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By: Kylie Wittnebel


• Introduction
• Overview of Shadowing Experience
• Research Topic
• Presentation of Product
• Closing
• Opening for Questions
Shadowing Experience
Why, Where, & Who?
• Possible Career Path

• Glacial Lakes Veterinary Clinic

• Dr. Andrea Hennen

What I observed
• Surgery Prep

• Surgeries

• Examinations
What I observed cont.…

Intubated Dog

Anesthesia face mask Nail clippers

Post-Surgery Cone
• Better understanding of everyone’s role at the clinic

• Respect for the profession

• Realization it’s not for me

Choosing a Research Topic
• Interest in medicine prescribed to pets
and the affect it had on them
Research Question & Thesis
• Should we be giving our pets Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory

• Despite the side effects and issues that may come from giving your pet
NSAIDs, the benefits they provide for you pet are far greater than the risks.
Claims and Evidence
• Giving your pet NSAIDs after surgery can help speed
up the recovery time and get them feeling back to
• The Kingsdale Hospital wrote, “in post-operative care, [NSAIDs] facilitate accelerated
healing to ensure dogs are feeling back up to speed soon after surgery” (Hinsperger,

• Giving your pet NSAIDs as they get older helps them to

enjoy their life more.
• “[t]he overall owner's impression of the dog’s quality of life improved in all groups”
Product Prospectus
Product Purpose
• To inform pet owners of the risks of not fixing their pets if not
planning on breeding

• Inform pet owners of the costs, recovery time, and what it means
to fix your pet
Product Process
• Choose pamphlet design

• Research FAQ

• Fill in and customize template

Product Presentation
What I learned
• Not the career I want to pursue

• Vet techs do more than I realized

Future Plans
• Attend Lake Area Technical College to
pursue a degree in Dental Assisting and
later go back to school to get my Dental
Hygienist degree
Special Thanks to…
• Mr. Rudebusch
• Panel Members
• Dr. Hennen and the rest of the staff at Glacial Lakes Veterinary Clinic
Open for Questions

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