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Real Time Automatic Room Light System

Using Bidirectional Visitor Counter


Submitted by
Gurubalaji Ramachandran 17BEC0050
Dinesh Kumar 17BEC0415

Under the supervision of

Govardhan K
School Of Electronics Engineering

We express our deep sense of gratitude to our respected and learned guide, Prof.
Govardhan K , for his valuable help and guidance, we are thankful to him for
the encouragement he has constantly given us in completing the project.

We are thankful to our university, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, for

providing us with the opportunity to explore and work on such a noble idea.

Lastly, we would like to express our deep appreciation towards our classmates
and our gratitude towards our parents for providing us the moral support and

We hereby declare that the project work titled “​Real Time Automatic Room
Light System Using Bidirectional Visitor Counter​.” submitted to the
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,Vellore Institute of
Technology, Vellore, is a record of the original work done by our team under
the guidance of Prof.Govardhan K, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore,
and the same project has not been submitted elsewhere.
We further declare that the work reported in this project will not be submitted,
either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma in this
institute or any other institute or university.

The project is based on the interfacing of some components such as sensors,

motors etc. with arduino microcontroller. This counter can count people in both
directions. This circuit can be used to count the number of persons entering a
hall/mall/home/office in the entrance gate and it can count the number of
persons leaving the hall by decrementing the count at same gate or exit gate and
it depends upon sensor placement in mall/hall. It can also be used at gates of
parking areas and other public places.

This project is divided in four parts: sensors, controller, counter display and
gate. The sensor would observe an interruption and provide an input to the
controller which would run the counter increment or decrement depending on
entering or exiting of the person. And counting is displayed on a 16x2 LCD
through the controller. The bulb connected through the relay glows when there
are people in the room.

When any one enters the room, IR sensor will get interrupted by the object then
other sensor will not work because we have added a delay for a while.

The aim of our project is to make a controller which can sense if any person
enters the room and it lights up the room automatically and also counts how
many people are entering the room or going out of it.
It makes use of components such as IR sensors and Relay module to enable the
working of the project.

The control mechanism in this project is given by the sensing of the input when
a person walks by the sensor and the respective adaptation or the change in the
output when the entering action takes place. Hence the output that is the
ON/OFF of the light is given by the input that is sensed by the sensor section of
the system.

There are some sections of whole visitor counter circuit that are sensor section,
control section, display section and driver section.

Sensor section​: In this section we have used two IR sensor modules which
contain IR diodes, potentiometer, Comparator (Op-Amp) and LED’s.
Potentiometer is used for setting reference voltage at comparator’s one terminal
and IR sensors sense the object or person and provide a change in voltage at
comparator’s second terminal. Then comparator compares both voltages and
generates a digital signal at output.

Control Section​: Arduino UNO is used for controlling the whole process of this
visitor counter project. The outputs of comparators are connected to digital pin
number 14 and 19 of arduino. Arduino read these signals and send commands to
relay driver circuit to drive the relay for light bulb controlling.

Display section​: Display section contains a 16x2 LCD. This section will
display the counted number of people and light status when no one in the room.

Relay Driver section​: Relay driver section consist a BC547 transistor and a 5
volt relay for controlling the light bulb. Transistor is used to drive the relay
because arduino does not supply enough voltage and current to drive relay. So
we added a relay driver circuit to get enough voltage and current for relay.
Arduino sends commands to this relay driver transistor and then light bulb will
turn on/off accordingly.

-Arduino UNO
-IR Sensors
-16x2 LCD Display
-Relay Module
-Potentiometer or resistor
Hence the automatic room light system was successfully established and

This project can be further extended to all the appliances in a room or a house
and hence could be a potential solution to the energy saving issue that we,
especially in India currently face.

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