated each other because there were wars between different
indigenous ethnic groups. But, the Judeo-Christian god of those who hate the
indigenous people, says in his word that he will cause his own servants to kill
each other:
Exodus chapter 32, verses 27, 28 and 29: Then Moses said: The Lord, the
God of Israel, commands this: Let everyone put on his sword and go around the
entire camp from one end to the other, and kill whoever stands in front of him, be
it brother, friend or neighbor. The Levites did as Moses commanded and that day
they killed about three thousand Israelites. Then Moses said: Today you have
received full authority from the Lord; He has blessed them this day, because they
turned against their own children and brothers.
For the world to really change, the belief in the Jewish god and in his
Christian son Jesus Christ who defends those who harm innocent people with
those teachings of not judging, loving one's enemies, forgiving everything and
everything, would have to be completely prohibited and eliminated.
I once remember a Nicaraguan mestizo who treated some indigenous
people like criminals for stoning the house of an invading woman, who said that
indigenous people don't contribute anything, that they are lazy and drunk, and
who said that mestizos have indigenous genetics as if it were matter, when in
reality it doesn't matter a shit that mestizos have part of their indigenous genetics
because most of them are like Europeans in their way of being, way of thinking,
tastes and vision of the world.
The majority of stupid humanity says that indigenous people do not
deserve respect because they are not perfect, as if the majority of humanity that
is not indigenous were perfect, that's why when someone who is not indigenous
gets drunk nobody cares, but when It is an indigenous person who gets drunk,
they use that to promote hatred of indigenous people.
But, the Judeo-Christian god that most non-indigenous people believe in
says that he caused his believers to drink until they were drunk and the fictional
character of Jesus Christ turned water into wine:
Jeremiah chapter 51, verse 39: When they are in full ardor, I will provide
them with drinks, I will make them drunk so that when the euphoria comes, they
will sleep an eternal sleep and not wake up—oracle of the Lord.
John chapter 2, verses 8 and 9: And Jesus said to them, Now take out
some and take it to the person in charge of the party. So they did it. The person
in charge of the party tasted the water turned into wine, without knowing where it
had come from.
There are parts of the Bible where the Jews recognize that the fictional
character of their god YHVH or YeHoVaH is the same fictional character of the
devil or satan invented by themselves:

2 Samuel chapter 24, verse 1: The anger of the Lord was kindled again
against Israel, and he incited David against them to say, Go, take a census of
Israel and Judah.
1 Chronicles chapter 21, verse 1: But Satan rose up against Israel and
incited David to take a census of Israel.
This cynicism of the Jews to recognize that their god YHVH or YeHoVaH
represents the same fictional character as the devil or Satan, is the same as the
Masonic duality of the black and white checkered floor, and the red apron and the
blue apron, which represent false opposed to the service of the same lord:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

This is the reason why Christian religions promoted social Darwinism in the
inquisition and colonization, and satanic religions at the service of the political
right and the United States government such as The Church of Satan founded by
Anton LaVey, The Temple of Seth founded by Michael Aquino and the ONA
(Order of Nine Angles) promote social Darwinism. False opposites in the service
of the same lord, two sides of the same coin.
But, there are people on the Left who are still determined to make people
believe that atheism, Satanism and neo-paganism of white ethnic groups such as
Wicca are the opposite of Christianity.

There are parts of the Bible, where the prophets of this god invented by the
Jews, recognize that this god that the stupid majority considers the true and
perfect, is a fictitious god who is a liar:
Jeremiah chapter 4, verse 10: And I said, Alas, alas, Jehovah God! Truly
you have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying: You will have
peace; for the sword has come to the soul.
2 Thessalonians chapter 2, verse 11: Therefore God sends them a
deceptive power, so that they believe a lie.
When the Jews invented the Torah (first five gospels of the Old Testament)
which Christians call the Pentateuch and the Tanakh (the other gospels of the
Old Testament), an Old Testament in which the Christian and Muslim or Islamic
religions also believe: they were quite cynical in some parts when they recognize
that their god represents deception.
But, the cynicism of Jews and Christians has no limits, when they
recognize that the fictional character of the Judeo-Christian god represents
exactly the same as the fictional character of the devil or satan:
John chapter 8, verse 44: Your father is the devil; You belong to him, and
you try to do what he wants. The devil has been a murderer from the beginning.
He doesn't stand by the truth, and he never tells the truth. When he tells lies, he
speaks as what he is; because he is a liar and is the father of lies.
Many stupid people may say that Freemasonry and the Abrahamic
religions (Jewish, Christian and Islamic) with these false opposites and
contradictions maintain a balance.
What balance if they are contaminating and destroying the entire planet?
What balance if they contaminate and destroy ecosystems, and
ecosystems where there is a real balance between life and death?
What balance if 95% of the world's population is made up of non-
indigenous humans and only 5% of the world's population are indigenous?
No balance.
The indigenous ethnic groups did make a real balance between life and
death, and were part of the different ecosystems. But, governments and elites
want to replace all indigenous people with humans who are not indigenous, and
with non-indigenous humans who only know how to pollute and destroy the
planet, without a balance.
What the Right and the Neoliberals or Libertarians do to promote hate
speech against indigenous people, to favor those who invade indigenous
territories, to send damned police and damned soldiers to expel indigenous
people from their territories and to attack or even murder indigenous people, and
Treating the few indigenous people who defend themselves or take revenge as
savages, criminals or terrorists is not balanced, because indigenous people are
only 5% of the world's population.
And what the left does is to keep the indigenous people in conformity,
dominated and subjugated with Christian religions, pacifism and the ideology of

equality so that they do not defend themselves, so that they do not take revenge,
so that they have love for their enemies and so that they allow to hurt them, to
give crumbs to the indigenous people, to make people believe that indigenous
people and mestizo people are the same, and to always place those who are not
indigenous as a priority above the indigenous people, is not balance, because
the indigenous people are only the 5% of the world population.

News titled: Canada: The disappearance of native women. Screenshot


News titled: Sexual Violence and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.
Screenshot retrieved from:

News titled: The struggles for murdered and missing indigenous women in the
United States. Screenshot retrieved from:

Conservatives who invent conspiracy theories make it believe that the

majority of human trafficking victims are non-Indigenous people. In reality, the
majority of human trafficking victims are indigenous people, because this damn
society sees the lives of indigenous people as disposable and makes indigenous
people invisible.
And the entertainment industry such as movies, series and cartoons have
promoted hatred of indigenous people for decades.
Why are these elites and governments focused on causing and allowing
the disappearance of indigenous women, and the damn media like television
remain silent about it?
Because these damn people know that if many indigenous women
disappear, there will be fewer indigenous people in the world.
And since governments and elites are abominable beings, it may be that
they carry out many atrocities in secret and what is known about them is only a
small part.
When the Australian Peter Scully traveled to the Philippines where he
made videos for the Deep Web like Daisy's Destruction where girls were tortured,
abused, raped and murdered, and then he was arrested, he never said who the
millionaires were who financed and bought those videos in the United States and
It must also be remembered that the Vatican has always covered up
priests who abuse or rape children, and that governments and elites interact with
the Vatican and pay visits to the Vatican.
And although these governments and elites pretend to be 100% Christian,
in reality, they are New Age, they use Christianity to encourage and promote
hatred of minorities in public, but, Freemasonry is actually a mixture of Judeo-
Christian beliefs with Greek, Persian and Egyptian beliefs, the founders of Celtic

paganisms such as Druidism and Viking paganisms such as Odinism were
Freemasons, and there is much evidence that the Vatican promotes the New
It is possible that issues such as human sacrifices and cannibalism that
these governments and elites condemn in public and use to promote hatred of
minorities, they themselves practice human sacrifices and cannibalism in secret,
the massacres of indigenous people are human sacrifices and the Baka in Africa
have been victims of cannibalism.

News titled: The Baka pygmies: eaten by cannibals or expelled from their forests.
Screenshot retrieved from:

The entertainment industry such as movies, series and cartoons invent

monsters that murder and torture non-indigenous humans in scenes of extreme
gore, but in reality, these monsters reflect many who are not indigenous. Part of
cynicism is inventing monsters that represent what they themselves are.
Also, on many occasions the Vatican and the United States government
have promoted the New Age belief in extraterrestrials that visit us, and they may
even use holograms, airplanes with those shapes and drones with those shapes
for that, because They know that the majority cares more about knowing if there
is life on other planets and they do not care about taking care of life on this planet
Earth. And the entertainment industry such as movies, series and cartoons have
done their part in this.
They have said that in military bases like Area 51 they hide extraterrestrial
beings and extraterrestrial technology, but, what if in reality in military bases like
Area 51 they carry out many experiments, atrocities and crimes that they keep

secret, and what they make believe that they hide to aliens is just a way to divert
attention from what really happens on those military bases.
Peter Scully in his statements said that he had clients for his videos of
torture and rape of girls in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom,
and that some of his clients paid up to $10 000 for those videos. Only powerful
people and millionaires pay $10 000.

Photographs recovered from the Internet.

Even when he was arrested, Peter Scully smiles, these are monsters that
should not exist. The gore scenes that are increasingly common in movies and
series are ways of teaching the majority of the population to see extreme
violence as something fun.
The following is the photo of the girl who was tortured, abused, raped and
murdered in the Daisy's Destruction videos that were sold on the Deep Web:

Photograph recovered from the Internet

The monsters who did this to this girl, financed and paid for these videos,
should have received the death penalty. But, they did not receive the death
penalty because of those who defend the human rights of these criminals, and
they only arrested Peter Scully and the women accomplices, but they did not
arrest the millionaires from the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom
who financed and bought those videos.
The millionaire monsters from the United States, Australia and the United
Kingdom who financed and paid up to 10 thousand dollars for these videos are
still free with impunity, so they possibly continue doing this, and even teaching
their children and grandchildren to do this.
In 2015, a room guarded by police where there was material produced by
Peter Scully caught fire, and to the question of why a room guarded by police
catches fire so easily, the answer is because there are very powerful millionaire
people who are involved.
The company that Peter Scully created on the Deep Web to sell these
videos was called NLF (No limits fun) which can be translated as fun without
limits, which shows how these monsters in power find it fun to abuse, torture,
rape and murder innocents.

Screenshot recovered from the Internet

Other of Peter Scully's clients who bought these videos were millionaires
from Brazil and Germany.
Peter Scully and the women who were his accomplices were looking for
low-income families in the Philippines to offer them that if they gave them their

underage daughters it would give them a better life, and they also offered street
girls clothes, food and money to travel with them.
The following photograph is of the skeletal remains of one of the girls
murdered by Peter Scully, and which were found by the Philippine police:

Photograph recovered from the Internet.

Fire in the courthouse where most of the evidence against Peter Scully
was located, and where Peter Scully's computer and hard drive containing many
of Peter Scully's files and contact information were located:

Photograph recovered from the Internet

In Canada, mass graves containing the bodies of hundreds of indigenous
children have been found in former Catholic schools:

Photograph recovered from the Internet

Luka Magnotta began uploading videos to the internet where he tortured

and murdered cats:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Luka Magnotta began to gain Jun Lin's trust until Jun Lin became his
partner. In the video a lunatic, an ice pick; Luka Magnotta murders Jun Lin, eats
flesh from Jun Lin's body, and then dismembers him.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Luka Magnotta is another case of a white man who commits cannibalism

just like other white people like Jeffrey Dahmer and Andrei Chikatilo who were
serial killers who also committed cannibalism. And because of these cases of
whites committing cannibalism, no one claims that all whites are cannibals, unlike
what they do with indigenous people.
The Hispanistas (defenders of Spanish colonization), the defenders of
Portuguese colonization, the defenders of English colonization, the defenders of
French colonization and all those who promote hatred of indigenous people,
have affirmed that all indigenous ethnic groups and all The indigenous people of
each ethnic group practiced cannibalism.
The movies have made people believe the same thing because television
and the entertainment industry such as cinema have been the biggest promoters
of hatred of indigenous people. In the film Cannibal Holocaust the Yanomami are
defamed by claiming that they practice cannibalism and the film contains a real
scene where a turtle is killed.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

In addition, after causing the murder of indigenous people of the Guarani-

Kaiowa ethnic group by military police (PM), Jair Bolsonaro caused the death of
570 children of the Yanomami ethnic group who died from malnutrition and
malaria because Jair Bolsonaro supported the illegal miners who They invaded
their territories and allowed these miners to invade Yanomami territory, and
during Lula's government these crimes against the Yanomami and against the
Guarani-Kaiowa went unpunished.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

We must not forget that Donald Trump, Santiago Abascal of the VOX party
of Spain, Javier Milei, Agustín Laje, Eduardo Verástegui and Carolina Rivera
Añez (daughter of Jeanine Añez) are complicit and guilty of these murders of
indigenous people that occur in the present by supporting to Jair Bolsonaro.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

And that the conservatives who invent conspiracy theories where they
make us believe that the majority of those who are not indigenous are innocent
victims of the elites, who talk about the 2030 agenda and that Freemasonry
wants to reduce the world population (when the only ones they want to
exterminate it is the indigenous people and the indigenous people if they are
victims of the elites), they are complicit and guilty of these murders of indigenous
people for supporting criminals like Donald Trump, Javier Milei and Jair
Jair Bolsonaro repeats the lies of the film Cannibal Holocaust by stating in
a video that the Yanomami practice cannibalism, saying that he observed an
Indian being cooked in Surucucu (Yanomami territory), that he wanted to see the
Indian being cooked, that he would eat meat of Indian without problems and who
ate Indian.

Screenshots recovered from YouTube

In some places in the Congo, invaders of the forests where the Baka
pygmies live have committed cannibalism against the Baka. Some guerrilla
groups believe that eating Baka meat gives them strength before each battle.
And we must remember that the fictitious god invented by the Jews, whom
the defenders of colonization and those who hate the indigenous people worship,
in many parts of the Old Testament (Torah and Tanakh) it states that he will
cause fathers and mothers to become cannibals so that they devour their own
sons and daughters:
Leviticus chapter 26, verses 26, 27 and 28: If you still do not listen to me,
but proceed against me in opposition, I will proceed against you in anger, and will
punish you seven times for your sins. And you will eat the flesh of your sons, and
you will eat the flesh of your daughters.
Deuteronomy Chapter 28, verse 53: And you shall eat the fruit of your
womb, the flesh of your sons and your daughters, which the Lord your God gave
you, in the place and in the trouble with which your enemy will distress you.
Jeremiah chapter 19, verse 9: And I will make them eat the flesh of their
sons and the flesh of their daughters, and each one shall eat the flesh of his
friend, in the siege and in the hardship with which their enemies and those who
seek their lives will surround them.
Actually, when the Jews invented this fictitious god, inspired by the
Zoroastrianism of the Persians, they invented a monster, and a monster, tulpa
(mental creation) or archetype that influences the collective consciousness
(which the New Agers defend so much) of the majority, but the stupid majority
does not reason and is foolish to continue with what their parents taught them as
The racist, occultist and possibly also related to Freemasonry named
Howard Phillips Lovecraft, when inventing cruel and bloodthirsty gods like
Cthulhu in his books like The Necronomicon, did not reach the same level as the
Jews who invented this monstrous fictitious god.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an atheist, and his father Winfield Lovecraft
belonged to the Memphis Misraim rite Freemasonry. According to the Bible, Ham
was the son of Noah, and Mizraim was the son of Ham.
Genesis chapter 10, verse 6: The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and
According to the biography of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, he was a racist,
xenophobic, he hated black people, despised indigenous people and despised
oriental people, he believed that the white race was superior. Howard Phillips
Lovecraft was a Nazi sympathizer. Howard Phillips Lovecraft described the
bloodthirsty god Cthulhu who was invented as a being with octopus tentacles and
bat wings.

Image recovered from the Internet

On the maternal side, Howard Phillips Lovecraft's mother named Sarah

Susan Phillips Lovecraft was the daughter of Whipple Van Buren Phillips who

founded the Masonic Ionian Lodge number 28 in 1870. Howard Phillips Lovecraft
married Sonia Greene who was a woman who came from a Jewish family.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft inventing cruel and bloodthirsty gods is similar to
the Jews inventing the Judeo-Christian god.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft, also, promoted New Age beliefs by stating that
the gods were extraterrestrials from other solar systems in his books.
Inspired by the writings of both Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Aleister
Crowley: Kenneth Grant founded the sect known as the Typhonian Order or
TOTO (Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis or the Order of Typhonian Eastern

Images recovered from the Internet

Aleister Crowley belonged to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

which was founded by William Wynn Westcott. William Wynn Westcott belonged
to Freemasonry and was a scholar of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism).
Aleister Crowley, wrote in The Book of the Law: 12. Sacrifice livestock,
small and large; then a child.
Defenders of Aleister Crowley have claimed that this is a metaphor or
symbolic, just as those who claim that the parts of the Bible that do not suit them
are metaphors or symbolic.

Images recovered from the Internet

As we already know, all these Masonic, Rosicrucian and occult lodges mix
the Judeo-Christian with the Egyptian and the Greek. Jews and Christians have
always copied everything, they don't have anything that is original.
For the concept of the Christian and Catholic Trinity they were inspired by
the Egyptian triads. The following is a sculpture of the god Osiris, the goddess
Isis and the child god Horus from the 7th/6th century BC found in the Hermitage

Photograph of Egyptian sculpture recovered from the Internet

The Christian religions represent most paintings and statues of angels,
saints and virgins with European features, and the New Age represents the
aliens they believe in as Ashtar Sheran and the ascended masters they believe in
as Saint Germain with European features, and this is because they hate the
physique of the indigenous people (reddish skin, black hair and almond-shaped
or slanted eyes):

Images recovered from the Internet

But, although Jews and Christians are inspired by concepts from the
Egyptians, and although the Masonic, Rosicrucian and occult lodges mix the

Judeo-Christian with the Egyptian: it is known from the Egyptian art of the first
Egyptian dynasties, that the Egyptians, before being invaded and colonized by
the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs, they were not white.

Photographs of Egyptian art recovered from the Internet

How did the Egyptians represent their gods in Egyptian art?

The goddess Isis was represented with light tan or yellowish skin and
almond-shaped eyes, the god Horus with reddish skin and a falcon's head, and in
some representations the god Osiris with black skin. But, the Egyptians in art
never represented their gods with white skin, and representing Egyptian gods as
white is only done by neopagans in the present.

Photographs of Egyptian art recovered from the Internet

Isis, whose Egyptian name is Aset, is the goddess who rules in heaven and
is Queen on earth. Isis is a protective and nurturing goddess. She is the wife of
the god Osiris whom he helped resurrect using his magic after he was killed by
Seth and with whom he had a son named Horus.
This goddess also has powers associated with healing because on one
occasion when Horus was stung by a scorpion, she managed to save his life
using her magic. Also, she was worshiped as a lunar goddess and was
associated with the star Sirius.
She is the goddess who caused the Nile to flood, which fertilized the land
and made crops possible. She is the mother of nature, and therefore also a
goddess of fertility and motherhood.
The goddess Aset (whom the Greeks and Romans renamed Isis)
transformed into a bird, she flapped her wings rapidly, forcing air into the nostrils
of Usir (whom the Greeks and Romans renamed Osiris) until he took a breath
and was resurrected. The Bird that represents Aset is the swallow:

Photographs of Egyptian art recovered from the Internet

Two colors that predominate in the plumage of swallows are: black and
white. This is quite reminiscent of the Ying-Yang (Taijitu) symbol of Taoism: the
balance between light and darkness, man and woman, day and night, heat and
cold, summer and winter, happiness and sadness, harmony and anger, activity
and rest.

Images recovered from the Internet

After Horus was born, Isis fled with him to the swamps where papyrus
grew and kept him hidden to protect him from Seth.
Horus was the god of the sky, son of Osiris and Isis. Horus fought Seth for
the throne of Egypt after Seth murdered his father, Osiris.
Its attributes include power, protection, justice and victory.
The right eye of Horus represents the sun and is associated with solar
energy, strength and protection. And the left eye of Horus represents the moon
and is associated with healing, wisdom and intuition.

Osiris, whose Egyptian name is Usir, is the god of fertility, death and
resurrection. When the waters of the Nile went down they represented the death
of Osiris and when the waters of the Nile rose bringing the silt that makes the
earth fertile it symbolized the resurrection of Osiris.
Osiris was also a god of agriculture who was represented with both black
skin and green skin, both colors represent fertility, on the one hand, black is the
color of silt or dark earth that brings fertility to crops and, on the other hand,
green is the color of the vegetation that arises from the fertile land.
As the god of agriculture he represents death and resurrection, when the
seed was buried it represents death and when the plant emerges from the seed it
symbolizes the resurrection.
This representation of Egyptian gods as white is only done by those of the
New Age and the neo-pagans of the present who emerged from the same
Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians, and which are so abundant in the United
States, Spain and Argentina. And it is the same thing they do with indigenous
gods, such as the goddess Laka or the god Ekeko.

Images recovered from the Internet

When the Greeks and Romans invaded and colonized Egypt, they
syncretized the Greek goddess Aphrodite (Venus for the Romans) with the
Egyptian goddess Isis, and they began to create representations of Isis as a
white woman to eliminate the representation of Isis that existed before they
colonized Egypt:

Photograph of Statue recovered from the Internet

Also many names given to Egyptian gods were given by the Greeks and
Romans: Osiris is the Greek name and Usir is the Egyptian name, Isis is the
Greek name and Aset is the Egyptian name, Horus is the Greek name and Hur-
Hor is the Egyptian name, Thoth is the Greek name, and Yehuti is the Egyptian
When Christians invented the Catholic trinity, in addition to being inspired
by Osiris, Isis and Horus, they were also inspired by Khepri, Ra and Atum.
Khepri (Egyptian name: Jeper) with the head of a scarab is the god of the
sun at dawn. Falcon-headed Ra is the god of the sun at noon. And Atum with
100% human form (Egyptian name: Itemu) is the god of the sun at sunset.

Images recovered from the Internet

Khepri, whose Egyptian name is Jeper, is a god with the appearance of a

dung beetle who symbolizes the sun rising over the horizon at dawn.
Khepri represents the resurrection of the sun at dawn, Ra the sun at noon
and Atum the sun at sunset.
Khepri also symbolizes the transformation represented in the
metamorphosis of the beetle where it goes from larva to pupa and from pupa to
adult beetle.
Ra symbolizes the midday sun, his power encompasses the heavens, the
earth and the lower world. This god acted as a divine father and protector of the
King. Ra means sun and is the King of the heavens.
Ra is the creator of the world, of all living beings, and created humans
through the tears of his eye.

Atum, whose Egyptian name is Itemu, represents the sun at sunset, the
complete or finished creation, he is the lord of the whole and the creator god
because he is an aspect of the god Ra himself.
Both Khepri, Ra and Atum are aspects of the same sun god. Atum is the
King and father of the gods, he is the original creation and the primordial mound
from which the waters of creation emerged.
The three sides of the triangles that form the pyramid represent the same
thing: sun at dawn, sun at noon, and sun at sunset.

Image recovered from the Internet

Symbolic language that serves to describe in a poetic and artistic way the
aspects of nature such as the sun: Judaism and Christianity plagiarize it and
deform it so that it does not represent natural processes.
Always remember that, in indigenous ethnic groups, there are also sun
gods: Taiowa in the Hopis, Guaraci in the Guaraníes and Apolaki in the Filipinos.

Images recovered from the Internet

The Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian and Islamic) have always made
the majority believe that the word animal means soulless, lacking dignity,
immoral, an insult and inferior.
But, the Egyptians did not think that way because they represented many
of their gods with animal heads or in the shape of animals such as: Ra and Horus
(Egyptian name: Hur-Hor) with a falcon head, Anubis (Egyptian name: Anpu) with
the head of a jackal, Khepri (Egyptian name: Jeperu) with the head of a scarab or
with the 100% form of a scarab, Thoth (Egyptian name: Yehuti) with the head of
an Ibis, and the goddess Bastet with the form of a black cat.

Photographs of Egyptian art recovered from the Internet

Thoth, whose Egyptian name is Yehuti, is a lunar god of wisdom, magic

and writing.
Thoth acts as a messenger to the other gods. According to Egyptian
accounts, the god Thoth had healed the eye of Horus which represents the
moon, also taught the art and was known as the recognizer of years and the lord
of time.
Thoth is considered the heart of Ra and the tongue of Ra. The god Thoth is
also in charge of the law, of ordering the seasons and times, and of the power of
the word.
Thoth personifies the mind, the sound and the creative word.
Bastet is a goddess represented as a cat or with a human body with a cat's
head who is a goddess of motherhood, fertility and protection. Its appearance is
due to the fact that cats are very protective animals of their babies.
It is associated with ointments and perfumes, and as a protective mother
one of its aspects is revenge.
If the Egyptians had thought the same as the Abrahamic religions, they
would never have represented many of their gods with animal heads and in
animal forms.

This Egyptian gods with animal heads and animal shapes is very similar to
the concepts of the indigenous ethnic groups of animals of power, of the Nahual
(shaman who transformed into animals), and of the totem animal that represents
the village and the clan.

Images recovered from the Internet

And just as in the indigenous ethnic groups there were elves who were
spirits of nature such as Curupira, Duwende, Duhindu and Coquena.
Bes is an Egyptian god who protected children and the home, and a god of
love and sexual pleasure, remember that, just as in indigenous ethnic groups,
nudity and sexual pleasure were not something bad and were not something
immoral, In the same way, for the ancient Egyptians, sexual pleasure and nudity
were not something bad and they were not something immoral. Bes was
represented as a dwarf:

Images recovered from the Internet

When the ancient Egyptians represented the goddess Maat (goddess of

justice, balance and order) with an ostrich feather on her head, this is very
reminiscent of indigenous ethnic groups that use feathers:

Photographs of Egyptian art recovered from the Internet

Maat personifies order and harmony in the universe. She is the daughter of
Ra, the sun god, and was considered the wife of Thoth, the god of wisdom and
Maat was commonly depicted with an ostrich feather on her head,
symbolizing truth and balance. Maat represents the cosmic order.
The Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán has a certain similarity to the
Egyptian pyramids, there is much evidence that there was a certain connection
between Egyptians and indigenous ethnic groups:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

When the Jews invented the Old Testament (Torah and Tanakh) they
slandered the Egyptians to make them look like tyrants who used slaves to build
and to this day the majority believe this. And the Christians defamed the
indigenous people to make them feel like they were the worst.
The indigenous ethnic groups of what is now known as the United States,
most of which were exterminated by the English colonizers, and then the majority
were exterminated by the United States government with the help of Irish and
Scottish settlers, these indigenous ethnic groups also built their houses (tipis) in
triangular or pyramidal shape:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

On Egyptian tablets, Egyptian hieroglyphs appear in the shape of tipis (the

houses built by the indigenous people of the United States):

Photographs recovered from the Internet

The New Age and those who invent conspiracy theories always claim that
the pyramids, Machu Picchu and the Nazca lines were made by aliens because
they consider that those who are not white, such as the ancient Egyptians and
the indigenous ethnic groups, were uncivilized, savages and ignorant people who
could not build those great works, and racism is also seen in the fact that they
believe in extraterrestrial races like the reptilians and the grays that they claim
are evil, and they always relate their belief in reptilians and grays with the
Egyptians and with the indigenous ethnicities.
In fact, look at how they represent their belief in gray extraterrestrials, with
almond eyes, which is the same shape of eyes that the Egyptians had and that
the indigenous ethnic groups have, and when they say that the gray ones are
small it is a way of saying that everything small or medium is bad:

Images recovered from the Internet

In the genesis of the Bible it is stated that the devil in the form of a snake
deceived Eve, and in the apocalypse of the Bible it is stated that the dragon
represents the devil or Satan, this was a way of denigrating Asian cultures that
had the dragon as a symbol and to denigrate the Egyptians who had the cobra
snake as a symbol of Ra.
Then those who hate the indigenous people also use these parts of the
Bible to say that since the indigenous people had gods in the shape of a snake or
dragon like Quetzalcóatl, Kukulkan and Amaru, it meant that they are children of
the snake (the devil), descendants of Cain, that for this reason his god inspired
the colonizers and gave them victory, and that his god cursed the indigenous
people to suffer hatred, pain, domination, submission and extermination for all
When New Age and conspiracy theory conservatives invent alien races like
reptilians and dragonians based on movies like Alien Invasion V, and claim that
these fictional beings like reptilians and dragonians are evil, It is another way of
agreeing with what was written by Jews and Christians:

Images recovered from the Internet

And when the New Age invents extraterrestrial races like the Pleiadians
and the Venusians where they claim that they have white skin, blonde hair and
blue eyes, and that those are the good ones, this further confirms the relationship
of the New Age with racism, with neo-Nazism, with the political right and with
neoliberals or libertarians:

Images recovered from the Internet

The neo-Nazis, the trash from the right-wing parties like VOX and the
neoliberals or libertarians are anti-immigrant and say that Europe should be white
and they venerate the European colonizers whom they consider heroes who
dominated, subdued and defeated the indigenous people who for They represent
savagery, sexual immorality defined with their Christian ideology, ignorance and
everything reprehensible.
Also, neopagans of white ethnicities such as Odinism (Viking paganism)
consider the Aryans who invaded and colonized India as heroes for defeating
and dominating the Dravidians (indigenous population of India), and that we
already know that all ethnic groups whites are of Indo-European or Eurasian
origin, and they are related to the Aryans who came from Iran and were part of
the Persian empire.
These neo-Nazis and right-wing parties like VOX are the most stupid thing
that exists because the European colonizers were the causes of immigration, the
European colonizers were the ones who brought black slaves and indigenous
slaves to Europe, that is, those who brought immigrants to Europe.
If the Europeans had never invaded and colonized this continent, and had
never invaded and colonized Africa: Europe would have remained white, Africa
would have remained black and this continent would have remained indigenous,
and this is the right thing, that the human races remain in their ecosystems, and
not multiculturalism.
But, Right-wing garbage like VOX and neo-Nazis complain about things
caused by the same colonizers they so venerate.
There are indigenous people who emigrate to Europe, because the
descendants of the European colonizers (creoles and mestizos), and the
governments formed by criollos and mestizos make their lives impossible on this

If the European colonizers had never invaded this continent and the
continent of Asia, no indigenous people would seek to emigrate to Europe.
Therefore, immigration was something caused by the European colonizers
The majority of mestizos, even if they are brown mestizos, are equal to
Europeans in their tastes, ways of being, ways of thinking and vision of the world.
They say hateful phrases towards the indigenous people, such as that
miscegenation is improving the race as if the indigenous people They were
inferior or a defect, they consider the indigenous people as ugly, they are
apathetic and indifferent to what the indigenous people suffer and they vote for
politicians who harm the indigenous people.
The correct thing would be for the majority of Creoles, the majority of
mestizos and all politicians who are not indigenous to go to live in Europe
because they love Europe and they always talk about how they would like to
travel to Europe, and they always talk about Europeans as if they were the best,
when the majority of Europeans despise them, and believe that Creoles and
mestizos born on this continent are indigenous.
Most indigenous people have reddish skin, and their reddish skin is of
great beauty, as are their almond-shaped or slanted eyes, and their radiant black
hair. But, when crossbreeding occurs, many times brown crossbreeds have more
opaque skin and lose those reddish tones that are reflected in sunlight.
Regarding environmentalists who always complain about cats for being
invasive species: cows and bulls are not native to this continent, cows and bulls
are native to Europe, the Middle East and certain regions of Africa.
Cows and bulls arrived on the continent in 1493 when Christopher
Columbus introduced the first cows and bulls of Spanish origin. And in India,
cows and bulls were imported by the Aryan colonizers who came from Iran and
were part of the Persian empire.
Cows, bulls, sheep and goats must have stayed in Europe, certain areas of
Africa and the Middle East because those are their places of origin.
If we talk about the majority of Hindus today, the majority, even if they are
brown mestizos, their entire culture such as the caste system, the absolutist way
of thinking of all or nothing, lack an intermediate point of view that makes a
balance, the fanaticism, their religions, and unhygienic practices that endanger
health, come from the Aryans. And Buddhism emerged from Hinduism.

Publication titled: India's contribution to the development of livestock farming in
Brazil. Screenshot retrieved from:

Excerpt from that livestock website: At the end of the 19th century,
European settlers invaded indigenous lands in the state of Mato Grosso to
establish livestock ranches. The problem was the tropical climate, which was not
suitable for northern European cattle breeds accustomed to colder climates.
Determined to succeed, ranchers introduced special pastures and decided to
import cows from distant India, a country that had similar climatic conditions.
You always have to ask yourself why politicians who promote hatred of
indigenous people and organizations like the CIA that promote the same hatred
of indigenous people are related to Judaism and Christianity, and also to
Hinduism and Buddhism, in the style of the New Age:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

News titled: The CIA saved the life of the Dalai Lama. Recovered from:

News titled: Military trained by the CIA used napalm against indigenous people in
Brazil. Screenshot retrieved from:

Publication titled: Indigenous threats according to the CIA. Screenshot retrieved


Excerpt from the text: As another exercise of its imperial power, the United
States, through its National Intelligence Council, an agency of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), released its 2015 Global Trends report. The
newspaper La Jornada of Mexico, published extracts of the document on
December 19 and on the 31st El País of Spain did so. According to the CIA, Latin
America has a new threat to face, indigenous resistance movements.
The Persians who practiced Zoroastrianism called themselves Aryans,
these Aryans had the same genetics as the current Arabs, and when the Aryans
from Iran invaded and colonized India, interbreeding between Aryans and
Dravidians occurred, and the system of castes where the high castes were made
up of those with lighter skin, all white ethnicities (Minoans, Greeks, Romans,
Celts, Vikings, Norse, Saxons and Slavs) have this same Indo-European or
Eurasian origin.
All this is evidence that at first when the Indo-Europeans or Eurasians
emigrated to populate all of Europe, the majority of them had brown skin, but as
the climate of Europe was colder this favored those who had lighter skin, As time
passed, their skin became whiter as an adaptation to the environment and they
developed more body hair as a form of protection for the environment, and since

their diet consisted mostly of red meat, they developed more body fat and more
bloodthirsty instincts and their organism was modified (epigenetics).
In fact, if we look at the art of the Minoans and the Mycenaeans, who were
cultures of Indo-European or Eurasian origin from which Greeks, Romans, Celts
and others emerged: Most of them were brown-skinned, except that white people
occupied a higher hierarchy within the royalty and within society, and that is why
they are represented in the center or in front of the others in most Minoan and
Mycenaean art:

Photographs of Minoan and Mycenaean art recovered from the Internet.

In fact, this Minoan and Mycenaean art suggests that the brown Minoans
and brown Mycenaeans had much reverence and admiration for the white
Minoans and white Mycenaeans.
Most Persians were brown-skinned, but those with lighter skin occupied a
higher hierarchy within royalty and society:

Photograph of Persian art, recovered from the Internet

The white Jews supported by the governments of the United States and
Europe, and the brown humans who inhabit Palestine, the Cisjordania and
Jordan: have the same genetic origin in the Arabs.
What then happens between white Jews and the brown humans of
Palestine, Cisjordania and Jordan?

Screenshots recovered from Instagram.

It happens that many white mutations develop a visceral hatred, contempt,
desire to dominate and desire to exterminate their brown origins.
I believe that what mainly made white ethnic groups dominate the world
was the development of weapons, because Romans, Greeks, Celts, Vikings,
Saxons and Slavs focused more on the development of weapons.
It is already known that the Persians developed monotheism with
Zoroastrianism where light and darkness were seen as enemies (hence the way
of thinking of going to one extreme or the other, polarization or absolutism), and
then Zoroastrianism emerged Judaism, and from Judaism came Christianity and
This seeing light and darkness as enemies, which is the same as seeing
man and woman as enemies, day and night as enemies, heat and cold as
enemies, and life and death as enemies, and not as complements: it is the origin
of the all-or-nothing way of thinking, the origin of all imbalance on the planet,
which gives rise to all forms of fanaticism and totalitarianism.
It is like Gnosticism that has the same origin and that sees matter and spirit
as enemies (not as complements), the body as a prison and who considers this
world to be hell because of that all-or-nothing totalitarian way of thinking that
everything has to be happiness, life and peace. And from there arises the New
Age belief that the body is bad, that we live in a matrix or holographic prison.
Therefore, the opposite of this way of thinking that light and darkness are
enemies, and the absolutism that everything has to be light or that everything has
to be darkness: it is the symbol of Ying-Yang (Taijitu) that says that life must be a
balance between light and darkness united as a complement, that light has some
darkness and that darkness has some light, that many ignorant people associate
this symbol with Buddhism, when in reality this symbol comes from of Taoism.

Image recovered from the Internet

As for the Chinese dragon, it represents wisdom and abundance, and

symbolizes rain, riverbeds and waves due to its snake-like body.

Images recovered from the Internet

It represents the same as the snake-shaped gods of the indigenous ethnic

groups of this continent such as: Quetzalcóatl, Kukulcan and Amaru.

Images recovered from the Internet

But, Judaism, by inventing that the snake represents the fictional character
of the devil or Satan in Genesis, and Christianity, by inventing that the dragon
represents the fictional character of the devil or Satan in the apocalypse, was a
way of denigrating these cultures. And then the New Age came along, inventing
extraterrestrial races like reptilians and dragonians to do the same.
For this reason, those who hate indigenous people claim that they are
children of the serpent, that is, they are children of the fictional character of the
devil or satan.
Among the Chinese ethnicities where the dragon is present are the Han
and the Zhuang. But, China's atheist regime banned any belief system, and most
of the time the dragon is only used as something mythological or folkloric. In
Wuhan, where the animal market from which COVID-19 emerged is located, is a
place where atheism predominates.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

This is the same as when the atheist regime of Russia (Soviet Union)
banned the religious beliefs of the indigenous ethnic groups of Siberia, caused
the assassination of indigenous leaders, and promoted the integration of
indigenous people into mainstream society. An atheist regime is just as harmful to
indigenous people as Christian religions.
Atheism serves Christianity, atheism leaves a void in humans that Western
science and technology cannot fill, that is why the former Soviet Union with an
atheist regime gave way to Vladimir Putin's Russia with an Orthodox Christian
regime and some atheists in China are converting to Christian religions.
Atheists like Dalas Review (Daniel Santomé Lemus) and agnostics like
Dross Rotzank (Angel David Revilla) deny the crimes committed by Christian
religions, stating that they are black legends or downplaying them by stating that
the victims were few, as if the few or many mattered. Crimes do not stop being
crimes because the victims are few.
Atheists like Dalas Review and Santiago Armesilla defend hispanidad
(Spanish colonization), there are people who may believe that hispanidad is only
the Spanish language, but, in reality, hispanidad is the defense of Spanish
colonization, and these atheists justify, defend and They promote the political
right and the neoliberals or libertarians who cause massacres of indigenous
people in the present. And left-wing atheists are just as harmful.

A clarification: both Dalas Review and Santiago Armesilla defend
Hispanicity and both are atheists, but Dalas Review justifies, defends and
promotes the right, capitalists and neoliberals such as Donald Trump, Javier Milei
and VOX, while Santiago Armesilla affirms be a Marxist communist.
It is tedious to have to mention this again, but the Laws of Burgos
promoted by Isabel La Católica, which the Hispanists mention so much, literally
said that the indigenous people should be treated well only if they were part of
the Catholic religion and submitted to the royalty of Europe.
Isabel La Católica gave this order: -Marry Spaniards with Indian women
and Indians with Spanish women.
Hispanists celebrate mestizaje as if it were something good for the
indigenous people, when mestizaje was promoted as a way to facilitate
evangelization and the whitening of new generations, mestizos were treated
better than indigenous people, and mestizaje is extermination of the indigenous
people because the majority of mestizos have the way of thinking, tastes, ways
of being and vision of the world of Europeans.
The Persians developed Mithraism where the god Mithra is depicted killing
a bull, and Mithraism was very popular among Roman soldiers.
The Persians invaded and colonized both Egypt and India. And the Aryans
of Iran who were part of the Persian Empire, when they invaded and colonized
India, gave rise to the Indo-Europeans or Eurasians, and then the Indo-
Europeans or Eurasians, when they expanded throughout Europe, gave rise to
all the white ethnic groups.
And as in these white ethnic groups, the diet consisted mainly of red meat,
and they focused more on livestock raising bulls, cows, pigs and goats, and
therefore, they consumed more resources because they had to destroy many
forests and jungles to make pastures for those animals, and they consumed
more water to feed those animals, so the resources were depleted faster and to
obtain more resources they had to invade and colonize other places, and this
made them more warlike, more cruel, more selfish, more individualistic and more
It is very disgusting when Dalas Review, many Hispanists and defenders of
other forms of colonization refer to the livestock that raises bulls, cows, sheep
and goats brought to the continent by European colonizers as if it were a great
achievement, development, civilization or progress , when the livestock that is
dedicated to raising these animals is the one that pollutes and destroys the
planet the most.
It seems tedious and repetitive to have to mention this again, but I'm going
to do it: Hispanicists believe that attacking Spanish colonization is defending
English colonization, French colonization and Portuguese colonization. In reality,
attacking colonization is attacking all forms of colonization regardless of the
nationality of the colonizers.

Santiago Armesilla has a Celtic appearance, others of these have a Viking
appearance and others like Santiago Abascal have a Roman appearance.
An example of how, unlike the Judeo-Christian god, the indigenous gods
always represented forces of nature that make life possible are the gods of the
indigenous Polynesian ethnic groups:
Laka is the goddess of forests, hula dance and vegetation:

Image recovered from the Internet

Unfortunately, non-indigenous people have created representations of

Laka as a white woman, and it is the same thing they did with Ekeko of the
Aymara and Quechua. Here you can see the hatred of the indigenous people in
how they try to turn even the indigenous gods into whites.
And also wealth for the indigenous people was not about accumulating
(capitalism), wealth for the indigenous people was about having abundance to
share in their villages and that no one would suffer from need. But, when these
New Age people talk about the wealth that indigenous gods like Laka and Ekeko
represent, they give it a Western and capitalist interpretation.
Lono is the god of rain, fertility and music.

Image recovered from the Internet

Laka is a goddess associated with fertility, dance, music, vegetation and

beauty. She is considered the goddess of the hula dance. Laka personifies
creativity and vital energy that is manifested through dance and music.
Laka is associated with lush vegetation and the fertility of the earth, being
seen as the divinity that brings life and renewal to nature. Lono is the god of
agriculture, rain, peace, fertility and prosperity.
Lono personifies the bounty of nature and is credited with the role of
bringing fertility to the land by providing rain and abundant harvests.
Both Laka and Lono are associated with fertility and lush nature. Laka is
the goddess of dance and vegetation, while Lono is the god of agriculture and
rain. Both are linked to the idea of giving life and prosperity to the earth and its
Laka can be seen as bringing energy and vitality to nature, preparing it for
the process of growth and fertility which is then fueled by Lono, who brings the
rain necessary to make crops flourish.
Tané is the god of the jungle, birds and the forest.

Image recovered from the Internet

Tané is the god of forests and wildlife. He is the son of Ranginui (the sky)
and Papatūānuku (the earth), and is the brother of other deities such as
Tāwhirimātea (god of wind and storms).
It is associated with fertility, the growth of trees and flora, as well as the
protection of animals and birds. It is also considered a symbol of harmony
between heaven and earth.
Tané represents the interdependence between human beings and nature,
as well as the importance of caring for and respecting the environment. It is
invoked in ceremonies related to planting and harvesting, as well as in rituals for
the protection and conservation of forests.
Atheists, skeptics and agnostics who emerged from Western Europe (like
the Christian religions) compare the belief in these indigenous gods with the
belief in the Judeo-Christian god, and affirm that these beliefs are primitive,
backward, myths or ignorance.
But, all these gods and goddesses of the indigenous ethnic groups
represent forces of nature such as the sun, the moon, the forest, the rain, the sea
and the jungle that make life possible and are creators of life because they
produce the conditions for life to develop.

Whereas, the Judeo-Christian god is a god separate from nature and does
not represent forces of nature. Therefore, belief in these gods and goddesses is
not comparable with belief in the Judeo-Christian god.
Also, before the arrival of the Spanish colonizers, the Filipino gods also
represented forces of nature.
Mayari is the Filipino goddess of the moon and night. Lakapati is a Filipino
and androgynous deity of agriculture and fertility.

Images recovered from the Internet.

Mayari is the goddess of the moon and the night, and the sister of Apolaki,
the god of the sun. Mayari and Apolaki are children of Bathala, the supreme god.
Mayari is depicted as a beautiful woman with only one eye, as she lost one
of her eyes during a dispute with her brother Apolaki.
Mayari represents the duality of light and darkness, as well as the harmony
between opposites. She is revered as a deity who balances the cycle of day and
Lakapati is a fertility deity. Lakapati is portrayed as a benevolent deity.
Lakapati represents the sacred connection between humans and the earth,
as well as the importance of fertility and abundance in everyday life.
Apolaki is the Filipino god of the sun and war. The warrior part is important
to protect the territory, carry out revenge or justice, protect the innocent, protect
the vulnerable and protect the weakest.

Image recovered from the Internet

Apolaki is represented as a powerful and brave god, associated with light,

solar energy and heat. He is described as a celestial warrior who travels across
the sky in his sun chariot, bringing light and vitality to the world.
Apolaki represents the strength and energy of the sun, as well as the light
and heat that provides life to the earth. His cult is linked to agriculture and
prosperity, since his presence in the sky is considered vital for the growth of
crops and the fertility of the land.
Additionally, it is invoked in ceremonies and rituals to ensure the protection
and well-being of the community.
What if in reality white ethnicities like the Greeks copied parts of non-white
ethnicities and warped them to their own vision?
Because let us remember that Pythagoras and his Pythagorean school for
the Pythagorean theorem, for geometry and for mathematics were inspired by
the ancient Egyptians. I believe that what made white ethnic groups dominate the
world was simply that they focused more on the development of weapons.
Apolaki sounds very similar to the Greek god Apollo. White ethnicities have
always been dedicated to replacing non-white ethnicities. It was believed that the
word duende originated in white ethnic groups such as the Celts of Europe, but
the Filipinos believed in the Duwendes and the Miskitos believed in the
Duhindus, so it seems that the origin of the word is not European.

Also the laki part of Apolaki sounds very similar to Loki of the Vikings and
Diwatas are nature spirits that live in forests and trees.

Image recovered from the Internet

The Duwendes are the Filipino elves, these nature spirits are the guardians
of the forests, rivers and mountains, and can take the forms of both humans and
animals of other species. These goblins are the same as the Duhindu of the
Miskitos and the Curupira of the indigenous ethnic groups of Brazil.

Image recovered from the Internet

The Diwatas are supernatural and divine beings. They are considered
benign spirits, often associated with nature, the elements and natural
phenomena. They are revered and respected as guardians of the earth and living
The concept of Diwatas has its roots in the ancient animist beliefs of the
Philippines, where they believed in spirits that inhabited nature and influenced
people's daily lives.
They are attributed the ability to bless and grant prosperity to those who
honor and respect them.
Diwatas symbolize the sacred connection between humans and nature, as
well as the importance of caring for and respecting the environment. They also
represent the idea that the divine is present everywhere.
Duwendes are small nature spirits believed to inhabit nature, particularly in
places such as forests, mountains, streams, or even inside houses.
They are considered mischievous beings, but they can also be protectors
of nature and homes if treated with respect.
The Duwendes symbolize the belief in the existence of supernatural beings
that inhabit the natural world and influence people's daily lives.

With the arrival of the Spanish colonizers to the Philippines, these
indigenous beliefs were destroyed, the majority of Filipinos converted to Christian
religions and another small percentage made syncretism which is the same as
the New Age of indigenous beliefs with beliefs Catholic Christians, and that is the
same thing that happens in Mexico and Bolivia, and this syncretism (New Age) is
a form of colonialism.
The Philippines suffered two invasions, first from the Spanish colonizers:

Images recovered from the Internet

And then the invasion by the United States that caused the massacre of

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Filipinos have the same genetics as the indigenous ethnic groups of the
Abya Yala continent (to which the colonizers gave the name America):

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Those who invent conspiracy theories such as Christians, conservatives,

right-wing and neoliberals always make it believe that white people are innocent
victims and that elites want to replace white people.
But, in reality, as I explain in the books: the elites in power, the
governments, the Christian religions and the Freemasons who viscerally hate the
indigenous people, and they always try to eliminate the indigenous people
through exterminations, genocides and miscegenation, and the real replacement
they have always wanted to do is to replace indigenous people with humans who
are not indigenous.
True strength and bravery is what these indigenous men and these Filipino
men represent:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Not those criminals that the Hispanistas (defenders of Spanish

colonization), that the defenders of Portuguese colonization, that the defenders
of English colonization and that the defenders of French colonization so admire
and consider heroic.
Both the colonizers of the past and the colonizers of the present are just
cowards who confront the indigenous people with weapons that the indigenous
people do not have, and their only motivation is hatred and the desire to
dominate or subjugate because the indigenous people did them no harm.
Also, it is cowardly what governments, elites, media such as television and
the majority who are not indigenous do, treating indigenous people as criminals,
terrorists or savages when they defend themselves or take revenge.
It is very cowardly that they hurt the indigenous people and expect that the
indigenous people do not defend themselves, that the indigenous people turn the
other cheek, that the indigenous people forgive them everything and love their
enemies who have never had empathy with them.

This painting is from a Tarot deck I have, the card represents Mother Earth.

How the New Age is a religious salad, and they mix the Judeo-Christian
god (who condemns all forms of magic and worship of other gods with death),
and his servants (Jesus Christ, angels, virgins and saints) with the belief in other
gods and magical practices. The New Age often also takes over indigenous
practices such as shamanism and many of them call themselves shamans.
The problem is that many of these New Age believe that they are
indigenous, although they do not have their way of being, they do not have their
way of thinking and they do not have their vision of the world, therefore, they are
part of the replaced. And there have been cases of these New Age shamans who
exercise violence towards true shamans who are indigenous:

Screenshots recovered from Instagram

Now I have to clarify something: when I was New Age in my past, I was not
aware of why the New Age is just as bad as the Christian religions, and so there
are many people within the New Age who are not aware of why the New Age is
just as bad as the Christian religions.

The problem is that there are many people of Christian religions and New
Age people who visit indigenous territories to influence these beliefs, thinking that
they are doing good and without being aware that they are part of colonialism.
There are people of Christian religions and people of the New Age who
truly believe they feel appreciation for indigenous people, and do not realize that
those beliefs that they promote in subtle ways, hatred of indigenous people, seek
to integrate indigenous people to the dominant society and that the indigenous
people submit.
For example: we hear New Age people say that the Judeo-Christian god
lives within nature and that he is the same as the Creator god of indigenous
ethnic groups such as Ñamandu, Tocu, Sibü, Omama or the Great Spirit. When
the Judeo-Christian god is very clear in the Bible that he condemns any form of
magic, he condemns the worship of other gods and that he is not nature.
Meanwhile, the Creator god in which the indigenous ethnic groups believe,
be it Ñamandu, Tocu, the Great Spirit, Sibü, Omama or any other, does not
condemn magic, does not condemn the worship of other gods and lives within
Any Creator god of any indigenous ethnic group represents the universe
and nature as a united whole, and their cult includes shamanic practices,
ceremonies and rituals, and the worship of other gods. The temple of any Creator
god of any indigenous ethnic group is nature, not buildings. But, these New Ages
do not understand these differences with the Judeo-Christian god and promote
Other times these New Age people believe that indigenous ethnic groups
are the same as the white ethnic groups of the past such as the Celts, Greeks,
Vikings, Slavs, Saxons, Basques and others. When the white ethnic groups of
the past were just as selfish, individualistic and consumerist as the white
In addition, the white ethnic groups of the past such as Celts, Greeks,
Vikings, Basques, Slavs and others were dedicated to livestock farming that
raised bulls, cows, sheep and goats for meat, wool, milk, leather and dairy
products, generating destruction of forests and jungles to make pastures for
these animals, and excessive emissions of methane and carbon dioxide that
pollute and cause climate change.
When the European colonizers of Christian religions arrived to this
continent, they were the ones who brought cows, bulls, sheep and goats from
Europe to obtain meat, milk, wool, leather and dairy products in this continent
that they called America.
And the majority of invasions of indigenous territories and the majority of
massacres of indigenous people were to use their territories for livestock farming
that is dedicated to raising these animals.
What would have happened if Europeans who believed in other gods such
as the Celts, Greeks, Romans, Vikings, Slavs and others had developed

shooting weapons such as rifles, ships that reached great speed and had arrived
on this continent before Christian Europeans?
The answer is simple: they would have done the same damage to the
indigenous people that the Christian Europeans did and they would have
exterminated the majority of indigenous people just as the Christian Europeans
did, because the nature of these white ethnic groups was always to invade,
colonize, dominate and subjugate.
In addition, of the majority of Creoles, Europeans and white mestizos, I
also consider the majority of brown mestizos as white because their tastes, ways
of thinking, ways of being and vision of the world are the same as those of the
And many of these brown mestizos consider the indigenous people as a
defect, as inferior, as backward, as primitive and as ignorant, for this reason, they
say hateful phrases to the indigenous people such as that miscegenation is
improving the race, and many of these mestizos Pardos treat the indigenous
people who defend themselves or take revenge as criminals, terrorists and
Also, the majority of these brown mestizos remain silent about what the
indigenous people suffer, they are apathetic and indifferent to the lives of the
indigenous people, and they vote for politicians who harm the indigenous people.
But, when it suits them in their hypocrisy, they say they are proud of their
indigenous roots and that they had an indigenous ancestor such as a grandfather
or great-grandfather, as if that will help the indigenous people in some way or
improve the situation of the indigenous people in some way.
More examples of how the indigenous ethnic groups of the Philippines, like
the indigenous ethnic groups of other countries in Asia, are the same as the
indigenous ethnic groups of this continent:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

And those who hate indigenous people use this to promote hatred of
indigenous people by claiming that the indigenous people of this continent have
Asian ancestors, but white ethnicities are also of Indo-European or Eurasian
origin. The thing is, white Asians are not the same as indigenous Asians.
On the other hand, the majority would not accept that hatred of black
people is promoted because their ancestors are from Africa, but they are
indifferent to hatred of the indigenous people of this continent being promoted
based on the fact that their ancestors were indigenous Asians.
It must also be clarified that, just as on this continent: no countries existed
before the arrival of the European colonizers. The country of the Philippines and
the name Philippines was given by the Spanish colonizers. Before the Spanish
colonizers arrived in this place in Asia, it was not called the Philippines and the
indigenous people of that place did not know the concept of countries.
And also, those who hate the indigenous people use this saying that the
ancestors of the indigenous ethnic groups of this continent came from Siberia to
say that the indigenous people also invaded and colonized this continent, but that
never happened, because when the indigenous people of Siberia came to this
continent, there were no other human inhabitants here.
Therefore, as the indigenous ethnic groups are the first inhabitants of this
continent to which the Europeans gave the name America, this Abya Yala
continent does belong to them.

Unfortunately, just as happens with the indigenous ethnic groups of this
continent, with the majority of indigenous people who belong to the indigenous
ethnic groups of Asia, colonization has also occurred on a mental level through
Christian religions, through Islamic religions and through the New Age.
And yes, the ancient Egyptians before being colonized by the Persians,
Greeks, Romans and Arabs: they had traits of both the indigenous people of Asia
and the black Africans. Because the Egyptians are what is known as Afro-Asian
ethnicities that had both Asian genetics and African genetics.

Photographs of Egyptian art recovered from the Internet

Black people who belong to the indigenous Bushmen ethnic group in Africa
also have these almond-shaped eyes:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Slanted eyes and almond-shaped eyes indicate personality traits. And the
rounder eyes of the white ethnic groups, too, and more than the origin of the
white ethnic groups are the Sumerians and the Persians
Therefore, when it is said that white ethnicities are Indo-European or
Eurasian, it is always related to the Aryans of Persia who invaded and colonized
India, and these Persians are genetically connected to the Sumerians.
For this reason, there are people of white paganisms such as Celtic and
Viking, as well as Spaniards and other nationalities in Europe, who are also
attracted to the Persians, the Minoans and the Sumerians. When I was among
those white paganisms, I learned of a Spanish woman who practiced Celtic
paganism and was quite attracted to the Sumerians, especially the Sumerian
goddess Innana.
When you look for statues of Sumerians, they always have those wider or
rounder eyes and long beards so common in Europeans and Jews:

Photographs of Sumerian statues recovered from the Internet

Therefore, it is very obvious that Sumerians, Persians and the white ethnic
groups of Europe were part of the same races.
Also in statues of the Sumerian goddess called Innana, the same type of
eyes of the white ethnic groups is observed:

Photograph of Sumerian statue recovered from the Internet

Also, the New Agers and the conservatives who invent conspiracy theories
are very annoying, because because of them, we cannot talk about the
Sumerians, the Egyptian pyramids, the Mayan pyramids, the Nazca lines and
from other cultures, without someone mentioning reptilians, without someone
mentioning the belief in extraterrestrials that visit us, without someone
mentioning Atlanteans, which is quite annoying.
And this is because it is in the interests of neo-Nazis and white
supremacists like those in Ancestral Aliens on the History Channel to always
relate to both the worst cultures such as Vikings, Sumerians, Romans, Celts and
Persians and to the best cultures such as indigenous ethnic groups and ancient
Egyptians with the belief in extraterrestrials that visit us, reptilians, Pleiadians,
Atlanteans, Lemurians, intraterrestrials and other fantasies of the New Age.
The Sumerians were Middle Eastern ethnic groups like any other, nothing
to do with extraterrestrials.
The same European traits are also seen in the Aryans from Persia who
colonized India, because these Aryans from Iran come from the same genetic
line as the Sumerians:

Image recovered from the Internet

Although the majority of Hindus today are mestizos (mixture of Aryans with
Dravidians) and therefore have both Dravidian characteristics such as dark skin
and Aryan characteristics, there are some Hindus with completely Aryan features
and who belong to the upper castes:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

In Iran, which means land of the Aryans and which was where the Aryans
who colonized India came from, a part of the population has those European
features because remember that there were whiter Persians and brown Persians:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Sephardic Jews and Ashkenazi Jews have the same European genetics:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Another similarity between Egyptians and indigenous ethnic groups is:

The Egyptian god Osiris (Egyptian name: Usir) and the Mayan god Hu Nal
Ye. The god Usir is murdered by the god Seth and then resurrected with the help
of the goddess Isis (Egyptian name: Aset). Hul Nal Ye is beheaded, descends to
the underworld, then resurrects and ascends to heaven.

Images recovered from the Internet

Both represent processes that occur in nature:

The death of Usir represents when the waters of the Nile recede and when
the wheat seeds are buried, and the resurrection of Usir represents when the
waters of the Nile rise bringing the silt that makes the earth fertile and when the
wheat seeds are born.
Hul Nal Ye's death by beheading represents when the ear of corn is cut, his
descent to the Underworld to the burial of the corn seed, his resurrection when
the plant is born, and his ascent to heaven represents when the corn plant
Nature is a constant process of death and rebirth (resurrection).
For the myth of Jesus Christ: Christians plagiarized the idea of Usir's death
and resurrection, but to invent something that does not represent a natural
Usir's favorite offerings are the offerings of bread and wine, and the
Christians plagiarized them in the offerings of bread and wine at the Last Supper,
and the Catholics when they sing that bread and wine on the altar are offerings of
love, and that bread and wine on the altar are your body and blood sir (the most
cynical plagiarism of Usir's rites).

The nefarious Jews and the nefarious Christians plagiarized the Egyptians
in many places, but they always made people believe that the Egyptians were
the worst, that they were tyrants and that they used slaves to build.
Cynicism, too, is observed when genocidal Freemasonry and enemy of
indigenous people, Rosicrucians, occult sects and the New Age mix the Judeo-
Christian with the Egyptian.
The lie has been made to believe that the Spanish, Portuguese, English
and French invented bread and wine. Actually, bread and wine was invented by
the Egyptians.
The Egyptians were inspired by Pythagoras and his Pythagorean school of
mathematics and geometry. Thus, also, the Greeks and Romans were inspired
by the Egyptians for wine, and the Greeks and Romans used wine in rituals that
included orgies such as those dedicated to the god Bacchus.
It is very necessary to mention the orgies practiced by white ethnic groups
such as the Greeks, Romans and Celts because some videos have emerged on
YouTube that claim that the Egyptians had sexual practices that were disgusting,
but they never mention the orgies with all kinds of sexual activities carried out by
white ethnic groups and they never mention that incest was very common among
European royalty.
When the Greeks and Romans invade and colonize Egypt, they begin to
create statues of the goddess Isis depicting her as a white woman. Then when
the Romans conquered the Celts of Spain, Portugal, England, France, Ireland
and Scotland, they took those statues to those countries.
And then when the Christian period of Europe comes, murderers like the
Knights Templar disguise the cult of Isis with the cult of the black virgins.
The Templars, also called crusaders (where the symbol of the red cross on
a white background used by the European colonizers so revered by the
Hispanists comes from) are believed to have influenced the creation of banks
because they developed a system of loans and the creation of Freemasonry
because the Gothic cathedrals of Europe were created by Freemasons who at
that time were only builders, but later became lodges.
The Templars or crusaders obtained wealth by invading places and
murdering during the crusades. These Templars gave a percentage of the wealth
to the pope.
But, Pope Clement V and King Philip IV were not satisfied with the
percentage of wealth that the Templars gave them, and they wanted to keep all
the wealth accumulated by the Templars. So Pope Clement V and King Philip IV
created a conspiracy to eliminate the Templars, which is how they caused the
Templar named Jacques de Molay to be tortured and burned alive at the stake.
It is said that before being burned at the stake: the Templar Jacques de
Molay cursed Pope Clement V and King Philip IV. And then Pope Clement V died
of an illness that caused him acute diarrhea and alone because no one wanted to
go near him, and King Philip IV died during an accident on one of the many

hunting excursions for pleasure (without being necessary to survive) that have
always been practiced by European royalty.

Photographs recovered on the Internet

The history of the Templars and the Catholic Church is evidence of how
sometimes the Christian elites themselves betray and murder each other,
because that is their genetic nature. And on this continent, both the political and
Christian right and the political and Christian left: they live in a constant
relationship of alliances and betrayals .
I was not lying when he stated that genetics does play a role: many people
of Celtic, Roman or Viking appearance practice hunting for pleasure, bullfighting
and cockfighting; in countries where the official language is Spanish, many are

Hispanicists (defenders of Spanish colonization), in Brazil many defend
Portuguese colonization, and in the United States and Canada many defend
English colonization and French colonization.
And many brown mestizos, although they have indigenous features, do the
same and prefer European, and many mulattoes and blacks do the same who
possibly due to the round shape of their eyes are genetically related to the black
Bantu who hunted blacks who belonged to ethnic groups indigenous people such
as the massacres of the Bushmen who have more almond-shaped or slanted
Continuing with the theme of the black virgins related to Isis: the patron
saint of Costa Rica is the Virgin of the Angels and the Catholics of Costa Rica
call her la negrita.
The cathedral of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico is located in a place
that was sacred to the indigenous people and where the cult of the goddess
Tonantzin was practiced.
It is strange that in the legend of the Virgin of Guadalupe it is stated that
this virgin appeared to an indigenous person of the Chichimeca ethnic group
named Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin. It seems like a replacement of indigenous
goddesses with Catholic virgins, just like the replacement of the Egyptian
goddess Isis with the black virgins.
More evidence of the connection of the Egyptians with indigenous ethnic
Among the Egyptians, there was a belief in a primordial mountain called
Benben, which was associated with the creation and origin of the world. This
mountain was considered the place where Ra, the sun god, had first emerged.
The pyramids, with their pointed shape rising into the sky, were perceived as
representations of this primordial mountain.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

The Apus are mountain spirits revered in the worldview of several

indigenous cultures of the Andes. These cultures include the Quechua, the
Q'eros and the Aymara.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

The lotus flower, known in ancient Egypt as "Nymphaea caerulea" or blue

The lotus flower was considered a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian culture due
to its ability to emerge from the waters of the Nile each morning. This quality of
the lotus flower was associated with the daily rebirth of the sun, as Ra was
believed to be reborn each day at dawn.

Images recovered from the Internet

In the Mayans: The water lily, also known as the water lily or lotus flower,
was related to Ixchel and its relationship with fertility and aquatic life. It is
believed that the water lily flower symbolized Ixchel's power to bring fertility to the

Images recovered from the Internet

Similarity between some species of succulents with lotus flowers:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

News titled: Bukele attacks the gender perspective and removes it from public
schools in El Salvador. Screenshot retrieved from:

Publication titled: Bukele vs the 2030 Agenda: What does the president of El
Salvador think? Screenshot retrieved from:

Although it must be recognized that Nayib Bukele's treatment of the gangs

has been correct and that a strong hand must be taken against the gangs, and
this is the only good thing that Nayib Bukele's government has had and that is
why it wins in El Salvador, too, innocent people have been arrested based on
And since Nayib Bukele has the same colonialist concept of development
and progress where he considers that what is modern is cities full of garbage and
destroying the natural environment in exchange for money and Western
technology, has prohibited sales on the streets in the cities, which causes people
with limited resources to suffer more hunger and needs by prohibiting them from
selling on the streets to favor business in commercial premises, in order,
according to him, to modernize the country (by modernizing, refers to making it
more European or similar to the United States) which means in the future
causing the extermination of indigenous people.
What happens is that the pacifist left like the president of Colombia called
Gustavo Petro do not criticize Nayib Bukele for what he should be criticized for,
they criticize Nayib Bukele for his treatment of the gangs, and with this they favor
the right and the neoliberal or libertarian.
At first, Nayib Bukele claimed to be from the Left, but then when leftists like
Gustavo Petro and the ONU began to criticize him for his treatment of gangs,
then he became more on the side of the political right and neoliberals or
libertarians, just like the atheist Dalas Review who, after claiming that his feminist
ex-girlfriends made false complaints against him, began to promote more the
political right and neoliberals.
In fact, I always remember that YouTubers and Influencers from the
political right and neoliberals began to gain a lot of influence for their videos
criticizing feminism.
As part of the plan of Masonic duality represented by the black and white
chess floor, and the red apron and the blue apron: the political left always does

and says things that end up benefiting the political right, the neoliberals or
libertarians and the capitalism.
Whether from the political left or the political right, Nayib Bukele was
always another colonizer because he always made the indigenous people
invisible, his priority was never the indigenous people, and his priority was
always the criollos and mestizos over the indigenous people.
Nayib Bukele once condemned the genocide of indigenous children in
Catholic schools in Canada, but Nayib Bukele is a Christian and this genocide of
indigenous children in Canada was caused by Christianity.
And, on the other hand, politicians often condemn the crimes and
genocides that indigenous people suffered in the past, but they do not care about
the crimes, injustices and genocides that indigenous people continue to suffer in
the present.
The majority has that attitude of when the indigenous people have suffered
extermination, they condemn this when all this has been done, but at the moment
when these exterminations of indigenous people are happening, they remain
silent, apathetic, indifferent and vote for the politicians who cause these
exterminations, and they treat indigenous people who defend themselves or take
revenge as criminals, terrorists or savages.
When Nayib Bukele talks about gender ideology and the 2030 agenda, he
shows that he was always part of the political and neoliberal right.
But, in addition, those who began to talk about gender ideology and the
2030 agenda were the conservatives who invented conspiracy theories, which is
why Nayib Bukele proves to be a believer in conspiracy theories invented by
conservatives, and it is those conspiracy theories invented by conservatives that
provide support to the political right and neoliberals or libertarians.
On the other hand, they talk about the word ideology as if it will always
mean something bad, when ideology simply means a set of ideas, and the
Christian, conservative, political right, and neoliberal or libertarian ideas that they
promote are ideologies because they are based on a system of ideas.
When I teach sexuality and affectivity classes at a school, what is taught in
those classes is to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, to prevent unwanted
pregnancies, to seek help in case of suffering sexual abuse or rape and to detect
the signs that a person is a victim, to seek help if they suffer any type of violence,
to prevent bullying and to respect the LGBT population.
Respecting the LGBT population is not the same as teaching students to
be homosexual, but these stupid conservatives who make up conspiracy theories
believe that teaching to respect homosexuals is the same as teaching students to
be homosexual.
Furthermore, in these sexuality and emotional classes, pornography is not
taught, and if there are teachers who commit sexual abuse that has nothing to do
with these classes, there are also cases of religion teachers who commit sexual
abuse against students.

To finish this topic, these stupid criminals refer to sexuality and affectivity
classes in schools and colleges as an imposition, when in reality: religion classes
in schools and colleges are the true imposition.
And the fact that the media such as television, and the entertainment
industry such as movies and series promote Judeo-Christian beliefs is Christian
imposition and dictatorship.

Nayib Bukele on his Twitter account: -It is clear that what happened in Canada
was not an isolated case, but a SYSTEMATIC extermination of indigenous
children. Recovered from:

You forget to mention that: these physical, verbal and sexual abuses, and
these exterminations of indigenous children, happened in Catholic schools in
Canada, and that, therefore, they were caused by Christianity.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Milei, Bukele, Abascal, Eduardo Bolsonaro and Verástegui together at the

most important conservative conference in the world:

Image recovered from the Internet

The government of Jair Bolsonaro, who is the same as his son Eduardo
Bolsonaro, caused the following murders of indigenous people in Brazil,
supported by the majority of the population of Brazil who, in Lula's government,
also voted for deputies and senators who approved the law of the Temporary
Framework that harms indigenous people:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Therefore, when Nayib Bukele pretends to condemn the extermination of

indigenous children in Canada, but only the exterminations of indigenous people

in the past and not the exterminations of indigenous people in the present, Nayib
Bukele is just a clown:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

Thus, as in the indigenous ethnic groups there were sacred trees, like the
ceiba tree for the Mayans. The Egyptians represented the goddess Nut (goddess
of the sky) emerging from a sycamore tree:

Photograph of Egyptian art recovered from the Internet

To create the concept of dryads as divinities that emerge from trees: the
Greeks were inspired by Egyptian art that refers to the goddess Nut. And before
the Greeks: the indigenous ethnic groups of the Philippines believed in the
Diwatas, which are spirits that inhabit the forests and trees.
Just as you have to ask yourself:
What is original about Jews and Christians?
You have to ask yourself:
What was original about the Greeks and Romans?

Photographs of Congo monkeys dying from high temperatures. Photographs
recovered from the Internet.

The fault of all these animals that are dying due to high temperatures lies
with the majority of those who are not indigenous, and livestock farming that is
dedicated to raising bulls, cows, sheep and goats by destroying forests and
jungles to make pastures for these animals and generating excessive emissions
of methane and carbon dioxide.
It is the fault of the Christian religions that make the majority believe that
they can live without the natural environment and the conspiracy theories
invented by conservatives who deny climate change
The European colonizers who brought livestock farming dedicated to
raising bulls, cows, sheep and goats to this continent, who brought the idea that
civilization, development and progress is to pollute and destroy the environment
to generate money, Western technology and live in cities full of garbage, and who
brought Christian religions to the continent are to blame for climate change along
with the majority of humanity today.
The majority of humanity that is not indigenous is to blame for all these
animals that die because of high temperatures, water pollution, air pollution,
garbage and oil pollution that governments, elites and the stupid majority
consider development, progress and civilization, and which conservatives who
invent conspiracy theories by denying climate change say it doesn't matter:

Photographs recovered from the Internet

And it doesn't seem fair to me that someday those of us who are different
from the majority are going to die because of the damn majority. This is why the
majority have no forgiveness.
The Instagram account called indigenousnativedna made a publication
claiming that Mexicans are native (indigenous):

Screenshot recovered from Instagram.

There is a big problem with this publication, possibly from someone white
from the United States, and that is that in the United States, just as in Europe,
mestizos are confused with indigenous people and there is a tendency to believe
that they are the same. And the reason why this is something very serious is that
it favors the extermination and genocide that many indigenous ethnic groups
continue to suffer today.
Many times the mestizos, even if they are brown mestizos with indigenous
features, are the ones who despise the indigenous people the most, those who
reject and discriminate against the indigenous people the most, and say hateful
phrases towards the indigenous people such as that miscegenation is improving
the race.
Furthermore, the majority of mestizos have the same way of being, the
same way of thinking and the same vision of the world as Europeans, and they

are apathetic and indifferent to what the indigenous people suffer, and they even
vote for politicians who They harm the indigenous people.
The ranch culture of Mexicans who are not indigenous comes from
Europeans because cows and bulls were brought by Europeans to this continent,
bullfighting and cockfighting in Mexico were also brought by Europeans, and that
way of thinking sexism that many Mexicans who are not indigenous have that
harming the weakest or most vulnerable and not crying is being a man and
strong comes from Europeans.
This is why narcocorridos and narco soap operas are so popular; non-
indigenous Mexicans are very racist because they use words like prieto and
indian as insults.
Something that very few know is that in the past: the government of Mexico
and the government of the United States had alliances to exterminate indigenous
ethnic groups in Mexico, and the United States government sent military
equipment to the government of Mexico to invade indigenous territories and
murder indigenous people.
Remember the cartoon of the indigenous cowboy produced by the United
States and what Bolsonaro said in Brazil about integrating indigenous people into
society, which in a subtle way means that they stop being indigenous.
It is like a mestizo Mexican who calls himself Xiu and who has a page on
Facebook, he attacks Spanish colonization, but not to defend the indigenous
people of Mexico of the present, he does it to defend the mestizos of Mexico
(remember the replacement similar to what the Egyptians suffered who were
supplanted by Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs).
This Xiu even justifies the damage that mestizos from Mexico do to the
indigenous people of Mexico by saying that Europeans should not get involved in
what does not matter to them, and even defends the existence of countries or
homelands on this continent that is a colonialist invention based on the Roman
motto of divide and conquer.
This Xiu does not talk about feeling pride in the indigenous people of the
present. Xiu talks about feeling pride in indigenous roots or indigenous ancestors
as if indigenous people only existed in the past.
Therefore, it is not surprising that many indigenous people have their
minds so colonized with things brought by Europeans, when the system makes
them invisible and tries to replace them with mestizos. It is not the fault of the
indigenous people to have their minds colonized, it is the fault of the majority,
100% the fault is the fault of the majority who are not indigenous.
Before someone tells me that the United States government did not
collaborate with the Mexican government in the extermination of indigenous
ethnic groups in Mexico:
In the Caste War, Mexican president Justo Sierra O'Reilly asked the United
States for help in 1847 to exterminate the indigenous Mayan ethnic group in
Yucatan and this criminal has a statue in his honor in Mexico.

Statue in honor of the trash of Justo Sierra O'Reilly, this same thing happens
throughout the continent with all the governments formed by Creoles and
mestizos that oppress the indigenous people and treat them like criminals if they
defend themselves or take revenge through damned means communication like
shit on television. Photograph recovered from the Internet.

In The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the United States government asked

the government of Mexico to combat the indigenous people of the Apache ethnic
In the following photograph, indigenous people of the Yaqui ethnic group
murdered by mestizo Mexicans in the year 1900. The Yaquis suffered the
continuous hostility of the Government, the theft of their lands and their massive
deportation as a work force to Yucatán.

Photograph recovered from the Internet


Offerings that can be offered to Laka and Lono: bananas, mangoes,

papaya, pure water and natural fruit juice.
Candle colors (optional): yellow and white.
Invocation: I call on Laka and Lono to manifest in this place, make me one
with you and grant me everything I ask of you in exchange for these offerings of
(mention the offerings).
Laka, lady of the forests and vegetation, give me connection with nature
and abundance to share.
Laka, lady of the hula dance, give me creativity and well-being.
Lono, lord of rain, bless my home, bless my family and bless me so that I
may have prosperity in all my purposes.
Lono, lord of agriculture, give me many moments of happiness and provide
protection to all indigenous ethnic groups in the world.

Laka, you and I are one, you live in me and I live in you. Lono, you and I
are one, you live in me and I live in you.

After the ritual, we eat and drink part of the offerings, and the other part of
the offerings we leave on the altar one day and the next day we leave them in a
natural place such as a forest, garden or park.


Offerings that can be offered to Aset, Hor-Hur and Usir: bread, water, grape
juice, figs and pears.
Candle colors (optional): white, purple and green.
Invocation: I call on Aset, Hor-Hur and Usir to manifest in this place, make
me one with you and grant me everything I ask of you in exchange for these
offerings of (mention the offerings).
Aset, queen of heaven and queen of earth, protect my home, protect the
indigenous ethnic groups, protect my family and protect me, today, tomorrow and
Aset, lunar lady and star Sotis, give me physical, mental and emotional
health, today, tomorrow and always.
Aset, lunar lady and star Sotis, provide physical, mental and emotional
health to my family and all my loved ones, today, tomorrow and always.
Hor-Hur, lord of the sky, provides protection to the indigenous ethnic
groups, today, tomorrow and always.
Hor-Hur, lord of the sky, provide protection to me, today, tomorrow and
Hor-Hur, lord of the sky, provide protection to my family and all my loved
ones, today, tomorrow and always.
Hor-Hur, lord of the sky, may your right eye that represents the sun give me
protection, victory and power of influence, today, tomorrow and always.
Hor-Hur, lord of the sky, may your left eye that represents the moon give
me intuition, wisdom and health, today, tomorrow and always.
Usir, lord of resurrection, make all well-being reborn in my life.
Usir, lord of resurrection and the star Sah, give me connection with nature
present throughout the universe.
Usir, lord of resurrection and the star Sah, give me prosperity and
abundance to share, today, tomorrow and always.
Usir, lord of resurrection and the star Sah, grant me good luck to make my
wishes come true, today, tomorrow and always.
Aset, Hor-Hur and Usir, you and I are one, you live in me and I live in you,
receive these offerings through me.

After the ritual, we eat the food offerings and drink the liquid offerings.


Offerings that can be offered to Tané: bananas, mangoes, papaya, pure

water and natural fruit juice.
Candle color (optional): green.
Invocation: I call upon Tané to manifest himself in this place, make me one
with him and grant me everything I ask of him in exchange for these offerings of
(mention the offerings).
Tané, lord of the forests and jungles, guide me to feel connected to the
forests and jungles, and to protect the forests and jungles.
Tané, lord of birds and animals, guide me to feel connected to birds and
other animals, and to protect birds and other animals.
Tané, lord of the forests, jungles and birds, give me power and abundance
to influence the world, and help make changes that allow the protection of forests
and jungles.
Tané, lord of the forests and jungles, guide me to always find meaning of
life and inspiration in the forests, in the jungles and the diversity of life forms.

Tané, lord of the forests and jungles, protects indigenous ethnic groups
around the world, today, tomorrow and always.
Tané, you and I are one, you live in me and I live in you.

After the ritual, we eat and drink part of the offerings, and the other part of
the offerings we leave on the altar one day and the next day we leave them in a
natural place such as a forest, garden or park.


Offerings that can be made to Jeper, Ra and Itemu: bread, water, grape
juice, figs and pears.
Candle color (optional): white, red and yellow.
Invocation: I call on Jeper, Ra and Itemu to manifest in this place, make me
one with you and grant me everything I ask for in exchange for these offerings of
(mention the offerings).
Jeper, lord of the sun at dawn, transform my life for the better.
Ra, lord of the sun at noon, king of the sky, divine father and protector,
protect me, today, tomorrow and always.
Ra, lord of the sun at noon, king of the sky, divine father and protector,
protects the indigenous ethnic groups, today, tomorrow and always.
Ra, lord of the sun at noon, king of the sky, divine father and protector,
protect my home and my family, today, tomorrow and always.
Itemu, lord of the sun at sunset, lord of totality, bring fullness to my life to
have many moments of happiness, today, tomorrow and always.
Jeper, Ra and Itemu, you and I are one, you live in me and I live in you,
receive these offerings through me.

After the ritual, we eat the food offerings and drink the liquid offerings.


Offerings that can be offered to Mayari and Lakapati: corn, bananas,

mangoes, papayas, natural fruit juice and water.
Candle color (optional): white and green.
Invocation: I call on Mayari and Lakapati to manifest in this place, make me
one with you and grant me everything I ask of you in exchange for these
offerings of (mention the offerings).
Mayari, lady of the moon and the night, just as you represent the balance
between light and darkness, give me balance in my life, today, tomorrow and
Mayari, lady of the moon and the night, bless me with positive changes in
my life.
Lakapati, deity of crops, balance between man and woman, provides
balance in my life, today, tomorrow and always.
Lakapati, deity of crops, give me abundance and prosperity to share and
positively influence the world.
Mayari, you and I are one, I live in you and you live in me. Lakapati, you
and I are one, I live in you and you live in me.

After the ritual, we eat and drink part of the offerings, and the other part of
the offerings we leave on the altar one day and the next day we leave them in a
natural place such as a forest, garden or park.


Offerings that can be offered to Yehuti and Bastet: bread, water, grape
juice, figs and pears.
Candle color (optional): purple and white.
Invocation: I call on Yehuti and Bastet to manifest in this place, make me
one with you and grant me everything I ask for in exchange for these offerings of
(mention offerings).
Yehuti, lunar lord, give me wisdom, today, tomorrow and always.

Yehuti, heart and tongue of Ra, grant me power of speech to produce
positive changes in the world.
Bastet, lady of motherhood, protects the indigenous ethnic groups of the
world, today, tomorrow and always.
Bastet, lady of motherhood, protect me, today, tomorrow and always.
Bastet, lady of motherhood, protect my home, protect my family and
protect all my loved ones, today, tomorrow and always.
Bastet, lady of revenge, punish those who harm the indigenous ethnic
groups, make them suffer three times as much as they made the indigenous
people suffer, and make them feel three times the pain they caused the
indigenous people.
Bastet, lady of revenge, punish those who harm animals of other species
for pleasure, without being a necessity to survive and without being a necessity
to defend themselves, make them suffer three times as much as they made the
animals of other species suffer, and make them feel triple the pain they caused
animals of other species.
Bastet, lady of revenge, punish those who made me suffer, without having
repented until now, make them suffer three times as much as they made me
Yehuti and Bastet, you and I are one, you live in me and I live in you,
receive these offerings through me.

After the ritual, we eat the food offerings and drink the liquid offerings.


Offerings that can be offered to Apolaki: corn, bananas, mangoes,

papayas, natural fruit juice and water.
Candle color (optional): red.
Invocation: I call on Apolaki to manifest himself in this place, make me one
with him and grant me everything I ask for in exchange for these offerings of
(mention offerings).
Apolaki, lord of the sun, may your warrior power destroy those who harm
the innocent.
Apolaki, lord of the sun, may your warrior power destroy those who harm
the weakest.
Apolaki, lord of the sun, may your warrior power destroy those who harm
the most vulnerable.
Apolaki, lord of the sun, may your warrior power destroy those who harm
the indigenous ethnic groups.
Apolaki, lord of the sun, may your warrior power destroy those who harm
the animals of other species, without being a necessity to survive and without
being a necessity to defend themselves.
Apolaki, lord of the sun, inspire me with your warrior power to fight against
the tyrant and fight against the cruel, and give me your warrior power to defeat
the tyrant and to defeat the cruel.
Apolaki, lord of the sun, give me victory and abundance to share.
Apolaki, you and I are one, you live in me and I live in you.

After the ritual, we eat and drink part of the offerings, and the other part of
the offerings we leave on the altar one day and the next day we leave them in a
natural place such as a forest, garden or park.


Offerings that can be offered to Maat: bread, water, grape juice, figs and
Candle color (optional): white.
Invocation: I call on Maat to manifest in this place, make me one with her
and grant me everything I ask for in exchange for these offerings of (mention
Maat, lady of balance, brings balance to my life.
Maat, lady of harmony, give me harmony.
Maat, lady of balance and harmony, brings balance and harmony to my
home, today, tomorrow and always.
Maat, you and I are one, you live in me and I live in you, receive these
offerings through me.

After the ritual, we eat the food offerings and drink the liquid offerings.


Offerings that can be offered to the Diwatas and Duwendes: corn,

bananas, mangoes, papayas, natural fruit juice and water.
Candle color (optional): green and yellow.
Invocation: I call on the Diwatas and the Duwendes to manifest in this
place, make me one with them and grant me everything I ask of them in
exchange for these offerings of (mention the offerings).
Diwatas, spirits of nature and guardians of the earth, guide me to protect
the earth and have a connection with all that exists.
Diwatas, spirits of nature and guardians of the earth, bless my life with
abundance and prosperity to share and to help bring about positive changes in
the world.
Duwendes, little spirits of the forests and jungles, guide me to protect the
natural environment and to have a connection with everything that exists.
Duwendes, little spirits of the forests and jungles, protect my home, today,
tomorrow and always.
Duwendes, little spirits of the forests and jungles, bless my life with
abundance and prosperity to share and to help generate positive changes in the
Diwatas, you and I are one, I live in you and you live in me. Duwendes, you
and I are one, I live in you and you live in me.

After the ritual, we eat and drink part of the offerings, and the other part of
the offerings we leave on the altar one day and the next day we leave them in a
natural place such as a forest, garden or park.

Because of their reddish skin, their radiant black hair and their almond-
shaped or slanted eyes, many indigenous people possess a great beauty that the
majority of those who are not indigenous will never be able to surpass:

Photographs recovered from the Internet based on Fair Use

The majority of stupid humanity, complicit and guilty for all the crimes and
all the injustices suffered by indigenous people, the damned governments that
are not made up of indigenous people and the damned elites in power commit a
serious crime when everything horrible is They say civilization, development and

Photographs recovered from the Internet

The majority of stupid humanity, complicit and guilty for all the crimes and
all the injustices suffered by indigenous people, the damned governments that
are not made up of indigenous people and the damned elites in power commit a
serious crime when they consider beauty as uncivilization, savagery, ignorance
and backwardness:

Images recovered from the Internet

When the Jews wrote the Old Testament (Torah and Tanakh), and invented
that fictitious god and the fictitious character of the devil or Satan that the
majority of humanity believes in, it is obvious that they did not know the
indigenous ethnic groups of this continent, but they did know the Egyptians and
the Asians.
The cobra goddess is called Wadjet and is an Egyptian goddess who
represents the fertility of the soil and waters. And that reminds us of the
indigenous gods Quetzalcóatl, Amaru and Kukulkan.

Photographs of Egyptian art recovered from the Internet.

When the Jews invented that the snake represented the devil or Satan in
Genesis, it was a way of denigrating older cultures where snakes were symbols
of wisdom, river beds and volcanic veins.
And when their Christian children invent that the dragon represents the
devil or Satan in the apocalypse, it was a way of denigrating Asian cultures that
had the dragon as a symbol of wisdom, river beds and volcanic veins.
Numerous archaeological investigations in Egypt have not found direct
evidence of the presence of Jews as slaves or of the story of Moses as described
in the biblical scriptures. Egyptian records do not specifically mention Jews as
slaves or events that exactly match the biblical Exodus narrative.
Scholars point out that the traditional chronology of the Exodus and the
construction of the pyramids does not match the archaeological evidence and the
dates established for the reign of the pharaohs. Furthermore, the historical
context does not seem to support the narrative of a large mass of Hebrew slaves
building monuments such as the pyramids.
Archaeological investigations have revealed evidence that the pyramids
were built by skilled workers and not slaves. Remains of settlements and graves
have been found near construction sites suggesting that workers were treated
appropriately and were part of an organized and paid workforce.
The construction of the pyramids required a large amount of manpower,
but also advanced planning, technical skills, and sophisticated mathematical and

architectural knowledge. This level of organization and knowledge does not
match the image of a mass of disorganized slaves.
The thing is that many of the believers in this god invented by the Jews, in
addition to being murderers, thieves, invaders, plagiarists, true slavers and
genocides: they have always proven to be liars who love to defame, slander and
insult the cultures they want to destroy. It is as if many believers in this god
invented by the Jews project what they are onto cultures they hate.
Detailed archaeological studies have shown that the pyramids were built
by human labor. Tools, artifacts, quarry marks and evidence of worker
settlements have been found near the construction sites, indicating that it was
humans who created these enormous works of architecture.
The construction of the pyramids required the advanced knowledge of
engineering, mathematics, and architecture that the ancient Egyptians
possessed. Construction methods, such as the precise alignment of stone
blocks, the construction ramp, and the use of primitive cranes, are well
documented in Egyptian archeology and do not require alien technology.
And to refute the white supremacists and Eurocentrics who say that the
Greek named Alexander the Great helped build the pyramids: it is known for
certain that the monumental pyramids were built in the III Dynasty, these are the
Egyptian step pyramids that are the same as the pyramids of indigenous ethnic
groups such as the Mayans, Zapotecs, Teotihuacanos and Aztecs.

Photograph recovered from the Internet

And the classical pyramids of Cheops, Khafre, and Mycerinus were built in
the IV Dynasty. Dynasty III and Dynasty IV existed before being invaded and
colonized by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs.

Photograph recovered from the Internet

So, it was not the Egyptians who plagiarized mathematical, architectural

and geometric knowledge from the Greeks and Romans. In reality, it was the
Greeks and Romans who plagiarized mathematical, architectural and geometric
knowledge from the Egyptians.
The Romans colonized the rest of Europe, and then their European
descendants (mixture of Romans with Celts) invaded and colonized this
There is no evidence in Egyptian historical records that the pyramids were
built by aliens. Egyptian texts and hieroglyphs clearly describe the construction
methods and dedication of the pharaohs and human workers in the construction
of these monuments.
The origin of the Egyptians is Afro-Asiatic. The following ethnic groups in
sub-Saharan Africa have the same type of almond-shaped or slanted eyes:
Fulani, Hausa and Igbo. They do not look like the Bantu, who have rounder eyes
like Europeans and who organized bushman hunts.
Unfortunately, the Fulani, the Hausa and the Igbo have been contaminated
with Islam and Christianity.

Photographs recovered from the Internet

The evidence suggests that there is a genetic connection between

indigenous ethnic groups in Asia, black people from indigenous ethnic groups in
Africa and indigenous ethnic groups in this continent.
The reason the Bantu are not related to the Egyptians is because their
eyes are more of the European type. But, although these Bantu hunted the
Bushmen, there was also interbreeding of Bantu with Bushmen and possibly
interbreeding of Bantu with the Fulani, the Hausa and the Igbo. It is possible that,
due to the shape of their eyes, the Bantu are more related to the Indo-Europeans
or Eurasians. The Bantu:

Photographs recovered from the Internet


• Wilkinson, R. H. (2004). Todos los dioses del Antiguo Egipto.

• Charles Saintduval. Mitología Polinesia: Tangaroa y los dioses de la
• Ferdinand Blumentritt (2021). DICTIONARY OF PHILIPPINE
MYTHOLOGY. The Aswang Project
• Castel, E. (2009). Diccionario de signos y símbolos del Antiguo
Egipto. Alderabán
• Soleil Editions (2023). Cuentos místicos de la mitología polinesia.
Independently published
• Captivating History (2021). Historia de Filipinas: Una guía fascinante
de la historia de Filipinas. Captivating History
• Martín, I. M., & González, R. (2016). Egipto El Espejo del Cielo.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
• Captivating History (2022). El antiguo Hawái. Captivating History
• Gaudencio V. Aquino (2018). PHILIPPINE Myths & Legends.
Independently published
• E. R. Chamberlin (1985). Los Papas malos. Barcelona, España:
Ediciones Orbis
• Karlheinz Deschner (1990). Historia Criminal del Cristianismo (Tomo
I). Barcelona, España: Editorial Martínez Roca

• Martinez, P. (2009). La Inquisición, el lado oscuro de la Iglesia.
• Gonzalez, R., & Martin, I. M. (2011). Los mayas y el conocimiento
interior. Createspace.
• Tapia, J. (2020). Mitología Maya: La sabiduría divina. Plutón
• Waters, F. (1996). El Libro de los Hopis. Fondo de Cultura
• Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (2019). La historia indígena de Estados
Unidos. Editorial Capitán Swing
• Stephen Corry (2014). Pueblos indígenas para el mundo del
mañana. Editorial Círculo Rojo.
• Miguel Rivera Dorado (2006). El pensamiento religioso de los
antiguos mayas. Editorial Trotta.
• Survival International y Joanna Eede (2010). Somos Uno: Un
Homenaje A Los Pueblos Indígenas. Editorial BLUME.


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