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Actually, the voice wasn’t very quiet, You XiaoMo was four to five meters away and he

could hear it. The Elders probably heard it too, they just didn’t want to be bothered with it.

Speaking of full-marks, You XiaoMo thought of his own exam rules.

The first and second round’s highest points were six, the last round of mixed fighting was
five points max. A full-mark would mean seventeen in total. It really was impressive to
stand out with all those people.

One could consider BaiLi XiaoYu as a small genius, ever since You XiaoMo left, BaiLi
XiaoYu’s improvements had been visible. Even then, he was just third place.

“I heard that in Block One there is also a super powerful first place. Although, Block One
doesn’t have a specific point system in place, that person seemed to have defeated the top
five on the rankings board. Especially during the battle royal phase, he supposedly had a
one versus five. So, in the end, his points exceeded the second place by a huge margin.”

“Wow, that’s amazing.”

“Do you know their names?”

“Block One was Yu WenNan, and Block Two was Chen QingEr.”

One of them made a thinking face, “Don’t think I have heard of them, where did they come
from? How did they become the dark horses in the exam?”

You XiaoMo also perked up his ears in attention.

The other just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Actually, I don’t know either. The two
seemed very low key during their stay in Ward B. Their performance was mediocre,
nothing special. It was only during the exam that they suddenly exploded, although it was
nothing too surprising, didn’t something similar happen before?”
Understanding his hint, everyone subconsciously turned towards the direction of You

You XiaoMo, who was just listening intensely a moment ago realized, all of a sudden,
everyone’s attention was on them. However, most of the gazes landed on Ling Xiao, who
was beside him. Speaking of a ‘dark horse’ Ling Xiao was ‘darker’ than him.

“They’re here.” One of them said.

Turning towards the entrance of the barrier, You XiaoMo indeed saw Vice-Principal Yan Fa
bring along a group of people. Although…this year the number of students who passed
seemed a little low compared to before.

Only once they got closer did he see clearly, the number had fallen to at least one-third of
the original, especially for Block One students.

No wonder he felt something was off before, it was this. Once the accepted Ward B
students decreased, Ward A students, who are dispatched here, also would fall.

“Ling Xiao, do you know why this year there are so few people?” You XiaoMo couldn’t help
but ask him.

Ling Xiao threw him a glance, he really thought he was a know-it-all huh, but…

“Probably because of the one who they were just discussing.”

“What do you mean?”

“The first round of Block One’s competition is a battle royale format. Although the rules
state that if there are twenty people remaining they can pass, if someone is kicked off the
platform, that probably counts as a fail. That person must have taken advantage of that to
kick off the competition one-by-one, so there were less than twenty remaining.”
You XiaoMo couldn’t help but be amazed, that person was really ruthless, striping away
other’s opportunities as well.

“Look, over there, those two are Yu WenNan and Chen QingEr.” A student pointed towards
the man and women standing behind Yan Fa.

You XiaoMo followed his gaze over and the two had very plain features, the type that
would disappear into a crowd. But, one couldn’t deny that their aura was very different
from the rest, and it was because of that that he could immediately differentiate them.

“I keep feeling something off about them, do you have this feeling too?” You XiaoMo
looked over at Ling Xiao.

“Yes, it's pretty weird.” Ling Xiao looked at the two and discretely squinted his eyes.

At this moment Elder Liu announced the beginning of the test and in the first round of five,
Yu WenNan was one them.

In the competition, he could fight off the top five by himself, his strength was no joke.
Therefore, Elder Liu sent out the number fiftieth member of the Hundred-Men Ranking to
cut off his drive.

The conclusion however was unanticipated.

Yu WenNan won and cleanly because the practitioner was instead kicked off the stage
during the second round.

The plaza became silent as Yu WenNan walked down the platform, expressionless, ignoring
everyone’s gaze.

After him another two students also passed, although not in the same exaggerated manner
as Yu WenNan. Once the last of the Block one students were taken off the stage, it was
finally time for Block Two to begin.
Chen QingEr was the first to be called over by Yan Fa. The women, like Yu WenNan, was
always expressionless and even had a hint of sombreness.

“This round you go.” Elder Liu said as he suddenly turned to look at You XiaoMo who was
very much out of it.

You XiaoMo made an ‘Ah’ sound in surprise. He hadn’t heard that he also had to go up, and
against that Chen QingEr. “Elder Liu, did you get something wrong? It's not me, is it?”

“I know, but if Chen QingEr, like Yu WenNan hid their true strength, the one I originally put
up against them wouldn’t be enough. Those two are too arrogant and need to be brought
down to earth.” Elder Liu said with a hint of caution, while stroking his beard.

“Okay fine, but if it doesn’t work, don’t blame me, Elder Liu.” You XiaoMo said as he had no
choice but to accept.

“You brat, with your skill as a level eight mage, if you lost, don’t you think that a bit
shameful?” Elder Liu didn’t know if he should laugh or be annoyed by this statement.

Although, if Chen QingEr’s strength was that high, then this person would be highly

“Anyhow, you just need to do your best.” Elder Liu said.

As You XiaoMo was about to walk over, Ling Xiao suddenly grabbed hold of his arm.

You XiaoMo turned around and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Ling Xiao glanced over at Chen QingEr, “If you find something wrong, go to the dimension
immediately, even if you are exposed it's fine.”

“If you say it like that…I already feel like something is off.”

“I’ll make sure to be careful, now can you let go of my hand?” You XiaoMo realized that
everyone was looking at them since they were already in their seats, leaving him by

“Never mind.” Ling Xiao said as he let go.

Walking onto the platform You XiaoMo saw Chen QingEr staring at him with a gaze that
seemed bottomless. Her plain features gave off an eerie feeling, as if she was…smiling?

Chen QingEr twiddled around with a strand of her hair as she suddenly gave off a light
smile. The ominous gaze stared directly at You XiaoMo as she said, “The Academy really
thinks highly of me, sending a level eight mage to fight me, a level six.”

You XiaoMo was astonished, she could actually tell?

It was not impossible for a level-six to see through a level seven, but skipping two levels?
That seemed improbable, especially since he tended to conceal his presence.

Even then, Chen QingEr could see through it. It was just as Elder Liu said, her real level is
much higher than it appeared.

“Please go easy on me, senior.” Chen QingEr said, still keeping a gentle smile on.

Senior, huh? This Chen QingEr seemed older than him by a few years. Being called ‘senior’
by someone who was older was a first-time experience for You XiaoMo.

“Don’t be so formal my junior, maybe you are even stronger than me.” You XiaoMo replied
smiling as well.

Hearing what he was alluding to, Chen QingEr’s smile became even softer.
“Please go first, senior.”

“Then don’t mind if do.” You XiaoMo accepted it bluntly, since normally, lady’s first. But he
continued on very casually, leaving Chen QingEr, who thought he wouldn’t agree,

“Heh, senior, no need to be polite with me.”

Chapter 369: To Catch Off Guard

Translated by Rachel of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

With the spectators’ attention fully focused on them, the two started to battle.
There was a reason why You XiaoMo agreed to the match so easily. He wanted to take the
opportunity to test out the second seal of the Sumeru Seals, the Black Seal.

The Black Seal was the second Seal he learned after he returned from the Boundless Sea.
However, he hadn't used it on anyone when in combat up till now. You XiaoMo was totally
clueless about the power of the Black Seal.

Since there was something fishy about Chen QingEr, he decided to take the chance to try
out the Black Seal on her.

The earth-shattering Soul Power was like huge waves that rolled towards You XiaoMo,
gathering before him menacingly. A golden Yellow Seal spun in front of him and everyone
could feel a powerful force resonating from within it.

It was only the first move and he already used the first Seal of the Sumeru Seals, stunning
everybody watching.

Either You XiaoMo thought very highly of Chen QingEr or he just wanted to intimidate her
and give her a rude awakening. Or else why would anyone use such a powerful move that
was usually saved for last?

Regardless the reason, many were taking pleasure in her misfortune. Evidently, Chen QingEr
needed to work on her public relations.

Chen QingEr frowned slightly as if she didn't comprehend his actions.

The corner of You XiaoMo’s lips curled up slightly. A few seconds later, the Yellow Seal in
front of him was complete. The immense power from around him gathered within the
Yellow Seal.
You XiaoMo looked towards Chen QingEr and smiled. “I'm starting my attacks, you better
watch out.”

Hearing what he said, not only did Chen QingEr not take up a defensive stance, she even
replied You XiaoMo softly, “Thanks for the advice, senior.”
A gust of wind circled his legs and You XiaoMo vanished on the spot.

The crowd oohed and ahhed. They thought You XiaoMo was preparing to throw out the
Yellow Seal on his palm. Never did they expect him to disappear.

In the next second, You XiaoMo reappeared right before Chen QingEr. What followed after
wasn't the Yellow Seal but a swift leg that had enough strength put into it to slice through
the air, a kick directed towards Chen QingEr.

The series of unpredictable attacks saw a crack in Chen QingEr’s expression. Even after
blocking his kick, she still had to be constantly aware of the Yellow Seal in his palm. What
she found shocking was that despite the delay, the Yellow Seal didn't seem to weaken even
the slightest bit. Not only that, You XiaoMo’s speed and strength was not what she
expected. In fact, she underestimated him.

After blocking his leg sweep, Chen QingEr’s expression suddenly changed as she quickly

As if You XiaoMo would let her escape. Using the leg that had landed on the ground to push
himself off the stone floor, a blue figure followed behind her closely as a shadow would.

Undeniably, Chen QingEr was fast. You XiaoMo had to use all his strength to barely keep up
with her. If he couldn't catch up to her speed, then his plan would come to naught.

Unwilling to let his plan fail, You XiaoMo raised his left hand and moved his fingers. Slowly,
his soul power concentrated at his fingertips to form a dark glow and he flicked it towards
Chen QingEr’s back. As she felt the threat coming from behind, Chen QingEr had no choice
but to slow down. You XiaoMo immediately caught up.

After Chen QingEr defended against one blow of Resonance Finger, You XiaoMo followed
up with another, taking the chance to get closer to her. At the same time, the Yellow Seal
that had everybody's attention had yet to be thrown out as an attack.

“My god, he hasn't performed the hand seal?”

At that moment, some people had already noticed. A normal attack would require one to
perform a hand seal, but You XiaoMo hadn't. He even managed to pull it off twice without
doing so.

Chen QingEr had fallen prey to his plan. As You XiaoMo had a Yellow Seal in one hand,
everyone thought there was no way he could use both hands to do the hand seal. And
without that, he couldn't use any other tactics to battle.
And that was where everyone else was wrong. Having miscalculated, Chen QingEr was now
busy dealing with his blows. You XiaoMo’s Resonance Finger was a far cry from the Sumeru
Seals, so it'd definitely wouldn't be too difficult for her to handle. But his Resonance Finger
shouldn't be disregarded either. Or else why would there be a need for Chen QingEr to
block it.

Generally speaking, everyone would take appropriate defensive measures or devise

counterattack strategies when responding to an opponent’s attacks. That was You
XiaoMo’s agenda. Chen QingEr must have noticed something was off and thus put distance
between You XiaoMo and herself.

She might have tricks up her sleeve, but You XiaoMo also had his own set of trump cards.

Once the smoke had dispersed, Chen QingEr’s figure could once again be seen, appearing in
the center of a large black pit. She didn't look the least bit battered. Her white clothing
fluttered gently in the wind, with her gentle smile wiped off her face and her expression
unfathomable as she stared at You XiaoMo who was five to six meters away.

A hint of surprise flashed across You XiaoMo’s eyes. Chen QingEr got hit by his Yellow Seal
in close range and still managed to remain unscathed! No doubt she had her true powers

“You are strong indeed.” You XiaoMo praised.

“Nonsense. It's Senior who is the most powerful person. You can actually think of such a
strategy. You have QingEr’s admiration.” Chen QingEr’s smile once again returned to her

“Now it's my turn to attack. Watch out, Senior.”

You XiaoMo was on his guard immediately.

Chen QingEr raised her right hand and slightly moved her fingers as a strand of strange,
silken thing appeared between her fingers. It was pink and transparent and it looked really
like a silk ribbon. You XiaoMo estimated it to be five meters long.

You XiaoMo was shocked to discover that this silk ribbon was most probably formed with
condensed soul power. Yet there was something different. It couldn't be… She was planning
to use the silk ribbon as a weapon?

Chen QingEr’s thin lips curled up at the corners. Grabbing the head of the silk ribbon, she
lightly swung it towards the floor a few times.

It might have looked light, yet deep white marks ran along the floor where the silk ribbon
touched. And Chen QingEr barely used any strength this time. If she were to swing it hard,
he reckoned the floor would crack.

Still deep in shock, the silk ribbon flew towards him without warning, aiming to deliver a
swift strike to his face.

The silk ribbon hit the ground and a pit immediately formed from the collision, at about one
metre in diameter.

After You XiaoMo dodged, the silk ribbon took a turn and assailed him once more as if it
had eyes of its own. If he were to let this continue, there would be no end.

This time round, You XiaoMo chose not to dodge or hide. A strong burst of soul power
exploded from within him and split into two. One part of his soul power battled with the silk
ribbon whereas the other bit took the chance to trap it. Having met with obstacles, the silk
ribbon’s movements finally slowed down but it could be still seen inching its way towards
You XiaoMo.

You XiaoMo wanted to try severing the silk ribbon like how he did when he was dealing
with ChaiJun. But obviously, ChaiJun could not compare to Chen QingEr. Not only did her
silk possess an astonishing ability to attack, it was also relatively good at defence too. He
couldn't do anything about her anytime soon.

In theory, this was impossible. No matter how strong the soul’s ability to attack or defend
was, a level six upper Mage’s soul power should be no match for an opponent who was a
level eight Mage. At this rate, all level six mages could become gods. Unless her power was
on par with his, if not, above him. Reaching that conclusion, You XiaoMo recalled his soul

Without the soul power to hold it back, the silk ribbon once again charged towards him,
with You XiaoMo dodging it again. It had now become a game of cat and mouse.

The spectators all knew of You XiaoMo’s power. But seeing him being chased across the
arena by Chen QingEr’s silk ribbon, all of them expressed their shock.

About five minutes had passed before You XiaoMo suddenly stopped in his tracks. Just
when everyone was puzzled by his actions, he took a sharp turn and dashed towards Chen
QingEr with a speed that seemed faster than before. It was as if he would reach her in the
blink of an eye.

Chen QingEr’s eyelids twitched. It wasn't You XiaoMo that got faster, it was because they
were only less than three meters apart! He actually used dodging to narrow the distance
between them! Upon seeing the golden Seal in his palm, she finally realized his plan.

Chen QingEr hurriedly withdrew the Silk Ribbon and transformed it into a pink shield in an
instant. You XiaoMo raised his right hand and slammed the Black Seal onto the shield
without hesitation. One on the attack and one on the defence. The impact was so powerful
that it even resulted in the rippling of spiritual energy of heaven and earth. You XiaoMo
took advantage of the winds that rose to retreat quickly.

The Black Seal easily tore the shield apart and went straight for Chen QingEr. A split second
later, a loud explosion could be heard from where Chen QingEr was standing. Rocks were
blown to smithereens and some people almost fell to the floor from the impact.

You XiaoMo was dumbfounded at the sight.

This was the first time he used the Black Seal and according to records on Sumeru Seals, as
one continued to cultivate, the power of every Seal would increase many times over.
Judging from the damage he did, he dare say it was more than just a few times more

This time, he didn't use the spiritual energy from heaven and earth as he didn't want Chen
QingEr to discover the Black Seal in his palm. Every technique used needed to be aided by
the spiritual energy from heaven and earth before even beginning. This made the process of
developing different moves much easier. However, by relying solely on soul power, it made
it more difficult to compress and thus, much more demanding on the person’s control.

Wanting to catch his opponent off guard, You XiaoMo chose the latter option. And because
of that, Chen QingEr only managed to call her Silk Ribbon back. Under the immense force of
the Black Seal, there was no way she could escape unharmed this time.

As expected, when everything had settled, the dust cleared to reveal an exhausted and
battered Chen QingEr. Her white dress was dirtied and torn in a few places. Where the
crowd couldn't see, a hint of cruelty and ruthlessness flashed through her lowered eyes.
Reminder note: Resonance Finger, more widely known as LingXi Finger, which is
where you gather spiritual energy into your fingers and use it to do stuff like shoot it
out as a bullet or catch a sword between your fingers.
Chapter 370: Rage

Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

“This match ends now. The victor is You XiaoMo.” Just as this moment, Yan Fa’s dignified
voice rang out as he simply stopped the match.

The spectators instantly cheered aloud. BaiLi XiaoYu, Jiang XiaoFeng and June were the
most excited among them. They were already very excited when they had heard that You
XiaoMo was Chen QingEr’s opponent, and almost could not wait for You XiaoMo to give
her an immediate smackdown.

Chen QingEr was clearly stunned for a moment. The sinister light in her eyes was instantly
replaced by something else and they gleamed as they fixed onto You XiaoMo. She
appeared to be in a joyful mood, “You…are You XiaoMo?”

You XiaoMo was baffled by her expression.

Just as he wanted to say ‘You recognize me?”, Chen QingEr suddenly made a move.
Appearing to teleport, her figure disappeared in a strange manner from its original
position, and she actually re-appeared behind You XiaoMo.

The whole process did not even take a tenth of a second.

Don’t even talk about reacting; You XiaoMo totally did not realize that Chen QingEr had

“Be careful.” Yan Fa’s sharp eyes had discovered her actions and detected Chen QingEr’s
malice. He wanted to immediately rush over, however, Yu WenNan who was standing at
the side suddenly dashed out before he could make a move. His target was not Yan Fa, but
Ling Xiao instead. That expressionless face had been replaced by one containing a hint of
malevolence as the aura of a powerhouse burst out from him.

Even stupid people would realize that there was now something fishy about Yu WenNan
and Chen QingEr.

The scene instantly fell into chaos.

Chen QingEr did not delay. She lifted her hand and was about to strike You XiaoMo’s body
when a red figure appeared from thin air and a muscular arm simultaneously blocked her
hand. A trace of corrosive aura appeared in a split second and spread up Chen QingEr’s
However, Chen QingEr was not the least bit alarmed. As if she had long been expecting it
all along, a layer of white soul power appeared on her palm and obstructed the corrosive

The red figure used this opening to grab You XiaoMo and immediately retreated.

Chen QingEr relentlessly followed. Her strength seemed to be above the red figure, and it
took her but a moment to catch up to them. Her gaze fell onto the red figure as she gave a
smile that was yet not a smile, “Bird of Pride, no matter what, you’re not my match.
Obediently hand him over and I will let you go.”

LanQiu did not reply and directed the corrosive energy surrounding his whole body to
attack her.

Chen QingEr was not angry when she saw this, as she gracefully avoided his attack.

You XiaoMo now realized that Chen QingEr and Yu WenNan were the people whom the
Netherworld Siren said would find them in the future. Although he had expected this day
to come, he did not think that they would actually disguise themselves as students of the
academy to sneak in.

“LanQiu, be careful. She should be a level ten mage and may even have a contracted
demon beast hiding in a secret place.” You XiaoMo hurriedly urged.

Chen QingEr was all smiles as she looked at him, “Little boy, you’re really keen.
Unfortunately, it’s too late.”

You XiaoMo’s intuition instantly rang. In the next second, he felt something binding around
his waist. Looking down, he only saw a white rope-like thing, and then he was pulled
backwards as he flew out.

“Master!” LanQiu turned back in shock, reaching out in an attempt to grab him, but
meeting empty air instead.

He was in a hurry to chase after You XiaoMo, but how could Chen QingEr allow him to ruin
their plan? She immediately used the ribbon in her hand to hinder him. At this moment,
Chen QingEr displayed a strength which evenly matched LanQiu. Don’t think you can easily
break free!

On the other hand, Ling Xiao had been stopped by Yu WenNan. Seeing that You XiaoMo
had been pulled away, his expression was so black that it was dreadful. A purple and red
flame appeared above each of his hands with a ‘pu-chi’.

Yu WenNan’s sinister expression abruptly changed after seeing the two types of flames,
“Two types of sacred fires? Didn’t the information say it was just one?”

Ling Xiao fused the two types of sacred fires together under his gaze, transforming it into
an aberrant flame which was formed by mixing two types of flames together. It was the
same flame that had appeared in the Boundless Sea.

In the next second, the rolling aberrant flames turned into a gigantic fiery phoenix. Emitting
a terrible aura, it roared and swooped down towards Yu WenNan like a living phoenix.

Yu WenNan expression finally changed.

Ling Xiao seized the opportunity to break away from him, and his figure instantly
disappeared from his original place.

This commotion had long alerted everyone in Ward A. Even all the practitioners cultivating
in the Cultivation Center were so alarmed that they retreated from their state of
cultivation. Innumerable rays of light quickly flew over. Among those, there were more
than a dozen rays of light that were faster than the rest.

Except for Duan QiTian, who was still in the midst of secluded cultivation, Hei Tian and the
Five Elders had appeared too. From a distance, they could see a fiery phoenix constructed
entirely from fire entrenched in the air, and it seemed to be in a stalemate with someone.

This strange fire creation immediately caused Hei Tian to recall that mysterious Divine
Realm practitioner from that time. Although the might of the fiery phoenix was different
from that time, but he could tell that they were created from the same type of flames.

However, just as Hei Tian approached, he found another familiar aura and his gaze
searched the sky. He immediately discovered the man battling with Chen QingEr, and his
pitch-black eyes immediately sharpened, “The Bird of Pride?”

“There’s no mistaking this aura. It’s definitely that missing Bird of Pride. Why would he
appear here?” The Third Elder was stunned.

The others had also arrived at this moment. The second group to arrive was Yin Ge and the

However, they did not dare to go too close to the battlefield. The pressure and
temperature emitting from the fiery phoenix made their hearts palpitate, one after
another they looked astonished.
“What is going on?”

There was no answer as the others were also not certain of what was going on.

Just at this time, two violent energies screamed through the air and collided. A tremendous
wind pressure was created and rolling shockwaves spread throughout the surroundings.

When the two shadows separated, their features were immediately visible to everyone.
They were Chen QingEr and LanQiu.

Chen QingEr was a mid-grade level ten mage and she seemed to be stronger than LanQiu.
But mages were originally not skilled in battling, and it was even more unlikely for their
overall strength to be too much higher. Therefore, LanQiu was taking advantage of the big
bargain over her and both parties were presently fighting to a standstill.

“You dirty whore.” LanQiu menacingly cursed as he spat in her direction.

“You are courting death.” Chen QingEr’s expression chilled in a split second.

“Fuck you, it’s not predetermined who’s the one looking for death.” LanQiu felt the
disgrace from having his master snatched, and his temperament became irascible. With
that, he rushed directly at her. His actions that disregarded his life was very similar to Chen
QingEr’s ‘fight till you die and I live’ manner.

Meanwhile, the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider who had snatched You XiaoMo
immediately attempted to break open the enchantment and rush out. But this
enchantment was personally put up by Han Gong, how could it be easily broken? Even the
weakest part of the enchantment needed time to break through. They had miscalculated
Ling Xiao’s strength, who would have thought that Yu WenNan would be obstructed by the
fiery phoenix?

Before the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider could break open the enchantment, Ling Xiao
was already in front of her. The terrifying and imposing manner she was face to face with
caused the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider to tremble with fear whilst her five fingers
adorned with scarlet fingernails grasped You XiaoMo’s neck.

“Stop or I’ll kill him now.” The Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider threatened, as her scarlet
fingertips nearly pierced into the tender flesh of You XiaoMo’s neck.

Ling Xiao immediately stopped moving.

Triumphant joy flashed through the eyes of the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider at once,
“Now move away from here and go down.”

Ling Xiao did not say anything, nor did he move either. A black fog seemed to have
emerged from his pitch-black eyes, transmitting an extremely dangerous aura that caused
the woman opposite to feel more and more disturbed.

“What right do you think you have to say this sentence in my presence?”

After hearing this, the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider was enraged. This man actually
dared to look down on her! In that case…her hand suddenly grasped You XiaoMo’s neck a
little harder.

You XiaoMo’s expression immediately twisted in pain.

Just as the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider was about to laugh, the aura from the man
became extremely chilly in a split second. His long black hair wantonly rose. Beneath his
mask, the hidden violet flame symbol appeared on his expressionless face. In the blink of
an eye, black pupils changed into brilliant amethyst pupils, similar to a heavenly emperor
descending onto Earth.

Directly feeling the pressure of that man’s terrifying Emperor aura, the Thousand Faces
Purgatory Spider immediately turned as white as paper as her body froze. The fingers
grasping You XiaoMo’s neck also could not move.

Ling Xiao rescued You XiaoMo from her clutches in a split second, and simultaneously set
the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider aflame. The latter howled shrilly, but did not forget
to run away from Ling Xiao.

“Hurts…” You XiaoMo suddenly cried out in pain.

Ling Xiao looked down and saw that the two puncture wounds made by the Thousand
Faces Purgatory Spider were now a greenish-black color. It was obviously due to poison
and he immediately tore off the cloth beside him, as his lips covered the wound to suck the
toxin out. The sacred fire immediately refined the toxin once it entered his body. Only until
the wound returned to a bright red color did he stop.

After losing some vital essence, You XiaoMo dizzily leaned into Ling Xiao’s embrace.

Ling Xiao gave him a deep look. Only after determining that You XiaoMo was fine did he
turn his attention to the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider in the distance. The latter had
been burned for a while by the sacred fire and layers of black ash fell off her body.
Chapter 371: Identity Exposed

Translated by Jouissance/Rara from Exiled Rebel Scanlations

After Ling Xiao rescued You XiaoMo, the fiery phoenix was dispersed by Yu WenNan, as its
power had been depleted.

But Ling Xiao had never thought of just defeating Yu WenNan with that fire phoenix. After
all, no one was controlling it and it was made out of flame, so it couldn’t perform to its best.
He had only intended to stall Yu WenNan with it.

Yu WenNan and Chen QingEr immediately went to the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider’s

Chen QingEr looked at Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider in worry. “How are you?”

“I’m alright. Luckily, I’m wearing armor made from Purgatory Silk. It’s just unfortunate that
the Purgatory Armor is destroyed now. As expected of Sacred Qilin Fire.” The Thousand
Faces Purgatory Spider had escaped death by the skin of her teeth. Though she was sad
about her Purgatory Armor, she contained her sorrow in her heart.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s destroyed. It’s better than having you dead.” Chen QingEr let out a
breath of relief. The Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider was her lifebound contract beast. If
anything happened to her, Chen QingEr would face a backlash of power and her strength
would decline, causing their situation to worsen.

“Come on. Let’s figure out how we’re going to complete this mission. That man called Ling
Xiao isn’t a normal Emperor Beast, but a Qilin, the head of the Four Great Spirits.” Yu
WenNan looked towards Ling Xiao solemnly. That other red flame also interested him.

Before they could discuss their plans, a loud bang came from above. DaoXin Academy’s
strongest barrier began to vibrate faster and faster until with a boom, it shattered. The
immense sound made people wish they were deaf.

In the sky, intense sunlight shone inside.

The roars of demon beasts also echoed inside.

Someone actually managed to break such a strong barrier.

The expressions of Hei Tian and the five elders twisted. This barrier was what was
separating Ward A from the deep mountains, protecting the school all these years. Once it
broke, Ward A was very likely to be attacked by the demon beasts of the deep mountains.

Without prompting, Gao Yang immediately turned back, rushing to guard the exits with the
security team.

In the moment the barrier broke, several beams of light darted in from outside and
appeared in the skies above. The first was Qiu Ran and then there were the two
powerhouses that were working with him and their demon beasts. Apart from that, the
Teng Family head, Fairy FuRong and FeiXie had all arrived as well.

“NanShen, seems like you’re having some trouble, too. How about we cooperate?” That
was when the man on Qiu Ran’s left spoke up, looking towards Yu WenNan and his
companions. From his tone, they sounded like they knew each other.

Yu WenNan glanced at them with an empty smile. “His lordship even sent the two of you
here. He’s really putting down all his cards for this middle-plane person.”

“If it really is what we think, then there’s no reluctance to be had. Aren’t you the same?
Even sending DongShen in the beginning. What a shame that he died.” The middle aged
man smiled, reveling in this misfortune.

“Anyways, if we’re going to cooperate, I’ll have to make something clear.” Yu WenNan
didn’t want to keep talking bullshit with his guy. “That man is extremely strong. None of us
have the strength to oppose him. If you want to complete the mission, then don’t play
around or hold anything back.”

The middle aged man and his companions followed his gaze to Ling Xiao.

The middle aged man observed for a few seconds before saying, “No matter how strong,
he’s just one man.”

Though he could sense that this person was special, he still wasn’t willing to feel threatened
by a person from the middle-plane. After all, he was a member of the Vermillion Blood

Hearing this, Yu WenNan didn’t react and didn’t seem to intend to explain.

“If so, then how about you two deal with him?”


“Wait.” The middle-aged man was about to agree when his companion suddenly stopped
him He looked at NanShen and said, “If he’s strong, it’s not fair if you don’t help out.”

Yu WenNan shrugged, his eyes filled with humor. “Sure. Then I’ll leave the others to you.”

While they discussed their tactics, Ling Xiao didn’t bother with Qiu Ran and the others that
had broken in, but alighted on the ground with You XiaoMo.

The Academy people didn’t dare approach him, watching him from afar, probably because
of his display of power in the air just now.

Ling Xiao had wanted to place You XiaoMo in his dimension, but he would worry if You
XiaoMo was there alone. SheQiu and the others were in the other dimension and he wasn’t
the owner of that one so he couldn’t call them out.

“Chirp~ Chirp~” As Ling Xiao was thinking, a chicken flew over unsteadily from out of the

Ling Xiao had almost forgotten him.

Because they were coming over, You XiaoMo had left the little chicken in the room.

He wasn’t willing, so You XiaoMo had Ling Xiao scare him. It was only then that he
unwillingly let go. Now, he had probably ran out, taking advantage of the lack of people.

“Come over,” Ling Xiao ordered.

“Chirp~” The little chicken immediately flew to him in joy.

Ling Xiao spoke gently to it. “Protect your master. If even a single hair on his head is
harmed, I’ll pull out a feather for every one you grow, understood?”

“Chirp~” THe little chicken sadly pecked at his bald wings. He had only been born a few days

That was when another person walked over, saying, “I’ll look after him for you.”

Ling Xiao looked over. The newcomer had startlingly silver hair. It was the now recovered
Yin Ge and behind him was Feng ChiYun, Yang YuLin and You XiaoMo’s other friends.

“What happened to him?” Feng ChiYun asked.

“Nothing really. He’s just lost a bit of energy. He’ll be fine once he rests up.” Ling Xiao
carefully placed You XiaoMo on the ground, leaning him against a large rock.
“Boss…” LanQiu walked over.

Ling Xiao stroked You XiaoMo’s cheek and said without raising his head, “If I want you to
protect him with your life, can you do it?”

LanQiu nodded, “Yes.”

After getting this agreement, Ling Xiao stood and turned to look at Yin Ge and the others.
“I’ll have to trouble you with this.” His expression was hidden by the mask, but he was
accepting Yin Ge’s help.

Yin Ge nodded calmly.

“I’ll help, too.” BaiLi XiaoYu ran over, Liu Le and Jiang XiaoFeng following. Though they
didn’t speak, they had the same idea as BaiLi XiaoYu.

“Nonsense.” BaiLi TianYi said, walking over. “With your current strength, you’ll only get in
the way. Go wherever its calm. You aren’t needed here.”

“Second brother…” BaiLi XiaoYu pouted, glaring at him in complaint.

“It won’t work even if you call me dad. Now scram, or do you need me to help?” BaiLi TianYi
wasn’t having it, cracking his knuckles.

Call you dad? Keep dreaming.

Jiang XiaoFeng pulled, whispering, “Forget it XiaoYu. With our current power, there is
nothing we can do. Let’s go, don’t cause them anymore trouble.”
Even his good friend said so, BaiLi XiaoYu had no other option. In the end, those three could
only leave.
Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at You XiaoMo. His feet lifted up a bit before his
figure vanished mysteriously. Within the next second, his figure appeared above the sky,
standing on the opposite side of Qiu Ran’s party.

On his right, not far behind him was Hei Tian and the Five Great Elders. Qiu Ran had
destroyed DaoXin Academy’s barrier, this feud was not exclusively between Duan QiTian
and his first disciple anymore.

Ling Xiao placed his palm on his mask. Under the presence of many people, he took off the
mask and an extremely handsome face appeared before everyone.
Looking at that familiar face, Hei Tian’s eyes flashed, but his expression remained
unchanged. However, on the opposite side, Qiu Ran’s expression was clearly showing a sign
of change. After all, the thought that a Divine Level powerhouse was hiding inside DaoXin
Academy had never occurred in his mind before.

“This man, was he the one who appeared at the Boundless Sea?” The middle-aged man
beside Qiu Ran saw the slight change in Qiu Ran’s expression, and he could roughly guess
what happened.
“Correct. Back then he didn’t display all of his strength, so, I’m not sure about his true
power. You better be careful.” Qiu Ran nodded his head and warned. Even though there
were more people on his side, he still felt cautious.
Standing not far away, when Yu WenNan saw Ling Xiao, despite his expression still looking
the same on the outside, his brain had started searching for memories of people he had
seen in the Higher Realm, especially those that were related to the QiLin Clan. But no
matter how hard he tried, he still couldn’t find a match.

Yu WenNan couldn’t help but doubt the answer he had come up with. He wasn’t from the
QiLin Clan? Thinking over again, this could never be, because the symbol between his
eyebrows was definitely a QiLin Clan’s trait.

Ling Xiao conveniently threw the mask into his dimension. His calm, clouded eyes swept
across the distance and directly fell on the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider’s body. Within
a blink of an eye, his eyes shot out a freezing, spine shivering, murderous intent.

The Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider felt the it running from her feet to inside her brain.
She knew, if today she didn’t fight with all of her power, she couldn't even think about
leaving this place.

While she was tangled with her thoughts, she found out the man on the opposite of her had

The Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider’s expression changed drastically, no way would she
forget the scalding pain from the Sacred Qilin Fire.

At the time of Ling Xiao’s disappearance, Yu WenNan and the middle-aged man both took
action right away. Three dark shadows clashed above the sky and parted instantly...
Chapter 372: Sacrificial Blood Rite

Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The purple aura, which represented Ling Xiao, didn’t back down, not even one step, staying
where the three had collided. The other two auras had instead been pushed back to twenty
meters away.

In the first round, the middle-aged man and Yu WenNan both lost, a highly surprising
conclusion. Even they were shocked.

Yu WenNan’s surprised look was the most apparent because the Netherworld Siren’s report
had not included Ling Xiao’s level as Divine. Even though the rumors of the North’s Divine
Leveled Practitioner were all over the place, he had not put the two together since there
was no evidence for it.

“Nan Shen, looks like its about time to bring out your contract demon beast. Don’t you
think so?” The middle-aged man turned towards Yu WenNan, with an eerie expression.

Yu WenNan glanced back coldly, “I don’t mind, I’m just afraid about your life-bounded
contract demon beast.”

The smile disappeared off the middle-aged man’s face as he said, “What are you implying?”

Yu WenNan continues, “His abilities come from the Qilin, the leader of the four ancient
beasts. If yours isn’t an Emperor demon beast, the moment it comes out, it will be
suppressed. That will cause even more trouble.”

The middle-aged man looked at Ling Xiao in shock, “Isn’t he part of the ancient race of
Ancient Demon Phoenix? How did he become a Qilin?”

Shocked as well, Yu WenNan questioned, “What did you say?”

The expression on the middle-aged man’s face turned umbrageous, “That man called Qiu
Ran told me Ling Xiao was an Ancient Demon Phoenix of the four ancient beasts because he
had a five-colored bird who was highly attuned to Demon Phoenix’s aura. Not only that,
they had fought before so there shouldn’t be any errors.”

Although the Ancient Demon Phoenix race was one of the four ancient beasts, compared to
Qilin, it was still lacking a bit. Because the Qilin were the leaders, its ability to suppress and
pressure was slightly stronger than that of the other three.

Now Yu WenNan finally came to realize what the red flame was.

He wasn’t a pure breed Qilin, but a mix of Qilin and Ancient Demon Phoenix. If that was the
case then there were only two options of mixed blood, one was mutation and the other was
no mutation.

With no mutation and with a tainted bloodline, the Emperor demon beast’s potential and
power would be slightly worse than that of a pure breed.

However, if there was a mutation, then that was something to be feared.

Since the ancient times, mutated demon beasts were always stronger than the original. In
other words, a complete revitalization. He couldn’t help but remember that ancient legend
from the higher realms, but that should be impossible.

“Be careful!” the middle-aged man’s distressed voice sounded abruptly.

Yu WenNan immediately broke into cold sweat, he had made a grave sin of being distracted
during a fight. Looking over, the man’s demon like pair of purple eyes stared down coldly at
them. In his hand were two flames; one purple, one red. Even from meters away he could
feel the heat of the flames.

If what he speculated was correct, then it was likely that this man was a mutated Emperor
demon beast.
The situation just became much more complicated.

“Since you took your time to come, it would have been better if you had just stayed.” Ling
Xiao said as he lightly curved his lips upward. His pitch-black eyes had two dancing purple
flames ignited within them. His perfect features were giving off a mysterious aura by the
light and a sense of danger.

As he finished his sentence, the two flames in his palms seemed to dance in anticipation,
growing much larger. And under his control, slowly combined…

Yu WenNan and the middle-aged man quickly shared a glance before separating in
understanding, one towards Ling Xiao and the other towards the protected You XiaoMo.

If they weren’t a match for the man, then he should start from somewhere else.

Seeing the previous scene, Yu WenNan already knew that the one called You XiaoMo was
his weakness.

But his plan failed.

Ling Xiao had intercepted Yu WenNan midway, his right flame turned to a roaring fire Qilin.
The pressure from a Emperor beast spread out across the sky, that overwhelming weight
made people’s soul tremor.

Even humans became like this, much less the demon beasts. Even their movements were

Hei Tian and the others took this opportunity to critically injure their opponents’ demon
beasts, cutting their fighting power.

But there was one who escaped that, like Qiu Ran’s life-bound contract demon beast, Red
Cloud. Because Qiu Ran knew Red Cloud would be suppressed, he didn’t dare bring him out.
Although that cut his fire power by a lot, it was now clearly the right choice.
The middle-aged man and Yu WenNan, who planned to bring out their demon beasts,
couldn’t help but stop that train of thought.

Once he had summoned the fire Qilin, Ling Xiao suddenly cut open his finger and dripped a
drop of life blood onto the center of the Qilin’s brow. A few seconds later, on his forehead
appeared a similar fire pattern. The majestic Qilin, as if given life, suddenly opened its eyes,
and those eyes shared a human like quality.

Abruptly Yu WenNan’s faced changed, in horror he exclaimed, “This is the sacrificial blood

Sacrificial blood rite was a hidden ritual of the Qilin Clan. With one drop of life blood, it
could summon a Qilin of the owner’s power level. It was a hidden ritual that defied nature.

But there were two after effects, one was that the owner’s power level would be affected.
For example, backlash and restrictions, but that wasn’t the most critical. The second effect
was that it would reduce the cultivation level, maybe one star, but it might also be two
stars. Even a gifted clan like the Qilin were unwilling to take that risk, making the people
who used it less and less.


What caused Yu WenNan’s horror wasn’t this.

The Qilin Clan once had a super genius who didn’t like the consequences of the ritual and
thus, using hundred of years, changed it.

In the end, the Qilin who used the sacrificial blood rite would still drop in level, but the
summoned Qilin had an extra ability and that was—devour.

This was what he dreaded and was frightened of.

The ones who were devoured by the fire Qilin, their strength and cultivation could be
absorbed by the owner. A terrifying power.
Later on, due to the fear of the other three ancient races, they forced the Qilin Race to seal
away this rite.

Ever since then, no one of the Qilin race had used this sacrificial blood rite. Now, even the
ones who had heard of it were getting smaller and smaller.

Although the man could very well be using the original sacrificial blood rite, Yu WenNan had
a sinking suspicion that the fire Qilin in front of him was the devouring kind.

“Okay then, let’s get the show on the road.” Ling Xiao said with a smile.

The ones who felt his gaze, the middle-aged man and Yu WenNan, all felt a chill go down
their spines.

The man was already stronger then them, now with a similar leveled devouring Qilin the
balance had tipped completely out of their favor.

Yu WenNan and the middle-aged man both saw the resignation in each other’s eyes.

“Go, my devouring Qilin.” Ling Xiao spoke in his even paced, clear and warm tone. Unless
one saw with their own eyes, no one would believe that behind such a pretty voice laid such
a gruesome scene.

From the throat of the devouring Qilin came a dangerous roar. It inherited all of Ling Xiao’s
strength and went straight to the enemy with unimaginable speed. The spot in which it
disappeared was left with a small whirlwind.

“AHHHHH!” The first sacrifice appeared.

That was the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider, being a demon beast, it was much
suppressed by the devouring Qilin and being weaker, before it could move, it was eaten
with a face of horror.
With a scream, the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider disappeared.

Not far from here, Chen QingEr vomited out blood. Just like the Netherworld Siren, if the
life-bounded contract demon beast dies, the owner would suffer a heart-wrenching pain. As
if the soul was being torn apart.

In a hurry, Chen QingEr took out a pill and swallowed it. Although it could not solve the
problem, it relieved some of the pain. Her face, however, was still pale, as if she had just
experienced a massive fight.

Seeing what happened to Chen QingEr, those with a life-bounded contract demon beast
immediately recalled them in fear. However, that didn’t solve the root of the problem, if
the Qilin devoured the owner, then the contracted demon beast was still dead.

With the instructions of Ling Xiao, the devouring QIlin turned its attention elsewhere.

When You XiaoMo woke up, this was the image he saw.

A Qilin whose whole body was on fire, chasing after people who were escaping in all
directions. The sky was chaotic, filled with screams of terror, of anger, and of fear.

What chaos!

You XiaoMo straightened himself up and searched for Ling Xiao.

Pretty quickly he was able to find Ling Xiao and Yu WenNan wrapped up in a battle next to
the Devour Qilin.

For some reason the middle-aged man and Yu WenNan really feared him.

The first to realize that he was awake was Yin Dai. Although he was watching the sky, part
of his attention was on him. When he realized he was awake, he didn’t say anything, after
all he wasn’t good with his words.

“Xiao Mo, you’re finally awake.” The second to realize was Tang YuLin. He didn’t care much
for the battles and tilting up one's head for a long time made it really sore. “How do you

“I’m fine, what’s the situation right now?” You XiaoMo asked as he got up.

“Your man is giving them a walk.” Tang YuLin said.

You XiaoMo’s mouth twitched.

Chapter 373: Feng ChiYun Is Kidnapped

Translated by Rachel of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Yu WenNan didn't look too good. He took a quick look at the other battlefield and found
that the Fire QiLin had already swallowed three people, two of them being Chen QingEr and
the FeiXie.

Speaking of which, FeiXie was actually stronger than Fairy Fu Rong by a bit. However, during
the crucial moment Fairy Fu Rong pulled a trick on him which resulted in his plight of being
gobbled up by the Qilin.

Yet, after swallowing three powerhouses, the Fire Qilin’s imposing and powerful presence
couldn't compare to how it was before. Its strength had clearly weakened by a lot and its
aura seemed to have withered a bit. As the Fire Qilin had to digest the cultivation of the
three people it ate, it used up quite a fair bit of energy doing so. Nonetheless, even in its
weakened state it still posed a significant threat.

Yu WenNan did the mental calculations. Looked like they wouldn't be completing this task.

After realizing that Ling Xiao was going to be a tough nut to crack, this was the first time Yu
WenNan had thoughts of retreating. Additionally, he found the need to investigate that
person’s background. If he’s somehow involved with the Qilin Clan and the Demon Phoenix
Clan, then it would make his goal of obtaining the Clan Treasure even more difficult.

“NanShen, don't even think of escaping.” It took the middle aged man just one look to read
his intentions of running away. He immediately shouted, alerting everyone else of Yu
WenNan’s intentions and drawing their attention to him.

Yu WenNan cursed before glaring daggers at the middle aged man. The latter immediately
reciprocated with a look that said, “Don't think of escaping alone.” Ling Xiao couldn't be
bothered to pay them any mind at the moment. You XiaoMo had woken up.

He turned around and looked below to see You XiaoMo surrounded by Lan Qiu and the rest.
Seeing You XiaoMo staring at him all wide-eyed and amazed, he couldn't help but smile.

After realizing that Ling Xiao was looking at him, You XiaoMo touched his nose sheepishly.

Ling Xiao retracted his gaze before raising his palm in the direction of the Qilin.

“Return.” He commanded.
As if it could read Ling Xiao’s mind, the Qilin stripped itself of a Qilin’s appearance and
transformed into flames before returning to his hand. It disappeared within a moment.

Judging by how things were playing out, Yu WenNan feared for the worst. If Ling Xiao were
to convert the cultivation of the three people the Qilin swallowed for his own use, none of
them would even stand a chance of escaping.

Yu WenNan slipped something that looked like a jade stick out but it was actually a
Dimension Seal. Dimension Seals were split into three different grades, the high, medium or
low grade. The one he had in his hand was a high grade dimension Seal. Only Sacred level
powerhouses who were very experienced with using the power of dimensions could refine
it as it had the ability to teleport between Realms. Even in the higher Realms it was a
priceless piece of work. Originally, the Dimension Seal given to him by his higher ups was
meant for teleporting that person’s descendant to a high Realm in times of emergency.
Looking towards the heavily guarded You XiaoMo, he had no choice but to use the Seal on
himself. To think that he had to end up using it, he was definitely going to be punished
when he returned. One had to understand that the master he was serving had spared no
costs in order to bring You XiaoMo back, even to the extent of using a high grade dimension

No one noticed Yu WenNan’s actions, not even the middle aged man who prevented him
from leaving.

After Ling Xiao recalled his Qilin, QiuRan and his group barely had time for a breather
before they had to deal with HeiTian and the rest. With elder Teng no longer wishing to
trust Fairy Fu Rong because she pushed FeiXie out, the group was caught up in internal
turmoil. Losing was just a matter of time.

“It seems like we have no other choice but to work together this time round, MuShen. How
about this, we put the past behind us for now and focus on dealing with the matter at hand.
What do you say?” Yu WenNan shouted at the middle aged man.

The middle aged man was surprised by what he said but indeed they had no other option
but to cooperate. He replied, “How do you want to do it?”

“Simple. You go distract him and buy me some time. I want to use that thing.” Yu WenNan
had a crafty smile plastered on his face.

The middle aged man just wanted to reply before he suddenly realized the man opposite
him had disappeared. His expression changed and he immediately mustered all his strength
to get away as far as possible from the spot he was standing. As he had expected, red
flames appeared at the place he had just stood. However, there was no trace of the man.
Just as he began to search, an explosion could be heard from where Yu WenNan was at.
From his peripheral he could see the man clashing together with Yu WenNan. He was
moving so swiftly that he barely managed to catch a few glimpses.

“Can you hurry up?” Yu WenNan yelled at the middle aged man.

An odd look flashed across the middle aged man’s eyes before he made his decision a
second later. Just when everyone else thought he was going to help Yu WenNan, the middle
aged man suddenly transformed into beam of light and shot to the sky. A spinning black
whirlpool appeared in the sky and his voice boomed as he spoke.

“NanShen, don't think I don't know what you're up to. What working together? You just
want to use me. You can dream on!”

Yu WenNan looked absolutely horrible. He was actually fooled by MuShen!

At this very moment, a purple blade flew out from nowhere and hit the middle aged man's
body which had not fully entered the black whirlpool. Fresh blood spurted out and the
middle aged man didn't even have time to scream before he was sucked in by the
whirlpool. As for the middle aged man’s companion, after he saw that he had escaped, he
lost his bearings. Hei Tian saw the chance to tear through his defences and ripped out his

The shock on Yu WenNan’s face had yet to leave as he saw Ling Xiao charging towards him
as quickly as possible from the corner of his eyes. This time, he had an odd looking fan in his
hand. In a panic, he crushed the Dimensional Talisman he had in his hand and the space
around him warped. The spacial force pulled him in and he disappeared.

Ling Xiao appeared dumbfounded for a moment before snapping his gaze towards You
XiaoMo in the next second. Yu WenNan, who had disappeared into thin air less than a
moment ago, was currently standing among the crowd. Ling Xiao’s eyes widened as
unadulterated fury burned within them.

“Watch out!” You XiaoMo heard Feng ChiYun’s voice and before he had time to react, he
was pushed aside. Amidst the chaos, he saw Yun Ge’s expressionless face morph into one of
shock as he dashed towards a certain direction.

“Damn it all!” Yu WenNan spewed a string of curses. Indeed, he had planned to use the
Dimensional Talisman to leave the middle realm but he was unwilling to give up just yet. So
he tried and failed unfortunately. You XiaoMo turned his head around only to find that
together with Yu WenNan, Feng ChiYun had also vanished for some unknown reason.

You XiaoMo hadn't even processed what had happened before he was drawn tightly into a
familiar embrace. It was as if the person wanted to crush his waist.

“What…what happened?” He received a response in the form of a tighter hug by Ling Xiao.
This time his waist wasn't just snapping in half, he couldn't even breathe.

“Fuck, are you trying to crush me to death?” You XiaoMo started coughing.

Ling Xiao sighed from above his head.

“It's such a good atmosphere. Don't you know how to savor the moment?”

Good atmosphere?

You XiaoMo surveyed their whereabouts only to find chaos running amok. The corner of his
mouth twitched. Good atmosphere my ass, more like all hell has broken loose.

“Alright, stop with the jokes. What happened to Feng ChiYun?"

“He's kidnapped by Yu WenNan.” Ling Xiao simply said.

“How's that possible?” You XiaoMo looked at him in shock.

“He has a Dimensional Talisman so he can teleport around easily. And it looks like he has
more than one of them. His original target was you, but Feng ChiYun pushed you away and
took your place. Since his Dimensional Talisman was already activated, Yu WenNan didn’t
make it in time to capture you.” Ling Xiao explained.

You XiaoMo’s mind was blank. Feng ChiYun was captured because he tried to save him. He
hesitated for a while before asking, “Will Feng ChiYun die?”

Ling Xiao understood how he felt.

“Don't worry, Yu WenNan may not be very clear of your relationship with Feng ChiYun, but
since he saved you it shows that you're more than just acquaintances. And his target is you,
so Feng ChiYun will not be in danger for now.”

“You aren't lying to me right?” You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao answered in the form of a smile before catching him off guard by smacking his
head from the back.

You XiaoMo grabbed his head. He already tried to anticipate it, but he was still unable to
escape from having his head smacked.

“I'm really glad that you weren't the one taken. Or else I would definitely kill my way to the
high realm.” Ling Xiao hugged him.

You XiaoMo was very touched. “Mhmm, I believe you would do just that. But I still feel we
should go rescue Feng ChiYun.”

Ling Xiao remained silent for a while before saying, “You know, you should be running into
my arms all touched and hug me and kiss me fiercely now.”


This would have been an emotional scene if not for Ling Xiao saying it out loud. He made it
sound so dumb if they were to do that.

As they talked, the battle had already come to an end. Due to their main force running
away, Qiu Ran and the rest who remained naturally couldn't hold their enemies off. There
were also some who had the foresight, such as the Teng elder. Clearly, he feared death. At
the sign of something wrong, he immediately packed up and fled. However, if the Teng
family ever wanted to gain a foothold in Yan City, it would not be easy.

As for Fairy Fu Rong, she even went so far as to bare her naked body for others to see in
order to escape. With her top half naked, it got people blushing till their ears were red.
What was more tragic was that when she battled the Third elder, she was berated for
having no shame.

Fairy Fu Rong might have made it out alive, but her reputation definitely had been
thoroughly destroyed.

FeiXie could rest in peace now…

Chapter 374: An Auspicious Day

Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

“Then what about Qiu Ran?” Duan QiTian had just come out of secluded cultivation when
such explosive news reached his ears. However, he did not have the slightest reaction at all,
and instead, started asking about Qiu Ran.

If You XiaoMo was here, he would definitely be able to tell that Duan QiTian’s entire
personality had changed after he came out of secluded cultivation. In the past, You XiaoMo
would still be able to tell his moods, but it was somewhat hard to tell now that he was more

“His lifebound contract beast, Hong Yun, saved his life. But it’s absolutely impossible for him
to completely recover after two consecutive serious injuries this time. He probably wouldn’t
show up again in the next few years.”

The one who replied was the Second Elder, as he was the one guarding the hidden thirty-
first room in the Red card area, and Duan QiTian had been in secluded cultivation all this
while inside this hidden room.

Duan QiTian struck the table as he muttered to himself, “If it’s like this, wouldn’t it be very
difficult if I want to find him later?”

The Second Elder sighed, “This can’t be helped. The Long Xiang Continent is so huge. It’s
generally quite difficult to find a level ten mage who is deliberately hiding. Oh yes, have you
heard about the matter with your disciple?”

Duan QiTian, “Are you talking about that dunce?”

The Second Elder discovered that Duan QiTian’s temper was always very spirited in the past
when he would scold using this word, “dunce”. It was unlike the present, where there was
completely no expression on his face when scolding people. It looked like the results of
cultivating these few months in the hidden room were quite good, but it is possible that
Duan QiTian may have overdone it a little.

“It’s your third disciple.”

“What’s up with him?”

“Do you still remember that Divine Realm practitioner that appeared in the Boundless Sea?
He’s the Ling Xiao who is always with your little disciple.”

“To think it’s him.” Duan QiTian narrowed his eyes. Although he had always felt that that
man was a little strange, he had never thought that Ling Xiao was actually a Divine Realm
expert who had been residing inside DaoXin Academy all along.

“It’s hard to imagine right? Who knows what his motive is.” The Second Elder questioned in
concern. The principal was currently out of the academy. If he really harbored harmful
motives towards DaoXin Academy, they would not be able to stop him with their current

“You don’t have to worry that he will harm DaoXin Academy.” Duan QiTian had seen
through his thoughts in a single glance, “If he had such motives, he would have made a
move long ago. Is there anything else?”

“En, I have discussed with the Great Elder to prepare to let you negotiate with him. You are
You XiaoMo’s shifu and I believe that he would give you some face.” The Second Elder
immediately explained.

“I know, if there’s nothing else… …”

“Okay, I’m going now.” The Second Elder took the initiative to leave before he was chased
away. Though there were a few changes, his innate character still had not changed.

When the incident involving You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao swept over the North, no one within
DaoXin Academy even had the leisure to gossip as there were demon beasts bursting
through Ward A every day since the barrier had been destroyed. So as to resist the demon
beasts from the mountains, everyone had to run to the frontlines to help. Currently, the
entire Ward A was so busy that they were beaten black and blue.

However, there was still a clear change.

There were now more people peeping at them. In the past, those people would be
gossiping in front of them, but they did not dare to do so now, and would only converse far
away from them.

Each and every one of those who had grudges with You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao seemed to
have disappeared off the face of the earth.
For example, Tang YuCheng and Chai Zheng. Many people who didn’t like them popped out
now, mocking the two.

You XiaoMo had not thought about them for a long time. They had already tasted defeated
at his hands. If he continually thought of them, would he not be dragging himself down to
their level?

They had a few relatively quiet days after that.

Ling Xiao had been meditating in the room to transform Chen QingEr and the others
cultivation bases into his own.

There were many that made an excuse to find You XiaoMo for the purpose of catching a
glimpse of Ling Xiao, fooling them to kill some time was fun enough for You XiaoMo.
However, he had expected that the first who would knock on his door would be the old
geezer instead of Yin Ge.

You XiaoMo immediately thought of Feng ChiYun upon seeing Yin Ge and felt depressed.

“Will you guys be going to the Higher Level Realm?”


“Will you rescue Feng ChiYun?”


“That’s good, I will go with you too.”


“YuXuan and I were originally from the Higher Level Realm. We had to come to the Middle
Level Realm because of some circumstances. If you want to know anything, I will tell you
everything I know about it.”

You XiaoMo was still a little surprised to know that they were from the Higher Level Realm.
It seemed that everything that happened recently had some connection to the Higher Level

“I’ve heard that you hold half the bloodline of a demon beast.”

Yin Ge fell silent, “That’s right. My father is the Nine-Headed Serpent King, and my mother
is a human practitioner. Due to some internal problems, I had no choice but to come here.”

You XiaoMo felt that the Heavens sprinkled some dog-blood drama in front of him again. It
was definitely due to some issue like the bloodline not being pure enough or so on and so
forth. However, the Nine-Headed Serpent King was not an ordinary demon beast. The Nine-
Headed Serpent King was like the Four Ancients Clan, they were born as ruler. Their
position was extremely lofty among the demon beasts.

<strong>t/n: dog-blood means melodramatic, contrived.</strong>

You XiaoMo said, “I don’t know when we will set off. It’ll depend on Ling Xiao.”

Yin Ge, “Then I’ll trouble you to speak with him.”

“Okay, I will.”

After sending Yin Ge off, You XiaoMo walked into the bedroom to take a look at Ling Xiao’s
situation. It appeared that the cultivation bases of three Emperor Realm practitioners were
not easy to digest.

Over the past few days, he learned from others what had happened during the period he
was unconscious, and the whole battle sounded just entirely one-sided. However, You
XiaoMo could not shake the feeling that there was some problem with Qilin that swallowed
Chen QingEr and the two others. Otherwise, it was impossible for Ling Xiao to be sitting still
on the bed for several days in a row.

You XiaoMo worriedly looked at Ling Xiao who had his eyes closed.

According to Tang YuLin’s description, that person called Yu WenNan did indeed say these
two words ‘blood sacrifice rite ’ when Ling Xiao summoned the fire Qilin out.

Upon hearing something which had both "blood" and "sacrifice" within its name definitely
did not mean anything good.

You XiaoMo sighed.

“What are you sighing about again?” A hand suddenly clapped on his head and pushed him
down until his stature immediately shrank a little. It was with astonishment that he
discovered this voice was from Ling Xiao whose eyes had just been closed.

“You’re all right now?” You XiaoMo pulled his hand off and happily asked.

“How can anything happen to this husband of yours? Or do you hope that something would
happen to me?” Ling Xiao unconcernedly stated as he put on his shoes before he came off
the bed.

You XiaoMo decided not to dispute over these trifles with him, “Yin Ge came to look for me.
He said that he wanted to go to the Higher Level Realm with us. And he also said that he
and Zhan YuXuan both came from the Higher Level Realm.”

“If he wants to follow, let him follow.” Ling Xiao indifferently replied.

“So when are we going to leave for the Higher Level Realm?” He was completely unclear
about this aspect of the matter and could only depend on Ling Xiao to make decisions.

“Then let’s find a day.”

“What day?”

“An auspicious day.”


Duan QiTian came knocking just as the two came to a decision. You XiaoMo really missed
the old geezer quite a bit and he also wanted to know how well the old geezer’s soul was
recovering. But he did not dare to be too enthusiastic as he did not know whether the first
or second personality would appear.

However, after You XiaoMo saw Duan QiTian, he covertly moved closer to Ling Xiao’s ear
and whispered, “Ling Xiao, do you think that the old geezer has been switched?”

“The possibility is low.” Ling Xiao told him after observing for a moment.

“Why?” You XiaoMo asked.

“Because the look of disdain in his eyes is exactly the same as before.”


“I’ve already heard about your situation.” Duan QiTian walked in without leave, and got
right to the point without any superfluous words. He was so frank it gave the impression
that they were chatting about domestic matters.

You XiaoMo simply did not know how to react to this, but he felt that the old geezer was a
little weird today. His expression and voice still had the same terrorizing force, but he was
colder than usual.

“Shifu, I did not mean to deliberately conceal it from you.” You XiaoMo quickly apologized.

Duan QiTian immediately glared at him, “I’ll pluck your head off if you did it on purpose!”
You XiaoMo blushed with shame. Actually one could also say that he had deliberately
concealed it.

Duan QiTian ignored him and shifted his attention to Ling Xiao, “My disciple is not free for
you to kidnap.”

Ling Xiao gave an indolent smile, “Then I’m sorry to say that he had already been kidnapped
by me before he became your disciple.”

Duan QiTian choked.

You XiaoMo secretly gave a mental ‘thumbs-up’ as the tiny him in his heart laughed till its
teeth were showing. Ling Xiao was really too cool, to completely defeat the hot-tempered
old geezer in one sentence!

However, could they refrain from using such a word like ‘kidnap? That just makes him look

Ling Xiao continued, “Duan QiTian, don’t push your luck. It’s not because I respect you or
the others that I helped DaoXin Academy to seize the Elemental Essence. If not for your
little disciple, I couldn’t be bothered.”

Duan QiTian swelled with so much anger that his mustache puffed up.

He had another purpose for coming to find them, but he really felt a little unhappy about
handing that matter over when seeing this man’s attitude. He could only fiercely glare at his
little disciple; it’s all because of your man!

You XiaoMo was baffled by his glare.

Chapter 375: Sealed Jade Drive

Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

This was the first time Duan QiTian suffered from this sort of humiliating defeat before, but
he could only suppress his displeasure. This was precisely what made him even more

“Don’t be angry, Master. Ling Xiao’s always like this. Just ignore him.” You XiaoMo hurried
to appease him, afraid that the old man would take out his anger on him. That would really
be terrible.

Duan QiTian was unaffected by his appeasement and threw something at him angrily. “Take
this,” he said in a harsh tone.

You XiaoMo hurried to catch it and found that the old man had thrown him a jade drive and
it looked different from the information jade drives he had purchased before at Xian Ji Lou.
This one was red. He couldn’t help but ask, “Master, what is this?”

“Do you not have eyes to look for yourself?” Duan QiTian harrumphed.

The corner of You XiaoMo’s eye twitched. He knew that he would be the one paying for
Ling Xiao’s taunting. Of course he knew this was a jade drive; he was asking about what it

You XiaoMo decided to avoid angering the old man further, and respectfully asked,
“Master, why are you giving me this jade drive?”

“It’s not from me,” Duan QiTian said unexpectedly.

“Not from you, Master? Then who?” You XiaoMo asked in surprise.

“It was a decision made after I discussed things with Hei Tian.”

You XiaoMo was confused. “But why?”

Duan QiTian explained, “As your man said, the reason DaoXin Academy was able to obtain
the Elemental Essence is doubtlessly because of you two. So, to thank you, and repay you
for the thirty percent of spirit gems you didn’t receive, I discussed things with Hei Tian and
we decided to give you this jade drive.”
With this reminder, You XiaoMo suddenly remembered.

They hadn’t ended up getting back their thirty percent of spirit gems. Though one of Qiu
Ran’s helpers had been killed by the Great Elder, the spirit gems weren’t on him, but on
that guy called MuShen.

He had completely forgotten about this because he had been too busy worrying over Ling

“What’s inside this jade drive?” You XiaoMo looked at the jade drive. If the great elder and
Duan QiTian had decided to use this to compensate them, then it wouldn’t just be anything.

Duan QiTian said, “This jade drive isn’t a normal jade drive, it’s a kind of sealed jade drive.
Sealed jade drives aren’t common, but usually, any jade drive with a seal on it will contain
something extremely valuable. Hei Tian and I have already tried, but even with our
combined strength, we can’t break the seal on the jade drive, so one thing is certain: the
person who placed the seal is a level eleven or twelve mage.”

You XiaoMo sucked in a breath of air.

The value of something belonging to a Divine or Sacred level powerhouse would probably
be comparable to the Elemental Essence.


“So, Master, what you’re saying is that neither you or the great elder know what’s in it, only
that it’s very valuable information?”

Discomfort flashed across Duan QiTian’s face, but he still puffed up his chest and said in a
confident manner, “That’s right!”

The corner of You XiaoMo’s lips twitched. Can’t believe you actually have the face to say

But if it was a seal made by a Sacred level powerhouse, not even Ling Xiao would be able to
break it. Then wouldn’t this jade drive become a mountain of gold that he could only look at
but not use?

“By the way, Master, why are you certain it’s a mage?” You XiaoMo asked in curiosity. This
was something he had wanted to ask before.

“Because this jade drive was something I and Hei Tian had found in a cavern storage that
had existed for at least a hundred thousand years. There was mostly magic herbs and magic
pills in there and some scrolls detailing techniques relating to the soul. The owner of the
cavern was rather obviously a mage,” Duan QiTian said.

“So that’s why.”

“Keep it,” Ling Xiao, who had been silent until then, suddenly said.

You XiaoMo immediately put the jade drive away without hesitation. Ling Xiao was always

Duan QiTian was even more displeased. It hadn’t been easy, taking in this youngest disciple
of his and now the said disciple listened to another more than him. It felt like his disciple
had been stolen.

“Master, what’s wrong?” You XiaoMo was met with the sight of the old man making an
expression that said ‘I’m displeased, comfort me’ at him when he looked up. His heart
stuttered, what the old man going crazy for now? But he couldn’t say that out loud.

“Come out for moment.” After that, he didn’t even wait for an agreement and left the

“I’ll go out for a moment. I’ll be right back,” You XiaoMo said to Ling Xiao before following
the old man outside.

The old man was waiting for him outside the house and, seeing him, cursed, “Too fucking

You XiaoMo automatically filtered this out. “Master, is there anything you need?”

Duan QiTian contemplated on what to say for a while. “Did you complete the dual
cultivation book I gave you last time with him?”

You XiaoMo flushed. “Yes…”

Duan QiTian then said, “Were you on top or was he?”

You XiaoMo couldn’t answer.

Duan QiTian didn’t need a response to know the answer, and his face paled a little more.
“Useless. You’re a man, don’t you know how to top?”

Master, do you think I haven’t thought of trying before? But it’s too hard, your student’s
combat strength is too low.

You XiaoMo couldn’t help but criticize himself internally, remembering how Ling Xiao had
given him a chance back then but he had chickened out of topping Ling Xiao. But he
wouldn’t tell the old man that even on pain of death.

Seeing how he refused to talk, Duan QiTian had a sort of rage that one felt when their
children didn’t live up to expectations. He took out a bottle and said angrily, “Take this.”

You XiaoMo took it, shrinking a little. “What’s this?”

Duan QiTian huffed. “This is a pill that I created called the Heart Bewitchment Pill. If you
give him this pill, I can promise you that you’ll be able make your wish come true. You only
have one chance, so treasure it. I’ll be taking my leave now.”

And then he really did leave.

You XiaoMo stared dumbly at the Heart Bewitchment Pill in his hand. In reality, he didn’t
have any wishes about that. Plus, if he really did give this to Ling Xiao to eat, he had a
feeling that he’d be the one in trouble in the end. Better not do anything reckless.

You XiaoMo carefully put the Heart Bewitchment Pill away. He decided to hide this pill. Ling
Xiao couldn’t know about it.

“What are you staring at?” Ling Xiao suddenly spoke into his ear.

You XiaoMo jumped in fright and turned to see Ling Xiao behind him. Who knew how long
he had been there. “You you you… why did you come out?”

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes. “What, can I not come out?”

You XiaoMo gave a strained smile. “Of course not!”

Ling Xiao huffed and turned to go back inside.

You XiaoMo hurriedly followed after him.

That was when Ling Xiao suddenly turned, his expression hinting at amusement as he
mocking said, “By the way, remember to tell me when you’re going to use that Heart
Bewitchment Pill. I can’t wait.”

You XiaoMo: “…”

They were overheard, as expected.

The two returned to their room and Ling Xiao stretched out his palm at him. “Let me see
that jade drive.”

You XiaoMo gave it over without hesitation. He really wanted to know if Ling Xiao could
break the seal over it. If he could, they could know the contents immediately.

Ling Xiao rolled the jade drive between his thumb and index finger for a while and then
said, under You XiaoMo’s expectant gaze, “Your master wasn’t lying. There are several
powerful seals on this jade drive.”

“Several?” You XiaoMo asked in shock. He had thought there was only one.

“That’s right, several seals. However, individually, these seals aren’t very strong, but if you
place them together, they’ll create a very powerful seal. This seal is extremely hard to break
because if you go wrong at any point, the jade drive will immediately turn to dust. I’m
guessing that the owner of the jade drive is quite possibly a level twelve mage,” Ling Xiao

“That’s way too harsh. What if we can never break it?” You XiaoMo’s treasure hunting spirit
was shattered in an instant.

“I doubt that,” Ling Xiao said with a smile.

Seeing how he seemed to have a plan, You XiaoMo’s eyes lit up. “You thought of

Ling Xiao said, “Before today, it’d be impossible, but it’s different now. Once I digest Chen
QingEr and the others’ cultivation base, I’ll be able to break it.”

You XiaoMo understood. So it had something to do with cultivation level. “How long will
that take?”

Ling Xiao gave a conservative estimate. “Three months.”

“That long!” You XiaoMo exclaimed. Before this, he had thought Ling Xiao was good to go,
but suddenly remembered that. “What is that Sacrificial Blood Rite, anyways?”

“It’s a secret technique of the Qilin clan. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t use it if I couldn’t do it. It’s
because Chen QingEr and her companions have very high cultivation levels. The higher the
level, the harder to absorb. It’s trickier to transduce it, that’s all. Nothing unusual,” Knowing
that he was worried, Ling Xiao comforted him.
You XiaoMo thought for a while and before confirming he wasn’t lying.

After that day, they began to prepare to leave for the higher plane. The plane was in a
different dimension, so they had a lot to prepare, such as a Trans-Dimensional Tunnel.
Chapter 376: Trans-Dimensional Tunnel

Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The connection between a higher plane and a middle plane was something called a Trans-
Dimensional tunnel.

A dimensional tunnel was different from a transport circle, both due to the concept and the
level of danger.

A transport circle was a constant form of transportation using spatial powers. In terms of
danger, on a scale of a hundred, it was at about ten.

The Trans-Dimensional tunnel, on the other hand, was different.

Similarly, it was a connection formed between two realms and creating a path between
them. However, due to the imbalance between the two, the connection would be shaky,
thus, very risky. On a percentage scale, about eighty percent risky unless five or more Divine
Level Practitioners worked together to form a relatively stable one. In that case, the risk
was about fifty percent.

Yu WenNan and the others came to the middle realm with a fifty percent risk.

It must be said, their luck was pretty good, and they got the fifty-fifty risk.

The problem facing Ling Xiao and the others was precisely due to the Trans-Dimensional
tunnel. They had to create one between the two realms.

This was when You XiaoMo asked his question, “When Yu WenNan and the middle-aged
man left, did they go through the dimensional tunnel too?”

“It's not the same.” Ling Xiao explained, “What Yu WenNan used was a Dimensional
Talisman. A high grade Dimensional Talisman can be used to travel between two realms. It's
much better in terms of safety and stability compared to a dimensional tunnel. But, a high
grade dimensional talisman is hard to come by, not only because it can only be made by a
Sacred-Level Practitioner, but also because it is difficult to create. Maybe once in every ten
times will it be successful.”

That means it's possible that everything you put into it would go down the drain!

“Then the middle-aged man left using the Trans-Dimensional tunnel?” You XiaoMo asked.

“Correct, but the one he used was restricted, and after this many days, that tunnels
connection to Long Xiang Continent is probably gone.”

With a face of disappointment, You XiaoMo said, “That’s too bad, but if that’s the case then
don’t we have to create one ourselves? But you are the only Divine-Level Practitioner, and
Principal Han Gong from the Academy is not here, otherwise he could help out too.”

“Don’t worry, I can do it alone, but I’ll need some time.” Ling Xiao answered, curling his lips
upward, “A Trans-Dimensional tunnel requires a lot of energy and time.”

“That’s fine, whenever it is completed, is whenever we leave.” Although You XiaoMo

wanted to go save Feng ChiYun immediately, he knew they couldn’t rush it.

Clearly, Yin Ge was aware of this as well and thus for the next month or so, he didn’t bother

A normal Trans-Dimensional tunnel would take three Divine-level practitioners to complete,

using one or two months. However, since Ling Xiao was alone, the time would be extended
to double the amount.

During this time, the chaos that occurred in Yan City had calmed down.

Although DaoXin Academy was faced with another difficult problem.

Ever since the barrier broke, the demon beasts from the deep mountains were set loose.
There were cases of demon beasts attacking a student every once in a while.

Since the barrier was set by Han Gong, Hei Tian did not have the ability to set one as strong
as before and thus had to make do with what they had. Therefore, the barrier around Ward
A was one that could only protect against attacks from beasts level eight and below.

But that was just a temporary measure.

Demon beasts of level eight and above would still invade and the Academy had to organize
all of the students together.

Although Ward A was deep in the mountains because of the environment the areas in
which people could come and go was limited. There were only eight entrances. Therefore,
by using points as rewards, the Academy began encouraging strong students in Block One
and Two to help guard the entrances.

You XiaoMo was in the Block Two Hundred-Men Rankings, although, only as the fifty first
place. However, with his talent as a level eight mage, getting to the top three was definitely

Due to this, the Academy didn’t exclude him from the list as well as his relationship with
Ling Xiao. Today was his turn with twenty-four other students to guard the entrance. Since
they had a remote entrance with little demon beasts coming, there were fewer people on
guard duty.

To prevent the problem from last time occurring, Ling Xiao told You XiaoMo to bring out all
of his demon beasts.

Ever since his identity was exposed, She Qiu and the others had no reason to stay in the
dimension anymore. Since they became free to roam, everyone except the mature She Qiu
and Lan Qiu all ran away…even the little chick he told specifically to not build a nest on his
You XiaoMo felt a little sour, thinking back, that little chick was pretty much glued to him.
His two claws were almost grown into his hair, no matter how hard he pulled, it wouldn’t
let go. Now, even he went wild and left.

“She Qiu, Lan Qiu, you guys are the best.” You XiaoMo looked at the two who stayed,
feeling moved.

In a lazy manner She Qiu replied, “That’s because Boss told us that we couldn’t leave you
for a second, or else.”

Lan Qiu nodded vigorously, in actuality, he wanted to explore the deep mountains like Xiao
Hei and the others. Especially the Uneven Slopes, he wanted to know if his old nest was
taken up by some other beast.

Exasperated, You XiaoMo thought, ‘these assholes.’

Once they departed, the three made their way to the meeting place.

You XiaoMo saw the list before, and the students were sorted by strength to fill each time
slot, but on their list, there were only three who had any reputation within Ward A. He also
didn’t know any of them.

He had initially thought that he would be with a few familiar faces, but he didn’t expect
there to be none at all.

“Look guys, that’s You XiaoMo.”

As he arrived, the chatter quieted. A while later it continued, but much softer, they
suppressed their voices, probably afraid that he was going to overhear.

“Man, having a patron is really different, huh? He even brought two guards.”

“Ah, I’m so jealous. If only I could meet a man like Ling Xiao.”
“Tsk, what is there to be jealous about, someone like him…” A male who couldn’t help his
jealousy said, but before he even finished, many turned to look at him, each with a strange
expression. Even knowing that You XiaoMo had a patron who was tougher than diamonds,
he dared to speak ill in front of him. He was very courageous!

But the man who spoke up couldn’t continue with everyone staring and, with a scrunched
neck, he shrunk back into the crowds without another word.

Feeling the atmosphere, You XiaoMo looked sadly upwards at a forty-five degree angle.

Please don’t be obsessed over me, I am but a myth!

Remembering such a familiar phrase, You XiaoMo couldn’t help but laugh inwardly. He
didn’t think he would get to use this one day.

Both Lan Qiu and She Qiu looked elsewhere at the same time.

Meaning---We don’t know this thing, don’t group us together.

Not long after the leader for their group, Elder Ye came. Immediately, You XiaoMo became
his main focus.

The time spent guarding was very tedious and You XiaoMo wasn’t someone that could stay
still, so he told She Qiu to replace him as guard. With Lan Qiu at his side, You XiaoMo very
openly took a break, but no one could say anything against it.

A day’s time passed with him refining pills.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Elder Ye told everyone to get ready, twenty-five
minutes later the next group would be taking over their shift.

You XiaoMo packed away his cauldron and stood up, patting away the dirt from his pants.
Speaking of cauldrons, he believed that he might need a new one. Although the one that
Vice Principal Yan Fa gave him wasn’t bad, with his skills in multitasking developing, he
wanted a bigger cauldron. However, it might be difficult.

It wasn’t long before the other group came to switch with them.

Still, You XiaoMo didn’t find a single familiar face among the mix, so he just left with She
Qiu and Lan Qiu. The day was both tedious and boring, not even a silhouette of a demon
beast and even if there was one, before they got to You XiaoMo, it would have been taken
cared of by his two ‘bodyguards’.

When the gang went back to their room, Xiao Hei and MaoQiu were already there. Whereas
PiQiu took MaoQiu and little chick somewhere and still wasn't back yet.

You XiaoMo walked into the inner chamber to find Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao was meditating inside, since he had just used up a lot of energy to build the
dimensional tunnel.

In the past two months, he saw the hardworking side of Ling Xiao.

“What’s wrong?” Ling Xiao said, as the moment he opened his eyes he saw You XiaoMo in
front of him with a scrunched-up face.

You XiaoMo took out, from his dimension, the pills he had been refining during his shift as
guard and stuffed it into Ling Xiao’s hands. “These are the level eight pills I refined today,
here, take all of it. If you eat these, you should recover faster.”

Ling Xiao’s lips curled up as he said, “Could it be you’re worried about me?”

You XiaoMo replied while grinning, “Correct, don’t you feel very honored?”
Suddenly, Ling Xiao tipped his head upwards and gave a devious smile, “Honored not so
much, but I wouldn’t mind if you used a different way to reward me.”

You XiaoMo’s faced flushed red and eyes darted everywhere, “Then, I’ll be waiting.”

In a dead serious tone, Ling Xiao said, “Wife, you are tempting me.”

You XiaoMo felt the corner of his mouth twitch, was he?

But regardless if he did or not, Ling Xiao, who had been saving up, in the broad daylight,
took the half-compliant half-rejecting You XiaoMo to bed. Their ‘exercise’ caused him to
have to lie in bed the next day. For that, You XiaoMo complained about it for a long time. If
that guy still had so much energy, he shouldn’t have felt sympathetic at all.
Chapter 377: Setting Off

Translated by Rachel of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

After spending two and a half months, Ling Xiao finally completed the Trans-Dimensional
Tunnel. It was completed one and a half months earlier than expected, but in order for the
spatial force to stabilize, they had to wait a few more days. Then, as Ling Xiao said, all they
had to do was to pick an auspicious day to set off. But before that, they still had one more
problem to solve.

The Trans-Dimensional Tunnel had an infinitely strong spatial force field. If a normal person
were to enter, say someone of You XiaoMo’s level, no doubt they would be shredded to
pieces by the spatial force. You XiaoMo had Ling Xiao, so that wouldn’t be a problem. But
that was a different story for Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan.

Luckily, Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan had already taken this into consideration. Furthermore,
they had also experienced it before. So when it was suggested to them to set off together
for the High Realm, they had already taken this aspect into their consideration.

True to his word, Ling Xiao picked out an auspicious day three days later.

The auspicious day, which was also the eleventh day since the completion of the tunnel,
was the time when the spatial force field reached an equilibrium point and was the safest
to travel.

Before they set off, all of You XiaoMo’s friends turned up … in his and Ling Xiao’s room to
send him off. Reason being Ling Xiao had built one end of the tunnel there… The originally
spacious room quickly became cramped as BaiLi,Tian Yi and a few others entered. Seeing
that his house was stuffed full of people, You XiaoMo walked into the inner room and
complained to Ling Xiao.

“Couldn’t you have picked a larger place to work on the tunnel?”

Ling Xiao lazily glanced at him before replying, “The fewer people that know about the
Trans-Dimensional tunnel, the better. Even though it will automatically disappear after a
while, it’ll still be troublesome if someone with ulterior motives were to get their hands on
it. Ward A may have Hei Tian and the rest, but they can’t possibly handle everything.”

You XiaoMo touched his nose. So there was an underlying reason for doing this.

Previously he heard Ling Xiao talk about how the Trans-Dimensional tunnel the middle aged
man tried to leave through vanished immediately. Apparently, this one wasn’t the same. He
reckoned not many would even think of searching their room for the tunnel.

“XiaoMo…” BaiLi XiaoYu’s voice drifted in airily.

You XiaoMo walked out only to find that BaiLi XiaoYu was not alone, but with BaiLi TianYi
and Tang YuLin.

“What’s up with you guys?”

“Are you guys… really going to the High Realm?” BaiLi XiaoYu asked hesitantly.

“Of course, we’ve prepared everything already.” You XiaoMo nodded.

Baili XiaoYu decided to try his luck. “Then, is it possible if…”

“No.” Before he even got the chance to finish, BaiLi TianYi shot him down resolutely.

“But second brother!” BaiLi XiaoYu glared at him unhappily.

“It’s no use even if you call Mother. BaiLi XiaoYu, don’t think I don’t know what’s going on in
your head. With your current level of power, do you even think you stand a chance in the
High Realm? You’ll be dead. And also, they’re not there to have fun.” BaiLi TianYi said

“XiaoYu, you want to come with us?” You XiaoMo asked, surprised.

BaiLi XiaoYu’s lips pressed into a thin line, unwilling to speak.

Taking his silence for a yes, You XiaoMo told him regretfully, “I understand how you feel,
but I’m afraid you can’t come along this time. The conditions don’t permit it.”


“Because I cannot guarantee your safety.” Zhan YuXuan walked in with Yin Ge by his side.
Clearly, the two of them had heard their conversation.

This time, only Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan were going with You XiaoMo to the High Realm. Not
because they were the only ones who came from the High Realm, but because they
possessed something called the Space Stone. The Space Stone was a very precious item
produced only in the High Realm and they were extremely rare. They served an important
purpose of protecting them from the destructive spatial force within the dimension tunnel.
When Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan initially came to the Middle Realm, they brought along four
pieces of Space Stone, two of which they used along the way. Currently, they were only left
with two, so they really couldn't afford to bring anyone with them.
BaiLi XiaoYu never thought it was so dangerous. Seeing You XiaoMo being very relaxed
about the matter, he thought that traveling between two realms was going to be a piece of
cake. Without having to be persuaded, he gave up on tagging along.

Gao Yang had originally intended to send You XiaoMo off, but unfortunately, he was on
duty that day. In addition, he was also the captain of the team, so he couldn’t take leave. He
had no other choice but have BaiLi XiaoYu deliver his words to You XiaoMo.

“Gao-Dage has always been a busy guy. When I leave, please give him my thanks.” You
XiaoMo realized that ever since he entered Ward A, the times he saw GaoYang were few
and far between, which was rather regretful. Gao Yang was already a brother figure that he
looked up to even before he entered DaoXin Academy.

“Ok, I’ll send him your message.” BaiLi TianYi replied.

Fifteen minutes before they set off, Hei Tian and Duan Qi Tian finally showed up. Hei Tian
got everybody to wait outside and made You XiaoMo bring them to see Ling Xiao in the
inner room. However, Ling Xiao wasn’t going to entertain them easily.

Ever since Ling Xiao’s identity was revealed, neither Hei Tian nor Duan QiTian brought up
the matter of him lying about his age to enroll into the Academy. While rules were meant to
be obeyed, it was the fist that made the rules in the real world.

“We’ve come to speak to you about Principal Han Gong.” Hei Tian took the lead to speak.
With his face as expressionless as ever, anyone could tell with one look that he was a man
of strict self-discipline.

Ling Xiao raised a brow. “Han Gong?”

“That’s right.” Hei Tian nodded.

“Principal Han Gong has gone to the High Realm and has not returned to the Long Xiang
Continent for close to two thousand years. As for the reason, you probably know.”

Ling Xiao thought about it before answering, “The Long Xiang Continent has restrictions on
the levels one can attain due to the Realm it is in. Emperor level powerhouses who wish to
have a breakthrough and reach the Divine level would face much greater difficulty than in
the High Realm. Furthermore, for a Divine Level powerhouse to level up here would be
equally hard. Is this why he left for the High Realm?”

“So? What’s the point of telling us this?”

Hei Tian took out a normal looking jade slab. “This is Han Gong’s portrait. I want to ask a
favor of you. If you ever meet Han Gong, tell him about DaoXin Academy’s situation.”

Ever since the barrier was broken and dissolved, the situation did improve but it wasn’t a
long term solution. The high level demon beasts in the Deep Mountain seemed to be on the
move already so it was imperative that they erect a new one quickly.

You XiaoMo didn’t expect Ling Xiao to agree, but to his surprise he did.

“I will pass the message if I see him.” Ling Xiao said. Meaning, if he didn’t see Han Gong, he
wouldn’t go out of his way to search for him.

It was as Hei Tian expected.

After they were done talking, Duan Qi Tian walked up to You XiaoMo and grabbed his hands

“My dear disciple…”

You XiaoMo felt goosebumps all over his body.

Duan QiTian didn’t seem to notice as he continued, “The High Realm is very different from
the Long Xiang Continent. There are powerhouses everywhere and many stronger than Ling
Xiao out there. You have to be careful there. If you feel something’s wrong, run
immediately. Understand?”
“I...I understand.”

This must be the Old Geezer’s first personality, You XiaoMo thought to himself. Looks like
the problem with his soul had been more or less fixed, but nothing had changed about his
dual personality.

“If Ling Xiao dares to bully you, tell me.” Duan Qi Tian said.

“ShiFu, are you going to avenge me by bullying him back?” You XiaoMo was touched.

“No, your ShiFu will help you curse him.”

“Dear disciple, you need to empathize with your ShiFu. I can't defeat him.” Seeing as You
XiaoMo showed no signs of speaking, he thought that he had utterly disappointed You

You XiaoMo couldn't stand his Shifu’s gentle and mushy tone anymore. He reckoned he
must be a masochist. Why else would he miss the Old Geezer’s second personality or the
times he got a scolding?

“Shifu, I know you can't defeat him. But don't worry, I won't make you hit him for me.” You
XiaoMo said understandingly, trying his best to ignore the goosebumps rising on his skin.
Duan Qi Tian was so touched that his tears spilled forth.

“My good disciple ahhh…”

You XiaoMo continued, “I'm afraid that he'll beat you into a pulp. That would be disgraceful
for me.”

“…” Duan Qi Tian was at a lost for words. The Shifu was an idiot, so was the disciple.

Like Shifu, like disciple. Ling Xiao knew it would end like this, but it brought him great joy
every time the idiot duo talked. From the crack in his stern demeanor, this must have been
the first time Hei Tian saw Duan Qi Tian acting so dumb.

After the master and disciple finished their talk, the time to set off had finally come. As they
had to keep the Dimension Tunnel a secret, not many knew they were leaving the Long
Xiang Continent apart from a few close friends.

After Hei Tian and Duan QiTian left the room, Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan came in.

“Where are the rest?” You XiaoMo asked.

“The Great Elder got them to leave.” Zhan YuXuan answered. Having too many people
gathering outside would make it too conspicuous, so they were chased back reluctantly.

Ling Xiao walked over and looked at all of them.

“Since you're ready, then let's go.”

In that moment, the mini whirlpool that was silently floating mid air suddenly had a gigantic
outburst of power. It started to enlarge and spun faster and faster as a suction force sucked
the tables and chairs in the room in.

Ling Xiao grabbed You XiaoMo’s waist and turned back to give the other two a command,

A moment later, all four of them had disappeared. The whirlpool within the room returned
to its normal size about half an hour later and silently spun around in the air.
Chapter 378: Jinx

Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The Trans-Dimensional tunnel was a place filled with boundless darkness. Like a monster in
hibernation, it was filled with infinite spatial force that made one’s heart palpitate. Just a
tiny bit of force was enough to kill a Spiritual Realm practitioner.

You XiaoMo had a sense of deadly crisis coming from all directions when he entered the
tunnel. He could only see an area within a hundred meters radius. Despite this, it was
enough to shock him.

You XiaoMo enveloped his eyes with his soul power and was now able to see the constant
pressure of the spatial force. It was as if there were tiny and incorporeal sharp weapons. All
the things floating in the space were swept over and shredded into dust in a split second. If
that had been a person, there was bound to be no bones left…

You XiaoMo turned back and looked at Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan.

A faint layer of milky white light was released from their entire bodies. This should be the
effect of the Space Stone. The two did not panic as they had already experienced this once.

However, You XiaoMo did notice that Yin Ge’s appearance was slightly different from usual.

The biggest difference was in his eyes. The color had changed from black to silver and his
round black pupils had changed to vertical silts. Though there was no expression on his
face, those pair of eyes still showed a hint of ferociousness that belonged to the Serpent
King. Yin Ge’s strength steadily rose after rousing the bloodline of the Serpent King in his
body, and directly skipped over the eighth level. He was now at the threshold of the ninth
level, and was even faintly approaching the tenth level.

“Ling Xiao, how long will it take for us to reach the end?” You XiaoMo withdrew his gaze
and lifted his head to look at Ling Xiao. Three days had passed since they entered the spatial
tunnel. But not even a slight hint of light could be seen from the front. It was evident they
were quite a distance from the exit.

Initially, he had been worried that Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan could not take it anymore, but
when he saw their leisurely behavior, he knew that his worries were superfluous.

“At our current speed, we’ll take one and a half months to reach the end. Bear in mind that
this is a conservative estimate.” Ling Xiao replied.
“This is just too long ba!” You XiaoMo disappointedly exclaimed.

“Provided there are no unforeseen events, this is already the fastest time.”

“What do you mean by unforeseen events?”

Zhan YuXuan’s voice drifted from behind, “It means a spatial storm. Spatial storms are
characteristic to the spatial tunnels and it’s extremely dangerous. I’ve heard that spatial
storms are constructed entirely of spatial forces. It’ll appear once every year. Even an
Emperor Realm expert will find it hard to survive once they encounter this kind of thing.”

You XiaoMo mused and happily replied soon after, “Since it occurs once every year, then
our chances of encountering this spatial storm is very low. There’s no need to worry about

“That’s right.” Zhan YuXuan smiled and nodded, “It’s impossible to encounter it unless
there’s a character so inferior that they are hated greatly by both man and God.”

“Seems like there’s definitely someone among you both whose character is so inferior that
they are hated greatly by both man and God.” Zhan YuXuan had finished speaking when
Ling Xiao’s voice languidly drifted over as they stopped progressing.

The three looked in the direction he was gazing at. At about hundred meters in front, the
spatial forces were like a gale as they tore each other apart. An ear-piercing sound emitted
as it rotated without stopping like a tornado. This whirlwind was getting larger and larger as
the distance drew nearer.

This was a spatial storm!

Zhan YuXuan and You XiaoMo looked at each other.

Zhan YuXuan gently chuckled, “I think my character is not so bad. I didn’t meet any spatial
storms the last time.”

You XiaoMo ducked his head, “My character has always been good.”

The two simultaneously looked at Yin Ge after shirking responsibilities. Although they did
not say anything, their meaning was very obvious – you are the one.

Yin Ge calmly shot a glance at the two, “Jinxes.”

The two, “…”

“What do we do now?” You XiaoMo resignedly broke the silence after a long while.

Ling Xiao closed his eyes and when he opened them again, the color of his eyes changed
into a deep and mysterious violet, “Everyone stand behind me.”

This was the spatial tunnel, which was filled with spatial forces all around. Thus, one could
not open their dimension even if they had one as it would cause a disruption in the space.
Such a disruption had a high probability of collapsing the spatial tunnel.

Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan followed his instructions and flew behind Ling Xiao. You XiaoMo
was then temporarily passed over to the two.

You XiaoMo promptly urged, “Ling Xiao, you be careful.”

Ling Xiao looked back and faintly nodded his head.

The front of the tunnel was blocked entirely by the dense spatial storm. Even a chink could
not be seen. It was impossible to take another route, so there was only one method – that
was to force their way through.

Ling Xiao said, “I will use my flames to create a two meter wide fire dome. Remember not
to take a single step out of the fire dome. Otherwise, even I would not be able to save you.”

The three solemnly nodded.

Just as they had finished speaking, the spatial storm had drawn nearer and was just ten
meters ahead. The powerful gravitational force seemed as if it was going to suck them all in.
Except for Ling Xiao, You XiaoMo and the two hurried to stabilize their footing.

Just at this moment, a blood-curdling shriek sounded out with no warning.

The sound came from their left. Following that, not only was there one scream, a series of
screams were heard. However, it disappeared after a few seconds and only the howl of the
fatal spatial storm remained.

“W-w-w …what happened? There’re still people here?” You XiaoMo was so scared that he
started stammering.

Ling Xiao replied, “Someone encountered a spatial storm like us. It seems like they’re all

You XiaoMo wiped his cold sweat. This was too savage!
“Everyone be careful, the spatial storm is about to hit us.” Ling Xiao’s stern voice suddenly
sounded. There was a seriousness in his voice that was usually not present, it appeared that
he was paying great attention to the threat of the spatial storm.

Just as he finished speaking, the spatial storm howled and engulfed the four inside. Purple
flames were torn apart inside the storm, but the dome of flames still progressed forward at
a uniform velocity no matter how it distorted.

If someone saw this, they would definitely be gobsmacked.

To be so calm even when encountering a spatial storm, this person was definitely a phoenix
feather and unicorn horn existence.

<strong>t/n: phoenix feather and unicorn horn means an extremely rare object</strong>

Unfortunately, those who could become eyewitnesses were all dead.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Ling Xiao’s forehead after four hours. Regardless of how
capable he was, even he would find it difficult to release his lifebound flame for a constant
period to ward off the spatial storm. Furthermore, the rate of the consumption of his
spiritual energy was too fast.

You XiaoMo was incessantly worried upon seeing this. Thinking about the spiritual water in
his dimension, he was in a flurry as he immediately took out a bottle of spiritual water from
his magic bag. There were only ten drops inside, but it was better than nothing.

Ling Xiao could feel his internal spiritual energy starting to recover after drinking the
spiritual water.

Ling Xiao redoubled his efforts and after an hour, they had finally passed through the spatial
storm. The devastating spatial storm gradually drifted further behind them.

You XiaoMo and the two momentarily sighed in relief.

“Ling Xiao, are you okay?” You XiaoMo asked anxiously as he made Yin Ge release him
before throwing himself onto Ling Xiao.

“I’m all right. I just used up too much spiritual energy. I’ll be fine after resting.” There was a
faint smile on Ling Xiao’s face. Although only five hours had passed, his spiritual energy had
been depleted by ninety percent. There would be no problem as long as they did not meet
another spatial storm.
You XiaoMo frowned, “If I knew about this earlier, I would have prepared more spiritual

Ling Xiao unobtrusively glanced at Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan at the rear upon hearing this.
The two looked the same, as if they had not heard what You XiaoMo had said. Ling Xiao
assured, “It’s of no matter. I’ll still have a way even without spiritual water.”

Be that as it may, You XiaoMo was still awfully upset.

After the spatial storm passed, the next portion of their journey was much smoother. They
did not run into any unforeseen events as dangerous as the spatial storm and Ling Xiao’s
spiritual energy had also recovered.

They finally saw the exit of the tunnel after a month and a half.

A small bright spot of light was flashing in front of them and You XiaoMo’s long repressed
tension finally released.

Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan were also relieved.

“We’re going to exit soon. Be careful, bear in mind not to be reckless.” Ling Xiao instructed
the three. As long as they still had not exited, they may also fall short of success for lack of a
final effort even if the exit was right in front of their eyes.

The three once again roused their spirits.

The exit may seem just right in front of their eyes, but there was actually still a ways to go.

The spot of light was two times bigger after an hour, but it was still some distance away.

Excluding You XiaoMo, Ling Xiao and the two others appeared very calm. This situation
could be considered as an invisible test of the spatial tunnel. Letting one think that the exit
was just right before one’s eyes, giving rise to impatience. You XiaoMo now had this feeling,
but seeing that Ling Xiao and the rest were all very calm, he had no choice but to repress
this emotion.

This continued till the exit was less than a hundred meters away.

You XiaoMo beamed in joy at Ling Xiao, “Look, look…”

Seeing his smile, Ling Xiao also could not refrain from smiling. Just as he was about to
speak, his expression suddenly changed. A cry for help suddenly sounded from far and drew
nearer before he could speak.

Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan’s expressions had changed too. They did not even look at the
person crying for help, and like Ling Xiao, put on a burst of speed without further ado. Only
You XiaoMo was unable to make heads or tails of the situation.

The person crying for help had seen them and immediately rushed towards them while
waving in pleasant surprise.

“Big bros, help!” Accompanying his excited yell was a clamor of tremendous noise. Even an
earthquake was not as loud. The spatial tunnel violently shook and swayed, as if it was
about to collapse in the next second.

You XiaoMo stared so intently that his two eyeballs nearly popped out of their eye sockets.
Chasing that person was a pack of malevolent-looking monsters. Tentative estimates
showed that it was a horde of at least a hundred beasts behind him, and the strength of
every one was actually –

Level ten!!!
Chapter 379: Dao Yun

Translated by Rara of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

A level ten beast, on top of that, there were hundreds of them. Anyone with a brain would
know the only choice was to flee. Although, with Ling Xiao’s strength, this shouldn't be
something to be afraid of, but the Trans-Dimensional tunnel was very fragile. Once one
encountered a severe collision, it might lead to a second spatial storm, or cause the tunnel
to collapse. Which was why most normal people would choose to run if they met such a

The one who cried for help was a young man who appeared to be twenty-five. The most
noticeable thing about him was his bald head. What kind of ability did he have to be able to
attract hundreds of beasts. In short, no one cared about him.

However, mishaps still happened.

The man ran over with the hundreds of beast right behind his back. This massive
disturbance eventually caused the tunnel to fall apart like a broken mirror. All the broken
shards were engulfed in the spatial force.

The last thing You XiaoMo saw was Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan being flushed away and
swallowed by a ray of light before disappearing.

The next second, they were also being gobbled up by that ray of light. The roar of those
beasts was immediately cut off.

This was a vast, never ending barren land covered in red sand. The sky was bright, the sun
was hellish hot, as if it could burn the ground. There was no sight of plants or humans
within one kilometer.

You XiaoMo was lying on Ling Xiao's body. It took him awhile to finally react. The first thing
he did was try to find Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan, but that was no luck. Instead, he found a
"corpse" ten meters away from him, unknowing of the life or death status of it.

"Those two, they couldn't be..." You XiaoMo silently stared at the “corpse” for a moment
before he raised his head up anxiously.
Ling Xiao pat his back and comforted him, "Unlikely. The exit may have strayed off the
original path due to the impact, however, those two should have landed safely within the
Higher Realm now."

You XiaoMo instantly felt at ease. When he thought of the hundreds of beasts, his heart
went rampant. If their current spot was far from the exit, they might really have met death.

"What are those beasts?"

"They are spatial beasts." Ling Xiao had yet to speak a word and the "corpse" not far away
from them suddenly moved and looked at them with a pair of glistening eyes.

You XiaoMo recognized this man. This was the main culprit of the collapse of the Trans-
Dimensional tunnel, he was still in one piece! Knowing that this one was the reason they
were seperated from Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan, he really wished this man never made it out
of there.

"The spatial beasts and the spatial storm are two specialties of the Trans-Dimensional
tunnel. But the probability for the former to appear is less than 1/1000 compared to the
latter.” The youth continued, “Moreover, the spatial beasts only appear in groups, if one
encounters them, the probability of death from a spatial beast is higher than the spatial
storm by two hundred percent, and the chance of survival is one in billion."

You XiaoMo replied in a loathsome tone, "Then why are you still alive then?"

The youth was stupefied a bit, then laughed thoughtlessly, "Because I am that one in the
billion chance lucky guy!"

You XiaoMo narrowed his eyes, "I think you won’t be so lucky soon."

His sentence ended and the youth jumped up crying out loudly as if he was stabbed by a
needle. After a while, he suddenly bent down and coughed out blood. The red blood was
absorbed by the sand in a second.

You XiaoMo was slightly taken aback. He hadn't made any move yet. When he looked down
and saw Ling Xiao slowly withdrew his hands, he suddenly understood.
"My two doughty warriors, please spare me. I won't do it again." After that spit of blood,
the youth immediately begged for forgiveness. His glistening eyes became quite dispirited
as he looked toward Ling Xiao, obviously the youth knew who did it.

You XiaoMo soon knew, if this youth could rush into the Trans-dimensional alone while
being chased by hundreds of level ten spatial beasts and survive, his ability mustn't be that

"I could spare your life, but..." You XiaoMo said.

"But?" The youth hastily asked.

You XiaoMo asked without expecting anything, "Do you know where this is?"

"This must be your first time at TongTian Continent, no wonder..." The youth was surprised
a bit before suddenly changing the tone of his voice, "This place must be the most famous
uncivilized territory of the TongTian continent, Bei Dong, which is also the most chaotic
place of the TongTian continent."

The TongTian continent was the name of the Higher Realm. Usually one referred to this
place as TongTian continent instead of the Higher Realm, unless one was from a Middle or
Low Realm.

You XiaoMo didn't expect the youth could answer so fluently, and he couldn't help but ask,
"You know this place quite well, huh? Are you perhaps a citizen of the TongTian continent?"

The youth shook his head, "I have a map of the TongTian continent that my master gave to
me. I studied it before coming over. Bei Dong has a famous place called the Red Shoal, the
sand of this place is red."

You XiaoMo’s eyes immediately sparkled and stared at him passionately.

The youth suddenly felt a drop of cold sweat.

He felt that this expresion behind his eyes was especially familiar, because he looked like his
master every times he found a treasure.
"If you two sirs want, I can give you a copy of this map..."

The youth took the initiative and offered the map of the TongTian continent to them. Not
like he had any other option. The man next to that young boy was looking at him with a
terrifying look in his eyes. He had a premonition, if he dare to say one word of refusal, this
man would definitely kill him.

You XiaoMo instantly showed a bright smile and gripped his hand, "You are such a good

The youth hollowly laugh after being given a "good person" card.
t/n: Being given a “good person card” from another could be understand as you has been

If it wasn't himself in the wrong first, the youth would never give out the copy of the
TongTian continent map to anyone without any conditions. One must know that the
territory of the TongTian continent could be described as immeasurable, plus, there were
too many complicated forces on the TongTian continent. Therefore, until now, no one could
draw the map of the entire TongTian continent perfectly, even his master couldn't.

Although the map he owned wasn’t the most complete, it had many places that other maps
didn’t have.

His master once said to him, he had to risk his life in order to inquire information of many
places on this map, so he asked him never to show it to any stranger easily. However, he
had to give his map away right after he landed on the TongTian continent for the first time.
If his master knew about this, he would surely scold him to death.

After he copied the map, the youth gave a jade drive to them.

You XiaoMo joyously received the jade drive and then ran toward Ling Xiao to take credit
for it, "Great, we have a map now."

Ling Xiao didn't say a word, but his eyes were smiling.

Even though Ling Xiao used to live in the TongTian continent, he hadn't visited many places.
The reason was because he left the TongTian continent when he had just reached a
hundred years old. Within one hundred years, it was impossible for him to visit a place like
Bei Dong. Therefore, even though he knew plenty of things, they were by ear.

"Good, you can go now." Putting the jade drive away, You XiaoMo drove the youth away at

The youth gave a flattering smile, "You know, there is the thing called, our paths only cross
if fate brings us together. Since we were able to meet here, this can be considered as fate.
So how about … we go together?”

You XiaoMo observed him from head to toe, then smiled, "This is more like a shit fate.
However, I don't think we are going the same way."
T/n: Fate(Yuanfen 缘分) and ape's dung (yuanfen 猿粪 ) are homonym.

"You haven't asked me yet, how do you know we are not going the same way?" The youth
was disheartened, he knew he had left them a terrible first impression.

You XiaoMo felt that his sentence made sense, so he asked, "Fine, where do you want to

The youth replied instantly, "The reason I came to the TongTian continent is to find my

You XiaoMo, "... So where is your master?"

The youth answered, "No idea."

You XiaoMo, "..."

"Who is your master?" Ling Xiao finally spoke up.

The youth was surprised a little, then hurriedly said, "My master is the Thief God, one of the
ten Divine gods of the TongTian continent. His surname is Dao, his first name is Zu. The map
I gave you was drawn by my master of the places he has been."

"Dao Zu? What a special name." You XiaoMo said.

"Of course. Dao Zu also implies the founder of thievery. My master in the Tong Tian
continent is also a famous thief." The youth answered proudly.
t/n: Dao (盗) means thief, Zu(祖) means ancestor, founder. His title as Thief God also has
the word Dao in his surname.

Ling Xiao, "Since your master is the Thief God, he must never stay in one place then. Where
will you go to find him?"

The youth knew there was hope for him if he followed them, so answered right away, "My
master has indeed never stayed in a fixed location. He usually never stays in one place for
more than a month, but I know, where there is a treasure, there is my master. So, I want to
go to TianXiang city of Bei Dong to inquire about him.”

You XiaoMo saw Ling Xiao had taken the initiative to talk to the youth, he understood that
Ling Xiao had permitted the youth to follow them. It probably had something to do the with
his master, Dao Zu.

"That right, my name is Dao Yun. How can I call you?" After talking for so long, the youth
finally remembered he hadn't introduced himself.

"I'm You XiaoMo." Then he pointed at Ling Xiao, "He is Ling Xiao."

In the end, they went the same way together.

You XiaoMo was looking at the map while listening to the youth talking about Bei Dong.

TianXiang city was the largest city of Bei Dong. It rose to become famous, not because of
the glorious prosperity of this city, but thanks to the ten forces that surrounded the city.
Chapter 380: The Thief God of the Ten Divine Gods

Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Bei Dong was a well-known wasteland on the Tong Tian Continent, mainly for outcasts and
wanderers. By now, they had grown massive enough to become ten different forces; each
distinct from one another causing small conflicts.

However, the area of Bei Dong was vast and even if it was controlled by the ten forces,
there were still areas that had smaller forces surviving. Even if Bei Dong was just part of the
Tong Tian Continent, compared to the Long Xiang Continent, the difference was tenfold.

This was all explained to You XiaoMo by Dao Yun.

Although it was the first time in Tong Tian Continent for Dao Yun too, from the stories of his
master Dao Zu, he knew about the place since a young age. It became his aspiration to visit.

Thus, when talking about Bei Dong, Dao Yun could speak with assurance.

Dao Yun told You XiaoMo that he was also from a middle plane, although not the same one
as Long Xiao Continent; a different one.

There was only one higher realm, and that was the Tong Tian Continent, however, there
were more than just one middle and lower planes. In particular, there were the most lower
planes, supposedly in the hundred millionth.

“Your master is the Thief God of the higher plane, yet you are from a middle plane. That
doesn’t seem right, how do you communicate normally?” You XiaoMo asked curiously, he
felt that Dao Yun really knew a lot of stuff.

Dao Yun replied with a chuckle, “That’s because my master purposefully went to the middle
plane to recruit apprentices. But I’m not the only apprentice my master has, supposedly
there are nine more, although I have never seen them.”
You XiaoMo became speechless after hearing that.

At first, he thought that Dao Yun was the only apprentice of the Thief God, but actually he
was just one of them.

“What’s going on, why have you never seen them before?”

Dao Yun replied, “Because they are from a different plane than me. It just heard of them
occasionally from my master.” Speaking of that, his eyes dimmed.

“Your master wants to find a true successor out of you ten, right?” Ling Xiao, who had said
nothing before suddenly turned around and gave him a knowing look.

Retracting the downcast feeling from his eyes, Dao Yun asked in astonishment, “You are
right, but how did you know?”

Before Ling Xiao spoke, You XiaoMo explained, “That was an easy guess. Your master is the
Thief God, with his status, there was no need for him to go to a middle plane much less
finding ten apprentices from ten different planes. If he just wanted an apprentice, he didn’t
need to make it that complicated. Therefore, it must be that he wanted to test the ten of
you to see who could really continue his legacy.”

With smiling eyes, Ling Xiao nodded, “Not bad.”

Dao Yun felt a little down, because they guessed it all correctly, but he had only figured it
out three years after being told he had nine other Xiong Di.

“You guys were right, master did want to find a true disciple among us ten. The Tong Tian
Continent was the first test, the Trans-Dimensional Tunnel I went through was left by my
master. Half a year ago I came to find him on Tong Tian Continent, I think his other disciples
got a similar message.”
“Your master is really cruel.” You XiaoMo said, “If you died in the Trans-Dimension Tunnel
then you're out of the contest?”

Dao Yun nodded solemnly, but even with that he wanted to come and see the Continent.
Not only for his master’s words, he had wanted to visit for a while, but…

He had followed his master from a young age, one can say that he was brought up by him.
He had always thought his master as his closest family, but suddenly knowing he had other
plans for adopting him…it would be a lie to say he was not a little sad.

Seeing that he wasn’t in a good mood, You XiaoMo switched the topic, “You said earlier
that your master was one of the ten Divine gods, what do the ten Divine gods mean?”

Immediately Dao Yun became excited, “What we call the ‘ten Divine gods’ is essentially the
top ten Divine Level Practitioners of the Tong Tian Continent. Within the ten, except for two
who are six and five stars, the rest are all at the peak seven star Divine level. With the Tong
Tian Continent being so large, there must be more seven star Divine level practitioners, but
these ten are unanimously considered the strongest. Supposedly, below the Sacred level
there is no one who is their opponent.”

“They’re that strong?!” You XiaoMo exclaimed as he subconsciously looked over at Ling
Xiao. Although he was also a Divine level practitioner, he didn’t know what star he was or if
he was stronger than the ten Divine gods.

“What are you looking at?” Dao Yun questioned and by the time he noticed You XiaoMo
getting distracted, he had taken his gaze away from Ling Xiao.

You XiaoMo shook his head and replied, “Nothing, but if what you said is true, how do the
ten Divine gods get their rankings? It can’t be that all of the peak seven star Divine-level
practitioners gather around and have a fight, right?”

Dao Yun rejected this idea immediately, “Of course, that’s impossible.”

“Then how did they do it?” You XiaoMo asked again.

“This…” Dao Yun said as he scratched his head for an answer, “About this, I’m not really
sure either. Master didn’t tell me in detail, I just know this has something to do with a
massive force within the Tong Tian Continent.”

Seeing that he was so informative about the Tong Tian Continent, You XiaoMo thought he
knew everything, however this force did seem like Xian Ji Lou.

“It’s the Cang Alliance.” Ling Xiao said casually, “The Cang Alliance is the only force on Tong
Tian Continent that focuses on selling information. This force should be in Southern
Continent. The rankings of all of the strongest practitioners in Tong Tian Continent should
be done by by estimating their total strength then giving a ranking.”

Ten thousand years ago, when Ling Xiao left, the Cang Alliance had already existed.

In his memory, this was the role the Cang Alliance played, although what changed now, he
didn’t know.

In the span of ten thousand years, a lot would change.

“Is Southern Continent the south of TongTian Continent?” You XiaoMo asked, unsure since
the naming in Tong Tian Continent is a bit odd.
T/n: Nan Lu (南陆): literally means Southern Continent. Also, Bei in Bei Dong means North,
which mean they are at the North side.

Ling Xiao nodded in reply, “Southern Continent is in the south of Tong Tian Continent. It is
the main gathering place of humans, most of the human forces are there too, like the
Vermilion Blood Clan.”

Hearing the phrase ‘Vermilion Blood Clan’, You XiaoMo’s expression shifted.

However, Dao Yun shouted in excitement, “I know this Vermilion Blood Clan, they were
supposedly a very big one. The family has a lot of talented people generation after
generation! They have a big influence in the Tong Tian Continent, but it seems that they are
very mysterious. The two forces representing them are the Yin Yang Valley and Yu Xian City.

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