Final Oral Defense Requirements 3

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Columban College, Inc.
#1 First St., New Asinan, Olongapo City, Philippines, 2200
Tel. Nos. (047) 222-3329, 224-1581-82; Fax No. (047) 222-7782 Loc.105


Note that each step requires the approval of the adviser/mentor before proceeding to the next step.
1) COMPLETE THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Complete the required documentation and evidence for the
instrument validation and reliability testing, raw data or accomplished survey forms, Institutional Research Ethics
Board (IREB), certification and statistical analysis certification. Instrument validation and reliability testing involve
crucial steps to ensure accurate measurement and consistency in data collection. Documentation and evidence are
essential to demonstrate the rigor of these processes. Proper documentation ensures transparency, replicability,
and adherence to standards set by the research field or institution.
2) ACCOMPLISH THE CONSULTATION FORMS: Accomplish the required consultation forms. Fill out consultation
forms to document meetings and discussions with your adviser/mentor and the dean. These forms record important
information discussed during the consultations and help track progress and feedback received. There is a minimum
number of hours of consultations for the entire writing process, as stipulated in the document.
3) UPDATE YOUR LITERATURE AND STUDIES MATRIX. Update your created Literature and Studies Matrix to
organize and analyze the minimum required number of relevant research materials for Action Research, Thesis or
Dissertation. This matrix helps identify gaps in existing literature and provides an overview of the research topic. It
is a tool for effective organization and analysis of research materials.
4) MENDELEY ACCOUNT: Capture a clear photo of your Mendeley Account, a reference management software
used to organize and manage research materials. This demonstrates your effective use of technology for organizing
research sources.
5) ACCOMPLISH THE SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST: Strictly implement all the required items per
chapter/part/minimum number of in-text citations and references per paragraph in the final assessment checklist:
Use the checklist to ensure that all the required components of your manuscript are included and properly
addressed. This checklist is a guide to ensure completeness and adherence to the required structure.
6) FEEDBACK FROM YOUR ADVISER/MENTOR: Seek feedback from your adviser/mentor. Ask your
adviser/mentor to check your manuscript and recommend suggestions for further enhancement. Their expertise and
guidance can help identify areas for improvement and provide valuable suggestions for enhancing your research.
7) REVIEW AND REWRITE: Incorporate the recommendations and suggestions provided by your adviser/mentor
into your research. Review and revise the research manuscript to enhance its quality and address any issues raised.
SUBMIT ELECTRONIC COPY: Send an electronic copy of the full draft of the manuscript to
for plagiarism and grammar checks using Turnitin and Grammarly. These tools help ensure the originality and quality
of your research.
9) WAIT AND SAVE THE INITIAL RESULTS: To save the initial results of Turnitin and Grammarly received from
the RIKDO, you can take a photo or screenshot of the percentage of similarity and readability displayed on your
screen. Saving these results in an image or document format will help you reference and document them for future
use. The acceptable results are 10% or lower for Turnitin and 95% readability for Grammarly.
10) REVIEW AND REVISE: If the Turnitin similarity percentage is above 10% or the Grammarly readability
percentage is below 95%, review the highlighted texts and make necessary revisions to reduce similarity and
improve readability. Address the highlighted issue
s to ensure that your research meets the required standards. Then, repeat procedure 10 to ensure compliance with
the standards.
11) SEND ELECTRONIC COPIES: Send electronic copies of your full manuscript ( f or further checking by the dean)
via in both Word and PDF formats. This allows the dean to review your manuscript and
provide feedback or suggestions for improvement. Make sure to name the files appropriately and mention the
purpose in the email subject ( For a thesis: SURNAME_THWROD_2023, and a dissertation:
12) WAIT, REVIEW AND REWRITE: Wait and consider the feedback and suggestions of the dean and incorporate
them to enhance the quality and clarity of your research.
13) OFFICIAL RECEIPT: Pay the final oral defense fee (10,000 for ARC,21,000 for THESIS, and 27,500 for
DISSERTATION). Obtain an official receipt from the cashier as proof of payment. Photocopy the receipt and attach
it to your manuscript.
Columban College, Inc.
#1 First St., New Asinan, Olongapo City, Philippines, 2200
Tel. Nos. (047) 222-3329, 224-1581-82; Fax No. (047) 222-7782 Loc.105

14) READY YOUR PPT: Prepare a PowerPoint using the prescribed template for your final presentation and
defense. Adhere to the required format and guidelines to ensure consistency and professionalism.
15) ORAL DEFENSE APPLICATION FORM: Get the application form from the G-SPACE office and have it sign by
your adviser.
16) COMPILE AND SUBMIT HARD COPIES: Compile and submit 5 hard copies of the full manuscript, along with
the documentation for instrument validation and reliability, raw data or accomplished survey forms, IREB and
statistical certifications, consultation forms, literature and studies matrix, photo of the Mendeley account,
assessment checklist, photos of the Turnitin and Grammarly results, official receipt, adviser's endorsement and PPT,
to the G-SPACE Office, two weeks before the scheduled ACADEMIC & RESEARCH SEMINAR AND
COLLOQUIUM. Put all the documents together in a clear plastic envelope with your name, program, contact number,
and FB account.
17) PRESENTATION SCHEDULE: Once all the necessary documents and preparations are completed, the G-
SPACE secretary will assign you a specific time slot for your final oral presentation during the ACADEMIC &
RESEARCH SEMINAR AND COLLOQUIUM. This ensures that the presentations are organized and scheduled


POLICY: G-SPACE establishes a minimum number of reliable and scholarly references that are traceable online
for Action Research, Thesis, and Dissertation. The minimum number of references required are as follows:

1. ACTION RESEARCH: A minimum of 100 reliable and scholarly references that are traceable online are required
for an Action Research project. These references should be relevant to the research question and support the
findings and conclusions of the project.
2. THESIS: A minimum of 150 reliable and scholarly references that are traceable online are required for a Thesis.
These references should be relevant to the research question and support the findings and conclusions of the
3. DISSERTATION: A minimum of 200 reliable and scholarly references that are traceable online are required for a
Dissertation. These references should be relevant to the research question and support the findings and conclusions
of the Dissertation.
It is important to note that these are minimum requirements and students are encouraged to exceed them if
necessary to support their research. The references should be from reputable sources such as peer-reviewed
journals, books, and other academic publications. The references should also be recent and up-to-date to ensure
that the research is relevant and current.

Note: Consider preparing the following as a gesture of appreciation for the committee members, your adviser, and
the staff that will provide support and assistance to ensure that you will have a successful defense; food (for at least
5-10pax), snacks (while your defense is ongoing), tokens (for your committee members, adviser, dean), beverages
(coffee and water).

Thank you and good luck!

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