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Appeasement policy

Contribution to separation of Germany post-world war

Proxy wars: No direct battles but rather contribution to conflicts from Soviet
Union and USA

Mutual interest in a form of world dominaiton/Mutual sense of mission of USA and


USA and USSR non-neighbouring states -> lack of neighbouring nations who could be
motivated to mediate/cooperate

MAD: Atomic weapons -> Mutually Assured Destruction -> nuclear arms race
===> Going against détente

Brezhev Doctrine: Soviet right to interfere in political affairs of their satellite


Konrad Adenauer necessitated a military force for a sovereign nation

Acceding countries agreed on certain representatives of the High Authority to

regulate the ECSC

⁃ Formed in 1949, NATO was initially a defensive alliance against the
Soviet Union.
⁃ Schumann Declaration in May 1950
⁃ ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) - This laid the foundation for
the European Economic Community (EEC) and contributed to economic cooperation in
⁃ September 1950: Granting of concessions to the FRG: Annulment
of the state of war Revision of the occupation statute Revision of
its exclusive mandate Setting up of a Foreign Service NATO (North Atlantic
Treaty Organization)
⁃ Warsaw Pact (1955) - Formed as a response to NATO by the Eastern Bloc
countries, led by the Soviet Union.
⁃ Treaty of Rome (1957) - Established the European Economic Community
(EEC), fostering economic integration among European nations.
⁃ Élysée Treaty (1963) - Signed between France and West Germany, it aimed
to improve relations between the two countries.

Apocalypse/Heightened Tension:
⁃ Korean War (1950 onward) - Another proxy conflict with the US
supporting South Korea and China supporting North Korea.
⁃ Vietnam War (1955 onward) - A proxy conflict between the US and the
Soviet Union.
⁃ Hungarian Uprising (1956) - A revolt against Soviet influence in
Hungary, which was violently suppressed.
⁃ U2 Incident (1960) - Increased tensions between the US and the Soviet
⁃ Berlin Wall (1961) - Erected by East Germany to prevent defection to
the West, symbolizing Cold War divisions.
⁃ October 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis -> Cuba turned communist due to
overthrowing of the government -> USA supported less -> reliance on USSR -> USSR
established military base outside of their own territory -> USA warned against
shipment of nuclear arms -> Compliance but simultaneous dismantlement of US
American missiles in Turkey
⁃ Prague Spring (1968) - A period of political liberalization in
Czechoslovakia, crushed by the Soviet Union
⁃ August 1968: Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in accordance to
Brezhnev Doctrine because Czechoslovakia government attempted a more democratic
approach to socialism
⁃ War in Afghanistan (1979 onward) - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan led
to increased tensions with the US.
⁃ Able Archer 83 (1983) - A NATO military exercise that heightened
tensions with the Soviet Union, leading to fears of nuclear war.

**Arms Control and Diplomatic Efforts:**

1. SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) - Negotiations between the US and USSR
to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
2. SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) - A continuation of SALT I
negotiations aimed at further arms control.
3. CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) and Helsinki Accords
(1973) - Efforts to improve relations and promote human rights between East and

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